The Neutering Machine...

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#36 of A shameful secret

Dunlup finally gets to go visit his Ram friend in the Sheep kingdom... All characters are of legal age in the furry world in which they exist

Neuter Machine...

Dunlup flashed his tall woolly Ram colleague an amused grin, as they strolled into Brougham's work shop. "So this is it huh?" The old Donkey ask in amusement, looking at what at first appeared like nothing so much as a tall wooden crate. The box had the image of a pretty little ewe painted on it, with her shapely rump toward the viewer. Looking back over her shoulder with a _'Come-hither'_look on her pretty painted muzzle the old Jack almost wanted to rut her himself. Where her naughty bits should have been was a hole, strolling closer the fat old Jack looked it over with a lewd smirk. "Tempting..." He snickered, as Brougham strolled over to join him before moving to the side.

"The true genius of it has to be seen..." The tall Ram assured as he gestured to the hole, making Dunlup chuckle and take a step back. Plainly not willing to volunteer his hefty genitals, to be used to display how the Sheep's in-genius contraption worked.

"Feel free to demonstrate its use..." The fat old Donkey invited with a smirk, as the Ram chuckled at that invitation and then opened the side of the box to reveal its inner workings. It was a mass of gears, levers, wheels and springs, all carefully laid out to do the work. "The first models were hand cranked, but that required the user have a friend willing to put in a little work." The Ram chuckled at that, and then pointed to the coin slot in the front of the machine. "We have made them all clockwork... the user just inserts his genitals, puts in a single copper and the machine does everything." Brougham explained taking out a copper, and dropping it into the slot at the front. A moment later the mechanization sprang to life, a collar closing at the opening to make sure the user didn't pull his bits out of harms way. And then a lubricated sleeve began to thrust back and forth, where the unsuspecting Ram's cock would have been jutting in. "We advertise it as a masturbation machine, with a tiny bit of risk... one chance in a thousand that the user gets neutered. The truth is every user gets neutered of course, its really the best way we've found to get rid of own excess male population. Since ninety nine percent of all females are herded by roughly thirty percent of our male population that means we have a lot of males with no hope of ever breeding. So with no females for them we had to do something, this way the horny young herdless males take care of the problem themselves. We've got these machines all over the place, behind taverns, around sports fields, anywhere young single males might gather."

"And word doesn't... you know get around?" Dunlup asked with an amused smirk, plainly he was enjoying this whole the greatly. The idea that a horny male would pay to be jacked off, and ended up a neutered wether was delightfully lewd, terrible, and cruel.

"Oh of course it does... but no one ever thinks they will be one of the unlucky few. I've watched ten young Rams try their luck and all ten walk away neutered, as ten more line up to give it a go. It helps, that the ones neutered can't stop talking about how good it felt to be wanked by that slick gooey fuck sleeve."

"Well It is certainly a ingenious idea." Dunlup admitted as he watched the rollers move down, they would be squeezing that pouch kneading those testicles down to the bottom of the sack. And then thin razor blades flicked down, they would open the sack, rollers working again would force those hefty cummers out stretching the cords. As a second set of razors sliced, the horny Ram would be a wether at that point.

"They general cum about now." Brougham explained with a smirk, as Dunlup watched the machine automatically sew those severed bits up. "It really is quite the experience." The tall Ram assured with a faint smile, as the machine finished its process and 'Binged' softly as the genital collar sprang open. "And its ready for the next customer." The tall Ram smiled reaching in to collect the coin he had just put it, tossing it over to the old Donkey. Dunlup couldn't help noticing that he was a standard sized copper coin, almost any copper from any kingdom could be used.

"While I admit... it is an amazingly ingenious machine." Dunlup smirked, strolling over to a work bench where part of a new mechanization were laying. "I'd really miss doing the cutting myself..." The old Donkey confessed with a smirk, as Brougham nodded his horned head sagely.

"To be honest... I hadn't realized how much I'd missed doing it. Until I visited you... and got to do a few dozen of those young Horses." Brougham confessed with a smirk, the two of them sharing smiles at the memory. The big Ram had really gotten off on pumping those new gelding's tail-holes, something that he hadn't done to the wethers he had made. Although that was something a lot of Rams like to do with wethers, when the Ewes weren't in the mood.

"Still... I can think of a few places I might put these." Dunlup snickered, as he saw the masturbation sleeve on the work bench was for a equine sized cock. "I passed through a Deer village on the way here, were I could place one or two of your standard machines. And I'm sure that there are other Stag villages that could use at least one." The old Jackass grinned, as he felt the smooth silky texture of that fuck sleeve with one thick finger... as Brougham joined him at the bench.

"Would you like to give the sleeve a try?" The tall Ram asked with a soft grin, they both knew how much Dunlup enjoyed a good fuck. "As you can see there is nothing dangerous hooked up to it as yet. Let me just whined the clock work, this would all be self whining once the whole machine has been put together." Brougham explained as he turned the gears whining the clock works, even as he watched Dunlup take his thick black erection out. "Damn... I keep forgetting how hung you are!" The tall Ram choked as that thick black Donkey cock jutted out proudly, reaching out he gripped the shaft of that mighty male organ. Guiding that big blunt flare flare to the rippled sleeve, the old Jackass letting out a sigh of delight as his fucker was slipped inside. "Damn you are almost to big for it... it should be a super tight fit for you heh. The sleeves are specially made from a type of tree resin and lubricated with a kind of Slug slime... it is super slick and never dries out no matter how much its rubbed. We've been using these for almost a decade and I've never had to replace one or reapply the lubrication." Holding the device down with one hand, Brougham released the mechanism letting the sleeve begin to move back and forth on that huge Donkey cock.

"Fuck... that really does feel very good." Dunlup moaned in delight, as that slick sleeve slipped back on forth on his tensing fucker. "I might want one of these just by it's self... just for my own use and maybe a some of my close friends. And I can think of at least a few places to put one of these nutting Horse models, there is a small niche in the bathhouse that would be perfect for one... And then one at in the back of a couple of taverns, one or two around behind the schools that the nobles send their offspring to. Maybe one in the road side inn's on all the roads leading into town, lots of traveling Horses could use a good wank. Heh."

"Hahah just the masturbator mechanism you mean... well that would be easily done." Brougham said with a chuckled, watching the fat old Donkey begin to pant and snort as he leaned against the bench. "Well now that's what I was hoping to hear... what does that come to? Eight or ten equine models and at least two regular models for the Stag village. Maybe more if we sale to the other villages, it might be fun going around convincing the Cervine village leaders. Every herbivore village has a few males they wanted ridden of, those would make for a fine demonstration of how the machine works."

"Heheh I can think of a Stag that it should be demonstration on..." Dunlup grunted breathlessly, as his throbbing cock flared within that slick sleeve. "Lord Blander the noble of that one Deer village I mentioned." The horny old Donkey panted, as his body struggled to keep from humping as that sleeve _ 'Slurped' _and _ 'Smacked' _as it pumped up and down his tensing length. "Hee Haw!" Dunlup brayed out loudly, as his straining organ at last released gushing a thick load of Donkey spunk.

"As you can see... at the moment of ejaculation a small pump pulls a vacuum on the sleeve. Siphoning the cum away from the sleeve, normally he would drain into a bin of cloth where it is absorbed. Leaning down the big Ram lifted the small drain tube to his mouth, letting that hot thick cum spurt onto his tongue as Dunlup huffed and grunted. Grinning as he watched his Sheep friend swallow his creamy seed, even as he kept spurting for a moment long. Finally the old Jacks orgasm died away, and he watched Brougham gulp down the last of that creamy goo. "I didn't want it dumping out all over my work bench." Brougham explained sheepishly, as Dunlup snickered at him eagerly gulping down that thick slime. "Tho... I did enjoy the taste when I visited you." The tall Ram confessed with a faint smile, as he watched Dunlup pull that long thick black fucker out of the rut sleeve.

"Oh yes I recall." The ugly old Onager snickered, thinking back to the Ram happily working clean up for him. The big Ram licking all those cream filled Mare and Jenny pussy's, after the horny Donkey had filled them up with his cum. "Have you been enjoying your forced abstinence?" Dunlup asked, reaching over to fondle the male chastity cage covering the Sheep's male-hood.

"As promised... it has been very frus... Errr... stimulating." Brougham corrected with a weak, but happy smile as he stood there letting the older male play with his caged male organs. "It has been a bit of a disappointment for my Ewe's... many of them were expected me to mount them as soon as I got back. But I have been telling them all about the size of your... about you and they are all excited to have you as a house guest for a few weeks." Brougham assured with a wide smirk, as Dunlup clapped his hands on that rotund belly and chuckled.

"Heh... if you wanted me to come down and fuck all your Ewe's... all you had to do was ask. In fact that would have gotten me down a lot faster!" Dunlup observed with a naughty laugh, even as Brougham smiled and nodded his head in understanding. They both knew that the Ram had been begging for him to visit for weeks, ever since Dunlup had sent him home all caged up and helpless. Things really had gotten busy for the old Jack, it was just a happy coincidence that he had gotten free at the same time the big Ram's wives were coming into season.

"Did you say that you got the idea for this... from a Goat Blacksmith over in the Horse kingdom capital." Brougham asked wanting to hear that story, since he hadn't got to interact with any other Smiths and was curious about Dunlup's friends. The old Donkey was just about to answer that question, when they were interrupted by a soft voice.

"Ah ha... I thought I heard voices out here." A friendly happy sounding voice called, making both of them look around towards the house. "I hope my husband isn't boring you with his favorite subject..." The pretty mature Ewe joked as she came out into the shop to greet their guest, while the old Jack looked her over admiringly.

"Dora..." Brougham grunted with a smirk, as his first Ewe teased him softly about his obsession with his machine. "Dora this is my good friend Dunlup the Donkey Smith, I told you all about." The tall Ram grunted softly, watching as his wife strolled up to look the homely older male over.

"Yes my husband has told us all about you. But it is nice to put a muzzle with the name." She held her hand out, watching as the old Jack took it and kissed the woolly back of her hand.

"Well Dora, how delightful to meet you at last!" The heavy set old Donkey replied with a friendly, if gap-toothed smile as she looked at him. "I was just telling your Ram there, if I'd known how much he was talking me up to you all. I'd have come down a lot sooner." His smile broadened into the more-than-friendly kind, and he shamelessly looked the married Ewe up and down, getting his eyes linger all over her curves. Plus the fat Donkey was already naked, his belly hanging a bit over his groin, but not nearly enough to conceal his swinging black slab of manhood and heavy old balls. "I'm not bored by his machine at all... and definitely not now that you are here!"

"He has been making promises on your behalf... I am glad to see, that he has not been exaggerating at all." The heavy mature Ewe said with a smirk, Dunlup grinning as he can pick up the beginning of heat scent under her perfume. Brougham blushed as his wife said that, his hands reaching over to fondle those hefty black organs. Showing them off to his lovely wife, who was watching him do it with a faint smirk.

"Heheh... I should have guessed you would enjoy his machine. After all the tales he told about you... treating those poor pent up young stallions." Dora smirked at the memory of what her husband had described to her, those young studs being forcefully unmaled by a common Donkey. "Well you are certainly welcomed in our house... I'm sure all the others will be wanting to talk with you." She was speaking like a proper Ewe lady, but the old Donkey could feel the under current of desire coming from her.

The old Donkey licked his thick lips and smiled, tasting her heat in the air around them. "And I would LOVE to meet all of them! At your own pace of course." He added, then leaned back as Brougham lifted and fondled his heavy, virile male organs. Dunlup reached a doughy, calloused hand out to Dora's fluffy hip, rubbing gently as his thick pole started to rise up form the attention.

"Brougham failed to tell us what a kind gentlefur you were." She observed with a smirk at her husband, who was plainly happy to fluff the fat old Donkey. "Perhaps we should move this into the house, as the shop is so.... Open." She observed glancing out towards the street, were Rams and Ewes were wandering by. Slowly she moved up closer, letting her soft body press against his side.

"Sounds like you're interested in how Stallions get treated...You ever had a chance to see an equine's manhood up close? Here's your chance. You can see how much your husband likes 'em." The fat Jackass added with a sly grin, gesturing down towards the handsome Ram who was busy licking that thick cock.

"Oh Yes it is most unseemly how much my husband likes those equine organs." She flash the big Ram a smirk, as he looked up at her with fat black cock between his lip's. "I think all of us _girls_are interested in how Stallions get treated..." She confessed with a naughty little smile, watching her husband lick at that big blunt cock head. "This is my first time seeing a.... a Equines manhood up close. I have to admit I am impressed!' She chuckled lewdly as the three of them moved into the house, while the old Donkey let his rough hands wander over her body.

"I'll be happy to put that big erection to work for you." Dunlup offered lewdly, as the sexy female Sheep flashed him a naughty 'Come hither' look that made the painting of the Ewe on the Rams neutering machine look tame.

"Well... that is what us girls were counting on... since you've made sure our husband is unable to do the job."

The hefty Donkey laughed out loud, and his heavy belly shook gently. "Well on the bright side, if that cage gets taken off, he could do it again. That's a much better deal than the Stallions and Colts that come to my shop get... Their balls wind up in a bucket. Sometimes I'll chop their big long Horse cocks off, too. Ammm, always gets me... worked up... Hnf."

"Yes my husband is lucky... he could be a wether like so many of his sons." Dora moaned laying her head against that fat round belly, inhaling the old Jacks musky powerful male scent. Dunlup's nostrils twitched, as he spoke of cutting both cock and balls off those Horses. Dora's aroused heat scent seemed to double, the air around them flooded with that sweet tangy smell. "I can understand why that would..." The pretty Ewe grunted as she pressed her body against him more firmly, her small hand joining her husband on those sweaty black organs.

"Oh he sire a lot of sons... who are wethers now huh?" Dunlup couldn't help but let out a lusty snort, as Brougham work over his thick, heavy snake, the bulky shaft soon stiffening and rising up, with his fat balls hanging low and heavy. They still felt like they were sloshing with his spunk... it'd been a long drive up.

"They all volunteered... to help me test my machines." The tall Ram explained breathlessly, as the old Donkey chuckled soft at hearing that. His own scent was filling the room, an earthy, intoxicating masculine Donkey musk that was apparent to all. He put an arm around the mature Ewe's round hips, gently but firmly pulling her body close to his, and ran his free hand along her belly before groping her chest.

"Ummm. Well Dora.. I hate to keep ladies waiting... So why don't we get that job done, Hmm?" The lusty Donkey slid his hand back down, groping the plump ewe right between her thighs. Dora's soft hands weighting his fat nuts, as she watched her husbands mouth pull off that thick fucker. She could smell the scent of the Donkeys seed on his breath, leaving no doubt about his servitude to the homely stud.

"You are eager... Just the way I like my males." She admitted with a smirk, slipping out of her dress to stand naked before them. Before she helped the old Donkey to get out of his clothing, while utterly ignoring her helpless husband.

Dunlup whickered when Dora laid her head on his broad gut, a simple but somehow powerful gesture that really made the old Jack feel appreciated. He rocked his hips back and forth, making his thick cock and fat balls bounce and jostle in the Sheep's hands. He stood still when Dora started sliding her dress off, watching with growing delight as she stripped for him. "Oh, I'm eager alright! And I should tell you, I've gotten a bit of a reputation for getting Mares and Fillies pregnant back home... Not sure if that'll be the case with Ewes, but let's find out!" He moved towards the naked Ewe and hugged her against his fat body...

"Oh really?" Dora asked with a smile, glancing over at her husband who was watching open mouthed. "Well I'm alright with risking it... if my husband is." Her merry laughter ringing out loudly, as a long string of pre-cum spilled out of his caged organ to dangle between his legs.

And then the old Donkey lifted her up by her rump, and sat her down on the nearest table. Grinning, he lifted her thighs, putting her hooves over his shoulders, and moved his thick, long cock to her puffy slot. Slowly he started to ease himself inside... that tiny opening having a hard time taking his thickness.

"I think that he's looking forwards to finding out if you can." The pretty Ewe snickered as she was lifted up onto the table, allowing him to lift her legs up as she awaited her new Donkey lover.

"Yeah... how's that feel inside, you Dora?" Dunlup asked with a snicker, as his tip stretched her pussy open wide...

"Ohooo... my gods it... ITS SO BIG!" Dora squealed as that big blunt fucker spread her wider than anything ever had, the pain of being stretched intense."Oho Owww I don't know if I can... can take it." The pretty Ewe squealed, as Brougham lean down close to her.

"Yes you can... if I can take it you can sweetie." He reassured in a soft groan, making her look at him sharply. Her hot sex suddenly gushing moisture at the idea of him taking that cock, the slick fluid easing the way for that long black cock. She let out a grunt as he pushed deep into her, while a shiver of pleasure made her moan out loudly.

"Ohohoh YES! Oh I need this sooooo much..." She blurted out loudly in confession, as her stunned husband watched another male take her.

"Oh yeah... Ohoh Dora, I can see why Rams fight over you Ewes so much. I'm gonna FILL you!" The lustful old Donkey snorted, as he felt her gushing wet pussy snugly embrace his thick, throbbing shaft. Despite his rough talk he worked himself in slowly, making sure not to stretch Dora's nethers too fast as he went... After all, he knew it had been a while since anyone... or at least since her husband had been inside her. Dunlup bit his thick lower lip, she felt so good, holding back took some discipline on his part. And he busied himself with spreading his hooves apart, letting his heavy balls swing more freely. As he leaning forward, pushing the Ewe's legs back and pressing his hefty belly against her groin. Working his hips back and forth moved that fat piston smoothly in and out, giving Brougham the lurid show he knew the Ram wanted. He slowly worked up his pace, stuffing that wet pussy deeper and more firmly, until his fat black balls were slapping against Dora's fluffy rump. "Yeah, you're gonna get a BIG load out of me, sexy Ewe... Your husband's gonna love eating it out of you." Grinning, he smirked at the caged Ram, who was obviously very aroused by everything that was happening. "But if you don't get it all, you won't mind if my balls make all your Ewes fat and round, do you Brougham?"

Brougham moved over closer, reaching between the old Donkeys thigh's to grasp his fat cummers. Rubbing and tugging on them gently, as the tall Ram listened to Dunlup grunting and talking to them both. "No..." The big Ram confessed meekly, looking up at the fat older male with admiration in his eyes.

"Heheh!" That statement making the pretty Ewe snicker lewdly, she would have never believed that her proud husband would be acting like this. Still it was certainly turning her on, like watching two males fight over who was going to breed. Only now it was her husband who had admitted there was a bigger better male, now here he was kissing and nuzzling that males fat orbs.

"Breed your offspring into them... It's not like I can breed them right now." Brougham had been dubious about wearing the chastity cage at first, but the old Donkey had talked him into it. Well had fucked him into submission, and then locked it on him while he was to limp and spent to resist. Now the Ram understood why, because it made him very willing to allow the other male have what should have belonged to the Ram alone. If he hadn't been locked up, he would of had to fight to keep this from happening. But as it was he could just surrender both himself and his Ewes, pushing his muzzle in farther he licked Dora's pussy lip's and that thick black cock punching into her. "And they need to be fucked... If I can't do it then you are the one I want cumming inside my herd."

The old Jackass snickered again, and started thrusting harder when he felt the Ram's hands on his heavy, sweaty balls. His thick phallus plunged in and out of Dora's deliciously smooth and snug tunnel, the old Onager's doughy hips working back and forth relentlessly. Making his heavy old balls jerk around in Brougham's hands and dragging them across the Ram's handsome furry muzzle. "Ohoh yeah!" Dunlup moaned out breathlessly, as his massive organ pumped eagerly in and out of Dora's eager sex. The sexy Ewe lay back gasping and moaning loudly, as that hefty belly covered the back of her lifted legs. Even as jolts of pleasure shook her body, as that huge Donkey cock utterly wreak her hot little pussy. Looking back at her husband she giggled, wondering if he had any idea what that mighty fucker was doing. "God, I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna stuff a nice fat foal in your belly honey. You're gonna look so fucking good... big and round... tits swollen with milk for my baby Donkey." Dunlup panted, sliding his hands up Dora's soft body to grasp her bare, woolly breasts in callused three fingered hands.

"Oho yeah... I want it. Make sure all our friends and neighbors know what a cuck Brougham is..." She invited with a loud moan, bucking and eagerly fucking back as the homely old Jack hammered into her. "I'll be proud walking around with a belly swollen with your offspring and full teats to feed them with." Dora answered right back, as Brougham tugged and twisted at that chastity cage.

"And after I fill you up, I want you to bring me right to your daughters, and tell 'em I'm gonna be siring their next kids... I want you both next to me, handling my balls as I breed a bunch of Mules into your hot little family!"

"Hahah... Yer a real stud going to knock up every female in the family... Do you do that to those Horses you geld?" She moaned as that hot pussy leaked heavier, dribbles of her fluids running down that thick fucker. As her husband licked along the bottom of that thick shaft, as he violated her quivering pussy over and over. While Brougham let those hefty sweaty balls rub over his muzzle, smearing Donkey musk all over him so everyone he met would smell it.

Dunlup smugly grinned down at Dora as his belly jostled, shaking from each proud slam of his hips into hers. "Ohoh, whenever I can." He beamed in reply, softly going into some of his past sexual exploits. "I LOVE cutting off a noble Horse's balls, and then taking over the pussy he'd owned. Wives, daughters, servants even... I've bred them all in my time. And sometimes..." He added with a lewd leering wink, as his body humped and hunch against the Ewes soft woolly body. "It'll happen the other way around... I've had Mares tell me to geld their husbands, after having a taste of my fat dick. Bet that makes you worried, eh Brougham?" The old Jack quipped over his shoulder, as the tall Ram looked intimidated for the first time.

"Aha Hahah..." Dora moaned out loudly, as she thought about those well fucked Mares telling the old Jackass to geld their husbands. Dunlup's taunt to her husband making her burst out squealing with laughter and pleasure.

"Errr..." Brougham stammered breathlessly, wanting to reply but unable to think of anything to say in return. His trapped cock struggling to get hard within that cage, as more and more pre-cum dripped and dribbled out.

"Heheh... that's right dear we might decide you need to test your latest machine to make sure its working properly." Dora teased... something she had joked about to him for years now as he worked to make the machine better and better.

"Well first things first," Dunlup moaned as his heavy balls began to pull up, this strong hip's driving in harder and faster as he looked down. "Gonna get your whole family pregnant... starting right here... with YOU!" He slammed his thick pole deep into Dora's body, and brayed loudly 'HEEHAW..HEEHAW!' , tail flagging, as his fat nuts jumped and his pole pulsed, splashing hosing Dora's insides with his virile spunk.

"Ohooo gods... Ohoooo yeah stud... put a Donkey in my womb!" She begged... as trembles of pleasures' ran through her lush body, while the old Jack humped and thrust hard and deep. She threw her head back squealing and screaming loudly, as that hot spunk filled her up more than any ejaculation ever had. "Oho yes...Yes...YES!" Dora gasping in delight, as a powerful wave of multiple orgasms thundered through her plush body. As that huge Donkey cock sent her into bliss, even as the homely older male leaned over her roughly playing with her breasts. As the last of his thick stud soup pumped into her, as her husband rubbed and rolled that fat orbs around within that soft leathery sack.

"Ammm damn that was good Dora baby." Dunlup praised softly, as he slipped his thick fucker out of her tight pussy. Groaning as Brougham's soft lip's instantly wrapped around his cock, gently suckling that thick black erection clean. "Hahaha... Brougham buddy... not that I'm not enjoying it, but Dora's pussy needs your mouth more." The fat old Jack laughed, as he used the Rams curly horns to push his mouth away. With a grin the big handsome Ram then dived into Dora's gaping pussy, licking around those wide open sex lip's as a thick stream of Donkey spunk oozed out of her. "Oh yeah enjoy that creampie buddy..." Dunlup snickered lewdly, as he watched the handsome Ram eagerly lick and suckle up that fresh cum. The tall handsome Ram moaning in pleasure, as his mouth pressed against that gaping slot. While Dora lay back with a pleasure dazed if delighted smile on her pretty muzzle, Brougham hadn't went down on her like this in years. Now the handsome Ram had his muzzle buried inside her gaping cunt, as his tongue snaked deeper into her lapping up Donkey gravy. "Damn buddy yer really getting deep in there." Dunlup laughed, as he saw the whole tip of that muzzle pushing into Dora's stretched out pussy. Idly Dunlup wondered, if the Ram had any idea how wreaked his wives pussy's were going to be once the old Jack finished pounding them. As the fat older Donkey spotted the other Ewe's looking into the room from the open doorway. Stepping away from the pair, Dunlup stood there smiling at them as his thick black equine cock swiftly hardened once again.

"Okay... ladies who wants to be the next to get bred? I promised your husband I would fill each and everyone of you." It was promising to be a very exciting two weeks, although Dunlup doubted that he would be getting much rest. Not that the old Jack minded with pussy as tight as this to fuck, he flashed them that wide chipped tooth grin. As a couple of the cute little woolly Ewe's came up to him, rubbing their soft little hands over his furry belly. As he reached out groping those soft female bodies, as the two females dragged him off to the master bedroom. "Only fitting since I'm the new master of this house... until Brougham gets his cage off." The fat old Jack chuckled, as these sexy little Ewe's rubbed and stroked his hefty male organs. Dunlup amazed once again, at how these pretty females could be manipulated by their mate into being so eager for a ugly old male like him. While it was true their natural heat cycle had a lot to do with it, he doubted that would have been enough. Without Brougham spending so much time talking him up, introducing them to idea that Dunlup was the stud they wanted and needed. But then that had been the Ram's plan, true Dunlup had caged him to help the Sheep stud surrender. But the plan to get the Ewes to agree to let the old Donkey fuck them, had been all Brougham... now it was true the Ram hadn't been expecting his herd to be in season on Dunlups visit. So the fact that he could end up with a ton of Mule or Donkey offspring to raise... Dunlup wasn't even sure what their off spring would even be. These fine girls weren't equines, so most likely they wouldn't been Mules. Still if the Ram's wives all gave birth to Donkey's... well there would be no doubt among Brougham's friends and neighbors that the Ram wasn't the sire. And the proud Ram had taken Dunlup around introducing him to everyone they met all day before taking the old Jack home. "Don't crowd ladies... plenty here for everybody. Hehehe. I'm planning to stay two weeks... so you'll all be getting as much as you want."

"Two weeks!" The pretty younger Ewes squealed together, as the stripped off their dress's as Dunlup sat on the bed watching in delight. "Of taking that cock..." The two of them shared lewd smirks, while giggling wildly at the idea of being repeatedly mounted by the Donkey.

"Brougham will never be able to get off inside of us again." Lilly sneered as she wiggled her little finger, obviously making fun of her Ram husbands slender modest length organ. Making Rowena burst out giggling just as loudly, as the two of them paused to admire Dunlups throbbing erection.

"Not after that massive log has ruined us..." Rowena agreed, even as the other girls watching from the hallway enjoyed the joke as well. Dunlup smiled and winked at them, as they choose to watch from a distance for the time being. The old Donkey knew they would all come around to him in their own time, and he was patient he could wait for that.

"Don't be ungrateful." One of the watching Ewes called, as Lilly and Rowena joined the old Donkey in bed. "We'll have to think of a way to thank him properly... for bringing us this wonderful gift!" She gestured towards that fat black erection, as Dunlup lay back on Brougham's marriage bed. That statement making all the girls laugh naughtily, as they watched Lilly and Rowena rolling around on the bed lustfully kissing and fondling the old Jackass.

"Why don't we each give him a single copper." The youngest of the Ewes suggested, making them all giggle wildly at that idea. It was plain what she was joking about, as Brougham's neutering machine took only a single copper to do its work. And so it had become a common joke, for one Ram or a Ewe to offer a copper to some horny male.

"Hey yeah! Then he and his sons would have more in common." That statement making all the Ewes giggle, as it was well known that dozens of the Ram Smith's sons had helped perfect his machine. A couple more 'helping' each year, even though the machines had been in use for tens years now all over the Sheep kingdom. It was widely joked among his peers, that Brougham was trying to end his own breeding line. Since his daughters were almost the only ones making it out into married life, of course a couple of the Ram's sons had made it into the breeding pool. Of course forming a herd wasn't easy for young Ram's, so far none of them had managed to do so.

Those severed organs used to pay off the Predators, so that raiding from that kingdom had dropped to a eighty year low. Why go out and fight for meat... when meat was being delivered to you. A lot of preds were getting fat and happy, of course they needed population control as well. And neutering machines were already finding their way into the predator kingdoms, with images of female Wolves or felines painted on them. Brougham was particularly proud of his baculum smasher, that sheared through the bone in pred penis's with ease. And as it turns out... Pred meat sells just as good as herbivore meat! A fact that made the Ram chuckle, like most Smiths he'd had a few predators come in to his shop to be fixed. Now he was providing his machines to the lords and town leaders, bored and horny young predators could be dealt with easily. That made it so much easier to control the kingdom, now it young preds went on unordered hunts into neighboring herbivore kingdoms. Their lords could do something about that illicit behavior, it made for a lot fewer border incursions by adventurous youth.

On the bed the fat old Donkey was laughing gruffly, enjoy the sexy young Ewe's battling over who was going to get wreaked by that huge fucker first. Lilly at last won out, and climbed up on top of that towering erection. Letting her slick fluids dribble down over that big blunt head, before wetting and lubricating that length of that shiny black fucker.

"Hahah damn girl you're all hot and ready." The old Donkey chuckled lewdly, enjoying the fact that he was not just fucking these horny females in season. But that they were all watching and admiring as he did it. While their husband was helpless to do anything more than lick up the mess the old Jack was making of the Ram's wives pussy's. The sexy little Ewe inhaling sharply, as her sex lip's stretched around his throbbing pillar of male-hood.

"Ohooo gods yer so fucking huge." Lilly moaned working its mighty girth into his tight little pussy, while Rowena sat on Dunlup's soft round belly. Letting the homely old Jack fondle and nibble on her pert Sheep teats, as his throbbing fucker sank deeper and deeper into the hot, wet, velvety vice of Lilly's sex.

"Ummm Wow... look at the size of his balls." The youngest of the Ewes moaned, moving over to the edge of the bed as she admired those nuts. Her soft hands cupping and fondling them, before Dunlup could invite her to do just that.

"We already talked about that Lena." Rowena called over her shoulder teasingly, even as Lilly began bouncing up and down on that thick Donkey cock.

"No... no you just talked about his cock... but these balls are marvels!" Lena countered with a breathless gasp, rubbing those hefty sweat male nuts all over her woolly muzzle. As that strong male musk made her feel light headed, soon she was kissing and licking that velvety ball pouch eagerly. "Do all equines have huge balls like these? As is it true what Brougham said about you... You know... removing all those big Horse thingies and then mounting those new wethers females?"

The fat Donkey took a deep breath, and gripped Lilly's shapely hips firmly, while thrusting upwards, lifting the little Ewe off the bed a little ways. He let his hips fall back down and her weight followed as well, driving her even deeper down onto that glistening ebony pillar. For Dunlup, it felt so good, but even better than that, he had another naked Ewe on his chest... while a third was fondling and tasting his balls. Even better than how good it felt physically, was how good it felt to be wanted so badly. "Ohoh, you like my big black balls, do you sweet thing?" He asked with a wide grin, as he thrust up into the dewy sex of the pretty Ewe riding him. "Mmm, I gotta say, Horses do have some big cocks, and nice balls... they make a nice handful once they're grown up. But Donkeys have it bigger than some... and mine are bigger than almost all." He snorted, bucking upwards and bouncing Lilly on his hips, that round belly jostling against her groin. The pretty young Ewe moaning and squealing in delight, as that thick cock lay waste to her tight wet love tunnel. His chest moving under Rowena, and his heavy black sac bouncing and rolling against Lena's cute little muzzle.

"And I'm happy to say that Bougham wasn't lying... as a Blacksmith, one thing I do is geld Horses that need it." The fat old Jack laughed darkly, as he saw the sexy Ewe's hanging on his every word. "And a LOT of Horses need it, as it turns out." He took a deep, excited breath as he tossed Lilly around with his strong upward thrusts, and reached a hand up to grab Rowena's plump tits, before dipping his muzzle between her thighs and kissing her pussy as she ground it against his flabby chest. "Oh yeah, I love my work. I'll bend proud herd Stallions and young colts over my anvil, and grab their firm balls. I'll squeeze 'em tight to make'em squeal." He grunted, gripping Rowena's tits hard as a brief demonstration the grip with his work callused hands. "Then tie 'em up... and cut 'em off. I love it, oh, gods I love it. I love it when they beg, _ 'Oh please sir, not my balls! My very precious balls.' _ he pleaded in a high pitched sissy sounding highborn voice. "I love it when they scream as it happens. I love it when they cum all over the side of my anvil, out of over stimulation or just sheer desperation. And sometimes I'll saw their cocks off too, and they'll beg, cry and scream all over again. I LOVE seeing those long limp fuckers and fat balls resting in the bottom of my bucket." He explained with a lewd smirk, smelling the Ewe's growing more and more excited as he spoke. Knowing from the way Liily's pussy was gripping and milking his fat fuck stick, that she was on the edge of a powerful orgasm.

Dunlup snorted breathlessly, the fat Donkey thrusting vigorously, mercilessly tossing Lilly on his meaty impaler. The little Ewe screaming in pleasure now, loud 'Baaa Baaa's' filling the air as her eyes rolled around in her head. "And I'll tell you why they beg me so. They beg because when I cut off their balls, I cut off their lust. I cut off their virility, their arrogance, their very manhood's. They beg because they want to go on being able to FUCK... and gods I love taking that away from the wealthy bastards." He grinds his teeth, grunting, and Lena gets to see those heavy black balls get pulled up within their sac. Potent and throbbing themselves as the base of that Donkey's meaty dick pulses, pumping his primed load up into Lilly's body. While the sexy little Ewe moans and grunts loudly in pleasure, her body racked by a tidal wave of orgasmic delight crashing over her mind.

Groaning, he starts slowing down his thrusting, though not quite coming to a stop yet. He breathes heavily, talking between his gulps of air. "And yeah... their girlfriends might be watching. Their wives might be there, might have even encouraged me to do it. And they see me drop their proud mate's balls into my bucket... maybe even cut off his cock. While they see my manhood swinging free and erect, and they know they just have to have it." He paused and takes a few breaths, the old Donkey licking his thick black lips. "And I'm proud to say that those fat balls you're kissing, you cutie, are really good at getting those needy Mares and Fillies pregnant. I love giving those geldings a Mule to raise. Show them their females always wanted a fat old Donkey more than them. Their round bellies and bastard foals will never let them forget it... and god I love it. You love my balls, sweetie? So do I... I love it when girls do what you're doing, kissing my balls, worshiping my fat cummers. You talk to them like that. You thank them for making me so virile and ready to fuck, and tell them you hope they get you pregnant, because that's what they want most of all." Rolling over on his side, the old Donkey let Lilly slide off his thick rut muscle... as the little Ewe lay there panting for breath.

"Looks like someone has had fun." Glancing up Dunlup in unsurprised to see Bougham pushing his way into the room, the tall Ram licking his lip's as he spotted Lilly laying there well seeded. The Rams nose and cheeks were shiny with a thin film of Donkey jism, his smile one of absolute delight however.

"Oh yes... I've just made you another hot creampie buddy." The old Donkey grunted with a chuckle, as Rowena and Lena lick his long black stud stick clean. Helping him grow back to full throbbing erection, as Bougham knelt as the foot of the bed and pulled Lilly down to him. Letting her leg's drape over his shoulders, as his muzzle slipped down between her woolly thigh's. Pausing for a moment to enjoying the sight of Lilly's gaping slot, with that thick river of creamy Donkey spunk drooling out of it.

"Thank you my friend... Thank you soooo much." Bougham moaned softly, making the watching Ewe all snicker lewdly at him. Even as the tall Ram dives in, licking and kissing up every thick gooey white droplet or oozing string. As his mouth moves up to her gaping slot, so loudly_ 'Slurping' _ that it attracted a number of the Ram's offspring. The young Rams and Ewe's joining their mothers in watching, as their sire greedily laps up the cum of a fat old Donkey.

"Hahah... look at that... look at that Da's got a cage around his junk." One of the young Ram's pointed out to his brothers, making them all burst out laughing at their sires sexual impotence.

"Looks like Da aint exactly the top Ram of this herd anymore." One of the other young Rams observed with a naughty guffaw, as their sire repeatedly thanked the Donkey for breeding his wives. Filling them fill of Donkey cum, which it was plain that the tall Ram was happy to eat out of them.

"Looks like the top Ram... is a ugly old Jackass!" A third young Ram snickered lewdly, as the horny male Sheep shared knowing grins. Plainly all of them getting the same idea at once, and that thought was a naughty one it appeared.

"That's right... I locked your fathers cock up. And now I'm going to seed everyone of his Ewe's and daughters." Dunlup snorted gloatingly, as he watched Bougham going down on Lilly's wreaked pussy. "So for now you can consider your sire a wether... since his male organs are non operational. That means until the cage is off... you can all call me Daddy!" Dunlup grunted smiling over at the young watching Ewe's, as they peeked in to watch the old Donkey rut their mothers. The young Rams sharing leering grins, as they considered that statement for a long moment.

"Ummm... yeah. He's the herd Ram now." Plainly the handsome Ram was in heaven, as his tongue gathered that salty spooge up. Bougham making soft grunts and pleasure filled whimpers, as his mouth worked over that wreaked pussy. The smooth burning hot folds of which his tongue was eagerly caressing, even while the Ram knew that it would never feel the same for him again. But then his wives and offspring would never feel the same respect for him, after watching the tall Ram eating those hot gooey creampies. Bougham felt blush burning on his nose, as he listened to his wives, daughters and sons snickering lewdly at his savoring that hot male slime.

While on the other side of the bed Rowena took her place on that thick black stud stick, as Lena climbed up on Dunlup's big round belly. Laying on it so her shapely little rump was pointed at the older males muzzle, as Dunlup leaned forwards to tease her damp little slit with his broad equine tongue. "Ohoho Gods... herd Ram.. YES! He is sooooo much more of a male than you are... You are hung like a nit compared to him." Rowena squealed out loudly, as that massive equine rut stick slowly pushed it's way inside of her. The sexy Ewe's screams and squeals drawing more giggling, from the watching females as the look on her muzzle was one of sheer delight. Even while the fat old Donkey started pushing his hip's upwards, working more and more of his massive length up inside of her as the sexy Ewe moaned in delight. Dunlup grinned broadly as he pierced her virginity, the sensation of it heavenly on his huge throbbing organ. His heavy over stuffed sac swinging and bouncing on the soft mattress heftily, as the lusty Jackass vigorously thrust his stiff pole through that sleek gash, relishing the act of claiming her sex. The Donkeys vulgar stories about gelding Stallions sounding boastful, and yet on some level they also turned Rowena on intensely. That tight Sheep sex squeezing down on Dunlup's powerful black rut stick, even as she began to moan softly with each deep thrust.

"Ummm... yer pussy feels so sweet so tight heh." He grunted out loudly, those flabby wide hip's speeding up as he fucked her harder. The sexy Ewe giggling as her body pushed down onto the Donkey's thrust fucker, as the air was filled with soft _ 'Squish squish squish' noises. "Oh yes, I'll do this to you any time you want... fill yer womb up with my cum. You should come find me every time you need it Rowena, since yer husband is unable to be a male at the moment. Hell... maybe Bougham would even let you visit me later on." The homely old Jack leaned in close, groping the young Ewe's plump belly and jostling, soft breasts as he stuffed his mighty equine pleasure scepter deep inside her snug little slot. Rowena glanced over at her mate, watching as the Ram buried his muzzle in Lilly's gaping pussy. Tongue slithering deep inside of her, eagerly doing its best to get every bit of the old Donkey's spoo. That making her snort in derision, as she realized that her husband was in no position to deny the Donkey anything he wanted. Locked in chastity... licking up the older males creamy leavings like a good little wether. _"I married a pansy." The sexy young female Sheep muttered under her breath, more than loud enough for everyone in the room to hear her. "But he gives the best gifts." She moaned reaching down to fondle the old Donkey's hefty balls, as Lena leaned over that big belly to lick at that fat cock and Rowena's leaking pussy.


"Hahah yeah... I can't think of a moment I had a better time." Dunlup chuckled smiling widely, as he gasped for breath after finishing the last of Bougham's herd of Ewe's. The old Donkey had fucked eight more females that night, filling everyone of Bougham's wives one after the other. Sending them off to bed with the promise of more the next day, exhausted the sweaty old Jack lay back on the Rams big bed. Chuckling weakly as the tall Ram knelt between his fat legs, Bougham licking that massive erection clean as it slowly slipped back into its sheath. And then he moved down to those sweaty balls, the tangly male musk and salty sweat making the frustrated Ram's trapped dick ache within its cage.

"I'm glad you had fun my friend." Bougham moaned breathlessly, was he lavished licks all over those hefty male organs. "Because it brought me a lot of pleasure... so excited watching you breed my girls... leaving me soooo pent up wanting to cum so much." The helpless Ram moaned as Dunlup lay back, looking down at him as the other male gave himself over to the Donkey's aftercare. "Hoping to please... in anyway I can. Gods I wish you would let me pay you for this..." Bougham offered for maybe the hundredth time, since they had first talked about all of this back in Dunlup's shop.

"Heheh..." Dunlup couldn't help chuckling, highly amused that the other male thought he deserved paying for that kind of thing. "Just letting me have your wives and daughters is plenty of payment." The old Donkey assured Dunlup couldn't help noticing, that a couple of horny young Rams were still hanging around the still open bedroom door. Sharing lewd smirks and elbowing each other as they listened to their sire talking to the fat old Jack. It seemed to amuse the young Ram enormously, that their sire was acting so submissive to the ugly old Donkey. Sitting up Dunlup ran his big rough hands down Bougham's woolly back, cupping and gripping those firm rump cheeks he spread them wide. Exposing that tight pink pucker, to the starring young Rams who suddenly were looking at their sire with more interest. The old Donkey winked at them, smirking as he watched them step into the room fondling their crotches. Gesturing for them to strip, the leering Jackass watched the Ram's handsome sons climb out of their clothing.

Reaching over to a nearby jar of scented grease, Dunlup gathered up some on one thick finger. Before slowly rubbing it over that tiny pink pucker, the grinning Rams edging closer while they watched as the grinning Donkey lubricated that tail hole. Slender young erections jutting out firmly, as the oblivious Bougham just kept licking on that hefty Donkey junk. Picking out the smaller of the two, Dunlup flash him a wicked grin gesturing for him to go first. "Alright boys... time to show this wether how much of a male you are." Bougham's eyes flew open wide, as he felt that hard young cock push against his well greased anus. Glancing back in shock the tall Ram found himself looking up at one of his handsome sons.

"Wha... Sinjon!" Bougham choked, watching as his son's thick male member started to sink into his loosened butt-hole. The look of shock and surprise on his muzzle, making the younger Ram laugh out loud at him. "Just what do you think your dooooo... ing?"

"Pretty obvious isn't it... like yer Donkey friend was saying earlier, yer pretty much a wether right now. And you know what horny Ram's like us do with wethers..." The handsome young Ram pointed out with a leering smirk, as he gripped those woolly hip's with his hands firmly. "Heheh." The two young Rams snickered lewdly, even as Sinjon's long cock sank smoothing into his fathers tail-hole. Until at last that long, slender Ram fucker, rubbed up against the warm, pulsing knot of the older males pent up prostate gland. "Baaa..." Bougham couldn't help moaning as those glassy eyes rolling around in his head, while the Ram's son's fat nuts smack softly against his own. Making the handsome older male moan out loudly, as a long, thin, silver string of pre-cum slowly began to dangle out of the piss slit of that metal cock cage. The tall Ram lowering his head back onto Dunlup's crotch, as Sinjon began to pound that throbbing fucker in and out of his fathers asshole.

"Sounds like the wether is liking having his boi cunt pounded... Hahah." Ransley joked, as he watched his older brother make their sire_ 'Baaa.' _ like a sissy little Ewe. Climbing up onto the bed beside their father on all fours, Ransley leaned his muzzle over beside Bougham's. "Isn't that right daddy wether?" He taunted leaning in close to look his sire muzzle, the young Ram suddenly intense aware of the fat old Donkey's thick powerful male scent.

"Baaaaaa!" Bougham brayed again even louder, as the grinning Sinjon rode his ass all the harder. The noise and scent of fucking drawing more young Rams to the bedroom door, soon all of the tall Ram's sons where watching Sinjon fucking their sires ass.

"Yer muzzle smells like cum..." The young Ram moaned softly, as the two of them inhaled the heady scent of that sweaty equine crotch. "You've been eating his cum all night... we've been watching you lick it out of the pussy's He bred all night." Ransley moaned, his tongue flicking out to lick at the shiny cum stains of his fathers muzzle. As Dunlup snickered softly, watching as the young Ram cleaned that Donkey cum off his fathers handsome muzzle. Bougham tried to resist at first, but with that hard cock ramming his pleasure gland he was soon fucked into submission. Allowing Ransley to lick all over his cum covered muzzle, and then the young Ram was pressing his mouth against his sires. Tasting the cum and sweaty Donkey musk in that mouth, as they both panted and moaned softly. Reaching over Dunlup gathered another dab of grease on his finger, and then reached back to rub it onto you young Ram's virgin pucker. Winking at one of those watching Rams, the old Donkey gestured for him to come join in. That was all it took, the horny young stud stripped off his clothing and trotted over quickly to the bed. Joining Sinjon the eager young Sheep knelt behind his older brother, rubbing the tip of his throbbing Ram cock against that greased anus. The two young Rams sharing a lewd grin, as Wystan pounced on his older brother's lubed up asshole.

"Wait WHA..." Ransley squealed in shock, trying to look back over his shoulder only to have Dunlup grab his horns. Suddenly the young Ram found those thick rubbery black lip's pressing against his own, as the old Donkey kissed him like he was just another Ewe. "Ammmm." Ransley moaned softly, as his younger brother crammed that hard fucker up his resisting tail-hole. The handsome young Ram kissing back more and more passionately, as that hard spike was pounded up inside of his taboo orifice. Ransley began to moan and grunt louder, and then a loud _ 'Baaaa!' _ escaped him as that hard dick smashed against his sissy gland. Soon both father and son were squealing and Baaaing together, as they were both fucked like they were wethers.

"Damn... yer both so sexy... takin' hard cocks up yer rump holes. Moaning and squealin' in pleasure, just as loudly as any Ewe getting mounted hard." Dunlup laughed gleefully, finding this nasty incestuous show intensity arousing and entertaining. It was helping him get primed up for breeding Bougham's wives again, as well as getting started on all those daughters the Ram had produced. Watching this was very exciting there was no denying that, Bougham's five remaining sons were all in the room now. Three on the bed with the old Donkey and their sire, while the other two stood there watching and jacking off as they waited their turn. No doubt this was the first real sex any of them had enjoyed, before they had only swapped hand-jobs late at night in their rooms. Laying back the fat old Donkey, just enjoyed the show as Ransley and his father licked and nuzzle those smell hefty equine organs. While they both took a hard pumping from, those hard young cocks as Sinjon and Wystan shared wide gloating grins.

Soon Bougham was moaning and Baaaing loudly, that hot tail-hole squeezing and milking Sinjon's hard rutting cock. As Bougham's locked away and long neglected male organs spilled his hot seed onto the bed sheets. Even as the young Ram fucking him moaned out loudly, as his sires tail hole squeezed tightly on that pulsing cock. "Oho gods... Oho gods yeah you sissy pansy... squeeze that cock tight." Sinjon moaned out breathlessly, as his fat young balls drew up within his fat furry sack. The sight of their sire cumming like a Ewe from taking a hard fucking from a fat young cock, making the older Ram's sons bust out laughing derisively at their father. Even as Sinjon clutched at those woolly hip's, as he leaned over his sires back panting and moaning as he spurted his hot cum up that hot asshole.

"Damn Da... you came just like a bitch!" Wystan moaned tilting his head to glance under Bougham's belly, watching that caged organ dribble out great pearly drops of cum onto the sheets. "Guess that's why they call it a boi pussy..." He laughed spanking Ransley's wide ass loudly with one hand, as he pounded his brothers quivering hole lustfully. "Come on now Ran... lets see if your as much of a sissy wether as Da is. I bet you are!" The younger Ram taunted his older brother, as he felt Ransley starting to sling his rump backwards into those hard pounding thrusts. "How about this..." The younger Ram produced a copper from somewhere, holding it up in front of Ransley's eyes. "If you cum from being fucked... you'll take this coin and use it at one of Da's machines. And then you can be my own personal wether from now on."

"FFF...Fuck you." Ransley moaned weakly, was his long slender Ram cock jerked and slapped up against his woolly belly. As his younger brother humped and slammed his crotch against that firm round ass, as Wystan panted for breath as he fucked hard and fast. This reply making the younger Ram snicker contemptuously, even as he felt his older siblings anus start to squeeze down tightly on his throbbing cock.

"Take it... come on take it..." Wystan grunted breathlessly, as those strong hip's hammered his rock hard cock into that hot asshole lustfully. Each firm thrust beating and battering Ransley's sissy button, even as he _ 'Baaa's' _ louder as his quivering cock tensed and strained. Knowing that Wystan was right about him... he was going to lose it and squirt soon if his brother kept pumped him like that. Maybe he really should just do it... the young Ram thought is shock as he felt his pleasure building with each strong thrust of his younger brothers stiff fucker. Fighting to hold back... struggling to keep from cumming like a Ewe from taking a dick. His slender young cock bouncing and throbbing, as his woolly balls pulled up as he let out another loud bleat. Before painting the sheet with his hot cum, lifting a shaking hand up Ransley took that offered copper. Even as his younger brother chuckled softly, nuzzling at his older siblings neck as he lay over his back panting for breath.

* Added at the suggestion of JoeJWolf

"Alright... go on... do it!" Wystan egged his older brother on, as Ransley stood starring that the big wooden box with a cute little Ewe painted on it. The handsome young Ram gulped, as he stood there naked plainly conflicted as to whether he was really going to go through with it.

"Come on... you took the copper." Sinjon pointed out with a sneer, the oldest Ram brother thinking it would be fun to have a willing wether in the house.

"You gave your word." Wystan pointed out softly as, Ransley glance back over his shoulder at his brothers all ganged up to watch.

"Don't wussy out now." Orlan called out strolling around his older brother, the young Ram walking up to the machine. Leaning up against the side, as he beckoned Ransley forwards tauntingly. "You want this... ya know you do."

"He's gunna chicken out!" Beltane the youngest of the five brothers snickered, making Ransley glance over at him and frown.

"I'm not a coward." Ransley shot back over his shoulder, as he slowly walked up to the big wooden box. Taken a deep shuddering breath, then licking his furry lip's... before pushing his erect cock and floppy Sheep balls into the hole. He felt the little wooden lever slide down as his hefty balls dangled down, that slick sleeve just touching the tip of his throbbing hard on. A shiver ran down his spine, as Ransley lifted that copper coin to the slot. Pausing for a moment with that coin half in the slot, knowing that he was at the point of no return. If he let go of that coin... he would be walking away from this a wether plain and simple. "You guys gotta promise to be nice to me after... once I'm a... a..."

"Wether." Orlan finished for him, leaning in closer to look into his older brothers eye.

"Yeah." Ransley moaned weakly, as he fought with himself for a moment longer a part of him hating the idea. But a bigger part knowing that he would really enjoy being mounted over and over again once he was a wether.

"Oh we're gonna be real good to ya..." Sinjon called out, as the small group of Rams moved up a little closer to watch the fun.

"Yeah gunna throw ya a wether party..." Wystan promised with a snicker, that both make Ransley's erection jerk up harder while making the young Ram wince. They were planning to invite all their friends over to enjoy the new wether... all of his own friends as well no doubt.

"That's... fucked up." Ransley moaned as there was a sudden ringing, looking over the young Ram realized that hes just released the coin. The ringing was from that coin sliding down the slot, that then there was a loud _ 'Clink' _ as he landed in the bin. Instantly the wooden collar closed around his junk, trapping those organ in place as the young Ram grabbed the handles on the sides of the box. "OH GODS!" Ransley moaned out breathlessly, as he felt that slick sleeve slowly push down the length of his throbbing fucker. "Ohoo oho oho oho." He moaned in pleasure, suddenly his hip's were pushing forwards up against that wooden surface.

"Oh damn... does it feel that good?" Orlan asked as he leaned in, sniffing his older brothers aroused musk as it rapidly grew more intense.

"Ohoho... I've never felt anything better." Ransley confessed in wonder, as that tight slick sleeve squeezed down over his hard male organ. "Ahah gods..." The horny young Ram moaned his body starting to react instinctively, humping and thrust against the side of that big wooden box.

"Fuck he's really getting off on that." Orlan moaned looking back at his brothers, who were grinning broadly as the watched and listened to Ransley's reactions.

"Yeah gunna get him all the way off!" Wystan snickered lewdly, feeling proud that it was his dick that had made Ransley agree to become a wether.

"You wanta go next... I'll pay for it." Beltane teased Orlan softly, taking out a single copper and holding it up for his plainly excited brother to see.

"Shut the fuck up." Orlan snorted gruffly, punching his young brother hard on the shoulder as Beltane grinned gloatingly.

"Oh fuck.. Oh fuck.. Oh fuck.." Ransley was moaning out loudly, as a soft whining could be heard from the machine. The big wooden box rocking slightly from the young Ram's hip's beating against, as he gripped those handles while grunting and moaning. "Baa.. Baaa... Baaa..." Ransley tossed his head back braying loudly, as his body began jerking and trembling wildly.

"Whats happening?" Sinjon asked as he pushed up against his younger brothers back, even as Ransley kept bucking and squealing out loudly. Even as Wystan joined in fondling the firm round globes of his brothers woolly ass cheeks, as Ransley stared to babble breathlessly.

"I'm close... I'm sooooo close..." The moaning Ram confessed, while fucking that machine wildly. Suddenly his half closed eyes shot open wide, his braying mouth dropping open as a flash of burning pain was felt. A split second later a powerful tremble ran down his spine, as he felt a intense cold in his crotch as those organs were suddenly exposed to air for the first time. "BAAAA... BAAAA... BAA!" Ransleys back arching as he pushed his crotch against that front of that machine, there was no doubt he was cumming at the point. They could hear at soft suction sound, as that potent cum was drained away then as a sewing machine sound was heard next. Over laid by a sudden 'KACHUNK!' Ransley let out a strange pitiful whimper as his knees gave way. He would have fallen if his brother had not been there to grab him, stepping back the new wether looked down at his empty sheath and ball less crotch in sickened fascination.

"How was it?" Orlan asked as he looked up into his wether brothers eyes, Ransley smiling vaguely as he answered.

"So good I wish I could do it again!" There was a blissful grin on his muzzle, as he looked over at Orlan and winked while gasping for breath.

"Do you still have that copper?" Orlan asked his younger brother, Beltrane held it up with a gloating grin. Watching as his big brother snatched it out of his hand, making the other brothers all laugh loudly.

"Looks like we are going to have another wether in the family..." Sinjon noticed with a lewd chuckle, as the young Rams gathered round a nervous plainly horny Orlan.

"What a surprise." Wystan noted wry, after all they had lost a lot of brothers that way thanks to their father.

The easy option

The easy option Chap 1 Daniel was led into the office in his orange jumpsuit, the snow leopard's ears pinned down against his head. He was flanked by two large, lupine guards who were treating this as if it was just some everyday occurrence rather...

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Descent into servitude Chapter 2

Descent into servitude Chapter 2 "It seems you don't understand." Toby felt his shorts being pulled down, and then a big hand lands hard on his furry ass-cheek. _ **'Smack'** _ The young colt screamed out in pain, he had never been spanked before......

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Descent into servitude

Descent into servitude The slender creamy white young dish faced colt, hugged his sister tightly as the stood chained to a big wooden post. The pair had been stripped of their clothing, so that the jeering crowd of assembled stallions and mares could...

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