Night Ride - Koraidon TFs

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A little collab with my bro :thronezweiicon:, and a follow up to the Koraidon TF I did a few months ago:

Koraidon, Pokémon (C) Pokémon/Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

It was a quiet evening in the Paldea region. The sun had long since set, and very few trainers were out and about, the few who were still out were either trying to catch some more Pokémon, or were trying to find trainers to battle. A little further away from that, two friends were riding atop of a Koraidon, making their way towards the forests.

"So, I heard you ran into some trouble before I came back." Alex looked over from his mount with some concern, but he hadn't actually been present to see any of what had happened. Still, he was showing some concern over the matter, though also keeping an eye out for any Pokémon he wanted to capture.

"Yeah, a trainer who I had beaten was getting a bit too pushy about a rematch because they sent in an unprepared team against me. I offered them a chance to have a rematch the next day with their original team, but they got a bit violent, so Koraidon had to put the guy in their place." Peter said with a chuckle, looking over at his friend.

"Shoulda not fucked around with your Koraidon." He chuckled back, and grinned. "Definitely hate running into those sore loser types. Not often, but it's not my fault you don't train your team as well, you know? The two of us put a lot of work in!"

"Very true! Still, they did ruin the quiet time I was hoping to have with Koraidon before I had to feed everyone..." He said, reaching forward to stroke the Pokémon's cheek as they rode.

"Well, it is kinda getting dark, so we can make camp and you might be able to do so." Alex nodded as he started to look for any clearings and the like for them to set up. He didn't really mind looking for the ones that came out at night, but camping was calling to him. "Arceus knows you deserve to rest."

"Tell me about it, a nice, long rest would be welcomed after another day of travelling!" Peter chuckled before leaning in closer to his amount. "Among other things as well~" He whispered to it.

Alex didn't notice the whisper as his attention was elsewhere, and after a few more minutes, he pointed. "Hey, that spot looks good! Nice and wide, looks like there's a good spot for a firepit, too!"

"Perfect!" Peter grinned. "Let's say we start getting set up, and I'll make a quick sweep around to gather some additional wood to burn, sound good?"

"Sounds good, dude. C'mon guys, let's get to work!" Alex hopped off of his Koraidon and began letting his team out to help him start setting up, giving his Midnight Lycanroc a pat on the head, and proceeding to also give the others some affection as he took the tent off of his mount's back and started to get to work.

Peter watched as Alex and his team started setting stuff up as he rode a little further away to a quiet spot, one which had a few pieces of wood strewn around the place. "There, that should give us a little bit of time as well!" He said as he hopped off his mount.

"Good... I've been waiting for this. That jackass really ruined the mood when he tried fighting you." Ruby grinned and purred as she got up onto two legs, taking on her bipedal form, with more than a few extra humanoid attributes if she felt like it. She kissed Peter on the lips and rubbed against him. "But... I got the mood back."

"Mmmm..." He leant into the kiss, wrapping one arm around her side, the other around her lower back, hand brushing against her rump. "Tell me about it. I've been riding you around all day, when really, I should have just been riding you~" He smirked.

"No time like the present to make up for it~" She grinned back as she watched black scales starting to spread under Peter's shirt, his pectorals starting to broaden as the 'tire' puffed out a bit, his body filling with strength... and a lot of pent-up lust. He'd been holding this in for a while, and lust always amplified the sensation of the transformation, far more than anger did. He was almost immediately hard as well.

"Rrrrgghhh..." A low, powerful growl left his throat as he pulled her in closer, staring into her wild eyes. "You know what you tend to do to me, Ruby..." He stroked along her back, revelling in the feeling of steadily outgrowing his clothes, grinding against his partner.

"Oh yess... I do so love bringing out the BEAST in you, my mate..." She ground back, watching as scales continued to spread over his body, his pecs taking on strong draconic proportions as his abs pulled into a tight, powerful six-pack, tearing his clothing even further. A wet patch in his pants heralded his human cum being expelled, draconic seed quickly starting to take its place. "And what of your friend? He'll notice before long~"

"Grrrrrrrraaaiii..." He hissed, moaning as he tugged at his torn shirt, causing it to shred further against his muscles. "I was thinking about bringing him in on this as well. Alex has been a good friend, even before I crossed paths with you!" He thrusted against her, feeling the tent growing tighter all the while.

"Rrrraidddon... good... he's pretty cute..." She chuckled and used a clawed hand to free Peter's cock, watching as his human cock began to turn a pleasing crimson red, swelling as it packed in girth and length, barbs lining the underside of it as it came to a draconic point, before splitting into a separate member with a pleasing wet sound. His balls likewise swelled inside a now scaly sac, further feeding his lust.

"GrrRRRRAAAHHHHH!!" Peter snarled loudly, staring deep into Ruby's eyes. "Maybe you might get a chance to have some fun with him, then!" He smirked. "For now, though..."

"Oh yessss... I wouldn't deny you your fun~" She moaned and continued grinding against his cocks, guiding one towards her scaly lips. As this happened, his ass swelled with fat, scales and muscle and became much more defined, spine stretching out into a powerful draconic tail, lashing about in lust.

The new limb struck a nearby tree, splintering it as he slowly gained control of it, bringing it to stroke along Ruby's thigh. Without a hint of hesitation, he thrusted into Ruby, the other dick thrusting against his partner's chest. "Korrraaaaiiiiii~"

"Raaaidddoonn... yessssss~!" She moaned loudly as his legs swelled with powerful muscles for running, jumping and fighting, the black scales continuing to engulf his body as his true self continued to manifest itself. He could feel his feet stretching as his heels rose, sharp talons replacing his toenails while his feet became digitigrade. Peter was hammering into her, a day's worth of pent up lust unleashed.

His taloned toes dug into the ground as he wrapped his arms around Ruby, pulling her tight against him as he picked up speed, balls slapping against her ass. He placed his lips against hers once again, pulling her into a deep, passionate kiss, gazing into her eyes all the while.

She leaned into kiss him, her serpentine tongue slipping inside of his mouth whilst his shoulders broadened and his arms likewise surged with inhuman mass as his biceps and triceps became even more defined. Hands growing larger as his nails sharpened into talons as well, kissing his mate back with eager zeal.

"Fffuuuckkk... you're so sexy, my lovely mate..."

"And who do I have to thank for that?" He responded, slightly muffled by the tongue action going on. "You're equally sexy yourself as well, you know~" He winked, running his claws gently across the side of her muzzle, enjoying every second of her company, as well as every second of their screwing.

"I knew we were destined for this... so few humans appreciate Pokémon such as myself~" Ruby huffed and groaned as his claws stroked the side of her muzzle, enjoying every moment of it, every thrust sending waves of pleasure through them both. Peter's tongue began to thicken and lengthen to match hers whilst his face started to push out, also coming to a fork. Feathery extensions and vaguely handlebar like extensions growing from his head. The rush of becoming such a draconic beast made him feel so much better than human. Any of them...

"It still took me by surprise the first time... but that shock quickly passssed~" He said with a playful hiss, feeling his orgasm grow closer and closer by the second, balls bouncing off of Ruby's underside. He swayed his head from side to side, feeling the feathers ruffle about in the cool air, his tail wrapping around his partner's leg, holding her in place for the big finish.

"And I'm sssooo glad it did~ Hnnfff~" She lovingly gazed into Peter's eyes as they became reptilian in nature, gleaming a powerful draconic yellow and pulled into slits, focused on his love. The two kept humping and thrusting until Ruby groaned in an orgasmic manner. "Ohhhh... I'm gonna... gonna... KKKKKOORRRRRRAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIII~"

"Rgghh...ggggrrrrrRRRHHHHHH..." He snarled, breaking the kiss they were sharing as the urge to roar out became too much to ignore. A powerful, beastly roar of dominance erupted from his fanged maw as his cocks fired off with the force of an erupting volcano, the cock that was inside Ruby firing off deep into her, whilst the second one spurted between them, covering the duo in his potent cum. "RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN~!"

Alex and his team looked up in surprise from their work at this, completely unaware of what had transpired. "Huh, must've gotten into a fight with something." Ruby grinned as she lay there under Peter and kissed him gently on the muzzle, panting. "Ohh, you were definitely in fine form there, my mate... I think they heard us the next region over~"

"I only hope they did~" He huffed, returning the kiss before licking some of the mess he had made away from her cheek, purring contentedly. "Seems the sandwich filling might have gone all over the place too, wouldn't you say?" He laughed, gesturing to his leaky cock, still oozing against Ruby's breasts.

"Oh yes, the best kind of sandwich filling~" She giggled and licked the remnants of his seed off of his cock and her ample breasts after taking it into her muzzle. Nothing quite compared to being ridden by Peter in such a manner, but the mere idea of changing the other human and his team into beasts kept her as horny as possible.

"Mmrrgghh..." He growled, feeling her suckle at one of his shafts. "Aren't you the insatiable one?" He teased, chuckling.

"Hehehe, you know how I can get... but really, I want to have two studs fucking me all night long, and your friend would be SO much better as a Pokémon, don't you agree?" Ruby hummed as she pulled herself off of one of the shafts and winked at Peter.

"Oh, I know for sure that he'd be a perfect addition, as well as the rest of his team~" He winked back, getting to his feet. "We just need to bring him over to our side, and I don't think it'll be too hard to persuade him!"

"Then shall we? He's bound to be dying of curiosity by now~" Chuckling, she stood up after Peter finished up, and the two dragons began to make their way towards camp, the firepit lit and Alex looking more than a little concerned by Peter's extended absence. He'd found some wood with the help of his team in the meantime.

The two Koraidon snuck around, staying silent until they were close enough. "Heh, it seems that there was no shortage of wood around the place." He whispered to Ruby.

"Especially between your legs~" She whispered back and stepped into the open, causing Alex's Ninetales to blink in surprise and a bit of lust. The human following the fire-type's gaze only to gasp in shock on seeing Ruby looking just a BIT different than how she usually did. "R-Ruby? Where's Peter?" He wasn't really expecting much of an answer at first.

"I'm right here~" Peter grinned wildly, stepping out alongside Ruby, placing a hand along her side. "Me and Ruby needed to take care of a few things, I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long!"

"Peter? What the... since when were you a ripped Koraidon? And Ruby has breasts? What the hell is going on?" He gawked between the two dragon-types, completely forgetting the marshmallow he'd been toasting until it turned into charcoal and fell into the pit. His team also was looking at the two, albeit with more lust than anything else.

"To answer the first question, that happened not too long after I had encountered Ruby a few months ago. As for Ruby, I believe she's always had that ability, though if she utilised it before I crossed paths with her, I couldn't really say!" He giggled, looking at both Alex and his 'mon.

"So... that's what I heard? You two, uh..." He sort of gestured at Peter's impressive draconic shafts, which were still dripping a bit, as was Ruby. The two dragons were horny, and that aura was starting to seep into the area around them.

"Oh yes, that fight you were talking about? My dear mate laid that man out personally~"

"He DID punch me square in the face, after all. All bets were off after that!" He cackled, stepping closer to his friend. "But yes, all that snarling and roaring you heard not too long ago was the two of us doing what we couldn't do the night before!"

"The... then why are you showing me thi-" Ruby cut him off as she rubbed up against Alex, wrapping her tail around him seductively. "I think you can put two and two together, my friend... if I could change Peter, then WE can change you and your team... they'll remain as they are, just... able to take on more humanoid traits. But you...? You'd be Koraidon like us..."

"It's a very good deal - you'd be able to change at will, as would all of your Pokémon. Not to mention they'd all become stronger, even when disguised..." Peter purred, moving in closer to his friend and his partner.

"That sounds pretty hot.. Not going to lie... heh, I'm in. The boys seem pretty riled up, and I'm not gonna let them have fun and just sit here and watch!" He chuckled after a few moments of thought, noticing that his Garchomp seemed to be developing more humanoid hands and standing up straighter. "How do you guys wanna do this?"

"I think Ruby was entertaining a few thoughts about taking you for a ride~" Peter nudged Alex's shoulder. "Probably the best way to do it, as you'll find I'm just a bit too big for you to take at this point. And I'm fine with sharing my partner with you, as long as she keeps her mouth free~" He said slyly to Ruby.

"Oh, you don't need to worry~" She grinned as Alex nodded and fished his cock out of his pants, not bothering to take them off for the change. After climbing on top of her and lining himself up, he started to thrust into Ruby's scaly lips and sighed happily, the draconic lust clouding his mind and already warping his perceptions of humanity and other things. "Arceus... you feel so good..."

"It's only gonna feel better sooner." Peter added, standing alongside Ruby and Alex, his cocks still at full attention. He could see that the changes were quick to take hold, white scales steadily forming around his crotch, stomach, and inner thighs, bright red scales forming elsewhere, barring another patch of white on the outsides of his thighs.

"Mnnhh... Kkkkooo..." He huffed as he could feel the scales starting to sprout, filling him with a sense of pride and lust, especially with two other sexy Koraidon around him. His team continued their own changes, some standing upright and developing thumbs, others just becoming moreso than before, all of them stroking their members eagerly as they watched their trainer - now their alpha and partner - mate. And Alex was thrusting in just that much more eagerly now, licking his lips.

"Those clothes must be starting to feel a little constricting at this point..." Peter could see Alex's body slowly growing within the confines of his clothing, abs and pectorals defining themselves underneath. The scales continued to spread, a spiky 'tire' growing out from between his pectorals, putting more pressure on his shirt.

"Rrraaaiii~ Oh, they are, but I want to rip through these things... feels right..." Alex chuckled as he straddled Ruby just a little more easily, his pace becoming a bit more steady, or as much as he could manage with his human equipment. "Might want to let your team out so they can have some fun with mine~"

"That's a good idea~" Peter grinned, grasping the Poké Balls that were still attached around his waist. "Come on out and meet your friends!" He tossed them near Alex's crew, still watching on as Alex's muscles developed further, biceps bulging. The tire along his chest grew a little broader, causing his shirt to split straight down the middle, revealing his chiselled muscles to his friends.

It didn't take very long before Alex's team and Peter's were going at it, Alex's Lycanroc quickly taking a shine to the Corviknight, and his Garchomp and Charizard quickly making out. The Ninetales and the Quaquaval also paired off, followed by the remaining members, but after giving a lustful growl in their direction, Alex resumed humping Ruby, flexing his muscles. "Arceus damn... these guns are so damn thick... can't wait to have some fun with my Skeledirge~ And to have those spears right in me..."

"We may need to take turns on that one, then!" The shiny Koraidon laughed, his cocks perking up once again. Deep-blue feathery spikes grew outwards from Alex's elbows, rough black pads forming on the palms of his hands, his fingertips gaining sharp, dagger-like claws.

"Oh, I'm sure he'd absolutely LOVE that... we're definitely due for some team bonding after the three of us are done!" Alex chuckled, stealing gazes of his team's muscled, well-hung bodies. He hadn't intentionally built a gay harem, but he wasn't about to complain about it. Peter's own team also aroused him, Ruby especially. "Mmnnff... now this is a ride I'll never complain about~"

"I'm happy to hear about that, as I'd honestly feel bad if I wasn't living up to your expectations!" Ruby teased, stroking along Alex's side, helping him to remove the tattered shirt. She could also see one of Peter's cocks dangling right in front of her maw, and she licked the lips at the thoughts that crossed her mind. Meanwhile, a bump was forming against the base of Alex's spine, causing the changing human's jeans to bulge and strain, the straining growing worse as his thighs packed on thick, juicy muscle.

Ruby wasted little time in indulging in her love for some delicious, meat-filled sandwiches and took one of Peter's cocks into her maw, tongue wrapping around it to milk the most she could out of it. Her stroking brought a rumbling purr out of Alex, almost like an engine revving as he continued to thrust into her, grinning as he looked at one of her scaly tits and immediately latched onto it and began to suck. The act of it feeling entirely natural to his shifting mind, his muscled, increasingly draconic body fuelling his immense sexual appetite.


"Mmrrgghh... oooh, he's just like you...~" Ruby purred, feeling Alex hungrily suckling at her teat, milk soon flowing forth into his mouth.

"Well we both know what we like, can you blame him?" Peter laughed, moaning as he thrusted into Ruby's muzzle, watching a long, whip-like tail tear through the back of Alex's pants, lashing at the ground, plated black scales covering the top half of it, each tipped with a lone spike. The scales on the lower half of the limb were a mix of red and white, able to curl in on itself whilst in a quadrupedal form. Alex shifted his sitting position ever so slightly as a fan of vibrantly-colored feathers, shifting from blue to purple to white, grew around his rump and tail.

Alex greedily and eagerly drank her milk down as he continued to fuck Ruby and suckle from her, hands exploring her muscled body. His tail curled around Peter's legs and gave him a little more of a brace to fuck the female Koraidon's muzzle just that much more. The sounds of a full on orgy filling the draconic trio with a sense of pride.


"Feels good, doesn't it? Letting your wild side, your true, bestial nature, come to the core..." Peter huffed, stroking his free cock as he continued to thrust into Ruby. Alex's thrusting grew more frenzied as a deep, satisfying warmth filled his groin, his balls scaling over, swelling to the size of grapefruits as they dangled low between his thighs, a deep black coloration spreading across his dick.

"Rrraaiiddonnnnn~ Yesss... I feel so FREE..." He huffed as he switched from one breast to the other and continued to drive as deeply as he could into Ruby, hungrily watching Peter stroke his free shaft, knowing he'd soon have a pair of cocks to rival that, and wanting it more than anything. His swelling balls making him moan deeply, that purr coming out of him once more and not going away.

The shiny Koraidon purred alongside him, deep and reverberating, sending shivers down their spines. Alex could feel his cock growing bigger inside of Ruby, the veins pulsing as it became girthier and longer by the second, spikes sprouting up and down the length of his shaft, a girthy knot swelling in at the base, all while the head reshaped into a barbed point. Alex could feel it pulsing wildly within her, and he pulled out of Ruby momentarily, just in time to watch his dick, now a foot long, split down the middle, separating into two.

"KORRRAAIIIIDDDOOO~ Oh, YESSSSSS..." Alex roared loudly as he continued to drink from Ruby's tits before pulling his face off and licking his lips. Gazing into her eyes, he smirked. "I'm not surprised Peter had the same idea... you're absolutely fucking amazing... and Arceus DAMN... my cocks feel so much better!"

"And there's still a little bit more of you that needs changing, too." Peter reached towards one of Alex's cocks with his free hand, jerking the two of them off at the same time as he resumed thrusting into Ruby. Alex's toes curled within his shoes as they stretched and outgrew their confines, the soles of his feet gaining dark pads similar to those on his hands, his feet bursting through his shoes as the toes elongated, taloned claws jutting out of each digit. "Let's say we make the last of your changes go off with a real bang~"

"Mmmff... I'd say so~ You're quite good at thissss~" He huffed and moaned as Peter began to jerk him off, pre spurting from his free cock freely. Alex kicked his ruined shoes off without a care - he had spares and besides, it wasn't like he couldn't run for hours on end much faster now anyhow.

"What can I say, I've had lots of time to practise!" Peter teased him a little further, a pair of long, blue horns jutting out from around his shoulders, curving behind him. His neck stretched, spikes emerging from around the sides whilst his hair shifted into long, vibrantly coloured feathers, spreading wide around his elongating head.

"Heheh... I'm certainly not complaining!" Alex continued to huff as his head changed, hopeful that someone would eventually use them when they gave him a ride. Something he was certain that his team or Peter would do. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to cumming inside of Ruby, and he hissed in pleasure.

Alex's jaws pushed forwards, his nose sinking into his upper jaw, the nostrils flaring. A patch of black scales formed along his upper jaw, jagged spikes forming on his lips whilst his teeth grew into powerful fangs, tongue flicking through them as it grew long and forked. Another pair of long, vibrant, tendril-like horns grew from atop his head, trailing behind him, the changes ending with his eyes moving towards the sides of his head, turning a yellowish-brown, pupils pulling into thin slits.

"Hrrrhhh...Koooraaaaaiiiii...KKKKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNN!" As his changes hit their apex, Alex arched his back as he came hard, both into and on Ruby as it all got to be too much to hold back on. His balls empty themselves for at least a minute or two as he fully embraced becoming a dragon.

"Grrgghhh... RRRRAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!" Peter roared alongside Alex, his own cocks spasming as he came into Ruby's maw, the other shooting seed up into the air, splattering down on the three of them, soaking them in his cum.

After a few moments, Alex chuckled and kissed Ruby on the chest and grinned. "Fuck, that felt good... wish I could've had this happen sooner, but I'm more than happy to join in on the club now. And my team, haha." He looked back to see their teams still going at it, new pairings happening as they finished or got tired.

"I had been thinking about it for a while, we just needed the moment to be right, and tonight happened to be that moment. Perhaps it was a good thing that jerk interrupted our fun last night, eh?" Peter chuckled, pulling away from Ruby's jaws, hissing in satisfaction.

"Hah, definitely! I still think that last move might've been too much, but I won't complain." Ruby grinned as the trio untangled from one another and kissed passionately. "But for now, I think we can have a meal while we wait for them to finish... or join in~"