Axle Furret's Flexible Ferrety Fellatio Art & Cummy Story

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Alternate "Cum Version" art with a FULL STORY done by me to go along with it!

I commissioned the ever-talented MoodyFerret to show off Axle and his fabulous ferrety flexibility while he enjoys fellating himself so effortlessly as only a furry-ferrety-noodle-slinky can!


The great debate:

Is it gay to suck your own cock?

Swallow your own cum?

Or just another form of masturbation?

Axle Furret's Fabulous Flexible Ferret Fellatio.

Story By: Axle Furret

Art By: Moody Ferret

After a long day of working at the sex-toy testing and development facility, Axle smiles as he pulls his hot-rodded station wagon into the large garage of his old, converted firehouse, deciding it is time to finally unwind now that he is home. After parking his bright orange wagon in the garage, he hits the remote garage door button clipped to the visor over the steering wheel to close the metal-segmented garage door, causing it to slowly clamber shut behind him while he hops out of the car and shuts its door. The six-foot-tall ferret is clothed only in his usual, rather risque, if not downright lewd outfit of leather pyramid studded arm and ankle cuffs, a 4-point X chest harness, a collar with a little silver ankh charm hanging from it, and his signature soft black leather thong that barely manages to cover his hefty ferret-balls and plump furry cock sheath. He glances around the multi-car garage, his tools and workbenches, and the few small rooms that can be accessed from within the garage. The orange, white, and brown-furred ferret re-adjusts the large bulge of his manhood in the front of his soft leather thong as he thinks about all the toys and sexual contraptions he owns for the sole purpose of relieving his excessive horniness. He lets out a short squeaking yawn as he stretches his long torso and back before realizing he doesn't want to bother with sex machines or cock-milkers since he can make his own pleasure the old-fashioned way--well, old-fashioned for a fabulously flexible ferret.

"Fuck it... I'll just suck myself off," he says to himself in his slightly high-pitched ferrety voice as a mischievous little grin sneaks across his muzzle. He glances at the rooms in the back of the garage and quickly gets down to scamper off on all fours with his back arched as only a slinky mustelid can. The black claws on his short handpaws and footpaws click against the polished concrete of his garage before he comes to a skidding halt, sliding right by the room he wants, causing him to squeak as he slides by before backing up a bit to get to the room off the main garage that he likes to call his 'Napping Nook'. Once at the door to the room, he stands back up on his feet and flips on the light, revealing a small, black-carpeted, and parchment-style wallpapered room that is just big enough to hold the large red hammock stretched and suspended over the floor between heavy-duty wall anchors at the four corners of the room, with enough space on the hammock for at least two males of his size to snuggle up on. There are a bunch of red pillows and blankets scattered about on the black carpet as well, all laden with the scent of male sexual musk and his own partially draconic sexual pheromones that permeate the room, only serving to make Axle more aroused as he takes a deep breath of the rather well-used room. Suffice it to say, a lot more than napping has happened in this little room over the years.

At this point, the bell-shaped head of his cock is already starting to poke out of his plump, furry sheath, causing the bulge in his thong pouch to grow as more and more of his thick shaft starts to slide out with his increasing arousal. He gives himself another little grope before hopping up onto the large hammock and flopping onto his back, making a happy, ferrety 'dooking' sound as his tail hangs over the edge between his legs, the brown-furred tip twitching slowly from side to side while he lies there for a few moments, wiggling and flexing his toes, glad to finally be off his pink-padded footpaws as he stretches out his long, sleek, ferrety body.

Axle starts to idly stroke his growing erection through the soft leather of his thong, relaxing for a few minutes on the comfy red hammock before his meaty shaft starts to cause the leather pouch of his thong to tent outward and lift away from his groin. He grunts softly as he pulls the pouch of his thong aside, allowing his eight-inch-long, fleshy pink ferret cock, and his hefty white furry balls to be freed from the leather pouch, additionally revealing his tight, pink puckered tail hole in the process. His rock-hard, precum-covered penis slaps his abdominal fur and lightly pulses with his ever-increasing heartbeat.

The horny ferret lifts his legs a bit and interlocks the digits of his right hand between the toes of his right foot, giving himself something to hold onto and rub as he comfortably positions himself so that his twitching member is pointed directly at his muzzle, close enough that he could feel the heat of his arousal on his nose and lips. He lets out a soft trill of delight as he effortlessly moves his long neck forward, opening his mouth, and taking the glistening, precum-covered glans of his cock into his hot, wet muzzle. Groaning softly as he wraps his freakishly long, thin, ferret tongue around the shaft a few times just under the head, he immediately begins salivating from tasting his own sweet flavor, causing a shiver of pleasure to ripple through his body. With each sensual stroke of his tongue, he savors the unique blend of sweet saltiness and muskiness that only he possesses, loving his own sexual flavor. The tantalizing sensation drives him to explore deeper, eagerly engulfing more of himself, lost in a blissful trance of self-indulgence.

No ordinary blowjob can compare to the euphoric feedback loop that shoots through his nervous system from the feeling of his heated muzzle and tongue wrapped around his own penis. Having the ability to tickle, rub, and pleasure the specific parts of his manhood that he desires at the precise moment that he desires it, is an incredible feeling. He groans and pants, his long tongue dancing around the head of his cock and frenulum, teasing and stimulating himself in a way that no one else ever could.

Axle grips the shaft of his pink cock with his left handpaw near the base to slowly begin stroking himself, occasionally reaching down and pinching or rolling his plump testicles as he sucks on his slick, pink penis with fervor. His right handpaw digits remain interlocked between the spread toes on his foot, allowing him some leverage as he slowly bobs his head up and down the length of his delicious cock, taking it deeper into his mouth each time he does so. His tongue swirls around the shaft, teasing and tickling his frenulum before darting down to lick at the underside of his glans and shaft, then up again. He even starts poking and prodding his pre-cum-leaking urethral slit in the tip of his penis with that thin, flexible tongue, moaning softly as he enjoys the sweet flavor of his sexual juices. It is such a turn-on for him, being able to stimulate all the right spots, slurping loudly on his throbbing cock as the stresses of the day melt away, one pleasure-filled moment at a time.

Axle's tongue swirls around the base of his shaft as the head of his penis pokes the entrance of his throat, groaning and shivering with delight as he slips his long tongue into his sheath, lapping at the sensitive hidden cock flesh within, causing his toes and tail to curl as he starts to feel himself edging ever closer to his release. The precum flows from his saliva-covered cock in a near-continuous trickle, allowing Axle to enjoy the sweet taste and feel of himself, making it slicker and more pleasurable each time he takes another deep, loud suck of his throbbing member. His tail starts to twitch faster as he nears the edge, but he knows better than to rush things--he wants this to last, so he pulls away from his cock with a wet slurp, gasping for breath as his thick shaft slaps against his abdominal fur, twitching and leaking out globs of precum all over his belly fur. He has to calm himself a bit as he lustfully watches his penis pulsing and leaking, taking pride in his ferrety flexibility to even do such a thing in the first place.

Licking his lips and bending nearly in half, he decides to pay some attention to his hefty, white-furred testicles, churring happily as he starts to lick and suckle at each heavy orb in that furry sack. He snakes his freakishly long tongue out and wraps it around his right nut before drawing the large egg-shaped ball into his mouth, rolling it around in his wet muzzle with a soft moan, before doing the same with the left, affectionately licking at the furry skin containing each testicle. He can feel himself backing off the edge of release as he focuses on tongue-bathing and massaging those beautiful orbs of masculinity, even as his cock twitches and throbs, sometimes hitting his long neck or the side of his face, leaving little rivulets of precum on his fur.

Being a small percentage fire dragon genetically, Axle knows that his climax will be an insanely messy affair, as it always was before, which gives him more motivation to really enjoy himself before his inevitable minute-long orgasm and self-cum-bath. He continues indulging in pleasuring himself while his mind drifts to the countless times he has embraced his sexually hyperactive nature and reveled in the aftermath of his explosive releases before. The anticipation of the upcoming climax heightens his senses, making every touch and sensation even more electrifying.

When he feels he has lavished enough attention on his hot and heavy ferret balls, he slowly begins to slide his tongue back up the length of his cock, savoring the sensation and taste of himself. He groans as his long, prehensile tongue slides over every inch of his shaft, gliding over every vein and bump of the slick flesh, dancing around his frenulum before teasing that sensitive spot with a bit more vigor, moaning hotly as the precum flows out of his cock from the increased stimulation, soaking his belly fur in the sweet, slippery, clear fluid. Axle churrs softly as he kisses and suckles at that sensitive bundle of nerves for a moment or two, worshipping his penis and making out with the head of his cock, wrapping his lips around it, and teasing his pre-leaking urethral slit with his tongue. His heart races as he begins to gently stroke his shaft with his left handpaw once more. He then starts inserting his long, slender tongue into his urethral opening and delves into the warm, tight, and pulsating depths of his long, pink penis.

It doesn't take long for the heat to start building up in his groin as he passionately French-kisses his dick, slurping loudly on his bell-shaped glans as he tongue-fucks his cockhole, tasting his delicious male essence straight from the source, practically flooding his mouth with precum in the process as it squirts out from around his tongue. Axle shivers and moans with delight at his sweet taste as he starts to thrust his hips upward in tandem with the stroking of his handpaw, pushing his cock deeper into his mouth each time. It isn't long before he feels his balls starting to tighten. He knows an epic orgasm is on the horizon, but he isn't quite ready to let go just yet. He wants to hold out a bit longer, but it is becoming more challenging to pull back from the brink with each passing moment!

Axle's ferrety tongue darts out from between his lips as he keeps audibly slurping on his cockhead, the prehensile appendage slides down and around the length of his shaft again to keep it nice and slick for his stroking left handpaw before slipping right back up into his muzzle and then diving back into his urethra, snaking its way in nearly to the base of his throbbing cock from the inside! His eyes roll back into his head, and he pants softly as pleasure courses through him like lightning, his nostrils flaring with each steamy breath, his tail lashing wildly about below him, and occasionally slapping against his firm rear through the fabric of the hammock. His heart races even faster now as he feels the pressure building inside, but still, he resists the urge even as his precum starts to thicken and become more salty, enjoying the experience of having such control over how fast or slow he brings himself to the peak.

The tip of Axle's tail curls tighter and tighter as he continues to tease himself for a minute or two more, his body heating up from both arousal and the ferrety fire dragon blood coursing through his veins. Each stroke of his long tongue into his tight urethral opening and around the head of his cock sends shockwaves of ecstasy straight to his brain, making him groan and gasp for air though flaring nostrils. His hips buck while his handpaw works the bottom half of his lubricated shaft in a blur; his heart feels like it is about to jump out of his chest; his balls draw up tight and bounce with every stroke and thrust; and the cacophony of slurping and wet squelching noises fills the small room and echos out into the garage as he continues to pleasure himself with reckless abandon.

Finally, the need for release becomes too great...

The pleasure is all too much to handle...

His control snaps, and his body betrays him as he feels his climax explode through him in one of the most intense, blindingly bright, mind-melting orgasms he's had in a long time!

The ferret makes an animalistic moan of pure orgasmic pleasure as he sucks on his swelling cock-head hard, hollowing out his cheeks with the suction while his entire body shakes and tenses before his hips involuntarily twitch, just as the preemptive flood of his hot, salty semen, preceding his full release, forces his thin tongue out of his urethra and into the back of his mouth before the slimy liquid fills his mouth. It happens so abruptly that it puffs out his cheeks, blasts into his throat, and forces its way into his sinuses just to end up squirting out his nose before he could even swallow it down! Causing Axle to gag and squeak with a "Hrk! Gurk! Mmph!" before he manages to swallow it down with a loud gulp.

His eyes roll back into his head as time seems to slow down just as he swallows that initial gush...

What happens next, can only be described as a "cartoonish amount of cum" that begins to erupt from his pink, swollen penis. It jerks violently in his mouth as he does his best to seal his lips around the swollen head, just as the first true load of his climax bulges out the underside of his dick when it travels up his urethra and spews out of the tip in a mouth-flooding tsunami of thick, hot, pearly-white draconic ferret cum that stretches Axle's cheeks almost painfully wide as he tries to suck in every last drop of his delicious spunk. His eyes blink rapidly in surprise as he watches his pink shaft tensing and swelling with his seed. He moans around his cock while his tongue frantically licks at the sensitive skin around the head of his penis, trying desperately to keep up with the onslaught of his steaming-hot seed filling his throat faster than he could swallow it all, causing it to squirt out from the corners of his mouth and nose like someone just shoved a garden hose in his muzzle and turned it on full blast!

Just as he thinks he's got a handle on the first wave, another one hits!

His eyes roll back into his head once more, and his vision starts to tunnel as wave after wave of ecstasy washes over him, quite literally, as so much cum is spraying out of his mouth and nose that it is absolutely slathering his body in his hot, slimy seed--each eruption seemingly stronger than the last as his balls and hyperactive prostate continue to empty themselves forcefully from his pulsating cock. It was like trying to take a full blast from a garden hose with cum spraying out of his mouth before he could swallow it down!

His left paw is still holding his cum-gushing penis firmly toward his mouth in a near death-grip as his right handpaw stays interlaced with his right foot tightly, squeezing his foot and toes, feeling like he is holding on for dear life as his perineum, pink pucker, and penis pulse with each pump of potent spooge!

The orange ferret moans loudly between gasps for air and gags on cum as the cock-bulging amounts of his thick seed continue to pump out and blast into his throat, filling up his stomach, spilling out of his muzzle, down his chest, and onto his belly fur, even splattering across his face and cheeks before running down his neck and soaking into his back fur, leaving a hot, slippery mess all over himself and the immediate area. The intense pleasure, mixed with the overwhelming sensation of being completely filled and covered in steaming hot draconic ferret seed, leaves him trembling and gasping for more.

This all happening in the first place is a seemingly impossible but normal occurrence for Axle that could only be categorized as: 'something, something, fire dragon sex magic' as far as he is concerned.

Even Axle himself doesn't know how it is possible to ejaculate so much. 'But, oh gods, is it hot as fuck!' He thinks to himself as his body starts to quiver with fatigue and his tensed muscles start letting go.

Just as the ferret's belly starts to swell from chugging so much of his own seed, he collapses back against the now slimy and soaked hammock. His swollen cock pops wetly out of his mouth, spraying the last of his crazy orgasm uncontrollably at the ceiling above and the wall behind him in long, thick ropes of his draconic ferret gravy. He screams out in squeaking, ferrety bliss one more time before finally falling completely limp in exhaustion, just as the last big burst of cum hits him squarely on the chin and splatters all over his neck fur and the hammock. His breathing is ragged and shallow, each gasp for air a reminder that he almost drowned himself with his own seed as the leftovers dribble from his nose and the corners of his muzzle, filling his senses with the taste and smell of his fresh ferret spunk.

He closes his eyes as the feelings of afterglow send his mind swimming through a sea of near-spiritual, post-orgasmic ecstasy. His body is limp and completely relaxed for the first time in what feels like weeks. He sighs contentedly as he slowly starts to catch his breath again. His heart rate starts to slow down just as the last few normal-sized spurts of his climax squirt weakly onto his cum-soaked belly from his quickly softening manhood before they are merely a trickle of left-over sexual fluids.

Axle lies there, feeling sore all over, splayed out on the hammock, completely drunk with pleasure and, quite likely, his own cum. He somehow managed to ride out his orgasm for over a minute-and-a-half of continuous ejaculation, filling and covering himself with over a gallon of his draconic mustelid man pudding, leaving him slimy and soaked in his hot male essence.

The ferret's shortness of breath slowly lessens from his intense orgasmic high, feeling completely drained but also immensely satisfied and content with himself. His balls finally relax and start to hang down again, just over his partially exposed tail hole, as his spent penis slides back into his plump, furry sheath.

Opening one eye lazily to look around at the mess he made of the room and himself, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth as he realizes that cleaning up his post-climax cum-flood will be quite an undertaking... But it was worth every messy moment and drop spilled and splattered!

He groans softly, pushing himself up onto his elbows before immediately collapsing back against the hammock with a wet 'splat'! He sighs, realizing he just doesn't have the strength to move at the moment. His body feels heavy and sated, completely drained from the intense pleasure he has just experienced. With a contented smile, he decides to surrender to the comfort of the hammock, allowing himself to bask in the afterglow for a little while longer. He lets out another long, slow moan of pleasure mixed with exhaustion as he lies there, too weak and happy to care about anything else in the world, feeling like he is floating on a cloud of afterglow.

"Mmph... Guess I could take a nap," he says softly to himself as he licks some of the leftover cum from his muzzle and nose, making a happy, ferrety 'dooking' sound at the delicious taste of his seed before he reaches down to pull the pouch of his soft leather thong back over his aching balls and furry sheath.

After giving his thong bulge a quick massage and adjustment, he stretches out his long body and short limbs a bit, even spreading his toes and curling his tail. At the peak of his pre-nap stretch, he opens his mouth wide and makes a soft little tongue-rolling yawn that ends with a rather cute squeak.

His eyes start to roll back as his eyelids get heavy and flutter closed. Axle's breathing slows down into a soft rhythm as he slips into the blissful arms of a deep, tranquil sleep. The last thing on his mind is the warmth and comfort of his own body, filled and covered with his still strangely hot spooge.

The smell of his clean masculine sexual musk, like burnt brown sugar and sweet coconut oil, mixed with the faint hint of fire-dragon pheromones, creates a heady and intoxicating aroma that lingers in the air around him.

As he drifts further into restful slumber, a contented sigh escapes his slightly parted lips, completely surrendering to the peacefulness of the moment, warmed under a blanket of his own slimy draconic ferret cum.

Clyde & Ollie: "In A Van Down By The River" Part 4

"Clyde & Ollie: In A Van Down By The River" Part 4 Clyde & Ollie Series Part 4 By: Axle Furret \*\*Story Contains: Male/Male, Gay, Gay Relationship, Budding Love, Size-Difference, Age-Difference, Character Development, River Otter, Stallion,...

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SWAT KATS! "A Hot Day In The Hangar." Part: 2

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