Screwing Oneself.

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#19 of Smut Quickies


We've reached the end of our 13 Smut Quickies Marathon with the thirteenth SQ!

This one centers around our lovely Zoroark, Rammy Sonet, fucking himself...Literally speaking. Gotta love us some good ol' fashion selfcest, hehe.

It's been a long ride, especially when considering I've been writing all 13 of these SQs for...who knows how long, TBH. But regardless, at least all of them are finally here and live for the world to see! And on that note: I hope you enjoy~


Motionless. Emptiness.

Absolute hollow is all there is.

Until something...sparks.

Bright lights illuminate throughout the Void, shining brighter and brighter. Sparkling, dazzling--_vibrating. _The light pulsates, sizzling with livelihood!


A merely large cabin is formed: No door, no windows--just simply floating by its lonesome as the light fades.

The cabin lacks any light inside, being dark and barren like the outside. But then something materialize within: A tall lamp, placing itself to the right. It lights up the place, unraveling the wooden textures on both the floor and walls alike. Afterwards, a king size bed is formed in the middle, leaning up against the wall above. Some pillows cast themselves on the bed, remaining still and lifeless.

A few other things spawn into the cabin: A round table ahead of the bed along with a fridge, some freshly made food residing within. Two water sit on the table, idling as a dresser casts beside the bed, containing three dildos of various size and shapes. (Strap-ons included!)

With the preparation out of the way, one last thing is summoned: A figure, dawning in bright white. Once their light ends, the individual yaps, falling onto the bed.


The black fox caresses his head, his red hair flowing with elegance as it lacks the blue orb keeping it together.

"What in the..." He blinks. "How did I--"


The Zoroark's ears flickers, gazing up: Another person materializes above.


The individual falls next to him, their glow ending immediately.


This person turns out to be another Zoroark much like the other: Flowing red hair, lushous dark fur, and of course--the curvaceous _assets. _She whimpers, lifting herself up. "Ugh..." She caresses her head: Her large tits shift, red areola displaying with tantalization.

The other fox gazes at her: Basking in her voluptuous appearance, his canine shaft hardening at the sight. (I have no clue where I am, but--) he blushes. (Huff...)

The lady Zoroark shakes her head. "Where are we?" she asks, turning her gaze towards the erecting Zoroark. She blinks: Captivated by the guy Zoroark eyeing her up with temptation. Catching on, she smirks. "I suppose that answer can wait for now...~" She gropes her tits, rubbing and fondling.

"Like what you see, mister?" The kitsune gazes at the male Zoroark's dick: Throbbing and thumping, its knot pulsating out of the sheath. The woman giggles. "Gonna give that a 'yes' then." Her pussy soaks the bed with its juices, her lips licking.

The man chuckles. "Couldn't hide it regardless since we're both here naked." He scratches his head. "Apparently..."

The lady kitsune eyes herself up, blinking. "Huh. You're right, hehe." She rests her head on her elbow, purring. "At least it makes seeing your dick much easier." Winks. "It looks really magnificent, sir."

The guy kitsune snaps his fingers, winking back. "Likewise to your pussy, ma'am." He then leans close to her, the two exchanging bedroom looks. "The name's Rammy Sonet." Smirks. "You?"

The female Zoroark snaps out of her daze, blinking.

Rammy tilts his head. "What?"

"That's...bizarre." She points to herself. "Because my name's also Rammy Sonet, too!"

Rammy blinks for a moment before jumping back.

"E-Eh!?" The fox strokes his chin. "Well then, haha..." Shrugs. "Can't say it's the first time I've met another version of myself."

The lady Rammy perks up. "Really?"

Rammy nods at her. "Yep: I managed to create a clone of myself by accident during a school project. And right now, he's living with me." He caresses his arm. "He can be quite the...stubborn and stern type, per say: Acting like he's against the sexual stuff I do, but in reality he isn't." Snorts. "Goofy fella he is, haha."

The other Rammy tilts her head. "I see." She giggles. "Funny that you say that because I also created a clone of myself by accident, too!"

Rammy gasps, hand to his lips. "Oh?"

She nods. "Yep! She's as stubborn and stern as yours'." Rammy snickers behind her hand. "The woman actin' like what I do is so vile and deplorable even though I'm physically seeing her panties being soaked from the moment of dicks I received."

"Tenos when he kept telling me he doesn't like it soft while jerking off to our calm sex." The male Rammy chuckles. "It's quite endearing seeing my clone flip-flopping between moods like that."

The female Rammy waves her hand. "Oh trust me: I feel the same way towards my clone, too. The cutie~"

"Sweet." He eyes over the female Zoroark. "But yeah..." His hands casually caress the other's tits. "Not sure how I got into this...bizarre place, though." He looks around briefly.

The other Rammy moans, returning favor via stroking the male's dick. "Same here. But I am noticing that, mmm..."

"Hmm?" His face leans close to hers', giving the other Rammy a chance to kiss him.

"This place is making us really horny by the minute. Like moreso than usual, don't you think?"

Rammy blinks: Feeling something rising within his body. Something heated and enticing. "Mmm..." He snorts. "Yeah, I'm feeling that horniness, alright." The thicc fox pushes the other thicc fox on her back: His chest nudging her tits, exchanging lustful gazes. "How about we question more of this place later and start...satisfying each other, hmm~?"

"Heh, reading my thoughts exactly." She caresses his cheek.

"Funny considering you're me from another world. Or dimension."

She taps Rammy's snout. "The latter."

The zoroark purrs. "Nice to hear, beautiful." His cock grinds against the lady's wet pussy, Rammy spreading her legs. The male Rammy rubs her cheeks, licking her lips. She shivers, purring as the man asks the following: "Are people from your New Earth as sex loving and mine?"

Rammy licks back, the fox giggling. "Of course, handsome." Her snout nuzzles against the male's. "Now fuck and talk, please~"

"You don't have to tell me twice~"

With that, Rammy plunges his dick into the other Rammy's pussy: The kitsune mewls in delight as she immediately grips around the shaft, her walls welcoming it.

"Mmm, fuck," the male Rammy states.

"Oh goodness, yes! Fuck, this feels as great as Millo's dick, mmm!" the female Rammy mentions.

"Oh? Millo's a guy in your verse?" Rammy asks, moving his hips back before thrusting forward. He groans.

"Yep!" Rammy grins at her male counterpart. "I'm just going to assume everyone you know is the opposite sex of everyone I know."

"Hah, sounds bout right." He thrusts. "I can, mmm, only imagine what sex Katherine is in your world."

She giggles. "And he's, mmm, FUN with scissors too, ah~!"

Rammy snorts, further pulverizing the fox's insides. "I see~"

The two Rammys lean forward, kissing each other as the guy shoots his precum into the lady, his knot clapping those the folds. The woman mewls, her eyes half closed, her toes curling. She moves her tongue all around the kitsune's maw, the man going into her rougher and deeper.

Her womb's smacked and slapped and hammered multiple times, her huge breasts riding on the man's chest. She drools, momentarily pulling back from the kiss.

"God, your dick is fucking big!" she exclaims, spraying her juices over the fox's dick.

Rammy grins. "And your tits are so fucking big~"

The two giggle, their climax approaching.

"You really are like me, mmm~"

"Because I am you."

The Rammys embrace another kiss, exchanging passionate moans and drools before releasing: Rammy dumping loads upon loads of cum inside of Rammy as the latter ejaculates juices everywhere, painting their lower bodies, their dick and pussy, and the bedsheets like a flood. The their tongues rattle, the male fox fondling the female's tits: Exchanging looks of pleasures.

Some of their juices and seeds land onto their faces, the two snickering afterwards.

"That's a lot of, mm, cum you release there, handsome," Rammy says, her stomach bloating as she moans like the slut she is.

The male Rammy slides his hands underneath the other's ass, smirking. "Likewise, beautiful."

The female Rammy smirks back: Throwing the fox into another makeout session, flipping each other over. The woman rides on the fox's dick, juices and seeds slipping out of her hole. Moan swapping, tongues tangoing--Rammy groping and smacking the lady's voluptuous ass, spreading his legs to provide her more room. His puffy anus puckering as the other Rammy clings to the sheets with her feet.

"Mmf. Ah!" Her booty wobbles and quakes, her partner abusing it further with his balls. She wraps her arms around the kitsune, exchanging passionate gazes. "God, I love being fucked in the pussy~"

"Ngh, great: Because I love fucking pussies~"

"It's like we're meant to be~"

The duo purrs between kisses: Rammy pounding into the other, keeping up with the rhythm. The bed rumbles and quakes, the woman's ass jiggling each time. She mewls, wiggling her tongue up and down the fox's.

"Ngh, that's right." She slams. "Oh fuck me so hard, Rammy!" She slams once again, her belly bulging.

Something small pulsates behind the two, but they pay it no mind while continuing their lustful business: Rammy drooling, pumping out several precums along the way. The other Rammy giggles, wiggling her behind.

"Gosh, you're so hard and horny. Mmf."

"Mmf, says the woman riding me like a bull."

"Getting fucked by one sounds just as nice, hehe."

"Haha, that's very true."

Rammy speeds up, his cock twitching, his tip ramming into the Rammy's filled womb like crazy. The female Zoroark moans in ecstasy, her tits flailing about while slamming back.

"So rough! So eager!" She pants on his lips, gazing into his turquoise. "So. God. Damn. _HORNY--_AAAH!" The woman squirts her juices over the shaft, her asscheeks coating in some of them as her juices further paints the bedsheets.

Rammy's eyes widen in satisfaction, unloading his usual messy seeds while his penetration persists. Jizz spill everywhere: His balls, the other Rammy's ass, and the sheets itself.

"OH FUCK!" He gnashes his teeth, clenching his toes.

The lady Rammy giggles. "Still, mm, going aren't we?" she says, a slight bulge forming in her belly.

"You know it, hun! Ah!" The kitsune hugs the other, pounding her creampied pussy into submission. "Fuck, your pussy is so addictive." Moans. "Perhaps the best I've ever fucked yet, mm!"

The woman simply pats Rammy's head, purring. "The feeling's mutual, handsome."


Rammy latches onto the other Rammy's right tit, swirling his tongue around it.


He bops his head, vigorously speeding up. The female Rammy grips his head: His balls slapping her big buns, previous seeds and juices oozing out of her in satisfaction. Her tongue hangs loose, the kitsune wrapping her legs around the other as she's being boned to hell and back, her toes curling.

"F-Fuck, this is amazing!" she exclaims, rubbing the zoroark's head. "Oh harder, you sexy beast! Ruin my pussy further, dammit~!"

The guy Rammy nods: Slamming and thrashing, living up to his name big time. His knot slides in and out, further stimulating the folds.

"Mmmf!" (Horny people, my beloved~)

The lady Rammy spews her milk onto his tongue, leading him to drink it instantly. She already splashes her pre-juices on his shaft, loving the feeling of his tip slamming her womb nonstop.

"Oh god, oh fuck!" Rammy exclaims. "My my, I'm going to cum already, Rammy hun~!"

"Nghmf!" Rammy rolls his eyes up, his thrusts increasing to ridiculous levels: Almost to the point of his balls blurring.

"AAH!" His female counterpart can't hold it anymore as she cums all over the shaft, spraying juices everywhere. "BREEEEEEEEEEEED THIS HORNY BITCH!"

Rammy pounds and pounds until he stops momentarily, giving his final thrust a one GOOD slam.



More wild and juicy seeds spiral throughout the lady Zoroark, oozing out like a river. The seeds spread across the room, including the bed itself. Some manage to splash onto the two's faces, the look of astonishment spreading across the woman.

Her eyes widen, her tongue hanging: This is bliss incarnation.

(God, yes!) She strokes the back of his head. (He really IS me, hehe.)

Rammy sighs in relief, the other Rammy pulling away from the tit as saliva trails. He pants: Sweats sliding down the two.

"Damn, I needed that, mmm."

Rammy taps the other's snout. "I'm aware, silly."

They both giggle before kissing each other, moaning while their eyes close. The female Rammy wiggles on the male's dick, the man shivering.



After what feels like hours long of kissing, the lady fox pulls back: Her turquoise staring into Rammy's.

"I think I love you, handsome," she bluntly states.

Rammy blinks, smirking. "Hah, funny." He pulls his dick out of her pussy, groaning loudly as many jizz guzzle out of the hole. "Because I think I love you too, beautiful." Winks.

"Hehe, mmm." She lays a claw on his lips. "Platonically though, okay?" Sighs. "I'm not about that romantic relationship, to be honest."

"Ah. You know what?" Rammy lifts his claw into a thumbs-up state. "Same here!" He caresses the back of his head nervously. "Been through my fair share of romance before: It...felt uncomfortable."

"I know: The restrictions, the constant lying to yourself on thinking this is right for you--" Rammy shakes her head. "I've been through it all to know that: No, it is _not _right for me."

Rammy folds his arms. "I feel ya, girl." Sighs, his eyes closing. "I feel ya."

The female Rammy snaps her fingers. "That's why I'm all about that friends with benefits lifestyle. Now THAT'S for me, hehe."

"Yooo, same here!"

The two exchange laughter, giving each other high fives.

"I'm adoring how relatable you are to me in various ways, Rammy," the woman Zoroark says, giggling.

"That's because I am you, Rammy," the man Zoroark says, snickering.

After giggling once more, she takes her attention towards the various dildos: A thought popping up into her head. "Hmm...~"

Rammy tilts his head at the Zoroark. "What are you thinking?"

The woman doesn't answer: Simply strutting herself over to the dresser. The fox gazes at her, curiosity piquing.


The other fox caresses the dildos, kissing the humanoid one with gentle care. She strokes it, grabbing the ends before attaching it around her waist.

"So Rammy--"


"Are you into pegging~?"

She turns towards him, the red look of the toy glaring at the fox, captivating.

"Ooo..." Rammy simply say, the fox licking his lips in delight.

The other Rammy isn't phased by the many, many seeds draping the dildo, giggling. "Well? Still waiting on an answer, handsome~"

"Me? Into pegging?" Grins. "Hell yeah I am. I let my friends do it to me all the time." Winking, he spreads his legs out for the woman: His puffy hole puckering with anticipation.

The lady grins back. "Perfect: Happy to hear that, handsome~"

The woman struts, poking the Zoroark's entrance. The man shudders, biting his lower lip.

"Ready when you are, beautiful," Rammy says, purring.

The female zoroark smirks. "Oh I'm _always _ready, handsome." She rams, the two exchanging moans along the way.

"OH FUCK!" Rammy exclaims, his hole tightening around the dildo. His feet curls as he's being fucked missionarily, the kitsune giggling at his cute moans.

The bed rumbles as Rammy hammers into Rammy, her ass quaking. She groans, deepening the thrusts and ramming into the fox's good spot. The zoroark mewls, already spewing precum onto himself.

"Oh god, yes!" Grunts. "Peg this man real good, Rammy!" The Zoroark pants, his behind jiggling each time.

"Will do, you slut!" The lady fox jerks Rammy off, speeding up the pace. Her juices leak behind the strap-on, trailing down her legs. "That's right: Take being bottomed like a good boy you, mmm~"

"Ngh, more of a dirty talker when topping?"

She giggles. "You know it, handsome!"

Rammy's cock twitches. "Heh, I'm the opposite: I love talking dirty when someone tops me~" He eyes the bulge poking his belly, purring in satisfaction.

"Wonderful to hear, mmm." She rams. "That's one thing different between us! Besides the gender one, hehe."

"True, mmf." Rammy huffs, groaning more. "Now less talk and more fuck, you beautiful woman." His legs shift back and forth, stroking the bedsheets in satisfaction. The lady fox giggles, ramming and slamming endlessly.

Soon, Rammy shoots a massive amount of seeds all over himself and the woman, coating the two in a wild mess. He moans as the other Rammy pulls the dildo out, gripping the shaft with her tits.


He further climaxes as a result, shuddering along the way.

"Yes. Blast them bad boys all over me, you cum fountain." Rammy smiles widely, gazing at the big cock erupting like a volcano.

"F-Fuck yes, beautiful! Milk me up good, you menace!" Rammy's tongue hangs loose, continuing to cum. And cum. And_ cum--_painting the bed with his sweet batters, even. Soon, the female Rammy moves back: Leaving him lying in place.

"Mmm..." The fox sighs, closing his eyes and--


"Mm?" He perks up, gazing at the fox lady stroking her canine dildo. The Zoroark tilts his head. "Oh?"

"We're not quite done yet, aren't we Ram Ram~?" Rammy mentions before grinning, unraveling her fangs.

The male Rammy blinks for a moment before unraveling his own fangs, eagerly turning to his side. He smacks his voluptuous booty: Quaking, rippling, and wobbling.

"I was hoping you'd say that, hehe." He spreads his buns, his hole aching for another round. The woman gets behind him, sliding her canid toy inside. She spoons the fox guy: Lifting his leg before hammering him up.

The man moans happily. "Oh fuck me, yes!" He strokes the sheets once more. "You're quite good at this, mmm!"

"Considering I'm you: Why wouldn't I be?" She snickers, nibbling on Rammy's neck.

The Zoroark shivers, feeling the knot sliding in and out of him with ease. "Mmm, good point~!"

The other Zoroark moans, her tits rubbing up on the man's back, pounding him to her heart's content. Rammy jerks himself off, closing his eyes in bliss as he feels the dildo poking his belly. A bulge forms each time, the lady giggling with endearment.

"How many woman had the honor to peg you?" she asks, her juices spewing out of the strap-on.

"Mmm, a whole lot than I can count, really." His cock spews pre-jizz, coating his hand along with the sheets.

"Quite the easy pleaser, I see. Nice, mmm!" She speeds up. "Now guess what I'll, mmm, say next~"

"Ngh, is it 'that's funny: because I've pegged more guys than I can count'?"

Rammy licks his neck. "Ding ding DING! Correct, handsome!"

The male fox giggles, his climax approaching further as he moans loudly. He strokes the messy sheets, his tongue hanging loose.

"That's right: Moan. Moan like the sex-crazed slut you are~"

"Ah! Yes! Oh I'm such a dirty Zoroark for loving to get fucked like this~!"

And with that, the zoroark cums across the sheets, mewling in glee once the other slams into him: Shoving the whole knot and everything.

"Mmm, good boy," Rammy states, bringing the male fox's face to hers' before kissing him deeply. The duo moans: Their tongues swirling, their eyes gazing. She moves the shaft within him, causing him to dump a bit more batters across the sheets.

"Mmf~" She pulls back, saliva trailing. "Cumming some more from this, aren't we?"

The male fox smirks. "I'm quite the kinky switch: What can I say?"

The female fox smirks back. "Same."

Before the Zoroark knows it, the other withdraws her dildo and leaps for the horse one: Leaving his aching hole to pucker and widen. Rammy turns on his belly, sealing his ass' fate for another round. He shakes his voluptuous behind, shuddering with excitement.

(Meeting someone as horny as me is always a treat, especially when they're actually me~) he thinks, giggling.

The fox yaps at something big and girthy smacking between his booty, looking back. Rammy grins at him with deviousness, the horse toy nudging and grinding. The fox purrs, wobbling his behind.

"This horny man is ready for more pegging." He winks.

"_ Good. _"

The female Rammy grabs him by the waist.


She lifts him, her arms sliding beneath his legs: Locking them in place.


The dildo rubs his shaft, being quite bigger than his already large pole. He bites his lower lip.

"Nice: Love the fact that it's larger than my dick too, hehe."

"A specific kink you're into, I presume?" Rammy moves her hips back, positioning towards the fox's hole.

The male Rammy shudders at the entryway, anticipating the inevitable. "Somewhat. Maybe." Blinking for a moment, he leaps his tongue out playfully. "Yes~"

A wide grin spreads across the female Rammy's face. "How lovely." She rams that toy into him, the fox screeching in joy as a huge bulge forms in his belly.

"FUCK!" Is all Rammy utters, feeling like he's having hearts for eyes while admiring that huge bulge. The woman thrusts away, the bulge reappearing over and over, abusing the man's belly. His dick flails, his eyes rolling up in slutty bliss.

His ass quakes from the hip thrusts, his tongue hanging out as he drools. "Ah! Ngh!" His toes curls, embracing the full nelson glory. The bed rumbles with enthusiasm.

"Mmm. Yes!" The kitsune lady rams and slams and pounds--obliterating this man's insides. "That's right. Take it all in: Get fucked by the woman you came in three times~" she muses, her tits nudging up against the kitsune's back.

Precum ejaculates across the bed and onto himself as the fox moans louder than ever. "Oh goodness, yes! Get that sweet, sweet vengeance, hun! AH!"

The female Zoroark purrs, kissing the male's the cheek. Her speed increases, her thrusts hammering: Making the fox feel as heavenly as possible. Rammy's dick twitches, his climax inching close. He strokes the back of her head, embracing another sets of passionate kisses.

"Mmf!" the two say: Both climaxing right then and there.

Juices trickle down the woman's legs, cum guzzling out of the man's cock. The thrusts persist, moans emanating from the Rammys in satisfactory, drools sliding down.

(Man she's great.)

(Man he's great.)

They think at the same time, their eyes closing as their releases and pounds slow down. Rammy swirls his tongue around the woman's, purring. Soon, they pull away from the kiss: Saliva trailing, their eyes gazing, and their smirks being as devious as ever.


Rammy shudders, his partner yanking the dildo out of him. He sighs in relief.

"Mm, god that was great."

The lady Zoroark sets the man down, sweat sliding down her forehead. "I second that, sweetie."

"Wouldn't it be 'first that' since you're me?" He snorts.

The Zoroark caresses her chin, looking up. "Hmm...Asking the real questions here." The two snort, exchanging looks of endearment.


Rammy blinks, lying on his side as he fans himself. "Did you hear something?"

The other Rammy unbuckles her dildo, setting it aside. "I don't think I have, no."

"Huh..." He scratches the side of his head. "Must be my imagination, I guess."

Soon a small orb casts in the middle, barely forming itself as the duo pays it no mind. The fox yawns, stretching himself.

"If we're stuck here for who knows how long, then I wouldn't mind since that means we get to fuck each other a lot."


"I can dig that perspective a lot."

Rammy looks at his counterpart: His dick jolting immediately at the sight of the woman dawning her big canine cock, balls included.

"Now how about I start giving you the real dick treatment, hmm?" She winks, caressing her shaft.

Rammy's face reddens, a slick smile sliding across him. This is all he can say:

"Oh fuck yes."


A cliffhanger!? In MY Smut Quickies? Blasphemy!

But yes, this SQ will have a part 2 that's in the works as we speak. I have no clue when it'll come out, but expect it to be somewhere early 2024 or so.

I hope these patches of Smut Quickies were worth the wait along with being lovely Christmas gifts for you amazing readers that follows anything I write on here. It means a lot to me knowing that some of you enjoy what I write. <3

On that note:

Tune in for more of those contents next year!

Including the reopening of my writing commission form. x3

Static Havoc.

Somewhere, in the middle of the night, lies a lonesome Zorua: Dawning a white t-shirt and blue shorts while walking along the sidewalk. The city is dark, the streetlights being its only source of sight. Rammy rubs his arms, shivering. "Heh, quite...

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Edge of Spring.

"Springville" A well respected name of a casual village lying within Spring Woods, centering around the relaxation of a hot joyful spa. Many people go here after a hard day at work, some even deciding to partake in the gym owned by the mayor herself:...

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Counting the Night.

The full moon basks down upon this massive forest. Owls hooting, the leaves and bushes rustling--It's a pretty serene and bright night, almost too eerily quiet. And then a car passes by, rev engine ensuing. Driving around the forest is a dark fox...

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