The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 11

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#11 of Perils Of War TLOS (Book 2)

Having issues with this site still, check patreon, neobook, or wattpad for more reliable posting. Also, i will be taking the holidays off,starting in two weeks, i won't be posting until january 10th or so,i have already set up patreon and wattpad with autosubmission, so look up The Ultimate Guardian, and remain up to date. I will publish all of the chapters when i get back.

"Spyro! Spyro! SPYRO!" Cynder's voice rang

Spyro opened his eyes and gasped. Cynder was shaking him and crying. Michael, Flame, and Ember were looking down at him with a worried expression. Spyro licked Cynder's nose, causing her to sniffle a bit.

"I'm okay, I just went on a little trip into Michael's mind" He told her

"Why, why would you do something like that?" Cynder practically yelled at him

"Because he didn't listen to my whole lesson before deciding he wanted to try out a new element on me. Any other element would be fine, BUT THAT ONE" Michael replied

"But now I can go into your mind, and help you get over your fears" Spyro whispered into her ear

"NOW?" She yelled

"You really want to do that right now?" Michael raised his eyebrow.

"Why not? The sooner the better" Spyro answered

Michael sighed "As if one mind stroll wasn't enough. Spyro, Cynder's mind isin't as safe as mine, whatever demons she may have can hurt you." He explained

"I don't care, I want to do it" Spyro said firmly

"Well, go get something to eat first" Michael told them

"I just ate breakfast" Spyro replied

"Spyro, you've been gone for four hours" Michael told him "Go get something to eat"

"Four!" Spyro yelled "How?"

"Time is different in the ethereal realm" Michael answered

Spyro looked stunned for a moment, then walked into his house with Cynder. They ate a meal in silence, Cynder was still mad at him because of the risk he took. She was madder at herself though, because he did it for her. His weakness is that he overworks himself and takes unnecessary risks for other people. They finished their meal, and Michael joined them in the living room.

"I recommend curling up against each other on top of the couch while doing this"

They did as they were instructed, and Spyro focused and charged his mind element again. He focused on his mate, and allowed his mind to roam free. He felt himself float once again, and slowly traveled to Cynder. He entered her mind, and looked through her eyes. Cynder gasped.

"I can feel you" Cynder's voice rang

"You need to go deep into her subconscious" Michael told them.

Michael then breathed out a breath of green smoke.

"This will make you sleep" He told them

Spyro watched Cynder close her eyes.

Spyro dropped on the ground, hard. The cold hard stone unyielding. He looked around to see Cynder running towards them.

"Are you okay?" She asked

"I'm fine, just a hard landing." He answered

They around and noticed a structure in the distance. They flew towards it, but as they got closer, they noticed it was the same stronghold Cynder used to live in when she was corrupted. She gasped, and looked in through the massive gates.

"This... Shouldn't be here" She stuttered

They entered the stronghold, and walked through its main corridor. They arrived in a main arena, and looked around. A strange clicking sound sounded from the roof. Cynder look up and froze, horrified.

"My my my, look who's back again" Dark Cynder called to them

"You, what are you doing here?" Spyro yelled up at her

She landed hard, chuckling

"You have to kill me here to get rid of me you pitiful excuse for a purple dragon" Dark Cynder answered

Cynder had backed up against the wall, in pure horror. Spyro gave her a worried glance, then turned back to the corrupted dragon.

"Enough, I shall vanquish you forever" Spyro yelled, and charged

The two dragons fought, their claws slashed and their horns clashed at each other. The dark dragon was an extremely good fighter, but Spyro was better. Cynder watched, pertrified, as her mate fought her corrupted state, again. 'You must join him' She told herself 'You must fight.' She shook her head, and ran forward, charging to help her mate. Together, the fought the dark dragoness backwards. Cynder slashed her claws, raking them across her right eye, she screamed and scrambled back. Spyro dived forward and finished her off, slicing her throat. The two dragons stepped back, breathing heavily. Cynder went over to Spyro and licked his cheek.

"Malefor must have left a lasting affect on you" Spyro told her

Cynder looked at him, and Spyro noticed she was crying.

"What? What is it?" He asked, nuzzling her

"I'm a danger too you, this is the second time you have had to fight an evil part of me." She sobbed

"Nonsense, Malefor did this to you, I would fight thousands of Dark Cynders for you" Spyro told her

She kept sobbing

"Do you feel better?" He asked

"I feel like a massive weight is lifted" She sniffled

"Then let's leave, I'll wake you up when I get back." Spyro told her, and she nodded

Spyro focused, and opened his eyes, he was back inside his body. He leaned over and licked Cynder's face, making her mumble and smile. Her eyes slowly opened and Michael walked into the room.

"That was fast!" He exclaimed

"We found a Dark Cynder inside her subconscious, we defeated her and killed her" Spyro told him

"Malefor must have put a more powerful spell than originally thought, when you freed her, it must have left her corrupted version deep in her mind." Michael told them, he summoned a book and pen and started writing.

"Spyro, the mind element should only be used in dire circumstances, only when there is no other option and only with someone who trusts you." Michael told him sternly.

Spyro nodded and looked at Cynder, happy to finally be able to help his mate with her vulnerability.

"Thank god that's over" Cynder sighed

"You will likely get more nightmares, but they won't be as vivid or have the same affect as they did before. You won't be getting any more attacks, and you should know that you are dreaming." He told her

Cynder nodded and looked over to Spyro, Michael chuckled and vanished. They cuddled for a while, finally able to relax.

Layla looked out at the commotion outside, Michael was giving them an update. Aura sat on the couch and napped. Layla felt her heart leap when Camry walked out of the guest house. She knew she was in love with that red dragon, but didn't want to say anything. They shared a kiss, and he seemed super shy about it. Last time they went on a date, he told her he felt something for her, and he wanted to talk about it more. Camry walked into the house, and walked up to her.

"Hey" He said to her "I wanted to ask you something"

"Yes?" She replied

"Well, ever since I first saw you... I... I felt my heart beat in my chest like it never had before. Now that we have got to know each other, I've noticed that my feelings have evolved into something more. I... I... want to be your mate, I want to be your mate Layla, and I know things have been moving fast, but I know this is right, you are the only one for me" He stuttered the whole time.

Layla blushed beet red, and looked down.

"You don't feel the same. I'm sorry to have done this to you Layla, I understand, I'll go home now" He sturred

Layla jumped in his way and tackled Camry, landing on top of him. She leaned in and kissed him.

"I love you too Camry" She said

They kissed for a while, and Aura's chuckle broke their embrace.

"Trice's hidden power strikes again" She spoke

They both blushed, and Layla got up off of Camry. Michael walked into the house and stared at the two.

"Engaged?" He asked calmly

They both nodded.

"Your telling Samantha" He replied, then walked out of the room "Your Next" He called to Aura as he left.

The couple walked into the square; Camry was beaming proudly while Layla was shyly ducking behind him. Flame recognized Camry's expression, as he had worn the same one when he announced his engagement, and smiled back at him. Ember looked between the two drakes, confused. Then realization hit her like a boulder, she wiggled in joy, then rushed into Spyro and Cynder's house to tell them the news. They walked into the guest house and approached Camry's mother. She was cooking and turned to look at them.

"There you two are, I was just finishing lunch." She turned to them

"We... Have some news." Camry told them

Samantha froze, and turned slowly towards them, a massive smile on her face

"You got engaged" She squealed "And pretty fast too"

Layla blushed more, and buried her face in Camry's side. Michael walked through the door, and greeted Samantha, Jasper was behind him.

"Hey, honey" Samantha called to her mate "Send a message to the planner, they just got engaged"

Jasper's eyebrows rose high "Already!"

"Yep, Trice knew what she was doing" Michael replied

"Well, congrats you two, I remember when I proposed to your mother." Jasper smiled at the memory

The awkwardness of the situation made Layla wiggle with embarrassment, Camry held her close with his wing, smiling.

"Look at how proud you are, big man" Samantha cooed

Michael burst out laughing, and Camry's smile turned into a deep blush. "So, who's staying with who?"

"What?" Camry asked confused

"You two are engaged, usually engaged couples sleep together." Michael answered

"Wherever she wants" Camry looked over to Layla

"Let's stay here, with your family." She told him.

"Do you want me to tell your father, or do you want to." Michael asked

"I think you should, he wanted me to mate with a prince." She said sheepishly

Michael snapped his claws "Done" Then left

The family enjoyed celebrated with a lunch. Mary and her family arrived and celebrated the news with them.

Spyro smiled at Cynder. "I'm happy for them, it's hard for royals to find and actually get true love"

"Yeah, just look at Ember and Flame" Cynder replied, chuckling

"Yeah, I had to order the queen. Me, order the queen of Warfang" He replied

"Yeah, that was hot" Cynder kissed him

Spyro felt a sharp pain in his head, he flinched.

"Is something wrong" Cynder asked

"Just the side effects of leaving your body for four straight hours" He groaned "I think I need to lie down"

Cynder helped him into bed, then joined him. They napped for a while, then got up to eat. They were in the middle of their meal when Michael rushed in.

"Spyro, there is someone I want you to meet, but they are outside the city a bit." He told him

They quickly finished their meal and met him outside. Ember, Flame, Trice, and Aura were with him. The seven dragons took off, Michael leading them. They flew out of the city, and coasted over a massive forest. They spotted a strange light in the distance, and as they closed in on it to investigate, they discovered that it was a house, and it was on fire. The group landed next to it and Michael ran inside to make sure everybody had left. He walked out of the blazing house, a stony expression on his face. He yelled out to them.

"Run, it's a tra..."

Suddenly a group of hyenas, wolves, and dragons rushed out and attacked them. There were hundreds of them, Michael jumped forward and tackled a large group, sending them flying backwards. He lunged swiping his tailblade swiftly. Spyro leaped forward and dodged his first attacker, and flicked his tail back, forcing the hyena to take a step back. Cynder took that moment to leap, and finish the hyena off. Spyro took flight, and Cynder followed, they used their element powers to help their friends from the sky. Aura was blasting her opponents with sun beams, and Flame and Ember were back-to-back, defending each other. A group of archers emerged from the tree line, Spyro called to Cynder, but she couldn't hear him. Spyro watched as an archer let loose and arrow, and he leapt in front of her. The arrow sank into his side, almost all the way to the feather. The force of the dragonbolt knocked him off balance, and the pain made him fall. Cynder glanced at Spyro, or at least where he was. She looked around and saw Spyro fall out of the sky, and hit the ground hard. Cynder screamed, and dived down to land next to him. Cynder roared and hissed in a defensive position over her mate. Cynder looked worriedly at Spyro, then glanced up at Michael. He was fighting off a dozen advancing dragons. Arrows, knives, even a sword was stuck in various places around his body. Trice was suffering a similar fate, she was fighting with Aura, using her body to defend her from the archers. A wolf jabbed at Cynder with a spear, she flipped around and quickly slit the wolf's throat with her tailblade. The wolf fell back, Cynder was surrounded by wolves and hyenas, they were holding spears and poking her with them. Cynder extended her wings out to protect herself and Spyro. She heard a female cry and looked over to see Ember fall, an axe was buried in her left haunch. Flame gave a cry and jumped forward, ripping out the throat of the attacker. They were fighting a losing battle, Michael finished off the last of the dragons, and roared. Michael charged into the group surrounding Cynder, he swung around and flicked his tailblade, decapitating half of them immediately. The archers turned and loosed several arrows, each one found their mark. Michael hissed in pain, then flipped around and launched a fire beam, incinerating them. The rest of the attackers were quickly picked off, Michael finished off the last wolf, by slashing his throat with his claws. He stumbled towards his daughters, but fell over after a few steps. Cynder looked down at Spyro, he was having difficulty breathing. Cynder nuzzled his head, and called for help. Trice looked over at them, and tried to run towards them, but collapsed, blood pouring from her wounds. Aura walked up to her, worried. Cynder looked at the arrow sticking out of Spyro's side, he was bleeding heavily from the wound, and other cuts around his body. Cynder knew that he was hurt, bad. A portal opened and a couple dozen dragons rushed out of it. A medic dragon rushed to Spyro and started applying healing spells. Another dragon tried to drag Cynder away, but she growled and hissed the most ferocious noise she had ever made. The other dragon let go immediately, knowing better than to separate a dragon and her mate. The medic dragon looked up form Spyro.

"We have a critical!" He yelled.

Immediately five more medics ran up to Spyro. They summoned a stretcher and placed him on it, they swiftly brought him back towards the portal. Cynder rushed to follow but was stopped by another medic dragon.

"Miss, your hurt" she said to her

Cynder looked at herself, she saw the many cuts, gouges and other wounds she had gained.

"I want to be with my mate." She told the medic

"Not in that condition, now sit down!" The medic ordered

Cynder reluctantly sat down, she looked over at Michael, and watched as a team of medics were slowly pulling arrows and knives out of him. She flinched when a medic grabbed an arrow and ripped it out. Cynder looked back at Ember, and saw Flame help her up. A medic helped Flame carry her through the portal. The medic quickly dressed Cynder's wounds, and nodded to her.

"Let's get you through the portal." She said to her

Cynder rushed through the portal, she was brought to the hospital. She looked around to see a group of medics and healers grouped around one of the beds. Cynder rushed up to see Spyro, he was convulsing. Cynder noticed the arrow was gone, and they were trying to stop the bleeding. Cynder watched in horror as Spyro was going into shock.

"Were losing him" a healer shouted

"No!" Cynder yelled "Spyro!"

Cynder watched, a coldness growing inside of her, as the healers scrambled to charge healing crystals into him. Spyro's eyes opened and he groaned.

"Cynder" was all he said, then his eyes closed again.

The healers froze as he went still. Cynder cried.

"No, Spyro, wake up, don't leave me, DON'T LEAVE ME, SPYRO!"

She shook him, but he didin't move. Michael rushed through the portal, and up to the bed, the healers move out of the way as Michael spread his wings. There was a flash of light and a loud crack, and his wings seemed to disappear through a strange veil, the veil was blue, and mixed with millions of sparks. Michael summoned as much power as he could, and launched into Spyro. He arched, and took a gurgled breath, Cynder gasped and the medics immediately rushed to stabilize Spyro. Ember was brought to another bed and was laying, a pained expression on her face as a healer bound the wound in her leg. Michael fell into a bed as well, bleeding heavily as he had spent all his magic and could no longer heal. After a few hours of pacing, and hissing at anyone who tried to move her, Cynder sighed in relief when the healers finally stabilized Spyro. He was asleep, his breathing was still troubled, but he was alive. Cynder carefully curled around him, and let her instincts take control. She growled at anyone who approached her, eventually they gave up trying to get her to eat or drink. She laid there, watching the rest of the hospital bustle about.

The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 12

Cynder woke up to a quite hospital, Ember was sleeping peacefully with Flame curled around her. She looked around to see Trice and Michael, covered in bandages, were also asleep. Aura was sitting on a couch next to the bed, and looked up when she saw...

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The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 10

Spyro tensed, ready for the crowd to reach them. Michael appeared behind the crowd and roared. "Enough, you will leave these dragons alone." He ordered. "Does this mean you support mate abuse?" a voice rang form the crowd "Abuse? Cynder is not...

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The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 9

Flame woke up and looked down, noticing that Ember wasn't with him, he looked around and saw that she had left a note explaining that she took their armor to get cleaned. Flame yawned and got up, he noticed that their knife pair was still there. He...

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