Arthur the Otter and the SynTech SuperYou Webcam

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After buying a new webcam, a lean and mean otter focused on getting bigger starts seeing massive gains.

Arthur the Otter and the SynTech SuperYou Webcam

By Danath

* * *

Livestream #1 - Hello, World!

"Arty! You finish the snack aisle yet?"

A lanky otter a bit taller than average glanced up from the boxes in front of him. Most were half-filled, with the other half already on the shelves full of chips and cookies. He looked down the supermarket aisle towards his manager, a short and stout wolf with a permanently displeased expression.

"Almost done, sir!" Arthur said, trying to keep his voice positive and friendly. It wouldn't do to make the manager upset, difficult as it was not to. When it came to slight insults, the stocky wolf was an expert.

"Hurry up, Arty, then go move cases of water."

Arthur sighed. Not only was the manager still calling him "Arty" - a nickname he disliked - he was going to have to move the heavy cases of water again. The otter was not very big, and no matter how much he ate or how much he worked out, he was as lean and mean as ever, not an ounce of bulging muscle to be seen. His ridiculous metabolism was the bane of his life - even if he stopped working out, he'd only pad up a little. He couldn't bulk up if he ate nothing but workout powders and mixes straight from the tubs. And that meant moving the water around the store to where it was meant to be displayed was a pain in his neck, even with the pneumatic forklift that made moving the pallets somewhat easier.

The otter was worn out by the end of his shift and his uniform - a blue apron over jeans and a black shirt - was wet where one of the cases broke open, causing bottles to break and splash him with water. He didn't mind wet fur - he was an otter, after all - but his ears were proactively folding back as he saw the wolf approaching.

"How much stock did you ruin? You better hope I don't take it out of your check, Arty!" the wolf growled. "The meat department needs the racks moved. Go get it done."

"But I haven't had my lun-"

"Did I stutter? Hurry up, or you're fired, Arty!" the wolf said before walking off at the same rapid fire pace as he'd spoken.

Arthur groaned. Maybe getting fired wouldn't be the worst thing, but he really didn't have any other prospects. After living off his savings while sending applications for a job in his field, he applied to the nearby grocery store to cover his expenses in the meantime. The only other places hiring were further away, though, so if he quit, he'd spend an hour a day walking each way, which meant less time to apply for other jobs. It was like being stuck in quicksand.

By the time the shift ended, he was exhausted. He almost tripped over the package sitting in front of his apartment door before he noticed it. Scooping it up, the thin otter went inside and flopped on the couch before opening the box.

"Oh, right!" he said aloud as he read the words on the side of the cardboard.

The SynTech SuperYou camera for streamers. It was a nice model, one he chose after lots of research a week ago after deciding that trying to be a streamer would be a lot more fun than hauling water for that jerk of a boss at the grocery store. Now, in the cold light of the fading afternoon sun streaming through the window, he wasn't so sure. He didn't even know what he would stream about.

Sitting up, he looked around the living room of his two-bedroom apartment. Other than the furniture, there was workout equipment everywhere. Free weights, barbells, thigh spreaders, bands, and more. In the spare room, he had a push up bar and a squat bar. He blinked as he looked at the various gadgets, gizmos, and supplements he purchased in his quest for size as if seeing them for the first time.

There was really only one thing he could stream about...

"Hey, everyone, and welcome to my first stream! I'm Ar- I mean, I'm Buffquest, and I'm a workout freak! I work out all the time, so I thought I'd share my workouts with you and maybe we can learn from each other!"

The otter's voice shook only a little as he recited his rehearsed opening in front of the SuperYou camera. The red "record" light blinked slowly as he forced a smile and then gestured at the floor around him. His gym shorts hung loose around his skinny thighs and his t-shirt looked baggy - he was tall enough to need a large, but skinny enough for a small.

He had two monitors on his computer desk. One showed the recording and streaming software, while the other showed the viewer count and chat large enough he could see them from his position in front of the camera a dozen feet away. It was currently a whopping two.

"I know I don't look like I work out, but that's why I chose the name 'Buffquest,'" the otter said, his voice rising a little as nerves overtook him. "I've been trying to bulk up for years, so I at least can help you learn about what doesn't work when you have a high metabolism like me!"

The otter stooped and grabbed a pair of hand weights.

"Let's start with the legs! Squats are important!" he said, trying to sound cheery. Just because he only had a few people watching didn't daunt him - one of the first things everyone serious about bulking up hears first is to be patient, and Arthur had plenty of that, if nothing else.

"One! Two! One! Two!" he huffed.

Viewer count: four. Comments: none.

No, scratch that. Comments: one.

"I'm skinny too! Following for luck! Maybe you'll figure out the secret?" Arthur read from the screen. He paused, holding the weight bar at hip height from his clenched paws, and drew in a breath. "You got it, gamerguytwelve! I'm gonna review supplements, workouts, and more, so stay tuned! Thanks for the follow!"

Final Stats

Height 5 ft, 6.25 inches

Weight 112 pounds

Subscribers 1

* * *

Livestream #8 - Let's Try Protein!

Arthur streamed every night for a week straight, and while he hadn't noticed any personal gains, he did notice lots of digital gains. Over a dozen people subscribed to him - one and a half per stream. For an unknown fitness streamer like him, that was a big deal. The otter grinned, undaunted at the ocean of social media before him, and used the SynTech SuperYou camera to take a few tasteful shirtless posed shots. He planned to take one every day from now on - a user in the chat suggested it - and he'd post it to his social media accounts to promote his livestream.

It was almost too absurd an idea, but maybe, Arthur thought, just maybe he could make a living as an online fitness influencer. He didn't need much - he already led a fairly spartan lifestyle on his quest to achieve the muscular, thick body of his dreams. With enough viewers, he'd get some sponsors, and with enough sponsors, he could not only quit his job at the supermarket, but maybe even get some new equipment. He filed away a mental note to look into becoming a fitness equipment reviewer or tester - maybe he'd be able to borrow stuff from the companies for a review. Or doing crossover episodes with other streamers, or...

"Arty! Move your ass!" shouted his manager from the other end of the aisle.

Arthur scowled, but soon forgot his troubles as he daydreamed about starting a new career in front of the camera. The rest of his shift passed by with speed, and he soon found himself at home in front of his computer setting up to go live. He felt a lot less nervous now after just a week and even braved his way through the first few haters and trolls. Fortunately, there were plenty of skinny people like him looking to pack on the pounds.

After getting the stream going and a quick warm-up of pushups and situps, Arthur directed the SynTech SuperYou camera towards a table with a half-dozen different tubs of powders as well as a selection of protein bars and other supplements.

For five hours, Arthur drank protein drinks, ate the bars, and took the supplements, going over each in turn while chatting and occasionally taking a break to work out.

Final Stats

Height 5 ft, 6.25 inches

Weight 114 pounds

Subscribers 12

* * *

Livestream #20 - Arm Day

Arthur huffed and panted as he curled his arm, forcing his thin bicep to puff outwards with the effort of lifting the weight in his paw.

"And... twenty!" he gasped. "Dang... I don't know if I'm really showing results, but I feel bigger, at least," the otter said. "Thanks for all the follows, everyone!"

Sitting up, Arthur shook out both arms and then glanced at the chat again. A steady stream of one-word messages scrolled up the screen: top top top

It was shorthand for going topless, and Arthur by now knew better than to just take off his sweaty shirt immediately upon request.

"I don't know, chat... I know you can't wait to see my abs, which are finally starting to show through my fur, by the way, but have you really earned it? Ha ha ha... yeah, I know some of you have, ha ha... okay, ten more subscribers and I'll be halfway to a hundred, so I'll take it off if we hit that. In the meantime, I don't wanna hesitate... let's do chin-ups!"

The camera showed his short figure stretching up and then jumping to grab the bar. Despite his narrow arms, he easily pulled himself up, getting his chin over the metal pole a dozen times without even pausing. He stared at the wall, wide-eyed, as his backside shifted up and down in front of the camera. His tail swept side to side with happiness as he racked up another dozen before dropping off the bar. His arms burned, but it was a good kind of burn, and he flexed a few times as the exhilaration of seeing results swept over him with a burst of dopamine.

"Dang, chat... those chin-ups are getting easier every day, huh? Oh, we hit ten subscribers, huh? Alright... here we go!"

Sauntering up to the camera tripod, the short male grinned as he grasped the bottom of his shirt, then peeled it up from his sweaty fur, revealing the flat, washboard stomach and the nearly invisible ridges of abdominal muscles forming shapes in the pelt. It wasn't too impressive, really, but considering how he'd started out with a nearly concave belly, it was big for the otter showing off for the camera.

"Ha ha, no, not taking off my pants. Don't wanna get banned!" he said, grinning and hamming it up for the chat. A few more donations came in and he read out the messages, answering their questions and chatting. Eventually he sat in front of the camera, moving it to the desk, so he could hide his shorts under the keyboard. He was getting hard and didn't want to make a scene on camera.

"L-let's call it there tonight, chat," Arthur said, his voice skewing a bit as a few shocks of pleasure rolled up his growing erection. "We're so close to a hundred subscribers, let's make that the goal next time!"

Once he was sure the stream was over, Arthur looked down at his lap. His shorts stretched around the tip of his hardon, which throbbed angrily, desperately, sending bursts of pleasure up his spine with every motion. Trembling fingers tugged at the waistband, trying to gently ease the fabric away from the aching length as his breath caught in his throat. Fuck, he was horny... he was really, really fucking horny...

Before he knew it, he had both paws around his cock. It felt nice and fat, not skinny or small at all, and it filled his palms as he pumped and humped. He barely lasted a minute before ropes of otter jizz splattered across his abs and chest, leaving him panting and sticky in the chair.

"Fuck," he gasped. "What the fuck was that?"

Final Stats

Height 5 ft, 6.25 inches

Weight 117 pounds

Subscribers 71

* * *

Livestream #21 - Leg Day

"Hup! Two, three, four. Hup! Two, three, four..."

Arthur kept counting despite the ache and strain in his thighs and rump. He balanced with his tail as he squatted down, a loaded iron bar clutched across his chest. The red light on the SynTech SuperYou camera blinked slow and steady as he gradually pushed himself back upright, then lowered himself back down again.

The chat, he noticed out of the corner of his eye, was quite lively. In addition to "nice form bro" comments, there was also a link that recurred again and again. Lots of usernames that he didn't recognize. In fact, the chat sped up so much it turned into a running blur.

Arthur focused on finish his reps, taking each squat nice and slow, low enough to make his skinny backside stick out under his wide tail, before just as slowly pushing himself upright. His form, if nothing else, was good, though the results were still lacking. After finishing the last squat and racking the weight, he patted himself on his bare stomach and headed for the computer. His abs felt good under his palm, and they looked better than ever. His hammies felt thicker, and even his pecs were showing hints of life - no more a solid mass of unbroken fluff. Still, it was too early to celebrate such trivial gains when his goal had always been bigger.

Settling into his chair, he grinned into the camera as he turned it towards himself. The autofocus and zoom went to work, correcting the view immediately as he slumped into the seat with a tired sigh.

"Alright, chat, what's up? I think my screen broke because the messages were moving really quickly... uh... chat?"

One repeat message made it through the blur, posted by dozens of people: slow mode.

Clicking hastily for the menus, he found the option and turned it on, which filtered low effort comments and slowed the pace at which people could chat.

That's when Arthur saw the numbers, both viewer count and donation bar. It had long surpassed the goal he'd set and was now cleanly into quadruple digits, plus his subscriber count had shot past three hundred - he hadn't even had a chance to celebrate a single hundred. With slow mode active, the link he noticed earlier kept popping up, and he clicked on it in a daze.

The fitness website was familiar - he recognized it as the sort of news, sort of clickbait site that relied heavily on ads and crossposting, though there were occasional originals, and this was apparently one of them. It was all about him. Screenshots. What little backstory was known about him (little more than where he'd gone to college, fortunately). And heaps of praise for demonstrating expertise in fitness and a friendly streamer demeanor.

The resulting traffic was far surpassing any of the natural audiences he saw up to now, and he grinned and brushed the back of his head with his hand.

"I guess there's a lot of new people here, so I should probably introduce myself. I'm Buffquest, because I'm on a quest to get buff. I've been working out for years, but now I'm streaming my efforts to pack on the pounds!" he said, getting into his regular cheerful rhythm. "Thanks to everyone for all the donations - I'll get to reading the donos in just a moment, but first of all, I want to say big thanks to everyone for checking out the stream. Hope you all enjoy, because the leg press is coming up after donos!"

Final Stats

Height 5 ft, 6.5 inches

Weight 120 pounds

Subscribers 402

* * *

Livestream #22 - Breakthrough

The next morning, Arthur woke up feeling like a million bucks. He stretched out in his bed, taking his time as the sheets pulled around his soft, dense brown fur. He always thought otters made good bodybuilders because the dense pelt helped show off their size better, and now, as he lazily lifted his arm and curled his bicep, he could truly appreciate having that kind of pelt. It really did make his muscles stand out, though he wasn't particularly huge or anything. Yet.

Arthur blinked. Wait, muscles? Him?

He sat up and stared down at his arms, clenching his fists and flexing. Not only his biceps, but there was clearly a difference in his chest and stomach. Perhaps most noticeable of all were his legs. Though scrawny and lean, his legs were dense with muscle before, though they looked more like the legs of a marathon runner and not the powerlifter he wanted to be. Now, though, there was more of... well, everything. His thighs were plumped up, but still solid and dense, while his paw could no longer circle his calf as far.

Was this... a breakthrough? Finally, after all these years? Arthur thought furiously. He heard the stories, of course - people who struggled for years suddenly attaining massive gains. Their bodies, as if to make up for missing time, supercharged their growth, attaining in a few months what others might achieve in years. They were more like legends or myths among the scrawnier side of the bodybuilder community, and Arthur, being somewhat of a realist, didn't put any stock in them. But the evidence of his own enhanced physique was right in front of him, so to speak.

Pulling away the sheets, he let out a gasp. Between his slightly more beefy thighs, his pink arousal pushed free of his sheath and flopped across his thigh. It was, without a doubt, noticeably bigger than it had been last night. His eyes widened as he wrapped his paw around it, checking himself carefully for any signs of anything wrong, but all he found was a perfectly healthy, thick otter cock and a match set of handsome furry nuts.

Hearing a constant buzz, Arthur worried something was wrong with him after all - maybe his hearing - but then he realized it was his phone going off in the pocket of his work pants. Stumbling out of bed, he landed on all fours and crawled over to fish it out before holding it up to his ear.

"Arty!" his manager bellowed immediately. "You're an hour late! Where are you? Get your ass over here!"

"What? An hour later?" Arty asked, confused. He looked at the time on the phone and was in for another surprise - it was almost noon, and he fell asleep sometime around eleven after ending the stream. There were so many donos to read and questions to answer that it was all a blur, but from his hazy memories it all seemed to go well... but why would he sleep almost half the day? Had he been so tired?

"Arty! Arty! Are you listening? Move your butt, Arty, and don't think I'm not keeping track of your hours!"

Arty's eyes closed. His lips parted and without thinking, he spoke.

"No thanks, I quit."

"What? You can't quit! In fact, you're fi-"

The otter's thumb lifted from the phone screen after ending the call. Tossing the device onto the bed, he got to his feet and posed in front of the full-length mirror standing against the wall. Licking his lips, he could feel his belly grumbling for fuel as he posed and flexed, admiring the tiny bit of growth his body demonstrated. Somehow, even his dick, which was a bit weird, but he wasn't going to complain about it.

There was no better way to celebrate than with a stream, one he planned for a while but hadn't gotten around to doing. Nervousness filled him as he clicked through the account registration system on the new streamer site, added in a few basic graphics, description, and then, swallowing hard, clicked the button to go live.

An automatic message appeared on his after dark account, prompting his followers to visit his new stream at a certain website with a distinctly more adult sense of fun. The otter licked his lips as he squirmed in his seat, though it took surprisingly little time for viewers to come in. Arthur, meanwhile, did what he did best: work out like a maniac to chase those gains. Fortunately, for the crowd that stayed to watch, that was more than enough, especially once the donations started rolling in and he reached the first goal.

The SuperYou camera tracked him as he strutted across to check the notification, then gave a big smile to the camera as it automatically adjusted, lifting a bit higher to angle down at him.

"Looks like we just hit our first goal... that was way faster than I expected," Arthur said, grinning. "I thought you all were gonna make me work harder for it than that!"

His fingers reached down, grasping the waistband of his gym trunks. They slid down easily over his smooth, brown furred thighs, revealing the bright blue jock strap underneath. It was a bit large and a touch loose, but fit snugly around his package and showed off the mild curve of his rump.

After the big reveal, Arthur went back to his workout. He wondered if starting with the shorts instead of the shirt was a mistake, but chat disagreed and called it brilliant as the numbers kept growing. Squats, curls, push ups, planks, side presses, he did them all as the viewer count grew and grew.

"Almost there, chat," Arthur said between sets of push ups.

He teased his shirt up a little, exposing the bottom few inches of his flat stomach. The otter grinned. After a quick swig of his protein drink, he was back on the floor pounding out another set as the SuperYou camera tracked and followed, panning automatically from his feet to his panting, open muzzle as donations flooded in, easily reaching the goal in the next few minutes and nearly making it to to the next.

Arthur shivered. He hadn't ever considered himself a show-off or exhibitionist or anything like that, but he was... really enjoying himself. A warm heat spread from his belly and he was hard pressed not to start bulging and leaking in his jockstrap as he strutted towards the camera. He kept an eye on the chat as he teased his shirt up.

"I guess it's time for the big reveal," he said, dropping his voice lower.

He turned around as he pulled the damp shirt off of his thin back and shoulders, revealing the lean and lithe fuzzy body. There was no trace of any body fat, just smooth and narrow muscles barely causing ripples in his short pelt. The otter glanced over his shoulder, whiskers wiggling, then finally turned around, displaying his narrow chest and stomach - now with the slightest of six-packs etched along his lower torso, and a bit of plumpness in his otherwise lean pecs.

"Progress!" he proclaimed, gesturing with his paws towards his chest. "Can you believe it?"

Lots of dings, congrats, and more donations came in, but chat refocused its attention quickly on something else, and Arthur felt his cheeks burn at the dozens of comments about his bulge.

"What, you think this is padded or something?" Arthur asked. He reached down and wrapped his palm around the lower part of the pouch, hefting up his sac. "All natural, baby!"

And with that, the chat reached the next to last donation goal of the night. Arthur, more excited now than ever, felt the fabric stretch as blood rushed to his loins. His nostrils flared as he felt the heat of the camera lens angle down towards him, and his thumbs hooked into the waistband of the blue jockstrap, gently pulling it lower, teasing out the bulge and delaying the entrance of the big show.

He kept up the chatter throughout, teasing the chat even as his dick stiffened, thickening and stretching the fabric more as he slid the wide band down, eventually revealing the bottom half before dragging it down the rest of the way. His cock sprang back up, rebounded off of his lower belly, then leveled out at a slight angle. His balls hung below, round and firm, and while he was overall not wielding the biggest or thickest of tools, it was more than adequate. Chat, at least, appeared satisfied, especially as it twitched and bobbed with arousal.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm easy to get excited, I guess," Arthur said, smiling. "Thanks, though... I gotta admit, the attention is really doing something for me."

As if to punctuate the skinny otter's words, his cock jerked, releasing a pulse of thick and clear pre-cum, most of which rolled down his pipe towards the sheath at the base.

"There's just one goal left in the stream for the night," Arthur said, his voice low and eager as his paw slipped around his cock, smearing the pre across the skin until his trembling shaft glistened. "Anybody got some fun ideas on how to spend the time until then?"

Final Stats

Height 5 ft, 6.75 inches

Weight 121 pounds

Subscribers (combined) 782

* * *

Livestream #40 - Living on the Edge

Between his normal livestreams and the "special" streams (which were drawing even larger crowds, not just people into fitness), Arthur was feeling good about his choices. He was bigger than ever - he even had to go shopping for new underwear because of how big he was getting. Well, the cock and ball growth was strange, sure, but he couldn't complain when he felt the additional inches sagging inside his gym trunks. The new underwear was larger, but held his dick down to his thigh better so he wasn't flopping around too much while working out on camera.

He also bought a few other items for the "special" stream, including a clear jelly sleeve.

Fortunately, he still had plenty left over after paying his rent and other bills, so he felt comfortable splurging a bit on some toys to liven up the experience for the viewers. Things were still tight, and if the streaming didn't work out, he'd be flat broke, but then again, he was flat broke before, so he didn't have much to lose at this point. And jerking off on camera while talking to hundreds of people watching was quite a lot of fun, he discovered. Just thinking about all those people watching him, admiring his body, lusting after his muscles, made his cock stiffen a bit.

Which at the moment wouldn't be good. He had to go to the post office to pick up a package that required a signature. He missed the previous delivery because he was out shopping at the supplement store. While a month and a half ago he may have been able to hide a boner in his gym trunks in public, it would now require a backpack or something else inconspicuous he could hold in front of his crotch. Or possibly some careful upright adjustment... it was dark fabric, so maybe the shadows would hide it...

A smile played across his muzzle. He had all sorts of new fun things to worry about.

The cute clerk at the post office was a fit, slender fox. Arthur watched the vulpine's rear end swaying on the way out the door to the backroom, then shook his head and blinked. When the clerk returned, package in paws, and set it in front of Arthur, the fox leaned over the counter and winked as he took back the signed receipt.

Arthur blinked again. Was the fox... hitting on him?

"Hope I see you again sometime, stud," the fox said, confirming Arthur's suspicions entirely. "Maybe you'll let me handle your package again."

"Y-yeah," Arthur said, his voice a high squeak for a moment. "Th-thanks."

"You got it, stud. Next!"

The otter thought about the fox the whole way back to his apartment. Sure, he was a lot bigger now than before he started streaming, but was he really the kind of otter that a fox would call a stud? Wouldn't foxes call just about anyone a stud? Maybe it wasn't a compliment... maybe the fox was making a joke... Arthur just wasn't sure, but he decided to take it at face value and felt his cheeks burn - and his bulge flex. Muzzle opening to pant, Arthur used the cardboard box to hide his growing erection as it stuck down his leg while walking back to his apartment. It was just a few blocks, fortunately, but he was burning with embarrassment the whole while, which was strange considering what he was planning to do later that day online in front of far more people than were currently out and about on the sidewalks.

The memory of being called a stud by the cute fox was still playing through Arthur's head as he opened the box on his kitchen table and lifted out a smaller, printed box inside.

"When did I order this?" he asked out loud. Noticing an envelope in the box, he opened it first and read it.

"Dear Buffquest, enclosed you'll find one of SynTech Streaming Services newest online-enabled devices to help streamers create engaging content. We'd love it if you'd try it out and give an honest review of what you think of it during your stream," Arthur read out loud. There was also contact information for a marketing director at the company.

Taking a closer look at the box, Arthur read the name of it and then smiled as he realized just what it was. It was certainly online-enabled, and it would definitely lead to some creative interactions with his chat during tonight's stream...

And it was later that night, after installing the software for the device on his computer and integrating it with his streaming software, that his chat found a whole host of new emojis in place for them to use.

"Hello, everyone! Especially all the new people! I suppose you're wondering what the title of tonight's stream is referencing... well, it's this!"

Arthur usually wore boxer briefs or jock straps, so the SynTech EDGE (Entertainment Device for Gaming Enthusiasts) felt comfortable around his hips. The straps hefting up his rump cheeks felt much like a jock strap, in fact, and the only real difference was the pouch in the front, which was articulated and could apparently create a variety of shapes with varying degrees of friction, in addition to other unique features. Currently, it clung gently to his bulge much like normal fabric would.

"I was asked to give this device a review, so what better way to test it out then with the help of all of you in chat?" he asked, grinning. "Those new emojis you'll find in the menus are actually ways to control it. It's like voting for how you want the EDGE to handle me."

Chat, of course, picked up on this all too quickly, and within seconds - and only a couple of hundred viewers - Arthur found his balls being zapped with electro-stimulation that forced his cock to full and peak arousal so fast it took his breath away.

"Nnhhhhh! Oooooh... ooh, chat, that's... so mean!" he pouted, trying not to grab at his own crotch as his trembling cock jerked with each microblast of electricity. "Ahhhh!"

Apparently the device was well-known amongst another community, and word spread quickly as the viewer count ballooned. Though the program had custom settings, Arthur kept the EDGE at factory for the most part, so after a minute, there was a break for voting on what the next round would feature.

"Hooooo... that was intense," Arthur said, spreading his palms over his chest and belly. He rubbed his fur, feeling the bulges of his lean abs and pecs underneath, as the EDGE underwear contoured and articulated around his erection, not really holding it in place but moving along with it seamlessly so as not to provide any friction during the vote period. "This thing really means business, doesn't it? And I can't take it off for at least four hours? How did I let chat talk me into that?"

Arthur groaned as he saw the countdown in the corner of the screen until the voting results were announced in the form of a mod message listing the top three results. Once something was chosen, it couldn't be picked again for at least three rounds, and, in a game tech tree sort of sense, certain options could only be unlocked through using certain other options, requiring teamwork on the part of chat to get to some of the activities the EDGE provided.

Of course, this was all new to Arthur. When it came to fitness, he was a hands-on, test-it-himself sort of otter, so when it came to the fancy underwear sex toy streaming device sent to him by a potential future sponsor, he could just about see the dollar signs floating around in the air above his head. What better way to get great stream ratings than to use it right out of the box with the most unfair settings it allowed?

Well, maybe there were better ideas, Arthur thought, as he saw the option chat selected next: Feline Muzzle.

The underwear on his hips shifted. It was strangely fabric-like, but the miniature robotic elements were in fact suspended together rather than attached together, allowing them the ability to shift simultaneously in order to achieve dramatic changes in the senses they could generate. For example, the sensation of warm saliva and a rough tongue stroking from base to tip along his already throbbing cock.

It took less than half a minute for the mod message with a giant red circle to pop up in chat, eliciting a wave of comments and emojis. The red circle appeared three more times before the second "punishment" was over. Chat was overflowing with new viewers discussing his "achievements" as he staggered over to a chair and flopped into it.

Arthur moaned. His muzzle hung open as he sprawled into the chair, ignoring chat as his chest pounded, rising and falling rapidly, as aftershocks of intense pleasure shivered up his spine. The sensation of a muzzle was so real... he could swear he could feel every rough wet lick inching up his urethra, teasing under the tip, stroking back along one side before the whole warm and soft muzzle pulled his length in and... that's when the machine would stop, release, and pinch around the base in order to prevent him from cumming. And thanks to the red circles, his chat knew every time it happened.

The otter did not expect the experience to be so intense. He could feel his muscles burning from flexing so hard just standing there enduring the insanely talented automatic edging. And he had to do it for... another three and a half hours?

He may have made a big mistake.

The otter leaned forward, shivering, and wiped his muzzle with the back of his wrist.

"Some of you are liars," he groaned. "Also couldn't you take it easy on me? This is my first time! Oh, shoot... donations!"

As he read off and responded to the donations that came in, he noticed a strange trend in the chat along the lines of "he doesn't know" and "muzzles are low tier" and "face game."

"What's 'face game,' by the way?" he asked. A rather hefty donation came in so quick that Arthur was sure it was primed and ready to go ahead of time. "From BakedFlourDM, and wow - thanks for the big donation! He says that game time is a mode on the EDGE where you try to fake out chat. The red circle won't send, so we have to guess. You'll be a natural at it!"

A natural, huh. Arthur grinned. He never turned down a challenge.

"Looks like it's already an option? You guys must have played with other streamers, huh? Alright, I'll turn it on for the next round."

The donations kept rolling in, so Arthur was busy enough to barely notice the countdown until it was the final few seconds when the chat scroll increased to a blur, automatically activating super-slow mode. The otter's eyes widened at the emoji: a foxy backside and lifted tail. The "Face Game" emoji appeared next to it, and the camera refocused on Arthur's face automatically.

It was all happening so fast it was like a blur, but Arthur tried to compose himself and put on a "take my picture already" smile as the game started.

"Well, chat? This isn't much of a challenge? Maybe I'll talk the whole time to prove it's not having any effect," Arthur said. "I can fake it through something like... what was the other game mode called again? Fox Butt Classic? What's classic abouhnnnnggGGGHHHH!"

Mid-sentence and without warning, Arthur's blunt fuzzy muzzle twisted to the side, shaking his whiskers as his eyes closed tight and his entire body flexed, making even the veins on his neck bulge. Hundreds of circle emojis appeared in chat, and for correctly guessing when the otter was edged to the point that the machine shut off automatically and enacted counter-orgasm measures, they received points to use to make their votes worth more or suggest limited votes in the coming hours.

Cracking open his eyes as the machine activated again, Arthur could feel the tight ring slip around his tip, clenching and tight and warm. He could swear there was a tight, wiggly, moaning fox on his lap as the velvet glove enveloped his dick in such sweet heat that his balls contracted and-

The machine shut down immediately, not even getting through a single stroke before clamping down and putting a lock on the flood of hormones surging through Arthur's twitching body.

Bleary-eyed, he watched as a plethora of similar "newbie point farming" and pleadings of "be nice, he's cool" scrolled through the chat. Panting hard, his heart raced as he sat upright in the chair. He'd nearly fallen out of it when he felt the sensations supplied by the underwear so suddenly.

"What does... Classic... mean?" he gasped, only for his strangled voice to cut off in a squawk as he fell out of the chair onto his back and humped vigorously into the air. His claws scraped along the rug, dragging it into bunches over the hard floor beneath, all as the SuperYou camera followed and tracked his moaning muzzle and twitching hips. The EDGE system around his hips held on easily as he bucked helplessly, but it was all for naught as it shut down again.

Finally, the timer on the game ran out. Arthur dragged himself back into the chair. He was breathing hard, sweatier than even his hardest workouts, and his balls ached with need and pent-up arousal. He bit his lower lip as he scanned the chat, then checked the donations, whereupon his eyes went wide. He also saw, of course, the amount of time left before the EDGE could be removed (or all the donations would be automatically refunded).

Swallowing hard, he took a few deep, ragged breaths, trying to calm his racing heart down as emoji votes for the next "game" flooded into the chat.

A new mod stat message popped up and Arthur was reminded, again, of just how public his behavior was, as nearly two thousand viewers learned he'd produced nearly two full ounces of pre-cum already...

The hours passed by with Arthur in various throes of lust. Muzzles, asses, feathers, wax, paws, water, temperature... the EDGE could tease a user to the limit in a dazzling number of ways, and as the game progressed, the chat unlocked ways of using multiple at once, allowing Arthur to experience what an ice cold blowjob from a tiger was like or a lapdance from a snake with a feather duster. His balls felt bloated, backed up beyond what was reasonable, as the games all blurred together. He couldn't even get into the chair in between games eventually, and the viewer count spiked as people joined to watch his lustful agonies.

Arthur heard beeps eventually and sat up. There was no stimulation for the moment - no squirming rabbit ass, no sucking dragon muzzle, no ice or heat or squeezes or stretches or ball clamps or anything. There was a notification on screen that the timer ended, but the chat was still scrolling blazingly fast with emojis. Arthur blinked. It was over? He could finally cum? He struggled to move his legs, to get to the computer to release the lock on the EDGE underwear, but stopped when he saw the line of text below the announcement from the mod bot in the chat.

"Release will be allowed. Vote for the final stimulation scene! Donation votes worth 10x! Donate here!"

Arthur swallowed hard. Final stimulation? It was going to jack him off for him? How much longer would he have to wait? He almost didn't care what it was - Classic Fox, Plump Bunny, Cat Muzzle, Snake Play - anything, just let him cum!

"Voting closes in three... two... one," Arthur said, eyes fixated on the screens. Fuck, he was so hard, he was so, so hard, and his balls were so full, he just needed something, anything, even a feather would get him to blast. "Wait... what the... what is this Ruined modifier?"

The other option was Classic Vulpine, and a few seconds later, Arthur's claws dug into the armrests of the chair as he humped helplessly into the air. The tightness, the warmth, the velvetness around his dick was so, so good. His muzzle opened, his tongue popped out, and then, just as he was about to cum, right at the peak when he could just imagine gripping the thick, plump hips of some cute femboy fox and seeding the squealing little male until they leaked from every hole...

It all stopped. His cock jerked, firing off, but there was zero stimulation. Arthur doubled up, gasping as he fired his load. His blue balls hurt, physically hurt, for a brief moment, and then relief somewhat flowed through him as cum dripped from the underwear.

"Unnnnggghhh... oh, fuck... what the hell?" Arthur asked. His cock jerked, still hard, unsatisfied despite having just unloaded. His balls felt, if anything bluer than ever.

Chat was going nuts and the mod messages were flowing: cum amount, heart rate, pleasure peak and fall - it was all there, by the numbers, his complete edge session from start to unsatisfying finish. What had happened? Was it the ruined modifier at the end? Arthur grit his teeth. Well, maybe it got some big donations, anyways.

His fur was sticky and matted around his hips as he took off the EDGE and shivered as the air cooled down his overheated package. His cock was still fat, hard, and throbbing, but he could tell no matter how much he stroked, he wouldn't be able to cum right away. And his balls... they looked bigger, for sure, but the swollen sac ached more than anything at the moment. Arthur gingerly lowered himself into the chair and quickly wrapped up the stream - thanking donors, answering some questions, reading chat. He found out he'd been raided by some BDSM streams who knew the EDGE systems and how to manipulate them the most.

Arthur grinned. It was almost too perfect. Of course he knew the default factory settings weren't designed to make things easy for the user. That was the point. If anything, he was going to give chat even more control next time. But of course, he'd pretend it was a mistake, a user error that made him a fun toy for thousands of people at once for several hours, especially those with deep pockets who could essentially rig the votes. Arthur wondered which particular whale it was that rigged the ending - the ruined option cost quite a bit of voting power.

After the stream was over, Arthur leaned back in the chair and exhaled. His cock, half hard now, draped over his thigh as his balls churned. Sighing, he decided to do what he always did when he couldn't sleep, and recorded a post-edge workout video for subscribers only, including jerking off to full, actual completion again after a sweaty hour of angry bench pressing.

Final Stats

Height 5 ft, 8.5 inches

Weight 136 pounds

Subscribers (combined) 9,782

* * *

Livestream #73 - Viewer Challenge 1

"Hey, chat! I got a new segment for you all today!" Arthur said. "Welcome to Arthur After Dark! I'm Arthur the otter, also known as Buffquest, and joining me today - my very first live guest! - it's the winner of the viewer challenge, Deighlyn!"

Deighlyn was a viewer who lived in the city and was one of the many who entered to win a "personal training session" on stream. He was also a cute, thick hipped pony who arrived wearing tight shorts and a t-shirt with the bottom cut off so he could show off his slender, smooth stomach. The shirt, Arthur noticed, was one of his - he sold them in an online store - so he twisted his fingers into the golden mane of the pony and jerked the squealing male's head back, arcing his spine so the logo on the front showed for the camera.

"Thanks for having me! I'm super excited to get some training," the pony said, panting hard as his shoulders jerked forward and back in a steady rhythm. "Oh, fuck, oh, shit, fuckin... harder!"

The last bit was gasped out in a rush as he turned his neck further to look up at Arthur with a lustful, blushing face while his arms scrabbled to lever himself up for some purchase on the back of the couch frame as the otter's hips pounded against his ass from behind. He was a few inches shorter than the otter, but his hips were wider, with a round-but-firm plumpness to them that Arthur found difficult to resist. A long, silky blonde mane complemented his smooth, pale golden hide. His belly was narrow, but his hips flared outwards to hold the substantial girth of thick, round pony butt.

Arthur had not waited for the stream to start before bending Deighlyn over the back of the couch and grinding his semi-stiff erection inside, helped with a substantial quantity of lube. The pony moaned and squirmed at first, gasping all sorts of nonsense about how big and strong Arthur was, but settled down (mostly - he still couldn't help the odd outburst) by the time the otter started the stream with a remote control. The camera blinked on, the notifications went out, and the camera panned from pony to otter as the slapping of hips on rump echoed off the walls and into the microphone.

The otter smirked as he kept up a steady rhythm, plopping his thighs against the pony's deliciously thick rump over and over as he started the stream in the lewdest way possible.

"As you can see, I couldn't help myself," Arthur grunted. "When this cutie walked in the door, I had to jump him right away. Can you blame me?"

The otter was nearly six feet tall, and a well-developed pair of pecs flexed above his defined abs, now cleanly showing through the dense fur on his pelt. His thighs were plumper, filling out with even more muscle, as were his shoulders and arms. He'd packed on so much weight he needed all new clothes, but fortunately a sponsorship deal came through which not only got him a paycheck for promoting the brand, but also a bunch of fresh swag to wear.

Along with his growing size, Arthur found his personality undergoing some changes as well. He was more confident, though that was to be expected of someone causing a significant splash in the streaming world thanks to their fitness expertise, looks, and willingness to go all the way for the audience, as he was doing now. He was more dominant, something that surprised him because he'd never really thought about it before. But after the first EDGE stream (it was a popular format and Arthur never got any better at it), after that disastrous ruined orgasm thanks to the Classic Fox rump, something woke up inside him. Something that made him desire thick rumps. Something that pushed him to breed said rumps, to seed them until they were gushing with his lust, to hump them until their squeals rang out, begging him for more, more more moremoremore!


"Ahhhh, ooh, Arthur, oh my god, oh my God ohmygaawwwwwwnngghh!"

The somewhat beefy otter's left paw dug into the pony's plump and ample hips, holding on tight as he surged back and forth, thrusting up a frothing mess between his muscular thighs and the pony's soft, warm rump. His other paw pulled on the pony's mane, forcing him to stand upright and back up into the thrusting, making his whole body bounce off with shuddering groans that restarted every few seconds.

"A-Arthur! Slow down!" Deighlyn gasped, squirming even harder as the tips of his hooves danced off the floor. The camera panned from the bright purple horseshoes on Deighlyn's hooves all the way up his slender legs, soft thighs, and bulging belly, sweaty chest, and finally his gasping, open, dripping muzzle. His cock slapped up and then swept downwards like a karate chop, smacking off of his clenched thighs before rebounding with the momentum of Arthur's next deep thrust. "F-fuck, Arthur, ohmygaaawwd... I'm... I'm gonna... Arthur!"

The camera pan finished and locked in on Arthur's head and shoulders, with the gasping and pleading femboy's pursed lips or mane occasionally coming into view. The chat, he noticed with a smirk, was going wild even with the ability for messages to come through limited to only the highest-tier subscribers, most of them asking for private lessons. A nearby feed showing top hits for "Buffquest" in social media and porn sites was showing a dramatic, continuing increase as well.

Deighlyn's sharp, high whinnies heralded the arrival of tens of ropes of seed being flung in strips from the flopping, sweaty pony's equally floppy and sweaty cock as he came, eyes shut and muzzle wide, unable to stop the orgasm driven out of him by the rough and rapid humping the buff otter delivered. The pony's tongue bulge out past his plump lips as he felt his balls clenching, unloading the biggest mess he may have ever made, all without even touching himself.

Leaning over, Arthur rested his head on the gasping pony femboy's shoulder while looking up into the camera. The pony's cock drooped over, still flopping around forward and back.

"Don't worry, Deighlyn," Arthur said in his deep voice. "That was just to warm us up. I really gotta thank chat... after all that EDGE training, I've gotten pretty good at holding back! Not that I can't last more than once or twice by now, too. This is why training so hard pays off, chat!"

Deighlyn's cock jerked at the spanking, releasing another rich burst of horse seed across the cushions as his long muzzle tipped upwards, neck exposed to the camera, a wild and needy look in his eyes.

"Oh, yes! Yes! Arthuuuurrrrrrr!~"

Final Stats

Height 5 ft, 11 inches

Weight 165 pounds

Subscribers (combined) 44,901

* * *

Livestream #90 - Viewer Challenge 2

Arthur glanced at the labels on the shelves, wondering which of the various pasta brands would be best. Someone tugged on the sleeve of his t-shirt, and he found himself a few moments later helping someone get something off of a high shelf for the fifth or sixth time since starting his shopping trip. The bus was strange, too. He felt like people kept glancing his way or whispering to each other about him. Even when he was walking up to the supermarket from the bus stop, two different cars honked at him in passing. At least, he assumed they were honking at him - there wasn't anyone else around.

The big otter, of course, didn't mind the attention. Not one bit. In fact, he was getting quite used to the stares, and he could even tell them apart a bit by now. He knew there was a nervous stare, as in, "Why the hell is such a huge guy coming my way?" And there was the fitness fan stare, as in, "Damn, I need gains like that dude." There were a few other variations he hadn't quite classified yet, but Arthur was for certain about one particular stare, and it happened to be the most frequent: the Lover's Stare, as in, "Make love to me now, stud!"

Such was the expression on the muzzles of many of the people he encountered in his day-to-day life now. He was over six feet tall now, meaning he'd grown more than half a foot since he started streaming. He weighed nearly two hundred pounds, so even though he still looked skinny, he at least had a decent set of muscles now; noticeable muscles, the kind that popped from his dense, tight fur when he curled his biceps into balls or clenched his belly to show off his abs.

The incredible gains began when started streaming, he'd long since understood, and as popular as he was, as much money as he was making, he had no intentions of stopping anytime soon. In fact, the streams for both today and tomorrow were also, privately, celebrations.

The supermarket in which he was currently shopping was not the same as the one he quit (or was fired, depending on opinion). It was on the other side of the city, and located only a short bus ride from his new apartment, which he moved into earlier in the week. The new streaming studio and setup was all done, having been installed by people straight from the company, hired by his new sponsor as part of the deal. The loft-style apartment meant a single camera could capture the gym section for workout streams, kitchen area for food and supplement reviews, and the bed, the biggest one they had available, laid out under a broad, huge window with a view of the city behind. An interior decorator had been through putting up some nice art or whatever, but those kinds of details never bothered Arthur, who was less interested in what was on the walls and more interested in pinning some cute piece of meat up against one.

The otter grinned, lips spreading in a smile despite the natural furrow of his heavy brow. Though he was still not at the size he would like, he was glad his body was at least muscular enough to draw this much attention, even when he was dressed casually in a t-shirt and jeans. It wasn't until he was back at his place and standing with his bags of groceries in front of a larger floor-to-ceiling mirror installed as panels in the gym corner of the loft that he realized what the reason for some of the staring may have been. Who could help but stare at the bulge of his cock, which had been lewdly sticking down the right leg alongside his thigh, clearly and definitely outlined the entire time he'd been out shopping?


Arthur grinned and gave the fat bulge of his dong a squeeze. He hadn't measured it lately, not wanting to spoil the reaction when he did it live on the hundredth stream, but he knew it was a lot bigger, even semi-soft like now.

Checking his phone, he realized he didn't have much time left, and quickly put away the groceries before setting up the stream on his computer, then rearranging some of the furniture and gear while cleaning up at the same time - empty protein shake bottles in the trash along with food wrappers, blankets back on the bed, throw pillows on the couch, pictures straightened. Just like his workouts, he paid attention to the little details.

Someone knocked at the door. Arthur's tail shifted as he glanced towards it. A delivery? It was still an hour until the stream started, and he wasn't expecting his special guest for the viewer challenge to be here for a bit yet. His footsteps banged on the floor as he walked across, but fortunately the downstairs neighbor was a business closed at this hour. He'd have to practice making his heavy footsteps a bit lighter, he thought to himself.

Opening the door, a smile stretched immediately across his muzzle. His eyes narrowed, and the bulge in his pants squirmed a few inches further down towards his knee.

"Well, hello, Deighlyn," he said, his deep voice rumbling through the door and into the hallway where the cute, thick-hipped pony stood. "Wasn't expecting you so soon."

Deighlyn's wide eyes stared at Arthur's tight t-shirt, the way the bulges of his pecs and abs showing through the stretching fabric, then moved lower, locking onto the thickness growing in the otter's equally tight jeans. Deighlyn's thighs squeezed together in front of him subconsciously as his own tight little green booty shorts showed off what was clearly a fully hard, long-since-aroused horsecock stretching from his crotch over his thigh, already leaking and making an anticipatory mess.

"Wow, Arthur... you look even bigger in person," was all the pony could manage to say. The dripping from his erection squirted through the fabric of his shorts as his whole wide, plump backside wiggled beneath his waving tail. He ran a hand nervously through his golden mane as his blonde hide twitched. "I mean, uh, yeah, sorry, I was in the area so I thought I'd come by early... or something... ha..."

Arthur's nostrils flared. The pony's aroused scent was quite nice, and triggered a few more flexing bulges down in his jeans as his cock tried to harden up despite the limited space. Leaning forward on one arm, he grinned down at the trembling femboy, licking his lips as he bounced his pecs with enough movement to cause Deighlyn's eyes to bobble as they followed. The otter's thick tail swept side to side across the back of his legs as he inhaled deeply again.

There was just something so nice about the smell of a cute, breedable femboy in heat...

A huge brown-furred paw swept through the doorway, dug into the pony's golden mane, and dragged him off his hooves back inside. The door slammed shut, then, a few moments later, after a few high-pitched noises of astonishment and disbelief, the livestream started early and exactly as it had the first time Deighlyn visited.

Only now, Deighlyn's whinnies and braying neighs were non-stop. Arthur could barely make himself heard above the noises. Standing in the center of the gym section of the open-floor loft, Arthur grinned into the camera as his large paws stroked down the pony's trembling, shivering body, pausing with one wrapped around his belly and the thick, obvious bulge of otter dick buried inside. The other hand grasped both of Deighlyn's wrists, gathering them up and pulling them upwards, lifting them above the pony's flattened ears, until he was forced onto the tips of his purple horseshoes.

"Welcome to the stream, everyone! Deighlyn here just couldn't wait to get started, so we're launching early! Don't worry, though... just because we started early doesn't mean we'll finish early, will it, Deighlyn?" the otter asked, smooshing his large head up against the pony's. His paw slid down from the smaller male's bulging belly to the oversized horse cock swinging from the femboy's hips. "It's the second viewer challenge, and back by popular demand for a second round of very personal training... it's Deighlyn! Say hello, Deighlyn!"

The otter's paw gripped and stroked down the pony's fat, slick shaft, long wet with dribbles of pre-cum. A piercing whinny erupted from his throat as he bucked back and forth of his own accord, wiggling and wriggling his half-suspended body wildly.

"To spice things up a bit, we're also going to play some games, won't we, Deighlyn?" the otter grunted. His paw stroked down, over the veiny shaft, past the pony's medial ridge, right to the base, where he released the small device in his paw. It slipped around the base, clamped down, and started sending all sorts of interesting signals to the pony's brain. "This little beauty will ensure that my guest lasts exactly as long as I do, unlike last time!"

"Huh? W-wait, Arthur, you didn't tell me about thisaaahhhhnnnggghhhhhh yesssssssss!"

The otter simply humped a few times to silence the moaning, suspended pony. His fetlocks shifted as he kicked his legs, which only sat his plump, thick rump down tighter around the burly otter's impressively large, fat cock. Deighlyn could feel the size of the plump, meaty balls below on the back of his thighs and whinnied again, desperate to cum already, but the device was locking down his orgasm.

"Thanks again to SynTech for sending me this EDGE companion device... portable, convenient, and linked to my phone through an app!" he said, pumping away with enough forward to make Deighlyn's entire body swing forward and then slap back against the otter's thick pecs and hard, ridged belly. "It makes topping a lot easier, that's for sure!"

"Ooooh, Arthur, yes, Arthur, oh, gawwwwwwwwwd..."

The pony babbles were music to Arthur's ears as he turned his attention away from the promotion and towards what was most important to him: seeding the squirming femboy until he couldn't move. His thick, hard otter cock felt great as he squeezed deep, filling Deighlyn's belly until it visibly bulged, only to drag himself out until the smaller male was clenching desperately around his tip... and then a long, full, deep grind right back into the balls. His paws were either groping big handfuls of pony ass, rubbing his cock through the squirming femboy's belly, or dragging the gasping guest around by his mane. Deighlyn only grew more incomprehensible as green circle emojis posted in the chat, showing just how many orgasms were being prevented on the pony's side. Arthur, meanwhile, had a clean sheet as he drilled the femboy's plump, thick ass cheeks like he was searching for oil.

"Oooh, fuck, you feel even tighter than last time," Arthur grunted, closing his eyes as he focused on the sensations, the tight hole clamping down, the squirming, the noises, the warmth and heat and lust and...

"Fuuuuuuuuck!" cried out both in unison as Arthur suddenly came, overwhelmed by sensation, unable to resist burying himself to the hilt and unloading inside the gasping, groaning, squealing femboy. The muscular otter leaned back, both arms clenched around his prize as his hips lifted, leaving Deighlyn's legs to dangle around either side of his thighs.

"Oooooh... oooh, so full," Deighlyn groaned, belly rounding substantially with each hot pulse of otter seed.

"Fuckin' right you are," Arthur moaned. "Damn, it's feels good unloading in such a tight ass... fuck... mmmmhhhhhh..."

The otter started thrusting again, not bothering to let the gurgling pony drain first, as he repositioned himself into a sitting position on the couch. One of his big arms draped casually over the squirming golden pony's chest so that he could splay out his fingers possessively over the swell of Deighlyn's cum-filled belly. Looking up at the camera, the otter grinned and licked slowly up the sweating, panting pony's neck, as if suggesting to the viewer: "You're next."

Final Stats

Height 6 ft, 3 inches

Weight 185 pounds

Subscribers (combined) 126,002

* * *

Livestream #100 - Gains Check

Arthur stared down at the scales, hardly believing his eyes. He'd somehow gained sixty pounds over the past week. It was all muscle, too. Thick, powerful, bulging, lovely, beautiful muscles. The chat was just as impressed as the otter, especially as he marked his height off on the wall.

Six foot ten? There was no way he grew more than half a foot so quickly... it was impossible.

And height wasn't the only massive increase. The naked otter grunted as his enormous cock draped down his thighs, swinging in wide side-to-side arcs across the equally heavy, fat balls beneath. Arthur trailed his fingers down his pecs, then his abs, exploring them as if seeing them for the first time. His fur splayed under his fingers as he felt the twitching hardness of the bulging fibers beneath, and then he stroked his palms down towards his thighs. Wrapping his hands around his meat, stacked one on the other, he gave a long, slow pump to his flaccid cock, showing off just how big and limp he was with a few squeezes.

"Fuck, I'm huge," he whispered.

Chat agreed. Subscriber counts skyrocketed over the past few streams, tripling rapidly once he hit six digits, and he basked in the collective glow of having tens of thousands of viewers simultaneously admiring his body.

Relaxing in a new chair he bought a few days ago, he spread his legs and idly toyed with his huge balls, hefting them up and letting them roll free of his fingers as he chatted with the crowd, replying to questions that moderators sent him.

"Yeah, I'm still doing the same routine as last week. It's obviously working well, huh?" he said, grinning widely. "I've been keeping busy off-stream working really 'hard' too, ha ha ha..."

The otter paused, then the camera panned along with his hand as he gestured towards the bedroom quarter of the loft.

"Oh, Deighlyn? Yeah, he's been staying over. I've needed an assistant for a while to keep up on the paperwork and merch and replies to all the fans and stuff - it's too much just for me anymore, so I hired him!" Arthur said, smiling even more widely as the camera zoomed in, showing how one of the pony's legs draped off the bed while both of his hands held a swollen, jiggling, rounded belly. Soft snores came from near the pillows, but Deighlyn's head was hidden by the swell of his full gut.

"He's been working really hard, too," the otter said, his voice low and rumbling. In his paws, his thick arousal flexed, threatening to harden. "Ha ha ha!"

After a little more chatting, Arthur sat upright. "Oh, I know! To celebrate a hundred streams, let's get out your favorite, chat... the EDGE!"

The underwear fit much more tightly than before, but still somehow managed to stretch around his hips and massively grown arousal thanks to the nanotech involved in the strange, fabric-like machine.

"And since it's such a special occasion... let's go big. You all know how much I like going big, right? Ha ha ha!"

Scrolling lines of text followed as the automod posted the settings for the EDGE game in the chat. Lines like "EIGHT HOURS? He's crazy!" and "Unlimited control? Personal control every thirty minutes? This is nuts!" There were a lot of confident ones, too, such as, "He won't last an hour until we get refunds mwa ha ha" and "doomed... DOOMED!" But Arthur wasn't worried. The big, muscular otter just flexed a bicep, showing off as he waited for the first round to start.

"Ha ha, do your worst, chat! Just make sure you vote for something good!"

The otter's eyes narrowed as the countdown to the first round started. The various options were still changing, and it wasn't until the final few seconds that it revealed the winner to a great number of churning chat messages.

Classic Fox. Arthur grit his teeth as the special underwear moved around his hips, springing into action immediately. The tight, impossibly warm simulation of a fox hole clenching around his huge dick forced his cock to full arousal within seconds. The EDGE unit handled it with aplomb, not stopping the gradual stroking, the velvet glove treatment, but Arthur merely shifted his hips as his cock throbbed and jerked inside the underwear.

"Hahhhh... the old classic," Arthur grunted. He aimed a cocky grin at the camera as he reached a paw down to roll his balls around in his palm while the minutes passed. "You think I can't handle this one by now? You'll have to do better than that to earn your red circles this time around!"

Final Stats

Height 6 ft, 10 inches

Weight 245 pounds

Subscribers (combined) 345,112

* * *

Livestream #200 - The New Buffquest

Arthur sighed as he felt his orgasm finally subside. His fingers loosened, releasing the tight grasp he had on Deighlyn's mane. The pony's drooling muzzle flopped forward onto the bed, limp as the rest of him, as the bulky, massive otter tugged his hips backwards. It took a bit of time to drag his massive cock free of the clenching pony hole, and the huge otter smirked as he watched the plump, fat ass cheeks close slightly around the tunnel he drilled into the exhausted femboy.

He hadn't been growing much lately, but it didn't bother the massive otter. He was the size he'd always dreamt of. He was the thick, hulking, bulked out otter he knew he could be. Nine feet tall and over five hundred pounds, he ballooned over the past few months. His meaty cock hung past his knees limp and still didn't reach past his enormous, heavy, permanently bloated balls. Every inch of his chest and belly and arms and legs surged with powerful cords of muscle. He looked like he was flexing even when he wasn't, and when he really tried to show off, the creases deepened into black as the shadows cast by his impressive musculature grew larger and longer.

Arthur's huge paw swept down, smacking off of the cute horse's upturned rump.

"Hnngh! Oooh, fuck, daddy!" the horse groaned, but otherwise Deighlyn was too tuckered out to move.

"Heh... good boy, taking daddy's cock all the way today. Rest up, and I'll treat you later since you've earned it."

"Mmmmhhhhh... yes, daddy... nnnghhhh... harder..."

"Hah! Needy little slut."


After a second satisfying smack, Arthur stretched his arms and headed for the computer. He flopped into the chair, draped his huge and drizzling cock over his thigh, and smirked at the camera, where thousands and thousands of chat messages were flooding in.

"Ratings?" the otter asked.

100/100, 99/100, 9/10, 10/10, and all sorts of other ratings came in. Arthur grunted and smirked again. He didn't need the validation from the chat to know he was a rock star in bed, but it didn't hurt to get his ego stroked like this, either.

"Yeah, I expected so... I'll tell you all what, Deighlyn's got the hottest, sweetest, tightest little ass you've ever seen. That pony knows how to take a cock, lemme tell you."

The otter grinned and read more messages.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, regular workout stream is back tomorrow. I'm just chillin' tonight, doing whatever. Nothing special planned, although I am going to introduce a few new toys. Or rather, boy toys."

The otter grinned and leaned in closer to the camera.

"Any of you ever heard of something called BDSM?"

His arm gestured, and the camera panned to the side, revealing three fat-rumped twinks kneeling on the floor in a row, all of them staring wide-eyed at the overhung otter, all of them locked into chastity cages, and all of them with arms handcuffed behind their backs. A lean lion, a sultry otter, and an extra thick-assed fox all looked desperate to experience what Deighlyn just did.

"Allow me to introduce you to my side projects!" the big, buff otter said as he stood up from his chair. He walked over and draped his huge, heavy balls over the snout of the fox, whose chastity cage immediately began to leak thick, clear pre-cum. "I'm getting them well-trained, as you can see. Best of all, those aren't normal chastity cages."

The otter's smile stretched ear to ear. His cock jerked, lifting slightly before smacking back down over the top of the fox's head. He was already getting hard again at the though of ramming his fat, solid arousal deep between the ass cheeks of these three cuties, especially the fox. The vulpine whined, high pitched and needy, as his hips twitched and his tail, which was pinned to the collar around his neck to keep it nice and lifted, struggled to pull free from the bindings.

"They're the new EDGE for Bottoms! The newest SynTech toy, and they sent me three pairs when I asked! Get ready to vote, chat, because these cute little boytoys won't be able to cum no matter how much I fuck them! Ha ha ha!"

The red blinking light of the SuperYou camera continued to record, filming the muscular, oversized otter's assault on good taste and sense as the otter's throat stretched... then it was time for collar snapping, belly bulging, and viewer count growing...

Final Stats

Height 9 ft 0.5 inches

Weight 569 pounds

Subscribers (combined) 1,000,001

The End

Truck Stop Snacks

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The Bountiful Bounty

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