Little Slaves Life

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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Little Slaves Life

By: DarkSerpent

My master is the nicest person in the world. The most powerful warlock in the known world. I secretly loved him so much. My big bushy tail wagged slowly back and forth. I gathered a few bottle's off a shelf. My grey and dark brown fur pressed up against the different colored bottles. "Damian! Bottle!" His gruff voice broke from the next room. "Coming Master!" He yelled and I quickly broke from the room. I looked up at the large bull leaning over a bubbling cauldron. "Here you are master!" I ran up sliding the vial's into his large hands.

He poured it into the blue liquid turning it to a bright red color. He stared down into the liquid as it began to boil and smoke over the lip of the cauldron. "Done," He smiled and I stood behind him my tail wagging slowly behind me. "Well my pet, we are finished," He smiled making me perk up. My ears jumped up and I got ready to speak as he reached his hand over. "Isn't that right Alister," He reached over and scratched under the chin of a large snake. It hissed softly and rubbed against his hand.

I let my tail slide between my legs. I know I'm not the most handsome raccoon in the world but still I could at least get a comment. "Master....I um...I," I trailed off as he looked back at me. "Yes Damian?" He blinked and I shivered. His intense gaze made my stomach knot up slowly till it formed in knots. "'s tea time," I slid off slowly. "Ah yes, please run to the kitchen and tell cook to send up the tea please," He walked over to his desk and sat down.

I stepped out looking down at the long stairway leading down the tower. Slowly I walked down with my hands crossed in front of me. "Guess I can't complain, I am only a little slave," I huffed and turned at the bottom step. I moved down the corridor of the estate seeing all the artifacts sitting behind glass down the hall. "Still I could get a tiny little thank you for bringing all the bottles," I whispered. I reached the kitchen door and slowly pushed it open. "Good afternoon Ms. Raleigh," A small sigh escaped my lips.

The plump pink pig looked over at me. She wore her light blue dress and bonnet as she smiled. "Good afternoon Damian, is it tea time already?" She giggled and walked over slowly. "Yes Ma'am," I peeked up at her. She waddled over to the stove and filled a large silver tea pot with hot water and tea leaves. "Here you are," She placed everything on a tray and I moved over picking it up. "Give the master my best wishes," She patted my head and I quickly moved across the room to the door. I headed back down the hall and up the steps knocking on the master door. "Come in," His gruff voice broke from the room.

I pushed open the doorway and stepped into the tower room. "Tea is here master!" I smiled and rushed over. He moved his books and suddenly my foot slid forward. My legs slid out from under me and the tray flew up. Suddenly it crashed back down onto me covering me in the warm water, sugar, and cream. It huffed as the tray landed in front of me. "Damian!" He growled and I looked up terrified. I looked over seeing the tea had landed in the cauldron and the once glowing red water was now black. "It took for hours to make that damn thing!" He yelled and I quickly stood up.

"You're worthless you know that! Get out of my sight!" He yelled and kicked the cauldron over his hoof making a loud ding. It poured out into a large tube out of the mansion. "Master! I'm so sorry! I'll pick it up," I quickly rushed over trying to clean up the tea. Suddenly I bumped into a large stack of books causing it to fall into the puddle. "My books!" He yelled and I stepped back suddenly. He looked at me with an intense look of anger. His eyes stared through me making me shake terribly. "Master! Please...I'm sorry," I stepped back and he didn't flinch. "Get out of my sight now! Just go I don't care where you go just get out!" He yelled and I started to cry softly.

I started to cry and burst from the room. I quickly ran down the steps and out of the mansion. Wiping my face I couldn't think strait. My master hated me and now I would never be able to be near him again. My master stood in his room aggravated and annoyed. "Alister why the hell did I buy him?" He sighed. "Well you needed some sweet little thing to help you around the tower," The female serpent hissed softly. "Yes but he's so clumsy," The grunt escaped his lips. "Yes but out of the thirteen young strapping lads that were brought here, he was the one you wanted, now you just sent him away," She hissed sliding down from the rafters. The large bull forced himself onto his feet. "Where are you going?" She hissed softly. "To find him," He stepped out slowly into the stairwell.

I had managed to hide myself in the hayloft of the stables. Below me two stallions sat below me eating there lunch. The stable cat boy cleaning them off as they ate. I tried to ignore the occasional moan and giggle but it was difficult. A sudden shuffle broke the ecstasy as two heavy hoof steps came into the stables. "Good morning master," One stallion spoke and I ducked under a hay pile. "Have you seen Damian?" His gruff voice spoke and I next heard his hoofs walk up the ladder.

"Damian?" He pulled himself up into the hayloft. I curled up in the hay making a little burrow unknowing that my tail was still sticking form the hay. "Damian?" I felt him move closer and softly sit next to me rubbing my tail. I reached out to grab my tail and he grabbed my arm pulling me out. Tugging back I tried to duck back in my safe little burrow in the hay. He set me on his lap and I looked up at him with still red puffy eyes. "Why did you run all the way out here?" he asked putting his arm around me. I nuzzled into his big warm chest feeling the warmth of his flesh. "Cause I made my master mad," I sniffled. "Yes and I apologize, it was an accident," He rubbed my hair softly. "Please don't be mad at me Master I don't want you mad at me, please don't sell me I like being here with you!" I stood up in his knees to come to ever level with him.

"I will not sell you, I like having my little raccoon servant here with me," He tapped my nose gently. I hugged him and he softly hugged me back. I was in heaven inhaling his deep masculine scent on his body. He stood up and we moved down from the hay loft. We left the stables and headed towards the mansion. Walking through the field between the house and stables I stared up at the beautiful man. My heart always seemed to melt when he stepped out into the sunlight. Those perfect ivory horns seemed to glimmer in the sunlight.

We reached the cobblestone stairs that led to down the kitchen. Ms. Raleigh's humming echoed from the kitchen softly. Master pushed open the door and we stepped in. "Good morning sir," The plump pig smiled and snorted cutely. "Can I have Damian's most favorite dish please, he's feeling a bit down," The master asked her making me blush. "Of course," She smiled and retrieved a small apple tort from a box on the counter. I smiled and he sat the entire tort in front of me. Looking up he nodded then I dove into the dessert eating every single bit of it.

Alister slithered through the door way and up onto the table. Her tongue flicked out at my empty plate. She raised her head and stared at a large mouse running across the floor. She slid off the table and moved over to the mouse following it slowly. I gulped watching the mouse picked up a small piece of fruit. "Good afternoon Sam," She hissed and her tongue traced up his back. The mouse stopped and turned staring up at his mistress. "Hi Miss," He squeaks and shivers. "I thought you were going to bring me some of those big bully rat friends of yours so I can have a nice lunch," She circled him.

"Of course...but they're all outside today I can't get to them," He gulped. "Oh what a shame, then I guesses you'll make a nice light snack," She let her tongue flicker out hitting his nose. The small mouse let out a small squeak. "I'll go retrieve one for you mistress," The mouse ran from the room and Alister laughed to herself. "Why are you so mean to that little mouse?" The piggy cook began to cut a large carrot into slices. "Because he's cute and I need to keep in line," She smirked.

I giggled to myself and looked up seeing my master was gone. My ears sunk as I quickly ran off to find him. Looking in his room I found that he left to gather more supplies for his potions. Like usual I stared out of the window looking out over the country side. I missed him when he was gone, more so when he was gone during the night. With the sun going down I whimpered softly wishing the master would return.

I can't sleep without knowing he's out somewhere maybe buying another slave. With a small yawn I stretched out crossing my arms and letting them rest on window seal my head resting on them. Suddenly the gate to the estate opened and the master carriage pulled through the door. Both stallions pulling the large wooden cab wearing their bridles, straps, etc. My tail wagged and I rushed downstairs. Moving to the front door I pushed it open and my heart sank. My master was stepping out of the carriage with a very pretty woman.

Her entire body covered in shimmering feathers. Her breasts stretched out a foot from her body and the arm of my master stretched around her. His hand resting on her large mammary gland squeezing it softly. "Oh...hi Dami...Damian," He smiled and I could smell the alcohol on him. The women laughed and started a long staggered back to town. The master stepped into the house and with a wave of his hand the candles burst forth with light. "How was town?" I asked and he laughed. "Wonderful I got an order for a love potion and I need the hair of a drunken man," He smiled and he stumbled down the hall and up the stairs. Before doing anything he plucked a hair off his arm and dropped it into the cauldron. He opened on of his books and hiccupped reading. "Ok let's...see," He stared at his book with a big grin. I peeked over his shoulder reading the ingredients and the quantities. A lot of them were specialized ingredients unlike most the potions we make.

True Love Potion

This potion causes feeling of intense love between the parties which consume it. True love is guaranteed to blossom between them both.

Bring cauldron to intense boil and add ingredients. Add lid and boil until only a small amount remains.

Ingredients -

3 Buckets of Holy Water

2 Vials of Rose Oil

1 Frozen Rose

1 Hair of a Drunken Man

2 Knotted Strings

1 Dragons Scale

4 Spoonfuls of Sulfur

10 Bones of a Lizards Left Foot

2 Samples of a Different Men's Sperm

1 Shadow of True Loves Kiss

I blushed seeing everything that was written. He stood slowly quickly sobering up and moved over the cauldron. With a snap of his fingers the fire under the large pot sparked to life. I grabbed a bucket and ran to the supply room getting a bucket full of water. I slowly waddled back tugged the bucket behind me. The master grabbed it and effortlessly lifted it and poured it into the black pot. I continued this twice more before he began stirring the mixture.

"Rose oil," He grunted and moved back grabbing two vials of it and bringing them back. He poured the two into the pot and the sweet aroma quickly filled the room. I smiled and he snapped lightly. "I need a rose from the garden, the most beautiful one you can find," he ordered and I ran down to the garden. With a small candle I examined the rose bushed looking over each flower. I took pride in my work; I wanted to find the most perfect flower for my master.

A small turn and I found the perfect red rose atop of a rose bush. I quickly took my small knife and snipped it off the branch before running back upstairs. I entered the room seeing master knotting two strings and tossing them into the water. Slowly I held up the flower and he smiled. "Perfect," He smiled and blew across it softly. The red petals became an icy blue as it froze to a solid mass. It sparkled as he placed it in the water watching the entire rose dissolve away. After adding a few simple ingredients I handed him a spoon and held my nose as he spooned four scoops of sulfur into the pot. That terrible smell made me gag every time.

Now I've never helped my master make a potion with sperm but it was needed in this one. I expected him to have some of his own stored away in a vial somewhere. Luckily I was dead wrong. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. His hand slowly undid his pants and I stared intently. Grabbing his hands I took his only chance. "Master? Can I help you with this too?" I wondered and he laughed in his throat. "Of course you can," He smirked and I crawled between his legs.

I shook lightly as I reached up grabbing the top of his pants slowly sliding them down. I bit my lip as I revealed his limp staff. It hung heavy between his legs and I stared intently at it. Slowly I leaned in a kissed along it slowly. I gingerly ran my lips along his length feeling it pulse as blood rushed to it. He let out a soft groan and he began to harden. The soft velvet flesh quickly growing stiff as stone under my lips. I let my tongue slid out and slowly drag along his member. With a small moan he placed his hand on my head. I moved up kissing the large head of his cock seeing a single glistening drop of his seed standing atop his cock.

I leaned in and very tip of the tongue I stole it away. The sweet salty manly taste making my tongue tingle as it moved down to my throat. How I longed to please my master like this. I lifted up and slowly placed my lips around his head the bulbous flesh already taking up a lot of my mouth. Slowly I slid down pushing as much of his member into my muzzle. "Mm very good," He whispered and I smiled. I nibbled lightly on him and started to bob my head up and down on him. His gruff soft voice seemed do intense as I sucked on him.

My hands slid into his pants and grabbed his large perfect balls. The thick large orbs easily weighing a pound each. So hot and intense, filled with seed that I longed to have inside me. I smiled and felt my master tense up his balls rising. "I'm almost there," he hissed and I grabbed that jar. I pulled off and he let out a small groan. I rubbed him with both hands aiming him towards the jar. He gripped the chair and let out a loud grunt. He cock throbbed and he released a torrent of love juices. The jar was quickly filled and I wrapped my mouth around him once again. I couldn't let any of this precious fluid go to waste.

My mouth was filled multiple times but I managed to swallow most of it. I had a long stream running down and off my chin. I pulled back for air and the last long stream of cum hit my face turning the black mask of my fur white. I giggled and smiled up at my master who laughed a low throaty laugh. "Come here Damian," He ordered and I slid up onto his lap. He licked my face softly lapping up his seed making me smile. My master loved me no matter what, and I loved him back.

I jumped down and carried the jar over to the bubbling pot. I poured the thick white fluid into the pot making it turn a lighter shade of red. "We need another person's master," I smiled and he nodded. He patted his lap and I moved over sitting on it. "I think I know who else should be put in," He whispered and his large strong hands slid up under my shirt. Suddenly they reached my flat chest and softly grabbed my nipples tweaking them softly. I let out a short gasp as he turned me around so my back was against his chest.

His lips touched my neck and softly kissing my grey fur. Suddenly he pulled my shirt up and off tossing it aside. I felt so small and open. My master was in control and was teasing me terribly. His plans were his own but I could only wish of what more he would do. One of his big strong hands slid down and lightly groped my crotch squeezing me gently. That warmth of his touch seeped through my clothing making me gasp. "Remove your cloths," He whispered and I did as I was ordered. I bounced up and slid my pants off quickly. Using my feet to kick them off onto the floor. His hand grabbed my tip of my cock as it stuck from my sheath.

I gasped lightly as he let his two fingers tug it gently making more slid up and out. I wasn't very big maybe four or five inches but it worked for me. His entire hand covered my length and I started to buck my hips into his fist. I reached back wrapping my arms around my master's neck. Grunting as I held him tightly and tried to cum for him. His other hand moved behind me and grabbed my butt. "Nice little bubble you got here," He whispered and I nodded. One of his strong fingers softly touched my pucker. The sudden sensation made me quiver with intensity as he started to force it in.

"Master it hurts!" I moaned and he pushed a little harder. "Shhh, it'll be ok," He kissed my neck. Suddenly with a loud squish his finger broke past my pucker and entered me. I clenched down on his finger feeling him moving around inside me. "There we are," He murmured and he pressed his finger against a special spot. That pressure on the spot made my back arch and my loins throb. I was in heaven with my master pleasing me so amazingly.

He picked me up with his hand; his finger still buried in my ass. He held me next to the bubbling pot stroking me faster. I whimpered and whined feeling my cock starting to pulse. Suddenly with a small jerk and a scream for my master I exploded. My cum shoot out and landing in the cauldron. With each stream the red turned to a hot pink. I groaned softly as my master sat me down and washed his hands. I felt so amazing at that moment. Happy, enthralled, in love, everything was rushing over me all at once driving me to the brink.

My master stirred the pot gently and picked me up again. "One last thing Damian," He smiled down at me. "What...master?" I smiled half dazed. He leaned in and gave me a my very first kiss. Our shadow cast over the pot. I pushed back against him sliding my tongue into his mouth. He did as well and soon we parted. I moved down and hugged my master nuzzling against his chest softly. He put a lid on the pot and let it boil. We moved back over to his desk and we sat down. I cuddled with my master my head resting against his chest softly. He placed his hand on my back before slowly rubbing my back only increasing my relaxation.

"Master?" I looked up. "Yes?" He looked back. "Would you...make love to me?" I whispered my ultimate question. Without a world I stood and leaned over his desk lifting my tail to him. I shook my hips slowly wanting my master to mark me as his forever. "Master please..." I laid down and gasped feeling his hands rest on my hips. I closed my eyes and leaned down resting my head on the desk silently. My master still wet cock pressed up against me and made my pucker nice and slick.

"Shh here it comes boy," He growled and I felt his head push against me. I relaxed feeling the thick meat stretch me open slowly. I let out small groans as my anal ring was stretched to its limit. I feared terribly that I would tear open but amazingly I held my ground. Suddenly his waist pressed against mine. The top of his cock softly pressing against a spot deep inside that seemed to make my body throb with warmth. He pressed his lips against the back of my neck and he let me adjust to his size. My small balls pressed against his larger ones making me feel tiny. I stood on my tip toes with my back arched.

He began to pull back and I groan feeling his thick meat slid out of my body. With each of those nine inches that left I only felt emptier. I hated it so much to feel so completely empty. An eternity passed and he swiftly buried himself back into me. A short moan escaped my lips as I filled again with my masters throbbing meat. "Oh master!" I groan and gripped the desk. "How's it feel?" He placed his hands on mine held tightly as he started to piston.

"It hurts...but it feels so good," I hissed through my gritted teeth. His classic deep bull grunts ringing in my ear as he took what belonged to him. He slid and arm under me feeling my belly jump with each thrust. "Master! I love you!" I screamed as he pounded my tight little ass. He was silent and my heart sunk. His hand wrapped around my tail and my only thought was that my master was simply using me. I was terrified and on the brink of tears. "I love you to Damian," He whispered and I smiled. He tugged my tail softly and pulled me up onto his lap. He sat in his chair and I bounced up and down on this cock.

I lost control in that moment and exploded shooting small streams onto his desk. I didn't stop though. My master wasn't satisfied and I wouldn't stop until he was. I didn't have to wait long; my hand working his big balls was more than enough prompting. I felt his cock throb and the thick veins rub my walls. I braced myself and suddenly I felt the first gush. With a soft moo my master releasing his seed inside me. I jumped each time a new stream of his cum shot into me. My belly grew a little bigger with each passing second until I had a little belly on me. He held me from behind kissing my shoulder resting in me.

I whimpered softly and he lifted me up and off. I wanted to hold in everything but the intense enema I had received disagreed. I rush out of the room to the bathroom and returned with a short sigh. "Feel better?" He smiled and I nodded. I slid back over and kissed my master softly on the lips making my tail swiftly slide from side to side. I noticed three small vials on his desk of the love potion he made. I smiled and he grabbed my sore bottom. "Come I wish to take a bath," He stood and my heart fluttered. This was the start of my love life with my master. But as for now I had water to warm so I could wash his favorite part.

The End