Adventures of Two Minds

I guess to be nice I should start at the beginning. I am Zeylanicum. I have been in Chervil for 23 falls now. Last fall was rough but we will get to that. I come from a clan of like furred Cougars called the KarroK. As with most Cougars we lived in...

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01 Almost Chosen [Prologue]

A 1000 years ago in the far eastern land of Hiko the growth was a model for all the land. Construction of new everything was abound. Houses sprouted as far as they eye could see and as easily as planting a field of grass. Every merchant not only...

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Couple interupted

Of course all locations are copyright of there respective owners. This is just a tail of to toons in a familar game. If you can guess the game bonus points. Again if your not 18 please don't read .. not ment for your eyes yada yada yada "We are almost...

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Claiming of a new Pet

Stooping low, a large broad talon grips the mouth of the cave. His silver scaled arms flex as he pushes a large stone out of the way. Once inside his wings spread as he raised his talons "This is small cave I found a long time ago. Look around. Find...

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