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A VORE story commission, about a lion on thanksgiving who decides to try a hook up app called ButchR, and visits a crocodragon.  A LARGE crocodragon.  A hungry crocodragon.The lion has some feelings and before ya know it, gulp.I would love feedback.

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"Getting off the bus now," Merl tapped into his phone. The rain pattered heavily on the windows, as the lion pulled his hoodie up over his thick mane.

"K" came the response from the night's hook up. It wasn't much, but Merl wasn't meeting the dragon to chat. He tucked the phone into his chest pocket, and stood up, sliding past the other Thanksgiving Day passengers towards the front of the bus.

Merl had been in town for less than twelve hours and was already completely sick of his extended pride. The squalling, the preening, the one-upmanship. Some of his inlaws were bearable, but coming from a litter of eight, Merl had had enough of his immediate family. When his cousin had mentioned the ButchR app, Merl had been curious. Curious enough to download it, and curious enough to scroll through the profiles.

He had been tickled at all the messages he had gotten, messages calling him 'fresh meat'. Messages that asked him what was cooking tonight. Guys asking for dick pics, guys asking if they could gobble him up, promising him all kinds of things for access to his meat. Merl was more than happy to oblige, dipping into the bathroom with a plate of leftovers and taking a saucy pic of his dick flopped over a pile of mashed potatoes and gravy. The fact that it reached to the far end of the plate was not lost on the guys he had sent it to.

Yup, Merl was kind of a slut that way, enjoying all the attention as the guys vied for his attention and the chance to 'gobble him up'. He hadn't done something like this with a dude before, but he knew from some of his workout buddies that he was 'thicc' in the right places, and at the end of the day, a mouth was a mouth, right?

He could have just stayed home. The reasonable part of him told him that this was crazy, that he was going to wake up in a bathtub full of ice, but he was tired of always worrying about consequences that never manifested. He had decades to woo the right girl and raise the right kids and find the right job and all that. Tonight, just tonight, he was going to do something crazy.

He slipped out of the bus and walked up the sidewalk, tail flicking through the raindrops as they fell around him. Ugh, it was miserable out. Cold, wet, and clammy, a far cry from the perfect sands of Miami. For the first time, he regretted keeping his mane so shortly cropped. A thick bushel of warm, protective fur would feel great right now. His jacket was doing its best, but he could feel water seeping in through the seams at his shoulders and elbows. Fortunately, his date's place was just around the corner. The apartment complex loomed up out of the foggy night, windows dark save for the ones on the top floor. Those must be the ones.

Merl couldn't explain why he was so excited to hook up with a guy like this, other than that it was better than playing Monopoly with a group of drunk lions who liked to cheat. There was something illicit about it all, the anonymity and such, but more than that... his balls ached.

No Nut November had been a mistake. He had only done it because his gym bros had begged him to, and he liked the attention they gave him, day by day, handling and playing with him and talking about his goods like some kind of show animal. The painful swelling of a continuous, three week blue balling, vaguely helped him to stay more focused on his routine, and he had gotten some nice gains, but... November was over, and he was itching to get his rocks off.

He knocked on the door at the end of the hall, only vaguely aware of taking the elevator up. He was staring at his phone, at the little gif that the guy he was meeting up with had sent him. It was just a looping visual illusion of a black and white explosion with green swirls on it, but the swirls seemed to almost spell something out. ALMOST. He was wondering if it was in some other language and that was why he couldn't recognize the symbols he was barely able to see on them, but even if he couldn't understand what it meant, it was pleasant to look at, the perpetual explosion shooting out from the center of the image, bubbling around the edges, almost like someone had taken a video of the inside of one of those water park slides.

He blinked, realizing that he was staring up, way up, into the eyes of a large male dragon. Red fur fringed a muscular, unclothed body, black and gray scaled, with heavy pecs and a thick gut that hung down over the waistband of black and red leather jockstrap. The dragon loomed over Merl, and the lion grinned up at the dragon.

"You ordered some grubhub?" Merl teased, and the dragon man, as he strode into the apartment. It was an open concept studio, with a half kitchenette tucked off in the back, but most of it was just a large, cavernous room. There was very little lighting, save for the glow of a large wall mounted television, which painted the walls and carpet with a bluish gray tinge. The feeling of being subterranean was almost overwhelming. "One male lion with full nuts?"

"I did," the dragon said, licking his lips as he closed the door behind Merl. "I didn't feel like going out, but all the restaurants are closed anyways, aren't they?" He chuckled, lumbering over, the weight of his body making the floor creak under each step. "I don't normally... use these kinds of services... but I'm feeling real hungry." He traced one huge hand along the back of Merl's shoulders, catching the lion's attention with his radiant, red eyes. "That's where you come in."

Merl's tail flicked behind him at the touch, and he found himself unzipping his jacket. He reached down, grasping the hem of it and his shirt, pulling both up and over his head. He tossed it to the side, then looked for those red eyes again. Something about the way the dragon looked at him made his brain tingle.

"That's what I like to hear," the lion said, smirking roguishly as he stroked his fingers along the beefy pectorals of his naked chest. He followed the dragon, as his hookup reclined along almost the full circumference of the circle of blankets and clothing. "Specifically that 'cumming' part. And, speaking of which, where did you want your first load?" He cupped himself, pursing his lips and squeezing. "Lions are best served.. fresh."

The dragon seemed amused, as he relaxed, resting his head on an elbow and looking up at the big studly lion. "Hmm, where indeed. The first taste is the most important, isn't it?" He said, his gaze scavenging across Merl's body. A long tongue licked out, slender and pink like a snake's, and curled lasciviously, decadently over the dragon's snout. "So I suppose, before I start my meal, you should get comfortable. All those pesky clothes should come off, don't you think? Let me see what I'm going to be devouring tonight."

Merl's tail flicked, his ears perking forward as he felt a rush surge through him. Something about the way the dragon said that... made him want to turn around. That deep, glottal voice was soothing, compelling, but what he was saying... was dangerous. His brain itched as it tried to rectify these two opposing feelings. That was his brain, though; Merl wasn't listening to that. He was listening to his dick, and his dick wanted out, freed. He wanted to show off everything he had to offer to this big, hungry dragon.

The lion's trapped shaft thickened as he moved his hands to his belt, swaying his hips side to side, feeling enticing. Merl was sure that if he flexed hard enough, he would burst right out through his underwear. He unzipped his pants, pushing it and his underwear down together. He stood, again, nude, and enjoying the chill of the air in this room. It made him acutely aware of himself, of how firm his nipples were, the feeling of his tail swaying through the air.

"Oh, yes, you have such a fine body, don't you?" the dragon said. Merl stiffened under that hungry gaze, as all those inches of prized lion shaft jutted stiffly upwards, the head already seeping out sweet lion cream, his eggs tightening in excitement underneath. He stepped closer, kicking his pants up and over, to land on top a rumpled pair of overalls by the dragon's knees. "You must be proud of it, to sculpt it so carefully into this handsome specimen of masculinity."

Merl was proud of his body, and he grinned goofily at the high praise. He turned around, slowly showing off his pert, muscular buttocks, his strong thighs, his lean abs. He was proud of all of it, and he wanted the dragon to want to play with it. "I am quite the specimen, aren't I?" He teased, finishing his slow turn around. "One hundred percent natural, at that. No steroids, no injections... heck, I don't even use creatine." He slapped against his chest. "I'm as natural as they come."

The sheer length of the dragon's body was made more apparent as he stretched himself out, the dragon easily twice as long as Merl was, not even counting his tail. He had a rough, masculine, primordial look to him, more crocodilian than bird, with a heavy, solid bulk to it that made Merl's shaft twitch. He seemed to curl in, his tail nearly tickling against the elbow of the arm he rested his head on, as he leaned that great head forward.

"You certainly seem to be proud of your body," The dragon said, his voice deep and throaty. Merl loved the way the sound of it rolled through his bones, a deep grating sensation that tickled the back of his head. "And I'm grateful for you, for sharing it with me tonight. Are you worried? Stressed about this little meat up?"

"Why would I be stressed?" Merl responded, as he sauntered closer. He knelt down, nudging his knees against the side of the reclining dragon's arm, and then rolled his hips forward, nudging his cock up against the underside of his jaw. "I'm about to fill your stomach with a month's worth of nut. I'm excited. I've got nothing to worry about, except maybe, making sure I don't cum TOO fast. And that's not even a worry.. just an expectation."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. You may come quickly, but you are going to be staying with me, all night long." The dragon leaned his head slightly back, then turned his snout down, to stroke the side of his lips against the underside of Merl's cock. Precum stained against the black scales of his muzzle. "It's just me, a very hungry reptile, and you - a very pretty kitty. Isn't that exciting? Thinking about all the things I'm going to do with your body?"

It was exciting. Merl shuddered, as he looked down the length of the dragon's body. He was by far the largest partner Merl had ever been with. His torso alone was as long as Merl's entire body was, and his jockstrap was the size of the lion's body pillow. Oh yes, if the dragon wanted, things could go very poorly for the lion, very quickly. But that wasn't going to happen. He looked back to the snout that was slowly sliding lips against the tip of his shaft, and reached down, pat-patting the top of that long snout.

"Open up, dragon man, it's cold out here," he said. The dragon did so, lips parting and a heated wave of breath streaming out against naked flesh. A warm, dark tongue flicked out, underneath the tip of the lion's shaft, and lazily coiled down over its length. This wasn't to pleasure the lion, Merl could tell. The dragon was merely... tasting him. The tongue squeezed just enough to press against his aching flesh, before retracting back into his mouth, dragging the last four inches of his cock in with it. His cock, as sizeable as it was, looked like a cigar, jutting out from those lips.

"I think I would like to eat you," the dragon said, watching Merl carefully. "Not in the 'I want to swallow your load' kind of way..." Merl groaned, staring down as the tongue now hidden in the dragon's maw caressed and tugged along the thickness of his flesh. "I mean in the, 'swallow your body down into my stomach' kind of way. I want you to be my meal, little lion man."

Merl almost came, then and there. Him? Eaten? Food? "Why?" He blurted, but his nuts were already tightening in his sack. He pulled his hips back, slowly, that warm, soft, inviting mouth clamping down around his erection.

"Because you're delicious," the dragon said, that tongue snaking back out. It coiled playfully down to his root, tugging him back in. It didn't have that much of a grip around him, more sensual than anything, but Merl pushed his hips forward, sinking his length into that inviting maw, feeling his cock jutting into that huge mouth that wanted to consume him. He was delicious.

Merl struggled, but not for as long as he would have thought he would, with such a situation.

Being eaten wasn't something that he thought about, before now. He was a lion, after all. The top of the food chain. The only time he had thought about sliding down a slick, hot throat was when he had his girl's head firmly planted in his groin and he was filling her belly with his seed. Now, though, the idea of it, the need to feel this experience, bubbled and boiled up inside of him. His entire body tingled, his nipples firming excitedly, his fur standing up on end. This was it.

He needed this. It didn't make sense, but the part of him that needed it to make sense could fuck off. He grasped the dragon's upper lip, lifting it up, baring the sharp teeth that framed his thick cock. Between those jaws, behind that tongue that squirmed sinuously around his shaft, was the dark, deep red funnel that led down, into the stomach of the big dragon man.

"Well, I asked you to open up," Merl breathed, the words flowing easily out of his mouth. He was up on his tiptoes, his hips pushing his shaft between the hot, meaty folds of the dragon's tongue. "You want your food hot and fresh, right?"

The dragon obliged, those jaws creaking open, letting more of the dim light into the endless void that was the draconid's gullet, that was the lion's next adventure. He shivered, his cheeks and ears blushing hot and red as he looked down into that undulating depths, the gleaming shiny flesh in the back beckoning, demanding he press himself into it.

He wasn't just horny. He knew that, even as his balls churned painfully between his thighs. The month of build up meant nothing, the idea of a blowjob, of getting off seeming pitifully quaint and far away now. He could hear some part of him, the part he didn't want to listen to, trying to tell him that this was all wrong, and that he would regret it. He had so much to do, litters to sire, a life as the head of his pride to live out. And yet... Merl moved, as a trance, moving to straddle the dragon's jaws, holding the upper jaw between his hands as he cupped his thighs around the dragon's chin.

The dragon allowed him to manipulate those jaws, as he shifted forward, pushing the bulk of his heavy, fertile testicles to hang over the lower incisors. His shaft throbbed against his belly, and he could feel each fur against his shaft, his entire being focused on every feeling he was having right now. His mind roiled with pleasure, with thoughts, with this strange, alien compulsion to ENTER the dragon, to be inside him.

The dragon's tongue had released his shaft, and now it curled around those heavy balls of his - his fertility, his standing as a male in lion society. They were far too heavy, far too needy for him. As the dragon's tongue coiled and tightened and pulled, he could feel the ache, deep in his guts - and he welcomed it. He pushed down, watching those fangs of the upper jaw approach the fangs of the lower jaw, his scrotum stretched tautly between them.

And then it wasn't. He gasped, and hot spats of lion cream squirted up, thumping into the underside of his chin, soaking into the fur of his naked pectorals, as the dragon's fangs clipped so, so easily through the flesh of his scrotum, claiming his balls, claiming his meat, as.. just another snack.

Merl came, his claws extending and prickling against the dragon's snout as his head rolled back, his shaft thrusting up into nothing as it purged the last of his virility out against his chest and belly. The dragon, for his part, did nothing, save for the faint movement along his throat of a small mouthful of discarded flesh, being swallowed down. He watched, bemusedly, as Merl twitched and shuddered, his eyes widening slightly as the lion, now drunk on this feeling of being food, pulled up on his jaw once again.

Merl groaned as he saw that his balls were gone - swallowed - sliding down that throat into the dragon's belly, along with all the chances he may have had of bearing children. Good. He had never wanted them. He chuckled, feeling drunk now, feeling so empowered over his life as he hitched a shoulder up into that upper jaw, dipping his head down like he would under the hood of a car.

The lion climbed into the dragon's maw, the thick, wide tongue soft and dense under his paws. His shaft was still dripping, still copiously oozing his salty cream as it dragged along the same edge of fangs that had clipped off his balls, and Merl flopped himself down into the dragon's maw.

"Eat me, you hungry bastard," He said, his toes splaying as he pushed at the ground, thrusting himself into the back of the dragon's gullet. It was so warm, so comfortable. His shaft ground against tongue, and his arms hugged as much around it as he could, his broad shoulders stretching the reptile's gullet around them as his head pushed past tonsils and into that much slicker, that raw, naked tube of gripping muscle that was designed for one thing only, to draw food down to the digestive pit down below.

His knees bumped against those same fangs, and he shifted his hips, to lift one knee in, using the jawbone underneath to brace himself, and as he did so, he could feel things shifting. A moment of vertigo, feeling gravity shift in his own belly, his tail flopping along the corner of the dragon's lips as the big black crocobeast rolled onto his back, with two lion calves and feet sticking out of his maw.

It was going by so quickly, too quickly, but it wasn't like Merl was going to have a lot of time to reminisce, not after he became food. He pushed downwards, squirming his arms up and ahead of him, elbowing his way downwards as he felt lips slide over his ankles and teeth scrape down the length of his bare feet.

The dragon swallowed, and the sensation of being picked up, and pushed downwards, suddenly sliding not of his own volition, deeper and deeper, made Merl climax again. His shaft spasmed as it dragged through slick mucus , his hips slotting down that hungry throat, and he could feel sludgy, hotter slickness against his palms. The stomach.

He wiggled, was swallowed, pushed himself, his face breeching through the end of the gullet and into the warm sack of hot, slick paste that waited to digest him. Breathing wasn't really an option, now, there wasn't much more than the air that he had caught and pushed ahead of him way back at the dragon's mouth, and he was getting light headed already. That was okay. This was going to be the end for him. He just wanted to be... fully entombed, completely inside that stomach, before he went. He tried to swim, but there was nothing to purchase, as his face was pushed down into the slick, acrid, bitter slime. His eyes were closed, but his nose immediately began to sting as it coated the delicate membranes. He wouldn't be feeling it for long.

He pulled his knees up, his rump plopping into the wet bag of slime he was currently filling with himself, the lion dragging his legs up and curling up. He was completely entombed, now, and there was no going back, no way out, not that he wanted to, but he couldn't even try to at this point. Things were fading, now, the darkness penetrating him, the warmth of the dragon's body starting to fade as he sank ever deeper into that endless muck.

This was... lovely.

Sobek belched, reaching down to pat his belly as he felt his most recent meal's shuddering, twitching and convulsions wind down. It always went on for a while, after they had succumbed, perhaps some last ditch subconscious attempt to flee, after the conscious mind shut down. To be fair, he hadn't really thought about it.

He scrolled through the ButchR app, lazily flicking through endless profiles. He really shouldn't.. the lion was his third meal of the day, and he didn't need to eat again for a week or so, but... it was Thanksgiving.

He tapped on a profile of some kind of polar bear. Blzzrd69, with the little green leaf that meant they had just joined today. Fresh Meat. The bear had already pinged him. He scrolled through his album, appreciating the muscular chest, the thick arms, the ham haunch thighs. Oh yeah, he was a big, meaty boi.

"Sup," he tapped, as he patted his churning belly, the lion already mostly forgotten, just the third plate of food that the dragon had devoured on this day of gluttony. There was always more to devour.

He's DEFINITELY a coyote!

Definitely A Coyote Bluestem frowned. Being entered into the order of the Trickster was an honored event! He wasn't sure about this new guy, sneezing and coughing, all covered in heavy wool clothes until only his black nose and tall coyote ears...

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Whiskey Goes on Stage

Whiskey the Dancer Whiskey snorted. Not that that was actually his name, but it didn't do to use your real name in a joint like this. Inwardly he groaned, rubbing his long, heavy snout, the burly draft horse glancing at the clock. This...this...

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Detective Crowley

Detective Crowley "I have the When, and the where, and the What..." Crowley muttered, pushing his fedora back off his brow, scratching at it. "But I still don't know the Who!" To be honest, the wolf needed a break. This Wrinkly case had...

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