When Rabbits Roar (part 3/5)

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#3 of When Rabbits Roar

I want to add a content/trigger warning

This story contains heavy themes of over-the-top bullying and humiliation. If you think that might upset you, please do not read this series!

All characters are 18+ in the furry universe where they exist.

As the soccer ball arched gracefully towards the sky, Max effortlessly maneuvered his foot beneath it, deftly bringing it under control. He gazed down the field, his eyes scanning for any potential obstacles. To his surprise, he found there were no defenders in sight, only open space and an opportunity waiting to be seized. The anticipation of scoring what could be the game-winning goal was evident on Max's face.

With a newfound purpose coursing through his veins, Max launched himself forward into a sprint. His strides grew longer and stronger with each step as he neared the penalty box, where he would have the perfect chance to score. Sensing the moment was ripe, he slowed slightly and raised his leg, taking a deep breath to center himself as he prepared to take the shot. In that brief instant, he felt a surge of confidence wash over him.

But then, something caught the edge of his vision - a flash of white fur darting across the grass. Max tried to regain control, but it was too late. Silas slid across the grass at full speed and tackled Max from behind. The force of the impact sent Max flying through the air before landing hard on his chest, his face planted into the cool grass. The wind had been completely knocked out of him and he lay there struggling to catch his breath.

Before Max could fully recover from the shock, he felt strong hands gripping the waistband of his shorts, pulling them down roughly until his plump, white-furred ass was exposed to the elements. He could smell the powerful, intoxicating musk emanating from the rabbit's body, its scent so potent it seemed to wrap around him like a foggy haze.

"I'm going to breed you, pussycat. Right here in front of everyone. I'm going to make history as the first rabbit to ever impregnate a tiger. You're going to carry my litter inside you for nine long months."

Silas' confident words pierced through the foggy haze of Max's mind, leaving behind a trail of icy dread that chilled him to the bone. The prospect of becoming pregnant - of carrying another living being inside him for months on end - seemed so ludicrous and absurd that at first, Max couldn't even process what had just been suggested. Yet the way Silas spoke with such unshakable conviction made him doubt even his own senses. Perhaps there truly was some hidden truth behind those words, some strange biological anomaly that would allow a rabbit to impregnate a tiger. Silas continued to work his way deeper into Max's psyche, planting seeds of doubt and terror that threatened to consume the larger animal from within.

"On the cover of every newspaper they will see a picture of me on top of you, defiling you, pumping my litter into your meaty tiger ass." Silas continued his depraved rant with a cruel grin on his face, twisting the knife even deeper. "Everyone will see the shame in your eyes as you disgrace your entire species."

As if that were not enough to send shivers down Max's spine, Silas went on to paint an even more vivid picture of his humiliation: "I can see the headlines now," he mocked, "The highly sought-after tiger's career now lay dashed by the unbridled sexual desires of an insatiable young rabbit. The virile rabbit's potent seed transformed the once mighty tiger into the herbivore's broodmare."

It took all of Max's strength not to cry out in despair as these words cut through him like a knife. This can't be happening. Silas forced Max's face down into the cold, damp earth, using his hind legs to pin the larger animal firmly in place.

Max could feel the weight of countless eyes boring into his very soul. The herbivores were cheering. They reveled in this display of dominance over their natural enemies. The predators starred in silent disgust, unable to comprehend how such a perversion of nature could be allowed to occur in broad daylight.

Desperately trying to regain control of the situation, Max pleaded for mercy as Silas lifted his fluffy tail. "Wait! Please, stop! You can't do this!" His voice cracked under the strain of his mounting fear and desperation.

At first, Silas complied with his plea, pausing just long enough to gauge the true intensity of his captive's suffering. Then, with calculated precision, he shifted his position slightly, applying even more pressure to the tiger's delicate virgin hole.

As pressure continued to build within, it began to morph into an agonizingly intense white hot searing pain. Unable to bear the overwhelming torrent of pain any longer, the trapped tiger let out a blood-curdling scream.

Max awakens from his nightmare, his heart pounding furiously within his chest as he gasps for breath. His brow is drenched with sweat, as if he had just run a marathon. The intensity of the night terror has left him trembling with fear, and he instinctively reaches down to cover his ass, as if the rabbit cock from his dream was still attempting to penetrate him.

Max takes slow deep breaths as he tries to calm his racing heart. This isn't the first nightmare he has experienced since that fateful day in the locker room, nor will it likely be the last. Shaking off the lingering chill of dread, he cautiously makes his way towards the bathroom, his eyes darting around the room like those of a frightened animal searching for a safe hiding place.

As he steps under the hot shower, the steaming water cascades down upon him, washing away not only the sweat from his striped fur, but also the remnants of the intensity of his nightmare. However, despite these comforting sensations, memories continue to flood through his mind: the rabbit's masculine musky scent filling every corner of the locker room; the thick veins pulsing from the rabbit's hypnotizing manhood. Its vibrant hues and intricate vein patterns screamed superiority, resembling nothing less than a gigantic phallic python that demanded respect.

Max recalled the moment when he first tasted Silas's potent seed - a rank brew designed to humiliate and enslave him. Though repugnant at first, the acrid tang of the herbivore's semen gradually took hold, wresting control of Max's palate with ruthless authority. It wasn't long before he was darting his way around Silas' shaft to savor each morsel before swallowing it whole. He recalled the way it coated his tongue, leaving behind a residue that clung stubbornly no matter how hard he tried to get rid of it.

Thinking about the rabbit cum pooling in the back of his throat like a vile, noxious liquid made Max salivate profusely. Desperately seeking some measure of satisfaction, Max tipped his head back and began greedily guzzling down the hot water streaming from above him. With every swallow, he fantasized that he was really consuming vast quantities of the rabbit's thick, creamy semen.

The pressure exerted on his throat and stomach by this imaginary load sent waves of pleasure coursing through him. Max felt his entire body tensing up as he fought against the temptation to choke and sputter. His heart pounded within his chest as if trying to burst free from its cage, sending jolts of adrenaline coursing through his veins. With every stroke, he could feel the tension building up deep within his core, filling him up until he thought he might explode. And then, without warning, he reached the point of no return and shot ropes of hot, sticky cum down the shower drain.

To think that an herbivore had reduced him to this level of depravity! But even now, knowing full well how wrong it all was, he couldn't deny the intoxicating blend of shame and arousal that overwhelmed him.

Was he truly losing his mind? As the realization set in that he was now addicted to something so distasteful and degrading, Max found himself engulfed in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions - fear, anger, shame, arousal - all swirling together in a chaotic maelstrom that threatened to tear him apart. The knowledge that he had willingly submitted himself to another male, let alone an herbivore, was a heavy burden to bear. It was as if a part of his identity had been stripped away.

As he struggled to reconcile these feelings within himself, the nagging doubt lingered relentlessly - was he just a fake predator who would be transformed into a rabbit's bitch?

Max shook his head violently, desperately attempting to banish such thoughts from his mind. No, he told himself firmly, he was a tiger; strong, fierce, unyielding. To allow himself to be dominated by someone else went completely against everything he believed in. This was merely a one-time mistake, an isolated incident borne out of weakness and vulnerability. It would never happen again.

As Max made his way down the stairs, he was greeted by the tantalizing aroma of sizzling meat wafting through the air. It was a rare treat - hunting other animals was strictly prohibited by law, but the sale of meat from recently deceased herbivores was considered perfectly legitimate. While these gentle giants may have had their own objections to being slaughtered and sold for consumption, there was no denying that their bodies provided an essential source of nourishment for predator species like Max's own kind.

"Are you ready for the big game today, honey?" His mother inquired warmly as she stirred a pot on the stove. "I noticed that you've been feeling down lately, so I thought I would make you something extra special." Max jolted back to reality as he remembered today was their first game of the season. His mind had been occupied with thoughts of Silas - memories of their intense encounter in the locker room still fresh in his mind like a wound that refused to heal. "Are you alright?" his mother asked, concern evident in her voice as she clearly saw him spacing out at the table.

"I'm fine," Max lied. "It's just this new kid on the team is a pain in the ass" With that, he dug his teeth into the succulent steak on his plate, relishing the taste of the savory meat that filled his senses and momentarily distracted him from his demons.

For once during this difficult week, he felt a strange sense of peace wash over him - no longer plagued by the nagging feeling of self-hatred that had haunted him ever since their fateful encounter.

"Well, just remember," she continued between sips of her steaming hot coffee, "when dealing with new kids, always maintain confidence and composure. Never let them see any signs of weakness or vulnerability, because if you do, then they will think they can take advantage of you."

This basic rule of predator psychology was something every member of their kind understood implicitly, but hearing it spoken aloud by his own mother made Max cringe involuntarily. It reminded him of how easily he had allowed himself to be manipulated and controlled by Silas - a weakness he now regretted more than anything else in the world.

"You're a strong tiger, just like your dad was. Don't let anyone think that they can take you down."

Despite having never met his father - who passed away in a tragic car accident before he was even born - Max found solace in these words of encouragement from his mother. After finishing off the remainder of his steak, he promptly stacked his plate in the sink and prepared to make a hasty exit.

"Okay mom," Max stammered nervously, eager to escape any further discussions regarding his perceived vulnerability, "I gotta run!"

And with that, he pushed open the front door and sprinted headlong towards the soccer field where their first game of the season was set to commence.

As Max stepped onto the hallowed grounds of the soccer field, he couldn't help but notice the palpable sense of anticipation that hung heavy in the air. His fellow teammates, in their vibrant, uniform colors, busily engaged themselves in various pre-game warmup activities.

Amid this whirlwind of excitement and nervous energy, Lucas - a tall, lanky gray wolf who played defense for the team - approached Max with a mixture of concern and trepidation etched upon his furrowed brow.

"Hey Max," he began hesitantly, his voice barely audible over the voices surrounding him, "can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure," Max responded, curiosity piqued by his friend's unusually somber demeanor.

"Max, I have something to tell you," Lucas continued earnestly, clearly wrestling with some inner turmoil as he struggled to maintain eye contact with his teammate. "You know I'm your friend, right? I wouldn't ever try to start shit with you."

"Yeah, what's up?" Max asked cautiously, sensing that there was more to come.

"I saw that rabbit with your girl last night," Lucas revealed bluntly, doing his best to suppress any hint of revulsion or disgust regarding the situation at hand. "They were... making out. You have to do something about this, man. You can't let this herbivore steal your girl."

With these words, Max felt a sudden surge of anger coursing through every fiber of his being. His hands clenched into fists at his sides as a deep, guttural growl emanated from the pit of his stomach.

"People are starting to say things about you, man," Lucas added urgently, "You have to put an end to this immediately."

With clenched jaw and fiery determination coursing through every fiber of his being, Max locked eyes with the culprit responsible for this unforgivable transgression and let loose an enraged roar designed to echo through the very heavens themselves. "Silas!" he bellowed, ensuring that every one of his companions bore witness to the impending storm brewing upon the horizon. "We need to talk!"

Without further ado, Max reached out and seized hold of Silas's arm, firmly gripping it between his powerful paws as if to emphasize the gravity of the situation at hand. Together, they began pushing their way through the dense sea of bodies that surrounded them, carving a path straight toward the the locker room where they could discuss matters privatel.

As they entered the dimly lit chamber, Max wasted no time in confronting Silas directly regarding the matter at hand.

"Is it true?" he demanded gruffly, his voice tinged with barely contained rage. "You and Chloe?"

With steely resolve etched upon his visage, Silas stared defiantly into Max's burning gaze, refusing to be cowed by the tiger's bestial display of aggression.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" he quipped tauntingly, flashing a mischievous grin as if daring his opponent to take action against him. "Our encounters in the locker room have not worked out very favorably for you."

This last remark struck home like a sledgehammer, eliciting a savage snarl from the enraged feline above him.

"Answer. The. Question," Max demanded through gritted teeth, his eyes narrowing to slits as he prepared to pounce at any given moment.

Instead of responding directly, Silas reached into his pocket and produced his smartphone, giving it a few deft taps before handing it over to Max with an air of smug self-assurance. As the bewildered tiger held the device up to eye level, he found himself confronted with a sight that would forever haunt his dreams.

For there, in all its grotesque glory, was Silas's monstrous veiny cock - a sight that Max was all too familiar with at this point. But it was not just the sheer size and girth of the rabbit's penis that filled him with a deep and abiding sense of despair; rather, it was the way in which it was being utilized. For there, lying beneath the weight of Silas's colossal member, was his beloved Chloe - the cute and petite doe who had once captured his heart and soul with her gentle kindness and unwavering devotion. And yet, in this moment, she was anything but the innocent creature he had come to know and love; instead, she was transformed into a writhing mass of sexual desire, her eyes closed tightly as she begged for Silas to plunge his throbbing organ deeper and deeper inside her quivering body.

With each agonizing second that passed, Max found himself growing more and more nauseous, his mind reeling as he struggled to come to terms with the enormity of the situation at hand. And as he watched the camera angle shift ever so slightly, capturing every detail of Silas's brutal assault upon his most cherished possession, he felt a sudden, inexplicable sense of anger bubbling up within him - an unquenchable thirst for vengeance that threatened to consume him whole.

In a fit of uncontrollable rage, Max lashed out at Silas with a savage blow to the face - a desperate attempt to wipe the smirk off his rival's face once and for all. And yet, despite the sheer force behind the strike, all it succeeded in doing was leaving a deep, crimson gash across the rabbit's once-pristine fur, accompanied by a steady flow of blood.

As Silas reeled back from the impact, clutching at the side of his face as he attempted to stanch the flow of crimson liquid that now stained his white fur, Max couldn't help but feel a sense of grim satisfaction coursing through his veins; after all, he had finally taken action against the menace that had plagued his life for far too long, standing up to the manipulative rabbit in a way that he had never dared to before.

But before he could fully savor the moment, Max found himself being catapulted into the nearest locker - a forceful impact that left him winded and gasping for breath as he collapsed onto the floor in a state of complete and utter disorientation.

"That was a big, big mistake, Max," the rabbit sneered, his voice dripping with sadistic rage. "Huge one."

"I'm surprised," he continued, circling his prey like a predator stalking its wounded prey. "I didn't think you had any fight left in you. I didn't think you were that stupid."

"She told me all about you, Silas. How you'd get anxious during sex, unable to perform. It truly broke my heart for her; such a beautiful doe should experience pleasure without any hindrance."

Silas spoke confidently while looking down at Max who lay motionless on the ground. Each syllable that left his lips caused an agonizing sensation within Max - it felt like physical pain ripping through his body. A deep crimson hue overtook his features as embarrassment and rage consumed him, yet he remained utterly powerless against this humiliating predicament.

"But don't worry Max. I took good care of her. I stretched her pussy out. I fucking destroyed it. It's never gonna be the same, you probably wouldn't even be able to feel anything anymore." Silas said with cruel glee, enjoying every moment of Max's torment.

"You know, sometimes people have to step up when someone can't handle their responsibilities. That's exactly what I did. I gave her something real, something raw. Something she needed! I did what you were never man enough to do."

The taunting persisted without respite, driving Max ever nearer to the brink of losing control. "I saved her from being with a pathetic limp-dicked virgin!" Silas declared triumphantly before adding an insultingly cruel twist to his words, "But don't worry, Max; your days of being a virgin are officially over."

As Silas spoke these words, he reached down and grabbed hold of Max's pants and underwear, yanking them down roughly until they pooled around his knees. The older cat's white furred ass was now fully exposed, along with his meager 5-inch erection - a sight that only served to fuel Silas' already insatiable desire for dominance over this pathetic excuse of an alpha male.

As Silas spoke these words, he reached down and grabbed hold of Max's pants and underwear, yanking them down roughly until they pooled around his knees. The older cat's white furred ass was now fully exposed, along with his meager 5-inch erection - a sight that only served to fuel Silas' already insatiable desire for dominance over this pathetic excuse of an alpha male.

As Silas carefully crouched down behind Max, he started rubbing the tiger's hindquarters with an experienced touch--digging intensely into the flesh and working it vigorously, much like how a baker might handle their dough. Despite being a much larger animal, Max could not hold back a sequence of deep, throaty moans; they were not sounds of pleasure, but rather indications of pain caused by Silas' rough treatment.

While continuing to apply pressure on Max's rear end, Silas resumed speaking, his tone oozing with spiteful glee as he took delight in causing distress to the tiger.

"You invite me in here to get humiliated, don't you? You try to hurt me, but really, you're just begging for me to put you in your place. You want trouble, pussycat? I'll be more than happy than happy to give it to you!"

With that, Silas suddenly pulled back one of his hands and brought it down hard against Max's ass - delivering a swift, stinging slap that echoed throughout the locker room like thunder. The force of the blow was enough to make the tiger cry out.

Satisfied by this reaction, Silas reached out again and spread Max's ass cheeks wide open, exposing the pink pucker of his anus to the cold air. He bent down slightly, bringing his face closer to the target, and hocked up a large wad of saliva before depositing it directly onto the tiger's gaping hole. The viscous fluid dripped slowly downwards, pooling around the edges of Max's tightly furled entrance as it seeped between the cracks.

"I'm going to revoke your man card, Max. I'm going to tear it up. Permanently. Right here. Right now. Once I pump my seed in you, you'll be my property for life, and you'll never have any chance to be a real man ever again. You will never fuck a woman. You will never get your dick sucked. You will never pass on your pathetic weak seed. You will never have any more of these childish outbursts. You are just going to be fucked and fucked and fucked. I am going to fuck you again and again and again until all you can think about is my cock and my cum."

As Silas unleashed his twisted tirade, his eyes locked onto the tiger lying submissively before him. An intense mix of insanity and primal desire gleamed in his bright blue orbs as they bore into their prey. His heart pounded furiously against his chest while perspiration trickled down his forehead, staining the air with a heady scent of lustful anticipation.

The only thought racing through Max's frantic mind was the desperate hope that he would awaken from this horrific dream. Yet, as he experienced the chilling sensation of Silas' colossal, vein-laden phallus slapping forcefully against his rear end and aligning itself perfectly with his vulnerable anal passage, reality struck him like a thunderbolt. This was real.

As the rabbit thrust forward, Max felt like he was being torn apart. The young freshman's cock was like a battering ram attempting to breach the castle's gate. It was only a matter of time before the herbivore's barbarian cock would smash through the tiger's insides and pillage everything inside. The pain was indescribable, unlike anything he had ever experienced.

"You're too tight, pussycat. You better loosen up and let me in!" Silas exclaimed, his voice laced with anticipation and impatience

Max's face paled as he realized the gravity of the situation. His heart raced with fear, imagining someone walking through that door to witness this humiliating scene unfold before their very eyes. The thought was too horrifying to contemplate; he could already feel the cold sting of rejection and scorn from his peers as they turned their backs on him in disgust. No one would ever look at him again without thinking about this moment. In brief moments between conscious thought and primal instinct, Max wondered if perhaps death might not be such a bad alternative after all. At least then he wouldn't have to face the embarrassment of being forever known as the tiger who got fucked by a rabbit.

As Silas persisted in his pursuit to breach Max's defenses, he began to grow discontented. Taking the tiger's virginity wasn't satisfying him as much as he expected it would have. He wanted to see Max crumble under pressure - to witness firsthand how desperately the once proud alpha male clung onto any semblance of dignity left within him. Instead, Silas was trying to push himself into a bone-dry tiger that was too scared to muster up the energy to show any other emotion. Perhaps this wasn't the right time or place, Silas thought to himself.

Silas ceased his desperate attempts to breach Max's stubbornly resistant ass. He slowly stood upright, exhaling heavily as sweat dripped off his fur onto the floor below them. Max, still lying face down on the ground with his tail raised in the air, took this brief respite as an opportunity to breathe easy again - or so he thought.

Max suddenly felt a sudden gush of warmth splashing down upon his fur as Silas unleashed a powerful jet of thick, pungent liquid all over him. The overwhelming aroma of the rabbit's urine filled the air around them like a toxic fog, stinging at the nostrils of both animals.

As the warm golden fluid continued to rain down upon him relentlessly, Max realized that there was no escape - he was trapped within the confines of the locker room, unable to move or even breathe without being enveloped by the foul-smelling substance now coating every inch of his exposed fur.

Silas watched with perverse satisfaction as the tiger struggled in vain against the tide of liquid assaulting him from every angle. In what could only be described as a vile display intended solely to provoke outrage and disgust, Silas reached out to grab hold of Max's fluffy tail before aligning his swollen red penis directly above the panicked cat's tight little anus. Without any warning at all, he began pumping large volumes of warm pee straight into the defeated tiger's bowels.

Gritting his teeth together tightly, Max tried desperately to pull away from this cruel violation only for Silas to jerk violently on his now sodden tail, effectively pinning him down even further against his will. Max could feel the insides of his once proud body becoming saturated beyond control with the young rabbit's liquid waste. "The rabbit you thought was too weak to be on this team" rabbit spoke between groans of pleasure "Is pissing inside of your fucking ass. Think about that." urine began to overflow out of max's ass and drip on the floor below.

All sense of reason had completely deserted both parties at this point; all they could do now was react instinctively while their minds screamed in disbelief over how far things had escalated since they first crossed paths. With unrestrained delight, Silas reveled in the humiliation of his adversary who dared to challenge his authority, grunting loudly as he emptied his full bladder into the unwilling recipient.

"Everyone saw you bring me in here to teach me a lesson," Silas taunted.

"And you're going to come out covered in rabbit piss. Have fun trying to explain that one to everyone." He let out a low chuckle.

Silas exited the scene without looking back - leaving Max behind sprawled helplessly across the cold, wet floor. A deep sense of dread took hold over the distressed feline as time seemed to slow down dramatically around him. He knew full well that every single one of his fellow soccer players would soon come flooding into the locker room after completing their warmups.

What kind of twisted nightmare had just unfolded before his very eyes? And more importantly, how could he possibly hide the fact that he was drenched in the piss of a rabbit that just fucked his girlfriend?

There simply wasn't enough time left for him to wallow in despair. In a state of near blind panic, Max stumbled towards the communal restroom area located just next door. Using every bit of strength left within him, he lunged forward towards one of the dispensary machines hanging on the wall nearby, desperately grabbing handfuls upon handfuls of crinkly white paper towel sheets until there was nothing else left but empty air beneath them. Frantically, he began dabbing away at any visible traces of that vile liquid like it was some sort of deadly venom meant only for killing off whatever semblance of pride remained inside him.

Max started to hear voices and footsteps and he immediately sought refuge within in a toilet stall, desperately hoping against all odds that it contained enough privacy needed to be kept hidden away from his team.

Max listened intently as his teammates exchanged laughter and chatter regarding their upcoming soccer match, he suddenly became aware of another individual calling out something rather peculiar;

"What the fuck!" This sudden exclamation sent shivers down Max's spine who knew full well what they were referring to "This area stinks!"

Another unsuspecting team member questioned aloud "Hey where is Max?" The collective room buzzed with confusion, resulting in several members speaking simultaneously - demanding answers from one another about Max's whereabouts.

Max tried his best to hold his breath as he positioned himself atop the cold ceramic toilet bowl - legs crossed tightly together while still saturated with vile smelling liquid emitted by Silas.

Austin, a Hyena Midfielder interrupted the ongoing discussion amongst his peers with a direct query aimed at Silas "Didn't he bring you in here? What happened?" His question managed to capture the attention of every single individual present within this confined area as they eagerly awaited any potential clue or hint that might shed light onto this peculiar situation involving their absent friend.

Silas responded nonchalantly while rubbing the small scratch on his cheek. "He left."

Silas didn't offer any additional information leaving everyone else puzzled regarding why exactly this particular event transpired so suddenly and without warning.

The room erupted with a barrage of questions.


"What do you mean he left?"

"Why would he just leave?"

"Is he gonna play?"

"I dunno." Silas simply shrugged helplessly

"Look, you clearly aren't telling us everything. You have a scratch on your face. What happened? Did he get in trouble?" Austin's responded, feeling unsatisfied with such a vague answer.

"He didn't get in trouble. He got angry and scratched me, then he said he had a stomachache and left" Silas said.

"So he scratched you and he just ran home to mommy?" The hyena let out a burst of laughter "What a pussy!"

Another player looked at Silas with disbelief, "Seriously?! All you got was a little scratch on your face?! I thought he was going to kill you!"

A third member tries to imitate Max by lightly scratching another player, shouting 'That's for taking my girlfriend!' Then runs towards the exit at full speed while simultaneously covering up his stomach area like he was experiencing some sort of agonizing tummy ache. Everyone else laughed uncontrollably at his act.

Max could feel his cheeks burning red from embarrassment while he stayed perched on the toilet seat, trying to hold back Silas' still-warm urine from seeping out of his abused bottom.

"Alright then, I guess you will play in Max's place" Austin said nonchalantly, "You've been playing even better than him these days anyways." He gave Silas a hearty slap on the back.

With everyone gone, Max clenched his fists and steeled himself against the stench as he began to expel the putrid rabbit urine from his system. The pungent odor filled the air, causing him to grimace and retch involuntarily. His anus burned fiercely, fueling his growing rage.

Determined to reclaim some semblance of dignity, Max stripped off his soiled jersey and pants running into the shower. He scrubbed furiously at his now discolored coat of fur, attempting in vain to scour away any lingering traces of Silas's humiliating emasculation. The soap lathered and bubbled as it met with Max's moistened pelt, but despite his best efforts. The rabbit's scent was too strong, too pervasive, and no matter how much he scrubbed, he could still smell it, lingering in the air like a haunting ghost.

As the feline stood beneath the scalding downpour of water, a torrent of thoughts raced through his mind like runaway freight trains. He could still see Silas's colossal cock plunging in and out of his girlfriend's pussy. It was so large and thick that it seemed to stretch her out like a rubber band, changing the very nature of her body forever. He could see every vein pulsating with life as it slid effortlessly in and out of her moist depths, coated with her glistening wetness.

How could she have done this to him? How could she give herself over so completely to another man, especially someone as young as Silas. But then again, maybe he shouldn't be surprised at all. After all, just a few days earlier, Max had found himself on his knees before that same freshman rabbit, worshiping his giant serpentine cock like an idol. How could he expect her not to give in to those same urges? How could he blame her for succumbing to the allure of such a powerful and intimidating presence? And yet...and yet, there was still this nagging sense of betrayal gnawing away at him from deep within. A feeling that no matter how much rationalization or understanding he tried to apply, it just wouldn't go away.

Tears welled up in Max's eyes as he realized the full extent of his humiliation. The bunny had taken his girlfriend, used him as a urinal, and was currently on the field playing alongside his teammates in his place. This humiliation was so extensive, so complete, that Max felt like there was nothing he could ever do to retaliate against the rabbit. Killing the rabbit would not be enough. Torturing the rabbit for an eternity would not be enough. There was no way for the tiger to make up for the shame and embarrassment he experienced at the hands of this insignificant prey.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of scrubbing furiously with soap and water, Max finally managed to cleanse himself of most of the rabbit's humiliating scent that had clung so stubbornly to his fur. He took a deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror. His hazel eyes were clouded over with shame, and he couldn't bear to look at them for too long. With a heavy heart, he trudged out onto the field to take his place among his teammates.

By the time Max had joined his team, Silas had already cemented himself as the standout player of the game. The freshman rabbit confidently darted around the turf with unparalleled grace and agility, expertly weaving through the opposing team's defenders before slamming the ball into the back of the net. Max watched from the sidelines as his teammates cheered for Silas, their excitement palpable in the air.

As the first half of the game came to a close, Coach Marcus quickly assessed the situation and made a decision; Silas would remain in the game. Throughout the entire game, Silas just kept scoring. Three goals in total, each one more spectacular than the last. As the final whistle blew and the team emerged victorious, Silas was swarmed by players and coaches alike, all eager to congratulate him on his exceptional performance. Max watched from the sidelines as people turned to look at him with curiosity in their eyes. He knew they were wondering why he had disappeared and allowed a rabbit to take his place.

Max couldn't bring himself to tell them the truth, that he had been humiliated by Silas who now basked in the praise he once took for granted. So instead, he lied. He told them he had suffered from a sudden stomachache. Even though this was the exact same story Silas had told them, he could see that they had their doubts about what had really transpired in the locker room. Max knew his reputation was ruined and he would never be able to regain his former glory as the star of the soccer team.

As Silas reveled in his newfound fame, Max slunk away from the celebration, feeling ashamed and humiliated. With heavy steps, Max trudged up the front porch stairs and let himself inside. Immediately, he heard voices coming from the living room. His mother called out to ask if he wanted dinner, but her words fell flat against the deafening silence hanging thick between them. She must have seen something in his expressionless face because she stopped mid-sentence, concern etched deeply onto her features.

"What's wrong honey?" she asked softly, reaching out to touch his arm gently. "You look exhausted! Did you lose your match?"

It took every ounce of strength not to break down right then and there. Instead, Max simply shook his head silently before turning away without another word. He needed some space - somewhere private where he could gather himself together again. Without waiting for permission, he retreated upstairs toward his bedroom.

Once inside, Max closed the door firmly behind him and collapsed onto his bed facedown. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as he struggled to make sense of the complex web of feelings and desires that seemed to be pulling him in different directions.

He knew that he hated Silas with every fiber of his being - the relentless barrage of taunts and humiliations, the seemingly endless series of degrading and demoralizing challenges designed to break his spirit and rob him of any semblance of dignity left him feeling angry and frustrated. And yet, amidst all the pain and suffering that this vile rabbit had inflicted upon him, there was something admirable about his tormentor's raw, unfiltered masculinity.

As these thoughts swirled around in his head, Max could feel the first stirrings of an unwelcome arousal starting to build within him. He tried to ignore it at first, but as the images of Silas's colossal erection filled his mind. That massive rod had dominated Max's world ever since they met. He reached down between his legs, absentmindedly stroking the fur there as he let out a low, desperate groan.

What kind of sick joke was this cruel universe playing on him? To have someone who looked so innocent yet possessed such raw sexual prowess made him feel utterly insignificant. How dare a creature so inferior wield such control? It was beyond comprehension; it was intolerable. This rabbit, this insignificant prey, had disrupted every aspect of Max's existence, casting him into a world filled with shame and desolation.

As Max grew closer and closer to climaxing, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was deeply, profoundly wrong with him. He used to be confident, self-assured, respected by everyone around him - now he was nothing more than a pathetic loser who couldn't even stand up to some lowly rabbit without getting his ass kicked. It was almost like there was something deep inside him that wanted him to lose, some self-destructive impulse that wanted him to submit entirely to Silas' twisted will, even if it meant sacrificing every last shred of dignity and self-respect in the process.

Max climaxed with a sudden rush of pleasure that left him feeling weak and ashamed. He just wanted to kill this depraved part of himself, but he knew that it wasn't going anywhere. As much as he tried to deny it, the truth was that Silas had awakened something within him that he never even knew existed before. As Max closed his eyes, he knew deep down inside that things could never go back to the way they were before - not after Silas had come along and wreaked havoc on his life.