Chapter 15- Love

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#15 of Mom & Mum

I woke up with possibly the worst conceivable pain in the world. Every single point on my body hurt. Especially my penis. I'd have to say I've cum at least 10 times in the past 24 hours. And I was certainly feeling the ill effects of it now. I awoke from my slumber to see that I was all alone. None of my women were here with me. Perhaps Deb had to go home, along with Gina. Damn, I never got to do it with them... Although the muscles in my legs were more painfully stretched than a bungee cord. Moving them just off the bed was a chore in itself, but now I also have to walk on them to get myself outta here. Deep breaths, Jackie. Come on, you can do thi-

I fell onto the floor: Hard. Ow. Well, at least I only hit my chest. Luckily my arms have the energy to pry myself off the wooden floor and into a standing position. Now I just had to get my clothes. Looking around, it seemed like Morgan, Stacy, and Rachael all pulled my belongings into the master bedroom. I suppose I no longer have need of mine since I just sleep with the girls anyway. Fine by me. I didn't even notice until I put my pants on that my dick was stuck to my thigh. I guess dried cum is like industrial glue, except it's organic. I put on a simple t-shirt and shorts and tried to smooth out my fur.

As soon as I walked downstairs, I heard strange sounds; laughing, crackling, and heavy objects being slid across the floor. Were they getting it on without me? I walked down far enough to see what all the commotion was, and quickly my mouth started salivating completely on its own. I took a big inhale and smelled a delicious smell. Somebody was cooking something. But who was it? Slowly, I trotted into the kitchen and was greeted by my two younger babes, Regina and Debbie.

Gina wore the cute dark blue apron that Morgan wore a few days ago when she was making my birthday breakfast. But unlike Morgan, Regina was in much more than just the apron. She had on her chest a gray and white striped sweatshirt that hugged tightly to her skin, making her large breasts appear larger than usual. Underneath, the tabby had a charming monochromatic plaid skirt that went down to her knees. Her marvelous black hair was twisted into a ponytail that screamed cute.

My staring caught the orange kitty's attention and caused her to blush in happiness. "Hey!" Gina spoke up in a loud voice to become audible over the crackling of the stove. "Jackie, you're awake! What's up, babe?" It caught the attention of the other feline in the room, Deb, who was busy washing dishes. Her ears perked up and she jumped with joy. Immediately, I was overridden by their love. Deb and Gina wrapped their strong arms around me in a painful embrace. Before I could open my mouth, Gina shoved... something... in it. And it wasn't her tongue.

"Tell me what you think, darling! Did I put too much salt?" Before I could fully register her question, I was flooded with an exquisite wave of savory goodness. What was this holy deliciousness?! My knees started to buckle as my entire body was overtaken by intense satisfaction. The girls held me up to prevent me from fainting. I chewed on whatever meaty substance it was and swallowed with a lovely gasp. "Regina, that was fucking delicious!" I started to salivate harder as my taste buds were craving more. Although directed at the orange babe, Deb answered instead.

"That, my Master," she began in a sweet inflection. "Is steak. Your moms, aunt, Gina, and I wanted to make a delicious dinner for you since you worked so hard today. Especially on us." The purple-haired cutie gave me a tight smooch on the cheek and sent me into a frenzy. I started to tear up with love. A special dinner? For me? All because I fucked them silly? What a life to live!

I suddenly couldn't contain myself, as I pushed my body up to Deb and pulled her in for a wonderful kiss. Her lips tasted very faintly of the same blessed steak. I wanted to taste her more. But as soon as I slipped my tongue into Deb's awaiting, begging mouth, Gina pulled me aside. "Hold on there, buddy," she said in an almost scolding tone. "You've been working hard to love us all day. You should go onto the couch and take a load off. Dinner will be done in a few, Master."

Oh fine. You two still need your round later, anyway. Before I could walk into the living room, a thought popped into my head. Something was bothering me. I didn't have time to vocalize my thoughts before Debbie chimed in. "Oh, if you're wondering where the other girls are, they're out in the driveway moving all of Rachael's belongings into here. She's gonna be living with you guys now, right?" She looked over at me as I nodded.

As soon as she spoke, the front door barged open and my three gorgeous family members shimmied in with a large box in their grasp. Between the heaving and panting, I heard Stacy snidely remark to my aunt. "God damn, Rachie! Why the hell do you have so much shit in your car?" I stood between the kitchen and living room in shock as they pushed a nearly 4-foot box across the room. The trio soon stopped and breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Oh shut it, Stacy," I heard my aunt remark. Her face was covered in sweat and her hair was mangled beyond recognition. "You have just as much, if not more, makeup. So I don't wanna hear that bullshit." The three of us watching from the kitchen couldn't help but burst into laughter. It was so wonderful to see my family acting like an actual family.

Around ten minutes later, dinner was served. The succulent steak made us all practically orgasm with delight. I never knew how much of a wizard Gina was in the kitchen until now. She must have learned a lot from her mother, I suppose.

Speaking of which; "Oh hey, Master," Regina called to me while we were too busy trying to get off of our 'steak-high'. "I told my Mom that I'm sleeping over at a friend's house, so I'm staying the night." She gave me a sexy smooch on the lips and pulled me in for a tight embrace. I fully reciprocated, giving Gina all of my tongue and hugs. Before we could really get into it, however, I felt a hand firmly grip my head, pulling me away from the orange goddess. It turned me around and I was met with Deb's embrace, next. "I did the same thing. I'm sure you don't mind."

Don't mind? Of course, I don't mind! If I could have these glorious women with me every day and night, I would be living happily forever after! Nothing could make this night any better. Morgan soon got out of her chair and walked over to me. She wore a very pink night skirt that led more to the imagination. Stacy and Rachael followed suit, also wearing beautifully suggestive nightwear. The five women circled around me and wrapped their arms across my body, sharing a loving embrace with me and each other.

A swirl of happiness enveloped me, starting at my feet and quickly reaching my head. I forgot all of the pain I was in. I blocked all of my doubts about school, college, myself, and all else. The only thing I could feel right now was love and joy. That, and sexual pleasure. For some reason, between the vortex of affection that surrounded me, an erection popped out of me. It quickly gained the attention of my harem, heating up the air around us with their intense blushing.

"Oh my, Master," I heard Stacy speak up. She grabbed me and twirled me around into her in a dance-like fashion. Her face was blood red. "You always are ready to please us." While spinning me, I was soon shoved into another of my lovers.

Morgan spoke next. "We don't deserve you, Master." A slight purr erupted from her throat, increasing my contentment even further. "You and your sexy dick are all that we live for."

Next, I was thrown into another pair of breasts. I could tell that they belonged to Gina, as they vibrated when she spoke. "You're too good for us. We are truly blessed to have you, Master. We love you so much." Gina danced with me a little more than the others, probably because she was still in heat and wanted me as much as possible. She smooshed my head into her large rack and sighed in pleasure.

Rachael had to rip me off in order to get to me next. "We wouldn't trade you for anything in the world, Jackie. And we hope that you feel the same way with us." My aunt's smooth, blonde hair waved delicately in my face as she twirled me around her body.

Soon, however, I was pushed on over to my final lover, my best friend, Debbie. "It makes us so happy to be with you, Master. Everything you do gives us another reason to keep loving you."

I couldn't even tell we were moving away from the dining room. The six of us were waltzing down onto the couch in preparation for the main event. Stacy and Morgan pushed down my body, laying me flat up against the arm of the sofa. Meanwhile, they had all stripped down and pressed themselves onto me. I trembled in my pants, as I knew what they had wanted. They all put a hand on my shorts and pulled them down, revealing my massive hard-on for them. I could see Gina's and Debbie's eyes glisten with love as they moved closer to me.

"Master, we loved the display you showed us," Deb confronted me with a sexy tone. Her breath was hot and heavy, and she quickly moved her rear up to my face. "But, honestly," Gina now began, almost interrupting Deb with her impatience. "We need you, too. Let's finish what we started, Master." Before Deb could sit on my face, I turned over and saw my family sitting there on the ground. I was about to speak up until Stacy butted in.

"Enjoy them, Jackie. We already had our turns. Have fun, Master." She winked and held out a thumbs-up in approval, but before I could do the same, Debbie's tasty pussy was smashed onto my mouth. Oh, how I had been missing that taste. Deb sang a beautiful song of her arousal, while Regina crawled her way to my shaft. I felt her light tongue wrap around the head, causing me to cry in arousal as well.

"Oh? Does Master enjoy this?" I tried to nod, but Deb's fat ass locked my head in place. Instead, I thrust my dick upwards. She giggled cutely. "Good, I want to make Master happy. Let's get this started!" From the corner of my eye, I could see Gina hop onto my cock in one fell swoop. It pierced right into her cervix immediately, destroying her without me even needing to do anything. The three of us all wailed in thrill. I could feel Gina plop down onto my stomach. She started shaking in orgasm.

"Oh, oh fuck!" I could hear her yell in a cracked voice. I moved my head slightly forward and could just barely see Gina's face from under my captors' pussy lips. "I...I..." Gina was trying to find words, but I think her mind was breaking. "I didn't remember how large your cock was, Master!" She tried to hide her pain behind a chuckle, but I could tell she truly wasn't all together.

After a little adjusting, the three of us finally got started. Debbie pushed her sweet rump further and further into my face as I wildly flailed my tongue around her opening. Meanwhile, my hands were on my orange slave's tasty hips. I couldn't go as hard as I wanted to, however, as my body was still in pain from the fuckfest earlier. Gina could recognize this, as she got my attention.

"M-M-Master... we can go at whatever pace you want. Anything for you, my love." Her voice was so soothing, and yet so ungodly sexy. I decided to listen, and I thrust into her slowly. It actually felt really good to take it at a nice pace. Since Gina is so tight, she was able to get every single nerve in my cock, making this slow ride extremely gratifying. With Debbie, however, I was going like a maniac. I couldn't get enough of her musky nectar. In many ways, it was even better than the steak we had tonight.

I pressed my tongue harder and harder into Deb's pussy until she couldn't take it. "M-Master! Your tongue is so good! My pussy is in heaven right now!" Her encouraging words made me want to break her even more. I took my hands off of my big titty kitty and hooked Deb's legs around them. Now, with the right leverage, I was able to pull her rear into my face as hard as possible. I soon could feel Deb begin to lose her mind. Gina could notice, too, as she had a front-row seat to my saffron beauty's reactions.

"Oh shit, I think she's losin' it! Keep going, Master! I wanna see this little skank beg you to stop!" I fully stretched out my tongue, so much so that it started to hurt. But it was totally worth seeing her reaction. My muzzle was getting drenched in the nasty broth emanating from Deb's cunt. She just couldn't stop cumming. Her words started to get more and more unintelligible. "Hyah! Oh fugg! Oh, my fucking... Mast- I... I can't... AH!"

In a climactic yell, Debbie sprayed pints upon pints of cum out of her sensitive pussy. My face was so saturated with it that it was getting hard to breathe. My best friend's body started tremoring from insane pleasure, rocking back and forth on my head. My whiskers were also helping her ludicrous orgasm, tickling her around her most delicate parts. The flash flood of womanly cum was getting too much to bear, so I pushed Debbie down onto my stomach.

Her tender cunt was still in my face, but less so. Now she was in a prime spanking position. I whacked her enormous asscheeks with both hands at once. Immediately, I regretted this decision, as she shot a load of liquids right into my face, practically drowning me. Deb gave a deafening yell of absolute bliss, however, so that made up for it. I was now able to see Gina's face, which was completely red with passion.

"Ah, fuck, Master! Your huge cock is so great! I love you so much, Master! I'll cum lots for you!" As soon as she said it, I felt her pussy clamp around me as she started cumming. It seeped out of her delicious opening and straight into Debbie's mouth, which had been waiting for a nasty spray of it. Though in the middle of an intense orgasm, Gina fought on and continued to ride me, getting faster and faster by the second. It was getting very hard to hold it all in. My hot, heavy breaths flowed into Deb's cunt, making her shiver in pleasure. "Oh? Is Master going to cum?" She asked, daintily. I could barely speak, as the weight of both women on me prevented me from breathing regularly. All I could do was make simple sounds. "U-Uh huh..." was all I was able to muster. I heard both of my sluts giggle with excitement as they knew my climax approached.

"Ah, yes Master! Please cum inside me! I want your seed so much_!" Ask and ye shall receive._ I placed my hands back onto Gina's sexy ass and gripped hard. Though I didn't have much energy, I tried my best to thrust into her. Deb's spit was getting everywhere, making it easier to slide in and out of my tight beauty. As soon as I was about to shoot my load, I took a deep breath and gave one last max thrust into Gina's clamped pussy.

Both she and I screamed in excitement as I came into her, with Deb providing moral support by licking up our musky juices. I saw the busty tabby get off of my cock and fall onto her back, with Deb coming in to suck up the sloppy seconds from her overflowing cunt. With the weight of both women finally off me, I was able to relax...

Until Deb threw her sopping wet pussy onto my cock at full force. I yelled loudly, as I had just received an immediate wave of pleasure mere seconds after my orgasm. My dick was in heaven, and so was I. My yellow babe moved up to my face and showered me with hot breaths. "Oh Master, I never got my turn, so this is only fair, right?" But of course, my darling. After my initial yell, I was left almost breathless. All I could do was nod at my sweet kitty. She smiled in enjoyment as I took her fat rear into my hands and started to thrust. Meanwhile, Debbie grabbed the sides of my face and hauled me in for a hot kiss. It was weird at first, cuz I thought I tasted some of my own cum. But after a few seconds, I lost the ability to care; I was fucking Debbie, and that was all that mattered.

I twirled my tongue around hers with wild passion, making her moans intensely hot. Her saturated pussy was almost frictionless, letting me thrust as fast as I wanted. Stacy, Morgan, Rachael, and Gina meanwhile moved in on us and started licking everywhere. The bristles of their tongues sliding across my ragged fur sent pumps of satisfaction throughout my body, and I could assume Deb's body as well. I started to smack her fat ass again, and her cunt contracted over and over as her tasty butt grew red. It was sending her over the edge; again. "Oh fuck, Master!" she whispered, her voice losing power. "Keep smacking me! Keep giving my ass the punishment it deserves! Make me your broken bitch!" Oh, so she wants to be broken? I could do that.

I pulled up my cutie towards my face until my cock slid out of her ripe pussy. She gave a disappointed sigh as her whorish hole was left unsupervised. Without warning, I stuck it deep into her ass. Now Deb was no longer whispering; she screamed a holy scream of utmost delight. It was making my ears ring, however, so I sucked her tasty lips back onto my mouth. Her lusty howls vibrated my throat, and along with her tongue action taking me over, my climax soon approached yet again. I spanked my purple-haired bitch more to my own amusement, as well as to the rest of our crowd.

Eventually, everyone joined in on the spank fest; Debbie's cheeks were getting smacked by multiple hands at a time from all 5 of us. I saw her eyes roll back, and her spit was flooding out of our mouths. Her screams died down into soft, broken chirps, as her body was being overridden by us. I ramped up my assault on her ass even more, making sure each individual thrust went as far into her asshole as possible. Luckily, she seemed to be enjoying it, albeit a little too much. Her nasty cum was gushing from her degrading cavity, and her ass was clenching harder around my swelling length. We didn't stop spanking her, and I could almost see her entire torso become red from the abuse we were giving her.

But I could feel from her moans that Deb was in nirvana. She was taking me there, too, as my cum was about to shoot out of me at breakneck speeds. In one last-ditch effort, I unlatched myself from her whore mouth and took a mightily deep breath. "Master, please cum for me!" I could hear Deb yell. _Don't worry, my Slave, I will. _I pulled my entire length out of her slippery asshole and quickly shot back in.

My best friend seized up with pleasure; her body writhed, her pussy turned into a waterfall, and she screamed, but nothing came out. Debbie was fully losing control, and we all marveled at how sexy it was. With one final motion, I launched into the saffron whore's butt and shot my load like a howitzer. Deb hopped in shock as my cum traveled far into her ass, probably reaching her... intestines...? I don't wanna think about it.

She quickly jumped off of my cock and squirmed onto the sofa behind her. We all watched in amazement as the slut trembled in ethereal bliss. We couldn't comprehend the sounds she was making, but we did know that she was in heaven. Her cunt was still periodically spraying cum and her ass was dripping with my seed. The other four girls tried to hold her down and suck whatever remaining juices there were in her slutty holes.

I laid my head back and exhaled greatly, feeling as though the wind had been punched outta me. My dick shrank back down at record speeds and my drive slowly died down. Giving Deb the thrill we did was all that I needed in this world. That, and the rest of my harem. There's nothing I would trade them for. Absolutely nothing. And I could bet every single cent I had that they would say the exact same thing about me. As soon as Deborah stopped writhing, she started swapping spit, and other juices, with the rest of my ladies. Seeing them all go crazy over my jizz was so nasty.

Eventually, though, they stopped their feast and turned their attention toward my tired body. Stacy crawled up to me and placed a hand on my leg, followed by Morgan. Rachael and Regina got my torso. Finally, Deb held my head up with a smile. "We love you, Master," they all whispered in unison. "You mean the world to us, and we wouldn't trade you for anything." Bingo.

Life is really good, sometimes.