Curse Of Bliss

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A young female explorer is uncovering massive finds and re-connecting humanity with its lost history, but some of these old kingdoms disappeared off the map for a good reason. After encountering a flesh amalgam that was equal parts beautiful and horrible at the same time; many of the adventurers are left a bit traumatized. After trying to abandon all memories of that moment, even years later, strange things start to happen and Cerise finds herself blessed with bounty and bosoms to boot!

(F gradual BE, Lactation, Flesh Amalgam, Body Horror)

Cerise is a beautiful woman, but also a well versed explorer. In recent years the three major kingdoms of the world have been sending out researchers and adventurers into the uncharted world to rediscover the storied history of humanity. In pages torn from history; humans once covered a vast amount of the world, but thanks to the spread of dangerous magical artifacts the world became too hostile and humanity regressed into only three major kingdoms. Cerise had been on the team that reclaimed The Book Of Nothing- the worst offender of obscene power no one should ever possess- and the book is now safely sealed.

Cerise has dark blood red hair that naturally forms colossal curls about her head, hanging as low as her collar bone- but could probably get past the bottom of her chest if you pulled it straight. Her breasts are a perfect C; the ideal size to perfectly fill the average human hand and capped with powder red nipples with small, solid-edged areola. She has an athletic build which is most easily noticeable in her tight abs. Exploring lost civilizations requires quite a bit of parkour and climbing in general- as the old roads and pathways are often in disrepair and do not function as they should. Her lips are plump and naturally already deep scarlet, though her voice a bit gravelly for a woman. Cerise's eyes are blue with the slightest hint of green, making them quite vibrant, like gemstones.

Finding maps and reading books in the lost kingdoms the explorers usually find many clues as to where to attempt to look next. Some kingdoms simply disappeared due to natural disasters. Being relatively or sometimes entirely cut off from other kingdoms- if the weather decides to go cataclysmic on them, no one will hear them scream. Her next biggest find was to be the lost kingdom of Faelor, formerly nestled in the roots of mountains, with a pristine river running down from the frozen peaks to cut the valley in twain.

Faelor had been sealed away apparently, so something dangerous had been there, but none of the other lost kingdoms mentioned WHY it was sealed or what exactly the danger is. It was very easy for Cerise and her team to find the kingdom of Faelor thanks to the documents they found on it in Ragas... but actually getting into the kingdom was another story. In this; Cerise could be of no help at all. When the ancient people mentioned it being sealed- they were not kidding. What must have taken a team of a hundred Geomancers or more- they summoned the earth from the nearby mountains and sealed the ENTIRE capital of Faelor in a giant stone dome! Cerise is athletic but she is not strong enough to pickup truck-sized boulders repeatedly. She had to sit on the sidelines as the others used horses, chains, and rope to drag giant stones out of the way- having to be careful not to cause the surrounding stone to roll over on top of them and crush them to death.

Cerise did still get the jump on the rest of them- because as a young woman she was more flexible than most of the other explorers, so she was able to squirm her way through a gap that was still too small for the others to follow. The stonemasonry in Faelor was beautiful. The city gates took her some time to pry open enough to get inside because the doors are so colossal. Down ancient steps with a torch in hand she dashed through the pitch black streets a bit too energetically perhaps. Because of the stone dome covering the entire capital it was utter darkness here at all times except for the torch she held, so she was unable to see very far ahead of herself. What she found was many pathways and streets were blocked off by an odd... bulbous material. It was also unusually warm in here for being in perpetual darkness. She gasped and recoiled when she attempted to touch one of the odd masses- only to discover that it is in fact flesh. It bulges out of collapsed walls and buildings! It is still giving off heat- its still alive!

Light penetrated the dark as the opening the others were digging expanded and several more torched were held up in the darkness- a Pyromancer did his thing and cast a light large enough to temporarily illuminate the entire capital in a dull orange glow.

Faelor was immediately re-sealed. Cerise and the other explorers returned to their kingdom of Leiro with blank, empty expressions. She immediately told the authorities to not allow anyone near Faelor ever again, and also like the old writings in Ragas; she deliberately avoided saying what exactly is in Faelor or why it should never be visited- simply telling them it was a horror beyond imagining. Cerise thought she could just forget about it, once it was sealed and the warnings given. But she found herself dreaming of what she seen there. She attempted to help rediscover other places and artifacts after the fact over the following year, but found herself spacing out in thought or freezing up entirely out of fear of encountering something else like what slept in Faelor. By the end of the year, she even sought therapy on the matter, before retiring from adventuring entirely.

The therapist took out her pad, ready to take notes. "So, what seems to be the problem is that you encountered something terrifying, and that because it was while doing your job- you now associate it with your work. You mentioned wanting to retire? I would encourage this- given the treasures you have already accumulated, you should have more than enough money to live extravagantly without needing to venture into danger again. It is completely normal to want to avoid fire after being burned so."

"Y-yea. I wanted to continue just... because it was fun, it's what I love to do... but-"

"But you cannot have fun if it frightens you and returns those ill memories. Normally I would encourage my patient to face their fears, and overcome the situation but this particular sort of situation makes it seem like a non-option. What did you see down there? Are you willing to discuss it, or...?"

She shook her head silently for a moment. "I need to forget it. It is sealed, there is no reason for me to keep thinking about it. It is just... it was so... twisted."

"An eldritch horror? Some... creature of pure evil?"

Cerise huffed in a weak laugh. "No. I know what evil is. Even as kids we learn what pure evil is. A villain with no purpose- someone who commits evil from no provocation. A life dedicated to disrupting or snuffing out all other lives. No... we all know what pure evil is, even if it is only through works of fiction. This was not evil. It is twisted, malformed... an abomination. But it is so beautiful, and soft... so pleasing to behold. It is a symbol of fertility and life, and yet an affront to every living creature. A thing that nature should not be able to ever produce, and yet somehow has. It is not evil... it is much, much worse."

After several sessions of therapy, her therapist came to the conclusion that she should be allowed to drink some Elysium Water- an alchemical potion not to be taken lightly, as its effects are the irrevocable erasure of memory. Many people who had been with her that day were already given the potion, and ultimately everyone who had beheld Faelor would request the potion to forcefully wipe out the memory of what they had seen, so that they could leave it behind. They still have vague memories of going there- and still know in their hearts that what they seen was horrific- but no longer recall what it actually is, so they can regain some degree of peace. Cerise would wake flustered in the mornings more often than not, and even sometimes inexplicably aroused, but shrug it off. She still dreams of what she seen- but now forgets her dream as soon as she wakes up, so she does not even consciously realize it happened.

Cerise retired and started to sell off her accumulated ancient treasures. She was in it for the adventure so she failed to realize just how much of a fortune she had amassed almost on accident. Only 27 and she is now retired and living in a small mansion with a team of 7 servants waiting on her every need and keeping her tiny palace sparkling clean at all times. Cerise started to attend parties, and still pursued her interest in researching ancient civilizations but now did it through reading and looking over artefacts others brought back to Leiro.

Thanks to being rich; she could afford to eat just about anything she could imagine, so she decided to take her adventuring to the dinner table as well- always ordering something different, from a different land- in an effort to experience all known foods. Of course... there are a lot of different types of food, so it was quite a monumental task. She seemed better fit to accomplish it than even she would have assumed at first- her appetite seemed to grow with every enjoyed meal. It was like when a person becomes famished; suddenly all foods taste a lot better, and even foods they would have normally hated become at the very least- tolerable. It was like that, except... all the time. Her threshold for 'very hungry' seemed to drop considerably, and all food suddenly started to taste better to her, and be more enjoyable than it had been. She normally only ate breakfast and dinner, but lunch returned to her menu as soon as she retired. As the months passed she expanded her dinners to be several courses, and then some snacks between meals- and eventually mandatory snack times. She no longer had to go out to work, so she could be at home all day- she had the time to laze around and pop food in her mouth whenever.

Cerise was a bit frightened for her figure- she liked her well-toned body, and her fears were of course once again well-founded. If you start eating that much all the time, obviously you are going to gain a lot of weight... except, she didn't. Well... at least her stomach did not expand. The divot between her tight abs softened- but that is because of her lack of exercise, not any additional fat. Her arms and legs remained completely untouched. No... she gained weight- but her body somehow had the impossibly perfect genetic programming to stuff all of her excess entirely into her bust alone and nowhere else! Like she had suddenly become part camel- her body was stuffing the extras into her 'humps' to save for a rainy day. Her C cups became Ds, then Es, F and even G cups! Her pert handfuls were suddenly large wobbling orbs! Her tiny areola even stretched across their surface and the solid edge softened to a quick faded edge!

Instead of becoming unattractive, she was more sought-after than ever! She wore beautiful dresses that flaunted her cleavage when she attended parties and reveled in the attention- the power of knowing she could have any man drooling on his knees for her if she wanted; though she did not take any lovers. In bed she enjoyed her own company actually- and that too grew with her bosom. When she touched herself it was with one hand on her crotch and the other always digging into her large breasts, squeezing and kneading the soft rubbery flesh like baker's dough.

But still her appetite grew more voracious- baffling her servants. Her figure had not changed at all, so it seemed like she was eating more food than should be physically possible for someone of her size. Her breasts fattened to H, I, J, and K cup in size. She was the bustiest woman in all of Leiro! Possibly in all the world! She loved the feeling of her giant tits sloshing back and forth with her movement. On her back in bed her breasts rolled up and down her entire chest when she thrusts her hips into her hands to dip her fingers in deeper to her hungry pussy. She would sometimes space out in mirrors, mesmerized by her own swollen flesh. By the end of the year she surpassed K cup... which meant everything had to be custom tailored to her... there is no standardized bra size above that, so as soon as you hit L cup, you need a personal tailor.

Cerise had to rest her boobs on the table when she ate to be able to reach her food past them. Somehow her body had still impossibly not put on any weight at all, her breasts are the only part of her to accumulate any fat! Her servants would often snap her out of a trance and scold her for being caught idly rubbing her breasts, or cupping them from below and bobbing their weight on her palms. She had raised quite a few eyebrows doing this in public or at parties she attended without realizing she was even doing it. Thanks to her solid lower back muscles she was at least able to heft her behemoth tits- any other woman her size would likely be folded in half by their weight. She lost agility and grace in her movements, but she could at least carry herself still.

Her servants advised her to maybe cut back on her meals a bit nervously- and she agreed but then... proceeded to not actually do it. Knowing her breasts would continue to put on weight and they were already massive; she should slow down at least, but she loved food! And unfortunately at this point she trained her body to think the amount she was eating is normal, so if she tries to cut back she is immediately hit with hunger pains because she isn't accustomed to a lack of things to eat! It also did not help that she very much adored her breast size, and spend increasing amounts of time and dedication to them, mashing them together, squeezing them, sinking her fingers into the soft flesh. Every man she encounters wants her, and yet she is too obsessed with her own curves to bother with any of them.

After a year and a half of her new life of luxury; Cerise stopped going to parties regularly, and only appeared at a few of the larger events. Her breasts are now so large that they eclipse her entire chest and almost all of her midriff. With some creative engineering her clothing might be customized to still hold her breasts aloft- but doing so would shield most of her field of vision, so she could not support them with clothes. Even without holding them up at all- there is a roughly five foot gap in her vision where she could simply not see the floor. When she walks about it is with a heavy forward lean, and she has to often pause to rest. If there is a table or arm rail nearby- she will bow down slightly to rest the bottom of her tits on them to try and take some of the weight off her. Her areola are the size of a dish at this point with a soft edge, and even started to project a bit into their own curve; separate of her boob. Her servants still attempted to chastise her voracious appetite, but she pays their wages so they obviously aren't willing to put up much of a fight, and Cerise also took to stuffing various snacks into her cleavage to hide, or simply carry around with her. I mean; at this point you could stuff an entire boxed pizza into her tits and it would be entirely hidden.

When folding her laundry- the servants could easily mistake one of her custom tops as a bed sheet. There is enough fabric in a single of Cerise's tops to make seven or eight normal shirts. At the dinner table Cerise has to bow forward and squash her boobs across her lap now because if she tried to rest them on the table itself- her food would be shoved out of her reach. Even her nipples have enlarged to the size of a shot glass... which... doesn't seem like something that would happen if it were just fat. Because the nipple itself doesn't contain any fat. Her breasts should also be sloshing all over the place wildly out of control at this point because the fat and muscle tissue is so out of balance... yet they did not. They held their shape quite well and remained as springy as they were when she was only a C cup.

Cerise did not tell her servants right away, afraid of what they would say or how they would react. She woke up rather aroused from a forgotten dream again one morning a year and a third into her retirement. Dashing to the bathroom meaning to splash water on her face to clear her thoughts, she instead spaced out at the sight of her long cleavage and grabbed her erect nipples through the shirt only to discover wetness! She is lactating! She was not able to draw much out, but she did have milk. There was a tiny bit the next day too, and the next, and the next. It happened very gradually, so she did not really notice an increase herself. At first it took only a few tugs to express most of her milk, but then a few more. A minute first thing in the morning, to five, to ten. She would be kneading her tits aggressively as she masturbated in the middle of the afternoon and manage to summon some milk from her then too! After two weeks she was tugging her nipples rhythmically toward the sink like she was milking a cow, and erupting solid streams of milk! Well... that should slow her weight gain at least, right? She is converting it into milk now.

Her absolutely enormous tits needed help being carried soon after, now three weeks into her lactating. She had to stop and rest so frequently as she made her way around the house that the servants simply took to walking beside her- either servant helping to carry one of her immense tits. When she lays in bed, either boob flops to her sides and she has to reach through her own cleavage to reach her pussy- because her breasts are so large that she cannot reach around them with the length of her arms! Her arms are only able to reach her nipples to milk herself by squashing into the surface of her breasts to fold the front further up.

Cerise started to need to be milked twice a day, so her frequent afternoon masturbation became mandatory. Rather than express herself into the sink; she folded her giant tit to her mouth and sucked on her own shot-glass sized nipples, gorging on her own milk! Rather than be worried that there was more and still more as the days went by- she was instead glad she gets to taste more of her delicious breastmilk! Human milk has a mild sweetness to it, due to humans having a higher sugar diet than.... well, every other animal on the planet.

Since they have to carry her breasts for her; the servants eventually found out about her lactating on their own, when wet spots formed on the front of her top in spite of her twice daily milking- the amount she produces is still going up! They thought it might be caused by some sort of hormonal imbalance due to the sheer size of her behemoth boobs- since Cerise hasn't had any actual sex so there is no way she is pregnant. Her areola did not darken either, like they normally do when lactating- they are still a powder red.

More food, fatter breasts, more milk... more drinking milk while she fondles and obsesses over her giant endowments.

Now a bit over two years into retirement her breasts are so gigantic that she cannot even bathe properly! Her body sits in one tub, but then the servants must fetch two additional tubs of water to rest each tit in! If she tried to fit herself entirely into just one bath tub- her breasts would utterly eclipse her, and be sitting over the tub instead of IN it. Her nipples are now as wide and long as a normal drinking glass- so the length of a hand from wrist to middle fingertip and so thick than you can only meet thumb to finger around its girth if you squeeze the surface of it inward slightly. When she gorges on her own milk; one nipple fills her entire mouth completely on its own. She still needs milking twice daily but it takes a good twenty minutes to completely drain her each time, and if she collides her boobs with something in between sessions she can still knock milk out of herself unintentionally as it builds up.

Because her servants need to help carry her, milk, and even bathe her; they discovered a second set of nipples before she did! She had tiny areola and big (for a regular human) nipples in the shadow of her breasts, on her lower chest! At this- they immediately contacted a doctor. Her body was already extremely abnormal, but growing a whole new set of nipples out of the blue was a bit too alarmingly off.

The doctor was unsurprisingly baffled, and as alarmed as the servants were- even though Cerise herself did not seem at all bothered by the news. Her breasts seemed to develop milk cisterns like an udder would have- to store premade milk, which is good because her body doesn't seem to ever stop producing it... ever. Their weight is clearly well beyond what her back could ever possibly take, but thanks to her servants helping her get around; her breasts are yet to actually do her any harm. He did not find anything abnormal with her however. Her body seems perfectly healthy, there are no abnormal mutations, there do not seem to be any foreign substances in her body. He cannot explain her condition at all- but it isn't hurting her, he knows that much.

The servant cocked a brow at his diagnosis, motioning to the extra set of nipples. "No mutations?!"

"W-well, though generally rare; people can have additional nipples. That is certainly not unheard of. Heck- there was one woman who had a nipple on her foot. Generally the additional nipples serve no purpose though- they do not have any mammary glands behind them, it is literally JUST a nipple and nothing else. She appears to be developing a new set of mammary glands behind hers. But there isn't anything... abnormal about them, other than their being there and growing for seemingly no reason. They appear to be perfectly normal breasts that are developing, it's just that... they shouldn't exist in the first place. I cannot find what is causing this, but she seems perfectly fine and-" He motions to her expression. "She certainly does not seem to mind it. If I cannot pinpoint the issue, I cannot cure her, and if it isn't hurting her I shouldn't technically try to cure it in the first place."

And so Cerise was left to her self-worship and seemingly endless milk streams. The growth of her breasts seemed to at last stop even though her appetite did not diminish- but it also seems the only reason it stopped is because the fat is now gathering into a new pair instead! It took a week for the nipples to pop out from her chest enough to form into little B cup hills; utterly eclipsed by her top pair. Now Cerise would often shake her body back and forth, trying to make it look like she was trying to get comfortable and settle her breasts into her shirt better- what she is actually doing is rubbing her new nipples with the heavy original boobs waving back and forth on them! The bottom pair started to dig deeper into the round underside of the first boobs. By the end of the second week they were already G cups. At the end of the third week they were the size of a medium beach ball, and now big and taut enough to actually hold her upper breasts up, slightly. The upper breasts are still so huge that they wrap completely around the lower set except for the very bottom.

Now when Cerise masturbates she tosses her giga breasts over either of her shoulders so she can reach down and play with the new ones while her head sits in the cleavage of her old breasts- listening to her own heartbeat from the breast flesh smothering her ears. She no longer even needed to touch her pussy- and was so obsessed with her impossibly glorious tits that she did not even bother with it. She could orgasm quite easily from kneading her breasts alone. Perhaps from her always tugging at the nipples- she managed to encourage her lower breasts to start lactating too.

Another week went by and now her lower breasts could hold up the top ones- those posed a bit of a problem for her visibility. Now her upper breasts were held aloft far enough that she cannot even look straight forward- all she would see is her own cleavage. She has also grown so enormous that it would take an entire tablecloth to even attempt to cover her breasts- so she stopped trying. Cerise no longer put on a top. She did not go outside anymore anyway- she cannot get very far without someone to carry her breasts for her. The only way she can see where she is going is if she turns her chest one way and leans her head the other way- otherwise she can only look up or to her sides; her breasts block everything else.

Though the most comfortable position to masturbate in- she cannot sleep while on her back anymore at risk of one of her own tits rolling back in over her face and suffocating her in her sleep. On her side she risks a boob rolling off the side of the bed- which is heavy enough to yank the entire rest of her body off along with it. So Cerise sleeps either on her belly with a giant boob on either side and her body bent around the smaller two- or she sleeps on all four gathered under her, creating a bed of fat, bloated flesh. The milk she produces increases slowly still as well- forcing the servants to fit in a third milking while she is asleep. She starts moaning rather loudly like when they milk her while she is awake, but she somehow manages to remain fully asleep.

On Cerise's own suggestion; the servants opened a service to sell cheap milk to the kingdom. Only a few people thought it was odd that Cerise was the one selling the milk, since she did not own a ranch that they knew of- though she could certainly afford one if she wanted. The servants advised against her revealing her form and where the milk came from, but after only a few days Cerise decided to visit the shop herself to check on things against their advising.

Suddenly all of Leiro was clamoring to get a bottle, and in spite of the massive amount she produced- they could not keep a bottle on the actual shelf. When men seen what she had turned into- they were throwing their money at the counter, desperate to get any part of that woman into their mouths. Many women were abhorred by her appearance but just as many were eager to drink the milk- hoping some of her would rub off. The amount of fat Cerise stuffed into her tits and the amount of milk she put out did not equal the amount of food she ate. She is creating more milk than she should have resources to be able to. No one could explain how she ended up like this. It was like her body was blessed to be an unending fountain of resources! Her endowments could feed a small army, endlessly! She became an icon of fertility and all of Leiro knew of her! And still her second pair of breasts grew heavier, milkier, and fatter with each passing day, slowly catching up to her original pair.

Sure enough- there did seem to be a bit of rub-off on other women! At first there appeared to be no effect; no change for over a week. People continued to buy it by the cases as fast as the shop stocked up though- because she was already rich and produced the milk from seemingly nothing, Cerise could afford to have extremely low prices on her milk, making it the cheapest available food. So even people who did not care for her appearance at all, or were hesitant to buy something that came out of Cerise- they still bought it, because it's incredibly cheap. It is also quite healthy since human milk is the only food in the world custom tailored specifically to just humans. You do not need to treat or filter it like cow milk, you can just drink it straight as it is.

Cerise's new set of breasts were passing the halfway point on their way to the first pair when the news started to spread; her milk DOES enhance women who drink it! After over a week many women started to experience small size increases! Nipples erect with less provocation, and breasts firm up then start to slowly stretch, gaining a bit of extra padding. Women were finally getting the endowments they always wanted and were slowly starting to steal back the attention from the men the kingdom over, who had become obsessed with trying to glimpse Cerise. The men were obviously also very pleased- bigger breasts everywhere they looked. The rulers of the kingdom were also hesitantly pleased. The poor folk now had a food they could actually afford, less starving people. Bigger endowed and healthier people in the kingdom, higher morale than ever... Cerise seemed to be unintentionally starting a new golden age for Leiro.

After a week and a half, the king sent out an order to halt the sale of the milk, stating it was only temporary while they sort out some of the legal work on the business end... trying not to panic the public because of the real reason. Even with the milk supply cut off however... women around all of Leiro seemed to still grow, very slowly, but they are still growing.

Cerise flopped onto her bed as two of the three servants who were carrying her there walk back out of the room to rest their back. "That stupid king, why would he just shut down my nice shop like that? He still hasn't said anything directly to me about it! We were making so many people happy..."

Maggy smiled sympathetically to her mistress. "Well, if it makes you feel any better- I always thought it was kind of a miracle. Your body, I mean. A lot of the other servants were just worried but... how could something so miraculous and bountiful be bad??"

Cerise smiled and squirmed her way onto her hands and knees- her bottom breasts resting squashed against the bed half under her and half in front of her, while the upper pair was fully rested on top of the lower. She could not look forward at all at risk of blocking her own breathing with the literal wall of flesh in front of her.

"Why don't you have some? I would hate to waste any while the shop is closed."

Maggy blushed. "W-wuh, me? Right now? Oh...hmm mmm-ah, I... I don't know. You have a bit till you need to be milked again though, don't you?"

"Oh, I could always use ah-Aahhhmmmmm-" A faint rumbling could be heard from her breasts- like the muffled roar of rushing liquid. "milking. I have so much to give!" Her beer-can sized nipples stood erect, her areola puffed up and beads of milk formed all around their surface, threatening to gather up and roll off onto the bed!

Maggy dashed over, looking at first at how she could shuffle Cerise closer to the end of the bed, but realizing it was far too inconvenient for her size to try to move her at all, and simply climbed onto the bed herself to reach the teats. The nipples alone are so giant she actually had to use her fingers to help stuff the thing in her mouth. She started to gulp loudly and a new rush of hot, creamy liquid filled her mouth the moment she gulped down the last, forcing her to swallow again right away or risk overflowing all over herself.

Cerise's boobs were more than large enough to hold her upper body up, so her arms were completely free and both went to her pussy and started pawing at her wet slit, moaning from the feeling of being milked. The gentle rocking of the liquid flow in her giant breasts, the warmth gathering and then jetting out! Even the emotional feeling of being so big in the first place, so blessed, so fat, heavy and endowed! So absurdly womanly! A living idol of the female sex, a fountain of endless milk! The flow rushed through her tits, tickling all the pleasure receptors as they gathered toward the nipple. Maggy made a few startled sounds, muffled by the giant teat clogging her mouth, and then started to make confused moans of pleasure. Cerise tried to look at her, but could not see the woman at all past the curvature of her own immense breasts, so she shrugged it off and continued to masturbate to the feeling of her servant gulping down her blessed cream.

Maggy's nipples went rock hard and actually tingled with internal pressure very suddenly. Her breasts felt so... tight. Her chest heated up and suddenly her breasts started to fatten!

Without even knowing what was happening, Cerise spared one of her hands to reach around and gently pet Maggy on the head. "That is it; drink up! Enjoy! As much as you want. As much as you can take!"

"Mmm~ mmmph!" Her eyes widened at her expanding breasts, but she could not bring herself to stop!

Maggy's top started to groan and with a sharp snap the clasp on her bra shattered! Her tits quickly ballooned forward from their compressed cloth prison and mashed into the front of her shirt, then spread out! Her shirt fabric started to gather rapidly as her breasts smushed further out into it, stealing all the fabric for themselves and then still more! Wet spots formed over her own enlarging nipples!!

Cerise continued to pet her hair and Maggy's eyes rolled back in her head. "Take as much as you desire. Drink up and grow up big and strong! Big and... mmm~ plump. Round and fat, and heavy~!"

*gulp* "M-m-mmmm- *gulp*- MMMmmph!" *gulp*

Cerise gently cupped the back of her head and pushed her further forward! The giant nipple was in the top of Maggy's THROAT- longer than her entire mouth. The bridge of her nose and forehead pressed against the bloated curve of the giant boob. Maggy's shirt started to shred open! The collar tearing further and further down the front where her breasts yanked the shirt in two different directions with their curvature! More and more cleavage spilled out! Milk started to dribble weakly through the fabric on the front. Her tits were covered in beads of sweat from the internal heat and the skin is blushing from the rapid growth! Her breasts fattened so quickly that the areola bloating out surpassed her nipples- giving her inverted nipples as the areola swallowed them entirely! Her shirt finally ripped in half and her huge boobs flopped to the bed under her, while she is on all fours!

Between Cerise's legs her pussy started to plumpen up further than normally possible! Her labia seemed to almost inflate, becoming soft squishy pillows as she pawed at them! Her entire pubic mound started to rise up like dough in the oven, accumulating fat, inflating it rounder off her torso, making it even more fun to play with! She hooked her index around the curve and shook it back and forth, letting out a giddy giggle and then moan at the feeling of her pubic mound jiggling... like a fat titty.

Maggy finally managed to will herself to pull off, flopping backwards and watching wide-eyed at her large breasts swing to the sides of her chest before their elasticity caused them to clap back together in the middle. "Wuh- Wh-whauuh-t... what ha-aaahppened?! Wh-mmmMMMM." She cupped them and even the delicate pressure of that alone caused several thin streams of milk to come out and a trickle to emerge from the slit her nipple itself is trapped in.

Before Maggy could regain any composure or get her thoughts straight at all; Cerise twisted her torso to flop onto her side and unintentionally ripped all the bedding half off of the bed below her by her breasts. On her side she could bend her back to pull her breasts back from Maggy and pull herself forward to latch onto one of Maggy's breasts! She shoved her tongue into the slit on Maggy's enormously puffy, dinner-plate sized areola and slapped her nipple back and forth, coaxing it to full erection so it pops back out to be sucked!

Maggy fell back, propped up on her knees with her hands behind her; her breathing rapid and moans high pitched. The feeling of her breasts expanding so quickly pulled all her nerves thin- all the pleasure receptors being triggered as any little motion against her endowments causes their entire mass to ripple! Cerise tugging on her nipples with her plush lips is such an intense pleasure, but even stronger than that is the feeling of the jets of milk erupting from her!! The milk scratched the itch in her over-pressure teats from the inside- where nothing else CAN! The soft-rubbery flesh of her turgid nipples is being massaged from the inside and out at the same time! The gentle pressure and warmth of the milk inside shifting, rushing forward! She wanted more, so she made more, so the feeling of it rushing forward did not stop- it looped. Her supply did not go up or down!

Maggy was looking into the undulating cleavage of Cerise as she drank from her, when she realized the rippling was off-beat. There was something IN her cleavage, but neither of her arms were. Something was shoving her breasts outward in pulses, causing them to bounce back inward at less of a proper angle each time. Something... growing. Her eyes once again went wide, but she was too breathless from her own feelings to say anything to Cerise. A FIFTH breast grew out from the cleavage of all four of Cerise's existing tits!! It grows in surges, far more rapidly than anything else Cerise has grown, quickly surpassing all four other breasts, causing them to angle outwards from it shoving them aside!

The king ordered her milk supply be halted when they discovered a woman at the far outskirts of the kingdom who had suddenly grown a cow udder! Not only that, but it had grown so large that it immobilized her. Her own breasts had grown as well though not nearly as large- and mutated. As they grew the outward pressure around the breast pulled at her nipples and eventually split them into two! With two nipples per breast, her breasts together also resemble an udder! She worked on a dairy ranch, and the only reason anyone found her to help is because the milk truck driver wandered her ranch wondering why she missed two shipments in a row. Not only is the rapid mammary growth similar to Cerise- the woman is one of the explorers who had been with Cerise when they visited Faelor. The knights immediately fanned out through the kingdom to track down all the explorers who went to Faelor to interrogate them on what they seen... but they had all drank the potion that wiped their memories so that they would not be traumatized by what they seen. Their stories were all the same- whatever it was; is giant, an abomination, and was clearly strong enough to annihilate an entire kingdom and warrant the entire thing be sealed for all time.

The knights were also only able to interrogate the men. Whatever is happening does not seem to have any effect on males whatsoever. ALL of the women who had seen the inside of Faelor however have mutated. One had her belly continuously expand at first looking like she was getting tremendously fat, but then her belly started to look unusually round for being simply fat- it looked like she was being inflated. After several months her belly grew so large and round it deformed her entire body- and stretched it longer than her spine is, so her vertebrae are not even connected properly, they are just sort of free floating. It was only in the last day before the knights came looking for her that her husband realized what was becoming of her- when her belly button popped out to be an outie instead of an innie. The inside flesh of it was oddly dark- almost brown... like a colossal nipple. Her entire body is turning into a giant breast.

Another woman's nipples and areola expanded over time. They got both longer and wider, eventually the areola became so distended from the breast itself that its curvature flattened with the nipple itself- turning them into giant soft cones! At the base the dark teats are as wide as her arms and a bit over a foot in length!! By the time the knights found her, she was already growing two more sets- the set below that only half the size and the set below that only mere discolored, sensitive dots- but only just starting to grow. She did not seem to be growing additional breasts, and her breast size remained relatively the same- just her nipples were growing out of control.

Another woman- a stripper no less- had her breasts engorge with milk, but she tried to resist it unlike Cerise. She refused to milk herself and tried to go on with the show, but she finally exceeded her capacity and exploded milk with enough pressure that the unintentionally sprayed her audience- who did not seem to at all mind. The relief was so pleasurable that it broke something in her mind and body.

Her breasts enlarged still more as time went on and hosing down her audience became part of the show- which attracted a full house every night even after the bar owner kept jacking up the price of admission. Her breasts permanently blushed pink and the veins inside became abnormally giant, projecting even off their surface quite a bit, making her breasts look very veiny. She cannot milk herself normally anymore- instead; trying to milk her increases her pleasure, and when it hits orgasmic her breasts ejaculate the milk! She has to orgasm the milk to get it out! As time went on, she milked herself more and more becoming a complete addict to the pleasure and her clit started to engorge larger and larger in response to the repeated pleasure. By the time the knights found her- her clit has transformed into a DD cup breast- though the skin on its surface quite tight, and neon pink from base to nipple like it had been when it was still a clit... and it still has just as many pleasure receptors as it did as a clit too.

Even with the milk flow cut off- other women slowly started to transform. Medical professionals attempted to diagnose them, trying to locate the contaminant milk in their bodies to remove it and cure them but there was none to be found.

An alchemist shakes his head as he stands up away from the microscope, blinking several times to re-adjust the lens of his eyes to looking at things that are not magnified by several hundred times. "The molecular structure of the milk makes no sense. Parts of it fold in on itself like trying to parse a drawing of an impossible shape... parts of the molecule exist on a higher plane of reality than us- rendering it unperceivable. We do not have the available senses to interact with it entirely." He pointed to a second petri dish. "But the same can be said of this sample- taken from a woman who never drank the milk in the first place. All of her skin and even blood cells have a distortion in them that I can only explain as part of them now being extra-dimensional."

The knight clacked the back of his helmet-clad head against the wall. "So if it isn't the milk, what is it?"

The Alchemist shook his head. "Whatever it is doesn't even exist on this level of reality, and we do not know how the entry point to our level of reality works."

"Which means...?"

"They could all be the same atom."


"The distorted portion might all be the same extra-dimensional atom, folded into our plane of reality at different points simultaneously. We cannot interact with its level of reality because we don't have a sense that can even perceive its existence in the first place. So- there is no cure. We cannot fix the distortion. We can't even interact with it."

The scholar standing off to the side holds up a book momentarily to get their attention. "Someone knew of Faelor. In order to seal it away in the first place, someone had to have known what happened in Faelor. This blight only seems to afflict women- which is still enough to end civilization, since a mutated blob of mammary flesh cannot carry a child. If all women turn into flesh abominations, men alone cannot reproduce- humanity dies off. But the men of the original Faelor survived, spreading out into surrounding kingdoms. Books like this found in Ragas mention Faelor being sealed and that you may never go there, or know of its true fate."

"That Cerise woman was pretty adamant on not telling anyone what happened there too when she returned. If we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it! This might not have happened if the witnesses simply told people. So what is actually in Faelor? A giant mountain of breasts?!?"

The scholar cracked a short-lived smile, nodding. "Most likely- a kingdom sized amalgam of breast flesh. I believe Cerise kept it a secret because when men hear 'giant mountain of tits' it will probably make them MORE likely to dig it back up. However I do not believe the same for the survivors of Faelor."

"Then why did they keep quiet?"

"Because that might be what bridges the two planes of reality."


"Thought. We can form a great many things in our thoughts without any of it existing within our reality. If you think about these abominations, or perhaps even know about them with enough detail- you become afflicted. So the surviving male population never told anyone else, because if a woman finds out- she becomes one. "

The knight shook his head. "All of the explorers wiped their memories- they don't know what they saw."

"Their conscious mind does not know. Their dreams- their unconscious mind still tries to ponder- comprehend what it had seen, and the magnitude of what it meant for the people who formerly lived there. The abomination of Faelor is still alive, remember. Which means not only are they stuck as monsters- they live eternally in that state. Cerise did not, and now cannot tell anyone about what she saw there- unfortunately at this point; she doesn't have to. Because she is now a living example."

And so the king with a heavy hand ordered the gathering of all building materials available to the kingdom. To seal it. Women who had not yet changed or mutated at least would plead to be let out, but in order for this to work- none could leave. So the king did not start to actually erect the barrier, just gather the material and wait, while the people of the kingdom watch the women squeal in pleasure and grow fatter, rounder, better endowed with more and bigger breasts, udders, nipples, and teats.

One of her servants went to check on Cerise a few days later. She is completely immobile so there is no need to move her now, and she does not even require food because it pores from her breasts torrentially. Her front is hidden by six breasts each the size of a horse carriage. Four tilted to the sides that were her originals, then the giant boob that grew between them and parted them, then another that grew from her entire groin area. Instead of a nipple, the center of the areola on this final breast houses her pussy- shoving it forward like an offering. Two breasts grew from her upper back muscles, that are the same size as her front breasts- these keep her propped up, because she sure as hell cannot hold herself up in her current state. She sits on two broad breasts about half the size of the others- these used to be her butt cheeks. Two breasts twice as big as the others sit just beyond those- growing from their sides... these were formerly her legs. The breasts grew much rounder than her legs were long, so while there is still probably leg bones in there- they don't actually connect, or function in any way. They just free-float in fat.

Her arms bloated tremendously into breasts as well- her last actions with them were to rub them on everyone and everything she could till they completely lost all mobility. The giga breasts that were her arms and legs have a single areola each- but each areola houses not one giant nipple but five relatively smaller ones. This quintuple of nipples is actually what remains of her digits. Occasionally they twitch inward slightly or wiggle, so it seems she has some minuscule degree of mobility in them. Her torso seems to have distorted under it all as well, growing rounder and softer, though does not in itself resemble a breast. Not yet anyway.

"M-m-ma'am. Are you... well?"

She jerked her body making all her tits wobble around. "Mmmm-aahaha~ ooohhyYYYES. Very, very well!"

Maggy rolled further forward. "I bend her nipples to her mouth so she has plenty to eat anyway. Mmm, and then I drink some too. I probably shouldn't...." She spaced out for a moment. "But, it tastes so good. And it's so easy to get, and there is so much of it..."

Maggy herself sits atop her breasts, spread across the floor under her from her weight on them. Each breast is easily twice as big as the entire rest of her body. Her clit juts out from her pussy like a huge spongy cylinder... having transformed into a giant nipple. It takes considerable effort for her to rock her weight forward around the curve of her breasts to reach Cerise, because she is weighted down in the back by another colossal boob. The third breast grew from her tail bone, making it almost sort of resemble a giant bug abdomen because of where it grows off her body. The male servant also notes that Maggy's right leg looks tremendously swollen... likely transforming into another breast like Cerise's legs have.

The male servant bowed, a bit nervous. "W-well, I just wanted to make sure because I uhm... might be leaving soon. The king is... uh, closing things up for a while. A long, long while."

Both women looked startled, but Cerise wobbled herself forward for a second, momentarily lifting her giant back tits off the bed and flopping the breasts that used to be her arms forward a moment as if to try and reach for him, before she jiggled back into a full resting. "W-wait! I need you to do me a favor!"

"O-oh, very well? What is it, ma'am?"

"Touch meee~"

"Wha- er... okay? How... in what way?"

"I don't care, just... feel me a bit? I need to be squeezed a little... I know it sounds weird."

He gingerly touched the giant breast that was formerly her pubic mound simply because it was the closest for him to reach, rubbing its smooth curved skin. He pat it and she moaned as the ripples rolled through the soft, plush skin to her pussy at the front of it- her clit standing erect out of its hood like a neon pink thorn.

"M-muh-MORE. Please. I am sorry, I juu-huuust... n-n-need."

He shoved his hand into the surface more aggressively, sloshing its mass back and forth against the bed.

"I am sorry this got so weird, aha...hah. But it... it feels so... sooOOOOH-oh g-oooh... so good. Everything. All the time. Even moving... even breathing feels so fucking goooood. I only wish I was... as beautiful as her."

That caused his brow to furrow. "Wh-who? You are the largest, most... abnormally endowed woman in all of Leiro, I assure you."

"Nnnngh-n-no, there is another woman with even better tits. I don't... remember who. Or where. I remember I seen someooOOH-ne even more obscene." She was starting to squirt milk out of all her nipples in response to her even attempting to remember the woman she seen.

As Cerise moaned the servant slowed his rubbing, captivated in a mix of awe and horror as Cerise's face started to look plump! Her hair suddenly started to fall out and then her head actually enlarged! Her skull dissolving away as the barrier of fat around it grew rapidly! Her head got more and more round, pushing into the backs of her ears and eventually fusing! Her forehead and brow lost definition in the expanding curve as it wobbled and jiggled more from the solid portions of its structure suddenly vanishing. She rolled her head up toward the roof, moaning and groaning so much she rendered herself breathless from the sensations. Her scarlet lips inflated even fatter and grew larger! Her hair started to fall out- forced out from the roots by the expanding fat and shifting structure. Her iris turned glowing pink for a moment before her eyelids were forced shut by the fat expanding around them, and then fused together and her eyes regressed out of existence entirely! Her nose was swallowed up and her nostrils vanished as the flesh billowed into the space they used to occupy. Where Cerise's head had been was now yet another breast the size of a large beachball. Except the areola was scarlet- a deeper red than all her other areola- and adorned at the center not with a nipple, but a giant set of impossibly plush lips!


"Mmmm.... hmmm."

"Can... you still hear me?"

" y-yes. S....uuhhh....s-sorry. So hard.... to think, thoughts floaty. Pleasure...throbbing. Pulsing. Undulating. Waves of skin, ripples of faaaaat. Fuck I am a monster- I am so beautiful! So perfect... so wrong..." She let out a sound like a whimper. "Like... her." Again referring to a woman she has no actual recollection of.

Maggy started to giggle like she had suddenly gone braindead, from a pleasant feeling tingling through her body. She rolled forward without realizing and when she did it was too late to stop herself- she rolled too far forward and went straight over her own boobs! Her back slapped between Cerise's left back tit and left arm tit... and fused. Maggy's torso was suddenly pulled in, which folded her lower back boob forward, which also seemed to inherit the lost mass of her torso as it ballooned in size! All three of her breasts started to lactate so violently they rivaled a garden hose! Her arms, shoulders, neck and head remained separate, and she desperately used those arms to rub her tits frantically, moaning in pleasure as she exploded milk!

They were not the only ones. Slowly, without even knowing what they were doing or why- all the transformed women started to wobble their way over to one another, and slowly they joined together, fusing their bodies into a single mass. Some of them kept their heads, some even kept their upper body, but some vanished entirely into the mass- leaving no identifiable features outside. Most of Cerise ended up joining the giant growing cluster of breasts, but the giant breast that was her head only expanded further as if stealing the mass from others that joined them- which sort of made her the centerpiece; the mouth of the monster. Breasts bloated fatter, getting stuck in rooms till they burst the walls and eventually the entire building! Teats and nipples so wide that if they were hollow you'd be able to ride a horse down the middle of it, crossing entire streets. The roads were literally flooded with a foot of milk everywhere in the kingdom. A small lake of milk was starting to form where it all pooled out in the farmland. Udders so big the width of a teat was the height of a shed- the veins on its surface alone as thick as telephone polls.

Buildings burst apart, or were rolled over and crushed by the unimaginable weight of tens of thousands of colossal breasts and udders- mammary flesh of all shapes and sizes and colors. The sky always had a rainbow in it now- from all the milk getting sprayed straight up into the air. Constantly moaning, writhing, trying to brush up against anything. To be touched, rubbed, squeezed, kneaded, nibbled! The entire kingdom was reduced to ruins, filled or crushed by soft, rubbery, bloated flesh.

The servant walked up to Cerise's mouth on the amalgam laying in the center of the capital. He held her hand the best he could. The nipple that had been her index finger was already too large for his hand to fit around, but he grabbed it anyway as the only part small enough to come close to holding. Her plush lips at the fore of the giant breast alone are large enough to swallow three men whole at the same time.

"Well, I am sorry mistress, but I have to go now. You are on your own I am afraid... there is nothing more I can do for you."

There was a gurgle from the breast and he let go of her finger just in time to avoid an eruption of milk from all five nipple-fingers as they inflated in size a fraction of a second before erupting.

"Mmf-ffuuuuuuck~ yesssss. O...okay... I... know. I am okay! F-feels sssso-ooOOHH MILK!" She squirt again. "I mean... boob- I mean...y-you know what I mean." She paused a moment. "I don't know how... but I have been here before."


She laughed like a lunatic for a moment. "Forget it. Leave, hurry. Before I try to smother you in fat fucking titty kisses, muahaha~"

Even then he was hesitant to leave, but did. She is a strange monster that is equal parts beautiful and grotesque at the same time. Now she is every woman in the entire kingdom- or what has become of them anyway. Yet it is still clearly her inside there. She understands, she still thinks, she still feels- he does not want to abandon her, but there is nothing he can do for her at this point. Her existence is just pure, unending bliss. In this state she cannot even age- she will live forever like the Faelor amalgam is. She knows she is a monster and hates that she changed but loves every moment of it and forever hungers for still more pleasure- and continues to get more, eternally.

She has definitely seen this once before. But could not rid herself of the thoughts and dreams it inspired. The potion wiped her active memory of it- but it still haunted her dreams. It was so horrible, an abomination against nature, something that should not exist. Something that was so soft, and smooth, rubbery and warm, fat and delicious that she could not help but be jealous of. She wanted to hate it, should hate it- tried to teach others to hate it. But she loves it, every moment of it, for the rest of eternity.

1906 years ago

Titania emerged in the throne room from a wound in the fabric of reality that knit itself closed as soon as she exited it back into reality from the beyond. She is an unusually tall woman with very long and narrow ears. Her curly platinum blonde hair cascades the entire length of her body and spills across the floor at least a foot behind her. Her back is adorned with a pair of black, metallic cyan, and base magenta wings almost identical to a butterfly's wings. Her attire is nothing more than a sheet of silken cloth loosely tangled around her and pinned in place with a pearlescent seashell's long trailing spine. Her face is so beautiful people go hush in awe when they see her- able to stare into her face for hours without ever growing tired of puzzling over how something so beautiful is even capable of existing. Her eyes appear prismatic- glittering with a million different colors as if they were globes containing miniature universes.

The chancellor dashed up to her, having been leaning against her throne. "Titania! You return. I worry whenever you step out of reality, and you've been leaving for longer periods of time."

She smiled and pat him on the head. "I am well. I have found a way to perfect my beauty... though, it in itself is rather risky."

"B-b-but you are already beautiful?! Unquestionably so! There isn't a soul in all of Faelor who would say otherwise, even in jest!"

"I am, thank you." She let out a musical giggle. "I know it is so- but-" She cupped her C cup breasts. "There are women with far greater endowments than I."

"You'd risk your safety for a pair of... breasts?!"

Titania chewed her lip nervously. "I don't know just how risky it is... but, yea? I know. I know! I am beautiful, I am so close to PERFECT but I am not there yet. I am pretty but not perfect. I know it is SO greedy and stupid, and whatever else you want to call it but I cannot stand to have something SO close to being SO perfect- ESPECIALLY MY OWN BODY- and just leave it like that. I have to make it perfect... I have to."

"And if our queen blinks out of reality, never to return? What do I say to our people then? She died trying to make her bosom larger?"

Titania shrugged with a coy smile. "At least I will leave a beautiful corpse."

He buried his face in a palm. "No wonder Oberon already has grey hairs."

just a few years ago

Cerise gasped at the sight before her as the pyromancer's massive flame illuminated her surroundings. She stands in the ruins just outside of a giant white marble palace, held together with seams of gold. Only the front of the palace remains standing; the rest of the palace as well as all of the land behind it to the mountain where the barrier dome connects is a mountain of flesh. Thousands of years dormant, caught between a sweet dream and reality, since their world is perpetually dark in the barrier. Teats the size of guard towers, udders large enough to flatten an entire farm plot, breasts that could lactate a small lake worth of milk in a single day! Where the mammaries fused together in the seams could be seen faces and sometimes parts of bodies- all with blissful expressions, using whatever limbs they still possess to massage their own flesh.

In front of Cerise is a breast so big around that it equals a two floor home in height. It seems like it grew into this state while still inside of the building- because the breast itself is outside the front doors of the palace while the rest of the amalgam is on the other side- so the doorway pins it in place. The pastel pink areola holds not a nipple but a gargantuan pair of perfectly shaped, plump female lips of the same color. In front of the giant breast on the ground is a pearlescent crown made of anodized platinum; each tine on the top of the crown is capped with a diamond star.

Titania spoke up before Cerise could run. "I... I know what this must look like. This isn't wh-aaahhoo...OOOHYES-ss-aahrry, sorry!" A beam of milk arched up through the air from somewhere else on the amalgam, so massive that it cleared the roof of three ruined buildings before splashing to the ground! "It feels so good. S-so ooooh good, all the time. We are okay. I-I know this looks bad. I didn't mean to do anythuh- uugh... anything like this."

Cerise shook her head and started to back away, too afraid of the breast amalgam to even say anything in reply.

Titania hummed in pleasure as her people woke up from the foreign exposure to light, causing their shared body to jiggle, which triggered pleasure which caused them to lactate, which caused even more pleasure. "You wouldn't be-heeh-lieve how good this feels all the time. So much bliss. Yours... could be bigger too." She hummed again in pleasure. "And milky ~"

Cerise's heart jumped when she felt her nipples harden against her will. She quickly turned and ran out of there faster than she had ever run in her life, and did not stop running till she was all the way back in Leiro.

Titania and the people of Faelor were once again cast in darkness, and the people started to settle back down into a half-waking half-sleeping state, trapped between sweet dreams and blissful pleasure.

Titania smiled to herself in the dark. "Don't you wish you had fat titties like mine? Come join me ~"

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What Didn't I Tell You?

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