We'll Fight Together part 1

Story by Duke The Wolf on SoFurry

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We'll Fight Together

Duke yawned and got out of his bed that he and Wolf put together. It was surprisingly sturdy, and held him up during his sleep. Wolf wasn't up yet, so Duke smiled to himself and went downstairs to make breakfast. He made sausage and eggs, his own favorite. Wolf's favorite was bacon and eggs, but there was no bacon left after the 'bacon raid' Wolf had.

Soon, Wolf was out of bed and he came downstairs to greet Duke. "Morning baby," he said, wrapping an arm around him and kissing him on the cheek." Duke smiled. "Morning Wolfy!" Duke slid a plate of the sausage and eggs to Wolf, and made a plate for himself. After they ate, they snuggled in the leisure room.

"So I was thinking... after you ate all your comrades with the shrink gun... aren't you gonna need new team mates?" Duke asked. "Well, I haven't heard a thing from Fox, which means he probably took it I killed you and his team is still mourning for you."

"Oh, well, do you think I could at least contact one of them and let them know I'm okay?"

"No way, immediately they'll just storm here and try to steal you back. I don't know if you forgot, but Fox McCloud and I are enemies. If anything, Star Fox assuming your death may be for the best."

"C'mon Wolf, let me see Fox again! We had a great friendship!"

"Well your relationship is more important than the weak friendship you had with Fox. He was the one that always sent you on the dangerous missions. The ones that almost got you killed."

"How may you know about those missions?"

"I have my way of obtaining info from the Star Fox team. Fox had no reason to send you to Sauria to retrieve some crystal from the Dark Ice Mines; it belonged to Sauria, not Fox! Plus, you could have been toast from that lava! I think maybe Fox wanted to get rid of you, and you haven't heard from them because they're glad I killed you."

"Wh-what?" Duke had tears in his eyes. "Why would... Why would Fox want to be rid of me?"

"Duke, baby, please don't take it like that, I just wanted to make a point that I'm more important to you than Fox will ever be."

Duke did not listen, but instead he got off the couch and walked out.

"Baby, where are you going? Are you leaving?"

"I'm taking a Wolfen and going out! Be back in a few hours!"

Wolf was already worried. "If you say so and if you do not come back I'll have to chase you down!" He said in a casual voice, trying to make things better. Wolf heard Duke start up the Wolfen and take off. And soon, Wolf followed; he simply would not let Duke Go anywhere on his own.

By the time Wolf was ready to go, Duke was already far ahead, and Wolf had no idea where he could have gone. He left his track signal off, so Wolf had no way of sensing him. Also, Duke left behind his cell phone. This was certainly suspicious. Wolf took off to try to find Duke, where ever he was going, Wolf hoped it was no where dangerous.

Mean while...

"That stupid Wolf will see soon that I can handle myself and I can have freedom to travel!" Duke said as he searched for a planet to land on. He was looking for the most hazardous, dangerous planet just so he could prove his value to Wolf.

Soon, after searching for half an hour, Duke found a rather odd looking planet, so he took to landing on it. Duke was a good pilot, so he managed to land decently on a rugged mountain. He hopped out of the Wolfen and smelled the air. Something was certainly wrong. This didn't smell like normal mountain air. For some reason, it smelled... like farts.

"Shit... I gotta find him before he goes anywhere stupid!" Wolf said, speeding up the Wolfen. Unfortunately, Wolf had gone the opposite way that Duke had, leading him towards the Great Fox.

Wolf reached the Great Fox, and landed on it. He made an obvious entrance and saw Fox and Falco just sitting there chatting. Immediately Fox pointed a blaster at Wolf. "Wolf?! What do you want? "

"I thought I should tell you that your ex-friend Duke is not dead. He lives with me now as my mate, and he enjoys it so." Fox was dumbstruck.

"You bastard! You probably washed out his mind and filled it with messed up thoughts! You will pay for this!" Fox kept his blaster pointed at Wolf while Wolf himself kept his casual look.

"I would prove it to you, but he ran away from me, and I need help finding him. That's the other reason I came here." Fox was puzzled.

"You want my help... to find Duke? And he ran away from you? That just proves that he truly does not want to be your prisoner, just what have you done to him?"

"What Duke and I have done together is not of your concern. Just get your team together and help me bring him back. He'll be glad to see me.." Wolf frowned. "And you, Fox."


Duke walked on, downward so he could see what this distant land had to offer. So far, he saw no sign of intelligent life, just plants. After he finally reached land, he walked on. Way up ahead, he saw a forest, so he went ahead and headed for it.

Meanwhile, up on the mountain Duke departed from...

"What was that traveler doing up here just a moment ago?"

"I dunno, but he left behind his travel device."

"Let's destroy it; he has no reason to leave here once he's entered our territory."

"Good idea, this will only take a second!"

And in one second, the Wolfen was in flames, and it exploded.

Duke looked up at the huge explosion from the land. "What the?! Why did my Wolfen explode?! This isn't good at all..."


Wolf and Fox's team were all ready to go, in their Arwings, and in his Wolfen. "Is everyone ready?" Fox asked. Everyone replied ready. So, the four took of: Wolf, Fox, Falco, and Peppy. Slippy was kicked off the team for being annoying.

They all split up in different directions, but Fox was the only one to actually go the way that Duke went. He eventually found the mysterious planet Duke landed on as well, so he landed.

Fox landed not far from where Duke landed, but he was already on the grass land. He got out of the arwing and shouted "Duuuuuke! Where have you gotten to now?!" There was no reply. Fox looked up and saw the smoke coming from the destroyed Wolfen, so he contacted the other three immediately.

"Guys! Duke is here on this planet! It's in the V-32 sector, come quick!" Right after that, Fox started running up the mountain, while Duke got even closer to the forest. He walked into the forest, and it was simply full of trees. He could not see the end of this forest, so he thought to himself that it would be fun, and he just kept walking, deeper, and deeper, and deeper...

As soon as the three received the message, they headed right for the planet. Wolf landed at the other side of the forest, Falco landed right next to where Fox landed, and Peppy landed... somewhere else.

Wolf ran into the forest as he caught Duke's scent. "Duke! I know you are in here, so come out and come back with me! You can not run forever!" Then, it came to Wolf that hunting Duke down and capturing him may not be the best way to gain his forgiveness... He kept walking on and tracking Duke the best he could.

As for Fox, he went and examined the Wolfen. "This has been ravaged by an enemy; even I know that Duke can land a Wolfen." Fox looked around, but there were no signs of anyone. Out of no where, Falco came up behind him.

"So... this is where he landed." Falco said, crouching and examining the destroyed Wolfen.

"Yup, he must've just left it here and ran off, that idiot!" Fox looked off the mountain at the plain and then to the forest. "Duke loves to roam around in forests, let's go." But, as the two were about to start walking down the mountain, two huge muscular dragon-like figures flew down from above to greet Fox and Falco.

"We are... the Charizard clan, why are you here?" The charizards looked at the two as if they were enemies, with determined eyes.

Fox stepped forward. "We are here to find a friend who fled here from an enemy. We mean no harm and once we find our friend we will leave in peace."

The charizards' expressions didn't change at all. "Well, your friend can't just be leaving his vehicle around here." The charizards stepped forward toward the two as if they were about to attack.

"We're about to fight, I can sense it." Falco said, drawing his blaster.

"I think paw-to-paw combat is the way to go on this one, Falco." Fox said putting his fists up ready for battle.

The first Charizard stepped forward and tried to claw Fox, but he dodged it and did a round house kick to the charizard's neck. The Charizard stepped back a little. The other Charizard shot flames from his maw, and hit Falco spot on!

"Gah... that hurts... a lot." Falco said kneeling.

"We have to keep fighting!" Fox said, helping Falco up and looking back at the Charizard and used fire. "You are surely one dangerous foe, which makes me even more worried about our friends who are alone." Fox leaped up and kicked the first Charizard in the face, which made him fly away. The other Charizard just laughed and flew away as well, which confused Fox and Falco.

They just made their way down the mountain and on to the plain, where there were no enemies, so they had an easy walk to the forest, where Fox soon picked up Duke's scent. "Wow, he really is here." He said, running to where he picked up Duke's scent.


"What are you doing?! Please, leave me alone! I'm not here to hurt anyone!" Peppy pleaded, but the Snorlax just would not listen and kept following him. Peppy soon was backed into the corner of a mountain... a dead end.

Peppy got on his knees and begged. "Please... don't eat me! I will not taste good at all!"

The Snorlax stepped forward again. "Oh, but a creature such as you looks so delicious, and I haven't eaten in days! Just submit to my hunger before I have to hurt you."

Peppy was confused. "Hurt me?" There was nothing he could do, but he stayed backed up against the wall.

The Snorlax soon picked him up with one paw and shoved his entire body into his enormous maw. "Noo! Please let me out!" The Snorlax... then swallowed, and Peppy slid down the gullet and into the snorlax's stomach, where it reeked horribly. Peppy fainted from the horrible smell and soon digested... that was the end of Peppy, death by getting eaten by a Snorlax. The Snorlax collapsed and went to sleep the moment Peppy slid into his stomach, and the gurgling sounds helped to put him to sleep.


When Wolf arrived to Duke, he found him up in a tree, and then he looked down and saw about five Mightyenas pawing at the trunk and barking at Duke. Duke soon noticed Wolf. "Wolf, save me from these mean monsters! They want to eat me I think!"

"What... are these things?" He whispered to himself, then he soon noticed Fox and Falco arriving.

"Duke! You're alive!" Fox yelled, and Wolf did a face palm.

"You weren't supposed to alarm these beasts!" Wolf yelled, pointing to the creatures they did not recognize.

"I really don't wanna come down from this tree, because I think I look awfully tasty to these coyote-like things..." Duke said, looking down at the Mightyenas.

Fox stepped forward and gave the Mightyenas a determined look. "Well then Duke, we'll fight them, you can come down, and I'll protect you!"

Wolf had heard enough of this. He bashed one of the Mightyenas out of the way and got real close to Fox. "Correction. I'll protect my mate, you fight the beasts." Falco was already in a struggle with two of them, they had him pinned and were basically taking turns biting him hard.

Fox went up and wrestled with one of them, and then Falco was able to fight off the other one. Wolf took care of the rest of the Mightyenas, so Duke came down. "Wow, you guys were awesome!"

"I'm just glad you're safe, now let's go home," Wolf said, petting Duke's head.

"How do you know he wants to?!" Fox insisted, looking to Duke. "So, do you want to go back with Wolf, or do you want something else?"

Duke looked down, not at anyone. "I want...-"

Then three other odd creatures appeared, more civilized as they were all dressed in battle armor. First, the Machamp spoke up. "Actually, this young blue wolf now belongs to us, the Pokémon Vore Empire, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Next, the Rhydon spoke up. "The rest of you will be thrown into prison and tried. The rules are, if you are proven not guilty, you are free to roam, that is, until one of the members of a tribe eats you, heh. If you're tried guilty, then you get the honor of being eaten by one of us, the patricians of the P.V.E.

Finally, the last one, the Ursaring spoke up. "But, don't get your hopes up of even making it to the trial; if you're in a cell with another, and your cell mate eats you, we are going to do nothing about it.

This was just unbelievable. None of them could believe it, and Wolf wanted to rip all of their heads off. Duke was absolutely terrified of why the P.V.E. wanted him so bad, and what would happen to his friends.

The Machamp picked up Duke with a bear hug and carried him off. Duke gave Wolf a look of agony. Wolf knew he would have to save Duke.

Then, the Ursaring picked up Fox in a bear hug, but instead of carrying him off, he swallowed Fox whole right there! "Hey, what's the big idea?!" Falco shouted, but before he had time to open his beak again, the Rhydon came from behind and tossed him head first into his maw, then swallowed down Falco, then swallowed Wolf, who did not put up a fight at all.

The three passed out in the stomachs, but all woke up on a hard, concrete floor. They all knew where they were... the dungeon. On the other side of the bars was the Ursaring, smirking. "I bet you all thought we were gonna digest you, swallowing the criminal is just our way of getting them to jail, much better then having to knock them out and carry them.

"Then why didn't the muscular one swallow Duke?!" Wolf demanded.

"Well, you see, your friend Duke is quite special to us, we sensed him as soon as he arrived. You see, we can not risk damaging such a valuable person here."

"Just why is Duke so valuable?" Falco asked.

"You don't know?! We strongly believe he's a relative... of our emperor, Lugia VI."

To be continued...

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