Shepherd and Flock

Story by Ziegenbock on SoFurry

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This story follows the events of 'The Protege', which can be found here:

Shepherd and Flock

By Ziegenbock

Midnight on the farm. The sun had long set, a cool balmy cloudless summer night taking its place. No moon shone in the sky tonight, the ageing ramshackle wooden outbuildings cast in pitch blackness, the odd discarded pitchfork or paintbrush bearing testament to both the hard work and simple pleasures of rural life. And all around the yard, not a single sound could be heard. That was, save for an occasional rustle from one of the two kennels by the gate.

The little pup twisted and turned, trying in vain to find a comfortable spot somewhere to finally drift off to sleep. Everything just felt so... strange. Like nothing he'd ever felt before. Neither pain, nor illness, but... discomfort. And he knew exactly why. The great noble animal, lurking in his every waking and sleeping thought. Chief.

Just the thought of that huge Alsatian next to him, nuzzling him, was enough to make him quiver. A fine animal, true pedigree, strong and vicious when he needed to be, but also fiercely loyal and protective, like that other dog beside whom he nestled, many moons ago. But this time, there was more to it. The longer he thought about his companion, thought about every perfect inch of that canine body, the more restless he grew, tossing and twisting and even whimpering slightly.

Soon, he couldn't fight it anymore. He needed to do something, anything, to quell these constant ripples of longing. The only problem was, the German Shepherd himself would be fast asleep. He would have to deal with the matter himself.

Curled up tightly, lying on his side in his favourite warm spot in the kennel, the young dog reached his front paw down, bringing it to rest gently on his crotch. Then, with a lick of his muzzle, he cupped his claws around the sheath, before slowly beginning to stroke. He thought of his big strong Chief, that warm coarse fur bristling against his own, glossy coat adorning that perfectly crafted form of animal. But he also thought of the subtleties concealed in that great form: the paws that teased so skilfully through his own fur, comforting and relaxing him; that muzzle, which just that night had brought the little pup so much pleasure, that thick wet powerful tongue wrapping so sensually around his sheath... oh God, yes! He began to pant as his strokes quickened, a small mess forming beneath his swelling sheath, stroking and plumping with all the desire typical of such an eager young dog. Yes he'd pawed himself before many times, and yes he knew it felt nice, but only thanks to Chief did he realise how wild it could make him feel! He couldn't stop now, even if he'd wanted to, and soon enough he was whimpering wildly and shaking and shaking before he tensed, every inch of his little body shaking before he bucked repeatedly into his paw, stifling his barks as best he could, his paw, his fur and much of the ground now feeling all messy and sticky.

In all those long lazy days and nights, touching himself for two seconds of pleasure, he'd never thought of what it was all about. But now he knew. Things were changing so fast, but damn was it exciting.

But it wasn't enough. It felt good, of course it did. Unlike anything he'd ever felt in fact. But he just never got the same release this way any more. There was only one way he could truly get release: he needed his Chief.


Benjie was always intrigued by the term "dog's days". Those lazy, endless days of summer when the earth baked under the heat of the sun, and the air, though humid, was close and hot and sticky; and no matter how hard one wished for the slightest breeze, even a drop of moisture in the air, none came. To Benjie, a "dog's day" sounded more like a day for running and frolicking, for celebrating what it was to be canine. But nothing could be celebrated on this, a wasted day, when even the boss could do no more than sit back and wait wearily for the harvest.

The pup lapped carefully at his water bowl, rationing out as best he could the little water that remained. Earlier that morning he'd made his mind up to confront Chief, tell him how he felt, and hopefully Chief would see his side of the situation. But the longer he delayed, the more nervous he became. What they'd done, last night, how exactly do you go around asking - no, begging - to relive that moment? What if he said no? I mean, it was hardly polite conversation material: "Hi Chief, nice sex last night, tonight again maybe?" God no; what would Chief think of him for being so... dirty? But maybe he'd have to. Like he said last night, he couldn't go on just fantasising and masturbating: long-term that wasn't ever going to help. Damn, even watching him emerge slowly from his kennel and stretch right out, growling in pleasure and flexing those huge claws, was enough to give the pup a twitch of excitement. Okay, that was it.

Chief began to groom himself as Benjie came nearer. The pup had never taken much fancy to any bitches before, but how he felt now, next to Chief, that's what he thought it must be like. His breath grew shallow, stomach tightened, and that damn stirring below building once more. Hopefully Chief would notice soon.

Chief flicked an ear in the pup's direction, before slowly turning his head to look. They met each other's gaze, the huge Alsatian simply watching as the pup gingerly took the final few steps.


It wasn't an angry or a confused 'what'. But Benjie was on the spot, and now he had to explain why he was there. Whatever you do, don't screw it up.

"Er, er... hey Chief." Okay not a good start, but at least it's something. "Listen, er, last night was... really great. And maybe, you know, we could do it again?"

"Do what again?"

"You know, last night, you and me, we..." He froze mid-sentence, clenched up, struggling to find the right words.

"Sorry kid. I dunno what you're talkin' about." And with that, Chief turned away and headed towards the farmhouse. But Benjie wasn't about to give up so soon.

"Come on Chief, I know you remember." No answer, not even so much as a glance. "I don't know why you're ignoring me now. You certainly didn't ignore me last night. You were all over me back then. Hell, we went all the way, man. You mated me." In an instant the German Shepherd spun round, a single swipe of his claws across the puppy's face.

He was on the floor. Pain was instant, but he didn't whimper. He simply lay curled up on the ground, shaking, clutching a paw to those deep, throbbing scratches. Gradually he staggered back to all fours, glancing for a moment at the forepaw now covered in his own blood, then slowly up at Chief. Together they stood, staring, Benjie quivering and breathing hard, Chief staring straight back and scratching those claws nervously in the dust. Neither spoke, neither daring to make that first move to break the deadlock.

Soon Benjie could stand there no more. Wrenching his gaze from the Alsatian, he turned tail and ran, as fast as he could, straight across the farmyard. He didn't care where he ran; heck, even the huge stinging gash across his face could wait. No, no, this was all wrong. Chief was supposed to be the one he could turn to, and who looked after him. But Chief had hit him. And hurt him. No, the pup didn't care where he ran. He just needed to be gone, alone.


"Hey. Hey kid. You in here?"

Chief glanced through the crack in the wooden barn door, scanning the murky half-light for the pup like a rabbit in the thicket. The air was stale with the scent of straw, woodworm and creosote, but through it all Chief picked up what he sought, the warm traces of canine. He pressed on the ageing timber door, ancient hinges creaking in protest, and stepped inside. The barn was hot and dusty, beams of sunlight breaking here and there through the wooden slats. All was silent and Chief's pawfall velvety soft, ears and eyes and above all nose scanning in every direction to locate the missing pup. Again he called in a low growl - "Benjie..." - before he froze at a rustle from a pile of straw beside one wall. Slowly he approached the pile, parting the straw to find his dear pup, crying.

Straightaway the pup cowered at the sight of the Alsatian, paw clenched tight to the side of his face, trying his hardest to avoid looking the bigger dog in the eyes. "Go away. Just... leave me alone."

"Hey, kid..." Chief held out his paw to the pup, but Benjie held it away with his free paw before breaking out into fresh tears.

"Come on Benjie. We need to see how bad the scratches are. Let me see your face."

"No, just go away."

"Benjie. Let me see your face."

The pup turned to face him, slowly removing his paw. Chief's eyes grew wide. From below the ear to the muzzle, three deep gouges shone in the dim light, glistening with blood still drawn afresh. Tears rolled down the length of Benjie's face, and still his eyes were full of fear.

"Goddamn Benjie. Why didn't you let me look sooner?"

Chief once again offered a paw to the quivering pup. At first he didn't take it, painfully aware of what had happened last time the other dog got this near. But he didn't want to make Chief even angrier by refusing, and he certainly didn't want to fall out with his only friend. He didn't know anything different to life without Chief, and he didn't want to know. Slowly, nervously, against every instinct in his body, he walked into his master's embrace like a cub to the lion. He clutched the Shepherd's fur tight, sobbing softly and listening intently to the gentle, growling breaths in his master's chest.

"Shh. It's alright now Benjie. I'm here."

He let the pup calm down a little, then gently moved him away, holding him under the muzzle so that he could see the scratches. Parting his maw, Chief leaned into the pup, gliding his tongue along the length of the scratches. Benjie tensed at the first contact, but soon relaxed as the wet and the coolness soothed the wound, the Shepherd's breath all warm and tingly in his fur.

Chief licked and licked until the bitter taste of blood had abated. He licked his own muzzle once or twice before gazing, smiling, at the dear pup in his embrace, the faintest of growls escaping the corner of his muzzle as his free paw slid down the pup's flank to rest on the stiffening sheath.

The little pup smiled and giggled as Chief's paw slid all over him, up and down, plumping over him with those warm rough pads. Yes it was nice when he touched himself, but to have another dog touching him was a thousand times better, especially such a huge, powerful, salacious beast of a dog... oh, he was a naughty little pup! It just felt so good, so why fight it? He sighed as he snuggled into Chief's grasp, panting ever so slightly, his final blissful release approaching all too quick.

"You like that kid, don't you? You like being pawed by another dog, hmm?"


"Well, how'd you like to paw me? Do it as a favour for your Uncle Chief."

Benjie couldn't believe it. For days he'd done nothing but think and dream and fantasise about lying with Chief... and mating him. Who'd have thought Chief felt exactly the same? "Sure. Cool. Whatever."

Chief tousled his fur. "Good dog."

He motioned for Benjie to stand, before lying on the straw himself. Then, with a great fang-filled yawn, Chief stretched out on his back, and Benjie saw it, plain and clear: that huge sheath already nice and stiff, furry balls twitching below. Slowly, reverently, the little pup approached the big dog once more, gazing at the massive sheath like a holy relic. Beside it he knelt, nervously stretching out both paws slowly, slowly, and finally gripping the Alsatian. Chief took a sharp breath, throwing his head back before growling deeply. "Damn..."

Chief got ready for Benjie to start stroking, lying back in the straw and smiling in contentment. But Benjie froze, suddenly not sure if he could satisfy such a big animal.

"Something wrong, kid?"

"I, I..."He sighed. "I can't do it Chief. I don't know what to do."

"Don't worry kid, it ain't difficult. Just hold it like you are now, and move your paws up and down. Like when you touch yourself at night." Benjie yipped in embarrassment. "Oh. You thought I didn't know about that," Chief chuckled.

A few seconds, then Benjie slowly pulled back on the sheath, then back to the start. Chief was clearly enjoying this attention, grunting and twitching his hind paw. But he was also holding back, savouring each glorious stroke as only an experienced dog could. Benjie didn't know exactly how many winters Chief had seen, but with endurance like his... dang, he must have mated some lucky bitches in his time!

More confidently now, Benjie really started stroking, his little paws working the sheath along its entire length, sometimes tightly, sometimes loosely, until Chief's bright pink tip emerged from its furry home.

"Now Benjie, squeeze the sheath a little and coax me out. There'll be a lot of fluid, so lube me up. That's it! Oh murrr..."

Heated lusty growls broke out from the horny Alsatian. Benjie carried on his work, paws moving up to the canine shaft now emerging slowly. Liquid flowed liberally from the tip, liquid which Benjie smeared eagerly over Chief's cock. The sight of this alone excited the pup, his own modest endowment now nice and hard, yet nothing compared to the thick meat still growing before his eyes. The scent of canine, ripe and musky, filled the air, driving both dogs into a vicious cycle of lust, the great Alsatian's full nine inches of hardened dogcock now fully emerged. Benjie loved smelling it, and yes, even tasting it, the one long ravenous lick from base to tip enough to make Chief growl, hard and bestial, two hard spurts of pre-cum coating the pup's muzzle.

"God kid, you're learning fast. Now, I'm gonna take over here, alright?" Benjie nodded.

"That's my pup."

Chief made the pup lay on his side. Then, he brought his own paw to his rapidly-swelling shaft, swirling gently around that ever-so-sensitive tip. He panted and shuddered, several more spurts of warm fluid landing in his paw. He brought the paw to Benjie's flank, grinning as he slid a wet claw into the pup's rear. Benjie gasped at this first penetration, twisting and turning, Chief digging the digit in real deep, slipping in a second claw and flicking over the pup's prostate. He was starting to loosen up, thanks to Chief's attention the previous night, but even so, he was still damn tight. Just the way Chief liked it.

Chief drew out his claws, holding the pup still with his other paw while he shifted his body weight to lean over Benjie, cock swaying and dripping ominously. Benjie gritted his teeth as the Chief edged his powerful hips into position, grunting as he smeared all around the pup's tail and soon finding his target. One last look at Benjie, then, the great German Shepherd drove in, growling loud and long as he sank into the tailhole, slow and steady, inch by delicious inch, teeth bared and muzzle drooling. Benjie clawed the ground, whining as Chief prised him open, half the canine firmly embedded in him before he had to pause. Chief was grunting fiercely now, gripping the pup's fur and straining to contain his lust, while Benjie took a few deep breaths before signalling for Chief to proceed. Once again those growls grew as he plunged in deeper and deeper and finally fitting his entire endowment into the pup. Without any warning he slid out before thrusting straight in once more, Benjie screaming out in brutal elation as those vicious grunts grew louder and louder. Fresh tears rolled down his face as he moaned meekly while Chief drew out and drove in again, grabbing the pup's member tightly with a sly smile before suddenly bucking into him, short and wild and fast, grunting viciously with fur on end, all those muscles pounding, whole body bucking against the pup, cock jerking and swelling and swelling as Chief plunged in his thick swollen knot with a gorgeous slurp to bring both of them to a vicious shuddering climax, each holding on as best they could, Benjie's frantic yips drowned out by a vicious full-throated howl from the animal above, the little pup shuddering before being rocked and bucked as Chief howled louder while jerking out masses of thick hot steaming canine cum, balls twitching to empty every gallon into his mate, the pup's own semen spurting into his paw and dribbling through his fingers.

Benjie barely had the strength to speak, let alone move. He simply lay there, breath hoarse and muzzle dry, panting hard and wincing at his sore and thoroughly messy tail. Chief meanwhile strained and growled as his climax consumed him completely, coming constantly and not even thinking of stopping until his balls were emptied to the last drop. He knew, today, that he had plenty of cum for his sweet young puppy. The little furball was just so cute, and innocent... With a grunt of pleasure, he lay beside the pup, gritting his teeth in ecstasy and wrapping his arms tightly around the pup, his young protege, who sighed in complete contentment. There, in the warm snug barn on the farm, the great German Shepherd, known simply as 'Chief', watched with a smile as the happy pup in his arms drifted off to sleep.

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