On the Frontier

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Veldor is a proud, mighty, experienced adventurer. But what happens when he's met with a situation where he can't rely on his power and wits?

A bit of disappointment and a lot of pleasure.

Commission for an anonymous commissioner

The wind whistled above the endless plains, brushing the grasses into waves reflected by the perfect daylight. Nothing bad was on the horizon, nothing terrible could have happened so far up north. Nothing the Aarakocra could see with his peering silvery eyes.

Leaning against his war hammer, its head nestled in the mud and grass. Most of his weight leaned on the shaft, his golden wings lazily moving whenever the wind hit them as a reminiscence. His arms almost crossed, his body hunched in the like of the hawk he shared its semblance with. A mere kick would be enough to make him trip.

But none dared, even though there was a presence at his side. A man, or precisely the contractor who had requested his presence here so far from the warm vales south. A certain Dayn, though his last name always eluded the Aarakocra's mind, like a distant note.

"Are you certain there are monsters nearby? Wouldn't you find them higher in the Ice Wind Dales?" asked the eagle-faced man. Fighter, dabbling sorcerer, and wearing plate armor, Veldor the Golden Winged was not a mere adventurer sent to deal with a cave of goblins or something alike. His adventures, numerous and intense, had always drawn him outside the confines of known lands and in the grasp of perilous threats.

Although some doubted as he didn't bear scars and marks like the earthen mortals, and he was not hindered by his age, he possessed the experience to back his claims. Experience, knowledge, and gear as his war hammer were not the sole pricey equipment he had accumulated over the years.

His armor, of unknown bronze-like metal, was a prize. Its plates, reinforced with different jewels and trinkets, were an unequaled creation granting him strength, endurance, and the ability to reflect most spells targeting his mind. The latter being a secret he kept.

For no reason would he depart from it... Except for the fact while the plates covered his chest, shoulders, and legs... There were no codpieces and any loincloth that fully managed to "cover" what the codpiece should have concealed. Even after asking for blacksmiths from all countries, none managed to reproduce the bronze-like metal or to make any replacement fit the intricate design.

Hence, despite the jewelry around his fingers, the amulet over his neck, his armor, and war hammer.... Veldor had to walk around with his bits sometimes poking from below his loincloth.

A detail... That was oddly reminded as he saw Dayn's eyes ogling him.

The first day they traveled together, Veldor had been clear he was soon-to-be married and had a family waiting for him in the south, and only the ashen-skinned Tiefling's promise of pay and lands had enjoined him to separate from his kin. And he would not accept the bearded Tiefling's advances.

But Dayn made none. No, he merely watched with blue eyes with a sclera as black as the void, constantly smiling. His horns were in the likeness of antlers but slightly altered while pulled backward. A strange sight, completed by his rich attire of purple and gold.

Despite supposedly being a former adventurer who had retired to become a Burgermeister, he wore a rich attire of an ample vest, a white shirt beneath, a kilt, and trousers, all the finest cotton and brocade with golden buttons.

If that man was not egregiously rich, he was faking it well as his boots stepped on the dirt.

"Of course, we are almost there. Do you still remember the plan?" asked Dayn, his voice chanting as he marched.

In return, Veldor lifted his war hammer as if it was nothing and waved before the staff landed on his shoulder and followed like he carried a bindlestiff.

"No, you have to clarify the details to me," answered Veldor. Planning was not his forte, nor following plans.

But it seemed important for the Tiefling, who sighed as he began a lengthy explanation.

"My village isn't fortified, and we have no means of defense. Most of the time, we rely on guards, but when our lumberjack returned with the sight of an encampment encroaching on our land, we had to get someone who could infiltrate it and handle their leader," stated Dayn with his hand pointing in one direction. In the distance, the rooftops of some houses were peaking and appearing.

However, Veldor grimaced as he shifted his grip on the War hammer.

"Infiltrate isn't what I'm used to doing. You could have hired a group of adventurers with what you promised me," snapped the Aarakocra, his voice stiff while he glanced at the Tiefling's backside... That man was naturally rolling his hips and swaying his tail to attract people's gaze.

As a reflex, Veldor shook his head to see his client glancing at him with a knowing attitude, flashing his teeth and missing canine.

"Urgh. Why me, then? Why not reinforce the houses and wait for their arrival with weapons?"

"Because you are reputed to be reliable, and admittedly, a whole group would be a hindrance. For the infiltration part, this is already covered. Moreover, the village has already been invaded, for lack of better terms."

"Wait? What are we taking our ti-" began Veldor, stepping faster and leaning to advance at a running pace, only for his client's raised hand to stop him.

"Because they didn't raze the village and don't intend to. They caught some villagers to keep them in their camp. Recently, they came up with demands for their next prisoners. Guess what they asked?"

Veldor blinked, watching the grinning Tiefling as they were closer to the village. Already, he could see the houses of stones and wood, squat, with gardens and fields surrounding them.

"I- I don't like the direction this is going," answered the bird. He frowned with his white furrows, the sole white feathers over his golden and bronze body, while his interlocutor nodded.

"Aye. You will be the bait. I will prepare you for tonight and sneak your gear within their encampment. Then, once you're ready, you will have an entire encampment for you alone to deal with. But you'll get the spoils. Since they nabbed other villages before, they're loaded with gold you can keep."

"On top of what you'll pay me?" responded Veldor, having a bad feeling as the grass disappeared beneath their feet to be replaced by pebbles.

"Yup, on top of what I'm paying you. My sole condition is no casualties. I don't want the villagers there to be wounded, nor the village to suffer any damage," stated the half-devil, raising a finger while the number of houses increased, and they were soon treading the streets within the dead-quiet of the village. Usually, there would be people outside with such a clement weather. But no, the village was silent, and all houses, doors, windows, closed.

It was as if everyone had died, and they entered a shell of a village.

"That's rough... Where is everyone?" asked Veldor, glancing at a tall house with a second story, its looming presence somewhat intriguing as they passed in front of it, then continued along.

"Hiding. Or lamenting. Some are in the camp, some broke off, some stayed. Do you understand the importance of your mission?"

The Aarakocra grimaced but then nodded.

"Yeah. I won't fuck this up."

"Good, because we have to get you ready, the event starts soon," noted the Tiefling with a smile as they entered the central place. Instead of turning towards the church, they walked toward one of the most massive buildings, with a wooden signage above it in the form of an ale. A bar or an inn the Tiefling entered without knocking, beckoning the Aarakocra to follow.

The place was cozy, with a low ceiling and a stone floor. A strange smell hung amidst the one of alcohol, baked bread, and stew. A few sconces had been lit to give the room a warm ambiance, though the fireplace was extinguished. Even then, the place was warm enough for the Aarakocra as he entered and heard the Tiefling closing the door behind him.

"Welcome to my humble abode, we're safe to act and talk here. But we must do so swiftly," said Dayn, snapping and pointing in the direction of the War hammer. "Off with the weapons and armor, same for the trinket. We mustn't reveal any details of your work here."

"Are you sure?" asked Veldor, offering the war hammer the Tiefling took with both hands, huffing and puffing before putting it on one of the many tables around then.

"Sure. You wouldn't want a "willing sacrifice" to go into a camp with a teenager-sized hammer. Not only would it attire suspicions, but they would make sure you'd never see it again," commented Dayn back, taking the rings and amulet without batting an eye to put them aside.

"Them? Do you know what types of creatures I must battle?" asked Veldor, already undoing the straps of his armors, preceding his left shoulder pad dropping.

"I assumed you could fight anything without any problem. But there are bugbears, orcs, and their leader is a minotaur," stated Dayn, retrieving both shoulder pieces to set aside while he glanced and admired the bird's muscular body.

"Minotaurs? They're stupid. It'll be easy to handle them. What else?" asked Veldor, removing his chest piece and exposing the sleeveless shirt beneath that was struggling to keep his ample torso hidden. But he didn't mind that as he handed the plate to Dayn, who set it on a different table.

"Nothing. We will get you prepped. Luckily, I bought the concoctions before contacting you."

"What concoctions?" answered Veldor, frowning and watching Dayn pull a purple vial from his bag.

"Do not worry about it. It's a short quest, done by the end of the night. Right?"

"... Right. What's the effect of it?" he continued, his leg-wear coming off, and he directly placed the plates onto the table.

Without his armor and only his shirt and loincloth, the Fighter felt awfully exposed. And not only to Dayn's ogling eyes as the Tielfing grinned while eyeing up and down.

"Great, great," he mumbled before meeting with Veldor's frowning expression. "Right! The effects. It'll make you appear more attractive to the monsters and slightly change your body, so your natural movement won't give away you're infiltrating the place."

"So... To make me a bait," answered Veldor, crossing his arms.

"Of course, now take the rest off and drink it up. I have clothes ready for you," stated Dayn, offering the potion.

Veldor snatched it, uncorked it, and sniffed its content, eyeing Dayn.

"It's safe?" said the fighter with a pang of fear, but the Tiefling nodded.

"It's safe; I tried the same mix years ago for one of my missions, hehe."

Hearing the chuckle and breathing out, the Aarakocra finally guided the potion to his lips and emptied it in one swing. The liquid was sweet, cloyingly even, with a tacky taste that remained in mouth as he threw the glass away.

But there was no effect as he unbuttoned his shirt. No tingling feeling, no... heat. No soothing. No pain. It had been like drinking syrup, and when he turned to Dayn, he saw him lean against a table.

"Are you sure it hasn't expired? I feel nothing," groaned Veldor as he removed the cloth... And standing naked in the inn except for his loincloth.

Gifted, well-endowed, blessed. Many were the terms used by his conquests, or the whores he had shared his bed with. He had made many cry his name and curse for the potency of his malehood he always tried to keep hidden. But the mere loincloth wasn't enough to conceal the lower side of his low-hanging testicles... or, moreover, the lengthy dick whose tip peeked from below.

He was uncut, as it was certain, but his foreskin was too short to cover all the tip, and it exposed it to the breeze... Which could have been terrible if not for his blessed lineage.

However, at that instant, his manhood was the Tiefling's focus who stepped closer.

"It's normal. You need to activate its effect," he started by putting a hand on the feathered chest.

The second before, Veldor tried to recoil, only for the ashen hand to stay close and dig into the chest.

"I- I'm not into men!" cried the bird, ashamed and trying to push the hand away. But strangely, the Tiefling's grip seemed stronger than it looked.

"It's not a matter of being into men or not. Let me do it, or it'll never work!" answered Dayn, stepping back with his index pointing. "You have to be a presentable bait, or they'll refuse you. Got it?"

Veldor listened, pondered, groaned. He opened his right hand, shook it as he felt the tingle of numbness from clenching. And then, he nodded: "Fine, but for this time only."

"Sure, now... Let me do my work," assured the Tiefling.

All the while, Dayn bore a wide fish-eating grin, his missing canine all the more devious to see as he laid his hand onto the feathered chest... And the other on the bird's loincloth.

"Follow everything I say and do," said the Innkeeper, his fingers pinching the loincloth aside.

Around the seven inches, long, meaty, filling the hand... The contractor's hand easily gripped it by sliding his delicate fingers under the cock and lifting it, keeping a hard-pressed thumb on the foreskin.

Dayn's palm was... Warm. Soft. Delicate. It brushed on the length and stroked it... Slowly, carefully.

It was a steady movement, not borne of excitation but commitment and dedication as the Tiefling's eyes were drawn onto Veldor's. He gazed and peered, watching for any details.

And soon, the muscle on the right side of the beak trembled. It was a little tremor, but it was followed by a sudden surge into the Aarakocra's shaft, by a throb while the flesh expanded and stretched, teasing the hand with its delicious heat.

"You're enjoying it," stated Dayn, his left side distorted by a grin as he removed his hand from the bird's chest. And without taking his other hand off, the Tiefling stepped around the Aarakocra to be behind him, his chest awfully close to Veldor's back.

"I'm... Not!" cried back Veldor... But he couldn't deny the pleasure he felt being masturbated like this. His wife never knew how to handle his shaft so well, and her talons made it so... Dangerous. However, that man was stroking it and pressing on the foreskin like he wanted. Hell, he even found his spot below his dick that was sensitive...

"You are... But it's fine, the potion is working," said Dayn behind. And... Veldor noticed it. He felt indeed the chilly feeling from his shaft spread along his testicles, groin... And further, like a tidal wave that was cold, warm, and oddly soothing. One he began to appreciate enough with closed eyes.

Enough to ignore the whistling from the man behind and the sensation of wind in his backside.

Not enough to ignore the prodding finger against his asscheeks.

Veldor opened his eyes and tried to push away, only to find Dayn's grip over his cock and waist to be stronger than it seemed, stronger than it was.

"Wait! I'm not doing this! This was not in the contract!" he shouted, wiggling around.

"You have to get ready, and it'll make the potion work better!" answered Dayn.

Veldor had already opened his mouth to say something...

He screeched.

The sound was high-pitched, coarse as if he had been stabbed. He had been. Two fingers had been slipped in his butthole, in one thrust... It didn't hurt at all.

No, it was... Pleasing. More than the warm hand, the stroking motion, the thumb pressing his cocktip.

"Wh- What?" he mumbled, his voice reduced to a whisper while the Tiefling worked his hole behind him in a back and forth. Veldor's sphincter was oddly loose, so loose even a third finger could be added, and he wasn't feeling any hint of pain or of being feeling. It was agreeable, exciting, and...

Another screech.

But this time, he almost fell as his talons scratched the stone floor and found no grip. His fists unclenched, his wings batted a bit...

But more than that, his legs were weak... So weak he could barely hold himself afoot as the Tiefling's fingers circled the spot he had squeezed a second ago... One, Dayn neared closer, followed by the chill and jolt the Fighter felt along his spine and in his ass.

"What- was that?" he slurred, drool dripping from his beak as he slid a hand against his boss' waist to steady himself... But he felt so weak, so limited.

And his genitals, oh... They were glacial and burning with envy. The skin was raw and sensitive. But it didn't stop Dayn from caressing the whole length with the same attention to detail as before. Though... It seemed his hand had shifted, and he was now using his little finger to touch Veldor's nuts.

"That's your prostate. Massaging it helps spread the effect of the potion over your entire body. And it feels good, isn't it?" asked the Tiefling, his chin resting on the Bird's shoulders.

"Y- Yes..."

Much to his shame, it did feel good. He had always told everyone he was into women, but the truth is he had already fucked some young men who were almost no different than girls. He had never understood why they were screaming and asking for more; it should have hurt.

... He understood it. Right as the Tiefling's index was on the prostate and pressing it, squeezing the gland in a soft circle while the jolts of delight shook the Aarakocra.

That felt good! Everything that man was delightful to the fighter who no longer tried to move away.

Why would he when he felt the rising sensation inside his body, the soothing touch along his arms and chest while he breathed. And the intense satisfaction he felt, being fingered like a mere slut. He came!

Again! Once more! Without a stop! His talons scraped against the stone without finding grip; his whole body leaned against Dayn's. And his legs, arms, hands, all relaxed as another ejaculation was pried out of him in a blinding flash of pleasure.

"St- stop," Veldor mumbled through his closed beak. His wings trembled and flapped while jolts after jolts came.

He slipped, fell, failed to grip the few remnants of his mind. Words, sentences, ideas, a jumble of images while his eyes lowered onto his chest.

His body, chiseled by conflict and fighting, no longer looked as perfect and defined as before. His breasts had started to blossom, losing their ironclad quality for roundish mounds from which peaked his nipples.

His breath, shallow, lifted each of the nubs that peeked through his feathers... But as he raised both arms, glancing at them, it was to see them too altered. They were limber, but oh so heavier. No, his whole body felt heavier.

So much so that he leaned on Dayn more.

"Oh, careful big guy," chuckled the Tiefling while enduring the weight with his upper body and a wider stance.

Which he needed when Veldor glanced down further and nearly stumbled as he saw his lean belly... And his genitals, still in the Innkeeper's grasp. From an ample size, it had now reduced by more than a third, and yet more fluid oozed from the masturbation.

"WHAT IS- HRMPH!!" He shouted, cut short by another pang of pleasure shaking his groin and body. He closed his eyes, heaved... But when he lowered his gaze, he saw Dayn had removed his ring finger from the shaft to adjust.

Before the Aarakocra's eyes was his manhood shrinking, dying away as more fluids were forced out in numbing ejaculation. Worse was his weakness, his inability to lift an arm.

"St- Stop," he managed to mumble through the huffs and cackling beak, his chest lifting.

"Not yet, we need a few more seconds," said Dayn in his sultry voice the moment his thumb danced around the raw cocktip and his grip on the dick reinforced.

That man... That tiefling, he knew his deal. And then, without more effort from the fingers on front or inside Veldor's, he stole another gasp. Another orgasm, another cumshot.


"Done!" said the Tiefling, pulling his fingers away.

And let Veldor fall on his... Cushioned ass? At least he was feeling less hurt from falling on his backside, and it was less bony.

A detail he confirmed as he passed a feathered hand on his now ample posterior. His cheeks were sizeable, round, with the perfect amount of fat to make them soft without sagging. Much like his wife.

"Fuck... WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" he cried, turning to his host, who had both hands raised.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, it was in our contract, remember? I can call whatever actions deemed necessary for the mission," said Dayn, nonetheless smirking.

"Fuck! You've... You... You humiliated me! And- And!" at a loss of words, the Aarakocra turned back to glance at what he had between his legs. His testicles were definitely smaller, but they kept their overall shape while tightly snug to his body. However, his shame was his cock that was no longer reaching the limit of his loincloth. In fact, that ridiculous pink nub poking out of his feather, without a foreskin, an exposed glans, was a shame. He couldn't even face his wife again with that... Thing.

More than that, a few droplets of cum were still sticking to it and his feathers, leading directly to the trails of white fluid drawn onto the cold stone.

"Don't worry, it's necessary for the mission. At least, it's not the worst," added Dayn, his voice seemingly from afar.

"I should burn you with a fireball! It's the least I can do to correct that slight!" retorted Veldor, closing his eyes to call on the winds of magic once more. He felt so weak, but with them, he could... ...

They weren't answering.

His magic, his power, his ability. They were gone. Not all, as he could still manage to cast a spell or two. But his strength, it was like in his earlier years of adventuring.

"What... What happened?" he mumbled again, blinking and pushing on the stone to stand up. And ashamed, he sensed the change in his balance. His legs were still able to support him, they were the same feet, but with his ass and narrower shoulders, everything felt wrong.

Squinting and frowning, he still managed to get on his feet and approach the table where his gear had been displayed.

Carefully, he lifted the hand towards his war hammer, grasped the shaft, and pulled.

Nothing budged. The hammer didn't move a bit, and lifting it with one arm seemed absurd.

That time, he employed both hands to grasp the shaft and pull!

Alas, it budged. But only a bit.

"Hmm hmm!" coughed someone behind Veldor.

"What? Haven't you done enough?" asked the Bird, his voluptuous body shaking with rage as he turned to his contractor, his grinning contractor.

He who carried a panoply of dresses, particularly one lifted pink translucent veil he glanced through.

"Hmm. Pink will be perfect for you. I would have preferred purple, but that's my color, Veldor. Let's dress up."

"I hate you," mumbled the bird, clenching his fists as if he would strike the Tiefling.

"Sure, sure," off-handed Dayn, handing the veil.


"You can hate me later. Right now, we have to prepare you for your role. Don't worry, it'll work!"

The Tiefling genuinely smiled as he said that, placing the dresses on the table beside the gear and displaying them. For an innkeeper in the far north, he possessed a large amount of refined robes with different types of cuts and styles. Even Veldor had never seen his soon-to-be wife wear more than the necessary, but here that guy was displaying a collection superseding those of noblewomen.

"... I'll kill you once I'm paid..." grumbled the Aarakocra as he turned the veil over and over before he placed it over his beak and tried to attach it behind his head. "Is this all necessary?"

But he stopped when the Tiefling clicked his tongue and approached, passed behind the bird to take the string and tie it himself. In so, most of the Bird's face was under the thin veil, covering his jawline.

"Of course. If you want to attract their boss, you have to be perfect. Everything is a necessary sacrifice. Happily enough, I know his tastes, and you'll probably be his type," said Dayn, returning to the table and his musings.

"Probably his type? Not sure? After I have... Given?!" retorted the Aarakocra, glancing at his boss picking a dress and lifting it, one hand stroking his chin. And Veldor's eyes widened at the sight.

"Well, I can only do so much. You'll have to play your charms. You know, winking, acting all flustered. You've ever done that before, right?" asked the Tiefling, turning to place the corset by the Aarakocra's body.

"No! Never!"

Veldor tried to push the corset away, but Dayn forced it against the Bird, smiling wholeheartedly.

"You're lucky; I'm a natural actor. I'll train you."

Although the man smiled and didn't give off an air of danger, Veldor still felt a shiver of fear run through his spine.

One that worsened as he was forced to wear that golden and pink corset, with pink laces underlining his breast line.

Worsened when the Tiefling approached with tiny fabric rolls he fitted inside the corset to give a more feminine shape to the moobs the birds had gained.

And so on as the man continued, producing a skirt with a delicate fabric that wasn't translucent but almost as its fringes were way too thin. The cloth was rather short on the front but progressively went longer as it approached his backside. That time, though, the Tiefling didn't bring any rolls or anything to fake the shape of Veldor's ass. It somehow wounded the Aarakocra.

Many bracelets were pulled from Dayn's seemingly endless collection, fitted around the wrist, above the elbow, and the feet. Following that, the Tiefling explained how Veldor had to lift his arms and bend them constantly to prevent the hoops from slipping, forcing the bird to keep his hands above his waist. Even when he was fitted with more jewelry: trinkets, rings, amulets.

One second, Veldor proposed to use his own rings as they had been enchanted and could prove themselves useful, but Dayn retorted they were not refined enough to be used.

Therefore, without his gear, the bird had to learn how to walk with a body that felt not only alien but all while minding the bracelets and the gold he had on him.

One foot before another, the steps carefully rhythmed so he could sway his hips without it looking too unnatural or forced. The hands clasped together before his exposed lower belly despite the large rings biting into his palms and digits.

"Do we really need to do this?" asked Veldor again, frustrated as he was sitting by the innkeeper who had put on a table a wide gamut of make-up: from the whorish powders to the delicate red lipsticks crafted for royalty.

However, the Tiefling only utilized an eyeliner at the moment. Even so, it was an arduous task to apply it while forcing the eagle-like Aarakocra to face him and not move.

Even with Veldor's weakened body, it was a struggle to keep him from moving. And then, Dayn threw the pencil on the table.

"Seriously? Do we need to do this? I hate because, blabla, I'm humiliated! Do we need to do so? I'm a little sissy who's afraid of being ashamed! Veldor! Will you question me all that time?" asked Dayn, rolling his eyes as he leaned to take a pancake.

"Permit me to doubt when I'm prepared like a courtesan, or a whore!" said the Aarakocra, looking away. Only to have his jaw grasped again.

"That's the idea..." replied Dayn, checking the face before he released his hand to lift the veil and pat the cheeks with powder. "In all seriousness, are you always brooding? That's how you got on with the girls?" said the Tiefling, grimacing as he applied the power in small quantities not to be a bother.

"What? Brooding? I never asked about your sexual life; don't ask about mine!"

The Tiefling's blue eyes twinkled as he tried to lessen the golden features of the bird with the white powder.

"I'm not asking about your conquests. Instead, how do you get a few interested? I mean, I don't know what women have with broody men," sighed Dayn, placing the pancake on the table and gripping the veil, putting it back then away to compare.

"I'm not brooding!"

The Tiefling shrugged but pointed Veldor's brows while he fetched a second pencil.

"You are, constantly. Your traits are so fixated, your brows will drop over your face when old!" said the man, evidently much more aged than the Aarakocra and using it as experience.

Veldor then looked up, lifted both hands to massage his brows before Dayn swatted them and employed a pencil to bring a deeper shade of gold below the silvery brows.

"I'm not brooding. And you're saying shit," groaned the Bird, giving up to fight the Tiefling.

"Tsch, don't underestimate the experience of a bard. Still... I think you'll sway their boss's heart looking like this. I had to adjust more than I thought... Just... Your brows, raise them," affirmed the Tiefling, pointing them again.

Nonetheless, Dayn stood up, followed by the Aarakocra looking up and trying to see at his brows while his boss packed everything.

"Stop looking up, you're making it worse. Breathe, relax, imagine you're drinking with a friend in a tavern or... ... No. Stop thinking at all," sighed the contractor, putting everything from the table in a bag, then faced his employee. Veldor did not look so masculine anymore and could even be pretty, if not for his crossed arms and frown, but that was not a deal breaker. Alas, the Tiefling hoped.

"Well... We did our best. I'll take you to their camp!" stated the Tiefling, turning away to open the door. Solely to hear a cough behind.

With a sideglance, he looked at the bird who looked around, then down: "What... Could you do for the smell?"

"What smell?"

"The... The one of cum," he said, looking at where the trails of cum had been. And it was true Veldor did not smell like roses.

But Dayn grinned ear to ear as he opened the door: "Good, you're already in your role. But no, he prefers them natural."

To this, the bird only answered by shuddering and following the Tiefling, unaware if he was gone for or not.

Sunken cost fallacy aside, Veldor also needed that money for his future project with his family that would make his future wife happy for once. And he was not spitting on an offered bag of gold. But walking in a tight dress in a village, then in the nearby forest, was not his favorite way of gaining gold.

Despite his bits more covered than before, the Aarakocra felt naked... Exposed, practically ashamed to walk like a dressed-up pervert.

Moreover, there were the stings on his back. Someone was watching them, making sure they weren't danger. Or, were they preparing an ambush?

In his state and unarmed, Veldor would be unable to fight back. Whereas Dayn... Well, the Tiefling whistled with his hands joined behind his head, seemingly satisfied.

"Dayn... We're being followed," warned the Aarakocra, stepping up to be at his contractor's level.

"Yes, I know. Just act as if you didn't notice them. You'll anger them," replied the Tiefling, glancing over his shoulders and resuming his whistling.

"But... Who are they?"

"Goblins, Bugbears, orcs, depends. You're safe as long as you're not an adventurer. And you're not, right? So... What will be your nickname?" answered Dayn with a snide, teasing the fighter.

"I'm... Velda. A young sacrifice from a nearby village?" said Veldor, his voice coming higher.

"Good, I'll stick to that. Now, keep your thighs closed until you're in front of the chieftain. You'll know who he is," replied the innkeeper as he straightened himself. The smell of sweat and mud permeated the air, they were close to an encampment.

"Why is that?"

In his line of questioning, Veldor finally noticed the palisade walls. From the number of tree trunks, the monsters had taken a few days to bunker down; it would be difficult to assault them. The Bird couldn't agree more with the idea of the infiltration... If not well, for the bugbear guards in front who were naked and unarmed if not for their loincloths and their cheap spears.

"Because the boss doesn't like used merchandise," answered Dayn, unapologetic as they approached the two bugbears.

Muscular, with a pot-belly, their hairy faces and yellow eyes were onto Dayn then the newcomer. And only the latter seemed to be unexpected as they were surveying Veldor.

"Who's this gal?" asked one, in a crude common.

"Your Boss' new mate, a bird like he asked. Do you want me to take her back?" answered Dayn, smiling, chuckling... And ogling the Bugbears' bulges, though none of the two seemed to be bothered.

"Nah. I'll take her, stay there until I'm back."

The same bugbear answered, extending a hand towards the bird who approached, trying not to speak. After all, his voice was too masculine to pass as a girl unless he forced it. It was better to play coy and so to lower his head.

"Don't worry about your gear," were the parting words from the Tiefling as Veldor passed him. The Aarakocra saw how... Excited Dayn seemed to be before the Aarakocra and his guide were gone and inside the camp.

Or a sort of brothel in broad daylight.

Never before had Veldor seen such a perversion as they passed the row of open tents to see monsters and humanoids fucking together. If not inside, it was outside within cages or while the poor sods were attached to wooden stocks and screaming. Though. It seemed none called for this to stop.

"Heh. They taste a monster, the humans can't go back," chuckled the guide, who was somehow affected by the perverse display as he was unashamedly massaging the content of his loincloth. "Say, you want to taste?"

To the question and the guard slowing down the pace, Veldor answered by stepping faster to pass him.

"I- I need to see my future husband," croaked the bird, trying a falsetto pitch. Although it sounded like a screech.

"Haha! Funny gal. Sure, you'll see him and then more," said the guard, stopping his stroking to walk along the Aarakocra as they continued through the camp. And the further from the entrance they went, the stronger was the smell of sex and fluids, the more deafening were the cries of pleasures.

Humans, elves, there was even a half-orc somewhere in the lot, crying out loud like the others. It was as frightening as it was arousing to see them ganged up by goblins, mounted by a group of orcs, or even making out with a troll.

It was... Perverse.

Sighing and trembling, Veldor descended a hand over his skirt, feeling a damp spot against his genitals... Only to feel his ridiculous and reduced erection, warm and dripping.

"Already wet, hmm?" asked the Bugbear, forcing the bird to take his hands away. "Too bad, your new home is here. Enjoy."

Almost bothered, the Bugbear stood by the entrance, waiting. He waited until Veldor was at the threshold, then quickly scampered off to... Well, whatever he desired to do, abandoning the eagle-faced Aarakocra at the entrance of what looked to be a king's tent: wide, tall, of purple and golden textile.

But like the rest of the camp, the scent here was... Intense. One that didn't dissipate when the bird passed a hand on the curtain door and entered, welcomed by a rather... Warm and cozy atmosphere.

The tent's inner walls were decorated with masks, dreamcatchers, skulls, and glass trinkets hanging from the wooden arches. Amidst the latter were little ugly wood totems depicting creatures with oversized eyes and sticking their tongues out. The muddy ground had been abandoned and overtaken by wooden planks, themselves surmounted by fur mats. Crude, but reinforcing the atmosphere as those creatures' shape and fur were... Exotic, to say the least.

He had never seen such chimeras in a display, nor oversized cats with such a red striped coat. As for the air, it was more breathable than what was outside.

The smell of semen lingered, heady and strong, but complemented by the smell of herbs and... Tea?

"I told you, I didn't want to be bothered. Go ask some-... Oh. A guest! Come, approach." shouted a rumbling voice, breaking and becoming softer. Almost affable. On Veldor's right, there was an alcove and a massive minotaur in it, sitting by a tiny firepit. The top of that alcove had been cut to allow fumes to escape, but the perfume from the brew was unmistakably strong.

And pleasing to the nose.

Moreover, as the Aarakocra approached, the monster patted a part of the mat for him to sit on.

So... He sat. And observed his host: A massive Minotaur with dun fur, his large horns decorated by clasped gold, a similar gold used for his nose ring and ear piercings. His face looked relatively soft with a creamy coat covering the lower side of his jaw and running along his neck. As for the eyes, blue as the sky, they frowned while he stirred the beverage in a tiny pot with a smaller spoon.

"Hmm... What's your name, pretty bird?" asked the male, calm despite being eyed by the Aarakocra.

His attire consisted of a kilt, leaving his wide arms and wider chest exposed. His cream coat extended from the neck down to the pecs, the abdominal muscles, and finally his loins... Loins Veldor eyed, noticing the bulge beneath the leather cloth onto which had been attached golden rings and amulets.

One that was... lacking covering.

"I-!" stammered the Fighter, blinking while he turned to look at his host, who seemed... Bothered. Or frustrated. "My name is Vel-Velda! Are you the boss?" he shouted in his falsetto voice.

"Vel-Velda? What a curious name..." muttered the Minotaur, pensively pinching his chin.

"No! Just Velda!"

"Ah! Velda. But yes, I'm "the boss". But you can call me Jur," he stated, stirring the beverage before taking the pot out of the fire with his bare hands to pour some of its content into a cup. A ridicule cup compared to those massive hairy hands, but he was prompt to offer it to Veldor.

"Drink, Velda," he said, genuinely smiling and trying to take the Aarakocra's attention.

"I'm sorry. Is this some aphrodisiac... Or a poison?" asked Veldor, cautious and still high-pitched...

Though his host took the question with a loud sigh, his back straightening. His muscles cracked, his neck extended, his fists lifted.

And he lowered it entirely, returning to his previous position but assuredly more relaxed.

"Please... What do adventurers have with poisons?" asked Jur, his tone rumbling.

"I'm not an adventurer!" screeched Veldor, lowering the cup and putting it on the mat.

The instant after, Jur took the cup and emptied it in one sip, then turned to refill it while speaking, his voice clearer: "I used Chamomile; it's not poison. And who else could you be but a young and feminine adventurer to enter my tent and walk to me? Civilians keep their distance with danger."

The Minotaur knew, that was certain. And Veldor pondered, watching the content of the cup before he felt a finger below his beak, lifting it.

"But let's say you're not an adventurer, Velda. Why are you here, Velda? Did the villagers send you?" Jur asked, his blue eyes staring at the Bird's body and corset, then back at those silvery eyes.

Veldor waited for the finger to be removed to take a sip... And then allow his shoulder to relax.

"No... I was told to come here and search for the boss. I assume you're looking for a slave?"

"A slave?"

Jur exploded into a roar, his voice so soft turning into a guffaw that sent shivers down the Bird's spine.

"No, no... If I wanted a slave, I'd have asked for one from the horde of inferior humans eager to taste some monster dicks."

"Sorry?" interrupted Veldor, blinking. And turning to the opening in the tent, where he came from.

"Oh, I didn't mean to be so vulgar. But whenever we go, me and my companions, we always are flocked by humans and humanoids yearning to be fucked by us. Cheating wives, cuckold husbands, unassuming guards, paladins in denial..." asked Jur, pointing to his horns, nose, ears, and the rest.

"I... I was told you took some people against their will," mumbled the Aarakocra, trying his best not to shout as he spoke higher. He was ashamed... And afraid of looking down to see again his host's malehood peeking through. Oh gods, that's why people always looked him in the eyes.

"Pshht, against the will of some couples. Still! You, Velda." stated the Minotaur, his index towards the surprised bird. "You're not some adventurer who gets off from being humiliated by monsters. You're a virgin? Right?"

Veldor blinked, glanced at the pointed fingers... Then, its owner. Then, the fingers... Then, the man's trousers. He gulped.

"I'm... A Virgin," he mumbled. Lying, but not so much. He had never taken anything behind...

But the Minotaur frowned, his eyes drawn... But he then patted the space between him and the firepit, a place he made by backing down: "Fine, sit with me."

Veldor blinked, looking at Jur's genitalia peeking from beneath the kilt: even at rest, it was possible to see that flared tip glimmer by the firelight... It was... big. Too big. He shivered.

"Velda... Don't make me angry," stated Jur in a tone that was a wrong word away from a shout.

Veldor mouthed something, silent, closed his beak. He sighed and hurried towards the Minotaur.

"Closer... Closer," egged on the male, waiting for Veldor to be before him... Though he didn't mind if the Aarakocra was closer to the firepit than him. All because the instant after, he scooted closer and leaned against the Aarakocra's back.

One hand on the right arm, the other on the left shoulder, Jur was not holding his prize. Not yet. And he guided the bird to put the empty cup on the ground.

"Now, pour yourself more tea, I'll watch you," said Jur. His voice so low it made his chest rumble. And so was Veldor's back. His fur was soft, warm... More than that, his fingers were delicate by brushing the feathers. He brushed them along the arms, going from one shoulder to another. Around the waist while Veldor tried to pour without spilling, though it was difficult with his squinting eyes.

The fingers crept closer to his belly, to his groin, to...

"So... You told me you're a virgin, but you were lying to me, Velda. Are you certain you never took someone th-ere?"

Jur had started to speak in an inquisitive tone but calm nonetheless. But it ended in a stammer as his hand slipped beneath the skirt Dayn had provided... And his fingers were now fondling the Aarakocra's tight scrotum, holding it and rolling it in his hands.

"I-... Hmm. I didn't expect that," cough the Minotaur, his voice carrying his surprise. Before he chuckled and lifted the skirt with his wrist while leaning. His chin rested on the Bird's right shoulder while he glanced down.

"Do- Please, don't say anything," grumbled Veldor as he finally took back his original and gruff voice. Though... It was tough not to have it break when the Male chuckled and used his massive thumb to tease the ridicule cockhead.

"Heh... Sorry. It's the first time I have seen a male wear robes and make-up and... ... Oh, oh, Father. This is so tiny!" continued Jur, barely holding his laughter while he managed to pinch the tiny cockhead peeking from the feather. He tried to stroke it.

"Pl- Please... Don't," mumbled Veldor, unable to tell if he wanted this to stop... Or for Jur to continue. The fighter's face burned, his skin red beneath the feathers.

The Minotaur stopped. He removed his hands from Veldor's groin to stroke the exposed belly instead.

"Hmm, sorry. Admittedly, I asked for a virgin female who would want to be my wife..." said Jur...

But it didn't help the Aarakocra at all, as he still clung onto the teapot, having spilled and made a mess.

"One who would be willing to eat my cooking, to be there to cuddle during the cold night. But one I could cover in gold, love, and care as we try to build something together."

"I-..." began Veldor, unable to know what to tell: he had been sent here to kill him. But he was weak ... and small. He couldn't flee, he couldn't admit, lest Dayn wouldn't pay him, and it would have been in vain. He... He had lost too much, he was too lost to hear the rambling from the Minotaur. But felt the hands depart.

Even if it had to keep going, to give in to that sunken cost fallacy... He had to. He pressed those hands onto his body.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a female... But... I-... I am fine to pretend. I could be yours, your wife."

Hearing this, Jur blinked and looked at the bird with a glance.

"... Are you really a virgin or an adventurer with a weir-"

"No! I mean it!" cried Veldor, caught in a difficult situation. He couldn't reveal he had to keep this Minotaur's attention. He could spin a lie, but Jur seemed too bright for those ploys.

He clenched his beak, only to open it wide when one calloused hand was on his belly.

"Okay. I got it, you are conflicted and don't know whether you want to stay with your family or a monster, is that right?" asked Jur.

Veldor blinked, watched the firepit, then turned to the male, who had that conniving smile as he rubbed the Aarakocra's belly. But something else poked the Bird's generous asscheeks. Something wet, hard, and warm.

"It often happens, girls and... Now boys, unsure of what they seek in life," commented the Minotaur, his arms moving to grab the Aarakocra from below his arms and lifting him to have him be on Jur's lap with the legs spread... And that massive cock erect between the fighter's legs.

Despite being a Minotaur, the male was not only gifted with a girthy malehood but testicles to compliment it. A sight that certainly made Veldor's legs weak while feeling the rumbling breath onto his nape.

"Say Hundar, if you want this to stop," commented the Minotaur, his fingers trailing beneath the skirt, peeling it off.

"Sorry, what- what are you doing?" asked Veldor, trembling while he felt his genitals stroked by those rough fingertips.

"You said you want to become my wife, but I can hear your fear. You are unsure if you should stay with me, you are unsure of what you want to say. I'm giving you a foretaste. But if you say Hundar, I'll let you go," continued the male.

Veldor blinked at the revelation but didn't move. Weak as he was, he was not going to anger his host. However, at the same time, he... Jur's touch was warm, pleasing. Especially when that rigid cock rubbed against the feathered scrotum. He was... so big. Almost as big as Veldor's forearm. It could crush his guts.

"So... What makes my pretty bird sing... A tiny moment with her pecker or." began the male, keeping his voice hanging as he lowered his fingers, lifted the scrotum. And touched that lubricated and supple hole. One he penetrated with his index without any resistance: "Or that little pucker. Not so little..."

The Minotaur commented, forcing the first phalange inside and wiggling it around, followed by a high-pitched screech from the Aarakocra.

"I- I'm sensitive!" Veldor squealed, trying to pull himself out of Jur's grasp, but he failed... He only managed to further the movements inside his hole as the Bovine inserted a second phalange.

"I see that. Are you sure nobody took you... Behind?" asked Jur, his voice again inquisitive.

"No! Nobody did! It- It's my first time! Slo- Slow down!" screeched Veldor, genuinely. He had never allowed anyone near his backside during all his years.

Yet, here he was fingered by a monster inserting his whole digit, and more... More as a second, then a third joined without him feeling in pain or suffering. No, his sensitivity solely related to pleasure, delight. To the jolt shaking him to his core whenever that Minotaur nudged his prostate like... Like Dayn did.

He thought about that sly Tiefling, only to lapse in his thoughts when those calloused fingers went all in their direction, stretching his asshole further... So much it felt abnormal, impossible. And yet, now... Veldor remembered the potion.

"I've never seen a virgin being so stretchy before; you must have trained yourself... heh," huffed Jur, pulling his fingers out to grab the Bird by the legs.

"I- It may be due to one potion I drank," he mumbled, his skin red beneath his feathers. "One I was offered before coming here." Redder he became when those bovine lips were on his nape, kissing it.

"I love it when you speak the truth," said Jur.

His breath was warm, soft, stroking... And pleasing. Veldor felt his muscles at ease while being lowered, slowly led towards that malehood.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, though he didn't know why he felt the need to say it. He was at peace, relaxed... Heaving a bit when the flared tip pushed his rim and passed. How was this possible?

"Don't be. Breathe. You're in good hands."

Stretchy was a way to describe Veldor's hole as it swallowed the meaty shaft. A size queen would be a better way when the flared tip disappeared within and most of the length with only a mere gasp from Veldor. But beyond that, he was taking it easily. So easily, it made the Aarakocra if everything was true.

He pinched himself, letting out an "ouch" that caught the Minotaur's attention.

"You think you're dreaming?" Jur asked, restraining his huffs as he was halfway inside.

"Y... Yes. It's... So absurd. To be taken by a Minotaur, I-... I always assumed-"

"We were beasts or monsters? Most of us, yes," confirmed the whole as he moved Veldor's legs to join them and passed one arm beneath them. That way, he could use the freed hand to scratch the feathered chin. "If you prefer, I can be like that. Be the strong Minotaur here to take that lithe slut's virginity."

The offer made the bird heave and cough, surprised, his face turning so red it was impossible not to notice it. Never before had he imagined fucking a monster, further from it, to be fucked by one. But now that he was in the beginning of it... Imagining it. His blood rushed to his body and groin.

"... Please," mumbled Veldor, giving in to that request. Perhaps it would be easier in the end to hate it, to believe it was a bad moment. But so far, that male had been gentle. And... Sensible.

"I knew it. Civilized ones are sluts; you are no different. Just another whore looking to be satisfied by me! You've got no shame!" grunted Jur, his huffs audible and his demeanor completely changing.

"All those men, failing to please their wives. And now begging to have their tiny pecker played with!"

Jur's breath was loud, rough, like a beast of burden now. Above that, those arms lowered Veldor fast until his cheeks were posed on that groin and heavy testicles, sitting on a warm cushion.

"I-" started Veldor, trying to put a word edgewise. This change was so abrupt, so unexpected. He felt a gut punch... Completed by a real gut punch when his hips were lifted, so were his legs. Suddenly, his belly and insides felt empty and craving for that presence that receded further, further... And further.

So much so that its tip was almost outside.

He screeched: "Don't pull out! Please!"

The Minotaur answered with a huff, right by the needy Veldor's earholes.

"I won't... I'll breed you until you bear my clutch, hen."

Next, Jur pulled Veldor's legs down, making the poor fighter regret and love his lapse in judgment. He was feeling stuffed again, satisfying that need... Followed, too, the jolts of pleasure, the sparkles of envy igniting in his groin as his prostate was crushed. The delight as his tiny cock was filled with blood... And grasped by the Monster behind him.

"You want it, hmm? You want so much to be a hen. Aren't you ashamed? Tiny chicken?" Jur whispered harshly, almost whispering the way Veldor had whispered to his bride.

He had dirty-talked her; he had berated her like she desired. And now, he was in her place. He was the bride, he was the Minotaur's bitch.

He screeched: "Yes! Yes! I want it! Made me your hen, sir!"

He screeched more when the chuckling Minotaur stopped any effort to restrain himself and grasped Veldor's under the knees and lifted him, pulling himself out.

Again to penetrate that failed fighter, to fuck that cunt, to make a crater of that tiny innocent pucker. No longer would that bitch be satisfied by anything but by a monster cock; anything else would displease her.

That was what Veldor imagined of Jur's thoughts, emulating and yet replicating what he had told, breathed, given to his girlfriend. His shame and desires worked hand in hand. He had been so afraid, so ashamed, so limited. But not anymore. Jur... Jur was the key. He had been liberated, happy, satisfied... Pardoned even. Perhaps it could have been the help of the potion? But even so, there was that thrill, that itch the Minotaur was fulfilled as he plunged his dick once more and squeezed his prostate.

"Mo- More! Daddy! More!" screamed Veldor, taking again that high-pitched falsetto voice. It didn't hurt as much as when he whispered. Nor did it bother him to play it, to fake that role.

And below, Jur seemed content, too.

They were both satisfied, they were into the instant. Would it hurt to keep going? To keep that charade?

Veldor's thoughts swirled in his mind, unrestrained. So much he would have denied or refused before.

But all his inner walls and fears were crushed, pounded out of him by that massive bull cock. One that bulged beneath his belly with each thrust only to pull out in a squelching noise. Whenever he pulled out, Veldor felt his hole burn, wink. Only the flared tip appeased it by going back inside... Where it belongs, where it could please that pretty bird... And make him cum.

Again. More.

He came, not in a crescendo. But continuously riding that shaft while the male berated him: "Bitch", "Civilized pervert", "Monster whore" were a few examples of it. And to each, Veldor answered in cries and moans, in more begging whenever that male spat in his beak or twisted his erect nipples.

Whichever spot that Minotaur decided to touch, it elicited more cries and pleas from the bird than Veldor had thought.

But no Hundar was uttered, neither by Jur or Veldor.

"Take it, you slut! Take it entirely!" shouted the Minotaur, cumming inside his bitch, and not for the first time. Nor the last of the day... Cum, ejaculation, orgasm, pleasure, breeding. It all weaved into a scenery of fervid daydreaming and unrelenting brutality.

Cumming was a mere footnote in that lovemaking, in that brutal beating that plump ass took from the Jur's balls. He was forced to ride in any position desired: on the lap, reverse, on the back and belly.

By the end of it... As the firepit's light died down along with the light outside, Veldor was on his backside with his legs spread wide. His belly had widened from the amount of cum poured inside, as much as he could be compared to a very pregnant woman or a man that had abused meals all his life.

His skin was taut to the point the feathers sometimes revealed the pinkish tone and the stretch marks below. His genitals were coated with fluids, mostly Jur's. And that male, above him... Oh, he was rocking his hips, his body in an arc while his massive cock plunged into the Bird's ruined hole.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT? SLUT?!" he shouted, roaring while his balls clapped against the reddened and sore ass cheeks, hell-bent on pumping more cum that he was pushing out with his thrusts.

"BE YOUR HEN! BEAR YOUR EGGS! I WANT TO BEAR THEM!" shouted Veldor, his voice so high his vocal cords vibrated in pain. He shouldn't have screamed like this.

But he did. He screamed like a whore while his prostate was beaten to a pulp and his body crushed beneath the Jur's weight. Then, the male above him mooed... And ejaculate again. Once more. But this time, he pulled out... And dropped on his side on the now dirty mat, his blue eyes closed.

"Hu- Hundar," he mumbled, exhausted and out of breath.

On his side, Veldor wasn't much better: his legs were sore, so was his ass. But he still chuckled as it was the Minotaur who stopped this brutal scene.

"That... That was really something. Hehe."

"What is it?" asked Jur, grumbling while trying to regain his composure.

"Nothing. Something silly. I managed to outlast a Minotaur's breeding," answered the Aarakocra, watching the "roof" of the tent, colored by the few red tinges from the dying fire.

"Outlast? I'm going for a snack; we're not done yet."

Jur spoke the truth.

He went for a snack but returned and made Veldor scream until the end of the night, until the poor Aarakocra was too sore to get out of the tent to search for Dayn in the camp.

Ramping towards the tent's threshold was the best he could have done, solely to hear the strange bedfellows roaming the camp before dropping.

The next day? He woke up, rolled in blankets by the renewed fire. In the air hung the smell of cooked dish, and not something you'd find on the road. Herbs, spices, freshly cooked meat.

Again, Jur beckoned Veldor to join him on a meal they shared before the question was asked:

"Are you staying today?"

To this question came an answer. To this answer came inquisitive fingers and raging hard-on. Followed by honeyed words, careful praises, yearning kisses. Whenever he was not embracing the persona of a rough and brutish monster, Jur was an attentive and caring lover. One who desired to share with Veldor. Whether it was his knowledge about herbs, teas, and beverages; or woodworking. That man was an endearing well of knowledge that hardly stopped when Veldor rode him by the firepit.

And this night again, Veldor failed to reach the tent's entrance, waking up in the warm blanket.

The next day, a pristine bathtub welcomed the Aarakocra with its steaming and perfumed waters. From Jur's explanation, Veldor was unsure if he had become a pampered wife for a doting Minotaur or a stew, with how much details were given about the nature of the herbs and how they could be used in baths as well as in cooking.

"Please, stop, I'm not a meal!" mumbled the Aarakocra in laughter, sprinkling that dun and cream coat.

"Well, you'll certainly be a stuffed hun," answered Jur, flicking the water.

That night, Veldor managed to stay awake long enough to watch the night sky, but no traces of Dayn.

Followed another day, feeling the Minotaur's warm torso slowly raising and lowering in the silent tent in a tangle of legs and arms. Veldor's legs were not as sore, and once their morning meal was dealt with, with much participation from the Aarakocra, they left the tent. For once, the fighter was graced by the sunlight and saw the camp with a different vision, once with the Minotaur's guidance. He wasn't shooting, crying, ordering around like most leaders, adventurers and monsters alike. He was soft-spoken, encouraging, eager to slap someone's back in a fatherly manner while disregarding the requests of bound humans looking for a breeding night with Jur.

Was he preserving himself? Veldor couldn't tell but at the same time... He embraced the Minotaur's arm and hung onto it like a steadfast rock in the storm. That night, he stayed in the man's embrace.

By the end of the week, Veldor sat by the edge of the tent. Behind came the scent of the stew that was supposed to be a familial recipe. "I learned it when I was a calf, smaller than that!" had said the Minotaur, so proud and beaming.

Back home, Veldor had never tasted a good meal unless they dined. Nothing could exemplify the contrast between the doting Jur and his lusty side. Days could be whether be filled with praises and encouragements, snuggles and hugs. Or breeding, brutal and thorough.

Veldor could not say what he preferred or despised between the two sides. But in the end, it was... Soothing. For years, he had thought of building a household, a place for himself.

But this hope he had built, had slowly turned into dread, fear, disappointment. It was not as perfect at home... He could make concessions, but it was not enough. Never enough.

He had forgotten the days he could spend playing with the winds, screeching and abandoning all restrictions. Perhaps the death of love is not conflict but staleness?

Jur's heavy steps echoed behind the Veldor, the large bovine huffing and puffing until he sat by the naked Aarakocra. He offered a bowl of that warm broth, having a deep fragrance that made one drool. And take a sip.

"Do you want to leave?" the question had always been asked in the morning... Never at night, never as Veldor watched the crescent moon above the encampment. Today, the place felt eerily silent compared to usual. And only the wind pushing and brushing the wooden trinkets, making them collide, came forth. His legs were not hurting anymore, and the feeling of his ass filled with fluids was something he couldn't tire... Even now, as he moved, to sit on the Minotaur's lap with an attempt of a rebuttal.

"No," replied Veldor, now feeling Jur's arms wrapped around him. The poor male had to fight to eat the meal with one hand while brushing Veldor's chest with the other. But he managed to.

"I saw you trying to leave the earlier... You can still leave, we're breaking camp in two days."

Jur asked... Then sighed.

"You know... It happens often. Girls who flee after their first night. Some after their second... Some ask after five days, saying they have a family. Only a few remain after a few days."

The mention of a family rang true through the Aarakocra, afraid and ashamed. But at the same time... He was free.

Veldor sighed, his silvery eyes closing: "I'm fine. I'm your wife... Remember?"

"To the new couple!" toasted the men on their benches, cheering amidst the strange couple that was the bugbear and a young elf that was by a makeshift altar, presided by a silver-scaled Dragonborn. One whose blue eyes glimmered with joy as he blessed the couple with both hands raised. He wasn't wearing any plate, but he was a retired Paladin. Much like the rest of the village's inhabitants.

One who smiled, stepping back to allow the strange couple to share a kiss.

The scene... It was strange and yet joyous. The marriage was outdoors, without any religious significance, in the middle of a great plain. Tents had been placed here and there near the buffets; benches had been aligned to face the makeshift altar and filled with a majority of monsters, while the remaining places had been taken with the villagers. Even the parents of the young woman were present, holding onto their cups of wine while the celebrants exploded into a roar and applause.

Veldor. He clapped, too, applauding and cheering for that new union. Standing in the front rows, he wasn't looking at the couple, however... But one of the groomsmen. Months ago, it had been Veldor and Jur at the altar, blessed by a nearby cleric who had willingly accepted their union.

Of course, nobody had divulged to the man of faith the nature of the bride, and enough padding and a large rustic gown had been enough to hide the "details". But to the laws of the gods and men, by the ring each wore, Veldor and Jur had been married.

All thanks to the Tielfing on the left of Veldor that impromptu matchmaker had instigated that relationship and was now enjoying his cup of wine, chuffed while stating: "Why so glum? It's good news for Kirane. She's finally with a man who shares her interest."

"Please, don't try to say I made the good choice. I've given up my family and her. I mean, a cobbler. The day she sees me, I'm bound for a beating."

"Good thing then you're constantly on the road with your husband. But no, with your gear sold and your reward, she's getting a lofty allowance. Rather, you should care about your incoming child."

Veldor grumbled, looking down at his belly that bulged beneath the discrete shirt and large pants.

"Don't change the subject... You set me up to be with Jur," added the Aarakocra, looking at his lover. That man... Veldor had to smile at him to make sure he enjoyed the day. "You engaged me to kill him. Lied to me about what they were doing here."

"Heh, I only said "Deal with the leader" and never stated they were stealing. In fact, it is the villagers that are getting a steal out of this. A brothel has never been cheaper."

Turning to Dayn, Veldor glared and almost lifted his cup to throw the wine at his face.

"Do you know how hard it was to explain to him? He-... We nearly broke up. I would have lost everything!"

But the Innkeeper shook his head, then nodded in Jur's direction, then the golden band around Veldor's finger. It was the sole gold jewelry he needed to wear nowadays: "Yet, you're still together. Never would he have thrown you away. He is finally happy, has a family, a life for himself."

Veldor's grasp tightened around the cup of wine, but he stopped and lowered it.

"It doesn't make your lie more justified."

"No, but never would you have given it a try. But now? She's happy, you're happy, he's happy, everyone is. Enjoy the party. Oh, and smile for your bull, he's coming."

With that, Dayn stood up but still waved at Jur.

"Good luck with your wife, she's moody today," chuckled the Tiefling, running away before the frowning Minotaur could ask him. Rather, he turned to Veldor with a cocked eyebrow.

"What were you talking about?"

Veldor, for a moment, pondered, then patted the spot Dayn had been using the instant before, enjoining the Minotaur to join him. Jur, of course, followed... And cocked his eyebrow further to the limit when the smiling Veldor leaned against his arm.

"He nagged me about the child. But now, I have my big, strong, hubby to keep me from those deviant tieflings."

"Heh, I will, I will."