Journies of Martha, Passionate Pokémon

Story by QimmiQ on SoFurry

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#4 of The Journies of Martha

I appoligize for the long interval. I have free time to write now, so please enjoy the update.

Merry Christmas one and all! :)

"You alright?" Martha called out. "Yeah, not to fond Ariados in general, bad accident when I was a kid" Jonathon replied.

"If you say so. Continue?" "Bring it on tea girl." Jonathon said which brought Martha's blood to a boil. "

"Staravia use Ariel Ace!" "Staravia!" The bird pokémon called. Staravia's wings and beak started to glow snow-white. Steadily the bird's speed increased. "Any second, I have to get this right." Martha thought.

"Now Aria! Use String Shot!" Martha's plan got mixed results. Staravia's eyes and face were covered by sticky silk. However, Aria had been thrown far back from the intensity of the blow. "Aria, are you alright!" Martha called. Aria had been KO'd. "Thank you. You can rest up now Aria."

"You're good, I'll tell you that." Martha praised Jonathon. "Thanks; but it's more to type effectiveness." Jonathon replied. "Yena, you're back out!" Martha sent Yena back to the battle field.

Staravia was distracted and couldn't see. "Yena use Bite!" jaws gripped on Staravia's legs, nothing would open them. Staravia thrashed about, kicking up snow in the process. Yena would not let go. Staravia's thrashing disoriented Yena enough to let the Starling Pokémon free. "Are you alright Staravia?" "Staravia!" the pair called out.

"Let's take em' out!" Jonathon called. "Yena use Bite!" Martha commanded. Yena closed off the distance. "Staravia use Fly!" just as Yena's jaws were about to bite into Staravia, Staravia suddenly sky rocketed.

"Well that's not fair!" Martha grinned. "We are going to win. Let's do it Staravia!" Staravia plunged to Yena. "Look out Yena!" Yena jerked to the left. Staravia motored by, and u-turned "Staravia use Ariel Ace!" "Come on you can do it!" Martha encouraged. Yena jerked to the left and narrowly dodged the attack. "Yena use Dark Pulse!" a dark wave emanated off of Yena; the attack rolled off of Staravia.

Staravia staggered and crashed to the ground, KO'd. "Not bad. You can rest up now Staravia. It's time for you Noctowl!" Jonathon threw a pokeball, and an owl like pokémon came out.

The first thing Martha saw was intimidating red eyes; something deep inside of Martha shivered. Noctowl intimidated Martha. Noctowl's piercing gaze froze Martha.

"Something wrong Martha? It seems like you're a bit tense there." Jonathon said. "I-I had an incident with a Noctowl... Back when I was younger, I-"she broke off and shuddered.

Martha had been running home when suddenly out of nowhere a Noctowl swooped down. She saw its face and stopped. Her momentum caused her to stumble into a bush; she fell in an awkward position and sprained her ankle. It was some time before someone found her, by which time dusk had fallen. Martha's frightened imagination had run wild. Everywhere she looked she say Ghost type pokémon or the Noctowl that scared her.

"Well, let's continue. Jonathon you are going down." Martha's eyes burned with determination. "I'd like to see you try. Noctowl KO Yena."

Noctowl swooped down, aiming for Yena. Yena leapt towards Noctowl; however before Yena could land a hit, the Bite Pokémon was hit square on by one of Noctowl's wings, Yena fell and hit the ground with a soft thump. Yena tried to stand up, but slumped.

"I lost..." Martha picked up Yena. After a quick survey, she was immensely relieved to find him fine only knocked out.

"Well, let's go to the pokecenter." Was the only thing Martha said. "Yeah; that was a great practice battle." Jonathon was psyched.

Martha knew she was just starting off and she should expect losses, but still... "Hey, are you alright?" Jonathon asked. "I'm fine. I know I'm just starting off, but..." Martha trailed off. "Ahh, you win some, you lose some. I lost quite a few matches, but I got better." "I see what you mean." Martha suddenly brightened. "Well let's go."

Nurse Joy healed their pokémon. After thanking her; they both left. "So, where are we sleeping tonight?" "Let's set up a camp." "Sure; let's get to work." Combined the amount of time to set up was next to nothing. It took them a while to get the fire started.

"I'll make dinner tonight." Jonathon said. "I'll clean up then." It took about half an hour for Jonathon to make dinner; fifteen or so minutes for the trainers and the remaining time to make the pokémon's dinners.

The taste buds were holding a parade, party, celebration and a festival whenever Jonathon's food touched Martha's taste buds. "Yum." Was the only thing he could get out of Martha's mouth.

That night, Martha's dreams were invaded by a bowtie wearing starfish, and a fez wearing sea cumber fighting over bread.

When she woke up, she was greeted by Yena and Aria. "Morning; how was your sleep?" she said blearily. They both responded happily.

She put on her socks and shoes and stepped out to greet the morning sun. She stretched and watched her breath cloud out in front of her. A few minutes later Jonathon stepped out fully dressed. "Aren't you cold?" "No, why would I? I grew up here." She explained. "Whoa, that's hardcore." Jonathon said in awe. Martha looked self-conscious.

Breakfast consisted of eggs, pancakes and bacon. Martha was once again blown away by Jonathon's cooking. Jonathon urged her to battle; she denied. She needed tea first.

She decided to go all out. She brought out her teapot, two delicate mugs and her tea caddie. "What kind of tea would you like?" "No thanks I'm-"Jonathon was silenced by Martha's look. "U-umm... Regular tea please." He quickly replied.

They packed up and headed out. "Where should we go?" Martha asked. "Umm, south?" Jonathon said. "Sure."

The travelling was hindered by the wind whistling and snow cascading down, as if nature was compelling them to go back. "It's no use, we have to turn back!" Jonathon eventually shouted over the wind.

The problem was that they didn't know where 'back' was. They were lost in the blizzard. "It's no use! We have to set up camp!" Martha screamed over the blizzard. "Where do we go?!" Jonathon yelled. "Somewhere where the wind isn't as strong!" They spent a good five or ten minutes looking, finally they found a cluster of trees, that provided adequate protection.

They set camp us as quickly as possible. "Phew, just in time!" "Agreed; looks like the weather is worsening. We might have to go back out and make fortifications. Jonathon, we are going to have to merge our tents, another layer to keep out the cold. Would you mind that?" Martha asked. "Uh, sure. Let's do it."

They set outside again. They unpegged Martha's tent and zipped it with Jonathon's and tied it down with snow and rocks. It looked shabby, but it was really warm on the inside. "Ah, now for a snack; hey Jonathon want bread?" "Sure, I'm starved."

They worked together for the meal. Martha got a flame going, and heated up food, and Jonathon got places set and added sauces to the otherwise plain food. The end result looked delicious. "Yena, Aria out you come." "Good idea. Out you guys come." Jonathon let out his pokémon.

Out came Staravia, Monferno and Noctowl. The tent was packed. Thankfully there was enough space to lie comfortably.

Jonathon cleaned up the dishes when they were all finished and Martha made all the beds. They called it a night.

They fell asleep listening to the wind howl.

Journies of Martha, Tea Time!

Well, I finally got off my ass and wrote this. I'm starting off where I left off (and a paragraph or two before, so it might easier for you folks) Thank you to anyone who reads this :) "My Name is Martha; I challenge you to a pokémon ...

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The Journies of Martha, Contest with Candice

I had a lot of stuff to do lately, so I didn't have much time to write. As ever, please comment, give advice and enjoy. More to come soon. I decided to make this one extremely short. I'll be posting Part 3 soon ;) Hopefully this edit will make it...

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Kingdom of Light & Dark

One of the older things I written. I know its incomplete, and it pains me that it is. But I will finish it someday. Enjoy Kingdom of Light & Dark In a small kingdom in the middle of the forest there was much commotion; it was almost dusk. ...

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