The Stalker's Wife

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#19 of Misc

Bill comes home before his wife, Alice, and decides he'll cook a nice dinner for her. Treat her to something nice. She's a little later than he thought, but she still comes home soon enough. The only problem is, she has no idea who the mentally deranged man in her kitchen is, or why he knows her name. Things only get worse when her actual boyfriend calls. Then he shows up, since that call was a little awkward. Poor boy just wanted to see if she was okay.

I guess a trigger warning for a literal actual crazy person. But, I mean... it's one of my stories. You know you're getting some odd shit.

The Stalker's Wife

By XP Author

Bill sighed as he tried to open the front door of his house. Of course it was locked. Thankfully, the lizard knew where the hide-a-key was, a tiny compartment on the bottom of the potted plant beside the door. He unlocked the door, but put the key back where he got it. Stepping inside, he locked the door again behind him. It wasn't the safe these days, what with the recent string of kidnappings, murders, and even violent vigilantes all over the news. The house was quiet, since Alice, his wife, wasn't home from her job yet. He decided to go into the kitchen and start dinner. Pulling open the fridge he looked around at the things inside. He might surprise Alice by cooking something nice for her.

It took around half an hour to get everything done. Maybe fancy wasn't the best term for what he made, some grilled chicken and vegetables, with a bit of rice on the side. But she liked simple things, so he was sure she would be happy. Plus, she didn't have to worry about making anything. Only maybe heating it back up if she was going to be much later. After grabbing a beer from the fridge, not wanting to let his own food grow cold, he took it to the living room.

He let himself ease into the sofa, though the cushions weren't all that comfortable anymore. Alice had gotten it from a yard sale a few years ago, and it was starting to show its age. But it was good enough. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. He frowned as some overly colorful Japanese cartoon started playing. His wife loved these sorts of shows, but he had never really been a fan of them. Too flashy and loud for his tastes. He instead flipped the channel over to the news. They were talking about the rising political tensions over in some former USSR nation. Apparently there was some kind of failed assassination attempt on the country's Prime Minister a few months back, and now there was all sorts of talk of potential coups and military actions. He barely followed most of it. It was literally half a world away.

He was just finishing up his dinner when he finally heard the car pulling into the driveway. He smiled, turning the TV off and making his way to the kitchen, wanting to surprise her with the food he made... though it had gotten a bit cold now, as he feared. He heard the lock on the front door click, the door open and close again. He had a big grin on his face, wondering how exited she would be for his little treat. It took some effort to not giggle too much. He heard her pause as she walked by the living room, and he realized he left his dishes on the table out there. He'd make sure to clean them up for her, of course.

She rounded the corner to the kitchen, and his grin grew wider as he saw her. To him, the 23 year old mink was the prettiest thing in the world. Sure, she was about half his age, but love didn't care about that sort of thing. Even in the darkened hall, her white fur shone like fresh snow, contrasted by the simple, dark blue business suit that did nothing to hide her slender curves. When she looked up, she let out a startled yelp. He giggled. "Hey, honey! I made dinner!" He motioned to the plate on the counter.

Alice backed up a step, looking at him like a total stranger. "W-who are you? How did you get into my house!?"

The big, brown lizard tilted his head a little. That was an odd thing to ask. He laughed it off. "Hey, stop playing, sweetie." He made his way around the counter and approached her. "C'mon, give me a hug. I'm sure you've had a long day."

She backed away from him, fear and panic in her wide, blue eyes. "S-stay away from me!" She glanced to the side down the hall. She left her purse on the table by the door, a spray can of mace inside of it. She slowly started to edge down the hall, only to yelp when the massive lizard suddenly slipped past to block her way.

His big, friendly smile started to fade into a look of concern, worried behavior. "Are you feeling okay, dear? C'mon, go have some food. Maybe a drink, take the edge off a bit." His smile returned. "I made it just for you!"

She shook her head slowly. "N-no th-thank you... I-I'm not... very hungry..."

Now he was worried. "Hey. C'mon, you need to eat." He moved up next to her, gently resting a hand against her back to nudge her forward. She flinched at his touch, resisting a little. "Seriously, are you okay? You're acting really strange."

She moved forward into the kitchen, though it seemed more like it was to get away from him more than listening to his encouragement. "I-I'm fine!" Her voice was shaky and scared, her fluffy tail staying low, almost tucked between her legs. He noticed she was shaking a little, too.

He moved closer to her again, reaching out once more to hold her shoulders. "C'mon, tell me what's wro-"

"Don't touch me!" She shouted, batting his hands away from her and backing up again.

He frowned, reaching out to grip her shoulders harder this time. "Hey. This isn't funny!" She flinched as his previously happy demeanor was suddenly replaced by anger. His grip was painfully hard on her shoulders. "You need to stop fooling around now, Alice." She gasped as he said her name. In truth, she had never met him before in her life, yet somehow he knew her name. Bill knew more than just her name. He had been stalking her for months now, following her to work, walking through her house when she wasn't home, even at night when she was asleep. He had begun to convince himself they were dating, and eventually that they were married. She had felt something was off during all that time, but just chalked it up to the increased workload at the office. Now here was some insane lizard in her kitchen, convinced he was her husband or something.

She tried a different tactic. "P-please let me go..." Panic rose as she realized she had no idea what to call him. "...dear?" She tried.

His anger did seem to calm a little, but he didn't let her go. Instead, he wrapped his thick arms around her, pulling her body up against his. "Hey, calm down, okay?" The top of her head barely came up to his chest. "I've got you. You're safe." She felt anything but safe right now, but hoped if she played along, he might give her some opening to run away. "You know what, forget dinner." She yelped as he suddenly lifted her, one arm under her legs to carry her. "You must be exhausted. That must be why you're acting so strange. Let's get you up to bed to rest."

She let out a soft whimper, but nodded slowly, still grasping at that hope that she might find some opening to flee. "O-okay..." He carried down the hall, turning and heading for the main bedroom. It scared her that he knew exactly which room to go to without even hesitating, like he had been through here enough times to have it memorized. He had watched her sleep so many times, always careful to never wake her.

Once in the bedroom, he gently set her down on the bed, taking a step back and closing the door. When he turned back, he saw her still laying as he left her. "Hey. You're not going to sleep in your work clothes, are you?"

"I-I..." Panic gripped at her again as she tried to think of some reason not to undress in front of the crazy man.

He moved closer, reaching out to start pulling at her suit top. "C'mon, let me help you."

She tried to push him away again. "Stop! D-don't touch me!"

He gripped at her arm painfully tight. "Stop fighting me! I'm trying to help you!" She gasped, still trembling in his grip. When he reached out to start unbuttoning her shirt, she just squeezed her eyes shut, trying her best to suppress sobs. "I mean it. You really need to calm down. You've been acting really strange all evening. What's going-" A heavily compressed bit of music started playing nearby, something bouncy and definitely not in English. He looked on the ground, the source her jacket. More accurately, the phone in her jacket. He looked at the clock, seeing it was almost 9:30 pm. "Who is calling this late."

Alice felt the panic rising even more, knowing only one person would be calling this late. "I-it's probably nothing! P-probably a spam call. Just ignore it, let it go to voice mail!"

He ignored her instead, reaching down to retrieve the phone. His eyes narrowed as it showed the picture of some cat, the name 'Joe' under it. "Who is Joe?" She didn't respond. A dark cloud of anger and suspicion crossed his face as he thrust the phone out to her. "Answer it." Something about his voice told her if she didn't do what he said, she would probably not live to regret it. "And put it on speaker."

She did as he said with a shaky hand. "Alice? Hey! Thought it was going to go to voice. Sorry, I'm not interrupting something am I?"

Bill shook his head slowly. She tried to cover the fear in her voice, only somewhat succeeding in quelling the shaking. "Uh, n-no. I just... was about to have dinner."

"Oh! So you haven't eaten yet?" He sounded excited. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to that bar you like just down the street from your place. I know it's a bit late, but I could really go for a stiff drink after all those endless meetings today, y'know?" He let out a chuckle.

She cleared her throat. "Uh... n-no, actually." She saw the increasingly dark expression on the lizard's face, and tried to end the conversation quickly. "I-it was a pretty long day, s-so I think I'm just going t-to turn in early."

"Hey, are you okay?" Joe sounded concerned. "You sound kinda shaky."

She forced a laugh, though she thought it sounded about as fake as possible. "Y-yeah, I'm okay. Just... just really tired is all. S-so, um... yeah, I'm going to go lay down. I-I'll see you at work on Monday?"

"Oh... but what about our..." He suddenly sounded really disappointed. "Right... um. I guess Monday then." He let out a sigh heavy enough to be heard over the speaker. "I hope you feel better, snowy." It was his pet name for her.

"Y-yeah. Me too."

"I love you." Of course, the moment before she pressed the button to hang up the phone, her boyfriend had to say the worst thing he possibly could.

She didn't even have the chance to look at the man before the back of his hand smacked the side of her face hard enough to knock her over. " YOU WHORE!" He bellowed at the top of his lungs. He gripped her long white hair and yanked her head up to look at him. "How long have you been fucking him behind my back!?"

She didn't fight the tears anymore, letting them flow as she sobbed in absolute terror. "I-I haven't been!" She actually wasn't lying. Joe was the kind of guy that wanted to wait. Not necessarily for marriage, but they had only been dating for the last three months.

This time it was a fist that connected with her face, almost hard enough to dislocate her jaw. "Don't lie to me!" She just laid where she fell, sobbing as he ranted at her. "I bet he's not even the only guy you're fucking, is he? Huh!?" He grabbed her thigh, giving it a hard yank to the side. "How many guys do you spread these slutty legs for!?"

She shook her head. "I-I don't! I'm not... I'm not sleeping with anyone!"

She screamed when he grabbed at her shirt, ripping it open and sending buttons flying all over, exposing her simple bra and slender belly. "Oh yeah? Well, I know you haven't been fucking me!" He gripped at her skirt next, trying to tug it down. "Let's fix that!"

Now Alice was struggling against him, or trying to at least. She kicked at him, beat at his arms, flailed and squirmed. "NO!"

He smacked the back of his hand across her face again, making her cry out in pain. "Stop struggling! You like sleeping with every boy you meet, but you won't fuck your own husband!?" He gave up trying to pull her skirt down and instead just shoved it up to bunch around her hips, exposing the simple powder blue panties hidden under them.

"I'm not sleeping with anyone!" She screamed, but he continued to ignore her. "Stop! Please! No!" She kicked constantly, preventing him from pulling her panties down.

He growled low, his hand lashing out to wrap his fingers around her neck in an iron grip. "Keep struggling and I'll have to hurt you!" Her lips was already bleeding a little from one of the strikes he had given her, and her cheek felt hot and still stung. His grip was so tight, it was almost choking her, but it did make her stop kicking so much. "Are you going to behave now?" She nodded slowly. "Good!" He still held her neck as he gripped her panties, yanking them down her slender legs roughly. He grunted as he looked at the little bit of cloth in his hand, then tossed it onto the bed beside her. "Spread those slutty legs, you whore. Let me see that cunt everyone's been fucking."

Alice squeezed her eyes shut, tears still running from them. She did as he demanded, reluctantly shifting her legs open. He slapped at her inner thigh with the back of his hand. "Wider." She whimpered, but spread them more. He grunted, reaching down to rub his scaled fingers against her slit, making her tense up under him. "Hmph. Look at this slutty little thing. Just how many men have you allowed in here, huh? 10? 20? Bet you've fucked everyone in that office, huh?" She shook her head, but he continued to ignore her.

She gasped as something prodded at her leg. She turned to see that he had stripped himself at some point. His flannel shirt hung open, showing a slight pot belly covered in bright blue scales that ran up to his collar and down his now bare legs. His hard cock was the same blue, rubbing against her thigh. He moved forward, rubbing his tip against her pussy lips. "Yeah, bet you forgot just what cock you're missing huh?" He was acting like it was impressive. While it wasn't tiny, she had seen bigger than his 6 inches, which looked especially small compared to the rest of him. Not that she was about to say something that stupid to him.

He grabbed the pair of panties he had tossed to the side earlier, wadding them up and stuffing them into her mouth so deep she nearly gagged on the fabric. "There. Don't want you waking the neighbors with how hard I'm about to fuck you." The next thing she knew, he had flipped her over onto her belly, her legs dangling off the edge of the bed. He gripped her fluffy tail at the base and suddenly shoved himself fully into her with no warning. She let out a loud scream of pain, muffled by the makeshift gag. "Yeah, just like that!" He started to hump at her, using her tail to yank her hips back to smack against his own. "For such a dirty fucking slut, this cunt is still nice and tight!"

She squeezed her eyes shut, sobbing as he rammed himself into her over and over. Even with him only being average at best, it still hurt. He thrust hard, grunting with ever jerk of his hips. "Stop pretending you're not enjoying this." He pulled her shirt fully off, then started messing with the clasp of her bra. After a moment, he gave up and just yanked the thing to tear it open. She thought he just wanted to grope at her small breasts, but was surprised when he pulled her arms behind her back, using the bra to tie her wrists together behind her.

With her secured properly, as far as he was concerned, he nodded. "There we go." He gripped her hair again and yanked it back, thrusting his hips once more. "I'm going to keep you tied up from now on, so you can't go sneaking off to fuck the next cock you find." He grunted as he picked his pace up. "My cock is the only one you'll ever need." Then his demeanor completely shifted, like flipping a switch, he was gentle again, his voice soft. "God I love your pretty little hands so much." He started to run his fingers against her palms, making her own fingers twitch. "They're so pretty and dainty." Despite the gentle voice, he still rammed himself into her harder than ever.

He grunted, gripping at her hair once again to pull her head back painfully. "Ah... fuck. I'm gonna cum into this slutty little cunt!" Her eyes went wide, shaking her head, only to wince as he yanked her head back again. "You'll see, sweetie. I'm the only man you ever need!" He panted heavily, his cock jerking inside of her as he drew close. She whined into the gag as she felt when he came. His cock pulsed and twitched as it spat his seed deep into her, splashing against the back of her pussy. It was not the heaviest load he could have given to her. He had jerked off six times today already, always thinking about her. Now he would never need to jerk off again. He would keep her tied up so she couldn't sneak off to some other boy. Her pussy would only ever feel his cock from now on.

He pulled himself out of her quickly, making her yelp at the sudden feeling of being both full and empty. Then the horrible feeling of his cum slowly oozing out of her followed, running down her leg and dripping onto the floor. He let out a heavy sigh as he fell onto the bed beside her. "See, sweetie? I'm the best man you'll ever have. So stop going off and fucking all those other men, or I'll have to do something we'll both regret." He leaned over and gave her a sloppy kiss on her cheek. "Give me a moment to recover and we'll go again. I've still got plenty left to give you." She let out a muffled sob. "Oh, don't be like that. I haven't even fucked that adorable little ass of yours yet."

The doorbell rang, making him look up from his rest. "Who the fuck is at the door at this hour?" Alice felt that panic and fear grip at her again. It couldn't be... he wouldn't be so stupid, would he!? She let out a muffled cry, but Bill just grunted at her as he pulled his jeans back up. He didn't bother closing his shirt, he could let whoever the hell it was see his belly. "Calm down, honey. I'll be back to spread your cute cheeks in just a minute. I gotta see who the fuck is here at this damn hour." He pat her ass gently. "Don't go anywhere." She tried to cry out again, beg him not to answer the door, but the gag muffled anything she attempted to say.

Bill made his way down the hall, hearing a fist banging at the door. "Yeah yeah, I'll be there in a minute!" He paused a moment though. It might be some creep coming to hurt him or his wife. So he swung by the kitchen first to grab one of the big knives, hiding it behind his back before going to the door. He unlocked it and pulled the door open. "Yeah, what?"

Standing in front of him, looking completely baffled and shocked, was a bobcat, about the same age as Alice. Tall but scrawny, he looked exactly like what Bill would describe as a nerd. He even had some green polo shirt on, probably thinking it made him look more relaxed instead of just more uptight. The young man looked at the house number beside the door to make sure he hadn't somehow gone to the wrong address. "Um... who are you? Where's Alice?"

The lizard scowled at him. "She's tied up right now. I'm her husband. Who the fuck are you?"

That made the cat flinch. "Husband!? She never said she was married!" He cleared his throat. "Shit, this is awkward. But I guess it explains why she was acting odd. I was coming by to see if she was okay, she sounded so off on the phone..." He cleared his throat. "So... uh... This is going to be awkward, but... I'm her boyfriend, Joe. Or at least I thought I was her boyfriend..."

Bill's eyes narrowed. "Boyfri-" Suddenly everything clicked as he recognized the man's face. It was the same one from the phone call earlier. " YOU!" His anger flaring, he lashed out and grabbed the man by his collar, dragging him inside only to slam him against the wall. "You're the little shit that's been fucking my wife!"

Joe was completely caught off guard. "Whoa! Fucking! No, we haven't been having se- _ WHOA DUDE! _" The cat slowly put his hands up as the lizard revealed the large knife in his hand. "Chill... I'm not here to start anything..."

Bill closed the door beside him, pointedly turning the bolt as loud as he could. "You've already started something, you scrawny little piece of shit." He suddenly shoved the man, keeping the knife pointed at him threateningly. "That way, into the bedroom. Alice is there. I'm sure you already know the way, don't you? Probably fucked my wife on my own bed a dozen times!"

The bobcat kept his hands up. "Just... please calm down... uh..."


"Right. Bill. Please, just... I swear, I haven't ever done anything with Alice." He still walked down the hall as he tried to explain himself, not wanting to piss off the very angry lizard even more. "We've been on some dates, had a few drinks, maybe hugged and kissed a few times, but that's it! I swear! And she never said she was ma-" His words died in his throat as he stepped into the bedroom and saw the state the mink was left in. "What... the fuck...?" Alice just whimpered, praying to whatever god or devil would listen that she might wake up from this nightmare.

Bill slammed the door shut. The cat nearly jumped to the ceiling as it slammed behind him. "Right. So here's what's going to happen." He walked around, still holding the knife out. "You're going to strip down and show off the pathetic little thing you've been using on my wife, and then you're going to watch me fuck her like a real man."

"Hey, I told you, I haven't ha-" The young man's panicked words were cut off as a fist slammed into his belly, knocking the wind right out of him. He slumped onto his knees, wheezing and coughing.

"Don't interrupt me, you fucking wimp!" He took a breath, though it did nothing to really calm himself. "Now, as I was saying. You're going to show me that little dingle you call a cock, and then I'm going to show you how a real man fucks his wife properly! Then, you're going to run out that front door again with it a~all hanging out for the world to see what a tiny pecker you've got." He pointed the knife once more. "And if you ever so much as_look_ at my wife again, I swear to you I will string you up like a science fair dissection project!"

"You are fucking crazy!" He looked up, seeing the big knife still pointed at him, and thought better of calling the crazy man what he was again. "Please, just... just don't hurt me or her, okay?" He very slowly pushed himself back up to his feet. "I'll... do whatever it is you said, alright?"

Bill grunted, seemingly satisfied for now. "Good." He motioned at him. "Then get those pants off and show me just what my wife's been riding on instead of me."

Joe sighed slightly, but didn't bother telling him again that he and Alice hadn't had sex. He would just play along, get the fuck out and call the cops. "Okay... okay." He gingerly lowered his hands, careful not to move too suddenly as he opened his belt and waist. Pushing his pants and briefs down in one go, he stood back up. "There. Satisfied?"

The lizard just blinked several times. "What the fuck is that?"

The feline stared in confusion. "What is what?" He looked down at his now very exposed sheath. "It's my cock. It's what you wanted to see, right?"

"That is not a cock!" The lizard very quickly jerked his jeans open and shoved them down, letting his own spring free, still hard. "THIS is a cock! How the fuck does that thing even work!?"

Now Joe was utterly baffled. He looked at Alice, who had just been crying softly and otherwise trying not to be noticed. "It's... it's a sheath. You've never seen one? Like, half of mammals have o- OKAY!" He held his hands up as the knife was pointed at him again. "Calm down. It's... just a thing that my cock sits in. It pokes out when it gets hard."

Somehow this only made the man angrier. "And you're not even hard right now?" He growled, reaching over to grab Alice's tail and yank her rear up to show it off, making the woman cry out in pain and fear. "You've got the perfect ass and cunt pointing you right in the face and you're not even hard!?"

"I've also got a big knife and very angry lizard staring me in the face, too!" What the hell was going on? "A-and I-I thought you hated the idea that I would get even slightly turned on by her!"

"I AM!" He practically threw Alice back down onto the bed. "Get hard, shit for brains! Show it off!"

"I can't just... get hard! That's not how it works!" Now he was feeling the same kind of panic Alice had earlier. He ran through his head all the ways he could try and take the knife away from the guy, though most of them ended with him getting stabbed.

"Fine." He reached over and grabbed Alice by the hair, yanking her head back and dragging her off of the bed. "I'll make it easier." He dragged her over in front of Joe. "Sit up, cunt." He pulled her head up as she continued to make muffled pleas for him to stop, all ignored. Instead, he shoved her face right against Joe's crotch, forcing her nose right against his balls.

"What the fuck are y-" Again he was cut off, this time as the knife was pressed up under his chin, right against his throat. "P-please, calm d-down..."

Bill spoke with a slow, seething rage. "Get hard. Show me what garbage you're hiding in that little flesh pocket." Much as the younger man hated it, he was actually getting harder. Though it had more to do with adrenaline. Though the silky fur being forced to rub against the base of his shaft felt nice, this was not the way he had ever wanted to feel it. Bill looked down to see the cat's cock slowly emerging, poking higher and higher. His expression grew somehow more angry as he watched it continue. "What the fuck...?"

"Y-you wanted me to..." He shut up as the knife pressed against him again.

The lizard looked up at him, his yellow eyes burning with a rage that set Joe's blood cold. "How dare you!" Joe had no idea what the hell he meant, but was too terrified to even speak. "How could a scrawny little fucking piece of trash like you be bigger?" The cat blinked. THAT was his problem!? He didn't think it was all that big, only around 8 inches, if only just. Hardly a monster.

"C-calm down... please! I'm sure you're fine! Probably better!" His mind was racing, trying to come up with some way to get the big man to back off enough for him to book it out of there. He hadn't even realized he was slowly backing up until his back bumped against the door. "A-and I've never done it with Alice! Or anyone! I-I'm actually a virgin!"

"Lies..." Bill growled low. "Everyone lies!"

"I'm not l-" His words were quite literally cut off this time as the knife at his throat was dragged across, slicing into his flesh. His eyes went wide as he reached up to grab at his neck, blood gushing from between his fingers at an alarming rate.

"No more lies!" The lizard jammed the blade into Joe's chest. At his feet, he heard Alice suddenly screaming as she watched her boyfriend get murdered right before her eyes. "Look at this fucking worthless shit!" He jammed the blade down, ripping a gash down to Joe's belly. The cat suddenly fell to the ground as all his strength left him, his intestines spilling free of the new opening in his belly. The young man thrashed and gurgled on the floor, blood pouring out of him and soaking into the carpet. He started to piss himself as his body twitched and convulsed. "Disgusting little fucker."

He looked back to Alice, who had been reduced to weeping and screaming against the panties still lodged in her mouth. "You're not actually sorry for him, are you?" When she just kept wailing away, he grit his teeth. "Don't tell me you actually thought you loved him, did you!?" He grabbed her hair, yanking her head up again. " DID YOU!?" he bellowed at her in near blind fury. Horror and terror filled her eyes.

Suddenly, she was being dragged away again, literally kicking and screaming the whole way, tugging at the makeshift bindings at her wrists, trying to get them free. He heaved her onto the bed, and she nearly bounced right back off of it she landed so hard. He grabbed her neck, pinning her down again, but this time tight enough to choke her. "You two timing little whore! You were supposed to belong to me!" He watched her squirming under him, her body thrashing as he choked her. He felt tears in his eyes as he watched her. "You were mine! You_are_ mine!"

He dropped the bloody knife onto the bed, grabbing her kicking leg instead. He yanked it to the side, making his way between both, despite her attempts to stop him. Once more, he rammed himself into her, his previous load doing little in the way of easing his entry for her. He started to slam his hips forward harder than before. "You fucking little cunt!" It was his turn to sob, even as he raped her as hard as he could. His hand moved away from her neck, letting her suck in a desperately needed breath of air through her nose. "How could you! You lying harlot!" His hands gripped at her small breasts, claws digging into her flesh enough to cut her. She whined, blood seeping out, staining the pure white fur crimson.

His cock struck fast and hard, his hips slamming so hard it felt like he was going to shatter her bones. "You ripped my heart out! It belonged to you! Only to you, and you just threw it away like yesterday's trash!" Tears streamed from his eyes as he continued to slam himself into her. He sniffled, wiping the tears away. Then his changed again, the switch flipped once more, and he was cold and serious. "So I'll do it to you now."

She screamed again, her struggles renewed even more than before. She yanked and tugged at the bra, trying to slip herself free, but they held fast. Just what the hell kind of knot did he tie with them!? It felt like they got tighter the more she struggled. She again tried to spit out the panties in her mouth, to plead with him, beg him not to hurt her. But he was already lifting the knife. She watched in slow motion as it moved down, slamming into her chest, right beside her left breast. She tasted copper in her mouth as he slashed right through her lung. Blood started to gush out of the wound, running like a river onto the bed under her as she tried to scream in agony.

He yanked the knife down, having to shift it as he hit her ribs so he could continue his cut. He finally drew the blade out after he opened a long, jagged line under her navel. Tossing the blade to the side, he shoved his hands into the gaping gash, pulling it open to each side to expose her inner workings. He did not even notice as she stopped screaming, her body just starting to twitch under him as it went into shock. He saw many things in there as he started to root around. He pulled great loops of her intestines out of the way, enough that he could see the top of her womb, or at least what he thought was it. But that was not his goal. He could hear it, rooting up through her ribcage to find it.

Finally his fingers found her heart, feeling the muscle beating frantically against his touch. He gripped it, caressing it gently, then gripping it firmly. It took several hard tugs, but he was finally able to rip it free, pulling her heart out of her chest. He stared at it, the thing giving a feeble twitch in his hand before growing still. Watching that last little futile twitch of life leave the vital organ was enough for him. He cried out and came again, dumping what little was left in his balls. He didn't even care as he felt her start to piss against him. He clung to her still heart, pressing it to his own chest, her blood running down the scales on his belly. He would treasure this last gift forever!

* * *

Officer Talliman threw up. He had at least managed to hold it in long enough to get outside of the house, so he didn't contaminate the crime scene. Then again, it was unlikely anyone would even notice. The rat's partner, an older vixen, gently pat his back. "Let it all out, kiddo." She had nearly lost her lunch as well.

It took a few minutes before Talliman felt well enough to speak. "What... the actual fuck?"

Officer Frensa just shook her had. "Some sicko, that's what. Have a seat, catch your breath. When you feel up to it, get some water. I'm going to go call this in." The rat just nodded as she walked back to the car. The two officers had been called in to investigate a potential missing persons. The victim had been one Alice Volaire, and had not been seen for several days. Her known boyfriend, Joe Gippart, had also likewise gone missing, and it was presumed they either ran off, or the boyfriend had done something. They were not prepared for the truth. The moment they got to the house, the stench hit them like a freight train at speed. Then they went inside.

Alice had been flayed open like a fish, her fur stripped off of her body like some wild game. What was left was a bloody pile of rotting muscle and offal. Her hands had also been removed, yet to be found. As for Joe, the cat was somehow in even worse condition. His body had been carved into pieces and staked to the walls in multiple rooms using various kitchen knives. His intestines had been draped across the walls and ceiling like the most macabre Halloween decorations ever. His head had been removed and smashed, most likely by the splintered end table left nearby. His penis and balls were found stuffed into the food disposal in the kitchen sink.

It was the most horrific double murder the small suburb had ever seen. The news described it like something out of the sickest horror movie. Unfortunately, with how long it had been, any usable evidence had long been decayed or was otherwise unusable. There was just too much blood to get anything even resembling a print. The closest the investigation got was determining there was DNA from some kind of lizard, but that was all. As reptilian DNA was notoriously hard to track compared to mammal, it was just another dead end.

Bill was completely unaware of all of this. He was four states away, currently watching his wife as she went to work. His new wife. The adorable young possum named Lita. Hopefully she wouldn't betray him like all the rest.

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