And Oh, My Beloved (happy new year from the Tally Road novel!)

Story by Jinxtigr on SoFurry

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(follows Buckets Scene, and includes characters introduced in the Tally Road novel)

Boodins was still glancing in the direction of the back rooms. The screaming had shocked him- first, so wanton and erotic, and then escalating to that awful peak. Rai'd gone as far away as he could from the sound without going outside. Demarle seemed to be unfazed, though Boodins noticed her eyes narrowing a bit at some of the shrieks.

"What did he DO to her?" asked Boodins.

"If she wishes to tell you, she will. We offer at least some discretion for the... unusual clients. Faisand keeps reminding me that we shouldn't encourage too much of that..."

"I know Magarce... well, when she started getting all over me, she was pulling down my pants asking if I was a shopkeeper."

"Sure. That's part of the answer that's not a secret at all. You saw him."

"Yeah, but he seemed normal enough to me! I'm Resten too!"

"Sure. You're already enough to give Daucery a real workout, and you're one of their Scruff caste..."

"We don't have CASTE!" protested Boodins.

"Sorry, hon. Heh, maybe I'd better make amends with you later, as well... I'm not trying to be mean, I'm Nerre and it doesn't mean anything to us. But my point being- okay, you're just built differently. You're a lot more rangy, you've got longer arms, a less droopy muzzle, longer legs..."

"Oh yeah. I'm workin' class! And we kick ass. My dad's the head gardener at the Evensring estates."

"Yes, yes, but maybe you haven't personally considered... okay, you saw that guy, right? You've heard what Mags was talking about, the Resten Shopkeeper type? And you can see that he was that type?"

"Yeeeeeahh... yeah, the stumpy little arms and legs. I like mine better. We don't really mix a lot, back home, I gotta admit that..."

"Boodins, he was very nearly as tall as you, in spite of having little stumpy legs. Are you doing the math?"

"Um, what, big legs, big dick?"

"Oh no no, dear. No. His BODY is quite a bit bigger than yours. The shopkeeper stereotype is often quite true. It's just that with the shortness of their legs, their equipment seems ridiculously oversized. We always make a point of checking out Resten middle class when they come here- we have to. Nerre can take on a lot with practice, but some of your people would be too dangerous to play with. Twice we've sent a shopkeeper on his way with kisses, and a lot of fondling and licking at no charge, because nobody here would've been able to take him. Once we had to rush Daucery to the hospital, and that was enough. Now we test them."

Boodins looked tragic. "But... then... I'm just a little guy?"

Demarle smirked. "Don't be foolish. You must be an inexperienced kid, seriously. There's a sweet spot, even for the most passionate lovers of big cock, and it's never going to be just 'more' in a multicultural situation where we're going across species this way. The guys I mentioned? No Nerre in the world could enjoy them. I've seen lots of fantasy drawings of that pairing, honey, and sometimes they're drawn very impressively, but sweetie? Ink and paper can be made to do anything. Flesh- tears."

"Oh god!" yelped Boodins. "You sound like my Dad!"

"Really? I'd have thought his voice would be deeper, and not purr as much. Settle down, we're fine. We're professionals. But I can tell you, that guy in there with Brittery, he's borderline, and he has some... interesting needs. In fact I'm going to have to check on her because I did not like the sound of some of those screams."

She began padding furtively toward the back rooms. Boodins tagged along.

"Did she get hurt?"

"Shush! I just need to be sure..."

Demarle snuck up to one particular door, and listened against it, her white fluffy tail flicking about agitatedly. It took a little while- apparently those inside weren't making a lot of noise. Then, she stepped back, with an air of relief, whispering, "I think it's okay. I heard her talking, she sounds limp as a dishrag. I'm sure I would be..."

At the end of the short hallway, there was a knock at the door.

Demarle froze, then approached the door. The knock came again. She gestured Boodins away, but he protested. "What if it's something dangerous?"

"I'm pretty sure it won't be..." said Demarle, but she relented and Boodins moved in closer.

Demarle opened the door upon a dark back-alley, shaded heavily by nearby buildings, and a figure loomed. It was a Runge outline, bulky, a little stooped. It moved closer, and Boodins gasped, for he'd seen this wolf before. It was the police chief who'd questioned Rai, earlier. It was the cop who was friends with that Estrai detective, Voustrets, who had them running around investigating things. It was Anzende Ndeschwin, all the way from Kiesens, here in Verss, and Boodins briefly panicked and wondered if this cop had come to arrest him and Rai again.

Ndeschwin clearly recognized Boodins, as well. His eyes got wider, as if in alarm, and he glanced back and forth between him and Demarle uncertainly."

"Can we help you?" asked Demarle, pointedly.

The big wolf's uncertain look lingered, and then was replaced by a stubborn look. He set his jaw, and spoke. "Ah... goo. Guh... nwah." He said it looking down his muzzle with a how-dare-you-judge-me glint in his eye.

"Oh, fuck. Boodins, you go get Faisand right NOW! Go!"

Boodins bolted off, not so quickly that he couldn't hear Demarle saying, "Don't you dare start yet! You wait until she has you in the room for it! I mean it, some smells just don't help us do our regular work!" and the cop's reply of "Yes, ma'am."

Boodins spotted Faisand on the upper level, where she appeared to be having a cup of tea. He couldn't climb the wooden pole they used as stairs, so he jumped up and down excitedly, yelping "Faisand! Demarle needs you right now!"

"Oh, fuck." said the silverfurred Nerre in the simple white dress. "Duty calls, does it?" She set the teacup down carefully, a grimace twisting her feline face.

"She says right now!"

"Damn it, just because one of them messed in the hall, suddenly I have to rush about like a teenager. Hold it!" she yelled, and got up with cautious hurry. Boodins' eyes widened as Faisand swarmed down the pole with surprising agility for such an old cat- and as her dress billowed out revealing a great deal of a wiry, dancerlike body that suggested both her great age and the glories of her past. The dress fell back around her as she hit the floor with a cranky little mew of protest, and she strode off unhestitatingly, Boodins in her wake and fascinated.

As Boodins followed her, he noticed that Faisand stumbled for a moment when she came in sight of the cop and Demarle. It was just for a moment, and then she was hurrying down the hallway. Boodins wondered if she, too, was afraid she'd be arrested. He followed after, but caught an urgent stay-back gesture from Demarle, and halted well short of the doorway.

"Quickly, Faisand! Over to you!"

"All right all RIGHT. Is a good boy, then? Do we need to go to the little room?"

"Goo." rumbled the cop.

"Look, if we hold on just a LITTLE bit longer, look what I have!"

Faisand reached into her dress and produced a small lollipop.

"mmmMMMMmm!" rumbled the cop, reaching for it.

"Uht! First we go to the little room! Right?"

Boodins had grown more and more wide-eyed at this, but he didn't resist as Demarle took his hand and led him hastily back down the hall again. He kept looking back at the diminutive, elderly kitty and the grey-muzzled cop that said 'goo' and wanted lollipops and the little room.

But eventually they were lost to sight.

"Now quickly, will you go to the little room?"

"Bet your ass." rumbled the cop very quietly.

"sh! Now hurry, you mustn't have an accident here..."

The grey feline led the wolf cop quickly to a small room, and hustled him inside, switching on a light. Inside, was a very large table- no bed, but a cupboard with linens and child-care items, but strangely oversized- and a powerful exhaust fan. She flipped it on- and shut the door very firmly, the lollipop in her other paw.

The old grey cat and old grey wolf cop hesitated for a moment, staring at the door.

"Do you think she bought it?" said Anzende Ndeschwin in his gravelly cop's voice.

"Yeah. They didn't guess." replied Faisand.

With that, in a single motion, the elderly grey feline dropped the lollipop on the floor, and flung herself into Anzende's passionate embrace, her frail body enfolded by his powerful lupine arms.

"Oh, my beloved... oh my darling..." stammered Faisand, clinging tightly.

"My love..." rumbled Anzende. "Wait... tears? What's this?"

"I... just didn't expect you to be here this soon. Oh, my love!"

"Something's happened."

Faisand pulled away from him a bit. "Does it have to come first?"

"So conscientious. No, you're crying, darling, that comes first."

"Oh phoo." sniffled Faisand. "You know how it is."

"Tell me, darling. I'm here for you."

Faisand gathered herself, wiping her eyes with the back of her paw. "I just... it's hard to take. These younger girls running around. Do you know how long it's been since someone asked to make love to me, never mind pay for it?"

"I don't know, hon. They ought to. I could tell them a few things, except it would blow my cover."

"It was you." said Faisand softly.

"What? Darling, I haven't been here in... it must have been five weeks! You're serious?"

"It was you." said Faisand softly, and sadly. "You are the last to know me. You're the only one that remembers."

"Oh, Faisand..." said the wolf cop.

"I never thought it would happen this way." continued Faisand. "It's as if people began looking more critically at me- drew back- and then, suddenly, there was nothing. I didn't notice it happening. I'm sure I couldn't have done anything if I had."

The old grey cat leaked shiny tears, as she said this in an unwavering, level voice. Her chin was high, and there was a terrible dignity in her open-eyed acceptance of her fate.

An acceptance, however, that Anzende Ndeschwin wasn't going to let pass without a fight. Before Faisand could continue, she let out an oof, as Anzende had seized her in another fierce hug, nearly knocking her over.

"Uh! Please, my love, you can't change it by squishing me!"

"No." growled the old wolf. "You're acting like you're not beautiful."

"That's easy for you to say, dearest." said Faisand acidly. "We're both running down like unwound clocks. Tell it to the customers. The ones without diapers."

"No! You're wrong. I wasn't sure this day would come."

"Anzy, darling, face it. I'm out of time. I'm done."

"No! You're MINE."

The old grey cat wriggled in Anzende's arms a bit, without being able to get free. "Don't be a fool, dear. I'm a working courtesan and nobody's to keep."

"You just said you were done."

"That's not yours to decide, Anzy! You've never said that before!"

"Because it isn't mine to decide." He released her, to gaze down into her eyes. "It's you who decided."

"Well... but... Anzy, I'm proud of my career! I'm quite good at what I do! Or I was... no, damn it, I'm still very good!"

"I know it." rumbled the wolf cop.

"And how dare you try to take that from me?"

"But I'm not." said Anzende. "I'm sorry. If you didn't mean it, never mind... I just thought..."

Faisand glanced sharply at the hulking, aging wolf. It was always this way- you pleased them, and they wanted to take possession and keep you. And yet... her bones ached, and she could not keep her curves in trim anymore, she sagged here and was too scrawny there, and it had been weeks.

The last one before Anzy had been a reporter, who was writing an article on prostitution across cultural and species divides, and there had been a real chance he would have just interviewed her. She'd insisted on demonstrating some points. He worked for a tabloid, so it wasn't surprising that he'd gone along with it- but he was a younger Runge guy, and when she disrobed, she was certain she'd seen a flash of disgust, when he'd seen the curve of her breasts, once so firm and taut, now more slack every year.

She'd wept for hours that night and never told anyone- and the next time she'd had a chance to get aggressive with a walk-in customer, she'd held back, and Daucery had romped over and dragged the guy off happily.

Faisand thought it was probably harder for her because she had been a famous beauty with a notorious body- she wasn't at all comfortable with any decline. She'd ridden on raw self-confidence until that terrible day when the guy's eyes said, your breasts sag and your haunches don't fill out any more, and I'm going to go along with this because I can get some great lines written about the tragedy of old whores not fading gracefully...

Faisand had never had the nerve to try and read what his article eventually said. A part of her died that day.

The maddening thing was, the rest of her was not ready to quit. Her muscles were in trim, she exercised, she was careful to not risk broken bones, and she had her secret wolf cop lover, who came seeking information about things in Verss that he couldn't learn by normal means- and ended up craving her, and never tiring of her even as the years wore on. And she craved him more and more, too, because he was marvellous, and she basked in his adoration and did her best with him every time.

And here he was, at the end of the line, claiming her.

And who else could have that right?

"Anzy, my love."

"Yes?" rumbled the wolf cop, uncertainly.

"If I run across somebody else, somebody who remembers- you MUST allow me to please them. Out of respect for my artistry. If there is anybody else. Do you understand?"

Anzende nodded, slowly. "Yes, I do understand. Yes."



"There is no such person. I love you. And my heart is already yours... my love."

She flowed into his arms, purring a creaky little purr, and before very long, there was a drip onto one of her elegant, shell-like feline ears.

"Tears? What's this?"

Anzende released his bear-hug, raised an arm, wiped his eye.

"Nothin'." he said gruffly.

"Now," said Faisand, "what's this that happened? You didn't come here just to sweep me off my feet."

"Well... I'm not sure I want to say."


"No, I mean- I want to make love to you, darling, I don't want to ruin the mood."

Faisand tsked. "That does it. Now you'll have to tell me. What on earth has happened?"

"Oh, all right. Promise you won't..."


"Well... your friend Magarce. I don't think she can be coming back here anymore."

"Do you mean," said Faisand, "that she has died?"

"No. What I mean is, she's gunned down a lot of cops."

"Oh, damn it." said Faisand. "I suspected that day might come..."

"Did you?" said the wolf cop. "You didn't tell me."

"One hopes. I hoped she would avoid the brink. How did it happen?"

"They'd gone to clean out that anarchist base outside Verss. I'm not happy about that part, mind you. It was another typical Verss cop scenario- playing goddamn soldiers. They apparently got the drop on Magarce while she was facing off some Tompar in the parking lot."

"They got the... do you mean, they shot her as well?"

"Not before she took out almost every one of them in a matter of a few seconds."

"They did shoot her as well. Oh, damn it."

"Only one guy survived. She's blown half his skull off and his jaw as well, I'm amazed he lived. He did shoot her, but she was with two guys..."

"I saw one of them. Perre, the highway bandit. I have no idea what he was doing here in Verss, he's a wanted fox and it was an incredible risk."

"The other was a big Runge guy. The surviving cop says that's who ran out and scooped her up. The Estrai- Perre, you say? covered them with his body until they made the ship, and they blasted off."

"I see."

"I don't know if she lived. She might have, our guy says he's far from sure he took her out. He thinks he wounded and concussed her, but not fatally. She damn near killed him, and she did kill every single other cop on that squad."

"I see."

"She can't return here, love. If she does, you've got to turn her over."

"I see."

"Are you okay?"

Faisand shook herself. "It's... a bit of a shock. I always wanted to believe... that she could find some safe place, be more normal. There was always that danger, you know. We knew she wasn't safe. She was a good enforcer for that very reason, when she was around."

"If she does return, you've got to turn her over."

"Oh, Anzy." sighed Faisand. "It's a shame we hadn't done it years ago. I can't argue with you, not a bit. You're right."

Anzende hugged Faisand. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to bring it up..."

The old cat quirked an eyebrow, and her tail flicked. "You feel I shall be too distressed, now? I shall go off and weep over our poor mad friend?"

"I've never understood you in some ways, darling. Won't you? It would be all right with me. It would be understandable."

"Erre." said Faisand, in her people's language. "It is no more than what she has always been."

"None of you girls ever talk Nerre language." said Anzende, interested. "What brought that on?"

"Always the cop, picking at clues. Erre means harmony of being what you were meant to be. For Magarce, that has always been tragic, or the pattern of tragedy to come was clear."

"You didn't fill me in on that part, darling."

"Wasn't the pattern obvious?" asked Faisand.

"For that matter, did you realize that your whole species is just one letter off from this 'erre' idea?"

Faisand flowed against her lover, petting his body. "Naturally. We are the poetry of fate."

"Uhmmmmm.... you can say that again. Er... I should mention that I'm a little distressed, even if you're not. I knew some of those guys Magarce shot. It seems like this does actually matter, okay?"

"Do you wish to go tell the others?" purred Faisand, and licked Anzende's neck.

"Shit, you've got a point. I might just need to go public with this, which would mean blowing my cover with you. Erm."

"They will learn more respect for you. I'd like that. You are most of my life, now." said Faisand.

"I... somehow I don't think you want to go do that first." said Anzende, for Faisand was petting down his belly, slipping a slim paw into his pants.

"No. I don't know when I shall see you next. I'm sorry for Magarce, of course, and I'm sorry for the ones she shot still more. But you're here now, and you've had distress. Let us both indulge ourselves. I'd like to make you feel better- and I know you can make me feel better."

"All right." said Anzy, nodding. "I'll go along with that. Help me out, all right? I'm not feeling real sexy right now, too distracted."

"Of course." purred Faisand.

She stepped back from him, eyes shining, ears perked with confidence and attention, and with a graceful tilt to her feline torso, Faisand twirled elegantly, her dress billowing. Anzy saw that her breasts didn't fill the dress out as they had when he'd first met her, but he'd grown old himself kissing and fondling those sensitive cat breasts and they were a part of him now as much as they were a part of her. He felt a stirring, in spite of how tough the day had been.

Anzy never had worked out how she did the next bit- it had something to do with releasing straps, allowing a deeply slashed back and front to slip free, but as always, Faisand finished the twirl with the dress elegantly settling to the floor around her, paws set close together, facing away from him with a coy angling of her feline rump and her tail flicking about enticingly, as if it was animated by sparks. Her perky butt had held up to the years better- once dainty, elegant curves, she'd taken on a more feral look that Anzende had grown fond of. He knew there was no fat left on her- what he saw was a tough, passionate old cat lady, and that was totally accurate and something of which he approved.


"Uh! What?"

"You're staring at my ass," purred Faisand, "and your pants are still on. Can't I have some eye candy, too?"

"Oh! Sorry! Heh, you flatter me, darling..."

"Oh, I know what I'll see." purred Faisand. "And feel."

Anzy hastily removed his uniform, folding it neatly under Faisand's amused, impatient eye. He stood, and tried to suck in his gut, with moderate success. Faisand giggled, and flowed over to tickle his belly. "You're trying to play young wolf again!"

"For you, baby," rumbled Anzende, "I'll play anything."

"You're playing the fool, silly darling. I'll have you just as you are. In fact..."

Faisand gave a little hop, jumping back onto the table, eyeing its height relative to Anzende's hips, nodding her satisfaction.

"In fact, here's what we shall do. You don't need to be a young wolf for me, darling. I don't want to be churned like bloody Daucery. I am too old for that nonsense, my dear. Come into me, gently, and we'll turn and you'll sit here, and we shall hold each other. We'll do it a way the young frisky types don't know about. Shall we?"

"I think we've done this before, darling."

"Sounds good, does it?"

"Oh hell yeah." rumbled Anzy.

The wolf cop deftly worked his sheath, his eyes fixed lovingly on the target, inciting himself to greater stiffness by gazing upon the pert pinkness of Faisand's neatly parted pussy. It was curiously plain- once, sheathed in the folds of luxuriant flesh, billows of muscle and stretches of tendon, and now her fur was neatly brushed and less full, fat had worn off, muscle had grown leaner, and Faisand's pert vagina nestled now in the arch of her mons, clearly defined pubic bone, clean tidy fur surrounding it, slim wiry limbs framing it.

Anzy's cock steadily developed, as if to say 'oh, this? yes, we can handle one more go-round since it's special'. He worked the sheath a little harder, baring his teeth a tiny bit in a snarl of determination, only to be stopped as Faisand's paw flicked out to touch his.

"Darling? Let me have it now. It'll get the idea."

"You'll have to relax." said Anzy.

"Of course."

Anzende moved in, and obediently flopped his dick over to the right basic area, with what Faisand thought was a cute look of concentration. It was warranted- he faced the interesting puzzle of inserting a penis that wasn't really rigid yet, which even with his lover's help would be a mite tricky. Anzende nestled the tip of it against Faisand's tender nook, and began patiently squeezing and cajoling it to cooperate.

The silvery cat crooned with pleasure, relaxing herself to the point of limpness, a glisten coming to her lady parts both from wolf precome and her own arousal. She felt very warm and slick to Anzende- he hoped he wasn't clammy against her- that would pass quickly, anyhow. Gradually, inch by inch, the wolf's cock began to penetrate Faisand as she sweetly moaned.

He knew she was right, and how right she was- the feline pussy tenderly enclosing his half-waking erection felt mind-meltingly good, and all at once, his body seemed to say HEY! We're doing this! Anzende felt a rush of hot blood to his cock, and all at once he didn't have to coax it with his hand. All at once, he was swelling and hardening inside his moaning lover- and not all at once, but in a lingering, languid thrust of his still-powerful hips, he slid that wolf cock fully into Faisand, tenderly impaling her on swelling wolfhood.

Faisand's moan shifted just as languidly, from a sleepy croon to a full-throated groan of sheer ecstacy. Her eyes shone and her whiskers curled, and the next thing Anzy knew, she had grasped him. Not with her hands- no, the famous courtesan's dexterity extended beyond that. Her pussy grasped him, and the only word to fit was- lovingly. The silvery-grey cat was known for being able to pinch ferociously, she'd started off in utter limpness and pliancy, and she now grasped his cock in a loving embrace.

"Here, I'll reach up. We can turn around now, you can sit."

Faisand embraced her wolf lover's body with her slender arms, as well as wrapping her legs around his waist and gripping a bit tighter with her pussy (which caused a grunt of pleasure from Anzy), and the two of them carefully shifted and rotated until Anzy was sitting comfortably, Faisand straddling him, her legs not taking her weight- instead, the wolf cock thrusting up into her grateful body was very nearly supporting her all by itself.

Faisand wriggled delicately, just to adjust- her Anzy was such a close fit, that if she settled this heavily onto him, with all her insignificant weight, and if he was really hard in her as he delightfully was, he filled her from mound to womb and nuzzled with delectable firmness against her quivering cervix. And for the feline Nerre, this was the secret that drove them away from home to explore the wolflike Runge- their bodies craved that deep penetration, in some primitive instinct perhaps related to the desire to roll and flip about after sex. It probably all had to do with having come spurt deeply inside you, spreading it about for fertility, some practical reason- but it became a real compulsion.

Faisand wriggled a bit more. Anzy's wolfish bulk could be made to press inside her JUST right, neither too tentatively or with painful jabs- that being a danger of the wuffies, one that foolish Daucery was continually addicted to. Faisand knew better- there was an ideal size, an ideal fierceness, and it was personal. In fact, it was nuzzling her cervix firmly at this very moment, and she shuddered from sheer pleasure.

Beneath her, Anzy shifted, jolting her with a little flash of sensation, and she heard him rumble, "Want a little motion, darling?"

"No!" gasped Faisand.

"Sorry, sorry!"

Faisand pulled herself together. "It's all right. Darling, love, angelwolf... I only mean, this is another way. Don't move except to hold me. I won't move except if you flag I'll squeeze at you. This is a special way, ride it with me..."

She settled back into her reverie again, swooning into Anzy's loving embrace, and this time he didn't jolt her. He trusted her completely, and it seemed he understood- his embrace was so passionate but so still, and she wasn't having to squeeze at him to keep his attention. The wolf, rapt in stillness, was steadily getting harder, his breathing deeper, and Faisand reeled in ecstacy, balanced on his cock, herself perfectly still.

Her eyes were closed when she began to croon, singing a feline wordless song of arousal and sweet anticipatory tension, and Anzy did not react, other than to grow still harder, still bulkier in her. He seemed like an expert in this, which Faisand knew wasn't the case- he'd barely tried it before- but this time his body held no tension, no desire to move or thrust, his full awareness increasingly centered in the motionless pressure of his stiffly erect cock. Faisand could feel it, felt the focussing, the shift of his awareness, and she crooned and moaned, feeling his pressure goaded on by her gentle cries.

There was a moment, hard to determine, where something changed- no motion, yet now rather than a feeling of waiting and gathering, Faisand and Anzende merged in a soaring, rushing feeling, their energies surging within stillness in a momentum that built and built. Anzende did not budge or shift his focus one bit- held it with the determination of the wolf cop he was. Faisand's voice served as expression for both of them- and as the feeling swept up inside them like an eruption, the grey cat's moans turned to throaty yowls and wails, redolent of the sweetest sexual torments soon to be relieved.

There was a moment of perfect silence, like the eye of a hurricane.

Anzende's body gave one savage throb, and cut loose, unleashing an initial jet of wolf come of a ferocity he hadn't produced in thirty years. He gritted his teeth, but still clung to his motionlessness- and still clung to his beloved Faisand.

Faisand had been caught exhaling, and her eyes flew open as Anzende throbbed and gushed against her cervix, seemingly flooding her womb from the first spasm. She struggled for a bit, ears laid back, fighting for breath as her body convulsed, dragged in a huge breath, and let it out in a shriek of carnal release that would leave her hoarse for days.

Anzende held her frail body tightly to his as he, still motionless, blasted spurt after spurt of come into her, feeling his knot flare out and come to full size, something that always awed him a little the way it wedged into her pelvis, unnatural device tolerated by female feline, tying her to him until the orgasm finished.

Faisand screamed hoarsely, and clung to her wolf lover's body, leaking tears again, this time gratitude, ecstacy, and in no small part the sheer scale of the peak she'd been driven over. The silvery-grey cat reeled, a hairsbreadth from fainting dead away. Just a little hunching would do it, or a jab of that swollen cock against her insides- and nothing of the sort happened, Anzende stuck grimly to his orders and did not move except to throb heavily.

Faisand trembled and shuddered all over, her tail bristled out irregularly, as she gradually caught more breaths, as her shrieks gentled to cries and then croons, as she clung to her beloved Anzende who still gently throbbed and pumped wolfseed tirelessly into her womb.

Sometimes she wished like hell Nerre and Runge were crossfertile- but then, business would be so different- it was all right, really.

After a while, Faisand lifted her head from Anzy's chest.

"Yours. Beloved."

He stroked her head gently.

Faisand quirked an ear, feebly. "You're not going to say it?"

"I've been yours," rumbled Anzy softly, "since I first saw you."

"Do you know," said Faisand, "how odd it is?"

"What? Aw, darling... it's like that for us sometimes, we mate for life, and when you're just swallowed up by the feeling..."

"No, Anzy, I don't mean that you're odd." said Faisand. She kissed his nose delicately. "You're special, but not odd in the sense I mean."

"Well... so, what's odd, then?"

Faisand gazed into his eyes. "When you look like I do... well, did... it's not so uncommon to hear that refrain. 'I love you, I loved you since I first saw you', always professing their love. They don't know me. Sometimes they hadn't even made love to me. After a night of passion, they were all the more certain. You would go to bed limp and sore, having made quite a lot of money, and everyone loved you, but nobody really listened. Their love was the pressure of their desire."

"Yeah... I know. That's just what I mean." said Anzende.

"Sh. Don't conclude. Not finished with my thought."

"Sorry! I'm listening."

"Yes, beloved. You do. The others all knew what they needed me to do with them. I did a lot with them, enjoying most of it immensely, but I didn't go become their pet lady- at first because they were sex toys which paid, and then I became aware they were much like people, and strange, domineering people at that."

"I know we seem rude to Nerre." said the wolf cop.

"You came to me, got me alone, put down money and you said, what do you know about drug running into Kiesens? You'd seen me with some guys that you suspected of it. You remember what I said?"

"You said 'is that all?'"

"You wouldn't go to bed with me at first," said Faisand. "You were intimidated, and you wanted me to remain just an informant. You started to pay more attention to what my life was like, my attitudes to things..."

"Yeah, and I got you insecure before I was done with being insecure myself..."

"Nobody else was refusing to have sex with me, dear. I couldn't think how to raise the issue, you always needed to know different things and we'd just talk about street level stuff in Verss."

"You cried."

"I did. I felt tawdry, but I finally had to beg to do what you'd been faithfully paying me for. I'll never forget how stunned you were, love."

"Not half as stunned as I was about to be!"

"Ah," purred Faisand, "great days..."

"But," said Anzy, "you haven't said what's odd."

Faisand glanced at him. "Trust you to not miss a detail." She squeezed briefly at his cock, forcing an 'erf!' out of him, then relented. "Yes. It's my own feeling that's odd."

"How's that?"

"I won't take that talk of love from anyone else. I know it means nothing more than hungers and selfish desires and all these horny wolves building worlds in their heads, myself the star attraction, the featured animal in their mental cage. But- I've not had that feeling from you."

"Oh, come on now- sometimes I've been so lovesick I couldn't think straight."

"But there was always that part of you seeking answers, information for your work- wanting to understand. It was as if you came without expectation, ready to observe who I was, while everyone else came eager to tell me who I was... I guess we Nerre really don't take to that, do we?"

"Heh! You're famous for objecting to it. But I guess you're right- I've never felt I had any chance with you, other than what you agreed to. I'm amazed I got away with... what I've said today."

"I don't see what's so amazing." said Faisand. "We've worked together for so many years, and made love so many times, either as part of the cover or just sneaking off. That was thrilling, by the way. Have you any idea how odd it is to sneak off for illicit sex, when your business is basically that? Going off to please yourself becomes a rebellious, illicit activity."

"I corrupted you, huh?" chuckled the wolf cop.

"Dreadfully." purred Faisand.

"I guess we're going to give that up, if I'm going to tell your friends about Magarce, huh? Unless you want to think up some story for how you'd know..."

"No- I think that time has come to an end. I'm tired of sneaking you into the little room, and I don't like the way Arle looks at you. They have no idea how central you've been to my life, and I'm afraid you'll just have to get another informant. I'm going public with you."

"What, now?" said Anzende.

"No, n... hmm. Hmm! Oh, to see the look on Daucery's face... I think that's a wonderful idea, darling, let's!"

"Now just a minute!" said Anzende. "I'm still going to be tied to you for a while!"

"Yes, so delicious. Did we ever find out what makes you do that? I have to clear out my whole schedule, sometimes."

"Keep to the point, Faisand. We can't go talk to them now."

Faisand twinkled at him. "But surely we can't wait until you're done. You have a strange tendency to tie for ever and ever, and I'm certainly not a large enough Nerre to pull forcibly off you. Nor would I wish to, even if I could." She squeezed lovingly at him again.

"Erf... well, you're just going to have to wait it out with me. All my clothes are off, I'm out of uniform..."

"But I am in my work clothes, so I haven't that excuse."

"Wouldn't that be more of a big apron?" said Anzende.

Faisand's eyes narrowed, and suddenly Anzy yiped. She'd given him a pinch- without using her hands.

"Will you behave, or shall I bite your dick more?"

"I'll be good! Wow... it's been a while since you hit me with that. Sorry, hon, I'm real sorry..." said Anzende.

"You deserved it, for unmentionable truth," said Faisand. "Honestly, I should give that up, but the power it gives us is simply too good to pass up. You might need leverage on some politician yourself one day. Though I'm sure it's a one time thing- they'd never trust me again if I outed them. The money that comes in is staggering."

Anzende was, as always, stuck on the unresolved earlier subject. "You still have to wait. You have to let me finish and get dressed. Unless you want to drag me behind you..."

"I think that would be a mite difficult." said Faisand.

"Well then."

Faisand was thinking hard. Anzende saw the tip of her tail flicking in that characteristic way he knew so well, and his heart sank. This was looking like one of those dreaded cat ideas in the making.



"It would be a shock to the other girls to see you walking out tied to me, but I believe it would be salutary. Not the fact of shocking them, but that we must break their image of you as one of the baby clients. They do not respect those men, possibly because those men aren't lured by their charms..."

"Now hang on. What difference does it make? I guess you want to be able to show me off, but darling, it's okay if that doesn't happen right away. The baby guys never hang around with your girls anyhow, you take them right to this room and they beat it when they're done..."

"True." said Faisand. Her tail-tip continued to flick, however. It was definitely going to be one of those cat moments.


"Oh, honey..."

"Possibly our Alonifi needs to be more in awe of me. She is all too interested in Daucery, and I'm concerned she's writing me off as a fuss-budget. Now, if you walked out with me tied to you for the several hours we will still have to spend..."

"Not my problem."

"Oh, Anzy."

"Oh, Faisand! I'll tell you this- I think you're just trying to manufacture an excuse to have me walk out there balls-deep in you, so your friends will see you've still got it."

"Yes, dear, absolutely." said Faisand, without batting an eyelash. "I see them carouse often enough. They're getting awfully gentle and sheltering of me, and it makes me want to scratch them. You know that my fire still burns."

Faisand wriggled idly, causing Anzy's eyes to cross a bit, for she combined the pelvis-wriggle with an idle grasping at his cock that was like being groped by a hand- and which guaranteed he'd be stuck in her for another half an hour, at least. He felt himself harden, just when he thought he was starting to unwind.

"Mmmmmmm... as does yours, of course." she added.

"Faisand, I understand how you feel, but I'm really going to stay right here, okay?" said Anzende.

The tail flicked, just at the tip, and Anzy cringed. She wasn't out of argument yet. Most likely, she wasn't going to give up...


"Oh, no..."

"Anzy, you mentioned that you wished I'd told you of my thoughts about Magarce."

"Well, yeah. It might have mattered. It might not, but you never know what'll happen. What if she'd done something and I was able to take her in? It would upset you guys, but there'd be a lot of Verss cops not dead, and she might have ended up not shot herself. I wish you'd said something."


"Oh, crap, here it comes..."

"Anzy, you must get up and carry me out to talk with the girls. For all you know, Magarce will try to get in contact with us. They have to know what's happened, so we can decide what to do. You know she's with these two men, and for all you know they are bringing her right back here. Up, darling, duty calls."

Anzende Ndeschwin rolled his eyes. He knew Faisand's real reason was to be seen tied on a wolf lover again. He even sympathized, a little. He had no wish to walk out carrying her in front of him, wrapped lovingly around his slight potbelly, his butt swaying in the breeze for the amusement of the Nerre girls of the Cathouse. It wasn't even very comforting that Faisand would doubtless tell them later of his sexual desirability, since he was quite content to just stick with her indefinitely- hell, forever.

But he also knew she was right.

Buckets Scene (excerpt from Tally Road novel)

(begins in the middle of another scene, relating to other plotlines) The deadly ninja-kitty nodded bashfully, still looking away, his hips tilting coyly. Demarle chuckled. "Runge guys! Equal opportunity kitty crack. I think I get it. But listen, Rai-...

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Tally Road (intro)

Dawn broke gradually over the city of Verss- washed vivid orange by smog, filtering grudgingly around tens of thousands of tall buildings woven around each other, stacked into a single mountainous structure alive with its wolfish inhabitants. Some...

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