Open Ended Year

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A commission from Doxology, thank you for the support <3Skylar the rabbit and his boyfriend Jasper, a calico, have been struggling with action in the bedroom for a short time in their otherwise prosperous relationship. One night, with nervousness, Skylar offers to open the relationship to some outside fun, of course Jasper lays out some firm, unbendable ground rules to provide comfort and security to this arrangement.

Little does the calico know, his own best friend Mark, was a driving force in the bunny's desire for variety, and surely will be involved in their relationship now...Perhaps more than he ever thought.

This was a fun topic, and the first commission I have done for someone in a good long while, felt good to get the dust off, and to give a good read to a great commissioner, I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it~

Happy Relationship-Changing Fapping,-Veyll

Posted using PostyBirb

"Open?...I'm not really sure about that..." The Calico spoke softly, his voice a bit shaky as he uttered the words. He looked down at his paws with a fidget between his thumbs as each digit anxiously rubbed over each other, his hazel eyes lifting to meet the gaze of his lagomorph boyfriend. This conversation had hardly been a pleasant one for the cat, but his bunny was firm in his desires.

"Well, I mean, we can set some ground rules, and make sure you stay comfy, it's not like I wanna marry someone else or leave you...I just want variety, in the bedroom..." The Rabbit replied, his soft blue eyes matching his mate's firm glare. "I...guess that makes sense, and I appreciate your honesty, but I just have never done anything open before, you know?" The Feline spoke softly in return. The rabbit simply smiled and placed his snow white furred handpaw on his significant other's shoulder. "You don't need to worry baby...I promise."

If only Jasper believed that, the paranoid feline had been in his fair share of relationships before this one, and while it was going on eight months together with Skylar, his beloved bunny, he couldn't help but have a sour taste in his maw at the thought of him touching anyone else. But at the same time, he was thankful that the rabbit's high libido had only landed them in a conversation with his consideration and comfort in mind, rather than ending in a heart wrenching breakup as had happened so many times before.

"Well, I guess...What ground rules do you have in mind?" Jasper asked, placing his own palm atop his Bunny's on his shoulder, holding it tightly as he asked.

"For starters, this is going nowhere." Skylar replied, rubbing his neck, his fingers trailing over the soft cyan collar that adorned it for the past four months.

Relieved, Jasper let out a sigh and joined his bunny in rubbing the collar's soft surface, his eyes trailing away from the other's stare. "Well, that's a good start for sure...Go on?"

It was going swimmingly, Skylar was preparing for this conversation for weeks, but he didn't expect it to happen so simply, without nearly as much pushback as he was ready to deal with, his attitude became more cavalier as he simply spoke. "Well, I know you'd want to know who I do anything with...I was hoping maybe when Mark comes over ne-" The rabbit started, interrupted by the feline.

"W- woah...Mark? My bro Mark?" He asked, curiously, his eyebrows raising with as much confusion as shock.

"Well yeah...he's someone you trust, someone I trust, he's been single forever, why not?" Skylar replied with a genuine smile.

"Err...Yeah, I...guess, but how do you even know he'd be into you like...that?" Jasper inquired, his head tilted.

In the bunny's mind, a vision danced around, one that he was careful not to have spoken to anyone about, but still rested fondly in his memory.

"W- We can't...Jasper would kill us both..." He had said to Mark that heated night, just a few rooms over at the Halloween party, Jasper was fast asleep with a near flammable blood alcohol level, the other guests had either found spots to sleep or had left, and it was only the two of them left in the side hall alone.

Mark, a slightly older wolf, towering over the little rabbit by nearly a full two feet, his body a gray furred, chiseled athletic tone, his white fangs gleaming in the party's dull lit blacklights simply licked over those chops as he spoke in reply to the nervous little bunny. "As if he'd find out, c''s not like I'm fuckin you, just a paw buddy..." He spoke softly, yet clearly wanting.

If it wasn't for the alcohol firmly pumping through both of their systems that night, Skylar probably would have obliged, that needy wolf, that glare, even with months of mutual friendship between his mate and him, was very inviting.

"I...I just can't...I'm sorry, go sleep it off you horny bastard..." Skylar said firmly, pushing his way past the drunken best friend of his mate.

"Eheh, whatever you say, you lil minx..." Mark replied.

Just before escaping his personal bubble, Mark swung an open paw directly against the mated rabbit's toned rear, an audible slap filling the hallway. Skylar should have been angry, he could have turned around and kicked that wolf right in his nads, but instead, he only found himself blushing, murring under his breath in forbidden desire.

And now, months later, with a further established relationship, here he was name dropping that same Wolf to his mate, in the middle of a conversation about an open relationship.

"Just call it a hunch...I can see how he looks at us?" Skylar said meekly.

Jasper wasn't stupid, he knew there was more to it than his beloved rabbit was letting on, but he couldn't let paranoia or innocent questions be the reason he ruins his longest running relationship in years. With a sigh, Jasper sat back, and once again met his bunny's gaze.

Skylar, wanting to lighten the mood, crawled over the sofa, getting atop his boyfriend's hips straddling him and placing his paws firmly on the feline's shoulders. "How about you show me exactly what positions and such are only for you..." The effeminate rabbit flirted, successfully.

Jasper leaned his head into his mate's, embracing the bunny's lips on his own, the two sharing a deep, passionate wet kiss, their tongues danced against one another as he gripped onto the bunny's snow white back. So what if he had occasional fun, he had to keep Skylar, he had to compromise.

"F- Fine..." The feline spoke after a long, passionate kiss between the two of them broke, his smile radiating the already excited rabbit's mood.

"T- thank you baby..." Skylar spoke before pushing his maw firmly against the Feline's, starting what would be a long, passionate night between the two lovers.

Little was it known, that night would more than likely be the last time the two had such a passion, not intruded upon by a third party.

-Three Days Later-

"Woah, you look great...god-damn..." Mark said, his eyes darting up and down the soft white furred rabbit before him.

He did, his outfit was a pair of hot pink sneakers, his socks a matching pink hue that reached all the way up to his knees, his thighs totally exposed under his white skirt, off white tube top, and accompanying pink jacket. His hair was combed over his left eye with highlights of yellow and blue streaking down the locks, his right eye locking onto Mark's as he walked into the large Wolf's apartment.

"T- thanks, you do too..." Skylar spoke softly as he strode over to the armchair in the living room, taking a seat.

"Oh shush, I'm not even naked yet..." Mark replied with a smirk, his body was only clad in black boxers, his bathrobe barely hiding his endowment and abs that Skylar was drooling on just last night.

It was the second night in a row the bunny had come over while Jasper was busy working, and as incredible as last night was, Mark had some ideas of how to increase the ferocity of this one. His best friend was already oblivious of what exactly they had done last time, but what the cat didn't know can't hurt him, and he always enjoyed pushing the envelope.

"So, what'd he say about it?" Mark inquired as he locked the door, smirking and walking out into the living room, letting his robe drop as he walked intentionally toward his best friend's boyfriend.

"Er...It's still a no...sorry, he's just pr- pretty new to this..." Skylar replied earnestly, looking up, his face turning a flush red as the shredded Wolf arrived in front of him, leaning down and cupping his little white cheek in his large clawed hand.

"Well, that's a shame..." Mark teased, leaning his face closer in.

Skylar blushed deeply, hearing his loving mate's first rule playing back in his head. "No kissing..." He had pleaded.

But as Mark's broad, manly lips connected with his, he felt his delicate bunny tongue instinctively licking upward, against the broad, drooling wolf tongue, his body melted in heat flashes, the smooth surface of Mark's eager tongue was a stark contrast to the sandpapery one in his best friend's maw.

"Mmmm..." Mark encouraged, pushing his broad hand behind the rabbit's head, his other palm caressing his pastel highlighted hair, his groans disappearing into the taken rabbit's mouth while his tongue lavished over the flavor.

-Two Weeks Later-

"Hey bro, are you doing ok? Just on a smoke break, figured I'd check in." Spoke Jasper into the phone, his free paw holding his vape as he leaned against the wall outside of his workplace.

"Oh yeah dude, I'm fuckin' great...Still loving this little arrangement you got going on man..." Mark replied into his own phone, his free hand also occupied, it was firmly grasping the very same, soft blue collar that was intended to be around the bunny's loyal neck.

However, while it was in fact around Skylar's neck, it was gripped firmly, a thumb claw just above the clasp, by Mark, speaking candidly to his best friend, the mate of the rabbit currently knot deep around his cock, the throbbing nine inches of pulsing canine shaft was being wetly, sloppily, yet silently, sucked deeply by the bobbing head of Skylar, his tongue swirling eagerly over each inch of the inflated knot.

"Yeah...I know...Kinda why I'm calling also...Sky's with you right?...sigh, wish he would have told me he was gonna spend the day at your place..." Jasper said, lamenting.

"Oh? Why's that?" Mark inquired, biting his lip to stifle an intense moan that otherwise would have slipped when the eager bunny wrapped his soft paw around the saliva soaked knot, giving it a pleasuring squeeze.

"Well, it's one of our rules, he's supposed to say something." Jasper confided.

What a mistake, that only made his best friend throb harder in the eagerly slurping bunny's deepening sucks.

"Oh he is? Shit, sorry bro...I'll let you know next time...f- fuck I gotta go..." Mark said.

"Wait b-" He heard Jasper attempt to add on, before quickly hanging up the phone.

"So you're supposed to tell Jay before you come over huh...naughty, naughty..." Mark grinned.

Skylar slowly pulled upward, his drooling, eager bunny mouth popping off the twitching shaft, brushing his hair to the side to look up at Mark with both eyes.

"W- what can I say, you're a bad influence." He teased. Mark grunted and pushed his shaft firmly back into the rabbit's mouth, thrusting his broad, muscular hips, he would fuck that little mated bunny maw until his balls emptied into the eager boy's throat.

-Two Months Later-

The door swung open as in strode Jasper, his head sweaty, his shirt half unbuttoned and his tie hanging haphazardly off his neck. What a day it had been, all he wanted in the world after this disgustingly terrible work shift was to spend some time with Skylar.

"Babe? You home?" He called out to no answer.

The pair of them had finished a landmark in any relationship, just a few days previously, they had moved out of their apartments into a bigger condo on the other end of town, sharing in all the responsibilities, and all of the time, it was only fitting as the two of them neared their anniversary

"Babe? Helllooo?" He called out again, his attention being brought to what lay on the floor in front of him.

Right there next to the front door, a pair of athletic sweats, much too large for Skylar, let alone the average built calico, he reached down and picked them up, the aroma lifting from them was a very familiar scent, that cheap ass dollar store cologne that Mark was obsessed with since high school.

"B- Babe?" The calico called out...this was not okay.

While the two of them had been open for months now, Mark and Skylar had made a crucial mistake in one of their many, many fuck sessions.

Jasper remembered with pain in his chest, his eyes began to water, as he recalled that night, his best friend had taken so many pictures, and careless as he was, left his phone wide open on their coffee table during a gaming night, and you know what they say about curiosity and cats.

It was damn near the end of their relationship, the things that Jasper had seen that he was never meant to, the pulsing rod of his best friend intentionally pushing against the rabbit's fluffy neck, practically fucking his collar. The bunny's hindpaws, wrapped firmly, heel to toe around the wolf's knot, the two of them recording a solid forty seconds of sloppy making out...Each of them worse than the other, rule after rule, soiled, disrespected, and ignored.

"It was just that night, I got too horny, so did Mark!" Pleaded Skylar, he begged, whined, cried, all wrenching at his heart until finally the Calico caved, giving his bunny one, singular chance to redeem this relationship in the form of two conditions, move in with him, and no more Mark.

The rabbit agreed, though these pants in Jasper's hand seemed to communicate a different answer weeks later.

Jasper raised his head, keeping his shoulders broad, anger filling his chest as he strode through the condo, his eyes darting left to right surveying the room with fear of what he will see, what disgusting betrayal will he be dealing with now? The feline's tail was fully fluffed out, his ears standing upright as he meticulously walked through his own home with fear.

Music, just barely audible, was emitting from...the bedroom, oh god, not again, the anxiety riddled cat made his way inch by inch toward the closed door, the music increasing in volume as he approached, his stomach turning sour as his paw gripped the door handle, with a sigh, and preparation for all too familiar heartbreak to return, he pushed the door open slowly.

His eyes met a sight he was hardly expecting, there laying on their bed, was Skylar, alone, his hands up behind his head, a calm, relaxed look on the bunny's face, his hair was disheveled and his body was covered by a blanket

"B- Babe?" Jasper asked as his guard lowered, walking into the bedroom, relief barely having time to set in, before a voice greeted him from behind the door.

"Just the man we were waiting for." Said Mark, before wrapping his broad arms intentionally around the unexpecting feline's torso and arms, full Nelson holding him in a bind.

"Wh- what the fuck, let go of me!" Whined out Jasper, his meeker, smaller form no match for the pure mass holding him in place, "Babe, Help!" He called out to Skylar who turned to open his eyes.

Mark could have snapped his neck, right then and there, and it would have hurt so, so much less than the heartwrenching sight that befell the restrained calico's eyes, as his mate uncovered himself and stood up from the bed.

His boyfriend, his beloved bunny of nearly a full year, was pitch naked, except for a few individual notable exceptions. Around each of the twink rabbit's wrists, and ankles, were solid green furred, black leather cuffs, but the pain set in when Jasper noticed, a very similar, matching collar, was firmly wrapped around the bunny's neck, completely dwarfing the one he had worn for months prior, replacing it on his fluffy white neck.

"I think we need to talk, baby..." Skylar said softly, the wolf's cum now visible on the little bunny's chest, cheek, and leaking down his leg.

"I agree...Time for some of my Rules..." Mark teased, growling into Jasper's ear.

-One Month Later-

"H- Harder daddy!" Pleaded Skylar, as he looked behind himself, latching his fingers into the bedsheets tighter, his toes curling into the mattress' hem, his eyes watering in pleasure.

Mark obliged, thrusting his hips forward, bringing them down in a repeated crashing motion into the twink's red, sweaty rear, his knotted shaft burrowing in and out with each thrust harder than the last, sweat running down his abs and further soaking the little bun beneath him in his scent.

"Fucking slut, who's your fucking master..." Mark growled, snarling, drooling on Skylar's skinny back as he railed into the smaller male.

"Y- You are, oh f- fuck Mark, c- cum in me a- agaiinnn!" Skylar whined out, his body going limp, his effeminate cock grinding into the bed with every relentless thrust of the panting, animalistically thrusting wolf atop him from behind.

"Uggh, you fucking love it, you love this fucking wolf cock, dirty little bunny slut...uggh." Mark growled out, his eyes narrowing as his all so familiar white fangs bared, his lips pursing in pleasure, his hips pushing firmly forward.

With an audible pop, his knot sunk firmly past the swollen, used bunny tailhole, squelching as he burrowed inside.

Skylar let out a long, whining scream of pleasure, his dainty shaft spurting white creamy spurts all over the linens it ground against, his body shaking intense spasms against Mark's raw, pulsating knotted shaft, his soft tailhole's convulsions sending the wolf over as well.

"Fuc- FUCK, that's your fucking queue..." Mark growled out, huffing through panting breaths as his cock unloaded rope after rope deep inside of the aching tailhole of his beloved bunny pet, his claws firmly sinking deep into the rabbit's furry behind.

With a sigh, Jasper stood up from his kneeling position at the side of the bed, laying down on his back, his head taking a spot in an already dampened part of the bed.

Mark groaned in pleasure, easily hoisting the dainty body of the little rabbit upward, positioning his knotted shaft buried so firmly up inside of the bunny directly above the face of his shared plaything, before he violently pulled his hips back.

As yet another load of Mark's incredible, musky dominant load leaked from his ex's tailhole, splashing over his face in messy torrents, he began to obediently lick up every drop he could manage. His best friend turned master held the bunny eagerly above the lapping, cleanup kitty that his other pet was. It wasn't in Mark's heart to destroy the two of them in such a firm fashion, he instead plotted with his beloved bunny to put the cucked feline in his place, a plan that worked flawlessly, as Mark's plans usually do.

Mark had wanted the bunny since that first night at the halloween party, he hardly forgot, and now he has two pets, each of them in a good, fitting place.

"Mmm...good boy...clean it all up..." Mark teased as he pulled Skylar's face to his own, matching a lip locking deep kiss like the one that had started them down this forbidden, rule breaking path.

They kissed while the calico sloppily suckled on Mark's pulsating rod, cleaning it then moving his head upward, lapping at Skylar's tailhole; this pattern would have continued if not for the buzzing of Jasper's phone. While strict, Mark was not inhumane and knew the cat's job was important, it bought them all dinner after all.

"M- May I?" Jasper asked, obediently.

"Go ahead, bitch." Mark coyly spoke as he dropped Skylar down onto his back on the bed.

Sighing, that familiar pang of pain hitting just right in his chest, as he rolled off the bed, cum dribbling into his right eye, making his vision almost as blurry as the tears that silently began to fall from his defeated, cuckolded eyes when he held his phone up, seeing what notification had vibrated it.

An old, forgotten reminder set for this day, from another time, a different time, a better time, but one he sobbed silently knowing he would never be able to return to, Mark was the alpha now, he always was...which made the text even more painful to read as he glared between the phone, and Mark and Skylar making out so passionately mere feet away from him.

12:00 AM

REMINDER: "Happy Anniversary Skylar, I love you so much!"

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-This story was made possible by the generosity of a commissioner, if you would like a custom story commission like this of your own, Please fill out the form available on all VU Platform Profiles! And, if you really want to be supportive,...

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