Modern Times in Durik: All Of The Rodents

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#5 of Modern Times in Durik

Soo uuh... This story has been on a journey.

This was originally supposed to be me b-day story but I changed that. Then I hit a very short writer's block with it before getting inspired again ( you all have Zing to thank for that).

Now here it is 2 weeks late because I wanted to take my time with it. Hopefully I made the wait worth it.

Welcome to the House of Durik! This magical house is home to a group of +20-year-old idiots who either just started their careers or are in college starting to do so. Protected by Manik, a "benevolent" cat-like demon the size of an imp, this story is one of many in a series of short stories detailing the groups antics and encounters with the esoteric and weird.

Description: Manik is very pissed and Karby, Flint, and Rorark know exactly why. But no worries need to be had! Manik knows how to get back at those three degenerates.

This episode of Durik is a pseudo part 2 to Sake with a Bakedanuki. I would recommend the read if you wish. But, like with all Durik stories, it is completely optional.

This story is 3.6k words long and contains transformation and some hot rodent sex

If you like what you read here, you can always commission me to write you something at

Characters in Story:

Karby - A 23-year-old male rat with silver fur and a pink tail. A historian with a love for the occult and magic. Is Durik's 1st tenant. Lives in D-01.

Flint - A 21-year-old male fennec fox with beige fur and yellow outlines. A writer and music composing hobbyist. Lives in D-05 with Rorark.

Rorark - A 20-year-old male skunk with slate fur and green stripes. A SFW streamer by day and NSFW streamer by night. Lives in D-05 with Flint.

Manik - A small male cat-like demon with red and black fur and piercing yellow eyes. Acts as Durik's caretaker when none of its inhabitants are present and is commonly requested for his magic. Lives wherever he wants so long as it's within the house.

Modern Times in Durik

Story #5: All Of The Rodents

Characters in Story:

Karby - A 23-year-old male rat with silver fur and a pink tail. A historian with a love for the occult and magic. Is Durik's 1sttenant. Lives in D-01.

Flint - A 21-year-old male fennec fox with beige fur and yellow outlines. A writer and music composing hobbyist. Lives in D-05 with Rorark.

Rorark - A 20-year-old male skunk with slate fur and green stripes. A SFW streamer by day and NSFW streamer by night. Lives in D-05 with Flint.

Manik - A small male cat-like demon with red and black fur and piercing yellow eyes. Acts as Durik's caretaker when none of its inhabitants are present and is commonly requested for his magic. Lives wherever he wants so long as it's within the house.

Karby smiled slightly as he heard moaning behind the door to D-05. He peeked into the room to see a certain skunk fucking a fennec fox. The two were deep in their session. Karby had expected both them to be napping after the mess he witnessed in the living room but he was clearly wrong... Very wrong...

Rorark hilted himself deeply into Flint again. The fennec's insides always felt warm and tight. The way he would squeeze and milk the skunk's cock for its precious seed would never get old.

"Huff~ Fuck... I-I got another load for ya Flint!"

The fennec looked back at him with stars in his eyes. "H-Hell yeah! Breed me big boy!" His own cock leaked pre onto his bed as he felt Rorark thrusts intensify more. "Ooh~ fuck yesss~..."

Rorark hunched over Flint further and prepared his final thrust, pouring his cum into his roommate. "Hahh~ Ghh~"

Flint moaned at feeling. He moaned even louder as the skunk kept going. "Hnng~ AAHH~!" As soon as he felt his pleasure spot hit, he came. His knotted canine cock spraying his load all over his bed sheets.

Rorark panted lightly and collapsed over Flint. "S-Shit bro... That never gets old..."

The two laid on to the bed and sighed as Karby opened the further. "Heh, and that never gets old to watch~..."

Flint turned to him with a tired smile. "Hey Kar."

"Good afternoon you two... How was the tanuki?"

Rorark's eyes lit up. "He was majestic, beautiful, and domineering! Such a perfect creature~! He even graced me with his precious cum!"

The rat chuckled. "Hehe~ I can see... He graced both of you."

"Indeed~! We sadly caught him at a bad time. He was heading to sleep so we couldn't do as much as we wanted to."

Karby shook his head. "How tragic... Well there's always next time!"

The skunk nodded his head excitedly.

Flint would also raise his head. "Speaking of "next time" do you happen to know how long it takes for the names to reset?"

Karby shrugged. "No clue. Manik likes to keep those kinds of limitations hidden you know?"

"Damn... Maybe Solis knows?. Manik likes to tell that dude a lot of things."

"Solis might be Manik's favorite but I'm pretty sure not even he knows. He's just a god simp like us apparently."

" Ohoho~ Solis doesn't know a lot of things..." The three tenants' conversation would be cut short by a deathly voice. All their eyes darted to the entrance in fear. " But at least he's not as stupid as you three..." A gruesome shadow lurked at the entrance.

Flint gulped quietly and made an attempt. "Uhmm... Uuh... Heeey Manik? Sorry about the drink..."

" It's not the drink... It's not the thyme... It's the fact that I HAVE TANUKI CUM IN MY FUCKING BOWELS!"

Rorark would also try to calm down the imp. "Uuh... At least his cum tastes heavenly."

Manik glared at him. " Oh... I'll show you "heavenly"..."

A single snap would be heard as the room lit up in a bright flash. The tenants felt a tingling sensation echo throughout their bodies. They could feel their frames shrink and contort.

Karby would feel his incisors enlarge and his tail curl. Flint would feel his tail shrink and grow bushier. Rorark would feel static electricity vibrate through him. All three let out slight moans through the process as they felt their world shift...


"Heh... Is this them?"

A Dewott looked at the sleeping forms of a Rattata, Minccino, and Pikachu with a smile.

"Yep! They are the bounties." An off-colored Typhlosion looked at the three pokemon with an even darker smile.

The two walked up and stood over them, their shadows causing all three of them to stir awake.

The rattata would be the first to open his eyes "Huh... Oh fuck..." He went to grab his aching head only to be shocked with his new paws. "Wait... WHAT!?"

"Good morning rodent... sleep well?" The dewott's towering shadow gave him an overbearing aura.

"I-I uhmm... What happened? Where are we?" The rattata would begin looking around frantically.

The typhlosion would also walk up and tower over the rattata. "I think the real question is " why are you here?"

The rattata's ears twitched at the familiar voice. "M-Manik?"

The typhlosion only smiled wider. "Close buddy... It's Manikin."

The dewott would brush up against him. "And you may call me Chel. We're here because I'm bad pokemon were about."

One of the other pokemon's bodies, the minccino would stir. "Huh? K-Kar? Ror? What happened?" He would look down at his body and experience a similar shock to the rattata. "WHA!? WHY AM I A MINCCINO!?"

The screaming would wake up the pikachu. "Flint bro... What have I told you about raging in the mor- GAH!" Electricity poured out of his electric sac in surprise once he also examine himself.

Manikin and Chel merely chuckled.

The dewott would then clear his throat. "Karby the Rattata, Flint the Minccino, and Rorark the Pikachu. You three are under arrest for multiple crimes against Thermove City and her people..."

Manikin's own face would grow a sinister smirk. "Including me..."

Flint's eyes would widen in terror. "HUH!? We haven't committed any crimes! We just got here!" He then turned and looked directly at the typhlosion. "And why do YOU sound like Manik?"

The typhlosion remained silent, choosing to take up a battle stance instead. "You three have two choices: Surrender and submit, or fight and lose..."

Rorark got up and held out his hand. "Wait, wait. Surely we can reason something here..."

Chel merely frowned and took up his own battle stance. "No can do buddy. Relations went out the window when you three did that stuff to my friend."

Flint was freaking out. "WHAT DID WE EVEN DO!?"

The typhlosion smirked slightly and blushed. "Admittedly, getting fucked while I sleep is hot, especially if it's from someone I love anyways, but that doesn't mean being set up by you three wasn't a problem."

One-by-one all three of the rodent pokemon's faces began to frown in realization.

"Oh..." was the last thing they could say before Chel and Manikin briefy disappeared...

A few seconds later...

Saying the fight lasted a few seconds would be an insult... It was over before any of the three could blink. Chel and Manikin looked down at the defeated pokemon with devilish smirks.

The dewott would reach into his bag and begin to bring out cuffs.

"Hold on Chel..." Manikin would grab his partner's hand. "I'm still not satisfied with this defeat... Why not do some "extra" punishments on them?"

Chel immediately knew what the typhlosion was referring to and had to fully agree. These horrid pokemon deserved more than to just be apprehended and taken to the police, especially after what they did to his precious partner. "Yeah... You're right Mani... They do deserve more~..."

Karby flinched slightly as he felt both of the pokemon flip him over. "Oof..."

"One load in each of asses and one in each of their mouths. How's that sound?" Chel gave his partner a smirk.

"Depends, do you have enough cum in those balls for these bandits?"

"Bahaha~! More than you Mani!"

The typhlosion grabbed Karby's rear. "Oh yeah? Prove me wrong..." He spun the dazed rattata around to face him, giving Chel a clear view. "Break him in Mr. Virile~..."

Chel smirked wider. "My pleasure~..."

Karby gasped as he felt the two males firmly grasp him. He moaned as he immediately felt his ass be invaded by two fingers. "Ah-Ahh~..."

"Heh... Nice and tight. I'm impressed..."

The rattata simply whimpered in response as his erection grew from the feeling.

"There we go~..." The dewott positioned his cock near the prepared hole and wasted no time in mounting him.

Karby's whimpers quickly devolved into moans. The dewott took him all the way to the base, fully stretching him. His own cock began leaking pre as he was thrusted into again and again. "Ahh~ F-Fuck..."

Manikin's smile would grow wider. "Heh, surprised at his size? Then you're going to love mine..."

The rattata's eyes widened as the typhlosion stroked his still growing member. "B-Big... T-Too big! I-I won't~ oh fu-fuck~ I won't fit!"

Manikin remained undeterred. "Tch, you rodents can eat large nuts, you can handle this..." The typhlosion didn't give Karby another chance to respond before shoving his own member into the rodent.

Karby could only twitch and moan louder at the sudden invasion. Both of the pokemon moved at their own paces, making him feel both wet and warm as their pre leaked into him. His eyes became half-lidded as he felt himself become more engrossed with the dominant pokemon's rhythm. He widened his legs and opened his mouth more... He wanted to take in more of them.

The dewott smiled over him. "Heh... Finally learning your place huh? Good boy..."

Karby tensed up as he felt Chel's pace intensify further. Somehow the dewott felt like he was able to reach deeper into him. Same for the typhlosion. His throat felt warm and sore and breathing was a luxury. Thankfully, he was a rodent. The size of the typhlosion's cock couldn't stop him.

The rattata moaned under the weight of them both as he shot out his cum onto the ground. "Mmph~ MMPH~!"

"Daww~ Cumming from the feeling are you? Cute and pathetic..." Manikin looked to his partner who returned a pleasure-filled nod. They both slammed hard into the rodent, getting one last desperate moan out of him.

Karby couldn't help but twitch in pleasure as he felt his captor's seed pour into him. He moaned as the fluid filled him to the brim. "Mmmm ghhk~..."

Chel let out a sigh and chuckle. "Heh~ Good boy..." He would let out a small grunt before pulling out his cock. Manikin would do the same.

The spent rattata would twitch and moan at the sudden vacancy of his insides before letting himself collapse to the ground again. "Uuuh~..."

Chel would stretch a bit before turning to the other two rodents. They were still mostly in a daze. "You two are next..."

Manikin walked over to the Minccino next. "Want this one face up while we fuck him."

"With pleasure..."

Flint was able to hear and smell cum emanating from where one of his friends were. It did turn him on admittedly but the pain in his body told him everything. He began to open his eyes to two looming shadows standing over him. His eyes panned over to Karby and his defeated position. He couldn't bring himself to do anything but let the two males turn him over. "J-Just be... gentle?"

Manikin glared at him with contempt. " Criminals don't get "gentle" punishments..." He walked over and grabbed the Minccino by his ass. " Especially you three..."

Flint moaned loudly as he felt his anal ring stretch at the typhlosion's invading cock. The sudden warmth and pain immediately made him erect. His eyes widened at the sheer size of the bulge in his stomach. "GAH~ F-FUCK~!"

Chel shook his head. "A lot more mouthy than your rattata friend..." He wasted no time in shoving his cum-covered cock into the Minccino's maw. The loudness turned into satisfying muffled moans.

There was nothing Flint could do but accept his fate. The taste of the dewott's cum was heavenly. He could even taste some of Karby on it too. His eyes would become half-lidded and his senses would dull. The pain from Chel and Manikin dissolved into pure pleasure. He widened his hips and opened his mouth more to let the two males in deeper. "Mmmh~..."

Manikin smiled victoriously. "Heh~... Much better." He took the invitation in stride, intensifying his heat and ferocity of his thrusts. He collided as deep as he could in the Minccino. Each thrust flashed the prior incident... The rodents all watching his sleeping form be fucked... Revenge never felt so good...

Chel could always tell when his partner was getting carried away. The smoldering of his scruff, the ferocity of his tensed muscles, the evil, uncaring apathy in his eyes... He always found the state cute. But he couldn't not feel sorry for the pokemon on the receiving end.

He looked down at the Minccino below him. The poor criminal had already submitted and was accepting their punishment but Manikin remained unmoved. He watched as the intensity made the rodent cum, spraying his load on his stomach and chest. He heard the rodent's moaning briefly become louder before dissipating back into quiet pleasure.

Flint was in full bliss. He had never felt such intense passionate sex in a very long time. He didn't even realize he had came until he felt something wet spray onto his furred chest. His own orgasm wasn't a priority. It was the two males he was servicing. He opened himself widen and tried milking them for their precious fluid. The precum spilling into him wasn't enough.

It only took a few more lovely thrusts for his captors fulfill his wishes. A fusion of heat and wetness poured into his maw and anus. His mind became blank with pleasure as he felt his orgasm happen again. "Mmmmgk~!"

Rorark had come to again after a few seconds. His vision was only briefly blurred before refocusing. What he saw was shocking. Karby and Flint laid collapsed on the ground, cum slowly seeping from their gaped asses and mouths. They let out occasional moans and whimpers as the two aggressive pokemon stood over them smiling. His breathing shuddered a bit at the sight before he attempted to get up.

Chel and Manikin looked down at their two defeated prizes. The rodent pokemon were muttering and moaning to themselves, begging for the two to mate with them again.

"Damn, you really worked them up huh Chel?" The typhlosion smirked at his partner.

Chel returned the smirk. "Me~? Nah! What you did to Flint was all you."

The two stared into each other's eyes before laughing. They only ceased when they heard the subtle sound of electricity behind them.

"Well, well, well~..." Chel turned back to the source of the sound. "It would appear that our third is finally up and awake!"

Rorark badly attempted to stand on his feet. He mustered up whatever confidence he had left. "Grr! Y-You two will pay for what you've done to my friends!"

"Hehehe~. We haven't done anything to your friends besides giving them what they deserve..."

Manikin stepped forwards menacingly. "And you're next rat..."

The tone immediately caused Rorark's confidence to crumble. He took a step backwards before beginning to run away.

The typhlosion merely shook his head while the dewott rolled his eyes. The two turned to their defeated "friends" and pointed at pikachu.

"Hey, you two, your friend seems to be leaving without you. Maybe you two should entice him to stay a bit longer." Manikin added strange glint to his eyes.

The words clicked in the dazed rodents' heads. Yeah... Manikin was right. Why was their friend trying to leave such an occasion? Both Karby and Flint shook their heads and stood up with new strength in them. Their faces turned disappointed as they darted after their fellow rodent.

Rorark was surprised to be stopped by his friends. "Wha-Wha!? What are you two doing!??"

"Hmph~ Says you! You're trying to leave everyone without even participating in anything!" Karby glared at him with disdain.

Flint also matched his glare. "Yeah! You still gotta experience at least ONE thing here!"

The pikachu's eyes darted between his friends and the observing pokemon. "W-What did they do to you two? None of you are making sense! We're innocent!"

"No we're not! We committed a crime and are getting punished!"

"Yeah! And you still need yours Ror!"

They both began pulling the pikachu back two Chel and Manikin. Rorark tried all he could but nothing seemed to stop his friends from overpowering him. "H-How are both of you this strong!? Normally I'm that strongest one here! I can throw both of you farther than you can lift me!"

"Blah blah blah, empty complaints, not enough punishment." Chel turned to his partner. "Want his head or tail this time?"

Manikin smirked. "Pretty sure this all started with me tell you to end up with their tails."

"Then head it is."

The two walked over to the pikachu and positioned themselves again.

Rorark didn't want to admit it but he could smell the lovely scent of the tower pokemon's cum mixed with his friends. His cock peeked out of his sheath in anticipation. "Uuf... Ahh~ I-I..."

Flint was quick to place a finger over the pikachu's face. "Shhh~ Let them take care of you."

Karby nodded in agreement. "It will only hurt for a moment. The rest is a lovely dream."

The pikachu could only lightly whimper in response. He cursed himself for being such a softie to his friend's words. Why does he even let himself go along with their antics sometimes?

No answer was given to him. Nor did he expect one. Whatever happened to his friends was about to happen to him. He merely sighed and prepared himself.

Chel was quick to pick up on it. "Daww~ Cutie is already submitting. Good boy~... We'll make this as pleasurable as possible~..."

Rorark obediently spread his legs and opened his mouth to accept the invading rods. He moaned loudly at the sudden pressure but found himself adjusting to the size better than he was expecting. It may have been the cum that covered their cocks helping with that but he couldn't be sure.

Chel hilted the rodent's tight ass repeatedly. It was snug and unused, perfect for him. He leaned hard into the thrusting working hard to stretch every inch of the pokemon.

Manikin was having a similar experience. Never had another pokemon's mouth felt so good! The pikachu's tongue wrapped itself around his rod, aiming to milk it fully.

Rorark was fully absorbed in the moment. He couldn't feel that his fellow rodents had released him and were stroking themselves to his experience. He felt so full from his captor's sizes. The precum trickling into him only made it better. He moaned repeatedly as the spitroast soon brought his own mind to a blank.

Cum would shoot from his own cock as he felt both of his friend tense around him. He opened himself at wide as he could, making sure they finished in him as deep as possible. "Mmmph~ Gkllk~..."

Both Chel and Manikin let out guttural growls as they pumped their final load into the pikachu. They would smile slightly at the satisfying sounds of the pokemon gulping. The bulge in the pikachu's belly would soon be coated by the cum from the other two rodents as they came over him.

All of the pokemon would pause in their afterglows before both Chel and Manikin would pull out from the pikachu.

"P-PIIIIkaaa~... F-Fuck..."

The dewott smirked at the cum-cover pikachu. "See? A very good experience and a very good punishment!"

All three of the criminals slowly nodded in their stupors.

"Now then~ You three owe someone an apology..."

Karby, Flint, and Rorark were all happy to do so, but they couldn't ignore how tired they felt. Their already half-lidded eyes found it hard to open fully. All three of them would collapse on the ground without saying a word...


The three tenants all woke up with a groan. Cum littered the floor. Their asses and throats felt tingly and sore. And, their balls felt empty. Despite how weak they felt, they still felt the need to get up.

Flint would be the first to get up. "H-Holy shit dude..."

Karby would be next. "Fuck... That was some... dream..."

"Uuf... F-Fuck..."

The three would slowly stumble out of the room and go looking for a certain person. It didn't take long to find him sitting at the dining room table with some coffee in hand and a book in another...

"The fuck do you three want?" Manik was not feeling dealing with three idiots today. He already told everyone else yesterday that he wanted a break today. The last thing he needed was more degeneracy, especially from the perpetrators of it.

The tenants would slightly stare at the cat-like imp for bit before prostrating themselves.

"We're deeply sorry Manik!" They all said in unison. "We won't ever go behind your back like that again!"

The demon gave them a raised eyebrow before rolling his eyes. "Eh... Whatever. I'm over it now."

Rorark looked up brightly. "R-Really!?"

"Yeah... Why should I stay mad when everyone here does what you three just did all of the time?"

Flint popped up in happiness. "Hell yeah! You're the greatest demon-imp ever!"

Karby laughed in relief. "Bahaha~! Yeah you're truly the greatest caretaker ever Manik!"

Manik looked away with a blush. "Fuck off you three... I'm trying to read here."

They left back to their rooms with smiles on their faces. He waited until he was sure they were gone.

"Heh... good punished boys..."