Canis Stellarum

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I hope you all enjoy. It's been a while since my last piece, and I'm glad to have found the motivation to write this short story. I've wanted to explore my periodic auto-gynophilic predilection, and writing this certainly scratched that itch.

Special thanks to Thakur for his invaluable suggestions and edits!


_ Greetings from Sol to the noble explorers of Eros 6! We regretfully inform you of the sudden and unexpected disappearance of your sister ship, Attis 6. This event occurred shortly after their high-speed burn and, unfortunately, means you will not rendezvous with your female colleagues on exoplanet X111B. However, your mission remains critical and will continue. You have traveled for decades, crossing lightyears in pursuit of our world's shared objective of galactic colonization. Adapting and enduring is essential! Your crew, consisting of six courageous male canine-anthro pioneers, has been chosen to establish and rapidly expand a colony on this exciting new world. Your efforts will form the foundation of what will surely become a robust and thriving civilization._

_ As your female companions are no longer able to accompany you on this mission, we have activated Plan 4B, details of which can be found in your Mission Success Manual. Accordingly, one of you has been randomly selected for egg production. Our team has expertly employed chromosome and mitochondrial DNA manipulation, along with gene displacement technology, to address this contingency. Rest assured, these measures will ensure a diverse genetic lineage for future generations. We wish you good luck and Godspeed on your pioneering journey._

The green cursor blinked invitingly on the screen, awaiting our reply, though any message sent would take years to be reciprocated.

"I'm not sure I understand that last part," Pete said, his voice tinged with confusion. "Produce eggs?" His paw trembled slightly as he set his water bottle down on the table. The tall, young Malamute gazed at the blurry green screen, his expression a mix of bewilderment and concern.

Waking up groggy, dehydrated, and disoriented from our extended hibernation sequence, we all struggled to process this.

To Pete's left, Zack, a German Shepherd with a sturdy build from his days as a formal space marine, now in charge of security, broke the silence. "Attis 6 is gone? Do you think they didn't survive? Why wasn't our mission aborted?" he asked abruptly, his voice laced with urgency.

On Pete's right, Ford, the ship's doctor -- a rare, dirty-gray Dalmatian -- leaned forward in his narrow flight seat. He fumbled with the knobs and buckles of his seat belt, his movements reflecting his sudden anxiety.

Across the oblong briefing table sat Captain George, a formidable Great Dane. He murmured to himself, "Contingency plan four...," his voice trailing off as he scrolled through the dense, hifalutin subterfuge of the company's official Mission Success Manual on his paw-held mini-computer.

Beside the captain was Neil, the youngest crew member and a soft-spoken German Shepherd undergraduate geneticist. His ears twitched as he raised an eyebrow, quickly scanning his own briefing documents and fidgeting nervously with his stylus.

And finally, myself, Max, a Border Collie and the ship's pilot and flight engineer. I had been the first to wake from hibernation, skillfully navigating our large colony ship through an atmospheric plunge, narrowly avoiding unexpected rock formations, and landing with just a sliver of fuel to spare. Having completed my task, I had anticipated a leisurely retirement filled with greenhouse farming and licentiousness.

"Pa pa pa..." Captain George continued, his voice trailing off as he grappled with the dense jargon of 'Plan 4b'. " undergo an altered arrangement of monomeric units and structure..." He paused, turning to Neil with a hint of annoyance. "Neil," he said sharply, "what the hell does this mean?"

Neil leaned forward in his jump seat, swallowing nervously. "Well, sir, it seems..." He hesitated, searching for the right words. "It appears that one of us is required to replace the female component of this mission. This involves providing fertilized blastocyst material for the birthing pods. Birthing and, um... crew comfort, sir."

Pete suddenly inhaled sharply, choking on his water, which sprayed across the table. "Wha...?" he sputtered.

I leaned back in my chair, a wave of queasiness washing over me.

Dr. Ford, having freed himself, quickly rose from his jump seat and made a beeline for the lavatory.

Captain George, with a hint of disbelief, dropped his green handheld computer onto the table with a thud. He gave Neil a look of agitated bemusement. "That can't be right, nobody here is changing," he said, his voice tinged with senior condescension. "It won't happen, it can't."

Neil's oversized floppy German Shepherd ears drooped against his head, his scientific confidence waning under the imposing gaze of the larger great dane. "Well, it is... I mean, it has happened, sir," he stammered. "The process completed during hibernation. One of us is... you know."

Just then, Dr. Ford emerged from the lavatory stripped down to his undershirt and boxers, a light chuckle escaping his spotted muzzle. "It's not me," he announced, a sigh of relief following. "Everything's still in order down there... Great actually!" He took his seat, exhaling deeply.

The rest of us exchanged wide-eyed glances, hearts racing. Pete suddenly stood and dashed towards the lavatory, narrowly beating Zack, who was already wrestling with the locking clamps of his suit, struggling due to its snug fit around his muscular midsection.

The Captain, his concern deepening, quickly disengaged the locking rings around his waist and arms, dropping sections of his modular utility suit onto the deck.

Neil, with a calm demeanor, methodically disengaged his own suit clamps, perhaps hoping that one of us would reveal the change first.

As I swiveled in my jump seat, I took a deep, tense breath and began to release the clamps around the midsection of my suit. Slipping my slender paw between the locking rings, I was surprised by the ease of the task, considering the comically oversized fit of my utility suit. That's strange, I mused, the suit had fit perfectly when we left. A sense of unease washed over me. Underneath, I felt short, smooth fur that tapered down from my belly button, and then... nothing. Panic started to set in. Smooth short white fur, but no familiar male anatomy, nothing all the way down to the base of my bushy border collie tail. A strange, sensitive sensation coursed through me as I touched the skin there. With a delicate touch, I explored further, driven by a need to confirm. As I pressed and parted the soft, sensitive skin, the reality of my situation hit me. "A pussy," I whispered to myself, paralyzed with incredulity, disbelief colouring my voice. My heart felt as heavy as depleted uranium.

Pete reemerged from the lavatory, his face showing relief, his thick bare chested malamute fur unkempt and imprinted with the markings of his extended hibernation.

The Great Dane Captain George, without any hesitation, dropped his suit bottoms, flight trousers, and briefs, nonchalantly revealing his sizable cock to his crew-mates. He let out a sigh of relief.

I meekly sagged into my chair and curled my paw into a little ball, filling the now empty space in my briefs where my penis used to be. I remained silent, dreading the moment my crew-mates would learn who had been selected.

Zack, following the captain's lead and casually dropped his pants and boxers. Clearly, it wasn't him either. The German Shepherd's austere muscular physique stood in stark contrast to the relatively slim geneticist Neil.

An awkward silence enveloped the room as we exchanged glances. Neil's voice broke the stillness, soft yet definitive, "It's not me." His diminutive words, simple as they were, pointed an invisible finger at me.

I could feel the weight of their stares. Slowly, I withdrew my paw from my waistband and clasped my paws in my lap, a nauseous uncertainty churning inside me. This can't be real, I thought. Maybe I'm still hibernating, and this is all a dream. My eyes were fixated on the screen, trying to grapple with the capriciousness of my fate. I jolted slightly as I felt a large paw rest on my shoulder. It was Captain George.

"It had to be one of us, kid," he said gently. His voice was calm, but it carried an undertone of forced sympathy. "This is a lot to process all at once," he continued, searching for the right words. "But, um, you know, we're all in this together."

I swallowed hard, managing a slight nod. I couldn't help but wish he would put his pants back on. I was uncomfortably close to his exposed lower half, and the unwashed scent of his balls wafted into my nose. His cock was quite a bit bigger than mine... well, used to be. I found myself inexplicably fixated, a sense of surrealism washing over me. Why was I even looking? The situation was growing stranger by the moment.

I glanced around the room, noticing the expectant looks of my crew-mates. They seemed to be waiting for me to say or do something. As I took another deep breath, and let my nose draw upon more of the captain's musky scent. He was undeniably ripe after several decades in hibernation. The overwhelming odour was pungent and repulsive, yet strangely intriguing.

"Max," Neil's strangely calming voice interjected, and he swiveled in his jump seat to meet my gaze directly. "I'll help you through this. I've read papers on this procedure, and the results have been generally positive." As the only canid still fully clothed on the bridge, I preferred to rest my focus on him. "See; your mind is a product of your body. And this change has been abrupt, so your mind will need time to adjust."

I looked upon him in silence for a while. My agitation was blunted somewhat by his earnestly empathetic expression. "And then what?!" I retorted. "I can't just... I'm not going to be 'comforting' anyone." I caught a glance of the captain's massive Great Dane rod out of the corner of my eye, and tried to push that thought out of my mind, then I looked again. 'There is just no way' I thought to myself.

Neil brought my attention back. "I think umm... I think it would be wise for the doctor to examine you. Just to, you know, make sure everything checks out.." My gaze shifted to Dr. Ford, the bare-chested Dalmatian doctor, who sat down beside me, exuding a calm, non-threatening demeanor. His scent was distinct and hard to ignore. I eyed him with a mix of skepticism and indignation.

"Focus on the mission, pilot," the captain said, his voice carrying a note of magnanimity. "This wasn't our choice, but your role is now critical to our success." He sighed and motioned towards Dr. Ford. "He's going to check on you, okay?" His tone made it clear it was more directive than a question. I acknowledged with a nod.

I paused for a moment to compose myself, then stood up from my seat to start removing my suit. Methodically, I unfastened the locking clamps and straps, placing each modular section piece by piece on the briefing table while my curious crew-mates looked on intently. As I removed the bottom sections of my suit, the extent of my transformation became abundantly obvious. My hips and butt were noticeably wider, and my waist was slender and delicate. I would have guessed that I had dropped 50 pounds or so. Hiding beneath my utility suit was the lithe figure of a 16 year old border collie bitch, and I hadn't even realized it until that moment. My raised tail prevented my comically oversized trousers from simply falling off of my hips, and my undershirt did a poor job of concealing my small breasts and embarrassingly erect nipples.

I swallowed hard. It would have been impossible not to notice the effect I was having upon the crew. A wave of exhilarating energy surged within me, stemming from deep in my stomach, as I sensed their eyes closely inspecting me. I cleared my throat and subtly gestured towards the cargo hatch, hinting that 'a bit of privacy would be appreciated', but none seemed forthcoming.

"Give her some space guys." Neil spoke softly. It took me a second or two to realize that he was referring to me. Ignoring that, the doctor took the situation in hand, knelt in front of me, and hooked his paws in the loose waistband of my boxer briefs. His movements were slow, and as they didn't feel aggressive, so I didn't resist at first. Without even time to consider, I felt the waistband sliding down my thighs, and my naked body was suddenly in full view of my crewmates.

I remained speechless, and my mouth suddenly felt very dry. 'Did I not have a right to privacy?' I internally raged indignant, but couldn't find the words. The sentiment in the bridge had abruptly changed, and new profoundly captivating scents permeated the recycled air. I was startled by Dr. Ford's chilly paw, as he blithely proceeded with his examination, parting the short white fur between my thighs and revealing my spread labia. "Looks swollen." the doctor said, mumbling as he held a small pen light in his jaws. "Judging by the colourations here, I'd say that she's in heat."

"Oh man, she looks pretty wet too." Pete chimed in.

That was too much. Overwhelmed with embarrassment, I hastily pulled my trousers back up to my waist only to find that my belt could no longer be adjusted tight enough. I considered retreating to the cargo bay, which was essentially the only private refuge on the ship, but would do nothing to ameliorate my acute and sudden defenestration.

"It's ok Max, just have a seat.. We'll figure this out." Neil said politely, placing a light paw on my slender shoulder. Holding my trousers in place, I returned to my jump-seat and sat back down. My ears sank as I shook my head in defeat. "Could I get a drink or something?" I asked generally, my voice tinged with agitation.

Pete hastily pulled a can from the cabinet and handed it to me. "I'm sorry Max, I didn't mean to.. You know. No disrespect."

I gave him a slight nod as I cracked the lid and took a sip.

The captain offered not much in the way of commentary during all of this. His bulky muscular form stood in the doorway with his arms crossed, naked below the waist, and perhaps slightly aroused. I couldn't help examining his impressive girth. I knew my gaze had lingered a little too long, when he began to feel it appropriate to edge towards me, clearly sensing how his presence had been captivating my attention. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Zack, also naked from the waist down, and Pete, whose white briefs betrayed a noticeable bulge, both moving closer, their curiosity piqued on what I might do next.

As he came to within inches of my nose and chuckled softly, a complacent smile playing on his lips. I couldn't deny that something about the ripe basement stench of his balls brought a warm gross kind of excitement in the pit of my stomach. "You umm.. You like what you see pilot?"

His musky scent flooded my senses and I failed to respond.

At that moment, I realized my reaction would set the tone for how they'd treat me during the rest of this mission. 'I can't let the captain treat me like a whore,' I thought, determined to assert myself. "Wait -" I started. But the captain, growing slightly impatient, placed his hand behind my left ear, and gently guided my muzzle into the soft heavy testicles. I inhaled more of his scent, and my knees weakened. I found myself unable to resist or object. It was a humiliating display of passivity. My crew-mates looked on, witnessing the captain's domineering behavior over me.

"Captain, sir?" Neil objected.

"She's learning her place Niel," The captain insouciantly interjected. "It's all in the manual... The sooner she accepts it, the easier this will be for all of us.."

I looked up at him with a kind of disdain as he drew his heavy cock across my brow. From the corner of my eye, I could see Zack was getting hard, and Pete was touching himself through the fabric of his briefs.

"Breath deep pilot, let it wash over you."

'What is wrong with me?' I questioned myself, feeling a tumultuous debate raging within. 'What was so paralyzing about him?' 'What will happen if I let this continue? Will they treat me like their little cum slut, and lift my tail whenever they wish?' I'd at least have to set terms.

As I let my mind wander, my tongue found his balls. He tasted salty. I don't know why I did that. He let out a satisfying grunt. I was giving this brute exactly what he wanted.

"Lift her ass up." The captain said, and gave a nod to Zack, who responded promptly, showing no hesitation in following the captain's orders. "Yessir."

"Let's have a good look at you." He whispered as he brushed my ears back.

I fought weekly, but not enough to elicit sympathy from Neil or anyone else. As my conscious mind raged, my apparent complicity seemed to betray acquiescence, and things were escalating quickling.

With a brusque motion, Zack lifted me from the seat, and my trousers fell to the floor. My tail weekly defended my modesty, but it was easily held back by Zack, and my little pink slit was soon revealed again. This time, both Zack and Pete leaned in to have a closer look, and Doctor Ford returned, intrigued by the biological aspects of my situation.

My face burned with embarrassment. 'I am losing control of this situation,' I thought, feeling a rush of alarm. It became clear that now was the moment to put an end to this, to reclaim some semblance of authority. 'They are going to try and mate me.'

"She's really wet, captain," The doctor said coolly. "I think she wants it."

My heart raced as I heard those words. 'No' I thought to myself. 'I'm not!'

"You hear that?" Captain George said. "Sounds like you're anxious to start your new position at the company.. Why don't you see how this tastes.." Before I could object, the captain pressed the salty tip of his cock against my muzzle. He seemed to know exactly how to manipulate me. The sight and smell of him was intoxicating. His commanding confidence seemed to have a swooning effect, overwhelming my senses and judgment. I took him into my muzzle and felt his every twitch against my tongue. I was under some kind of spell.

After that, all bets were off. Zack moved into position behind me, and the Strong German Shepherd's paws firmly gripped my waist. He pulled my tail out of his way and I immediately felt his slippery cock making a mess of the fur between my thighs. Pete moved to obtain a better view and even the doctor began to stroke himself. Soon I would be penetrated on both ends and the rest of my crew thought best to spectate. I was tense and afraid, but my whole body seemed quite prepared for this. I was mortified to discover that I simply had no fight left within me, and I did my best to prepare. 'I guess this is it'.

He slipped inside of me smooth and without resistance, and I felt a sharp and unexpected pain. I produced a pathetic muffled cry of protest against the huge flesh between my jaws, but it wasn't going to make much of a difference. After decades of hibernation, it was evident that they were quite pent up.

They had taken full advantage of my shock. Zack gripped my tail and rutted me like a horny teenager, and after the initial sting had diminished, it began to feel deliriously good. It was like his cock was tickling all of the right spots inside of me, sending little jolts of wonderful energy up my spine, and spread throughout the rest of my body, right to the tip of my tail. It was far more intense than anything I had experienced with my male anatomy. The width of his cock was titillating a spot that had to be my new clitoris. I began to arch myself for him.

His heavy balls slapped against me, reminding me of what I was in for. 'Alright, I'll stop him before he cums in me,' I thought, 'But I suppose I could just let him fuck me for a little longer.

He must not have been too concerned about my insemination... With a surprising growl, he suddenly gripped my waist hard and held me close. I felt hot pressure building within me, and it took me a moment to realize what was happening. He hadn't even the patients to concern himself with my sensibilities or concerns and began filling me with his cum. The powerful German Shepherd's tail began to flag as I weakly pulled away, bemoaning that my lot had already been decided. Zack seemed to mind not at all. He felt perfectly comfortable finishing in my belly fur, and afterwards, quite discourteously wiping himself off on my tail. Rude.

Pete must have felt quite entitled to my body as well, and I soon felt his thick Malamute fur against my backside. What did it matter at that point, I had already been inseminated and Zack had left me frustratingly close to orgasm. I made a weak show of resistance, but continued to wrap my tongue, and suckle at the captain's cock. My credibility was not holding up well. I was horny as I've ever been in my life, and I may as well get the best out of it.

Zack, still breathless, slumped into the jump-seat beside Niel, who pretended not to notice his nude, muscular figure, or the strong scent of sex emanating from his soiled fur. Zack's insouciance stood in stark contrast to Neil's sullen expression. "This bitch wants it bad bro, look at her." Neil cast his gaze briefly in my direction, as Pete pushed his cock through my fur. "Don't you think Max should have had a say about this? What if it had been you that was transformed without your consent?" Zack just clucked his tongue and let out a slight chuckle. "Nah, man. Security officer...Nah... It had to be the pilot."

'It had to be the pilot?'

I hadn't time to consider those words, as Pete suddenly plowed into me, causing me to moan loudly. Every bit as enthusiastic as Zack had been, he pinned me into the back-rest of the jump seat, and pistoned his swelling rod into me with all of his available energy. I continued to moan and wail, as the lewd sticky sound of wet fur slapping together filled the bridge. I leaned into his cock when the angle was perfect. I couldn't stop my tail from wagging. "Oh you like it there, you little slut?"

The captain graciously removed his cock from my lips so that I could answer Pete. He seemed to understand the extent to which he had command over me. "You like how he's fucking you?" The Great Dane asked softly, tilting my muzzle upwards with his paw. "Uh. huh." I responded meekly, shocked by my total lack of self-control. I looked up at the captain, my head jerking forward into his lap with each of Pete's powerful thrusts. "Tell Pete how much you want him to cum in you." He just had to make sure that my humiliation was comprehensive.

"Yes" I moaned softly.

"Say it," The captain repeated "Loud enough that we can all hear you."

'No deference expected, and none given'.

'Why bother fighting this' I thought, as I bit my lip and labored to swallow my pride.

"I... I want him to cum in me!"

"See?" The Captain said to Niel. "She's doing just fine."

I found it hard to look Neil in the eyes. While I truly appreciated his standing up for me, the captain had a point. My ears hung low, and my tongue hung out. I twisted my head around and gazed up at Pete like the submissive little slut that I was. Just then, I witnessed his expression change, then felt a rhythmic powerful twitching within my depths. That tickle of warm pressure sent me over the edge as well, and I squealed with pleasure as I climaxed around him, welcoming all of the Malamute's generous deposit.

When he was finished with me, I rose to take a breath. I stumbled, encumbered by the trousers around my ankles, and I began to waddle clumsily towards the lavatory. I thought that I had soiled myself, but began to realize that it was thick warm globs of canid seed that was rolling down the inside of my thighs. I caught a reflection of myself in the vanity though, and was awestruck by my voluptuous figure. 'Pretty good looking bitch' I thought. 'I would fuck me.'

The captain returned to Neil's left, placed his paw on his back, and gently nudged him forward. "Go ahead, you're next buddy." Niel was shy and apprehensive, or at least he pretended to be. I noticed his eyes had been lingering on my rear as I bent over to remove my boots and free myself from my trousers. I hadn't even noticed that I had kept my tail raised, and must have presented quite a view. I doubt any canid would have been able to resist me, no matter how principled. The captain's paw soon left Neil's back, as he rose from his seat to begin removing his suit. Ever the gentleman in his approach, the slim German Shepherd gently took hold of my paw, and guided me towards the briefing table. He effortlessly lifted me by the hips and placed me on the cool composite surface, my naked rear contrasting with its chill. I set back upon my elbows, and spread my legs for him.

I felt very strange with my crew mate standing between my spread thighs, his long reddish brown cock pointing towards my slick opening. I couldn't make eye contact with him at first. Gratefully, he seemed more interested in my figure, and his paws felt quite nice against my small breasts and nipples. My tail flagged excitedly as he began to push his way into me.

Each time his cock brought me to climax was better than the last... When he came, he gripped my hips tightly and collapsed on top of me, and my flush and swollen pussy milked him. I found myself holding the doctor's cock in my right paw, stroking up and down his length, ensuring that he'd be ready for me when the young geneticist was spent.

The dalmatian doctor hardly gave me time to catch my breath, moving to replace Neil in between my legs. He certainly enjoyed my well used pussy, and when he began to erupt inside of me, I felt great pressure deep in my belly as cum must have been flooding my small womb by that point. I came again and again, gripping him and squealing pathetically with each blissful crescendo. Each orgasm a catalyst, my hornyness redoubling with each twitch, and lamenting a loss when he pulled away. I trembled and moaned and blushed through my white fur. I felt curiously empty.

Our great-dane captain, still patient, sat back with a little smirk and stroked himself periodically. His cock was almost twice the size of the other crew members, and it was making me a little apprehensive. "It didn't take long for you to become a real cum slut, pilot." The captain mused. "You're just loving this aren't you?"

I found his lack of deference demeaning. He seemed to understand well that invective would do little to deter me. I had no words for the captain. I got the feeling that he wanted the crew to understand well, that they would all have to share my pussy, and that he wanted to make sure that I had not, the self respect to protest. Another twinge of excitement perked in me as I fixated on his massive cock, and my dirty mind pondered what it might feel like inside of me. How was I not yet satisfied? He gestured with his nose to come hither and I came.

I didn't want to make eye contact as I approached. He grabbed my wrist, and rotated me into his lap. I was able to take measure of him as I placed my paw on his cock, and angled it upwards against my belly. His tip extended beyond my belly button, and I grew worried. "Come on yah little slut. You know what to do." He said softly to me. I shuttered with embarrassed excitement, and briefly surveyed my spent crew-mates. Zack was stroking himself, eager for the show to begin, and Pete emerged from the lavatory, still stark naked with a mischievous grin on his muzzle.. Neil and the doctor also seemed quite ready for more. They watched as I slid my paw up and down the huge shaft parked between my slender thighs as I did my best to prepare. He was rock-hard beneath my paw pads and I was able to enjoy a brief moment of reflection. 'I'm performing precisely as intended. The company did this to me. There is no guilt to be had here.' I reasoned with myself. I raised my slender hips above his lap, and led his tip towards my well-lubricated entrance. I bit my lip, and patiently impaled myself upon his thick throbbing girth, groaning as my very inexperienced new pussy stretched around him. "That's it." He muttered between laborious panting. "Take it all."

Carefully I managed to push his flesh into me, surprised to learn that I would be able to envelop his entire length. I began to ride him as my stunned crew watched in amazement. Each orgasm seemed to prime me for more, and I began to beg his for his cum. I was able to witness with excited amazement when this thick flesh jerked between my legs, and I felt I might burst as his seed began to flood my womb. I shook and moaned and collapsed with exhaustion. I felt like my heart would burst from my chest, and my new genitals were sore, but the crew of the Eros were not finished with me yet...

I did adopt the role I was given, perhaps even surpassing the company's expectations on that point. Even as my pregnant belly began to protrude, I continued to bend over for my crew-mate whenever they were so inclined. I eventually retired my trousers, as none of the clothing on board fit properly, and my crew-mates' deposits would leak from me throughout the day, making it impossible to keep anything clean. Even while pregnant, I continued to produce fertilized eggs, which could be extracted for full term incubation. The system's well-thought-out efficiency made me think... 'Perhaps I was meant to be the 'egg producer' all along'...

Love Potion #12

I woke up to the sound of empty beer cans shuffling around the floor of Brad's old Chevy van as we made a quick left-right and an abrupt stop. I opened my eyes slowly, stretched, and checked my phone. No messages, time's 2:11, it's almost 1 hours drive...

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Experiencing Feral Heat 3: Changes

Experiencing feral heat 3 : Changes Cathy braced herself nervously as the Rottweiler loomed over her. His large tip poked her ass, probing for an entrance. It felt like electricity. Her lust was surly driving her mad. 'Oh hurry up and fuck...

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Experiencing Feral Heat 2: Cathy Meets the Gang

There might be an error or two. I'm dyslexic so I'm naturally a terrible editor. I hope you still enjoy it. :) Experiencing Feral Heat 2: Cathy Meets the Gang The next morning, Cathy would awaken first. The sun was warm on her fur...

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