Quit Acting Like a Baby!

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While his fellow classmates have adapted to living in their new animal college, Scott's had a lot of trouble and cannot stop being scared of everything. Even simple barriers break him down into a quivering puppy! 

What is to be done with such a scaredy dog?

I had never done an age regression TF so that had to change. I like the idea of the cool and handsome guy in everyone's class turning into a pussy when under stress. XD Makes him a good target for getting babified.

Posted using PostyBirb

_This story takes place in a world where the students of a simple college classroom have been transformed into anthropomorphic animals called 'zoomans' and transported to a college- Ravenrump Collegiate- in a magical world where zoomans are the norm.

First, we start with a flashback..._

The bell rung and Irma and Ava were up from their seats. The two girls weren't going to waste any more time in that classroom. They snatched their bags and pounded to the door. They impolitely pushed through a few students, Ava bumping into a boy. The boy scowled, "Watch where you're going."

"Whatever nerd," said Ava. Irma and she giggled at each other over, Ava feeling like she laid down a genius-level burn on one of her classmates. The two girls made their ways into the halls to join the riverflow of students.

"Can't wait to get out of here and go to the new Starbucks," said Ava.

Irma smiled, "I hear they're getting the new triple-mocha cappuccino."

Scott was already out in the halls. Out of all the boys in the anthropology class, Scott was the hunkiest. He had a nice build, great hair, and a smoldering smile he was willing to shoot at any girls that walked past.

"Hey ladies," he said while leaning against lockers. He pursed his lips at them.

Irma and Ava blushed and giggled, clinging to each other nervously but not stopping to have a chat.

Ava flipped and looked back at Scott. She turned back forward and spoke quietly, her voice not traveling far in the choir of the crowd, "He's such a cutie!"

Irma nodded, "He's the hottest guy in class, a real man."

"Where do you think he wants to plant those lips?" asked Ava.

Irma snerked leaning closer, "He can plant those lips on my tits if he wants!"

Ava cackled loudly. Irma shushed her once she noticed eyes of other students on them. The two girls walked out of school and proceeded with the rest of their day.

Scott's first week at Ravenrump Collegiate had been a nightmare!

He had a nice life back in the myuman world but then Darwin came to their classroom, transformed everyone in animals, and then warped them all to that college with its beast people and arcane surprises. Around every corner was the possibility of some horrific thing to terrorize Scott. Everything seemed like it could have been a threat!

While the other students from Darwin's class had been adapting well, Scott couldn't keep his head on straight and had to retreat to special centers frequently for relaxation and recovery. It had become a recurring thing with the college's staff.

Whatever part of the brain that somebody needed to stomach being transformed into a two-legged animal and having your life transplanted into a magical college, Scott's was missing!

Anytime he left the room to do anything, it was a trial. Surrounding himself with crowds of zoomans, especially those that were double his size, made his nerves do backflips! Letting his eyes wander was a recipe for anxiety but he couldn't help himself. In a world where he walked with lions, whales, and elephants, he couldn't fight to keep his eyes still! Looking anywhere filled him with terror but the worse of it was up above the halls. There was no roof, but an endless cloud of vegetation- vines and wooden branches- up above the college's halls. Whenever Scott looked up there he felt like a thousand evil eyes were staring back. He had the restraint to not raise his gaze up there.

His objective that morning was to see the health services office to plan a checkup. A simple task but going through the main sector of the college was a venture into hell itself. As he passed by other zoomans, with their voices and loud stomps, he clinged to his arms, his teeth chattering.

Up ahead was the office- HEALTH SERVICES- written at its top. He picked up the pace and walked towards it. It looked so comfortably empty with its pristine white lobby vacant of other zoomans. In the rush, he bumped into a rhino man, but he ignored the rhino's complaining and went into the office.

The health services office lacked a roof like the hallways outside. For a place that was supposed to be focused on health, it was alarming that it was topped by endless bramble of vines and branches! The smell of leaves and bark lived heavily in Scott's nostrils. There was a quiet technological hum in the office to contrast the vegetative smell.

There was a gazelle lady seated on a chair to the side- Norma. She had orangish-brown and white fur and a small mop of hair on her head. She wore a sand-colored bolero jacket over a white shirt that covered her modest chest gracefully. The pants were a slighter darker shade of brown but hugged her hips well.

Scott looked around the front and no one was at the booth. There was a clear screen dividing the lobby to the area behind the desk, but no one was present. Strangely though, it was a very narrow booth with the back white within arm's reach of the front, if Scott could reach through the glass window and touch it.

He looked around, saw no one in the booth nor by any of the doors to the restricted areas of the building. He called, "Is... is anyone here?"

"Of course there is!" a booming but jovial voice told him.

Where did that voice come from? The walls inside the booth moved but then Scott realized the back wall wasn't a wall at all! It was a massive chest clothed in a white shirt! He followed the ginormous torso up to a neck and then up to a big monster's head staring down at him. A single one of its eyes was as big as Scott's face! The monster smiled, revealing sharp teeth- each one could crush Scott's skull alone.

Scott's face went pale and his tearstruck eyes gazing at the creature like it was the reaper himself.

With movement that rumbled like a transport truck driving down the road, the creature leaned down a bit and blinked. It slapped it's mighty hands on the top of the divider, each finger with a claw nearly as big as Scott's fist. It grinned, "How can I help you?"

Scott couldn't keep it together. The thing was even larger than the giants outside! He raced his eyes up and down the massive body and his heart was thrashing around his chest! He couldn't breath and his vision blurred. He felt his body lose feeling.

His mouth quivered and tears wet his cheeks. Whimpers rattled out of his mouth and his stance got weak. The giant beast could have squished him with a single step! Every part of the monster's form filled him with terror. One swipe of that hand and Scott's spine would be broken!

The monster watched Scott with a confused expression while Scott crumpled up shaking and keeling over. His sobs got loud and drool escaped his teeth.

His feet twisted inward and his knees buckled. He fell on his butt and after another glance at the monster's face before he curled his knees to his body, took his wrists to his eyes and bawled loudly.

"BAAAAAAAAA!!!" he cried.

Norma looked over concerned and very unsure how to handle it. People walking around outside peeked in to see the commotion. The monster-- a giant-sized cheetah man-- tried to reach down to console Scott but stopped when the dog boy eyed the cheetah's huge hand and screamed even louder as it approached.

No one knew what to do with the boy. The cheetah awkwardly dropped down back behind the booth and let Scott cry himself out. After a moment, the gazelle lady took to his side and rubbed his back sympathetically even if the dog seemed unaware of her.

Norma took him to a room in the back- a cooldown station available. The giant cheetah gave her the go-ahead to use the facility freely Norma took Scott into the faculty halls behind the desk, Scott following with his head hung low. The gazelle held him by his hand and walked him down the narrow white-bricked hall. There was a door- cooldown station. They went inside.

Norma didn't know a lot about the citizens originally from the myuman world. She was a natural born magic worlder and had only heard about that strange other world named Earth. Working in the clergy part of the college, she rarely interacted with any of the former myumans. She didn't know what to say to him or how to act.

She volunteered to help him on a whim, but at least she had the opportunity- while patting his body to calm him down- to put a hand on that package. The size of it pleasured her so much she had to tap her hoofy toes on the floor!

"Wait here," said Norma, "I'll look around for some iced water."

Scott nodded, saying nothing. Norma left the room and ducked into a nearby testing room to wave at the staff members conduction testing business and then make her way to the phone. She picked up the receiver and phoned professor Darwin.

"Hello?" said Darwin.

"Darwin," said Norma, "I got one of your students down at the health center. He had a freakout and bawledf..."

Darwin sighed, "Scott. I don't know what I'm going to do with him. Is he ok?"

"He's fine now," said Norma, "I cleaned him up and I'm looking around for some iced water."

"You might need to look around for a diaper," joked Darwin. She paused, a stressed breath gusting the phone, "I'll be right over."

***Norma found some pants and underwear for Scott and Scott left the place clean, having a bit of a panic attack when he passed by the giant cheetah clerk. Darwin reassured him to not look at the cheetah and follow her to her class. Second period was about to begin.

On the way to the desks, Irma and Ava- a week now chameleon and rabbit- saw him enter the room.

"Heeeey Scott!" called Ava.

Scott turned over at the girls. They both waved with big smiles on their faces. Scott gave them a spooked look and took his seat across the arrangement from them.

"When's my turn to get with that?" asked Ava.

"I don't know," said Irma, "I haven't been with him yet."

"Me neither," said Ava. She turned back to look at him, "He's probably super hung!"

"I know," said Irma, her scales turning pink.

The two girls had to emit some pheromones in tribute to Scott's delicious bod. They fantasized about his lovemaking while they took their seats.

Scott kept to himself during the lesson on digging holes in the ground and after the lesson was done and the students had free time, he wandered around the forest wanting to be alone. The forest was vast and scary but the simple birds and squirrels, of which they seemed completely normal, were easier to be around than 15 foot cheetahs or any other zoomans.

Scott wandered aimlessly- making steps for the sake of making steps- and didn't realize how far away from the class he was getting. Darwin had a magical intuition on where her students were and sensed that one of her students was going "out of range". While her students mingled with each other and had fun in their free period, Darwin went into the forest to check up on her wanderlustrous student.

The dog boy looked around at the trees and peered up into the cloud of vines and thought for a moment how everything seemed so regular. It was the kind of environment that could have been found back home on Earth, even if he never had been in a jungle like the one he had chosen to hike through that afternoon. The songbirds and squirrels were familiar, though.

Then again, he was still a dog boy with a big dog nose on the front of his face and he was wandered the dirt floor on bare dog feet.

He wandered a little more but then the quiet turned on Scott. It was eerie and it made him feel vulnerable. The birds stopped chirping and he couldn't see any animals at all. Had he wandered into forbidden territory? Or perhaps, dangerous territory?

Then he saw something in the distance. It was a deep blackness with purple arcs rolling across its surface. It hummed and edged closer- towards Scott! Scott's heart stopped when he saw the wall push towards him, phasing through trees and over the bumps on the terrain below.

"Oh no!" he said.

Scott took a few steps back, his breaths strained with anxiety. He got a grip and turned around to dash away but in the opposite direction there was another black wall coming towards him, approaching at the same speed as the first!

"What?" said Scott.

He looked around. There was a fold of the black wall- curved around him- closing in on him. There was only one direction open for escape and he dashed in that direction, through a formless sea of trees and dirt.

As he dashed along the forest floor, doggy feet smacking the soil. He thought, why is everything in this world so evil?

Scott tripped on a root and fell to the floor. With the pain of whacking his shoulder on the floor, his nerves were shot. He looked up and saw the wall encroaching on him, and he lost the strength to get back on his feet. He slowly pushed himself back, his pants getting dirt on the bottom.

His eyes teared up again and a ***hissing was heard. Wetness blotched on his crotch and all over the bottom of his pants, swimming down a pantleg. A puddle emerged from underneath and carpeted the ground.

Darwin walked through the trees and saw Scott in the distance, cowering on the ground. She slowed her pace and shook her head as she walked over and saw that he ***pissed himself again and contained the sigh that wanted to be free from her.

"What's wrong?" asked Darwin.

Scott, his lip trembling, looked up and Darwin then pointed at the black walls, "The walls! They're chasing me!"

Darwin contained another sigh. The wall was more than ten feet away from Scott and he was scared ***incontinent. It's movement slowed to a crawl and then stopped. She walked up and pressed her hand against the wall. There was the sound of a static spark but no pain. No disintegration.

"It's a barrier to keep you students from wandering off," said Darwin. She walked up to Scott and both of them took a gander at ***Scott's pissed pants. He could barely raise himself to pinch out the slack and see how wet they were.

Scott quivered and Darwin felt some sympathy for him. She said, "Are you ok?"

Scott whimpered, "No! ***I pissed my pants." He jostled himself and flinched at a feeling of sticky mush in his underwear, "And I shit myself too..."

Darwin walked up and crouched down, putting a hand on his shoulder. His doggy aroma had spilled into the sky and the owl teacher got a whiff of what the doggy boy had done. She sighed, "So how about we get out of here so I can ***change you?"

Scott looked off in the distance. Endless trees. He looked in another direction and more endless trees. How was he going to address the classroom if he didn't know which direction it was? He sighed, "I can't g-go back to the classroom looking like this!" He gestured at his pants, biting his tongue to fight a whimper.

Darwin sensed the forest around them and knew exactly how to get to a ***change room through the wilderness- a map with a path to a change room appeared in her mind. She got up, "Don't worry, I'll get you somewhere safe."

Scott got up and his eyes pleaded at Darwin, "Why... why is everything so weird? I can't wrap my mind around it."

Darwin didn't know what to say. No one else was having the kinds of freakouts that Scott was having. Usually... students adapted.

Darwin walked into the black wall with Scott in tow. When she approached the wall, it broke apart and allowed her and Scott to walk through.

Scott walked into the wall, looked at the edges flickering with white, wondered if they would snap shut on him, and hopped through nervously. He followed Darwin through the forest, both of them keeping quiet.

After a few minutes, Scott and Darwin found a building, it's walls going up into the bramble where Scott couldn't see the end. They walked down the wall and passed by a series of open rooms, like garages with their doors up. Some were empty, some had people inside up to their business and didn't care that Darwin nor Scott were around. Scott swerved away from the opening so that it would be harder for anyone to see ***he soiled himself and he didn't want to interact with anyone.

At the end of the long row of "garages", there was brick wall. They followed it until they found a metal gray door. Darwin held it open for Scott and he walked in to a tiled hall with painted brick sides. Darwin closed the door and directed Scott to the second door on the left.

It was another ***changing room, much like the one he had seen earlier that day. He waited for Darwin to enter and had to make way, there being little floor room near the table because of Darwin's larger size. She shut the door, "Ok, get up on the table."

***He had already mushed in his pants so getting on the table and sitting down with a load in his underwear didn't make matters much worse. Darwin retrieved a box of wet wipes from the counter and grabbed a roll of paper towels and brought them over to Scott.

"Put your legs up," said Darwin.

Like a snap, Scott laid back raised his legs, his knees bent so that his calves hung outward. It made it easy for Darwin to pull down his pants, ***pee dried enough that it didn't drip as she pulled off his pants. Scott remained still, looking around the room idly. Darwin took the pants and set them on a stool to the side before picking them back up and taking them to a trash can by the door. She stuffed the pants inside and brought the can over to the table.

Scott's underwear, ***strained with urine and feces, would be a bigger problem to get off. Darwin peeled them down his legs, causing Scott to flinch in the discomfort of his poopy drawers unclinging from his backside. Some of the waste fell to the table but after Scott straightened out his legs, Darwin removed the ***crappy drawers and carefully lowered them into the garbage bin.

Scott flipped his legs up again so Darwin could get underneath his butt and wipe away the sludge with a wetnap. Scott resumed staring around the room idly, blushing slightly.

Darwin couldn't get over how big Scott's cock was. Even flaccid, it hung out off the dog's center like a gym bag off the wall. Darwin hurried to wipe off ***all the shit from Scott's ass and thighs then moved onto his cock. Even flaccid, the thickness of his cock felt good in her hands. She wiped his privates down and then picked up some paper towels, dispensing of the wipes and drying the cleaning area.

She dropped the towels into the garbage and gave Scott a sultry grin, unnerving Scott. She took a hand over his penis, rubbing down that shaft.

Nothing. Scott reacted to her handplay like he was watching her push in chairs.

Darwin thought she needed to make her intentions more obvious, "You know... maybe you would feel more comfortable in this place if you got to know the staff a little better..." She throttled her eyebrows.

Again, nothing. Scott stared off uncomfortably, then looked down at his ***cleaned legs and rested them at the edge of the table. He said, "Could I have a new pair of pants now?"

Darwin lowered those eyebrows back in place and huffed. She raised a hand and twirled some fingers to make a pair of jeans and a pair of underwear appear by the table's end.

Scott got dressed and the two left the room.

Darwin and escorted Scott back to his dorm room, the dog boy very uncomfortable and flinching at the other zoomans as he and Darwin walked by them. She settled Scott into his room and then walked off, unsure what to do with the scaredy dog.

Darwin went to the staff's lunchroom to get herself an early supper. As she sat at a round wooden table, picking a fork into a plate of sausages, brewed greens, corn and biscuits. Her confusion with Scott was so bad that it weakened her appetite, the plus-size owl sticking to a single meal.

Norma wanted an update on the poor dog boy that she took pity on and tracked Darwin down to the lunchroom. She saw Darwin sitting by herself and walked over to join her, Norma without food.

"How's the dog?" asked Norma.

Darwin glanced up at Norma then returned the look to her food, "He's... not doing well. He ran off into the forest and got so scared by the classroom barriers that he ***had a tantrum and messed himself. I had to take him off to get changed."

Norma's enthusiasm drained out of her face. She sunk her head, "Is that so? A shame."

"I don't know what I'm going to do with him," said Darwin, "I don't think there's a real chance of him adapting to this place. He's... allergic. He's ***only cooperative when he's getting his ass changed."

Norma smiled, "He's quite packing though, isn't he?"

Darwin returned the smile, "Quite! But... he didn't seem interested in me. As far as I know he's only had sex while in the daycare. He was getting wild with a lot of the other mentally compromised."

"Was he having it a lot?" asked Norma.

"A casanova," said Darwin.

Norma fiddled with her forearms, "What are you going to do with him then? Find a way to send him back?" Norma ducked her head, "Or... maybe reduce him?"

"Something like that but..." Darwin perked up, "You were looking for a child, weren't you?"

Norma smirked, "Yeah...?"

"Would you like it delivered by stork or implanted in you?" Darwin smiled.

Norma smiled back.

While Norma went back to her job to close out her shift, Darwin walked to Scott's dorm. His roommate answered the door- Scott had taken a lay down on his bed. Beckoned to the door, he grumbled then got up to see what Darwin wanted.

"W-what?" he asked, already nervous.

"Come with me," said Darwin, "I have... something that will help you feel accommodated to our realm."

"Do I have to?" said Scott.

Darwin tried not to scowl, and kept her face pleasant while she tapped her side with a finger. She exhaled, "This will be good; trust me."

Scott sighed and left the room, door shut behind him. He stuck close to Darwin and kept his head down, not wanting to glance at any other zoomans once they walked through the busy halls where there were 10 feet tall giants walking around.

Most places like the classroom and cafeteria were close by so even if Scott had to venture out into the halls, he didn't have to delve through long passages of horrifying beasts. The trips were short. That time, though, Darwin was taking him somewhere deep.

They passed by some vending machines and went up a couple small flights of stairs. Scott turned to Darwin, "Are we t-there yet? Where are we going?"

"Just follow me," Darwin said curtly.

Scott did so, following Darwin closely as they went through unfamiliar halls. These ones had brick walls with pipes going up and down along them. The strange canopy that hung over the college's halls had gotten sparse in this part of the college. Up above there weren't endless strings of vine twisting around, it was a black emptiness.

Fewer people roamed the halls.

Scott sad nothing and concentrated on holding his bladder.

A building with light shining out of its windows was up ahead. They got close and the sign said 'NURSERY'.

Oh great, thought Scott, are they going to have me adopt a kid?

They went inside and the lobby room was terribly large with parameters of at least 24 feet by 24 feet. The floors were a white tile and the walls were white too with some pictures of flowers to spruce up the interior. There wasn't a giant cheetah at the front desk, just a blue jay man wearing glasses.

Darwin approached the desk, "Is room B ready for me?"

The blue jay man looked up from his magazine. He blinked, "Oh, yeah. Go ahead."

Darwin and Scott walked to a door and the blue jay man took an uncomfortable glance at Scott before the dog followed Darwin into the room.

The room had dark blue walls with shaded lamps on them, giving it a more homelike feel compared to the corporate feel to the lobby outside. There were some couches in the corner, a couple comfy chair in the middle, some tables, and other furniture although Scott couldn't pin down what kind of room it was supposed to be.

"Now what?" asked Scott, his voice not hiding his annoyance.

Darwin breathed deep. It was time. Time to make a big change.

Darwin walked up to Scott. Scott's confusion turned to concern. Darwin took her hands underneath Scott's armpits, forcing him to hold his arms out like a plane.

"W-what are you doing?"

Darwin concentrated, her arms glowed with energy as foggy light rode down her arms and into Scott, and it was done. Dangling from within Darwin's big feathery hands was a baby dog boy, wearing the same chocolate brown T-shirt and blue jeans that Scott did, although shrunk to fit the child's size.

All the fear was gone. All the anxiety was gone. All the knowledge- altogether- was gone. The only thing that Scott knew now was that Darwin was someone he could trust.

Scott, now with the body and mind of a six-month old, stared at Darwin with curious infant eyes, "Ooo-goooo?"

Darwin lifted him up and down in her arms, "Hmmm... about sixteen pounds."

***As the child stared around the room with eyes too young to see cleary, a wet strand appeared on Scott's pants, then a few more, streaking down his legs. Out the bottom, pee dripped down to the floor.

Darwin looked down, "Oh right... diapers."

Norma went to the nursery too to meet her new child and they thought they should contact Scott's friends to tell him what happened. Darwin didn't know who Scott was close to but she sent out word to a couple of his classmates. Irma and Ava were called to the nursery. They were told to come for Scott and weren't given any context.

When Irma and Ava arrived they saw Darwin and Norma standing in the lobby, Norma holding a child. Neither Ava nor Irma had seen a baby around the college, so it was a surprise, and once they got close and saw how cute the baby was, it was a pleasant surprise!

"Oh my god!" said Ava with a big smile banding across her face, big rabbit teeth out, "What a little cutie? Whose is it?"

Darwin and Norma looked at each other. Slight grins appeared on their faces. Norma turned to the girls, "He's mine."

Irma walked up and took her fingers on the dog baby's small feet, careful not to harm him. The baby giggled with a big smile as Irma touched him. Irma and Ava shared a big smile themselves.

Ava thought it was weird to dress up the baby in such fashionable clothes but she tickled through the boy's shirt into his chubby belly, "Goochie goochie goo!"

The baby cycled its legs and let out a joyous whimper!

"How old is he?" asked Ava.

Irma shook the baby's hand, "He seems like a few months..." she paused then smirked, "although this is my first time seeing a dog person baby, so who knows?"

Darwin jagged her beak, "How old is he? It's hard to really say..."

Ava looked around, "By the way, where's Scott?"

Darwin took one hand into another, thumbing up and down her fingers, "Um..."

Ava and Irma looked at the baby again. He was a German shepherd- like Scott. He even shared Scott's fur patterns with his snout and ears being black but having a creamy brown on the rest of his coat. The baby's clothes were a t-shirt and jeans- styles like Scott would wear.

Irma struggled to breath and Ava stepped back. Ava took her hands to her face, stunned, "Oh my God!"

Darwin clamped her beak shut nervously, took a moment, then spoke, "This is Scott."

Ava clutched her shoulders in shock, "B-baby? You turned him into a baby?"

Irma couldn't do anything. Her eyes went manic and intercut her giggles with throat spasms like hiccups. She held her hands out in front of her, her fingers fanning in weird directions. She stood one foot up on its tippy-toes while the other remain flat and her knees buckled.

Ava looked at the baby and her brain couldn't interpret it. She had just seen Scott- a big healthy dog boy- no, a dog man, and now he was a baby? Out of all the things she had experienced at the college, the idea of a grown man being turned into a baby was the most unbelievable.

She looked at Darwin with her eyes welling up, "Why...? Why? Why baby!?"

***While she giggled erratically, a burst of soak appeared on the crotch of Irma's pants and rode down her legs, waving and twisted the track pants as the river traveled to the floor. The wetness spread around her thighs and down her legs, swimming down the insteps of her lizard feet and onto the floor.

***Ava stared at Scott, cradled in Norma's arms, and a stream of liquid emerged from underneath her skirt, splashing onto the floor. Her panties underneath were instantly soaked with her urination. Then *FLORP* and *PRRRPT* were heard and the rabbit girl ejected feces into those panties too, a strong smell wafting into the air.

"Uh..." Darwin didn't know what to say. Being that Scott was starting to look upset, Norma took a few steps away while Darwin stepped forward to confront the two girls. She got beside them and rubbed their backs and Irma's giggling quieted down at least.

Luckily, being that they were in a nursery, there were plenty of places and items available to help ***Irma and Ava clean themselves up. After they threw away their soiled garments, wiped away all the shit, and both got new pairs of pants, they gathered themselves and went back out to the lobby where Darwin and Norma had taken a seat in the corner by the front window.

Ava and Irma sat down and watched Darwin and Norma tend to baby Scott. Ava got curious though.

"Can... I hold him?" asked Ava.

Norma seemed apprehensive but nodded, getting up to bring the baby to Ava. "Sure," she said, handing the baby down to Ava. Ava cradled him, a warm smile coming over her as the little dog baby wriggled in her arms. Irma peaked over the rabbit's shoulder curiously.

"So... this is Scott," said Ava.

"Yes," Darwin said melancholy, "It's a drastic measure but I didn't seem him ever adapting to being a zooman in this world." She wiped off the frown and leaned her posture up, "It's a lot better than just having your mind zapped: being regressed."

"I guess," said Irma, "Will he ever return to being Scott?"

"Some stuff from his old life will stick with him," said Darwin, "but he will be different, in most ways."

Ava looked at Scott sullen, but she perked back up when the dog baby squealed in delight. The baby grabbed on to her shirt and then tugged it. He kept stretching his mouth at Ava's chest.

"Why's he doing that?" asked Ava.

Norma smiled, "He's hungry."

Ava blinked when she realized what Norma meant. The kid had mistaken her for his mother!

Darwin chuckled, "Better hand him back to Norma here..." she gestured at the gazelle, "unless you want to breastfeed him!"

Ava looked down at the hungry boy. She was serene with a gentle smile. She looked back up at the owl and deer, "Could I?"

The question caught Darwin and Norma off guard but Darwin's face relaxed and she looked over the rabbit sagely. She said, "Go ahead."

Ava didn't know how to do it, she had never done it before. But she felt an instinct brewing inside her so after trying to tug down her shoulder and failing, she lifted up her shirt and unclicked her bra so she could let her left tit out. When she unveiled that nipple, Scott reached at it like candy.

Ava giggled when the dog boy clasped his lips on her tit. She could feel the essence drain out of her. It was weird but she was ok with it. Scott didn't have any teeth to hurt her breast with. It was an awkward feeling but Ava was satisfied and doing such a motherly duty.

Irma and Ava shared a giggle together.

Ava took a sniff and realized that Scott needed his diaper changed. She spoke, "Uh, seems he needs a change." She looked at Norma, "Do you mind if I do that too?"

Irma frowned, "Hey, I want to!"

"I want to more," said Ava.

Norma stood up, "Girls, girls... Let's have Irma change him since you got to breastfeed him, Ava."

Ava took Scott away from her breasts and pulled down her shirt, "Next time, then."

Ava handed Scott to Irma and Irma and Norma went into one of the rooms to give Scott's first diaper change.

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Hypnotizing You Into Battle

_It was almost a week ago when Dale got himself involved in something that flipped his world upside down. Stopping by an agricultural center out in the countryside, Dale came across an unprecedented encounter. There was a shadowy monster called...

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Embrace Animality: Be Gay 3 [Scat/WS]

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