Forced by the Bull

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Commissioned by Syromutt.

Matias goes to the bar to forget his troubles, but finds a whole new set of troubles when a bull takes interest in him.

Matias took another swig of his drink, the painted wild dog slumped at the bar. It seemed he was spending more and more time here. It seemed like every night they got into another argument, this was where he went to get some peace and quiet.

"Well hello there cutie, mind if I buy you a drink?" a gruff voice spoke.

Well, so much for the quiet...

Matias looked, seeing the figure of a bull looming over him, muscles straining against a shirt that seemed intentionally too small for his hulking figure...

"No thanks." the canine said, plainly.

"You sure?" the bull pressed, leaning against the bar and getting in uncomfortably close. "You're looking pretty lonely all by yourself, I'd love to get to know you better."

Matias sighed. "I have a girlfriend." he said, though that statement might be a little debatable at the moment.

"Well she isn't here right now, is she?" the bull asked, leaning in a little closer.

"I'm not interested. I don't swing that way." Matias said, his tone becoming more assertive as he grew annoyed with the bull's persistence.

"Heh, well, you know what they say about spaghetti and getting it wet." the bull said, his hand sliding down below the bar and giving Matias' junk a gentle squeeze.

"Dude what the fuck!?" Matias shoved the bulls hand away. "I said I'm not interested, now fuck off!"

The bull snorted, then left without another word. Matias released a drawn out sigh and attempted to go back to his drink, but soon he found that the night was now spoiled and decided it was time he just left.

As he pushed through the door, stepping out of the bar into the cool night air, a large hand grabbed him by the arm. It yanked him aside, until Matias was pulled up against the enormous, muscular chest of the bull.

"Heh, don't worry, I know your type. Gotta keep up appearances, don't want to bother with getting too personal. Let's just get in the back seat of my truck and we can skip straight to the fun." he said, his voice low, more authoritative.

"What the hell? Let go of me, I told you I'm not gay!" The canine said, struggling against the bull's iron grip.

"Yeah, right. I bet you'll be able to take my cock all the way to the balls." the bull insisted, tightening his grip as he began to drag Matias around the side of the building.

"I said no!" Matias shouted, trying to pull away from the infatuated bull's vice-like grip.

"And I don't take no for an answer." The blow was swift, right to the wild dog's gut. Matias doubled over and nearly threw up. More alarming than the blow itself though, was that Matias could tell it was half-hearted, that the mountain of a man holding him was capable of much more if pushed.

Matias was led around the building to where the bull had parked his truck. Much like its owner, it was massive, with an extended cab there was plenty of room in the backseat.

His heart was racing, Matias knew that under no circumstances could he allow himself to be placed inside that truck. He began to pull his leg up, preparing for as hard of a kick as he could manage. He just had to hope a hard enough blow to this guy's knee would be enough to get him to let go, even for a moment.

But before he could even attempt his kick, the bull growled into his ear. "Kick me and I break your jaw." he rumbled.

Matias was deflated after that, the bull swung open the back of his cab and tossed the canine onto the seat face down. Before he could even try to get up, the bull was on top of him, pulling Matias' hands behind his back before fishing something up from the floor of the truck. The wild dog felt the coarse texture of a heavy rope being wrapped around his wrists.

"Y-you can't do this!" Matias cried out, desperate.

"Looks like I can. Now shut the fuck up, slut." the bull said, before flipping the bound canine over onto his back. With powerful hands, he began to rip Matias' shirt off his body, leaving it in tatters on the floor of the pickup. Then, slowly, sensually, he began to rub his hands over the wild dog's bare chest. "Mmm, your fur is so soft, pup. You'll make a good bitch."

"Fuck you!" Matias spat out.

The bull gave Matias a scowl. "If you wanted me to bottom, you should have been a lot fucking nicer to me back in the bar." he said, forcefully grabbing the wild dog by the throat, gripping him tightly. "But now? I'm going to fuck your slut puppy ass, but not before I've had my way with your throat." he declared. "And if you ever want to see the outside of this truck, then you're not going to scream, kick, or bite. Do you understand?"

The reality of his situation was hitting Matias like a ton of bricks, he was about to be raped. His heart was racing as terror filled him, never once in his life did he think that this would happen to him, that he would be at the mercy of a stronger, more powerful male. Matias had never felt so helpless before... so the wild dog did the only thing he could do to try and survive. He nodded.

"Good pup." The bull got off of the canine and knelt down between his legs and pulled off his own shirt. With his bare, muscular chest exposed, he reached out, unbuttoning the canine's pants and pulling them down to reveal the smaller male's bulge. He completely removed Matias' pants before turning his attention to the wild dog's last scrap of clothing, his boxers.

With a hungry grin he pulled the canine's boxers down, revealing his soft cock and fuzzy balls. With a grin the bull reached out, taking Matias' cock between his fingers, stroking the shaft, massaging the head, soon he had gotten the wild dog hard.

"For someone who claims they aren't interested in men, you sure got hard from a man's touch pretty easily." the bull taunted.

"It's involuntary..." the canine protested, avoiding eye contact with his attacker as shame washed over him.

"Sure it is." the bull responded, condescendingly. "Not bad though, for a pup like you." he added, admiring Matias' shaft as he began to remove his own pants and briefs. Matias' eyes went wide as the bull's cock flopped out, already hard. He was huge! Even for a bull of his size he was hung! Matias' felt a new wave of fear fill him as he realized the bull intended to stuff that thing inside of him! He was going to split him in half!

But, for now, the bull didn't seem interested in sticking it anywhere just yet. His hands began to glide over Matias' cock once again. The wild dog would never admit it to anyone as long as he lived, but the bull knew what he was doing, he was better at handling a cock than Matias' girlfriend was. There was a gradual ramping up of pleasure, pleasure the canine was trying to mentally repress. But he couldn't, as the bull stroked the canine's cock with one hand while fondling his balls with the other, Matias groaned out through gritted teeth before finally erupting, splattering his own chest with his seed.

"There you go, don't let anyone ever tell you I'm not a conscientious lover." the bull taunted.

"You're a bastard." Matias said, breathing heavily.

The bull chuckled. "Heh, I love it when you talk dirty to me." Then he reached out, grabbing Matias by the scruff of the neck, getting himself into a seated position while manhandling the canine until he was flat on his belly again, face resting in the bulls lap.

Matias scrunched his nose and tried not to breathe, his nostrils assailed with the bull's musky, masculine scent. But with a grip on the wild dog's head, the bull began rubbing his snout right against its source, right against the base of his thick cock and into his heavy balls. After grinding Matias' face into his junk for a while, the bull eventually pulled the canine back, bringing his muzzle to the tip of the bull's cock, pressing it to his lips.

"C'mon slut, open up." the bull coaxed, but Matias refused, keeping his mouth shut, trying to twist his face away from the other male's cock in disgust. "Open up, or I'm fucking your ass dry."

Matias' big rounded ears flattened down with shame, the bull's ultimatum leaving him with only one real option as he relented, slowly opening his muzzle.

The bull's cock slid inside and Matias' tongue got acquainted with the taste of musk, sweat and flesh. The taste of dick...

The bull's grip loosened, his hand remaining to make sure the canine didn't pull away, but Matias could feel he had a little more freedom to move.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Suck it." the bull held his other hand up to his face, making a circle with his fingers and pantomiming the act of bobbing his head along a cock. But when Matias refused to budge, he just smiled. "The longer you take to make me cum, the longer my cock stays in your mouth. It's up to you, your muzzle feels nice... warm. I could relax like this all night with you as a cock warmer.

The wild dog was forced to swallow his pride as he slowly began to bob his head along the bull's length, at least as much of it as he could fit in his muzzle.

The bull groaned softly. "That's it... remember to use your tongue, unless you want this to take all night."

Matias winced, his tongue pressing against the bull's shaft, massaging it to the best of his ability. The bull groaned, his cock throbbing inside Matias's mouth, leaking pre-cum that the wild dog unintentionally lapped up while trying to please his captor. The canine nearly gagged as he tasted the bitter, salty liquid.

"Fuck... you're a natural born cocksucker. Under all that hesitation, you love the taste of a cock in your mouth, don't you slut?" the bull taunted.

Nothing could be further from the truth, not that Matias tried to communicate this, the bull made it abundantly clear he didn't actually care how Matias felt about any of this.

"I wanna feel that throat of yours pup, c'mon, take it deeper." he growled. The bull's grip on the canine's head tightened, he wasn't pushing Matias down, yet, but he was preventing him from pulling back up, the only way was forward...

Matias tried, the tip of the bull's cock beginning to slide into his throat. But that was all as far as he could go, the wild dog gagging around the bull's thick member as it began to stretch his throat, eyes watering from his gag reflex.

"Heh, guess you still need some practice..." the bull mused, his other hand reaching up and gripping Matias' head as well. The bull then yanked the canine down, hard, cramming every inch of his thick, pulsating cock within Matias' virgin throat all at once, until the wild dog's snout was pressed into the fur of the bull's crotch.

Matias gagged around the massive cock invading his throat, bulging his neck, but the bull didn't relent. He began to force Matias to bob his head in short thrusts, never letting his shaft exit the poor canine's throat. Soon, Matias had a new problem, other than the extreme discomfort he was feeling.

He needed air.

The bull didn't seem to care, bobbing the canine's head along the base of his shaft rapidly, like he was nothing more than a toy. Matias' lungs began to burn and panic was setting in, he began to struggle and whine, not wanting to suffocate on another man's dick. Just as his vision was beginning to go black, the bull pulled him up off of his cock and Matias sucked in a big gasp of air.

With a swift motion, the bull flipped Matias onto his back once again, the bull getting on top and mounting the canine's face. From this new position, the bull continued to pound and abuse the poor canine's throat, thrusting his hips into the wild dog's muzzle. Matias' face was a mess of tears and spit as he continued to gag, occasionally he would open his eyes, to see a pair of heavy balls swinging towards his face before clenching them shut again.

Finally, the bull began to groan loudly, his cock was throbbing, leaking pre-cum generously. Of course, Matias was too preoccupied with his own discomfort to notice the warning signs, so when the bull's bitter, sticky load began to flood his mouth, it came as a surprise. When the first spurts of jizz completely filled the canine's mouth and hit the back of his throat, the canine coughed and gagged, causing him to choke on the foul liquid, some of it coming out of his nose as a result. Despite how much cum he had just filled Matias' mouth with, the bull still had more, pulling out his cock and giving the canine a generous coating of semen all over his face.

The bull, after removing his cock, was swift to react. He wrapped his hand around Matias' muzzle and held his jaws shut before the canine could spit out the bull's salty load.

"Swallow it." He growled out.

Matias wanted to retch as he swallowed down the sticky substance, scrunching up his face and groaning in distaste as the bull released his muzzle.

He wasn't given long to dwell on it though, as the bull changed their positions once again, forcing Matias onto his face again and grabbing the canine by the tail, pulling his ass up into the air. Face down, ass up... Matias knew what came next.

"Please... no more... just let me go. Aren't you satisfied already?" Matias mewled out pathetically, still trying to catch his breath.

"Do I look satisfied?" the bull challenged, prompting Matias to look back towards him, seeing his cum and spit covered cock was still erect.

"It won't fit..." Matias pleaded.

"I'll be the judge of that." the bull insisted, licking his fingers and sliding his free hand between the canine's cheeks. He pressed his index finger against Matias' tight, virgin tailhole, applying pressure until the thick digit finally pushed inside. He began to wiggle his finger around inside and with a little effort, managed to slip a second inside while Matias groaned in discomfort.

Matias felt like he was being split apart with only two fingers and he knew the bull's cock was much thicker than that. The bull pumped his fingers in and out a few times before finally withdrawing them.

"I... I told you... it's not going to fit." Matias groaned out.

"Oh, it's going to be a tight fit. But... you'll stretch." the bull growled. As Matias felt the bull's cock press against his tailhole, he arched his back in shock.

"No, no no no no..." he pleaded, to no avail, as the bull thrust forward. Lubricated with only bull cum and dog spit he pushed his cock inside of Matias' ass and stole his anal virginity.

"Bite down on this, pup." the bull said, reaching forward and stuffing something in Matias' mouth. One sniff told him exactly what it was, the bull's discarded underwear. He wanted to spit it out, but as the bull thrust forward, he was too preoccupied with clenching his teeth around the garment to spit it out just yet.

The bull kept burying inch after inch of his thick cock inside of the wild dog. Every time Matias thought he was at his limit or the bull had run out of dick, another inch was pushed inside. It seemed like it would never end, until mercifully he felt the bull bottom out, never before thinking he would be glad to feel a man's hips pressing against his ass.

"Told you. It's like your body was built for taking cock." The bull grunted out, as he began to rock his hips back and forth slowly.

Matias' ass felt like it was being penetrated by a white hot poker, the canine whimpered and groaned, his cries of pain muffled by the undergarment clenched between his teeth. The discomfort and pain never really subsided either, because just whenever he would start getting used to it, or at least start growing numb to the sensations, the bull would begin to thrust faster, more forcefully.

It was a slow, gradual increase though, the bull was taking his time. But it wasn't for Matias' sake, if anything it was to the canine's detriment. He was _savoring_it. Drawing it out, extending his own pleasure at the cost of prolonging Matias' suffering.

However, the slow, and _relatively_gentle fucking didn't last too long. Once the bull decided it was time to start fucking the wild dog for real, there was hardly anything gradual about it. He pulled his cock out until only the tip was still buried within Matias' ass, then slammed it back inside forcefully, holding the canine's tail tightly, as both a way to keep Matias from sliding forward in the seat, and as leverage, yanking on it to pull him backwards into the bull's thrusts.

Long, deep, rapid thrusts sent shocks of pain through the canine each time the bull's hips collided with his ass. The wild dog was screaming into his makeshift gag, entirely involuntarily. The pain, the humiliation, it was all too much for him.

At one point he spit the bull's boxers from his mouth, his wails of despair and agony filling the confined space of the truck.

In response, the bull wrapped his hand around Matias' throat once again, his other hand still pulling on the wild dog's tail. He squeezed, tight, cutting off Matias' airflow, silencing the screams.

As he fell silent, Matias could hear something else, the grunts and groans of the bull. This time he recognized them for what they were. The bull thrust forward a scant few more times, before burying his cock into the canine all the way to the balls with a loud deep groan of pleasure. Hot cum flooded inside, filling Matias. As he came, he released the canine's throat, who gasped for air, but didn't scream. He was done screaming, he was too tired, it was almost over and all he could do was whimper softly as he slumped down.

A few moments after his climax subsided, the bull withdrew his cock, leaving Matias with a small sense of relief. His stretched out asshole ached and felt empty, save for the thick load within it. The bull threw open the door of the truck and tossed Matias out onto the cold asphalt as he himself climbed out, gathering up his clothes and getting dressed... sans underwear, anyway, which was somewhere on the truck floor covered in slobber and perforated by Matias' teeth.

"You were a good lay." the bull announced, zipping up his trousers. "Sure you don't want to stay with me? I could give you a ride like that every night."

Matias tried to muster up the words to tell the bull to fuck off, but all he managed was pained, exhausted groans.

"Have it your way." the bull said, climbing into the driver's seat, starting his truck and soon after, driving away.

Matias just laid there, cum was leaking from his ass, staining the matted fur of his face. His hands were still tied behind his back and he was stark naked. The remains of his clothes were still on the floor of the bull's truck, including his wallet, keys and phone... he realized his humiliations were not yet over and opted to lay there for a little longer before he would have to find help...