Suck Dick at Sunset

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Stella arrives in the large city of Steppington and finds a ship ride across the lake that will cut off time from her journey. This comes with a cost, though, so Stella works with a couple drug dealers to make some money back.

They don't seem very friendly but one of them has a great ass and Stella's libido picks up.

I had a hard time figuring out how to continue Stella's story but this works as a good followup to Stella's encounter with the trolls and a further examination into her lust and xenophobia. Stella needed a break from soiling herself too.

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Stella Darwin is an herbalist from a small town of Drecker. When she and her friend gathered herbs one day, they discovered a strange plant that had the ability to transform people into horrendous demons!

Stella took it upon herself to capture a sample of the demon flower and head off to the magical city of Reynolph where the flower could be examined by the proper authorities and see where it came it from and why it has appeared.

Her journey has been a couple of days and she has already had a few roadbumps on the way._

Stella arrived in Steppington in the later afternoon. After a long arduous walk, she had arrived once again in a piece of civilization, and a larger slice at that. It had been awhile since she had been in a city and Steppington was a proper city. The streets were crowded with pedestrians and there were several tall buildings. There was even a stadium that Stella spotted while walking down the road.

The endless rumble of the crowd was overwhelming but after what had happened to her back along the highway with the trolls, all those people felt like a comfort. Even better, there was a dock in Steppington and Stella went down to the docks first to see if any ship could take her closer to Reynolph. The roads around the offices were busy with dock staff like workers carrying planks of wood but going inside, the office was pretty quiet, especially for how big it was.

Stella glanced around the room- the large two storey likely for assembling crews or showcasing ship models- and she spotted an older goblin man at the desk, a man with glasses, a dock cap, and gray sideburns coming down the side of his face. He had his big protruding nose down in a novel: The Case of the Golden Mandrill. His eyes went up as Stella approached.

"How can I help you, lovely?" he said in a gruff voice.

The 'lovely' moniker made Stella's foot twitch. A goblin saying that to a myuman? Dockworkers clearly didn't care for manners. Stella ignored it and asked, "Are there any rides to Reynolph?"

"This isn't a ferry service," said the goblin, "I'm sure some captains would let you ride with them with the right amount of coin."

"Alright," said Stella, "So are any heading to Reynolph?"

He took a hand to his chin, dull but big claws at the end of his green myumanoid hands, "Naw, I don't think that anyone's heading to Reynolph. Captain Suton is heading to Camberley, which is pretty close."

Camberley. Stella knew it. If she could get there, it was a day's travel away from Reynolph.

"Good!" said Stella, snapping her posture up enthusiastically. She then dropped back down into a slouch, "Uh, when does the ship leave? How much does it cost?"

"You'd have to ask Suton about the cost," said the goblin, "but it leaves tomorrow."

"Is the captain around?" asked Stella.

The goblin thought once more, "Errrr, maybe. You might find him at a Rowdy Rump."

Stella chortled at the name, "What's the Rowdy Rump?"

It was a tavern. The goblin man gave Stella directions to the place. After giving the many thanks and a goodbye, she left the office and went down the road, passing by more workers, with only goblins- as occasional as they were- being shorter than her.

She took a right onto a road between some rustic apartments and then a left down a wide but empty stone road. The afternoon was pressing on so people were in their homes, settling down after a day's work. Stella looked in a window and saw a myuman family gathering in a living room.

Stella kept down the road. Like the goblin at the office illustrated for her, she saw the entrance of the tavern coming up on the left. She half-expected to hear the gentle rumble of a rambunctious tavern crowd but it wasn't happy hour just yet, so the tavern was quiet.

The tavern didn't have a lot of company yet, either. Stella walked inside and saw a handful of patrons scattered around the room. The barkeep gave her a funny look, since she probably didn't look like the type to go to a dockside tavern.

A man fitting Suton's description was at a table near the counter though. He was a lapid, a myumanoid rabbit race. His tall ears stood around his fisherman cap. His snout was covered by a bushy stash, grayish brown in color like the rest of his fur. Bulky nautical wear covered his round body. Like a lot of lapids, he was barefoot- his furry clawed feet resting on the ground.

He looked like a hardass and Stella was already intimidated just by looking at him but she also knew he was the type to respect assertiveness. She stepped forward confidently and approached the table.

"Are you Captain Suton?" asked Stella.

He didn't even turn his gaze towards her. He took a bushy snout to a mug of beer, "Who's asking?"

"I am Stella Darwin and I need to get to Reynolph," she said, "Well, I need to get to Camberley and I heard you have a ship going that way."

"It's not a very big ship," he said, turning his gaze to her, "It's not meant to carry passengers."

"Please," said Stella, "I need to get to Reynolph as soon as possible."

Suton shifted in his seat and smacked his lips, "It's about a 12 hour boat ride, weather variables. It'll cost you 24 slivers."

That was a steep price and the jingle in Stella's pocket wasn't much louder than what Suton was asking. She could afford it though. She agreed to the price and saw herself out of the tavern before the regular crew fell in and got to harassing her.

She walked down the road, and did some math in her head. She had enough for the ride to Camberley and she had enough for an inn that evening but after that she would be done to a few last coins and Stella knew that she had to get some more money.

She had less a day in Steppington before the ship left to Camberley but that was enough time to find an odd job to make a few coins- anything to stabilize her pockets.

But where was she to go for a quick buck? Her herbalist skills were in demand but not all the time and definitely not on short notice. It was a larger town and- even though Stella didn't have a lot of experience with it- there would likely be an employment board or agency somewhere nearby.

She found a room in a modest inn towards the center of the city and after stashing her bag inside she asked the innkeeper- a young myuman girl- about where she could find an employment center. The innkeeper, a few years younger than her, seemed very uninterested in helping Stella but gave her directions to the building that handled immediate employment and tax collection.

Stella thanked the girl anyway despite the girl seeming annoyed by her presence, and went off to the employment building. It was down the road, a busy road full of people of all kinds, including an ogre!

The ogre- a male, Stella assumed- was a rare sight. She had only seen one once before while she was in herbalism school. They were giant creatures- that one towering at maybe 8 feet. She wondered what his business was inside an actual part of civilization.

The ogre turned a corner and was gone. Stella continued to the employment office. The office had floors, walls, and ceiling made out of wooden planks and it was lit by torches, not electric lamps. The smell of moldy timber was lingering. There was a desk around the door- a myuman man with a brushfire of facial hair attended the booth while a myuman woman was busy behind the desk, sorting papers.

The conversation was rocky for Stella. The kind of employment that was widely available and could be finished within hours was meant for workers larger and more rugged than Stella. Stella wasn't averse to hard labor but she knew that she wouldn't be able to keep up with the demands of any regular job like an orc would.

When Stella mentioned she was an herbalist, the male clerk went to the back room to check to see if any job opportunities were available. The other clerk saw this as a chance to sit Stella down on the waiting couch and give her the lowdown on an employment opportunity from a pair of drug cooks that could use her skills. Helping drug producers? Stella didn't like the idea but she needed money.

She got the address of where the guys were shacking up and left. She had been in Steppington for only an hour and she walked most of the main roads, it felt like. She made her way to a seedy motel on the edge of town. The place had electric lighting but the dim lamps flickered and barely lit the shoddy wooden halls.

As Stella walked through the halls, she could hear moaning and screaming and she couldn't tell if someone was in distress or rolling around with someone else. It was distracting but she made her way to the room where the producers were allegedly staying- Room 34.

She heard muttering when she approached the door. Tapping her wrist on it, the muttering stopped and the door opened.

Du-on, a drow man with shoulder-length dingy black hair, peeked his head through the door. He glared at her with his glowing eyes and in a coarse voice he asked, "What do you want?"

Stella thought for a second, catching a bit of the drow's impatience. She didn't know who was listening so she chose her words carefully, "I'm looking for Du-on and Marcel."

The drow rolled his eyes, ready to respond, but then stopped himself. A moment of silence, then he said, "Who's asking?"

"I am an herbalist who heard they need my services," said Stella. She checked her words then spoke, "I can help you precure optimal specimens for... activities."

The drow looked at her. She didn't look like a knight undercover but she didn't look like anyone who'd come to them for work.

The drow swung the door open to let Stella see into the room. By a small motel bed there was another man, Marcel, a myuman who looked just as disheveled as the drow.

"Yeah, we're looking for an herbalist," said Du-on, "The name's Du-on." The drow thumbed over his shoulder, "That one's Marcel."

Marcel walked behind Du-on. The myuman rubbed a hand down his facial hair, "How good are you at spotting primo stalks of rechesre? There's a batch of it on the outside of town."

Rechesre. It was a wild grain that had seeds that could be made into psychoactive drugs. Most places banned the cultivation of rechesre but it was popular in the seedy underbelly of society as a crude narcotic. Careful hands were needed because the grain rotted easily and making substances with the compromised stuff was a health hazard.

"I know what's what," said Stella, "but if we're going to do this we have to do this quick. Not sure how much sun we're going to have."

It was decided. Du-on offered 45 slivers for a couple hours work and Stella agreed. They were to keep quiet until they left the city.

The three of them exited the motel and followed the busy roads in the direction of the patch that the two chemists found. Towards the edge of the town, the streets were less busy and quieter. Fewer people to hear their illicit conversation but the voices were easier for strangers to hear.

They walked out into a narrow highway leading out of the city. They waited until the last of the buildings were behind them before they continued their discussion.

"How much do you need?" asked Stella.

"A few pounds oughta do it," said Du-on, straightening his backpack.

"Do you guys sell it or just make it?" asked Stella.

"We sell," said Marcel, "Sell and use some of the stuff we make."

Stella dropped her head, "I see..." It was a question to make conversation but she didn't know what else to say or ask.

The countryside they walked through was full of hilly grounds. It was grassy but too cliffy for farmland. Swarms of trees were splotched around the area and trailed off into the horizon. Across the jagged fields were walls of trees. Trees took most of the horizon.

They walked down one road and then turned onto another and then took a path to a small woods with knee-high grasses. Marcel and Du-on took the lead, scoping the range of bush to spot that rechesre batch they found. Du-on peered off to the side and saw a broken down wheelbarrow resting just beyond the edge of the little grove they walked- something they referenced before to remind them where the rechesre was. They were in the right spot of trees, at least.

While the two guys marched through the grounds, Stella took her gaze below and looked down Du-on's body. He might have had the air of a deadbeat but he had a decent body, at least as far as his ass was concerned. Two firm cheeks rocked back and forth. Her hand twitched, curious to see what the rump felt like to touch.

Stella clenched her fist. No, she couldn't allow herself to be distracted by her lust, let alone a lust for a non-myuman! She lamented her attraction and hoped that her journey could end soon as traveling made her very horny.

Putting away her desires, Stella helped look. She knew what rechesre looked like. It was a fuzzy grain with a yellow and gray color. Under the afternoon light, the sea of green grasses did their duty to camouflage any special crops but after a few minutes Stella found the crop and the guys confirmed this was the batch they were hoping to harvest.

The guys offered to stamp down the other grasses and make Stella's working space easier to manage. Stella got to work dancing her fingers down each bud of every panicle. She had to keep an eye out for a black dust on the otherwise white grains. The black dust was the rot. There wasn't a way to use the rotted seeds that didn't end in sickening the user. There were other maladies like the buds having a brittle base which meant it was underhydrated during growth. The seeds of those buds would not be very good for the plant's recreational purposes.

Stella hadn't picked rechesre much before but she had experience with similar plants that were at risk of the same problems and knew how to identify inadequate crops of that class.

Du-on reached into his backpack and provided Stella a glass jar to put the seeds in. Then came the tedious part- harvesting. It took a few minutes to check and strip any stem of rechesre, and all it did was barely cover the floor of the jar. Stella's knees started to get uncomfortable a few stems in and she wondered if maybe she should have charged by the hour.

The two others helped as best they could. When Stella marked a stem as being clean from any rot or disease, she allowed Du-on to clean it of seeds. It didn't save a whole lot of time, it would seem.

The sun remained high longer than Stella intuited so they got through a good portion of the crop. Some breaks were needed with Stella stretching her legs and take a few steps around the trees. Du-on took a break too, stretching his arms up to the trees and showing off a pretty cut body.

They were staying late so Du-on sent Marcel back to their room to prepare their equipment. Du-on had to pull out an additional glass jar to capture they had harvested by the end of it, so he was happy with what they had gotten. Du-on handed Stella the money they owed her on the way out of the forest, but added in a few extra slivers for a job well done.

She slid the slivers into her pocket and walked with the drow back to the city.

"You do this sort of thing often?" asked Du-on.

"Yeah," said Stella, "I'm an herbalist."

"I mean..." said Du-on, "working with us... outsiders."

"I needed the money," said Stella. She felt weird putting her guard up so she corrected, "It's no big deal. I don't really care about that sort of thing..." It was a lie, though.

"Yeah," said Du-on, "you seem out of your world with a couple of drug makers."

Stella glanced at Du-on, checking his dusty clothes and slouched posture, "So what's your story? What's a drow doing... what you do?"

Du-on cradled an eyebrow up, "What do you mean by that?"

Stella, instantly humiliated, stammered her words and put her hands up like she was ready to block a punch from the drow, "I-I mean aren't drow usually noblemen and knights and such?"

Du-on tented his fingers on the ridge of his brow, "If all drow were those, then the noble class would be fifty times bigger." He carried himself to another sentence before Stella could say something embarrassing again, "There are plenty of drow out there that are degenerate scumbags like myself." He gestured at Stella with his eyes, "How about you? How did you get into herbalism?"

"I went to the academy for it," said Stella.

"That must have cost a lot," said Du-on. "Did you save up a chest of babysitting money?"

"No," said Stella. She knew where he was going but said the truth anyway, "My family paid for it."

"Must be nice to have rich parents," said Du-on.

Stella rolled her eyes, "Oh yeah, my family is stinking rich."

Stella was grateful for her being able to pursue higher education, but that came at a cost paid for by her parents and even a couple aunts and uncles.

"Still..." said Du-on, "Some of us never had that luxury."

Stella grinned mischievously, bumping Du-on with her hips, "Too bad I didn't study magic so I could cast a spell and go back in time and give you the upper-class upbringing you deserve."

Du-on cringed, "Magic can't do that, though."

"It's a joke," said Stella. She giggled, "Just a joke..."

Stella looked up at the sky. Night was setting in with a dark blue expanse falling over the land. Stars came out and it was nice to see them before they'd get inside the city and the lights would drown them out.

"How many drow do you know?" asked Du-on.

"Not a lot," said Stella, "I'm from a small town called Drecker. You heard of it?" She waited for Du-on to shake his head, "It's a very myuman town. I grew up in a very myuman town, too. I met some drow at the academy. They were... ok."

Du-on got lost in Stella's words. When she told her tales and let her voice ring in that humble tone of hers, she seemed quite fetching. The words themselves and their meaning faded out but her syllables were almost hypnotic. He looked over her handsome figure and fantasized...

"One of my best friends is a satyr, though," said Stella, "So don't go thinking I'm racist because I'm not. I just know mostly myumans because that's the kind of people who live around me. And the ones I knew from the aca... duh..."

That's when Stella noticed that Du-on was staring at her very deeply and, down below, had a bulge on the front of his pants.

"Oh my goooods..." said Stella as she covered her face with her hands. She turned and walked away from Du-on, stepping off the path into the grasses.

Du-on stopped and looked down and saw what going on. There was the bulge out front and he could feel the hardness riding through his cock. Well Du-on, he thought to himself, looks like you got a hefty boner.

"Uhhhh..." Du-on clenched his hands nervously, "Don't mind that. It does that sometimes."

Stella took her hands away from her face, her eyes full of outrage and humiliation, "Don't mind that? You got a hardon!"

"I can't help it, lady," said Du-on, "my little fella does what he wants."

"It's aimed at me, though," said Stella.

"Do you need me to walk on ahead?" said Du-on.

Stella sighed. She got back on the path and continued walking, Du-on by her side. She kept her gaze on the ground, though, and didn't stray her eyes towards the drow, hoping that while she wasn't watching the pot, it would quit boiling.

"Sorry," said Du-on, "You're... attractive."

"I bet," said Stella, not knowing what else to say.

Out of the corner of her eye, Stella could see Du-on's crotch bouncing. She couldn't help but glance over at him and see the mound that was pushing out in front of his pants. There was a flat surface at the apex, signifying that he had a wide cock hiding in there.

She took her eyes away, not wanting to get any thoughts, but the thing was so big, she kept taking a peek to see if the drow johnson was going to settle down anytime soon although it wasn't looking like it was.

Du-on caught Stella peeking at him. He chortled, "Like what you see?"

Stella's eyes bulged and she tried to distract from her blushing by posturing her rage- fists clenched, eyes outraged. She said, "Why isn't it... stopping?"

"It's getting there," said Du-on, "Leave it alone."

Stella huffed, then gazed over again, "It looks... big."

Du-on was truthfully trying to avert his thoughts on the myuman girl and calm himself down, but then she had to say that. He played it cool, keeping his tone calm and casual, "Us drow have bigger cocks than you myumans."

Stella took a side-step closer, hip checking with Du-on's. Du-on swallowed and watched as Stella reached a hand up to the drow's front and cupped it down on the bulge.

The member was warm and thick. Stella rubbed the firm surface of Du-on cock with her palm, feeling the heat through his clothes. She curled her fingers down underneath so she could weigh the two orbs Du-on was carrying around. The seed swam through them- Stella could feel it and she knew that the guy could have had plenty of drow babies if he wanted.

Du-on said nothing, staring at her with shock. It was pleasurable and his cock getting harder in turn, but he couldn't believe that some girl would grope him like that.

He exhaled hard, "D-did you want to see it?"

Stella looked up, realizing how audacious she was being. Embarrassment came over her... for a second. Lust took back over, though, and she nodded.

The two slipped off path to a bush underneath the trees. With the light of town shimmering in the distance, Du-on sat down on a big rock. Stella knelt down beside him and the drow unzipped his pants. His cock was erect enough to get caught in his clothes as he struggled to get his cock out, but finally he freed the member of his underwear and out in the dusk air did his cock swing open!

It was big, almost getting to nine inches by Stella's estimate. It had thickness too, with the center of his shaft bulging out a little bit. His big blue balls were stretching that sac downward.

Stella put a hand on his shaft. The skin was delightful to the touch. She rubbed her hand up and down that hard rod. Her clit quivered with excitement. God, it was such a monster.

The two breathed heavily, their noises only accompanied with the crickets chirping. Du-on hoped that the myuman girl would give him a blowjob and he bent his toes when she leaned forward and kissed the shaft on its side. He moaned- a blowjob he would be getting!

Stella macked up and down his shaft, shifting closer so that her knees bumped up against Du-on's shoes. She split her fingers around the top of his cock and caressed it, breathing out of her nose so that the air brushed on Du-on's skin.

She moved her mouth to the top of the cock and let her fingers away so that she could wrap her lips around the tip. Du-on shook and yelped loud enough to startle Stella, but she took her hands down to his balls to give them a massage, brushing her fingers over a tuft of his hair.

Du-on leaned back and Stella sucked on his rocket like a candy treat. It had been awhile since Stella had given head so she had forgotten the taste, but she found it a nice-tasting cock. Taste wasn't important, though, it was having a warm slab of meat inside her mouth. The texture was the appeal.

Her tongue danced with the rod, circling his foreskin and sliding up and down the dorsal of his shaft. It was too gratifying, and Du-on slammed his hands down to the grass and gripped it between his clawed fingers, rousing the dirt and pulling the blades from the earth.

Stella thought about that ass again. She switched her hands around and reached back to caress the drow's rump through his pants. Like his cock, it was firm. She let herself palm one mound, dangle some fingers in the crack, then move to the other mound. She moaned.

Du-on flinched his legs around, unable to sit still while the myuman girl wrung his tip with her mawflesh. He clenched his teeth and moaned loudly, heaving himself back and clamping his boots together trying to hold it all in.

With her mouth taking the tip, Stella took her idle hand and rubbed the back of her fingers past the bottom of Du-on's cock. She dangled those fingers on the top of his balls while she massaged his cock with her lips.

That's what did it. Du-on's loins boiled over and he lost his grip. Jizz fired up his shaft and spurted out the top! Stella's mouth was treated to the drow's cum and was so in the moment she didn't realize he was climaxing until a second burst splashed her lips. Her breathing excited and the caresses from her fingers on Du-on's cock turned into throttling.

Du-on howled and barked into the air and Stella let her face be decorated in the occasional spurt of jizz. She didn't know where to put the stuff in her mouth so she let it overflow and fall on her chin, dripping on Du-on's pants and the rock below. Du-on gripped her shoulder tightly and Stella fondled his balls some more.

Stella took her head away and jerked Du-on off so the drow squeezed out the last few shots of seed on Stella's hand. They both watched the ivory, silky magma seep from his tip and trickled down his blue cock.

Du-on's cock began to deflate so the two looked around for some leaves to wipe themselves. There was a small batch of purslane nearby and Stella grabbed a good handful of it for herself and Du-on. She wiped off the jizz from her hands and then shuttled over to Du-on to hand him some.

Stella got her face as best she could but she knew that she wouldn't be able to clean up proper until she got back to her room at the inn. All she needed with the leaves was to wipe down enough that she could walk through the city streets without looking like she just blew a drow guy and got sprinkled with his cream. Du-on wiped his cock and then shoved it back into his pants.

The two got up and walked back to the path. They were quiet but occasionally glanced at each other, almost tittering at each other's look. The city streets were still quite busy, even in those dusk hours where the sun's light only reached the tops of buildings. The road crew came out to light the streetlamps. An orc worker held a ladder for a goblin to climb up to the lamp with a flint lighting tool, open the glass jar, and light it.

Du-on and Stella hit a road that divided their paths and the two said their goodbyes. The two gazed each other for a second as they walked out of each other's views.

Stella went back to the inn and went to her room. After checking to make sure her pack was still there and that the demon flower specimen was unharmed, she thought about hygiene. The room wasn't a very big but it was accommodating enough to have a washroom with a shower and sink. Stella knew an opportunity when she saw one. When was going to be the next time she would get to wash herself down?

Stella got a washcloth and towel out of the cupboard and put them on a stool beside the shower. Washing her hands and wiping them down proved to be pointless. She turned off the sink and went to the shower to get the water running. It was one of those newer showers with a curtain around the cell. While it warmed up she dropped her clothes off and stood nakedly in the middle of the bathroom. For a moment, she stared at herself in the mirror. There she was- the young myuman woman that just gave a strange drow man a blowjob one lukewarm evening.

The shower water didn't seem like it was going to get anything hotter than warm so she dealt with it. The water was chilly on her flesh but she toughed it out and reached for the soap on the shelf to wash her body.

She got a lot of the dried cum off her face and out of her hair and washed down her scalp in the water so she would adapt to the temperature quicker. She took the washcloth and scrubbed her body, getting her arms, her ass, and her thighs.

She thought about the drow. Wow, did he have a dick. When was the last time she had a dick that big? Did Patros count even if they fucked while they were both compromised mentally? Cheating on her race by fucking non-myumans had its advantages.

How did Du-on look without any clothes on? The thought tickled her brain and she reached down below to slide some fingers on her wet pussy. She dipped a few of them inside her clit and she moaned. She imagined the drow man had a nice cut chest.

She danced her fingers inside her sex and she hunched over, big dumb smile on her face while her gaze defocused. She grunted while she slapped her sex. Smack, smack, smack, smack. It felt so good to masturbate like an idiot.

Temptations came over her and she gave in to them. She grunted louder and more animalistically. She tried sounding like a gorilla, ooking deeply into the shower water. Hearing herself make those breathy primal grunts only made it hotter. She took one hand to the wall to hold herself up and the other in her legs, ooking like a primate.

Her passion made suffering the less than ideal temperature of the water background noise. Her body was heated by her arousal. Was Du-on washing off at that very moment, masturbating like Stella? Stella's eyes slitted and she imagined the drow's long hard cock being cranked in the shower's rain, splashing water everywhere.

Her grunts became long and strained. She took her time, spending minutes hunched over and playing with herself. She imagined spreading for Du-on, grabbing his ass, sucking his dick again, putting her head on his chest, and riding him like a horse. Stella was holding it in but the image of Du-on looking up at her while hitting the climax- biting his lip, groaning hard- was what set her off.

She unleashed and her body ejected its essences into the shower water. She moaned and groaned, once again finding it pleasurable to sound like an ape while her body fired off liquid heat from her core. Her breaths became so intense that she sucked water up her nose.

Leaning against the wall, she let the orgasm escape her.

Halfway through her cum, shame came over her. She fucked a drow today. Not even fucked- she sucked the man's dick and got nothing in return besides a moistness in her underwear. The joy of riding a climax turned to an experience like relieving oneself, getting something filthy out of one's body. A passing of waste.

She stroked out the last charges of cum and then slumped against the side of the shower, letting the water wash away her orgasm. After a couple minutes, she turned off the water and stepped out of the shower to grab a towel and dry off. The embarrassment of just having came for a non-myuman made her sluggish and she took her time putting her clothes back on.

It was becoming a tepid night. She walked out to the room and saw her bed. It was a decent sized thing and the sheets were made properly. Barely any sunlight came in through the window.

"Maybe I'll go to bed," said Stella.

She sat around idly for what felt like an hour but was likely only fifteen minutes, then got in the sheets, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

We're All Fauna [Scat/WS]

It was the end of the afternoon. The sun rested over the horizon, in the beginnings of losing it's bright white light as sunset changed its color. There were few clouds in the sky and it had been a beautiful day. On the edge of the city, where the...

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Quit Acting Like a Baby! [Scat/WS]

_This story takes place in a world where the students of a simple college classroom have been transformed into anthropomorphic animals called 'zoomans' and transported to a college- Ravenrump Collegiate- in a magical world where zoomans are the norm. ...

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Quit Acting Like a Baby!

_This story takes place in a world where the students of a simple college classroom have been transformed into anthropomorphic animals called 'zoomans' and transported to a college- Ravenrump Collegiate- in a magical world where zoomans are the norm. ...

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