Nurtured Nature

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A pokemon trainer named Eric arrives back in the Galar region to revisit old memories, except one of his old memories revisits him instead. Seems he forgot his Pontya in the daycare for... years. Unsurprisingly she is not particularly happy with him. To make matters worse- the bill to pay to get her out again is more than he can actually afford. The good news is the daycare accepts volunteers! He can just work off his tab, and its definitely not a trap or revenge plot at all.

(M tf Zebstrika)

Eric finally stepped off the Corviknight carried cab onto the lush green grass of the Galarian fields, taking a deep breath of the English air.

"Wow, after going to college in Palea- it is really nice to be back in Galar! I feel like my run through the Galar region happened in only a day or two. Or maybe it's just because the game's story inexplicably locks the time of day so you could play for literally ever and the day will never end until you beat the story first." He shrugged to himself.

Eric is a pokemon trainer and has been for some time- having gone to several regions to challenge their leagues. He has shorter forward swept brown hair and an average build because God forbid GameFreak lets you alter your characters body type in any way. Of course he has been training for so long he was looking more like one of those, like, 30+ year olds in Paldea who are somehow still school students. I guess they failed a grade. Dozens of times over. Hey, good on them for not giving up, right?

Eric was just wandering Galar for the time being- it had been so long since he was here last that he forgot what all he still wanted to do here. Walking the cobble streets of the big cities here bring back memories. Pillars of glowing pink light point to the sky all around, making raid dens for those brave enough to challenge them. He would take them on while he waited for his pokemon in the da-

"AH crap! The daycare!"

Eric ran from the steps at the front of the city and dashed across the titanic grass field toward the one and only building sitting off, far to the east; the pokemon daycare. Eric is hoping he is wrong and he recalled his pokemon properly from the daycare- but he did not exactly plan out his leaving for Paldea ahead of time, so odds are the forgot someone thinking he would have been back a lot sooner than he actually was. He carefully darted around all the other trainers driving in circles on their bikes to hatch eggs to get to the counter.

Eric slammed his hands down on the counter, but still needed a moment to catch his breath from running the entire length of the massive field. "Hey- hah- how... how many... mons... just a sec. How... how many pokemon do I have in the daycare right now?"

The cute woman working the reception counter asked for his trainer ID, and put it into her computer to look up the records. She needed to scroll down the list pretty far, because at this point he is the oldest entry still on the PC. Last pokemon withdrawn is a French Ditto with six perfect IVs.

"Ah, here it is- Ponyta!"

"Oh no..."

"Well, Rapidash now, Galarian Rapidash."

He furrowed his brows. "How did it evolve in the daycare?"

The woman blushed. "I thought you were not going to come back for it and kinda... took it for a ride. Anyway! It is safe and sound, ready to be reclaimed now."

Eric groaned- having spent almost all his money just getting back to Galar, he only had 500 pokedollars to his name. He sort of invested all his money into the Paldea region, assuming he would not be coming back to Galar, but here he is.

"How much?"

"Well, the bad news is the league is updating its policies for the newer generations and is changing the charging method to be per day, instead of per level." She lowered her voice. "Probably because of people who forget their pokemon in the daycare for a million years."

"Oh no!"

"The good news is the change isn't retroactive since we would have no way of tracking that, so you only need to pay for how many levels your Rapidash has been in the daycare for."

"Oh yes!"

"The bad news is now that you have signed into the daycare again- you will be charged per day from this day onward."

"Oh no."

"The good news is that the current tab is only 9,900 pokedollars!"

"Oh y-errr, no. I... don't have that."

"Seriously? That... isn't much money at all. You could literally beat any pokemon trainer and make that. Well, except the Elite Four who are currently in a seven day council, working out updates for the league."

Eric scratched his hair nervously. "Uuuh, yea, I kind of already beat all the trainers in this entire region, and none of them want to re-battle me."

"...why not?"

Eric tunes out for a moment, remembering the screams and explosions till they all bleed together into a dull ringing. "No reason."

*Well, he could work at the daycare part-time. Just work the money off.*

"Well, you could work at the daycare part-time. Just work the money off."

"Oh! Yea, that works. How much does the job pay? Let's see... Salt is like, the cheapest food ingredient I know of and costs 90 pokedollars, so if you make a basic sand which, probably run you around 300-400 pokedollars at the cheapest. So, minimum wage is probably like, 2000 a day?"

The attendant burst out laughing, taking a solid four minutes to calm down enough to speak again. "Hahahaa... ahhh, no. 200 pokedollars a day."

"Sweet Arceus, it will take me a lifetime to pay that off!"

"Yea, especially considering you will owe 100 more every day, so you'd effectively only be making half wage. But that is just for standing behind the counter and doing virtually nothing. Every task you do in the back with the actual pokemon pays more than that- you will actually make a lot pretty easily." Eric walked around to the other side of the counter and the attendant handed him an apron. "This will work out nicely- we separate the pokemon here by body shape. I can tend to all the smaller pokemon while you tend to the more mature looking ones."

"That is... a really weird way of dividing them. They aren't divided by actual age?"

"Yea, I don't get it either. Anyway- your Rapidash is in the fourth stall on the left on your half. I have your trainer ID already so I will ping you updates on any money you earn while you work. Good luck!"

Day 1 - current debt: 9,900p

Eric felt a bit weird at first walking into this area of the daycare, because most of the people who drop their pokemon off do so to breed them. There really is no one direction you can face where there isn't at least one pair of pokemon going at it. Embarrassing for a human maybe, but pokemon live by different standards. Even without seeing their faces you can generally tell which ones are Ditto; the pokemon with odd body shapes. Because Ditto can be anything- it turns into an ideal partner for whoever it is with, so it often takes on... exaggerated proportions.

Eric finally found his Rapidash- barely recognizing her. Galarian Rapidash is Fairy/Psychic, with a very short pelt of snow white, her mane is many different colors. Her fetlocks are long and trailing, but do not drag on the ground around her hooves- they float as if a stream of wind were on her at all times. Most of her hair is a pastel magenta- a shade of pink that is very slightly purple. The hair on her mane and tail is streaked with teal colored hair as well though to break up the rest. A Galarian Rapidash also has a larger uni-horn than regular Rapidash, and the horn is black spiraled with a stripe of pastel magenta. Eric had been trying to breed for a shiny but eventually gave up, moving to Paldea. This Rapidash has perfect IVs.

Eric opened the stall and hugged her around her massive equine neck. "Aww, my little pony!" She snorted. "Er, I guess not a pony anymore huh? You are at least twenty percent cooler than I remember."

She looked down at the man she remembers from long ago. He seems so much... smaller now. She is eager to get out of here, but she isn't too eager to make Eric think she is just going to forget he abandoned her here. He only found his way back here by random chance.

Eric looked at his rotomdex notices and seen a list of potential tasks he could do to make money that the attendant sent him. Since he only just started working here, he isn't going to be able to do much today. Eric still needs to figure out where all the equipment is... and how to even use it in the first place in some cases. For now he just got accustomed to how the place is set up, where the equipment is, where all the pokemon are... and attempted to get accustomed to the sound and scenes of pokemon fucking because it wasn't going to stop anytime soon. Especially the equine pokemon who had been grouped together in this section- because they were all in estrus currently, so even if their master's didn't want eggs, they are still being bred to take care of their needs. If the owner doesn't want the egg, the daycare will just hold onto it till it hatches.

In this section was a Farigiraf who keeps hitting her head on the roof because she is taller than the building is. An autumn form Sawsbuck who was paired with a male summer Sawsbuck who unfortunately for her is gay, and refuses to mount her. A pair of Mudsdales who also refuse to breed because they are actually brother and sister and their trainer thought that was okay for some reason. And then Eric's own Rapidash. Ouch. She is in estrus but all his pokemon were transferred to Home and then Paldea. He doesn't have any access to them from here in Galar, so he has no other pokemon to pair her with to take care of her incessant need.

After all that, the only extra task he managed to finish before the day was out is he took the Farigiraf out for a ride around the outside of the building so she could stretch her neck. She needed to fully lay on the ground for Eric to even get up on to her back- her legs alone are taller than he is. He got to share in some of her enjoyment- as a part Psychic type her emotions are partially transmit via telepathy. Helping her out also net him 400 pokedollars, in addition to the 200 he gets for working the day by default even though it was only half a day today since he signed up at noon.

He watched the sun setting in the distance as he and the attendant closed up the front of the daycare for the night. "Her mane practically glows in the dusk light. Really makes Twilight Sparkle."

"Huh? Oh, your Rapidash? Yea. They should have given it a more unique name like, I dunno, it's so colorful; call it Rainbowdash instead- such a Rarity deserves its own name." She paused a moment to take in the sunset as well. "Well that's enough references for one day, see you tomorrow."

Day 2 - current debt: 9,400p

The next day Eric immediately started with getting the Farigiraf out to stretch after she wakes up so her neck doesn't get a cramp to start the day: 400p. In another section he was called to help a Miltank that had gone too long since her last milking. It took him a bit to figure out how the milking machine worked- the Miltank watched him with a rather unamused expression while he fumbled with it. Normally a Miltank's udder itself is not visible because it occupies the entire central region of their torso, so all you see is the giant floppy teats. Each teat on a Miltank is as thick as a shot glass and at least twice as long- you can fill your entire hand with one nipple. Since she had gone too long before being milked however- it sort of looked like she was pregnant, because the entire middle of her torso was swollen out into a large sphere from pent up milk. 400p earned from that, but since he had to also learn how to use the equipment in a hurried fluster, 700p.

The attendant called over to him as she passed on a dash up to the counter to tend to some customers. "Hey, can you clean the Mudsdale stallion?"

"Oh yea, sure."

"There is an instruction sheet pinned up in their corral that shows you how to do it. It will probably take a long-ass time though."

Instruction sheet on how to clean a horse? You soap it up a little and then wash it off with a hose, how hard could that possibly be? Eric did not bother with the instruction sheet, feeling plenty confident in this, he grabbed up a brush and some pokemon-friendly soap and got to work. Bringing him out to the yard, Eric started to brush his body. The Mudsdale whickered in approval- enjoying the bristly brush scraping him. Eric had a hell of a time trying to get him lathered up though, because his fur is caked in dry clay, so he needed to brush him quite hard to even get to his fur in the first place.

Eric grumbled a bit, putting the brush down but lathering his hands up a bit, eyeing the horse's bits. He won't mount the other Mudsdale because it is his sister, so his sheath isn't getting cleaned the natural way... which means Eric needs to clean it by hand. Since it is fully flaccid, Eric could almost get his entire arm inside of it before it bottomed out! The massive sheath easily took his arm in past his elbow! Each of its nuts alone were as big as his entire head. Eric started to space out a bit, wondering what it would be like to own equipment like this.

He did not realize the attendant had left his trainer ID open in a separate tab on her PC the other day, she never confirmed the ID so it was still open and editable. The ID is generated when you choose your trainer name, it is almost like the hex value for YOU. Change it, and you change who you are. His ID changed on its own now, but only a single digit. As he fantasized his own penis swelled, though it is flaccid so it mostly only grew in girth for the moment, becoming extremely thick for a human. The foreskin fattened more than the rest, and caused the inner flesh to divide slightly, increasing the length of shaft beyond the foreskin oddly. His balls slowly rolled back and forth in the scrotum, slowly tugging the soft skin creases out, smoothing the scrotum as they swelled within. Bigger and noticeably heavier, they started as mere chicken eggs, then baseballs, then softballs and still a bigger before stopping! There is now a noticeable bulge in the front of his pants, his underwear quite full, pulling it all taut. His plump cock sleeping firmly in the divot between enlarged balls. The coloration even shifted slightly, darkening his cock, balls, taint and even his anus slightly.

Eric finally got the hose to clean off Mudsdale, having to turn it on full blast to even attempt to get the animal clean. He was so spaced out thinking of what it would be like to have junk like his that it did not once occur to him that some pokemon are not supposed to be clean in the first place.

The attendant popped outside just as he was finishing up. "What the hell did you do?!"


"I told you to read the instructions! That isn't how you clean a Mudsdale!"

They both look bewildered at the almost unrecognizable pokemon. The dreadlocks of its mane, and even the Mohawk that it normally takes in the center is completely gone! Its mane is wildly wavy and a shimmering black! Its legs look much more narrow now at least toward the bottom- the tops were still bulbous with muscle. It now had very long, flowing fetlocks that drag almost a foot of hair length on the ground under it. Normally a Mudsdale is orange, black, and brown, but this one was just black and brown; Eric de-mudded a Mudsdale. Now it's just... a dale?

The attendant fetched a huge jug of red clay, telling Eric to do it again, properly. It is a Ground type pokemon- water is super effective against it, without its clay coating it is extremely weak. Washing a Mudsdale means to swap out new clay, not clean it off. -700p for damages, and then 700p for ACTUALLY cleaning it.

*The item. Use it.*

The attendant returned as Eric was finishing up again, nodding at him actually doing it right this time. "Hey, can you actually smell the difference between these mints? I was told these are two different kinds." She held up first a sprig of Naïve Mint.

He smelled it, but it just smelled like... mint. Mint is a pretty overwhelming smell, even if there was a hint of a different smell, it would probably be undetectable. He felt even more absentminded a moment, but did not really think anything of it, because the mint had made him more naïve. The mints do nothing to human... but a digit of his trainer ID switched, because it was unconfirmed when he was getting jealous of an equine's bits. Being a small portion pokemon himself- the mint was able to affect him, altering his Nature. The attendant knew as much- she left it open on purpose. This also caused another digit of his ID to shift with his mind.

She let him smell the second one and the bulge in his pants became even more noticeable. The second one did not smell any different to him either, but it didn't need to, the effect was still clear. The second one was a Naughty Mint.

"Oh well. Apparently they are different somehow, so I guess I will still sort them differently. Uhm, it is getting kinda late already because you took so long with Mudsdale-"

*Why doesn't he see if I need something?*

"Why don't you see if your Rapidash needs something?"

Eric nodded and dashed off without questioning it, because he was getting a half chub and it was starting to shove his pants out in the front. He tried to adjust himself but that just caused his dick to erect slightly more. Was he... bigger? Nah, that couldn't be, he wouldn't just grow for no reason. The huff of Naïve mint he had was still stirring his brain cells. He wandered between corrals trying to keep his head down to not focus on all the sex. But then when he got to her corral he remembered that sex is what she needed the most, and he had no pokemon to use to help her. His dick strained against the front of his pants- bent down so it could not properly erect. Technically humans and pokemon can get it on. In some regions it is perfectly fine for them to marry each other even. Pokemon and humans were designed by Arceus himself to be compatible, to empathize with one another and further each other evolution wise.

*Feeling naughty...*

"Heh, feeling naughty."

She turned around, then immediately backed up into him! She pinned him to the wall between her massive globular snow-white butt cheeks! So round, so solid! Rapidash can run 150mph, which requires some real good leg muscles- it will break basically every man-made speed limit.

"W-woah, hey.... uh, I don't think you-"

*I definitely know what I am doing*

"-definitely know what you want, but uhm... what was I..?"

He grabbed her rump to try and shove her off, but instead just ran his fingers over the fine hairs of her hide. So... big and round. She swat him back and forth with her giant tail- the enormous amount of slightly curly hair looked like a giant cloud of cotton candy. He tried to move his face away from the tail, but her scent gets trapped in the long hairs. He could not help but smell it out of curiosity. He then dug his fingers into her billowing tail and shoved his face into it, smelling her more. Rapidash rolled her giant butt down his body like a rolling pin on dough and caught the bulge in his pants.

Eric started to get slightly larger, his muscles suddenly tensed and firmed entirely on their own, bulging up larger. His flat midriff now had visible abs, then his navel deepened and then the cleft between his abs deepened. The swelling muscle pulled the skin taut and exposed all the fat veins trailing into his crotch. He was rapidly getting more muscular- Naughty nature raises Attack while lowering Special Defense... like your ability to realize your being telepathically manipulated by a Psychic type.

Rapidash lowered her butt even more, bending her legs halfway down just to bring her ass level with his crotch... and since she snagged on his bulge, this also made enough friction to simply pull his pants and underpants right off. She whickered in approval when his dick finally released and smacked her right between the tits- slingshotting out of the too tight pants! Her udder is the equivalent of two G cup breasts- but they are wider than a human breast since her torso is much larger, so they do not project outward nearly as far as a G cup would- they are also fused together in the middle because it's an udder, not boobs. On her large body the udder does not look particularly large- its skin is pastel pink. Her vulva and anus are also the same pale pink coloration, blending in to the surroundings; almost but not quite camouflaged with the pastel magenta hair in her tail. Her large puffy anus alone is large enough that Eric could put his entire hand around it.

Eric was dazed now- his cock borrowing enough blood from the rest of him that his brain wasn't getting quite as much air as it probably should be, and the naughty mint raising his hormone level so that he was basically just as much in heat as she is. Rapidash rubbed the base of her projected vulva along his shaft a few times, pushing down on the shaft almost to the point where it was uncomfortable to tease him. Her clit was the size of a golf-ball and looked like a tight knot of flesh as it audibly popped out of her plump labia to say hello and drizzle her natural lube on his shaft as she slid forward till finally the head of Eric's enlarged dong flicked up across her giant clit and caught again on the upper end of her pussy! She neighed from the pleasure shock and then immediately slammed back against him, straightening her back legs again- lifting him up off the floor!

Eric is trapped now suspended off his feet between his cock caught in her huge pussy and the wall behind him! Eric was too horny to fight it and she is super effective against Fighting types anyway, and he is too dazed to even think of whether he wanted this or not, so he was running on instinct only. He could not do anything trapped behind her like that anyway- Rapidash gently pulled away from the wall and then slammed back again it to basically make him thrust since their sizes were too miss-matched. Her large butt cheeks felt like they were trying to swallow his entire lower half when she pounds him against the wall. His glans flared unusually large and his shaft bucked wildly inside her, grinding hard on the upper wall of her deep vagina. Her large puffy anus kissed his navel with each hit. Her giant billowing tail cascaded hair over either shoulder, all over his chest and face. His arms just loosely cradled all the hair.

Another digit of his trainer ID shifted closer to a pokemon's hex code. 3 of the 6 total digits now corrupted. His pubic hair grew in much more dense but also became oddly soft to the touch- the roots turning black instead of brown. On his head the opposite seemed to be happening; the roots of his hair seemed to turn white as his hair grew longer, but it also grew more bristly. Since Rapidash was in complete control of the situation she made sure to climax first, but the rippling of her plush inner walls around his cock set Eric off quickly afterward.

Eric must have passed out after because he woke up to the sound of the attendant closing up the place at the end of the day again. He was asleep nestled up beside Rapidash who was also asleep on her side- resting his head up on her huge thighs with hairs from her tail still stuck to the moisture of his lips. He scrambled to get his clothes back in place though they did not fit particularly well now, and just hoped no one else noticed what he did. If she noticed, she did not mention it at all.

Not a lot of money from that day either, but he is learning the ropes. Cleaning Mudsdale wrong certainly blew a lot of time.

Day 3 - current debt: 8,300p

Eric changed into a looser outfit so his clothes would fit him properly now. He is not only a little bit taller, he is considerably more muscular. He had no idea why, but thanks to some lingering effects of the naive mint and the fact that the changes certainly were not doing him any harm- he didn't dwell on it for very long. Not sure how to feel about that magical moment he shared with Rapidash the other day; Eric deliberately kept a distance from her today, combing the hair of her tail and mane, giving her some food and then immediately bolted from her corral. He then helped Mudsdale recover his own hairdo, since it was still recovering from having the clay completely removed... but fixing his hair was more like sculpting clay than combing hair. There is a reason that Mohawk can stand so tall. He then ran a lap on the Farigiraf again and brought some fresh unopened fern buds to the Sawsbuck as a nice breakfast. 1300p for the lot of those tasks. Already better than yesterday.

The attendant decided to take it easier now and use Eric to man the front desk. This let her take a sort-of day off, and got him a lot of easy cash. Every customer tended to is another 100p, or 50p for returning customers... which there are a lot of. I mean, most customers bike in circles for ten minutes and then come immediately back to the front doors looking for the next batch of eggs. There was also several female trainers who started to gather at the counter just to chat about random things. They were flirting with him because he looks like a hunk now, but it went completely over his head. By noon he made another 3100p! And all he had to do was look up trainer ID records and withdraw pokemon. He did not even need to go get the actual pokemon- he can do it from the PC at the front counter because the pokemon is just transferred to a ball and then sent digitally anyway.

At lunch the attendant swapped places with him again taking over after the brief break to eat. When Eric was wandering around the back though to check for eggs in the breeding pens when he heard the Sawsbuck bellowing. The two of them already ate, so what is wrong now? He looked in but they seemed fine- the male was laying down napping while the female was one bellowing. Unlike normal deer- there is no sexual dimorphism in Sawsbuck; the female has just as big of a rack as the male. Eric could not figure out what was wrong so he opened up the corral and walked in himself to see if maybe he was ill or somehow twisted an ankle or something.

Before Eric could even react, the moment the door closed behind him she pinned him to the door with the sharp tines of her antlers! As an autumn form Sawsbuck, her antlers spawned red-orange leaves like trees in autumn, except all year round outside of their native Unova region. They even had that dry-leaf smell to them, even though they are not actually drying. He felt her cool wet nose on his midriff, lifting his shirt a bit with her face. Her 'boyfriend' wants nothing to do with her, and she must have smelled what was going on in Rapidash's corral the other day. She licked his shaft with her hot tongue and coaxed his enlarged member to wake up! Eric could not move to shoo her away because her antlers are pinning him in place- she isn't even aware she is holding him back; she pinned him by accident just to get her face down to his crotch.

His dick was too large now to easily be contained even in these more flexible pants, once it was hard enough it flicked up past the waist entirely on its own and the Sawsbuck went to work on him immediately. Long muzzle followed by a long neck- he could see the bulge of his cock travelling down her throat! Daaaaamn, girl knows how to take it. She shoved further up his shaft and bucked her head, unintentionally scooping Eric up with her antler tines under his arms and picked him up! Her antlers were holding him up over her face, causing his body to swing forward and unintentionally hump her throat! She could make him thrust by bucking her head back to swing his body! She is smart enough to know when he is approaching his limit though- his glans flare and purple from blood pressure, but she quickly pulls off his giant rod and bows her head to plop him down onto the floor.

Well he was too deliriously horny to not keep going at that point! She turned around and flicked up her short fluffy tail to expose her grey-pink holes. She also has a petite udder of the same color below her. It has four segments but the divot between them is very shallow so from the side it just looks like 1/3rd of a sphere about the size of a basketball. Each teat is about the girth of a pinky finger and only half the length of one. Compared to Rapidash; Sawsbuck is a very petite, dainty form. Narrow, delicate, and graceful. It also meant that little leaf shaped pussy is going to be considerably tighter.

She made a giddy, hollow fluting sound as he penetrated her and shoved her furry rump back against him, swallowing his entire length like a pro from either end of her body! She was wrapped around his cock tighter than the skin on a sausage. His dick was now just as long as a Sawsbuck's, but almost twice as thick! The moment Eric braced his hands on her lower back to thrust there was a sharp crackling sound- sparks, static electricity. The Sawsbuck completely ignored it though; she is a Grass type, Electric attacks don't do shit to her. Eric was a bit too preoccupied to notice himself, but all the hairs on his arms and legs stood up from the feeling of static building even after the small discharges. The hair on his head started to get even more bristly and even longer, starting to take the shape of two forward swept spikes of hair. Starting to look like anime protagonist hair. The hair became even more white as well however- now only the very tips retained his original brown color. Unseen; under his clothing his skin started to look like it had a slight tan, but if you looked carefully enough it followed a distinct pattern, leaving only certain areas unaffected by the slight color change... like stripes. His iris had been green but now start to lighten to blue, but an unnatural shade of blue- like a neon blue. An electric blue. 4 of his 6 ID digits now corrupted.

His genitals darkened another shade, and when Sawsbuck hit climax it set him off into his own orgasm- her passage far too tight around his cock to not cum with her. When his balls lifted though; it at first almost felt like they had somehow backfired and were shooting back into himself- his balls increased in size again to almost ostrich eggs in size, and then he erupted normally. They were already Great Balls, now they are Ultra Balls. With each stream of cum though, his dick increased in size again! He started to unintentionally shove up against her cervix and then bunch up before shoving himself BACK! He was outgrowing her vagina mid-orgasm! The inner shaft divided further from the foreskin, and then a thin ridge formed just behind his glans and yet another layer of cock started to divide from THAT! When the skin layers peel off from each other, it feels like a sticker being peeled off your skin, but the skin there is so sensitive it is echoed by both an electric pleasure and a sort of brief itchy feeling. An inch exposed, two inches, the cum starts to drool out of her even as he pumps still more in. Three inches, four. Finally it stops and he stops with it, and he practically falls back out of her, hitting his back against the corral wall to hold himself up by while he catches his breath.

The Sawsbuck gave another chipper fluting sound and turned to help lick his dick clean. It is so long now that it wobbles around quite a lot- now much further away from the hips that brace it. He could barely believe that thing was attached to him. It did not even register till a full minute later. His mind felt sort of... cloudy, or slow? He was worried he seemed to be changing, but rather than be worried that he is losing his proper shape he is just worried about what others will say if they find out. Instead of think about how having a dick this long is supposed to be impossible, he is excited about how it feels and wanting to use it more! Even the other Sawsbuck opened one of his eyes to gawk at the member, wishing he could try it too- since he is gay.

Eric did not stick around to ride both deer though. Like the other day with Rapidash he was quick to scramble out of the corral to make sure no one seen what he did, and did his best to fix his outfit properly. Oddly his enormous cock seemed to be able to pack itself away easily enough, so it actually fit just as well in his pants at its new size as it did the old. It had two points on the shaft where it folded back in on, so it is telescopic now. It was the middle of the afternoon before Eric got back to work, but the attendant was none the wiser because she is the only other worker there- if she is working the front she has no idea what is happening in the back.

Eric was having some trouble with handling equipment now though, and could not figure out why. It seems he had come down with a case of bad luck. He tried to change out the straw bedding in one of the corrals but when he touched the straw it caught on fire! When he went to change a lightbulb- the bulb turned on when in his hands but then burnt out and burst when he tried to actually screw it in! His body was erratically discharging electricity without knowing! Well, unfortunately -100p for the bit of burnt straw, and -90p for the lightbulb. The attendant certainly noticed what was wrong quickly enough when she seen him getting shocked trying to pick up a metal tool only to get hit with a recursive charge later. She did not say anything to him about it though, just chalked it up to bad luck and let him go home a bit early today. She was going to need to be careful what tasks she gives him now so he doesn't unintentionally burn the building down or nuke a bird pokemon. She also might want to keep him out of the sight of the customers now, because they might start to question his gravity-defying hair and the occasional bolt of electricity jumping through it.

Day 4 - current debt: 4,190

Eric spent a long time that morning in the mirror, grunting in frustration at his hair. He had a massive forward cowlick on either side of his head and was attempting to fix them, but only wetting his hair allowed him to tame it down and comb it properly- and as soon as it dried it yanked right back into the same shape. It did not even occur to him that his hair color is different now. His attention can currently only be on one thing at a time in order to have full focus. So if he is focused on the odd shape of his hair, he cannot notice its color. Eric did not realize that it was electricity that was shaping his hair. The hairs are charged with electricity, and the flow of the current is what is forcing the shape into his hair. His dick is enormous now and he is very muscular too- also odd. But unlike his hair; not changes he is going to be quick to complain about.

He figured it was just a side effect of being around so many different pokemon at once all the time. His debt is less than half of what it was originally and the first two days he barely got anything done, so he should be out of the daycare in one or two more days tops. He just assumed his body would settle and return to normal after. Which... yea, it should. If his ID remains open in a tab and he is around humans and only acting like a human would, his ID will shift back to human. He could technically do that right now while still working at the daycare, except he doesn't know what was causing it to be able to counteract it.

Eric decided to start this day like he did the last and earned 1300p again doing the rounds with the neediest of the females, this time being in a hurry to remove himself from Rapidash and Sawsbuck's presence. He was glad he could help them and he certainly had fun but he didn't want to think of what the attendants reaction would be, or a customer if they seen what he did. The last of his morning tasks was taking out the poor Farigiraf again for a run around the building. Most pokemon, even if they look very big tend to actually not be that big in reality, but Farigiraf is legitimately large- ten feet tall as a baseline, and this particular one is a big girl, so more like 14 feet. When she is standing fully upright Eric is only tall enough that the top of his head brushes her chest, so not that surprising she doesn't properly fit inside the daycare.

This day she seemed a bit more aloof than usual, and kept prolonging the walk by stopping to nip leaves off the high branches of the trees, where only a giraffe could reach. When they are a Girafarig; the tail is cruel and destructive while the prime head is calm and kind. When it evolves into Farigiraf the two heads harmonize, and its personality shifts to a sort of chaotic good. She took her time trotting around in the back- the customers could not get into the brush behind the daycare so the nature back here is undisturbed.

"Come on girl, the other pokemon need attention too."

*Fun?* Eric was a bit startled by the musically smooth, feminine voice invading his head.

"Huh? Oh- yea, it is. Best way to start the morning, but I still have work to do."

*Is work.*

"Well yea, but this is only one task. I need to do a lot of tasks to get money to pay for Rapidash's freedom. I believe my tab is standing at 2,990p."

*Horny is other need.*

He blushed. "Ah... y-yea, I know, you have no mate and are surrounded by sex in there, but-"

*Was talking about you.*

His blush deepened even more. He was sitting so his half-chub was not touching her back, but it is pressed against one of the triangular tufts of her mane since they run the entire length of both her neck and back, you cannot mount a Farigiraf without touching them. He didn't think she could feel it through the hair. Sitting on her back with no saddle- he can feel her giant muscles below her hide as she walks.

Farigiraf abruptly yanked herself forward, causing Eric to slide back off her huge rump, like pulling a tablecloth out from under a dish! As he fell around the back curve of her rump- she thrust back and slammed him against a tree, pinning him in place with her huge tushy, like Rapidash did the other day. All the girls in estrus currently are penned up together- so as soon as Eric serviced one, all the others knew about it and he immediately became their target. Squashing the fat black labia of her leaf-shaped vulva against his chest created a weak vacuum seal, so when she pulled off to let him drop it felt like her pussy was kissing him! Partially from the movement of landing back on the ground and half from the tension of his erection- his dick flicked its own way out of his pants, now many times too long to even hope to fit back in.

Farigiraf is still far too tall to fuck, so she had to crouch down for him to even be able to reach. Just below her vulva is an udder too, but hers is petite and camouflaged into her underside. The underbelly of a Farigiraf is cream colored- so is her udder. Like Sawsbuck the cleft between segments is almost unnoticeable so it just looks like a broad, soft bump. It is however still adorned with four teats that are in contrast the same glossy black flesh as her plump labia, so they ARE noticeable. Her anus is almost hidden because it is just a puckered divot immediately above the vulva- so close that it almost just looks like a fold of flesh that belongs to the labia.

Horny and exposed and unable to re-pack his cock like it is; Eric did not hesitate in taking her invitation. He thrust in easily, burying himself into her till his torso was wedged between the massive cheeks of her butt- his arms wrapped around either of her glutes, hugging the muscular globes to brace himself as he thrust! Another digit. 5 of 6 digits of his trainer ID now corrupt, the only reason he looks this human still is because he was already human before the alterations happened, and it takes more energy to transmute the state of something than it does to maintain a state.

Eric's hairline started to advance in the back causing him to scrunch up his facial expression from the prickly feeling. His tail bone now started to extend and also grew the same white hairs on it! The brown tips of his hair disappeared and the forward swept twin spikes of hair on his head grew in length to the point where his hairdo could only exist in anime- or in this case- under the influence of a constant electrical charge. The shorter hairs of his extending mane are actually rigid and thin enough that you could prick yourself on them if you tried to touch them- they get at least a bit more bend to them when they lengthen.

As he started to thrust faster his ears now felt a gentle tugging and it was subtle enough that it did not even register with Eric. They became pointed but cinched off at the bottom as new muscles developed to allow them mobility- turning to the leaf shaped ears of an equine... though the flesh on his inner ear started to diverge, becoming an unnatural neon green. The hair on his growing tail quickly overtook it entirely, but then started to grow in a narrow strip up his lower back too! The hair on his tail grew into a bushy tassel on the end, but the electrical amperage flowing through his modified cells caused all of the hairs on his tassel to separate as far from each other as they could- making it look like a bristly ball!

The darker sections of his skin became even darker now. His eyelashes even converted color to white, and started to grow a bit longer and thicker! The Farigiraf he is riding also has luscious eyelashes too. Eric thrust even faster and harder, sending short-lived ripples through the massive butt cheeks from the force of his thrusting. His glans flared as his ballls lifted and he hit climax... but did not ejaculate. His cock started to throb powerfully and his urethra flexed but nothing actually came out. His pleasure hit orgasmic and then just froze there and kept going! Uh oh... Farigiraf's Ability is Armor Tail... making her a hundred percent immune to Priority Attacks. He can't cum till she does- her psychic powers are preventing it.

Sensing the desperation in his frantic thrusts; Farigiraf dipped her hips back and up, basically scooping him up on her big butt and then lifted him off the ground! She kept her front legs folded and lifted her back, so her rump was angled straight up- and Eric straight down, shoving him as deep into her as possible. Though hidden within her labia Eric could feel her throbbing clit grind into the underside of his shaft. The pleasure causes her vagina to contract and grip him when he pulls out and loosen when he pounds in, but there was a throbbing pressure in his shaft separate from all these standard feelings of sex- as if they were not already intense enough on their own. The feeling of flesh peeling away from flesh- stretching out from the medial ring and the sheath that used to be his foreskin- his penis enlarging even more! Farigiraf was not dainty and small like Sawsbuck, so there was no risk over overgrowing her pussy. His nails started to darken and become thicker on his hands and feet as well. The mane forming down his neck kept going and the line of fur growing up his lower back connected to it, creating a ridge of spiky white hair the entire length of his body! Now several feet long- his dick is no longer properly measured in inches. The corona stretched and became bumpy, yanking the glans extremely wide at the brim, and his urethral opening now projected from a small pocket that formed around its base in the glans! The skin color of his junk turned even darker- even darker than the other stripes of skin on his body are; turning a complete matte black! The sheath then turned black, then his balls, taint, and finally his anus as the muscles inside increased in size as his anus billowed out into a puffy equine shape.

Eric's mind started to white out from pleasure overload- he has been stuck at orgasmic levels of pleasure while his dick keeps trying to shoot for several minutes now, and the growth added even more pleasure on top of that! His neon blue eyes flashed a moment as he threw his head back and cried out a desperate groan, unintentionally releasing more electricity! The electrical charge forced all of Farigiraf's muscles to clench, tightening her pussy on his shaft and holding it like that, yanking all her pleasure receptors tight against the shaft inside. Her clit was locked in its tightest clench because of the flow of electricity! Her entire lower body tingled! Her fur started to stand on end making her pelt look shaggy even though it really isn't. Farigiraf hit her climax from the electrical surge putting her over, and because her powers were the only thing holding Eric back; he erupted finally at the exact same time!

She plopped her huge rump down so he could flop off. *Fun!*

"Uuugh, I can't keep doing this." He watched his immense dick slowly retract into the now fully formed ebon sheath.

*Give fifteen minutes, then can do again!*

"That... isn't what I meant."

The attendant showed up just as Eric managed to stuff himself back into his clothing, except for his tail which he somehow managed to still not notice he has. "You two are still out...?"

*Had fun!*

*She needed to remove a little tension.*

Eric was about to answer since he did not hear the telepathy, but the attendant nodded to the unheard answers already. "Ah. Just... making sure she is... limber."

And so Eric returned Farigiraf to her corral. The attendant was having a hard time figuring out the best job for him. She knew he was turning into a pokemon so obviously she was not freaking out, but he could not man the counter or the customers certainly will freak out. He also shouldn't handle flammable material because he might ignite it on accident. And so he was tasked with simply brushing or washing all the pokemon- from either side of the daycare... except the Flying types. Electric is super effective against Water too, but at least water diffuses and spreads the charge- it will just straight up cook a bird. Just 100p per pokemon groomed- but there is a lot of pokemon. From the second generation onward; the daycare has been an extremely busy location in every region. More people visit the daycare than the actual Pokemon League. 1000p more made before they stopped for lunch. For some reason the vending machine foods were not appealing at all to Eric today. The attendant of course already knew the reason is that it is human food, and Eric is... half human at best. She gave him some carrots to eat instead and he gladly chomped those down- she did not tell him that those were from the store of pokemon feed.

Another 1000p after lunch to the middle of the afternoon worth of groomed pokemon. He even found three eggs while entering their corrals to groom them, which are also worth 100p for recovering. That brings his debt to a measly 790! Half the afternoon to get to 1000p? Should be done permanently before the day is out and have a little pocket change, then he can quit, reclaim his Rapidash as his own, and turn fully human again.

While some of the pokemon were shy around new humans- they were not skittish around Eric, because he no longer smelled like a human to them. They did not know what was happening to him, so they just regarded him as an odd looking fellow pokemon. He only groomed two more before the attendant stopped him to help her get some equipment down from the loft for her- 50p and then 200p for the two more he groomed.

"Ah, thanks. I hate storing stuff in the loft because it is always so hard to get down, but there is only so much room down here."

*The mud mare grows impatient.*

"Ah, heeyy, uhm, this probably sounds weird, but can you go tend to the Mudsdale mare?"

"Okay, what does she need?"

The attendant's face turned progressively more red. "A rutting."

"W-what?! You want me to-??"

"It is perfectly fine for a human and a pokemon to have a little fun together!"

*Especially when she clearly needs it and there are no available alternatives.*

"Especially when she clearly needs it and there are no available alternatives."

Eric got nervous, had the attendant found out what he has been doing with the others?! "Uh, n-no, that would be-"


"Normal. I mean-! No, I meant to say I-"

*Feel horny.*

"h-horny...NO! Sorry, I didn't mean to say- ah...hah."

The attendant scrounged in her pocket to look at how much funds she has herself. "Look- do it and I will give you 500p. Because I don't have the correct 'equipment' to deal with her, herself. So it is a problem only you can fix."

That would bring his tab down to only 40p.

"I don't know though, I..."


"Think I will... about it. THINK ABOUT IT! I mean."

*So needy. She is waiting*


He turned at the sound of her massive broad hoof scraping the inside of the corral door. Eric went over and groaned- looking down at his pants tenting WAY out in front of himself. His sheath trying to spill its contents but there isn't nearly enough room in his pants in spite of how flexible they are. The attendant is okay with it, so maybe it is fine? He would almost be free of his debt after too. He only opened the latch on the door- the mare opened the door itself and knocked him to the floor with the force of it opening. Mudsdale are not particularly enormous- at least by horse standards- but they do however weigh enough to turn an entire car into a metal pancake. She didn't actually even need to wait for him to open the door- she could rip it off the hinges with one hoof easily.

She brought her large face down to his, blowing his hair around with hot gusts of her breath... mmm, even her breath smells earthen. Even her lips and nose are adorned with a dried layer of red clay- they are like half horse and half living pottery. The clay dries to them and then cooks in the sunlight as they ride through the fields, causing it to bake onto their bodies and become armor-like. Her mane held high in a giant Mohawk- able to stand erect simply because half of it is also infused with clay. The sides were it is too heavy and angled for even the clay to hold up- the wavy black mane instead flops over and forms into massive dreadlocks. From below her; Eric can see a rather plump udder between her legs with short but wide nipples- black as night and trailing fat veins onto her crotch and inner thighs.

She bowed her head and bit his pants, pulling them down with her teeth- his dick flicking out and smacking her in the forehead, startling her for a second. She let out a nicker that almost sounded like she was chuckling. The cock of an actual Mudsdale is going to be thicker than Eric's, even in its transformed state, but his isn't THAT far off. And the mud stallion is her brother- so that isn't going to happen anyway.

Eric's dick wobbled straight up in the air from his laying position and she walked up over him, bending his dick on her muscular chest, then down her tight belly. She stopped with her crotch directly over Eric's head, and her udders wobbled aggressively from her stopping suddenly. His cock flicked out from behind her, swatting her clit through its hood as it passed and making her neigh. She backed up, pressing the head of his cock into her massive pussy- glossy black on the outside and neon pink on the inside. The mare backed up a bit and then sat down fully- immediately swallowing his dick into her and plopping her rump in his lap with enough force to create a cloud of dust up off the floor around them. Her clit is so massive that when it throbs it feels like it is trying to shove his dick harder into the opposite side of her vulva! When it throbs, it erupts out of her pussy entirely, parting the thick, soft, rubbery curtains of her labia to show itself. When fully engorged her clitoris is the size of a tennis ball! It is a grey-pink in color, making it a halfway point between the inner and outer vulva.

Because she sits down facing him, her fat titties plop into his lap and clap against his crotch when they land! He has a perfect view of her veiny crotch where the black of her udder and genitals softly fades to the base brown of her fur. Eric could not do anything- she weighs 2028.2 pounds; when she sits on you, you aren't getting up. The only reason his pelvis hasn't shattered into a million pieces is because she obviously isn't resting her full weight on him, or he would be dead. Mudsdale clearly wants to be in charge of this fuck- and no one is going to argue.

Her pussy gripped him so tightly that when she lifted her hips- she also lifted HIS. Her vaginal muscles lifted his hips by his cock, then he slowly slid back out to rest on the floor, and then she rocked back to swat his groin with her udder again. Eric groaned- not only was the tension from the building pleasure increasing but also a feeling of internal pressure. His body slowly started to enlarge! The last digit of his trainer ID started to flicker- not sure if it should change or stay. His hair grew longer but only in the front, collecting into the two points, but the electrical current distorted the growth causing a kink to show up in the hair halfway up... making the two points shaped like lightning bolts. His white hair started to flicker a pale electric blue as his elemental powers started to grow, but he still had no idea how to control them, causing arks of electricity to jump all over his body and fire at random objects around them. Mudsdale of course did not notice this effect at all. She is Ground type... she is a hundred percent immune to electricity of any kind.

Eric's joints started to feel stiff and out of place. His fingers and toes started to swell larger, pressing together without meaning to. His nails are like grey blocks glued to the ends of his digits. A shadow of fine fur started to spread from his crotch, upper back, chest, and forearms out to the rest of his body slowly as the mare rode him. Where his skin was its original color still- the fur grows white and flickers blue with electricity. Wherever his skin has turned darker, the fur grows an extremely dark purple. Ah, not just a Zebstrika- a shiny Zebstrika. That fur should be black, but not on a shiny.

As if being molded by the weight of the massive equine ass coming down on him; Eric's hips popped loudly and expanded, then his glutes swelled up massive and surged their growth into his legs, ballooning his thighs with equine muscle! The sklera of his eyes turn a pale yellow instead of white. The digits of his hands and feet grow even thicker, fusing together! His oversized nails unite, fusing and expanding still a bit more to become a grey U-shaped equine hoof. He flexed them several times without bothering to actually look at what their fate had become- it felt like he should still be able to move his fingers, but in reality he only had a single digit per limb now, they had all become one.

His pants were already barely keeping up- once his hips expanded the body of his pants tore straight in half. Once his thighs swelled and firmed, his pant legs shredded. The moment he tried to stand up- the remains of his pants will just fall away entirely. His shoes are just draped on the ends of his hooves; they too will just fall away, they don't fit well enough to hold on anymore.

Eric's enormous dong suddenly yanked further forward, grinding into the underside of the Mudsdale's clit, making her nicker and roll her hips, slowing the thrusts for a moment. His sheath became properly fused to his underside. His hips reshaping also caused his leg joints to re-set, all popping in rapid fire and locking him into a four legged stance. This also caused his torso to broaden, hiding his abs and pulling his midriff flat to his chest- this also made him moan from the feeling of his taint being stretched longer because it increased the distance between his anus and genitals. His ribs popped in rapid fire, sounding like a bag of popcorn being cooked as his rib cage expanded but also changed proportions- projecting forward more, making it as wide as it is deep. His shoulders let out a loud crunch as they expanded and shifted down around the sides of his ribs more, and the joint of his arms to their very ends. His arms expanded to match his legs perfectly in length.

His shirt started to tear as his ribs expanded, but the shoulders shifting yanked the rip straight through and shred the body of the shirt in half. Once his arms expanded it burst the sleeves, and the shirt now just lay limp on the floor under him, no more than rags at this point. His body too devolved to hide behind human clothing now- everyone can see him for what he is. His naughty bits just flopping around in the open from now on, so no trying to hide unintentional erections.

His heavy breathing turned to soft snorts. His lips turned glossy black and also bled the coloration to his nose which became cool and wet to the touch. His upper jaw extended forward, dragging his nose out with it- angling the bottom of his nose forward and putting it level with his upper lip! He tried to say something out of surprised confusion of his face changing, but only an odd high-pitched electronic cry came out, like his electricity had gotten caught in his throat when he tried to speak. It sounded like the cry of a Zebstrika. His face started to deform and push out with the muffled sounds of clicking bone. The veins in Eric's neck became massive and then his muscles engorged, feeding off the increased bloodflow! His neck doubled in width almost instantly, becoming wider than his actual head, but then there was not enough room for all that muscle- and the pressure it put on his spine caused his neck to start cracking and popping as the spine lengthened!

Eric knew something weird was happening to him, and alarmingly quickly. He could not concentrate on it though. All he could think of was how good the silky soft, moist walls of this mare's pussy felt hugging his enormous dick. And the jiggle of that plump udder landing down on him. The further his face pushed out from the rest of his skull, the higher the bridge of his nose became angled- dragging his forehead up with it. His eyes were forced to the sides of his head to make room. His teeth became larger but also blockier, losing their sharpness.

His balls lifted and his equine cock flared its glans massively, dragging against the inner walls of the mare's pussy! She shuddered and stumbled a bit, having to catch herself with her front hooves hard as her clit yanked out and stuck like that. Eric climaxed at the same time she did- he painted her insides with the hot sticky love and she soaked his balls with a deluge of pussy juice.

The attendant had caught the entire thing out of the corner of her eye but still did her best to continue working like nothing was happening. She glanced at the open tab on her PC- yup. All six digits of his trainer ID are changed now.

*You can close the tab now, dear.*

"Y-yes ma'am." The attendant closed it as instructed so the ID could not be edited anymore on accident.

She wandered up to Eric later that day, furrowing her brow a bit as he was trying to pick up a tool with his mouth to work still in this form. "Uhm... yea, I don't think you can use those without hands. Anyway... you seem to be having a bit of a wardrobe malfunction soooo-" She motioned to Rapidash's corral. "You should just sleep with her tonight, you can finish off your payment tomorrow. You have the entire day to earn only 40p after all."

Day 5 - current debt: 40p

Eric doesn't have hands anymore, so he could not close the corral after he put himself into it, so the door was open for him to leave whenever he wanted. He woke up when the sun came up with Rapidash being the big spoon again last night, even though their size is roughly the same now. He went to start his morning the same as the others- any of those tasks would be enough at this point so it really did not matter what he did. But how does he give them treats if he has no hands to open the container himself. The container is made to not be openable by pokemon so one of them doesn't just steal all of them, but now Eric is a pokemon himself. He can't open Farigiraf's corral, and even if he could he can't ride her. Well... not in the way where he would get paid for it.

He tried to pick up tools in his mouth but he could not use them properly like that, so being able to move them around did not really help. He can't groom them because he cannot use the brush or soap them up, and even if he did his electric aura would cause their fur to stand on end and muss them up after anyway. Can't use the PC and could not man the counter because he cannot speak human!

The attendant arrived to see Eric already flustered and running around trying to figure out what he is supposed to do. Everything he tries to do he screws up because his body doesn't work like that anymore.

"Aww, settle down big guy. Not that big of an issue. Rapidash is real needy still. She is your pokemon, you have no gripes with being with her, right? If you mount her, you will be taking care of her needs- 100p. You only need 40, so I would end up paying YOU 60p."

Oh, well that isn't a problem then. As if knowing the conversation they had- Rapidash was already waiting in her corral with the door nudged open, waving her tush at him to welcome him home. Her pale pink tits jiggling back and forth with her hip movement. He dashed up to her, his erection already bobbing out in the open from her invitation. She flicked her tail to the side and let him mount. Not as tight as Sawsbuck, not as loose as Mudsdale- her pussy was the perfect fit. Every time he thrust in she felt a tingle of electricity sending sparks of pleasure out from her clit as his shaft slid past! Her fetlocks naturally float, but now her enormous tail and mane start to slowly lift and become weightless from his electrical charge! Like an absolutely gigantic cloud of cotton candy, her beautiful pastel hair drifts weightless in the air around her.

He gripped her around her midriff while his chest rest on her back. It was so strange to see a unicorn creature below him, at basically the same size he is. He did not FEEL bigger, so it was like the rest of the world shrank a bit. The ends of her weightless mane tickled his long face, and her tail float around his left side. When Eric came his balls wedged themselves to his pelvis and his dick flared so broad that it completely plugged her vagina! When the deluge of cum exploded from him it was already at the end of her pussy- it hit her cervix and bounced back but could not get past the flared glans of his dick- causing the walls of her pussy to balloon outward, inflating like a water balloon because the fluid had nowhere to go! Stretching her with his cum set her off and her climax caused the walls of her pussy to ripple and tremble, which was enough movement to allow some of the cum to escape around his shaft!

He fell asleep with her again for a short while, napping in the afterglow, using her billowing hair as a pillow. He tried to leave with Rapidash but the door would not open for him. Hmm, the attendant is probably too busy right now to have confirmed that is debt is paid, so, he will just run around and have fun with Rapidash for now then, no rush.

Day 6 - current debt: 40p

Eric was waiting at the PC at the front of the daycare, trying to use it himself to see why he cannot withdraw Rapidash still when the attendant returned to open up the place for another day.

"Oh, hey, what is up?" He nodded to the PC. "Oh, wondering what your debt is at? It is just 40p, barely anything." He tilted his head in an exaggerated look of confusion. "Oh- well you took care of Rapidash yesterday, so that net you 100p... and then the cost of having Rapidash in the daycare for another day is -100p, so your total still comes to 40p."

He head butt the counter in frustration, then trot off to once again see if there was some sort of task he could do, but of course his beautiful Rapidash reminded him of one task he can do at least. This time she rolled onto her back so he could fuck her that way- with her udders pressed between their bodies as he thrust away.

Between the mental fog of being a pokemon rather than a human and the fact he also has a Naughty nature- it took him several hours of just laying around and cuddling with Rapidash for him to even remember his mission. Remembering did not really help him though- he still could not do anything else. He can have sex with her to take care of her needs, but having sex multiple times in one day doesn't keep giving it out. It pays the same amount it costs for her to be here, so at this rate the debt will neither go up nor down! What can he do to get her out of here? He does not want to abandon her again.

Day 12 - current debt: ...40p-ish?

Eric woke with Rapidash at dawn like usual, but remained lying together cuddling for hours before even bothering to get up. She would use her psychic powers to play games with him too- projecting a single image into his mind from one of their memories and he would try to recall what the memory is; she can read his thoughts to see if he guessed correctly.

Before noon this day though- something odd happened. Rapidash snort and then scrunched her face up a bit, kneeling to the ground rather suddenly after they got back into the daycare from a ride around the fields. Her gut bulged a moment and her pussy suddenly flushed a deeper pink and slowly parted entirely on its own! Her pubic mound bulged out as the large object in her moved down, and then almost as suddenly as it started to peek out- a large egg popped out of her entirely, spinning on the floor from the force of it popping out, covered in natural lube.

Eric's eyes went wide as he suddenly remembered he was trying to do something before. What... was it? Something on the PC at the front? Oh right, a debt! He was trying to take Rapidash out! She belonged to him. Wait... why would she belong to him? Only trainers.... oh, right. RIGHT! He IS a trainer! Or... was. Or will be again! He used his nose to roll the egg along the ground and rolled it right to the front desk. The attendant turned to see him with the egg, looking rather pleased with himself.

"Oh! Congratulations? Both Zebstrika and Rapidash are Field Egg Type, so you are compatible mates." He motioned with his nose to the PC. "OH, I get it. The payment for recovering a pokemon egg is 100p! You also took care of Rapidash's needs today too- so that is another 100p! You earned 200 pokedollars! Now THAT is an achievement. You are the only pokemon in here to ever earn their own money."

He was very pleased with himself, and trot back to Rapidash to have a little celebratory sex! He was so proud and excited that he forgot to ask what his debt balance was- which was the whole point he brought the egg to her in the first place.

Day 190 - current debt: ????

The attendant opened up the daycare again, seeing Eric at the front counter pawing at the PC with a hoof. It seems he had another flashback- briefly remembering his mission.

"Hmm? Wondering what your debt is?"

He hesitated a moment, not fully remembering what that word meant, but then nodded. Yea, that sounded right.

"Okay, let's see... your current debt isssss.... 640p."

He tilted his head, that sounded far too high.

"Well you started to have sex with Rapidash regularly- so each day you do that you get 100p. Then each day you go 100p further in debt because she is still in the daycare."

He lowered his ears, that was bad.

"BUT, then she started to produce eggs! And she has been birthing an egg a day consistently which nets you another 100p every day, so you are making 200p a day, total."

He furrowed his brows; that still did not add up.

"Oh, but you are a pokemon. In the daycare."

He banged his head against the counter in frustration again, realizing what that meant.

"So you pay 100p for each pokemon you have in the daycare... which is currently 2. So your debt went UP 100p a day till she first started to produce the eggs." She pat his head. "Hey, don't worry, she is still making eggs and you guys are still having fun together, right?"

He nodded, a little unsure where she was going with this.

"That means you keep making 200p a day! Your debt will never increase!"

After a moments delay for the synapses in his brain to fire his ears perked up and he nodded confidently again. His hide shimmered with electrical current as he puffed up his chest a bit and happily trot back to his corral.

Rapidash trot up to the attendant from the opposite side, having been in the shadows overhearing everything. *Well, you did not lie. His debt will never go up at that rate. It will also never go down. He is making the exact same amount of money he is losing.*

"Has... he been getting... dumber?"

*No. I have been sharing some of my own memories with him and deliberately distracting him whenever he remembers why he is here- slowly edging those thoughts out of him entirely. He obviously is not up to par with a human, or me, but I wouldn't say he is stupid, either.*

The attendant sighed. "Well, then this is wrapped up then finally. It has been longer and longer between him asking about his debt. I don't think he will bring it up again if you keep phasing those memories out. After 365 days, the OT on the pokemon get scrubbed and the pokemon is officially considered abandoned and up for adoption. Just like I adopted you."

*And now you will adopt him, and we can ride free of this place together... but as I wished it. Thank you for your help in this.*

The attendant shrugged, still not entirely sure how she felt about the whole thing. "Eh. It is my job to look after and help pokemon, right? Just helping out."

And so Eric and Rapidash would ride into the sunset together, both as pokemon before the year was out- both set free by a technicality. So you know who to blame when the Ponyta population suddenly explodes.

What Didn't I Tell You?

(F tf Pig/Dog, FtM Donkey/Rabbit, ???, reality alteration) Once many years back, a little girl named Sparrow found a dark spirit in the woods while lost on a tour with her family. To console the little one till their parents found them...

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One Wolf Threesome

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Dragon Balls

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