Rarity's World Toys

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Blue is about to score BIG. He's about to sleep with the legendary beauty named Rarity. However, he is also about to learn just how twisted this mare really is when she reveals the number one thing that makes her wet. Rarity may be a clean proper mare on the outside, but on the inside, the thing she most desires is destruction on a massive scale...

Rarity's World Toys

By: Blobskin

Contains: MLP, Rarity, cock-block, tease, micro, mass death

Version: 1

Blue couldn't stop grinning to himself. He had managed to pull it off after all. He had successfully plucked the golden fruit. He had obtained the meaning of life. Done the impossible. Made every stallion's dream his reality.

Blue had not only secured a date with the legendary beauty that was Miss Rarity, but also impressed her enough to invite him back to her place for something.

Of course he knew what she meant. There was just one activity two adults, a mare and a stallion, could do together only in private. And oh he was ready.

Glancing to the side he couldn't help but admire the exquisite dress she wore and the meticulous style of her mane. She looked back at him. They shared a coy smile. She flashed her eyelids. His heart skipped. Blue stepped closer to her, pressing their sides together. Rarity giggled and rubbed her muzzle along the underside of his chin. He swallowed.

They made for quite the lovely pair.

The Carousel Boutique, Rarity's store and home, neared. Blue thought he should say something, but no words came to him. Then they arrived. She moved in front of him. She cleared her throat as a blush lit up her pale fur.

"Well... here we are. Would you like to come inside?"

He snickered. "Yes please. Lead the way."

Rarity couldn't hold back her excited grin and rushed to open the door. Blue was happy to follow. Within a moment the two found themselves amidst mannequins in various states of dress.

"Should I give you a tour or should we... skip that?" Rarity asked bashfully.

Blue considered that they might be moving just a little too fast. "Let's skip the tour, but still take a minute to relax," he suggested in a cool tone.

Rarity covered her muzzle with a hoof. "Of course," she squeaked cutely. "I'll simply hang up my dress so we can..." her voice petered out.

"Cuddle?" he suggested with a chuckle.

She nearly hiccuped. "Yes, that sounds delightful. You can explore the lounge in the meantime," she offered quickly while directing him to a side room.

Blue watched longingly, and perhaps a bit lustfully, as the mare dashed away. Unfortunately her dress kept her well covered. For now. He snorted and shook his head. This night was looking better and better, he just had to keep up the charm. Rarity was a classy mare and she wouldn't tolerate anything less than a proper gentleman.

Feeling the need to calm himself, Blue decided to do just what Rarity suggested. He began exploring the lounge. There was a fireplace, an expensive love-seat, bookshelves, and a finely made wood cabinet. Curiosity peaked, the stallion waddled over to have a look inside. There were glasses and a bottle of wine. He grunted with amusement. What else did he expect to find?

After a few moments spent browsing her collection of novels Blue realized he was still wearing his suit while his date was currently getting undressed upstairs. Should he do the same? He'd have to eventually of course. But where would he put it? It was a nice tux and simply tossing it on the floor would have been a crime. Blue struggled with his dilemma for a minute or two before deciding he really had to. If Rarity was going to be all-natural then he should too.

However, as the stallion was wrestling with the buttons, the tapping of hooves approached. He paused his efforts to lock eyes with the mare as she stepped into the room. She took note of his state and giggled.

"Do you need some help with that?" Rarity offered playfully.

"Please," he replied humbly.

A minute later the unicorn had his tux held aloft in her magical grip. And her stare was unmistakable. Blue was quite the muscular earth pony underneath his formal wear.

"Oh my," she mumbled dreamily.

The stallion wiggled his brows before getting cocky. He stepped forward, pressing into her personal space so the only thing she could see was his toned chest muscles. Then he lifted a hoof and caressed her cheek. Her magical grip on his tux instantly broke and the clothing dropped to the floor. Not that either of them noticed or cared.

"This is..." Rarity swallowed. "So fast..."

"Tell you what," Blue started, "I'm willing to slow down as long as you show me exactly what gets your blood really pumping."

The mare's face was red with desire and she was already sweating. Her eyes fluttered up at him as she answered without thinking. "O-f course. Then you'll..." she couldn't finish her own question.

The mare backed away, stumbling as though in a daze, then led him upstairs. Every step made Blue hotter and hotter. His eyes were glued to the white unicorn's flanks. Her tail teasing him endlessly as it bounced back and forth in front of his prize. Rarity wasn't the only one unable to think straight now.

They entered a bedroom fit for a noble.

When the mare reached the center of the room she spun around to face him once more. However, before she could speak, he decided to strike. Blue pounced forward and kissed her. Long and passionately. She moaned with lust and her eyes drifted closed. When they separated a moment later she was swaying on her legs, barely able to stand. Her lips trembled. Blue grinned, wrapped a hoof around her neck, and pulled her to his chest. Rarity squeaked, but instinctively began stroking his muscles. For the next minute that was all she could bring herself to do. Stand there in his embrace and feel him.

Then he leaned into one of her ears and whispered huskily. "Show me what gets you wet so I can make you scream."

The mare shivered. She barely managed to pull herself out of his embrace so she could respond. "Okay," was the only word she could manage.

Rarity took one of his hooves in her much smaller own and began stumbling backwards towards the bed. With every footfall Blue felt like it was getting harder and harder to control himself. The anticipation was about to make him explode. His ears were ringing. His heart was beating so hard it was starting to hurt. The mare in front of him looked so ready he could simply take her right now. Who even needed the bed?

The pale unicorn stopped. They were standing next to a mattress covered by a smooth plane of purple and white sheets. It looked so pristine. So well made. It was almost shameful what they were about to do to it.

"W-when I'm alone, I often use... a... toy..." Rarity admitted with embarrassment.

Oh this was hot. Blue licked his lips and caressed her cheek again. "Not tonight, baby. I'm here now. So tell me how you like it?"

She swallowed as she looked into his confident eyes. "Rough... and..."

"Go on," he encouraged, brushing Rarity's mane back.

"There's one more thing. It... makes the... sex... so much more... intense..."

Blue leaned into her ear like before. "Tell me," he ordered simply.

The mare shook. She swallowed. She took a breath. "I can't... I have to show you."

The stallion rolled his eyes and took a step back so Rarity could recompose herself. Which she did surprisingly quickly. With a shake of her head she faced the bed and began to cast a spell. At first Blue was merely curious. But then he began to worry. Her horn glowed brighter and brighter and the whine of power grew louder and louder. Soon the light and the roar were the only things he could sense. Blue didn't know a lot about magic, but it was pretty obvious this little unicorn was casting a serious spell. He couldn't help taking a step back and covering his eyes. He was about to call out for her to stop, certain something had gone terribly wrong, when everything came to a sudden end all on its own.

Blue blinked the spots from his eyes, unsure if he was quite so ready to ravage the mare after a display that over-the-top. When he was able to see again he quickly found Rarity still by the bed and that nothing seemed different. The stallion glanced around the room and still couldn't tell what she had done. Had she faked him out? Had it been just a test of his composure? He eyed the mare with perhaps a touch of anger at the thought, but realized she wasn't looking at him.

She was just standing there staring at her bed sheets.

He sighed, trying to recapture some of his lost lust for her after that scare. Blue took a breath and puffed out his chest. Then he stepped towards her with his mask of confidence in place once again... only for it to fall off as he finally discovered what her spell did. Now his face shown with surprise and confusion.

Rarity's bed had become... a map?

Two green continents with a couple brown patches. The classic ridges that highlighted the edges of mountains. A vast blue expanse that was obviously an ocean. And, for the final touch, endless white lights that showed where the cities were.

"Isn't it... so hot?" Rarity sighed.

Blue had no idea how to respond. It was definitely an interesting trick. Pretty, even. Who didn't like a good picture of the world from space at night? But why did she manifest this?

"You want to have sex on-top of this?" he asked uncertainly.

"Yeah..." she hummed, head drooping as she simply admired it.

Blue wanted to laugh. This is what turned her on? Doing it on a map? To each their own he guessed. It didn't bother him except for the effort she used to make it appear. Why did it take such a crazy spell? Couldn't she just buy a sheet with a night-time map of the world printed on it? Whatever, there were better things to do than theorize about Miss Rarity when he could be getting inside of her.

He quietly cuddled up to her side and shoved his muzzle into her mane. Then he gave her a good loud sniff. She squirmed at his touch. "Enough admiring the landscape," he whispered to her. "Let's get on that bed and make some love."

"Yes," she cooed, out of breath already.

With slow careful movements, Rarity placed one of her hooves on the edge of the sheet. Then she moaned deeply, as though he'd just penetrated her. Blue scoffed silently at that. This mare was weird. But sexy. Then the unicorn hopped onto the mattress, took two steps, and fell onto her side. She fluttered her lashes at him and beckoned him with a dainty wave. The stallion couldn't resist. With his powerful muscles he leaped into the bed, landing on top of the mare an instant later. She squeaked and he again snatched a kiss from her.

She exhaled deeply as his muzzle retreated from hers. So he could loom over her. Dominate her. One of his legs to either side of her barrel. She was_his_. And she was about to be...

...something was... wrong...

Blue paused. The sheet beneath each of his hooves felt strangely... crumbly. He glanced down at the mattress, particularly where he was standing, and was confused by what he saw. The once green "landscape" seemed to be distorted and not in the normal way sheets wrinkle when disturbed. No, the map beneath them was... breaking? Changing and reshaping. Around each of his hooves there was now a raised ring of brown. And much of the "lights" had vanished or were... flickering?!

Blue blinked. And that wasn't all. The "ocean" was moving. Waves were rushing across the surface in slow motion away from where Rarity had dropped onto her back and was even cresting along the coastlines as it went. The stallion curiously lifted one of his hooves, intending to do another test, but was immediately stopped by what he found under his foot. A crater lined with tiny red and orange lines that reminded him a little too much of magma.

"What is this?" he mumbled aloud.

"What do you think? It's amazing, isn't it?" Rarity sighed, squirming on her back and ripping up the continent beneath her.

Blue was at a loss for words. "Is this... an illusion?" Was that why it had been so hard to cast?

"Oh no," Rarity was quick to protest. "It's very real." At his blank stare she decided to explain. "A while back my friend Twilight created a spell that let us bring things from other worlds into our own or send things from ours to others. While that alone was rather fascinating, we also quickly discovered that the spell didn't maintain the size of objects. So you could teleport a hairbrush to another world, but make it arrive the size of a building. Or vice versa. You could teleport a squirrel from another world here and have it appear as big as a castle.

"Or as small as a pea," she finished suggestively.

Blue wasn't sure what to even think about that. He, of course, knew of the extraordinary magical exploits of Princess Twilight. But this? What did this have to do with a world travel spell?

"Twilight taught me the spell and I've been having all kinds of fun with it since. The first thing I did was teleport a whole planet here. Then," she grinned darkly up at him, "I shoved it up my rear." The mare squirmed at the pleasant memory, deforming the landscape below her even more. Then she sighed with frustration. "But it didn't last. When I came, I crushed the delicate thing and it was gone. After a few attempts though I was able to learn how to take only the surface of a world and how to wrap it around my toys or drape it over things. Like my bed," she finished while patting a spot on the sheet. Instantly tidal/shock waves began racing outward across the miniature ocean.

Blue glanced around the bed as a cold horror filled his body. He couldn't help noting every crater, gouge, and split in the terrain.

"Is this world... inhabited," he asked dumbly. He already knew the answer from the lights.

Rarity grinned. "Of course. Just think. We're having sex on top of an entire planet. Our lust is going to exterminate an entire civilization. And there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. Isn't that. So. Fucking. HOT?"

It was at that moment Blue remembered the most important rule of the stallion code:

Never stick your dick in crazy. Especially powerful crazy.

Author's Note:

Someone once asked me to write more macro Rarity. No specifics. So... here you go. Also inspired by the artist Notbad621 and his "Home Sweet Worlds" series. Very sexy. While I intended this to be a Flash Fic and only about 1000 words long, the length simply ballooned out of necessity.