The Fall of the Shrine and the Maiden 2

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#2 of The Fall of the Shrine and the Maiden

Miyu is broken after a year of her treatment, and so are the people and the lands that she was connected to. See the results.

Commissioned by Damiekinz

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The Fall of the Shrine and the Maiden

Part 2

For DamieKinz

By Draconicon

A year later, Miyu's shrine was all but unrecognizable. The people and the geography alike changed, and those that had once visited the shrine for a sense of purity, calm, and balance no longer found anything of the like. It had been slow at first, but now, the villages were nothing but brothels, the forests a nightmare of lust incarnate, and even some of the creatures of the forest that had once been food had risen on their hind legs and joined the bandits in their spoils.

The villages, once gentle constructions of wood and piled stone, had become rundown. The houses, once topped with pennants of banners declaring welcome and wonder and safety, now had cheap red cloth draped over doorways and windows, offering invitations of a completely different sort. The bandits didn't need them, but they loved to show the inhabitants of the land off to their 'guests,' ensuring that anyone passing through knew that the kitsunes' free love was there for them, as well.



Everyone that had more than one tail had been broken by the corruption of the land. Four out of every five females had covered their pussy as Miyu had, sealing off their natural breeding hole in favor of the taboo one under their tails. They offered themselves up with ease and pleasure, and it was a rare day to not see anywhere from ten to thirty females with their tails up and swaying, their puckers clenching, and their fat cheeks spread for any males that happened to be passing through. The hunger to be used had infected the entire village, and there was no escaping it.

Even the males were not exempt. Over the course of the year, their hips had thickened and their rumps fattened, eclipsing all other 'male' characteristics below the waist and leaving them more and more appealing to the bandits and other travelers. Their gentle authority was soon driven away, and their lusts were all that ruled them.

They were whores, and little more, and the bandits were the ones that pocketed the profits.

The bandits had changed the land around the shrine, but it was Miyu's corruption that had changed the shrine and the air and land about it. Her connection, warped by months of rutting and fucking, had forced the land to change as she had. The air itself was filled with an aura of need, and even the chaste monks that traveled through the shrine's lands were touched with need. More than one fell to their knees as they passed through to the other side, begging for forgiveness for what they had done to the kitsunes and their rumps as they traveled through the shrine land, while others, weaker-willed, stayed behind and swelled the bandits' ranks.

The pride of the kitsunes shifted over the course of the year, no longer focused on the balance of the land and more than ever on the pleasures of the body and the beauty of themselves, caring only whether they could attract more cock than their fellows. The number of tails that the kitsunes had no longer was the source of pride, but rather, how loose they were, how much they had been broken in, and the hash-marks on hips, sole, and face at the end of the day. Those that had been fucked the most were the ones that carried themselves with the greatest pride to their beds.

Or, in some cases, were carried back to the beds of the bandits, for even at night, their pleasures were not always sated. The chosen bedmates of the bandit warriors were the ones given the most prestige among the corrupted foxes, beyond even the shrine maiden.

For she -



Miyu gasped as she was filled to the brim in one fast thrust, her asshole spread wide once more and her hips already moving. Her vision of her fallen lands was broken, but not before she had the odd experience of seeing herself from the outside once more.

The vision faded quickly, but she saw what she had become. On all fours, her arms stretched out towards the shrine building by chains around her wrists, her tails spread and leashed to her neck to always keep them out of the way: that was how the bandits kept her. She saw her wide, fat ass, and the symbols tattooed through her fur on her cheeks.

Butt. Slut.

That was how they saw her, and she shivered as she saw the red kanji symbols burned into her mind as much as into her flesh. Just seeing that, remembering what all the others saw, sent shivers down her spine and made her pussy wetter beneath the purity seal.


"Heh, just as loose and easy as ever, eh?"

Smack! The spank that followed made her tighten up, but only slightly. The panda behind her was already fucking her with abandon, his hips slapping against her ass and her cheeks clapping around his cock. In, out, in, out; there was no shame, no holding back, no restraint or mercy.

After all, she never asked for any. She never wanted it.

She was moaning in less than a minute, her head falling and her tongue hanging out over her bound hands. It was good, it was always good. The feeling of being full was so much better than the feeling of just being there, empty, no more than a lustful decoration. If she was empty, if she was unused, she had to watch the rest of the village, feel their pleasure from a distance, and wish that it was her being used.

Miyu knew, on some level, that she had been broken. She knew that this was not what she had once been. And yet, for all that, the nine-tailed kitsune could not say that she would go back.

"Yeah, take it, you holy bitch."

In, out, in, out. It was a holy cadence all its own as the panda fucked her, his belly bouncing against the base of her tails, his crotch warm and soft as he rammed in and out, in and out. She would have reached back and spread her cheeks further for him, but with her hands pulled forward, that simply wasn't possible.

So, she let him take her, let him use her. The slight pain as he grabbed the base of her tails for leverage only added to her humiliation, and too, to her arousal. Her thighs pulled together, tightening her up, and the bear growled deep in his throat as he fucked her harder, faster, his balls slapping against her covered pussy.

"Heh, still can't help yourself, can you? Boss broke you in, and now, all you can think about is cock in your fucking ass, isn't it?"


"Go on, admit it, Butt-Slut. All you want is cock in your ass."

"I...I just want...cock - Nnngh!"

The panda pulled out of her, and she could feel the emptiness. Her hole spread wide, trying to tighten up again, but even with the constant push of the purity spell just below, her asshole always took hours to recover and look virginal again after a day of rutting. The year had not been kind to her pucker, and yet...

Yet, she still loved it. She pushed it out a bit, flexing, squeezing on nothing in her hungry desperation, her breath coming hard and fast as she lowered her head further and further to the ground. Her ass raised higher in the air, and she whimpered as she felt the gape, the flex, the constant push of her rim. It pushed out, sucked in, pushed out, sucked in, begging for cock, begging for something inside of her.

Another spank forced her to clench tight, and the panda traced a circle around her asshole with his finger. It was so good, so close to being inside of her, and Miyu could barely breathe as her hunger for it consumed her. She rolled her hips back, trying to get that finger inside, but the bandits knew what she needed. They knew that they could make her beg, and this one was no exception. He laughed as he kept her from getting what she wanted, holding his hand back.

"Say it."

"Fuck me, please! Please, fuck my ass. I need it. I need cock in my ass. I need my butt fucked all the time, please, please!"

Once, it would have been utterly degrading to say something like that. It still was, but it was eclipsed by arousal. Arousal that someone else could get her to do that, and arousal that she could be pushed to that point.

"That's what I thought. Fucking slut."

His cock slid between her cheeks again, and that was all that mattered to Miyu. She was going to get what she needed, what she craved, and -


The kitsune moaned, and the pleasure spread through her connection to the shrine and the rest of the village. She knew that somewhere, someone had just cum from how good it felt to her to be fucked up the ass. Someone, some lucky female or some lucky male bitch, had just cum hard from a phantom cock rutting their hole the way that the panda was back to rutting hers.

As they should. As we all should.

Her eyes rolled back as the rut continued, dragging her further and further down to that place where thought was no longer possible, where thinking was nothing but pain and the pleasure of being rutted was all that mattered. In, out, in, out, until she had completely memorized his cock again. Each bandit had a different shape, and this one - yes, he had been here three days ago, three days ago when he had fucked her throat and then spilled his seed in her hair. He'd even been there six weeks back, when they had dyed her tails so they looked like long streaks of cum had been left in them.

But she didn't know his name.

Miyu clenched down hard as she came from that thought and that thought alone, her juices spilling over her purity seal and drenching it once more. Where the juices went as the magical seal absorbed it, she didn't know, but she was all but sure that every orgasm of hers corrupted the land still further.

She almost wished that they would find a way to make it worse. It know that there was no way back. That she could never pay the price for her failure, because she could never be rescued.

The panda kept thrusting away, filling her again and again with that fat dick. She could feel the way that it 'ruined' her hole more and more with every thrust, opening her up, breaking her in, molding her further and further to the role of an anal toy that was not good for anything but fucking. Every kitsune female that wasn't a breeder was addicted to this, and even the breeders were known to ask for more anal as soon as they were pregnant again. The heat that had infected every kitsune asshole had no cure; they needed to be rutted, always and forever.

The shame, the broken nature of each and every one of them, was so great that it had turned to its own curse. A curse of perpetual arousal.

She rolled her hips back, fucking herself on his cock as much as he fucked her, and she could feel that he was getting close. Each thrust was a little more erratic than the one before, and she knew that it wouldn't be long before he was blowing his load inside. One more, she knew, one more of a hundred or more that she'd take this week.




The panda gripped her tails tight, and she yelped as she was pinned in place. The familiar flood followed, spurting deep inside of her and running through her insides. The squirting heat nearly pushed her over the edge a second time, and Miyu whimpered, clenching her hands against the ground, wishing that she could move or grind even slightly to push herself the rest of the way over, but no. It was impossible. Now that her tails had become another handle for them to use, there was no way to move unless the panda gave her permission.

Squirt, squirt, squirt went the big bear's cock, his shaft throbbing hard inside of her, his belly grinding against the base of her tails. He was thick, stocky, powerful, but in the past...

She shook her head. Even uncorrupted, she had never been a fighter. Perhaps one of the hunters could have handled him, but not her. Not then, not now, not ever.

The squelching sound of him pulling out sent shivers of need down her spine, reminding her that she'd need to be fucked again at least five more times to be able to sleep without dreams of rutting sex all night. She rolled her head around her shoulders, looking back at the panda. He smirked as he wiped his cock off on the base of her tails, more cum-stains left behind but nothing else.

He pulled his pants back up and gave her a 'salute' of a final spank before turning around and leaving her alone. She groaned, feeling the plug that had been left between her feet, and she slowly curled her legs up, up, up.

Plug it up...keep it wet...plug it up for the bandit...

She strained her muscles, pulling the smooth wooden plug up to her rump. The point bumped one cheek, then the other, before she finally managed to get it between her fat cheeks. The feeling of the wooden plug was all too familiar; the bandits liked to make sure that she was nice and sloppy back there when they came around, though there were a few that made her get up and squat before pushing it all out. She was never sure if it was because some of them were more fastidious than the others, or that they just liked watching her humiliate herself by forcing it all out for them.

Either way, the plug was required. Usually, they put it in themselves, but some - like that panda - felt it was funny to leave her to do it on her own. It was harder, but it was doable.

She grunted as she pushed her legs up, barely managing to keep the plug's tip right against her hole as she pushed back against it and pushed her feet towards her rump. The first little spread wasn't so bad, but the further down the plug she went, the more she was reminded of its sheer size. The bottom was slightly wider than Kyoshiro's cock, and the Eastern Dragon's shaft was bigger than any of his followers. She remembered that all too well from the times that he had bothered to fuck her after he had taken the shrine for his own, and she bit her lips as she felt her asshole pucker and squeeze around the plug in want and need.

Forcing herself through it, she pushed down, hard. Her toes and soles pressed against her ass, and the plug popped in with another loud, wet squelch.

It was enough to make her cum again.

Miyu almost collapsed flat on her belly, her tits pressing firmly against the dirt for a moment as she wheezed and shivered. Each time she tried to catch her breath, her asshole instinctively squeezed down on the plug, and she was nearly pushed over the edge again. Her toes curled against her cheeks, and the humiliation of other markings was brought to mind.

She could feel them. She was so sensitive these days that she could even feel the tattoos that had been left on her soles.

Public Whore.

Foot Toy.

Mark Here.

Each one was smaller than the pair of marks on her rump, but they were used to humiliate her, to make her feel what she had become with every step of the rare walks that she was allowed to take around the shrine. Each step had slammed those words deeper and deeper into her mind, almost as if she was walking on her own former self, trampling it into the ground with what she had become.

She wished that there was enough dignity left to cry.

She was glad that there was not.

The chains around her wrists tightened, and she looked up. The snaking line of metal that ran from the inside of the shrine to her resting place had pulled tight, the slack disappearing. Another tug dragged her arms forward - and herself by extension - a full foot. The next would drag her to the ground if she didn't start moving; she knew that from bitter experience.

Miyu started crawling, huffing and panting, soon forgetting the slight shame of the moment as the pleasure of the plug rolling around in her ass was brought to the forefront of her mind. Each time that she dragged one leg or arm forward to crawl along, the plug shifted positions inside of her. The sheer width of the base and the sloshing feeling of all the cum inside of her was just enough pleasure to make her stop thinking, to just enjoy what had happened to her.




None of it mattered save to make her feel hotter and sexier about herself, and that was happening all too well at that moment. She had her mouth open wide, almost drooling as she crawled up the steps to the shrine. The wooden door, long since thrown off its hinges by Kyoshiro and his men, was nothing more than a ramp for her these days. She crawled over it and into the main shrine.

What had once been a dedication to the land and the spirits within it had become a throne for the black and white eastern dragon. His long, slender, muscular body had taken it and molded it for himself. He leaned back, reclining on a wooden form that had once been a wave, and on his lap was one of the kitsunes from the villages.

A four-tailed male, the young man was completely broken, his eyes glazed over, his hips constantly moving as he rolled his ass down on a cock that had clearly shattered his mind. He didn't seem to even notice that Miyu had come in, despite looking right at her. All he seemed to feel, all he seemed aware of, was the cock inside of him, a fat piece of flesh that was still spreading his ass further and further.

"Ah, my butt-shrine maiden," the dragon said, chuckling. "You almost made me exert myself."

"I apologize, my master," Miyu said, lowering her head to the wooden floor. "I was plugging myself after the latest rut, and I was not paying attention."

"I didn't say stop. Come over here. I could use a little attention while this one serves me. Or tries to. He is too loose to be that pleasurable anymore. I might have to throw him away."

She didn't let herself smile, but a part of her felt joy to know that the males couldn't keep up with her. For all that she had been nearly replaced by all the other kitsunes that were in and out of the shrine, she knew that they were never invited back a second time. Kyoshiro had his fun with them, particularly the males, and broke them in before throwing them back to his bandits after a week or two. But with her? With her, he was with her at least once a month, and she could always tell that there was something that he got out of fucking her that he wasn't getting from the others. There was something special there.

She lowered her head to his feet, kissing the tops of his toes as the other kitsune continued his mindless ride. Up, down, up, down. From the sound of things, he had already been filled at least once, and was sloshing about with that inside of him. She remembered the first time that she had been filled by Kyoshiro, how it had been the most orgasmic experience of her life, and how it had been the start of the shrine's corruption. A part of her still wondered if he had used some poison to break her, but she had never seen him use it with the other kitsunes.

Perhaps, she thought, he was just that virile, that powerful. It was a possibility, after all, and one that sent shivers down his spine.

"The undersides, too."

She nodded, lifting one of his feet by the heel. The bottom were pure white in color, ironic considering the number of things that he crushed beneath his heel, physically and metaphorically. He never seemed to pick up dirt from what he did, and all she smelled was the soft raspy scent of scales.

Deliberately, she lowered her head to the ground, lying on her side and facing upward as she brought his foot down on her face. The pressure, the slight scent, and the warmth of his sole against her face kept her in the right headspace. The little fears, the tiny worries, the little bits of guilt that were not sexy; they were all banished by the weight of his sole on her face. She licked, dragging her tongue from the heel all the way up to the toes, and while she tasted no dust, no filth, she was aware of what she was doing.




The repetitive activity made it easy for her to drift, to just keep doing the one thing while staring up at the dragon. He had broken her and her people. She should hate him, particularly seeing what he did to the red-white male on his lap. In, out, in, out that cock went, and he didn't even thrust. It was the male choosing to ride, broken in and unable to protest.

But perhaps that was the thing. He made the offer, and everyone else broke down before him. There was something...something...

It was hard to think with that foot on her head, and it was better to submit.

She tilted her head, pulling his toes to her lips. She sucked on the biggest of them, caressing it as she would have done his cock. Her tongue flicked over each digit and between them, kissing them and sucking on them one by one, and the dragon growled overhead. His tail swept from side to side, and she could feel it grinding along her thigh, the tip curling and running in circles over her hole.

Oh, how she'd love it if he took a turn to fuck her instead. She knew her ass was better than the male on his lap right then, but it was his choice. He might choose to fuck her, but that was the only way to get it. If he chose. Not if she chose.

She rolled her hips back as much as she could, offering her ass to that tail-tip. Even as it traced a line around the plug in her, she knew that it wasn't going to take her, but that didn't mean that her body didn't hope for it, offer itself regardless. Miyu's body had been too well-trained to not.


She kept up her duties beneath his feet as the dragon shifted one hand to grip the male a little more tightly. He started bouncing the four-tail up and down his cock, making him take it harder, faster. It was impossible not to stare, not to envy the broken male for being on that long, hard thing.

"Butt-shrine maiden."


"Take a moment. Thank me for what I've done to you."

It took her more than a moment to collect her thoughts sufficiently to look past his toes and see his face. It took her a minute after that to actually think of what she wanted to say, and to tell it properly.

"Thank you, master, for showing me what real pleasure is," she said, and the whisper of want and need that filled her voice was all the proof that she needed that it was the truth. "Thank you for stripping me of dignity that I didn't need. Thank you for showing me that all of my species are nothing but butt-sluts for you to conquer. Thank you, master, for showing me the truth of the world, that it is not balance, but indulgence that we need."

" truly are broken, aren't you?"

"I am what you made me, master. And I am thankful for it."

His tail flicked briefly against her plug, and for a split-second, she thought that he would discard the male and ask her to mount his cock. It made her clench harder, and she begged any spirit listening to help her.

But why would they help her now when they had never helped her before?

A thumping sound announced another newcomer to the shrine, someone else that had come either for the boss or for her ass. Kyoshiro looked down at her, his expression all the orders that she needed. She rolled her ass up, getting back to all fours, and backed up half a pace from his legs.

She didn't look behind her as the bandit walked in, didn't turn to see who it was. It didn't matter, after all. So long as it was one of Kyoshiro's men - no, so long as it was someone with a cock in need - her hole was free-use. She couldn't block it, or keep it from them. All she could do was offer herself up.

She was a Butt-Slut, after all.

The bandit - or whoever he was - walked up behind her and grabbed the plug. Without ceremony, he pulled it free, the sound of it popping past her hole and opening her up once more making her shiver from head to toe. He slotted it between her arches, just as all the other bandits usually did, and he knelt behind her, tip rubbing between her cheeks.

It was a tiger, she could tell that much, but no more. His shaft didn't immediately recall anyone to mind, and she wondered if he was new. Was this his first time using her ass?

Was this something that Kyoshiro did to get new recruits?


Miyu moaned, her mouth falling open as she panted almost like a dog from the first thrust. In, out, in, out, the sloppy lube of all the previous fucks making it easy to take it. So much easier this time than the last, so much better as she was fucked with abandon right from the start.

Oh, he was definitely a newcomer. He was using her hard, harder than the other bandits did. He hadn't even been part of the first invasion of the shrine, she realized, probably someone that had come from the far lands after hearing of the 'sexual paradise' that the villages had become around the shrine. And now, he was getting to fuck the ass of a shrine maiden, and she was letting him do it.


She didn't even have words for how it felt as he rammed in and out, in and out, his cock punching into her depths further than the panda had and leaving her gasping for air as he rammed it out of her time and time again. Her sloppy hole clenched around him and was sucked out with it, kissing it, slurping around it with lewd sounds and wet need. She could feel the purity seal dripping again, her juices flowing free -

"Butt-shrine maiden."

Miyu looked up through bleary eyes. Kyoshiro was on the verge of cumming, and the kitsune male in his lap was all but passed out. The smaller male had his mouth hanging open, his own seed splattered against the ground off to the side. One more corruption, one more defilement of the shrine, but what was one more at this point?

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

The nine-tailed kitsune could only nod. Each thrust rattled through her, rocking her from head to toe, and she could feel yet another orgasm coming. It was next to impossible for her to focus through it, her mind sliding back to that cock, then coming back to the master on the throne, then sliding back again as fast as the tiger slammed into her. His balls felt so big, and she could only imagine how much he was going to pump into her.

The Eastern Dragon nodded, and he slammed the kitsune down on his cock one more time. The male arched his back, cumming, but no longer shooting. It was a dry orgasm; he must have been milked of everything that he had. Kyoshiro, however, was nowhere near drained.

He let half of his orgasm go into the male, then let him slump off, hitting the ground. The male didn't even move, though he was still breathing. His entire body spasmed and twitched, like someone having a small pleasure fit, and the last of the dragon's orgasm sprayed over his back and down the back of his legs.

I want that...I need that...

Kyoshiro looked down at her. He smiled.

"If you can keep your head up, you may service my balls."


"And if you cannot, then I will find someone else that can."

Miyu groaned. There was no pride left in her to break, but there was want. Want, desire, lust for the great dragon that had broken and shattered her shrine. For all his evil ambitions, she had come to want him, crave him more than any other bandit that he had under his banner. She looked down at his balls, at the shining cock that had broken so many.

And slowly, even with the hard rut that threatened to make her go face-down, ass-up, she managed to get her arms under her. It was a struggle, and more than once she almost fell over again, but bit by bit, she managed to get completely to all fours.

"Heh...well done, butt-shrine maiden."

"Thank you, m-ma-master..."

Of course, staying on all fours with someone rutting her ass was hard, harder than she liked. She started thinking of things that were altogether unholy, wrong and debauched. The idea of her having a place in the wall, a hole to rest her head or her hips through, so that the bandits could use her ass and the master could use her face. A footrest for his feet, or a mouth for his cock, or even sidling under his throne to care for -

Such lewd things.

Such nasty things.

Such depraved things.

And yet, with each orgasm, the things that she would have formerly condemned seemed that much better. She was still rolling her ass back against him, so aware of her cheeks rolling and clapping and jiggling every time that the tiger bottomed out inside of her, and spirits it felt better than any meditation that she had ever done.

The tiger was growling at her, his hands rough and large on her hips as he pulled her back again and again. She met his every thrust with a push of her hips, and bit her lips as the master started wiping his cock down with a spare towel. Once, that had been a sacred cloth for the maintenance of the shrine, but now, it was nothing more than a cock wipe.

It felt appropriate for him.

"It's good to see that my ambitions can come to pass," the dragon said, looking down at her. "And now that I know what happens when you break a shrine maiden, it will be all the better to bring to the other shrines. Mmm...a countryside of brothels...a legion of ass-sluts like you...That will attract all kinds of recruits to my banners."

She could barely hear him, and certainly couldn't condemn him. He stepped forward, that fat cock clean again, ready for her. She wanted to shove it down her throat, just as he had done six months ago when he wanted to get nice and slick for her ass, and she still remembered how it had left her shaking. She had cum right then and there when he had fucked her throat, never touching anything else.

He was her breaker.

He was her trainer.

But for now, he stepped forward and jammed her face against his sac. The heavy balls, so full of cum still, were churning just for her, and she nuzzled her cheeks against them, teasing and nudging them up with her nose -


All while dealing with the tiger rutting her, all while taking it and enjoying every last inch plunged into her backside. In, out, in, out, her juices running free. Had she cum from the pressure of those balls, that humiliation, the combination of everything that was happening to her?

She didn't know.

She didn't care.

Pleasure was omnipresent when Kyoshiro was around, and for her, that was enough. Pleasure, orgasms, need; as long as she was getting it herself, and not just the villagers, she would take it. She would take anything that he would give her, and count herself lucky that she was allowed to receive it.



Miyu sunk once more, her feet pressing in tight to the plug between them, ready for when the tiger was done, but for now, she just took each thrust for the gift that it was. A Butt-Slut like her was supposed to take it, and be of service. She was happy that she could be, and happier still that each thrust ground her against the balls of the man that had taught her where she belonged.

The End

Summary: Miyu is broken after a year of her treatment, and so are the people and the lands that she was connected to. See the results.

Tags: M/F, M/M, Dragon, Kitsune, Tiger, Panda, Anal, Foot Fetish, Balls, Orgasm, Cum, Creampie, Plug, Self-Plug, Embarrassed, Connection, Corruption, Broken, Gaping, Butt Slut, Broken Ass, Miniseries,