Chapter 8- Another Challenger Approaches!

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#8 of Mom & Mum

We actually didn't fuck all day. We couldn't, really. Even with how maniacally sex-driven we all were, we had to stop after 4 or 5 hours. Mom & Mum were saturated with the scent of my dick, and I could smell their cunts on every part of my body, especially on my breath. We just spent the day in the house. Naked, of course. But we actually had a very nice time just chilling together. We watched TV, talked about dinner last night, and ate each other out during a movie. But all fun has to eventually come to an end. At around 3 in the afternoon, our doorbell rang. Stacy and Morgan were slowly licking my junk when we instantly had to clamor to get dressed.

"God fucking damn it! Just let us fuck in peace!" Morgan yelled at the door. Funny as that reaction was, I hope it wasn't too loud for anyone to actually hear. _That'd be the fucking end of me. _"Oh hush, babe," Stacy snidely remarked. "We'll get back to our meal when we answer whatever salesman is at the door." The three of us haphazardly dressed with whatever we could get on, not giving a shit about underwear or the lecherous scent we were giving off. _I think my boxers were somewhere under the sofa by now. _Stacy approached the door with an annoyed sigh and opened it. The person who waited on the other side was a woman I never thought I'd see again. Mainly because I don't remember her.

Mom held her hands up to her face and screamed adorably. "Oh my God! Rachie!" Instantly, the woman was bombarded by a sea of hugs from both of my sexy mothers. I was just left there standing and wondering what exactly was going on. The constrained kitty smiled and chirped back to them in a happy tone. "Oh, Stacy! It's so good to see you again! And you too, Morgan!" The woman soon untangled herself from the mess of hugs and walked over to me. "Jackie?! Oh man, have you grown up! C'mere, you!"

Immediately, the woman started crushing my spine with her affection, much to my surprise. I know I've seen her in the past, but I couldn't place my finger on it. If I wasn't losing oxygen in my brain, I'd be trying to remember who this was. "Okay, okay, thanks for the love, miss..." I tried to say through collapsed lungs. The woman, who I assume was named Rachael, let go and looked at me with surprise. "Ya don't remember me, Jackie-boy?" Before I could say 'no', Stacy interjected. "Jackie, this is Rachael, my sister. She was there at our wedding, remember?"

Oh yeah, her. Now I kinda remember. Rachael was in a flood of happy tears during the entire ceremony, making me and the rest of our families slightly uncomfortable. Despite not knowing too much, I gave off a faux-shocked look and smiled. "Oh hey, Aunt Rachael!" I tried to sound surprised, though I really couldn't. It's hard to be happy to see somebody you haven't been with in over 10 years. I know my parents talked with her over the phone every once in a while, but I never really interacted with her since the wedding. In fact, I don't think I even interacted with her at the wedding. I was four years old; cut my memory some slack.

The three of us all decided to save our bodies for later and got into nicer clothes. We all sat down and had a nice lunch together. Rachael was a beautiful woman. Her fur was a glossy royal blue, a noticeable difference from her paler sister. Her fur tone was actually a lot closer to mine than Stacy's. She also had gloriously long blonde hair that almost went down to her knees. Despite its length, it was fashioned like that of a Hollywood actress. In fact, all of Rachael's appearance screamed fashion. She wore a stunning royal blue coat, tight blue jeans that subtly showed off her hips, and a rather sexy pair of sparkling blue high-heels. Despite how much blue this woman was, her attitude was anything but blue; she was as bubbly as a kid. Her laughter always filled the room with warm, friendly energy.

"Now, before you all ask," Rachael started saying between sips from a drink Morgan poured for her. "The reason I'm here today is that I'm actually moving down here!" I could've sworn in that instant that Mom & Mum were having a heart attack. They held onto each other's arms and tried their hardest not to faint out of their seats. "Oh my God, really!?" They both squealed in unison. Rachael gave an adorable nod and once again embraced my two mothers, who were now in tears of joy. "Yeah, it's great, I know." She said, comforting them.

"See, I honestly was just getting tired of not being around you guys. I'm single, bored, and tired of where I used to live, so I might as well come live closer to y'all to add some spice to my life." Really? This woman is single? How? Not to sound creepy, but she's fucking hot! Stacy was trying to compose herself, but couldn't help but sob in joy. "That's so amazing, Rachie!" Meanwhile, Morgan helped fill me in on all the details.

Rachael is apparently infertile, so she's never able to have a kid. A lot of guys found this as a turn-off about her and decided not to bother. Rachael and Stacy also have always been extremely close and constantly felt the need to be near each other, hence why she is now moving right by us. She also owns a beauty shop that she's going to be moving down here, noticeable by her gorgeous appearance and near-perfect fashion.

"Yeah, it's really great to be with you guys again." Rachael sighed a sigh of relief. She turned my way and pointed a finger at me. "And you, kiddo, and I got a lot of catching up to do." I nodded very heavily. "I would absolutely love to, Aunt Rachael." She scoffed slightly and shook her head. "Please, Jackie, just call me Rachael. I don't need that Auntie bullshit. Makes me feel old."

After our lunch, Stacy and Morgan told us that they needed to buy some beauty products, leaving just my aunt and me in the house. We talked to each other for almost an hour, about pretty much everything from school, to work, to life. It was a little awkward, considering we really didn't know that much about each other. But despite that, I felt really happy to be in her presence.

I really wanted to know more about her, but I didn't know how to ask. That's when Rachael chimed in. "Hey, kiddo, is it okay if I take my jacket off? Kinda hot here. I'm not used to being in such a warm place for this long." She gave a hearty chuckle that warmed me. I told her it was fine. Oh, what a mistake I have made.

Rachael pulled off her striking coat and revealed that she was only wearing a basic tank top underneath. It was very tight on her body and was roughly pressed up against her chest. She wasn't excessively large like Stacy was. In fact, she was the smallest out of the three. But her breasts seemed very perky and her nipples were poking through her bra like needles. I started sweating a little. In an instant, Rachael looked at me with... some emotion. It wasn't necessarily disgust, but she wasn't exactly happy, either.

"Hey, Jackie," the cerulean cat got my attention. I shook myself out of my imagination and looked Rachael in the eyes with guilt. Though she was blushing a little, I could tell it wasn't a happy kind of blush. "I know they're kinda nice to look at, but I'd rather have anyone but my nephew stare at my bust." Oh geez, that's right. I can't go looking at every luscious pair of tits I see, especially if the tits are blood-related to me. I blinked stupidly and focused my gaze on her face, extraordinarily red. I zipped my head to the opposite end of the room and flinched. "Shit! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Well, that was a half-lie.

After a second of silence, Rachael laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Aw, I'm sorry, Jackie. I get it, you're eighteen now and you probably love lookin' at boobs and shit. I know my rack isn't anywhere near as intimidating as my sister's, but I'm flattered you find them... hot... and... stuff..." Her words trailed off into a whisper. I looked back over to see what was wrong and saw her staring at my groin! I hadn't noticed how erect I had gotten until I accidentally brought her attention to it. The blush on Rachael's cheeks now looked like the happier variety.

"Uh... wow... sugar..." Her sudden affectionate nickname gave my erection an extra jump. Although concealed by my jeans, it painfully pressed up against them in a dramatic bulge. I could practically hear the sweating coming from both myself and my aunt. Suddenly, Rachael strengthened her grip and shifted close to me.

Oh God, don't fucking do this. I don't need this right now. I tried to scooch away from my hungry aunt, but she pushed me up to the edge of the sofa with a shocked expression. "Jackie, I didn't know you had such a... package... down there." I stammered to her and gulped. "Rachael, you don't have to look at it like that." She brought her eyes to mine, with a little bit of drool coming out the corners of her mouth. "Well, big boy, it's not fair for you to be admiring my assets and not expect me to admire yours. Especially when your asset is such a monster!"

Her encouraging words sent me into a frenzy. My pants bled with the scent of precum, and she could tell. Rachael moved her head down towards my boner and took in a big whiff. I saw the red in her face darken to an almost blood color, solidifying her arousal. My aunt gave a huge exhale and looked at me with luscious eyes. "What a manly scent you got there, sugar. But smell ain't everything: let's see how it looks!"

After a moment of hesitation, something snapped in her head, as if she had just come from a trance. She suddenly moved her head back and sat up. "Oh fuck! I'm so sorry, Jackie!" She covered her head with her hands and shied away from me, her face somehow even redder. Immediately, I started to feel bad. I scooted over and hugged her, my erection poking her thigh. Rachael gave a cute 'yip' and tried to shove me away, but I embraced harder.

"It's okay, Rachael," I tried to soothe her. Should I feel sorry? Not really. I mean, I shouldn't fucking stare at every single pair of pretty boobs I see, but what she did was way too forward. Then again, my parents have done much worse in the past 24 hours. Her embarrassment started to calm down as she stared me in the eyes. They were gorgeous, just like the rest of her body. Her lime-green orbs sparkled and gave me a weak sensation as if they were overpowering me.

Before I knew it, Rachael placed her lips on mine. I fully reciprocated, pushing my mouth fully on her. In no time, my aunt stuck her tongue in and made it dance with mine. We moaned as our hands started feeling each other up. I rubbed my paws down her sides and gently grabbed her butt. She did the same to me, and I couldn't help but moan into her mouth. As soon as it started getting heavy, the blonde beauty broke our make-out session and locked her eyes on my dick. She placed a blue hand onto my concealed erection as a lusty gasp forcefully escaped my throat.

I could've sworn that my family had come from a long line of illusionists or tricksters because they could get my pants off so quickly that it seemed like magic. Her face widened as my hard cock flung out of my boxers. "Holy fuck, Jackie! Your cock is enormous!" She lightly grasped it with her delicate paw, causing me to moan. "R-Rachael..." I gasped. She actually didn't go in immediately. "What's the matter, sugar?" Her voice was somehow both comforting and sexy. She looked at me with an innocent complexion, despite the unspeakably horny act she was about to commit. I loudly gulped and opened my mouth.

I somehow didn't notice until now, but she was in extreme heat. Like, really fucking badly. I moved my head to her neck and took a big inhale; her estrous filled my nose with a sexy scent.

(Once every year, anywhere from 5 to 7 days, women 18 and above become unspeakably horny. This is referred to as their "heat", and the time of the year when it occurs is completely random, though it stays the same every year. When this time comes, everything about them changes, and they resort to a feral state where all they want is to get fucked. Of course, this isn't the only time of the year a girl may be craving dick, but her libido is always ramped-up when her cycle comes, no matter how big or small her drive normally is. This means that women who already have incredibly high libidos, such as Morgan and Stacy, would become literal succubae during their heat. The thought of what my mothers would do to me is haunting...

...However, it's only during this week that a woman's eggs can be fertilized. And thank God for that, because with how much cum I've blasted into my mothers, I'd have a lot of little siblings on the way. Or would __they_ be my children? Luckily, Rachael doesn't seem like she has an issue with such a problem, as she can't have children in the first place.)_

I looked at Rachael with a flustered expression, my nose practically full of her heat. "You really need this, don't you?" She took her hands off my cock and stared back at me. She was too embarrassed to even say anything. Instead, Rachael shoved me onto my back in a frantic hurry. Without breaking the stare, she stripped herself and flung her designer clothes onto the table. Her fluffy tits dropped down from her small bra and gave a satisfying jiggle.

"Jackie, you have no fucking idea how badly I need it." She whimpered like a little kid who wanted a toy. No idea? I can tell from your dripping pussy that you need it more than anything else in the whole world. I grasped onto my length and held it up firmly. With a slightly smug grin plastered on my face, I motioned her over with my free hand. "Of course, babe; it's what family does. Now get up here."

Without a second to waste, the horny kitty hopped on my body, her glorious womanhood leaking its juices onto my pubes. She grabbed ahold of my dick and moved her body upwards, her cunt now prodding my head. "I don't care if you're my nephew, I need your cock! Please forgive me!" I was going to tell my aunt that it was okay, but all I could do was wail in pleasure as her saturated pussy slammed down onto me. Immediately, Rachael yelled in ecstasy. "Oh my God! Your cock is so fucking huge, Jackie! Fuck my slutty little pussy!"

She had zero filters. Good.

"Oh yeah, you like that, you little whore?" I remarked to her. We hadn't even started moving yet, and she was aching in satisfaction. I grabbed my tramp of an aunt by the shoulders and pulled her body to me, to which she gave a very excited giggle. I locked my lips with Rachael and swirled my tongue into her. Her libido wasn't the only thing she has in common with her sister, I'll tell ya that. Her kissing game was on point.

"Yes, baby," she moaned into my mouth. "I'm your whore right now. Breed my pussy, Jackie..." Too bad this woman __can't_ be bred. I bet she'd love getting swollen with her nephew's kids. _I took a hold of her plump butt and lifted her above me, just to slam her back down my length. Her screams of delight vibrated throughout my mouth. Her pussy was extremely tight, leading me to believe she doesn't masturbate much. I'm glad that her nephew's dick can be of use to her, then. Rachael took her lips off of me and moved her mouth towards my neck, passionately sucking on my skin. I guess today is the day we just find more and more stuff that turns me on. I brought my knees up and started to thrust into her while she bounced on me, making our hips clap sexily.

I gave her a generous slap on the ass, and she gleefully squealed at me. "Hey! That wasn't fair!" she pouted. Nonetheless, her bouncing still went strong. Again, I slapped her fuzzy cheeks. She yelped once more in a sexy moan. "Fair?" I glared at her, mischievously. I grabbed the blue cat by her nipples and pulled her up to my face. "You started this whole scene, ya know. You and your sexy aroma." Rachael squealed in pain before I let her titties go and pushed her back up above me. "Now be a good bitch and keep fucking!" Despite the pain, she had a happy look on her face. It satisfied me knowing that my dick was good enough for her.

"Oh yeah! Keep going, sugar! Fuck my whore cunt! Fill me up with your glorious cock!" I had no idea how sexy dirty talk could be until now. The words coming from my aunt to me were so self-degrading and slutty, but they helped me approach my climax sooner. A little too soon, I admit. I strained a little and panted at my aunt, still riding my cock like a champ. "Ugh, Rachael, I..." Without letting me finish, she bent down and locked me into a kiss again. After a couple of circles around my tongue, Rachael pulled back out and whispered to me in a faint tone. "I know, baby. Give it to me. Don't stop pounding my dirty cunt until you've released every bit of jizz into me."

Sweet Jesus, that was fucking hot. Her breathing started to get stronger, and the smell of her estrous was almost too much to handle. I started speeding up my thrusting, while her shrieks of pleasure kept reminding me how good I was doing. "Spank me again, Jackie! Hit my body with your manly love!" I did as my sexy aunt requested. As I slapped her ass over and over, her pussy started to contract. "Sugar, I'm gonna cum! Your awesome dick is gonna make me cum!" Her yelling became too loud for me, so I grabbed her throat and brought her head toward mine.

Rachael had both fear and lust in her eyes, giving me enough clarification that she was okay with this. I grabbed her long hair and pulled it back, her head starting to crane behind her. Our sweaty lovemaking continued for only a few more seconds. "Jackie, please! Make my bitch pussy cum!" As much as I didn't want to yell something so embarrassing, I couldn't contain myself. "I'm going to cum, too, Rachael!" We screamed in gratification as I released my load into her. Despite the intense fucking Morgan, Stacy, and I had been doing this morning, I still had more in me, somehow.

Before my head and limbs could fall back down onto the sofa, Rachael was still active. "Ah! No!" Rachael yelled. I looked at her in shock, unsure if I did something wrong. "I didn't get to cum! Baby, please, keep fucking me! I need to cum!" I tried, but couldn't. My muscles were cramping and it hurt too much to keep thrusting. I tried to smack her ass again, but it only did so much. "Jackie, do something!" I could sense the imminent concern in her broken voice.

(I knew I was leaving out something: When a woman is in heat, all that is on her mind is achieving orgasm. If she doesn't get the chance to cum during sexual intercourse, she becomes even hornier and does everything in her power to hit her limit. This can lead to unfortunate scenarios where a woman will seek as many partners as possible to make sure she has a steady supply of orgasms. In all honesty, making your partner cum should always be the goal in the first place, but that's just my opinion.)

Without any time to lose, I lifted up Rachael and tossed her onto her back. "Jackie, what are you- AH!" I had to help her, so I quickly shoved my hand into her squelching pussy. Rachael's body started trembling, and her sweat was coming out like a fountain. And so were her juices. I moved my fingers inside her at a rapid pace while using my thumb to press into her tiny clit. I started shaking her body with the tremendous force coming from my fingering. Her eyes were rolling back, her hands were on her forehead, and I could see gallons of spit flow from her mouth onto the couch below.

"Sugar, please, I'm gonna go crazy! I-I can't handle this!" Despite how tired my arm got, my fingers dipped in and out of her slutty pussy at a blinding speed. Hearing my aunt begging to cum unleashed untapped energy from me. I somehow quickened my pace even more, as Rachael's body tensed up to an unbelievable degree. Her screaming was becoming more gargled like she had become truly feral. "I- Oh fuck! I can't...! I'm...gonna...AHH!" Rachael's inner muscles clenched hard around my fingers and a stream of milky-white love juice ran down my hand and onto the couch.

Rachael's spasming cunt clamped down on my hand, locking it inside of her. Upstairs, she wasn't doing much better; I couldn't even make out my aunt's expression. I didn't know if it was relief, pain, ecstasy, or something else. The fabric of the sofa darkened with a mixture of cum, drool, and sweat from my darling. Rachael huffed and puffed wearily, her lovely chasm eventually letting my paw go. "That... was... Oh my God... holy fuck..." She could barely speak in coherent sentences, her senses completely overridden. I huffed and puffed, too. My arm was ungodly tired. I play video games a lot in my spare time, so I thought my fingers would be ready for that level of movement. Oh Lord, was I wrong.

My aunt soon came back to the real world and stopped her heavy breathing. Slowly, I pulled my hand back out of her, strings of cum connecting my fingers. "I'm", I sighed, my head fuzzy. Talking was actually hard. "I'm gonna get us some water, okay love?" With intense caution, I lifted myself up off the sofa, turned around the coffee table, and shuffled into the kitchen. Before I could even open up the cabinet for glasses, however, I heard feet rapidly approaching me. I turned around just in time for Rachael to leap right into me. I braced for impact, but instead of hurting me, she wrapped her legs around my back and pulled me in for an amazingly hot kiss. "Mmm, Jackie. You were so fucking good." She moaned. Somehow there was still energy in her. Estrous is much more dangerous than I ever could have thought.

(Ah yes, that was another thing I missed: A woman in her heat could fuck for hours nonstop, even if she's the one doing all the moving. And as I said before, they can only get tuckered out if they reach their limit and cum. However, this doesn't make them tame for the rest of the week. Oh no, this is only temporary. Depending on the woman, a good, strong orgasm can satisfy them for the rest of the day or sometimes only for a few hours. It's honestly crazy, and even a little bit frightening. Even more frightening is a case like Rachael's, where cumming seems to have satisfied her for only a few __seconds.)

I put my hands on Rachael's wonderful ass and supported her. She pushed my lips into hers and flung her tongue around my mouth. Her cunt was wetter than a waterslide, as my cock slipped and slid around it while we caressed each other. I got erect again in no time. I ripped out my tongue and let it hang out. "Rachael," I panted, my breathing slowly getting deeper. She pulled away from my neck and looked at me again. Her face was so full of lust that I could actually read her mind. I read the same thing over and over; Dick. Dick. I need dick.

"What's wrong, my sexy Master?" Great, now she's calling me Master, too? How do I attract these kinds of women?! I felt my lips move without my permission as I talked to her. "Your pussy is so fucking good, Rachael." Her sweaty face looked at me bashfully. "Aw, shucks. Well, I try. But your cock is twenty times better. I need more of it..." The glee in her voice was too much to handle. I had to fuck this woman again. With her body still in my hold, I hopped up behind me onto the kitchen counter.

My bubbly aunt squealed with a youthful attitude. "Yes! Please! I need your amazing dick!" I got on my knees and leaned forwards, resting my sexy mistress on her back. Again, her voice chirped to me gleefully. "Oh, I love this position, Jackie! Look me in the eyes as you tear my pussy up!" Fucking hell, woman. I couldn't understand how she was so happy about this. I shook my head and laughed silently, gaining her attention. "What's the problem, Jackie?" I wiped a tear from my eye and readied my cock in front of her entrance. "Heh, I'm just amazed how into this you are, Aunt Rachael."

Her eyes squinted at me as if she heard something she didn't like. "Jackie, how the fuck could I not be into it?!" Jeez, she actually sounded offended by that. Oops. "Do you have any idea how awesome your cock is, sugar?" I thought my face was hot enough with how much has been going on today, but now I feel like my head is boiling. I softened my expression and rubbed my neck. "W-well..." Rachael grabbed my hands and interlocked our fingers.

"Well, nothing! Even if my heat wasn't killing me, I'd be all over you till the cows come home! No man has ever fucked me that amazingly!" God, if I blush any more than I already am, my head's gonna pop like a pimple. Way to fucking flatter somebody, huh? Noticing my shock, Rachael took advantage of my silence and grabbed my face, bringing me down to her. Smirking, she stared into my soul and whispered devilishly.

"Now do me a favor and pound my bitch pussy till I'm squirting all over your cock."

Rachael and I went to town for at least an hour, doing every single position in the book, everywhere in the house; my room, my mothers' room, on the dining-room table, the laundry room, everywhere. My cum is probably in areas that haven't been touched in ages. We finally finished our workout on my bed. My aunt's scent of heat seemed to die down after a while, letting me know that I had fully satisfied her. _For now, at least. _We lay under the covers, my dick slowly softening inside Rachael's tender pussy. As we reclined from the power of our final orgasm, Rachael snuggled up next to my face.

I began to twirl her hair for a little, but the moment I stopped, she rose above me in a hurry and stared down at my face. She whispered beautifully to me. "Hey, sugar?" I started to get a little too relaxed, as my ears weren't really ready to hear anything besides the calming purr we'd been eliciting. Nonetheless, I slapped myself awake and gazed up at my lecherous aunt. "Yes, Rachael?" I couldn't escape her eyes. Despite the darkness under the covers, her eyes shone like diamonds. How has no man ever tamed this sexy beast?

"Jackie, I think I'm falling in love with you." Her honest words sent tingles throughout my body. Did she actually mean that? Or is that her pussy talking? Eh, I don't care. The feeling is mutual, I suppose. "I think love you too, Rachie." I guess I meant it, too. Sure, I've been pounding her pussy for nearly two hours, but that doesn't mean I see her as some plaything. I'm beginning to love Rachael just as much as I love Morgan and Stacy. Speaking of which, I know we'll be in serious trouble if we were found like this. I gripped Rachie's shoulders and brought her close to my face, her lower body quivering in delight as she stared into my eyes.

"Babe, we should take a shower. We reek." The fashionista scoffed at me and looked the other way with a flip in her hair. "Ugh, how rude!" She playfully punched my chest and soon jumped off the bed, the force giving her rump a sexy jiggle. The fading sunlight through my windows glistened off our sweaty, cum-covered coats. As sexy as it was, it stank like high hell. I sat up and straightened my back. "Alright, c'mon Rachael, let's hurry before Mom & Mum get back and see us."

What Rachael said next left me both aroused and terrified. "Yeah, I don't know if they'd be willing to go for a foursome." She giggled evilly and stuck out her tongue. I started speaking, despite not wanting to. "Eh, I don't know. They're pretty rambunctious, so they'd probably be up for it." I covered my mouth, but it was too late. Shit shit shit shit shit. Rachael stared at me in disbelief and dropped her jaw. She grew a dark shade of red as glared at me in disbelief. "Um, what was that? Did I hear that correctly, sugar?" Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. The amount of sweat emerging from my skin could probably fill a swimming pool. I know I fucked up. Big time. I had to take my hand off my mouth and explain it to her. "Rachael, uh..."

She was having none of it. Suddenly, she walked up to me and hooked her arms behind my neck, moving me into her face. "You fuck them. You, the incredibly sexy young man you are, shamelessly fuck your own mothers, don't you?" I tried to breathe, but the air was sucked out of the room. All I did was nod, for some ungodly reason. Rachael looked down and gave a dirty smirk. And then a chuckle. "Hmph, I'm not surprised. A hunk like you could make even a nun want to get her holes stuffed."

I choked on a nervous laugh that awkwardly creeped out of me. I appreciate the compliment, but I still felt weird about what she just said. The blue kitty looked down at my cock, which was starting to rise up again, and smirked at me. "How about we all do it, hun? Don't you think they'd love that?" I almost fainted the moment she said that.

I was thrust into a very compromising position: my insanely hot aunt, who I've only been reunited with for a grand total of 3 hours and 37 minutes, now knows my secret. However, because her sex drive rivals that of my own mothers', she's telling me that she wants to get in on our debauchery. If this fails, how could my parents ever forgive us?

"R-Rachie..." I swallowed a lump in my throat and looked around nervously. "You... you don't really mean that, do you? They're your sisters." In a heartbeat, her expression morphed from sexy to dull, almost scarily. "Jackie, Stacy is your actual mother. You're gonna question me for wanting to fuck my sister and sister-in-law when you literally pound the pussy that birthed you?" I had no retort to that, and she knew. Rachael pushed my back to the wall and pressed her body into mine, my length poking hard into her stomach.

She placed a single claw on my chest and licked her lips. "Baby, when Stacy was just a couple of years younger than you, her chest began growing like you wouldn't believe. You of all people should know how amazing those tits are." I couldn't help but nod. Yeah, Stacy really is blessed to have a godly rack like that. Rachael grabbed my face and growled at me sexually while grinding herself against my cock.

"Do you have any idea how long I've been wanting to get a taste of her? To sink my teeth into her and ravage that beautiful body?" My precum was leaking out like a fountain. It loudly dripped onto my bedroom floor like a roof leak. I gulped again and shook my head slowly, not sure if her question was genuine or rhetorical. Rachael smiled and put her paws on the side of my face.

"And when she got remarried, you bet your ass Morgan was in my fantasies, too." My aunt stuck her tongue out and licked my neck. I shivered intensely against the wall, my shaft harder than it'd ever been. She licked the base and then made her way up to my chin before giving me a rest. She could tell how hard it was for me to contain my composure. My aunt flicked her tail against mine and chuckled in my ear. "Sugar, don't think even for a second that you're the only one with these kinda kinks."

I had a hard time controlling myself. I know what she was saying, but I didn't want to risk ruining this family dynamic. I was beyond lucky that Morgan and Stacy were kind enough to share me, but would they really be okay with Rachael joining in, too? "I... uh..." I don't know what I was going to say, but I stuttered at my aunt anyway. She held a finger up to my lips and narrowed her eyes narrower than I had seen before. "Jackie, as much as I want to submit to you and only to you for the rest of my life, you're going to listen to me right now." My heartbeat doubled and sweat started to accumulate under my arms.

"As much as it might make you uncomfortable, I'm making this happen: my sisters, myself, and your cock. This is fate, Jackie."

I couldn't take it anymore. I harshly gripped my aunt's ass and lifted her up onto my dick. She squealed with joy and surprise at how ready to go I was. "Oh fuck! I must've let the beast ou-!" I shoved my tongue into her mouth and my cock into her cunt at exactly the same time, slipping into her hole with zero resistance. Oh yeah, she let the fucking beast out. And now he's gonna take what he needs~

I opened my bedroom door and marched into the bathroom with Rachael sexily squirming on my body. We moaned beautifully while I turned the shower knobs, ready to pound this bitch to no end. I stepped into the shower and held her against the wall. After a couple of minutes of licking each other's mouths under the scalding water, I finally released her tongue and we both started panting. Feverishly.

I pressed my head against hers and stared into her eyes again. My God, they were just beautiful. In my peripheral vision, I could see her cheeks darkening with blood. "J-Jackie," my aunt stammered. She lightly pushed my head away, but I still kept close. She sounded cautious, but the smile on her face didn't wear off. "Jackie, when you look into my eyes like that, it makes me feel... different..." She clasped her hands behind my neck and looked bashfully at the ground.

Different, huh? Licking my lips, I spoke softly to the blue babe, teasing her as much as I could. "I just plowed that beautiful pussy of yours 7 times in less than a single afternoon. And I'm your handsome, strong, big-dicked teenage nephew. I'd be surprised if that didn't make you feel different." My hand touched her face and stroked it gently, causing her cheeks to grow redder. The blue babe chuckled silently before speaking up. "Sugar," she gasped. I saw a lot of confusion in her eyes. But there was also a lot of love in them. It was so adorable. Suddenly, Rachael squeezed her eyes shut and threw her fists down. "Oh, I can't take it anymore!"

My aunt pressed her body harder into mine and moved her hips violently, grinding my cock like crazy. I gasped and moaned as she used her upper body strength to push me against the wall. Again. My eyes met hers once more as I tried to take control of my words. "Rachie... what are you...?" The cat took her hands and pushed them into the sides of my face. After another dark blush, she inhaled and yelled out in passion to me.

"Jackie, I love you! I don't know what it is about you, but I love you so much!"

The blood in my body began rushing to my face as much as hers had been. I swallowed hard, but the lump in my throat wouldn't go down. I shakingly opened my mouth and tried to speak, but my aunt wasn't done yet. "And I'm not just saying that because your cock is the best thing that's ever been in me! Jackie, when you first came in me, I didn't just feel your awesome load fill me up; I felt your love and passion fill me up, too! I felt a strong, emotional man taking care of me because his heart told him to, not his cock." I wanted to speak up, but her tongue soon barged into my mouth. This, coupled with her rhythmical grinding, sent me into overdrive. I flung my tongue back at her with great force. Every collision of our flesh brought me more and more to my breaking point.

After getting her fuck-hole nice and saturated, Rachael moved upwards and sat in between my torso and my cock. "I want it in my ass this time, sugar." Fuck, now this is getting serious. Blushing like crazy, I moved my cock over to her rump and rammed myself in. My mouth shook crazily as Rachael yelled into my muzzle. I walked forward and pressed her into the wall. Barely any of the water was reaching us, but I don't mind getting a little dirtier. I brought my hands up to her face and pulled hers into mine. There wasn't a single inch of her tongue that wasn't in my mouth. Same for mine in hers.

As I began thrusting, my blue babe started lightly clawing my back, sending even more tingles down to my dick. Every inch I rammed into her made her moan that much more. She began constricting me with her legs, wrapping them behind my butt. It was even more than that, though. I felt love. Rachael was in love with my body. She wanted every single bit of it. I couldn't help but feel the same for her. The thought of pounding this woman's holes for the rest of my life brought me a new wave of pleasure. It didn't take too much time before I was about to explode inside her again.

In between the violent slapping of my nuts against her ass, I called out in a gruff voice. "Ugh, fuck, Rachael!" I yelled in a hurry. A hopeful smile glossed over her face as she lit up. "Are... you... gonna...?" She had trouble getting the words out, but I understood her. Again, I exclaimed to her. "Y-yes, baby!" I didn't have a second to react to what she was about to do. Rachael unwrapped her legs from behind me and pushed me back. She fell painfully onto the shower floor on her knees, but she still sat up. I knew what she was doing. Like a good slut, Rachael had her mouth fully open with her tongue out. I stepped up to her and rammed my rod in with full force. Her glugging sounds of choked pleasure filled the air and rang like music.

Isn't she technically tasting her own ass by doing this? God, this slut has no shame.

Rachael put her hands on my butt and started pushing me into her even further. I was now going all the way inside her mouth with every thrust. Once she started doing that, I lost it. My grip on her head strengthened and I plunged into her one last time before screaming out in love. "I'm cumming, Rachael!" I could tell she wanted to yell something too, but her mouth was kept company.

I burst right into her throat, causing my aunt to sputter and choke as my seed clogged her airway. It felt as though my entire essence was sucked out of me. While my balls pulsed, I pulled my cock out of her mouth and fell against the wall behind me, practically delirious. Rachael coughed and sputtered, launching gobs of cum from her mouth. It took a minute or two, but she eventually composed herself and bowed to the tile below, licking up whatever she spit out. The sight of this exquisite lady acting like a broken whore was nothing short of thrilling.

My hand reached up to turn the shower off, all while I wheezed like never before. Drops of water fell on me for minutes as we both panted. My cock shrank back down to normal size just as Rachael devoured up the last of my cum. She sighed heavily and fell down onto her back, patting her tummy with satisfaction. I was thoroughly impressed, and she could tell. "Hehe," she giggled with a hand on her tit. "Did I make Master happy?" A little twinge of pleasure shot down my spine and to my dick, but I could tell I wasn't gonna get it up again. Not right now, at least.

After my heart rate went down and I could breathe normally again, I gradually rose back up onto my feet. "Yes, my lovely bitch," I growled with evil in my eyes. She extended a hand to me, and I steadily grabbed it to help her get up. I patted Rachael on the head, ruffling her beautiful mane. "You've made your Master very happy. Now come up and get dried off with him." Her eyes glimmered as she returned the smile and nodded. "Anything for you, Master!" She sprang up with surprising energy and pulled back the curtain for us to head out.

As my naked aunt happily skipped out of the bathroom, I sighed and laughed as her beautiful behind jiggled with each stride.

Later, the four of us were sitting down at the dinner table, eating some ham that Morgan and Stacy bought while they went shopping. Although the food tasted good, I was in a small world of panic right now. It was hard to not seem nervous about the situation. What's gonna happen when Stacy and Morgan find out? Cuz they're obviously going to; Rachael said it herself that she'd spill the beans sooner or later. It's just a matter of when. Will she blab about my 'lovemaking skills' to them, or are they gonna use their Motherly Stare _™ __ to see through my mind?_

Thankfully, Morgan was able to break my paranoid thoughts. "So, Rachael, what house are you moving into?" My aunt put down her utensils and started to ponder it with an adorable 'hmm'. For some reason, I could smell her heat again, and it was coming in stronger and stronger by the second. "Well, if I'm gonna be honest, I was thinking about moving in with you guys!" She ended her statement with one of the cutest smiles I've ever seen. Stacy and Morgan stared in disbelief. I'd be lying if I said I didn't see that coming. I couldn't mimic my parents' surprise. Mom put down her drink and raised both eyebrows. "R-really? You'd want to bother yourself with us?" Stacy sounded very concerned, understandably so.

"I know, I know; it's rude for me to throw that onto you guys, but I'm serious! I think it's important that we be in each other's lives again. And what better way to be in our lives than to live together?" Morgan was giving me a look. Not necessarily a bad one, per se, but a look nonetheless. I could tell what she was thinking; How are we gonna have time to fuck if she's living here?

Stacy leaned forward and put an elbow on the table. "Well, I'm flattered by the idea, sis. Honestly, I really am. I'm sure Jackie and Morgan are, too. But-" Morgan butted in, not wanting Stacy to say something she shouldn't. "But it would change so much in just a little bit of time. It's not fair for you to just throw that on us when you're already here." My aunt gave a defeated sigh and looked at me. I knew what she wanted to say, but I mentally urged her not to. If she did, Stacy and Morgan would no doubt chop my cock off.

Alas, not everything can stay a secret forever. "Yeah, but what if I wanted to join in on your fun and love Jackie with you all?" Simultaneously, Morgan and Stacy spat out their food, covering the center of the table. Oh God, oh fuck. My flustered parents immediately stared at Rachael with questioning looks, jaws agape. Meanwhile, I hid under my t-shirt. "Uh... Rachie?" Stacy asked, almost haphazardly. "Did... did you and Jackie...?" Without a second thought, Rachael beamed up with an uncomfortably happy expression. "Well, duh! Can't you guys tell I'm in heat? How else am I supposed to cool off?" My face was so hot I could see steam rising from my nose. Why the fuck is she talking about this like it's normal?

"So, let me get this straight..." Morgan butted in, directing her question at me. "Just to be clear about this... you two fucked?" Head still hiding under my shirt in fear, I nodded ever so slightly. "Oh yeah, totally!" Rachael cheerfully gleamed. She stabbed a piece of ham with her fork and stuffed it into her mouth, chewing loudly. "Lemme tell ya, your son's cock is incredible! When you two were out, I was cumming nonstop, thanks to him." I raised my head slightly, just enough so my eyes were poking through the neck-hole of my tee. Stacy had a look of embarrassment on her face, while Morgan seemed... turned on?