Chapter 5- New Friends

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#5 of Mom & Mum

I'm surprised I haven't lost my hearing yet, because Stacy was screaming so loud that I could've sworn I heard a window break. As much as I didn't want to, I joined the cacophony and howled my pleasure along with her. And just like I said, as we finished our brutal fucking, Stacy had immense trouble walking out of the bathroom. She'll probably have trouble sitting down later, too, as her cheeks were redder than I've ever seen. But speaking of trouble, we were gonna be in infinite trouble if we didn't get dressed soon because the sound of the front door closing shot up to us.

"Hey, anybody home?" I heard Morgan call from the living room. Frantically, on trembling legs, Stacy shoved me back into the bathroom and closed the door so as to not make her suspicious. "Hey, baby!" Stacy trotted down the steps, at least, from what I could hear. After that, they got silent. Almost too silent. Despite just showering, I started getting sweaty again. Please don't talk about me. Please, for the love of God, do not talk about me or my dick.

I heard a little bit of laughing here and there, so my nerves were slightly calmed. Slightly. Then they called out to me. "Hey, sweetie!" Morgan shouted up to me. I took a deep breath and opened the door, just enough for my head to peak out. "I was about to shower, cuz Mom just got out. What's up?" Morgan came up the steps a little. By the look on her face, the lie worked. "Well, make it quick. We're gonna have dinner at my friend's house!" She made a happy smile and blew me a kiss. _Her friend, huh? _Morgan has a lot of old high school friends, but I've never really seen them.

"Sure thing, Morg- uh, Mum!" She looked at me with a sexy grin and whispered something. "Don't worry, Jackie; I'm keeping my promise. We'll fuck all night afterward." My eyes twitched a little. More fucking? I just came three times in the span of an hour. I don't know how much more my dick could take. I sighed in annoyance. Nonetheless, I gave Morgan a nod. Her face lit up as she squealed in joy. "Alrighty then, big boy. Enjoy your shower!"

I decided to take a second rinsing, after all. Semen is not as easy to clean out of your fur as you think. After my coat was squeaky clean, I changed into some semi-casual clothing and came down the steps. I stopped in my tracks, though, as I started to hear sounds coming from the living room--sexual sounds. Concerned, I peered my eyes out from the steps and couldn't believe what I saw. Mom & Mum were 69-ing! Holy fucking shit! My dick almost exploded. I had to tighten my grip on the banister to prevent myself from racing down there to join them both. Jackie, you've gotta swallow your sexual pride and stay out of this. At least, for now.

I knew I couldn't just leave, though; I had to watch them do it. After all, they're out in the open, so why shouldn't I spectate? Morgan was on top, using both of her hands to spread out Stacy's delectable cunt as she dug in. Stacy was trying to keep up but was losing. In between Mom's lustful whimpers, I could hear her moan out.

"What if... what if Jackie hears us?" Welp, it's a little too late for that, Stacy. I had front-row seats to the best performance ever. If my cock wasn't feeling so sore, you bet your ass I'd be fapping to this. I sat down very softly so as to not creek the steps. Morgan stopped her feast and stared back at Stacy with a toothy grin. What she said next froze my blood. "Then we'll let him join~" God damn it! How I wish I could! But that would be a death sentence. As far as I know, Morgan doesn't know I'm banging Stacy, and Stacy doesn't know I'm banging Morgan. At least, I hope they don't know.

Stacy gave Morgan's ass a hard spank, inciting a pleasureful yelp from the scarlet beauty. It sounded juicy as fuck, and it gave my dick a spark of life. It may have been the light reflecting off of her juices, but I think that comment made Mom even more aroused. Nonetheless, she made it seem like it bothered her. "Morgan!" Mom started whisper-yelling at her spouse. "Just cuz we're a little looser with Jackie about some things doesn't mean we could do that with him! It's... immoral!" Despite what she said, I could see Stacy's face redden with embarrassment.

_Immoral? That's quite hypocritical of you, isn't it? _"Yeah, well," Morgan began, taking breaks in between licking. "I'm sure... he'd be quite... eep!" Stacy spanked her again. "Shut up and cum, Morgan!" At that moment, I saw Stacy shove her entire hand into Morgan's pussy. Morgan let out an ear-piercing scream of satisfaction. She soon sprayed her lover's face with cum. Mom shut her eyes and let the wave of love shower over her. Morgan's face was now buried inside Stacy's cunt, unable to move. "Ah, babe!" She screamed, muffled by a pair of lips. "That's cheating, you little shit! How would you like it if I did that to you?!" And so, she did. Morgan dug her clenched fist into Stacy's slippery snatch. Stacy howled in bliss, her gratification present by the amount of cum flowing from her delicious lips.

I wanted to jump downstairs and invite myself so fuckin badly. It was way too God damn hard not to. The lovemaking session I was bearing witness to only lasted for a few more minutes; mostly from Stacy begging Morgan to stop. Thankfully, I hid before they could put on their clothes and come upstairs. I dove onto my bed and put on my headphones to make it seem I didn't hear the glorious ordeal. They entered my room, covered head to toe in sparkly fabrics and accessories, and gave a huge sigh of relief. "See, he didn't hear a thing. Though I bet he would've loved to." Stacy gave Morgan a quick spank for that, and I tried my best to hide my big, dumb smile. With a pep in her step, Stacy came over and painfully yanked out my earbuds. "Let's head out!"

During the car ride, I couldn't get the images of my moms fisting each other out of my mind. They were ingrained in there. And it made me so fucking jealous. But it just seemed so purposeful; like they wanted me to see it. Why else would they have been so loud? They had to have done that before but controlled their volume. And why did Morgan have to bring me into it? Somethin' ain't right here...

Where was I again? Oh yeah, we soon pulled up to Morgan's friend's place, and lemme tell ya, it was massive. It looked more like a Victorian estate than a simple house. After stepping out of the car, we were greeted by a beautiful woman and what seemed to be her even more beautiful daughter. They were both orange tabbies with small patches of white on their bodies.

Immediately, the daughter caught my attention. Her long black hair ran all the way down her back and ended in a short, attractive ponytail. She had a cute tattoo of a music note on her left shoulder and wore an absolutely stunning white silk dress. She seemed roughly my age, if not, a little older. Her physical beauty greatly captivated me. Not to mention, her tits were incredibly large. I mean like fucking massive. If I didn't have my hands full with my delicious mothers, I'd love to take a shot at this mystery girl. But I guess Stacy caught me ogling at this new girl and poked my ass with her claw, making me jump in sharp pain. "Nuh-uh, sexy," Stacy whispered into my ear, seductively. "You're mine and mine alone." Luckily Morgan didn't hear, as she was too busy chatting with her friend. They invited us inside their spacious home in a gleeful manner.

As Morgan's friend, whose name was Francine, was introducing herself to us, I could feel an intriguing stare from the daughter. I decided to break the ice. I slowly paced my way to the 9/10 and extended my hand. "Hey there, the name's Jackie. And who may you be?" The girl blushed heavily and tried to hide her face, but gave me her hand anyway and shook it. "H-hi..." She sounded adorably shy. "I'm... I'm Regina..." Her redness was getting worse and worse. Does she think I look good? Does she like me or something? Nonetheless, I greeted her fairly. "Very nice to meet you, Regina." Her hand was getting clammy, and her knees were buckling. Still shaking my hand, Regina blurted out something I'd never heard from a girl my age.

"You're really handsome!" Quickly gaining the attention of everyone in the room, especially mine, Regina covered her mouth and ran upstairs. Now it was my turn to shift red. I felt a hand on my shoulder; it was Francine. "Oh, I'm sorry about that, Jack," she said with a motherly sigh. "Regina is a very romantic girl. She just gets quite lonely sometimes. Treat her well." I gave a quick glance to my mothers, who seemed quite agitated by my attention from another girl. They stopped as soon as Francine walked towards the steps, ready to get her daughter down again. "Well, the food is ready. You guys can sit down at the table and get yourselves set up. Gimme a few minutes."

Morgan, Stacy, and I walked into the dining room and stared in awe. There were so many different types of meats and fruits and veggies. The simple act of gazing at the food I was about to stuff my face with made me salivate all over my collar. I think Stacy saw and pushed my jaw upwards so the waterfall would stop. I tried getting over to my seat, but it was fairly difficult to move anywhere with my mothers in each of my arms. _For the love of God, ladies, give it a rest. I love you both, too, but I'm not clutching around you guys like a three-year-old. I'll fuck you both later, just let go! _I roughly unhinged myself from my busty prison and swirled around. Mom & Mum had worried looks on their faces.

"Jackie, what's the matter?" Stacy asked. "We just wanna love you." Morgan shook her head a little and sighed. "Babe," she said, putting a hand on Mom's shoulder. Oh, thank God she didn't just call __me_ babe._ That woulda turned scary real quick. "C'mon, he just turned 18. Let him breathe a little." She winked at me the slightest bit, sending my sweat glands the confirmation to start pumping away. Morgan looked over at her wife with reason, and the blue woman eventually sighed. "I'm sorry, Jackie. I'm just a bit lonely right now, y'know?" Stacy, too, gave me the tiniest wink with a barely noticeable smirk. Yeah, she's lonely, alright. Her pussy is.

The sweat in my brain made it hard to keep standing, so I went to the nearest chair in the vicinity. Luckily, it was the one that had my nametag. Fancy that. Speaking of fancy, the aroma of what beautiful food we had in front of us had an incredibly lavish feel to it. It wasn't a 5-star kind of-looking meal, but it certainly looked nicer than my average dinner. We had our own empty plates near our seats, and the main food was on plates strewn about the middle of the table. I suppose we would just pass them all along one by one. If I stared too long, I would have started drooling.

As soon as we all sat down, Miss Francine appeared with her daughter right around the corner. Luckily, Regina's face wasn't as red as it was before. We all smiled as they both sat down, looking just as hungry as we were. "Ah, it's nice to see you again, Morgan. But it's even nicer to see that you have your own family now! And your son is just so adorable!" She beamed at me with an overly charismatic grin. I shuffled a little in my seat as I grabbed my utensils, not sure where to start. Her compliment caught me off-guard. "T-thank you very much, Miss, um..." Fuck, I don't know her last name.

"Abyssia, Jackie," her mother said to me. "But you can just call me Francine. After all, we're all adults here." She looked around at the other four of us and radiated. Her smile was very pure and genuine. I grabbed the plate that had a large steak on it, feeling ready to eat the entire thing myself. After slicing off a large piece, I went for the corn next, but not after Regina caught my attention. "Oh, you're 18, Jackie?" She stared me down with a cute grin on her face. I nodded at her. "Yep, just turned 18 yesterday, actually." I couldn't see it, but I almost heard her heart flutter a little bit. She closed her eyes, smiled, and then took the plate of steak from me.

"Well happy birthday then, Jackie." The creamsicle almost sang to me. I got more and more good vibes from her every time she spoke. I could already tell I was going to be a good friend to this girl. After dumping a shit-ton of corn on my plate, I thanked her and got my next portion of food. We made some small talk until everybody got everything they wanted. On the count of three, we clanged glasses (though mine was the only non-alcoholic drink there, it would seem), and began our wonderful feast.

I could've cried the moment the steak hit my mouth. It was better than anything I had ever tasted. I moaned a little bit as its tenderness flooded my taste buds. The two tabbies giggled a little as they saw my face loosen with pleasure. Regina took a swig of her drink and pointed at me. "Oh buddy, if you think that's good, wait till you try her hamburgers. Only on Wednesdays, though."

I heard what she said but didn't process it, as choirs of beefy angels were filling my ears louder and louder with each piece I chewed. Though I did hear her mother scoff a little. "Oh please, Regina. Stop flattering me so much." She blushed and fanned her face sarcastically. Morgan and Stacy soon understood what I felt when they took their bites. Coupled with the good dicking I gave them both earlier today, this night was the most pleasing we've had in a long time.

About halfway into our meal, a ringtone blared out to us at maximum volume. Though it shocked me, I didn't cover my ears, as Morgan quickly hid her smartphone under her with sweat on her face. The four of us looked at her inquisitively, wondering why the fuck her phone was so loud. She gave us an awkward smile, all the while her phone still blaring its obnoxiously catchy tone. She grabbed the back of her neck and sighed. "Ugh, I'm sorry you guys. It's my boss, I gotta take-" Ms. Abyssia interrupted her with a calm voice and an outstretched paw. "Morgan, darling, it's fine. Go take your time." After wiping away some sweat, my mother got up and walked into the corridor to answer the untimely call.

With my left side now empty, save for Morgan's napkin, Stacy decided to cling closer to my right. I sighed the tiniest bit, slightly annoyed by her clinginess. But not really. However, I did get a little annoyed when I started feeling a slight tickle on my leg. When I tried brushing it off, I felt a hand. A womanly hand. I looked down and saw Mom's fingers firmly stuck on my right leg! What the hell is she doing?! She walked her fingers up more and more towards my hip before making a B-line right to my groin. She didn't grab hard, but I couldn't help but moan when my bulge was in her hand. Her delicate fingers traced around my pants before going for the jackpot. She didn't undo my button, but she unzipped me faster than I could say "Mom, stop". Stacy was not playing around.

"Listen, Jackie," my busty mother whispered to me. Luckily, the other parent-child duo seemed to be tuning us out. "If we weren't here, I'd be making you fuck me like no tomorrow. Just be happy I'm not lying you on the table and riding you right now." I shuddered in my seat. _Oh God, she's absolutely addicted to me. _I don't know if I should be elated or terrified. I'd probably be both if Mom wasn't hitting every single nerve in me. I tried my best to keep a straight face, but it was difficult. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from moaning.

"Jackie, are you feeling okay?" Ms. Abyssia called me. Like the wind, my dick was free from my mother's sensual grasp. I sighed in relief, almost too loudly. "Hm? Nothing's wrong, ma'am." I responded. Lying isn't always hard for me, but it is when the only thing on my brain is how much I'm gonna fuck Stacy's brains out when we're home. I stared over at Regina's mother with a grin and nodded. I could tell she didn't buy it. "Oh, well your face looked really red for a while." Fuck, gotta think of a good excuse. Um... shit, I got nothing. I turned my vocal cords on auto-pilot and let my lips do the speaking for me. "Well, it's just a little hot in here, that's all. I'm fine, trust me." I wiped some sweat from my brow, but it was soon replaced. Regina raised an eyebrow, but soon shrugged and went back to her meal. Thank God.

After that, Stacy immediately resumed gripping my tender cock with her right paw. As to not look conspicuous, she kept feeding herself while doing it. I jolted a little bit, as some of the boiling steak sauce flung from her fork onto my groin. Noticing this, she wiped it with a single finger and raised it to her maw. Mom then looked me in the eye as she licked it off her digit in the sluttiest way imaginable, her tongue wrapping intricately around the joints of her finger. Somehow, the Abyssians didn't catch this, as they were off murmuring to themselves about... something. I couldn't quite pay attention, as Stacy started focusing on the tip more, making me feel slightly woozy. Shit, she found my weak spot.

I was getting close to cumming and the entire table could tell. Well, Mom knew immediately, but the orange cats on the other end were just concerned. "Jackie, honey, are you okay?" Regina calling me 'honey' was incidentally adding fuel to the fire in my junk. I love that nickname with all of my heart, and now this hot girl calling me by it is making me want to blow my load all over the table! I bit my lip and pierced it with my fang very slightly, the pain being the only thing stopping me from moaning like a whore. I silently winced as a trickle of blood slid on my tongue. Nodding at Regina, I opened my mouth and swallowed the tiny drops. "Yeah, I just bit my cheek. Nothing to worry about."

For some reason, that was Mom's cue to go into overdrive. I felt her grip grow stronger as her fapping gained speed. My claws sunk into the tablecloth just like how my teeth were sinking into my bottom lip. Mph! Fuck, I can't handle it! Calm down, you horny bitch! It was getting too much for me. The breaking point came when she stayed at the head and kept rubbing the very tip. My climax was just around the corner, and there was nothing I could do about it. Mom looked over at my side with an evil, wicked smile. "C'mon, baby, gimme that good shit." I had no choice, there was nothing I could do. I bit harder into my lip until I could feel the skin breaking in another spot. Just as soon as the taste of blood hit my tongue again, I released.

I was lucky my load didn't shoot up and onto the table. Instead, it leaked out like molasses. Though it was a disappointing cumshot, the orgasm itself was anything but! It took all of the strength in my body to not fall to the floor. Instead, all I could do was exhale loudly and pant like a dog. My woman looked over to her left and gazed at my tired body. "Damn," Stacy silently cursed. "I'm surprised you still had some in reserves, hun. You are one sexy hunk." Her loving words helped soothe my nerves, but my lungs still needed more time.

As I tried to control my breathing, Ms. Abyssia stared at Stacy with an inquisitive eye. "Stacy?" She asked somewhat loudly, but not too much so. Mom let go of my softening cock and placed it back on my thigh. Great, now my pants are cum-soaked. Paw still firmly groping my leg, she looked up at Regina's mother. "Sorry, Francine, I had something on my mind." _Yeah, and that same "something" is on your hand, too. _Ms. Abyssia looked at my flustered mother strangely, as if she knew something was up. "No, it's fine. I was just wondering; is your hand hurt? You haven't been using it at all the whole meal."

Maybe it was just the cumshot I had forced out of me, but I thought I felt some droplets of sweat soak through my pants from Mom's hand. I fixed my eyes on her and saw little beads of water at the base of her neck. Stacy gulped as I did, unprepared to answer that kind of question. "I-I-I, um, well," my mother stammered. Mom, you better think of something. I'm in this mess because of you. Anything, c'mon. _"Well I chipped a claw on my left hand, so I'm trying my best not to irritate it." _Huh, that actually wasn't the worst excuse I've heard in my life. Props to you, Mom.

Ms. Abyssia looked at her daughter and shrugged. "Well, can't be helped. I can get you some ointment later if you'd like." Her voice was relatively calm, unlike Stacy, whose nervous sweat started mixing with my cum. Mom eventually let out a sigh of relief and smiled. "Actually, I can probably get it. I have to use the bathroom, anyway. Where did you say it was?" Stacy finally took her hand off my thigh and stood up, making sure my splooge wasn't visible. Regina pointed towards a corridor and answered her in a very graceful tone. "Ah, Mrs. Dusk, it's right down that hallway; second door on the right." Her voice was like butter. Fuck, I think I'm falling in love with her.

Mom took all the energy out of the room with her. It was now just the Abyssia girls and me. And my dick was still out. Luckily, Morgan came back in just before it started getting awkward. "Ah, I'm sorry about that, you two," Mum sighed. "It was from the boss. Urgent call." Uh-huh. Sure, it was. I rolled my eyes as Mum came back over to my left and sat down again, luckily not before I stuffed my limp cock back into my pants. "Well, what did I miss?"

You missed your wife being a risky whore. Then again, I'm sure that's not news to you.

Regina hopped into the convo again with a smile. "Oh, not much, Mrs. Dusk. Your wife just went to the restroom." I don't know why, but the way she said it was absolutely adorable. This girl was just so fucking cute. As I regained my composure and managed to get my junk situated back in my boxers, we all began to eat again. Though I didn't really have the energy to do anything other than slump in my chair. I actually nodded off a couple of times, only opening my eyes again to see that everybody had finished their meals. Me too, which is odd. I guess you start to lose your grasp on reality after cumming a bazillion times in a single day.

Thank fuck, it's finally over.

After everything was said and done, the five of us lounged in the living room, talking while we digested. Morgan kept a firm eye on her watch, letting Francine know we had to be gone soon. Francine's daughter, meanwhile, didn't want me to go. Though getting awfully tired, I really didn't want to make such a sweet girl sad, so I caved in. Regina dragged me by the arm and sat us down at the bottom of their staircase. Her positivity was contagious and talked for a while about, well, basically everything.

Regina is 20 years old. She's currently living with her mother while doing schoolwork. She doesn't fully know what she wants to do in life, hence why she goes to community college. Her mom and dad separated a long while ago, so she has a fear of abandonment that she just cannot shake. She's a frequent reader and usually has her fingers flipping through the pages of countless books a day. That is when her fingers aren't in herself. If my explanation hasn't been clear, Regina is a very sexual woman. She has a hard time controlling herself on a normal basis and is practically a lecherous monster when her estrous strikes. Her words, not mine. She loves to listen to grunge and new wave. She also loves watching rom-coms, although they make her feel really lonely. Altogether, Regina is a beautiful girl that I would totally date if Mom & Mum weren't keeping me busy.

Toward the end of our conversation, Regina adorably pushed her cute hair out from her eyes and stared at me. "I'm sorry for doing that before. Y'know, that outburst about you being handsome and all." She laughed nervously and rubbed her shoulder, her glorious boobs bouncing in the process. I tried my best not to stare, while also giving a nervous laugh. "Well, it was definitely surprising, but very much appreciated. Girls don't really say that to me." It was unfortunately true. Throughout my almost 12 years of school, not a single girl has ever tried to flirt with me. I'm not gonna say I deserved their attention, but it kinda hurts to be considered a nobody. "Really?" Regina seemed surprised. "I find that hard to believe. I think you're a stud."

I tried my best to camouflage my growing erection. "Uh, wow. That's..." Too fuckin' late buddy. Regina glanced at my cock, then stared at me with a seductive smirk. "Oh, my~" She licked her lips and grinned like a devil. "Did I... raise your expectations of me?" _Great, not only is she a total babe, but she's also a pun master. _Regina quickly gave a strong, hearty laugh. "Aw, I'm only poking your buttons! You're a really nice-looking guy, that's all. Sorry for the boner."

Maximum internal sweating.

I could very easily tell that she wasn't sorry at all. She even wiggled her chest a little bit to catch my attention, as if she didn't have it already. She knew I found her body captivating, and she made sure to show it off in the most teasing way possible. Regina probably wanted to fuck me just as much as I wanted to fuck her. She hopped a little bit on the step to get her chest swinging a bit more.

The girl cackled quietly as my eyes were fixated on her incredible tits. "Heh, you like 'em, dontcha?" She stopped bouncing, though it took a few seconds for her boobs to settle down. I nodded very slowly and very subtly, feeling the sweat on my brow boil. Regina slowly groped herself, making sure I could see her tits squish attractively. "Heh, they're an H cup, hun~", the devilish cutie said. H?! That's like, twice the size of Stacy! My brain started melting trying to comprehend how a 20-year-old babe has a bust that dwarfs a 39-year-old mother. As she smiled and licked her lips, her wonderful voice whispered to me. "Go on. Touch them, cutie. Feel me~"

Before my dick could explode out of my pants, Mum was able to pull me out of the heated situation. The horny devil and I clamored to get back into normal sitting positions with cold sweat running down our necks. "Well, Francie," she said, slightly loud. "We best be heading off. Jackie's gotta go to school tomorrow." Francine gave a sad sigh. "Aw, alright, Morgan. You guys have a swell night. Say goodbye, Regina." Regina gave them both a warm handshake but gave me a great big hug. The orange kitty nuzzled her head into my neck. "Thanks for talking with me, Jackie." She whispered to me. I smiled at her and broke the hug. "No problem, Gina." My sudden nickname made her face evolve into a bright shade of red.

During the car ride home, I noticed a strange lump in the pockets of my dress pants; and no, I don't mean my boner. I pulled it out and was surprised by a wad of paper. Un-crumbling the wad revealed a set of digits I assumed to be Gina's phone number, along with a note:

"Sorry for the awkward sexual tension. I'm in heat right now."

Oh, the erections will never end. But that planted a realization in my brain. _Morgan and Stacy aren't in heat. Yet. Are you trying to tell me that their libido will get worse? Jesus Christ, they're gonna fuck me to death! _Trying to get my mind off it, I took out my phone and put in Gina's number as a contact. I'll message her tomorrow after school. As I said, she was pretty cute, and I'd consider going after her. Traffic was pretty awful, so we didn't get home till maybe midnight. Groggy and grumpy, we all came into the house and said our goodnights. Mom & Mum plopped in their bed instantly. I tried to crawl into mine but received a text message beforehand. Two, actually:

"I saw the stares you were giving Regina. I can't really get mad at you for it, and I forgive you. She is a beautiful girl. Honestly, I'd fuck her, too, if given the chance. G'night, Mr. Big Dick. ???? P.S. Sorry we didn't get to fuck. I'll make it up to you, I promise." [Morgan- 11:13 pm]

"i know regina's tits were amazing ???? srry for poking ur ass (tho i bet you liked it~) i cant get mad at u for looking at a rack that big. but i hope youll give my rack more attention tomorrow ???? lets fuck after school, k? gn, my delicious young man???? i love you with all of my heart, soul, and pussy????" [Stacy- 11:14 pm]

Why can't my dick ever get a break?