Claiming of a new Pet

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Stooping low, a large broad talon grips the mouth of the cave. His silver scaled arms flex as he pushes a large stone out of the way. Once inside his wings spread as he raised his talons "This is small cave I found a long time ago. Look around. Find the spot you think I would have the most fun with." Lowering his arms and tucking in his wings his dark maw splits into a smile showing off his purple tongue as he gazes down at the hybrid dragoness before him. Her purple furred arms and sides give way to dark black scaled legs. The canine paws and tail easily remind the wary that her bunny muzzle does little to dissuade her mettle. Her large dark furred rabbit ears stand in stark contrast to the broad lavender scaled wings.

Tentatively the hybrid looks around. Unsure of how to proceed she takes her first tentative steps into the sparsely furnished cave. A light must fills her nose as she walks slowly about. The passes a pile of pillows clearly aged from time. A paw runs over the frame of a bed as her mind drifts to the possibilities the soft mattress could offer. Sheepishly she looks back at the large dragon and she shakes her head, 'maybe another time' she thinks to herself before finding a plush bear skin rug tucked next to several large rocks, worn smooth by time and use. Her eyes flick between the soft rug and the large dragon before she stops on the brown furred floor. Her black taloned feet paw at the rug.

With a smirk the large dragon walks across the room to sit on the rocks behind the smaller dragon hybrid "Not my first choice but this will do VERY nicely." His Talon points to the rug. "Kneel and show me what I am getting into. I might want you as a pet but I need to know what I am getting into"

She nods nervously as the dragon sits up behind her as her ears twitch a little at his orders being a while sense getting some as she shyly crawls and does as ordered sticking her little butt in the air. The large black and fluffy tail flagged high, displaying her intention.

The dragon smiles as she presents herself to him. His pants getting painfully tight as his member begins to swell from his sheath. "He grabs her at the base of the tail and drags a single talon over the belt of her shorts. "Please do go on show me what you have to offer?"

She gasps a little as her little body jerks a bit at the vice grip on the base of her tail being rather sensitive trying to keep focused and follow orders as she wiggles out of the gold lace top and tiny black bra slowly.

After seeing her top hitting the fur rug a grin splits the silver dragon's maw. Freeing her tail one talon grabs the base of one of the lavender wings and spins her around. A long tongue rolls out from between his sharp rows of teeth. A gentle flick barely clips the tips of the budding nipples. "Nice start..." he lowly growls at her. "How well do your paws work hum? My pants are a touch too tight. Fix it for me" He takes his seat back on the rocks and leans back admiring the view before him.

The timid bunny side of the hybrid pushes her to nervously shivers at his grip and turn watching the broad male as he adjusts himself. The almost gentle brush the broad tongue along the exposed breast flushes her little muzzle beat red as she looks up at you and nod crawling over slowly and carefully loose the thick leather belt "y yes si sir" she stammers then starts to pull them off glancing up to make sure she was doing it right as the submissive lil bunny eyes practically glowing in excitement

He chuckles softly as she slides his pants off. The heavy ceramic plates clatter off the rocks with a sharp snap. His blue penis now free to kiss the cool cave air dances in-front of her muzzle. A small glisten of his own excitement resting on top of the throbbing member. "Good, your paws work, and you know how to take off pants. Why are your shorts still attached to your hips?" A single nail hooks behind the belt pulling her closer and threatening to sunder the thin strip of leather.

The hybrid shutters a little as she gawks at the larger mail adjusting himself seeing his cock fling free thick dragon musk scent filling the bunnies little nose as she shyly lets out a little murmur before jerking just a little as the dragon quickly moves behind her and claw at the offending belt. Her canine paws quickly looking down and fumbles a little to remove her shorts as the twitching nose flairs out against her beat red muzzle.

A smirk rolls up his maw on just the left side as he watches her eyes linger on his proud member. "Someone likes what she sees. Here take a closer look hum" Moving to sit once more on the rocks one arm snaps out and cluches the back of her head to pull her down as he sits. His strong arms guiding her muzzle to his tip. "have a taste since you have been so well behaved thus far"

She shivers a little as he moves back up on the rock as the large rabbit ears twitch and gasps a little as the strong arm snaps out grabbing her neck and yanking her in. The feeling the blue hot tip against her little muzzle, hot sharp musk filling her little nose as she shyly licks at the offered, tip trying to not just jerk down on the pulsing shaft. A shy little moan escaping her muzzle at the taste

The dragon groans as her lips split along his shaft. A small rumble rolls though his chest as she daintily plays at just the tip. "Is that all you want? Well then if that is the case it is my turn then!" His hand drops the back of her head and claps the leather straps across the furred wolfen chest. With a small grunt he lifts her off the ground before he lies down. Dropping her dripping slit next to his throbbing rod. The hot flesh twists and squirms against her folds as he uses the wolf's own harness to grind her into himself.

A soft meep escapes her muzzle as she is lifted up and his vice grip on the cute harness. She looks back at the larger dragon nervously as he starts to grind against her letting out little moans as he quickly start feeling the little pussy getting wet against his hungry cock. Shyly letting out little gasping whimpers as her harness tightens against her clearly enjoying the feeling of being used.

As the honeyed folds begin to coat the dragon's dick, the throbbing speeds up. Each twist and pulse trying in vain to bury deeper into your dripping chalice. Shamelessly he thrusts time and time again, sliding his tip though the length of her folds. His firm grip lifts her up once more. This time his gentle nature seems to have been abandoned as he slams her onto the nearby stone table. His grip drops the anchor of her leather harness before both of his fore talons talons grip her hips firmly. A smirk rolls up his muzzle as he shoves her further up the table before his maw buries itself between her legs. A long tongue lashes out seeking the inner walls of the velvet tunnel.

The lithe little body shutters at his teasing and then gaps as he suddenly lifts her up and slams the hybrid form down again. A small gasp of air is forced from her lungs catching her breath for a second as he shoves his maw between her splayed legs. Feeling his tongue dart into the exposed little pussy letting out a rather loud moan as he begins to explore her depths

A deep rumble rolls up his chest. The almost purr vibrates the stone they pair rest on as well as his maw as the relentless tongue alternates between plunging deep into her depths and quick shallow flicks against the exposed bean. "That is a VERY GOOD girl. Let me hear your first scream for me!" his grip tightens on her hips pulling her tighter against his hungry maw.

Her little body shutters as the broad blue tongue basically fucks her little body. Her scaled legs begin to quiver as she starts to whimper and moan as her little body tense up a little as the words 'good girl' fill her ears. A rather submissive moan escapes her bunny muzzle with his tight grip and those words her hips clinch a little on the exploring tongue

Chuckles as he feels the velvet walls slicked by honey clench up on him. His broad tongue pulls out and flicks again at her exposed clit. "That is not the scream I am waiting for. Let me hear you..." he trails of as one talon relinquishes it's iron grip on her side and slides under her ass. The thick muscles flex against her fur as he grips the base of her tail. "... scream" he grunts before pulling her tail and ass too him as he begins plowing his tongue deep within her walls once more.

Her little muzzle practically glows red getting in a little pant as he pulls his tongue out looking down at sliver dragon's maw, nervously as his talon moves under her and jerks as his grip tightens on the base of the floofy tail sending a shock down her spine and moans out as he once again shoves his broad tongue back into her slickened folds. Her arms and wings begin to shutter as she can't stop herself from giving into the throes of pleasure. The scaled black legs quiver as she orgasms against the rapidly lashing tongue letting out a loud submissive moan as her little body flinches hopelessly against his grip.

Chuckles loudly as he relinquishes his grip on the woman twitching before him. He claws find the hard stone floor as he stands admiring the panting woman and the glistening slit. "Oh you have been a good girl. Once again it is my turn." A sly smirk rolls up the left side of his muzzle once again as he leans down and picks her up once more. Holding her against him and clear of the table his throbbing member lines up with the dripping hole. In one swift motion the blue throbbing rod is slammed into the dripping chalice.

Her little body flinches against the stone as he stands up to watch her quivering form for a moment before leaning over. She weakly hugs onto the hard silver scales as he lifts her, the large rabbit ears twitching and gasps as the pulsing blue cock suddenly slams into her as he you can almost instantly feel her tummy bulge between them as she was that much smaller. As his hot flesh stretches the little pussy being extremely tight from under use, she lets out another rather loud submissive moan as her little canine claws grip at the hard scaled shoulders, looking for purchase to brace herself.

A deep growl rumbles in his chest as he bounces her ass off his hips with each thrust, letting her own weight slam back down on his throbbing member. The head begins to twist and twitch faster than his hips piston. The growl grows deeper, and longer as his pace continues to quicken. His maw licks at one shoulder before pulling back and snapping shut with an audible click. "Such a good girl, You deserve attention and I will give you as much as you need" he grunts through clenched jaws. A final SLAM and his talons hold her hips tight against him for just a moment before he pulls out and thrusts his dick between the pair. Torrents of seed splash out mixing with fur and scale as he holds the pair tightly. "A very GOOD girl" he says, easing the grip on her hips. and setting her down on the table.

She gasps at the snap of the silver's jaw hearing the grit of his teeth before he slams into her moaning out loudly as his grip tightens and then yanks her up. The warm feeling as he starts to cum against between the two. The words 'good girl' again flood her brain as she submissively moans and whimpers against him. The furred form shivering as she is sat down on the stone table. The scent of his seed being mixed in her fur as she pants and shivers against the warm scales of the dragon as her furred ass rests on the cool stone.

Slow deep breaths heave the dragons chest. His scales slide against each other with each long breath. Once again he picks the hybrid up, turning the pair around and hopping up on the table himself with a huff. His wings flap for balance as he adjusts both of them into a comfortable sitting arrangement. "Such a wonderfully good girl. You deserve some attention. I think I am going to keep you, so I can give you that attention you need."

Her little muzzle get beat red as she pants against his silver chest trying to stop herself from shivering as she softly sniff against his chest "i im gl glad i um did good sir i w well um its b been a little i w wasnt um t too tight was i??" She fumbles out. She looks down nervously between her legs at her dripping fur. The intoxicating mixture of her own honey mixing with the seed copiously matting in her fur once again flushes her muzzle.

He chuckles softly, shaking his head. "Not at all. I don't know many men that would complain about being .. too tight." His talon gently strokes her fur until it transitions to scales. His nails gently clack against them as he gently caresses where he previously held an iron grip. "You did perfect."