Brooke & Kaelzai - Gently Rough

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Brooke, the bisexual mess of a bunny, is hanging out at his folf friend Kael's place one afternoon, but as Kael notes, he's definitely a bit distracted. After some prying, the truth finally comes out- he might be bisexual, but he's never actually been intimate with another guy, and he's a mess of desire, curiosity, and anxiety. Fortunately, Kael's more than up to the challenge of helping him explore his sexuality.

Posted using PostyBirb

"Hah, smoked ya!" Kaelzai announced triumphantly, then shot the bunny on the other end of the couch a smug grin. "You owe me tacos tonight."

"Whatever. Let's do a rematch for the drinks at least," Brooke grumbled, tightening his grip on his game controller.

"Glutton for punishment, I see," the folf replied, then turned his attention back to the screen and furrowed his brow. "You're on."

Another round of intense action followed, punctuated by swearing from one and laughter by the other. "Aaand that's the drinks settled," Kael declared at the end. "You're really not on your A-game tonight, man."

Brooke groaned and slumped back. "Tell me something I don't know."

The folf's grin faded a bit. "You alright?"

Brooke quickly shook off the funk and shot his buddy a semi-sincere reassuring smile. "Yeah, just... stress from work and shit, y'know? I'll be fine."

"I would hope this would help get your mind off of that," Kael replied, arching a brow.

"It is, just... taking time," Brooke said, then paused to crack his neck before continuing. "...let's go again."

"Sure. Nothing to bet this time though," Kael said, then smirked. "Unless you wanna start stripping."

"Yeahyeah suresure," the bunny replied dismissively, then immediately started a new game.

"I was kid-... ah whatever," the folf replied, then leaned forward as he focused on the screen again. A short while later, he let out a little cheer. "Hah! Nailed your ass!"

Brooke grumbled again. "I wish..."

"Huh?" Kael asked, taken off guard.

The bunny's cheeks flushed and he quickly set up yet another round. "N-nothing. C'mon, rematch, fucker."

Kael eyed him for a moment, ignoring the screen, even as the game started. Slowly, a new, more knowing grin crept across his face.

"Hey c'mon," Brooke said, putting on a fake cocky grin and doing his best to deflect attention back to the TV. "Unless you want me to win back those drinks."

Kael tossed his controller aside, then slid over by the bunny and laid his hands and head on his shoulder, completely throwing him for a loop. "Brooke."

Brooke jumped slightly and his blush intensified as his eyes frantically darted between the screen and his suddenly oh-so-close friend. "W-what are you-"

"Put down the controller, you silly little boy," Kael murmured quietly. "And tell me what's really on your mind."

Brooke let out a small 'eep' and stiffened up. After a moment, he paused the game and dropped the controller, though he refused to fully face the folf, instead choosing to just glance at him out of the corner of his eye. His bangs were partly in the way, at that. "W-what?"

"You know, I was wondering when you were going to bring it up. Long as we've known each other and all," Kael said. "I know I have a certain reputation, what with-" he continued, then paused as a pair of shadowy tendrils protruding from his back slipped out of the holes on his shirt. "-these and all. And I know you're a horny repressed bisexual mess."

"I-I don't know what you're-"

"Brooke. Come on," Kael said, his smile softening a bit as one of the tentacles reached over and tussled the bunny's hair lightly. "I can tell. I didn't want to mention it when I got here, but I can pick up on these things. Comes with my nature. I think I know what you really wanna do this afternoon."

Brooke was trembling a bit by that point. Suddenly, he grabbed his ears and pulled them down over his brightly-flushed face. "Okayokay fiiiine, fuck," he whined, then slid away from the folf slightly, curling into a ball on his end of the couch. "I'm fucking touch starved and pent up, and frankly my head's been a confusing, frustrating mess lately in general! There, happy??" he declared, then sighed. "But I-... I mean, I didn't-... I'm not sure... just... ugh!"

Kael's smile faded a bit and he sat back up, looking at him curiously. "Okayyyy, clearly more going on in that head of yours than I thought. So talk to me. You are bi, right? Pretty rare that I get that wrong, but it does happen."

The bunny hazarded a shy glance, then sighed heavily and buried his head in his hands. "Y-yeah... in theory, anyway."

"In th-... oh, never actually been with a guy before? Well hey, no shame in that."

"No," Brooke mumbled. "I've got... toys I use, 'n' I've been with women, but never... ugh. This is..."

"Hey," Kael said, sliding over again and wrapping an arm around him gently. "Relax. No judgement here. Take your time and spill, bud."

Brooke took a moment to collect himself and took a deep breath. "S-so... yeah, never actually been with a guy before. I have... hangups."

"Like?" Kael prodded curiously.

Brooke thought for a moment. "Mm... well for one it's not like I'm doing a great job fighting stereotypes," he said with a sardonic grin, then dropped his gaze again. "Being a bunny and all, and frankly... well..."

"A cute little twink?" Kael teased with a little smirk.

"...yeahIguesswhatever," Brooke said, rolling his eyes and blushing some more. "You get the point. 'n' yeah, I... I guessmkindvabtm..."

"What was that?" Kael pried playfully. "Didn't quite catch it."

Brooke shot him an embarrassed glare, then blew some hair out of his eye. "...said'm...kindof a... mm..."

"Bottom?" Kael suggested, then poked his tongue out at him.

" Yeahfine," Brooke said, averting his gaze once more. "That. I think."

"What's wrong with that?" the eldritch folf asked.

"The associations, okay?" Brooke blurted out in exasperation. "And the presumptions people tend to make. Just cus I might... y'know, lean that... wayabit... doesn't mean I wanna be defined as some... subby little 'hurt me daddy' kinkslut and shit. Don't wanna fuckin' collar or be anyone's pet or fucktoy or shit like that."

"'ve been spending too much time online again, haven't you?" Kael suggested flatly.

Brooke fidgeted, then smiled sheepishly. "Okay maybe a little. Still, people do make presumptions. A-and... I... um.... W-well..."

"What is it?" Kael said, giving him a gentle squeeze. "Come on, Brooke. You know you can trust me. I won't cross any boundaries or judge you or anything."

Brooke hesitated for a moment, then leaned over and hid his face partly in the folf's neck fluff. "O...kay... guess I'm just putting it all out there, huh?" he said quietly, then took a shivery, nervous breath. "Y-yeah. Kael, I-I'd love f-for you t... to fuck me real good. A-and truth is... I am... kind of curious about some kinky shit o-or just..." he explained, then his voice started gradually growing quieter and more high pitched. "S-slightly... I dunno... m-mild rough...ness?"

"You're fucking adorable, man," Kael said, chuckling a bit.

"Shut up!" the bunny retorted, giving him a half-hearted shove before hiding his face again.

Kael wrapped both arms around him. "Just saying it because it's true. But go on. Tell me what you had in mind. I'm game, and I'd love to show you a good time."

"...shit, even I'm not entirely sure," Brooke confessed. "Is... is gentle-rough a thing?"

"I think what you're saying is you wanna get taken vigorously, but lovingly," the folf suggested, rubbing his shoulder softly. "Sound about right?"

"...y-yeah, I guess that's... n-not a bad way to put it," the bunny agreed, then covered his face and let out a small half-squeal, half-groan. "Holyfuckarewereallytalkingaboutthis?"

Kael snickered and gave him a gentle squeeze. "Yup, we sure are," he said, then ruffled the bunny's hair again. "You wanna get butt-fucked and manhandled a bit, but in a way that you're comfortable with."

"Y-yeah. And... just... kinda lead me through things?" Brooke said. "Not like... domineering and commanding, but-"

"Take charge, but in a gentle way. Sure," Kael agreed, then suddenly pulled the bunny into his lap and wrapped both arms around him. He laid his head on the nervous lapine's shoulder and grinned. "What else?"

Brooke fidgeted for a moment, clearly very flustered. He suddenly turned and whispered in the folf's ear.

Kael arched a brow, then snickered some more. "We're alone in this apartment, you know."

"I know that!" the bunny said, crossing his arms with a small pout. "I just... feel weird s-saying it out loud."

"Fair enough," Kael said, giving him a gentle squeeze. "Sure you wanna do that on your first time, though?"

Brooke hesitated, then nodded, tapping his fingers together nervously. "I-I heard it can... y'know, m-make orgasms... m-more intense... ehehe..."

Kael chuckled. "That's true. Well alright then, if you wanna try it, I'm happy to help you explore that. Anything else?"

", don't restrain my hands or anything, n-not this time anyway, okay?" Brooke said.

"Of course. Better you have them free for that kind of thing anyway, for the sake of communication," the folf pointed out. "And before you ask, I think I know one of your other concerns. Your hands will be free, but," he said, grinning, then paused and suddenly reached down to grope the bunny's crotch briefly, eliciting a surprised squeak. "Rest assured, I'll take good care of this, too. Signaling is all you'll need those hands for, believe me."

"Ah!... g-good. Good, okay," Brooke said, his heart racing slightly. "F-fuck. I... I guess that's all I can think of off the top of my head r-right now."

Suddenly, Kael stood up, picking the bunny up and carrying him princess-style across the room. "Well, let's head to the bedroom then, shall we?"

Brooke clung to him, looking back at him with an incredibly flushed, nervous look. "Eep... 'kay... jeeze, I forgot how strong you are..."

Kael stared at him blankly for a moment, then smiled brightly bumped noses with the bunny. "You are too fuckin' cute like this, my guy."

"Shut uuuup," Brooke groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Who knew the foul-mouthed PunkSlicer92 was such an easily-flustered, adorable little bottom deep down," Kael teased as he carried his friend to the bedroom. "What would the internet say?"

"Nothing, cus they won't KNOW anything," the bunny snapped, glaring at him with his arms crossed. "Right??"

"Hmm... you protest a lot for someone who's secretly turned on by the idea of being watched," Kael said as he approached the bed, then paused and glanced over at his desk. "Maybe we should record this for good measure~"

Brooke's eyes shot wide open. "Y-you wouldn't- h-how even-"

One of Kael's tentacles snatched up a fancy webcam from the nearby desk and wiggled it in front of the bunny as he grinned at him impishly. "Forgetting who you're talking to? I've literally got you in my arms and you've got sex fully on the brain now. Makes reading little things like that a lot easier. Object all you want, I know you've got a little exhibitionism in you. And I happen to have a special account set up on a little streaming service we could use. Might earn ourselves a few bucks." He poked the bunny's nose with a tentacle lightly. "Could even have them buy our dinner for you, so we can forget those bets earlier."

Brooke glared at him some more, but his expression eventually softened into a more anxious one. "Ah f-fuck..."

"Hey, the magic word is 'no'. Say it, and I'll forget it," Kael assured him.

"...fuck it, just don't let 'em see my face," the bunny said with a bashful grin. "'kay?"

"Deal. I'll set it up, but we don't have to start it until we're ready," the folf said, setting him down on the bed finally. "Meanwhile, start strippin', cute stuff." He punctuated the end with a light, playful pat on the bunny's rump.

Brooke let out a soft yelp in response and stuck his tongue out at him, then sat up and took his shirt off while the folf got the stream set up. He was still struggling to believe it was all real, half convinced it was just a particularly elaborate and real-feeling dream. Suddenly, a thought came to him and he shot his friend a worried look. "Hey... Kael..."

"Hmm?" Kael replied, looking up from hooking the camera up to a small adjustable tripod. "What's up?"

"This... isn't gonna m-make things... you know, awkward between us afterward, is it?"

Kael blinked a few times, then smiled and shook his head. "Nah. Not as far as I'm concerned anyway. Friends can fuck, y'know."

"Yeah, I just... all this stuff we're gonna do," Brooke continued, then blushed and smiled bashfully. "That... y-you're gonna do to me... does kinda feel like it might... change things, you know?"

The folf set the camera setup down, then slid over on the bed next to him and wrapped an arm around him. "I guess it wouldn't be honest to say nothing would change. Can't help how you feel. But that's not necessarily a bad thing," he reassured him. "You're getting in touch with a part of yourself you've been anxious about for a while. Exploring things. And I'm happy to help you with that. And as far as I'm concerned, we'll always be buddies."

"You won't... go teasing me about it in public or anything, right?" the bunny asked nervously.

"Of course not. Unless you want it to be otherwise, this will just be between us," Kael replied as he rubbed his back. "Might have to tease you in private now and then though. Especially if it means I get to see you all adorably flustered."

Brooke groaned. "Me and my stupid libido."

Kael chuckled. "Hey, you know you love it. Embrace the cute. Don't let your pride get in the way of having a good time."

The bunny glared at him again, then grinned back and rolled his eyes. "Fine. As long as it's in private and not all the time."

"That's the spirit," Kael said and tweaked his nose. "Now c'mon. Lose the pants. Only bottom we need here is you."

Brooke snorted as he started slipping his shorts off. "That was cheesy as fuck, dude."

"You laughed, it works," Kael said as he went back to figuring out the camera's placement.

Once his shorts were off, Brooke hesitated, biting his lip nervously as he watched his friend fiddle with the cam. After Kael picked a spot and looked up, he looked over at the bunny and arched a brow. "Cute black panties ya got there," he teased. "Kind of in the way at the moment, though. Get stuck?"

"They're fuckin' sport briefs," Brooke retorted, bristling a bit. "And I'm just... taking it... slow, I guess."

"Take it too slow and we'll be here all weekend," the folf said, flopping on the bed next to him, then propped his head up on his hands. "You getting' all shy on me again, cute stuff?"

The bunny rolled his eyes up for a moment, then sighed. "Fine," he said, then started sliding his underwear down, revealing his already semi-stiff chub. "Happy?"

Kael giggled, then reached over and traced his finger over the bunny's bits, provoking a soft gasp in the process. "Question is, are you? Looks like you're on your way there, at least."

Brooke bit his lip as the folf fondled and prodded his nether regions a bit. "Mmn... fuck, I still can't believe we're doing this. Feels kind of surreal..."

"Gonna feel a lot better once we really get started," the folf pointed out, then grabbed the bunny's rump and gave it a little squeeze. "Just relax, Brooke. It's just me and you. Stream's not even hooked up yet. Nothing to be anxious about. You're safe, and I'm about to rock your world."

Brooke giggled nervously. "Fuckin' cheesy way to put it. W-why am I the only one naked anyway? C'mon, lemme see yours now."

"Eager to see what's gonna be railin' ya, huh?" the folf teased, prodding the twink's pucker lightly.

The squirmed a little and blushed some more. "Well... yeah. So c'mon already."

Kael snickered, then slid off the bed. "Alright then. Here, watch this," he said, then suddenly spun around in a rapid blur as a strange, foggy shadow briefly surrounded him. The moment the shadow vanished, it left behind the dark-furred folf standing in his full naked glory, hands on his hips, with his clothing hanging from two of the slick, slightly shimmery tentacles attached to his back. "Tada~"

"Show off," Brooke quipped, though he quickly found himself ogling his friend's body with renewed interest. In particular, his eyes widened a bit when he saw confirmation that the folf's cock was also already semi-erect... and while it was only slightly bigger than his own, the balls below it were notably larger. Not freakishly so by any means, but it definitely sent a weird feeling running through him as he eyed them. "...damn. You uh... must... shoot big loads..."

The folf snickered as he discarded his clothing, then crawled back onto the bed with his bunny friend. "Not really how that works technically, but as it so happens, yeah. Like 'em?" he said, then suddenly pushed Brooke over onto his back and straddled on top of him. "Let's let 'em all get acquainted, shall we?"

Brooke eeped and took a shivery, anxious breath as the folf grinned down at him. He could feel his heart starting to race a little again. "'kay..."

Kael shifted position and lowered himself down a bit, until their bits were pressed against one another. Once of his tentacles slipped down and wrapped itself around both their cocks and started caressing and slowly stroking them while he started grinding faintly against him. "Just a little warm up to help get us started," he said with a sultry-eyed look. "Just breath. Relax and enjoy yourself, cutie."

The bunny bit his lip, stifling a slight moan, then grinned bashfully back up at his friend. "R-right... s'nice, hehe..."

They continued to frot for a couple minutes, until they'd both gotten more solid erections. Brooke's face stayed flushed and nervous the whole time, even as Kael repeatedly reassured him and occasionally kissed his forehead or licked his nose playfully. Finally, he sat up, lifting the bunny up with him. "Doin' alright?"

Brooke nodded timidly. "Y-yeah..."

"Good. Now-"

"Thanks for checking," the bunny quickly added with a bashful smile. "It um. M-means a lot actually."

Kael smiled back and pulled him into a tight embrace and kissed his cheek lightly. "Of course. Told you not to worry, cutiepie. You're in good hands," he said, then brought a tentacle around to wiggle at him. "And other appendages."

Brooke eyed the alien looking limb and giggled slightly. "R-right..."

"Now c'mon," the folf said, patting his rump lightly. "All fours, buddy. Gotta get you ready."

"Y-you got good lube, right?" Brooke asked as he anxiously turned to the side and got into position.

"Yeah, which I'll get in a minute. But first," Kael said with a glint in his eye, then leaned down behind him and surprised the bunny with his tongue.

Brooke yelped and squirmed a little. Some tentacles quickly made sure to stop him and gently nudge him back into position, while the folf reached a hand around to start stroking his cock. "Gah! W-what the-" the bunny responded, blushing profusely. "O-oh... f-fuck, I didn't think you'd... mmn, damn that feels w-weird... but... nice..."

Kael grinned and continued for a moment, then shifted his mouth to the bunny-boy's soft, fuzzy balls and started teasing them a bit. In response, the bunny tensed up and let out another gasp. His cock was already fully stiff and twitching in the folf's slowly-stroking and caressing hand. After a minute or two of more teasing, the folf sat up and gave his friend's rear another playful, light smack. "Alright, I'd say you're ready for the lube now."

"Shit, that was... different," Brooke said, grinning bashfully as he sat back for a moment. His hand instinctively dipped between his legs and caressed his cock as he watched his friend fetch the lube from the bedside drawer with a tentacle. Suddenly, another one grabbed his hand and pulled it away from his needy prick.

"Now now, don't rush things," Kael said with a playful smile. "Keep that up and you'll nut before we even get to the good part. Don't want that, do we?"

Brooke bit his lip and shook his head. "S-sorry, just... that really got me going..."

"Don't worry, it gets way better," Kael said, pouring some lube out onto his fingers. He then lifted the bunny's rump up again and started fingering his backdoor. "Remember to relax, man. Don't tense up."

The bunny nodded and blushed furiously. His cock twitched as he felt his pucker getting probed. It was all he could do to stop himself from reaching down and jerking off. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long. After a minute of warmup, the fingers left his rear.

"C'mere, lets do it from the end of the bed," the folf instructed, giving him a gentle tug before sliding off the bed himself. "I've got the cam set up on the floor ready to go. That way they won't see your face, but get to see a worm's eye view of all the action."

"R-right... a-almost forgot about that," Brooke replied, following him to the end of the bed. "It's... n-not on yet, is it?"

"Not quite. Stream's started, but I won't start the cam until we're in position," Kael assured him, then patted the bed next to where he was standing. "Just put your hands here and assume the position. I'll take care of the rest."

Brooke nodded and did as he was told, trembling slightly in anticipation. A few moments later, he felt his friend's arms wrap around him, followed by the unmistakable pressure of something pushing firmly up against his tail-hole. Initially, he tensed up, but after some gentle encouragement from his partner, he took a deep breath and relaxed his muscles. The folf's cock slowly slid inside him, making him suck air in through his teeth and roll his eyes back a bit.

Once Kael was solidly inside, he took a moment to let the bunny adjust and get used to it before he started slowly sliding in and out. When he'd settled into a slow, steady rhythm, he leaned over forward and nuzzled up to the bunny's neck from behind, gently pulling him back some. "How's that?"

"G...good," Brooke panted, looking sidelong at his friend with a shy little smile. "Y-you gonna... y'know?"

"In a minute. Gotta start off nice and easy first before we move onto that kind of thing," Kael replied, reaching down to gently start stroking the bunny's member. Somewhere behind them, one of his tentacles stretched across the room and did something out of sight. "Cam's on now, by the way. Congrats on starring in your first live camshow. Recording, too, so it's also a straight-up porno."

The bunny's blush intensified, but he couldn't help but grin a bit. "God I feel slutty now," he murmured quietly, trying to avoid letting the cam's mic pick up his voice.

Kael chuckled softly. "Relax, the mic's off- for the moment, anyway. I can turn it on later if you want. Figured you'd want to start this way though."

"A...ppreciate it," Brooke replied, grunting a little as he started pushing back against the slow thrusts. "I... I think I'm ready..."

"Alright. Gonna pick up the speed a little first, okay?"

Brooke nodded. "O-okay..."

As promised, the folf sped up his thrusting to a more moderate pace. His hand matched it on the bunny's cock. His other slid down to play with his balls in the process. As he massaged them, he occasionally held them back to let his own teasingly and lightly brush up against them with his deeper thrusts. "Gotta make sure they know it's gay, right?" he teased.

Brooke couldn't help but giggle slightly between panting and occasionally letting out soft moans. "F-fucking... dork..."

"Well aren't you a sassy little bottom?" Kael said, then gave his rump another light, playful smack. "Guess that means it's time to shut you up now, hmm?"

Brooke's eyes widened and he looked sidelong at the folf's face resting on his shoulder. He gulped. "Oh boy... h-here we go..."

One of Kael's tentacles slid into view just within Brooke's peripheral vision. It then deformed itself a bit, stretching out and making itself a bit broader. The folf slowed his thrusts and stroking back down for a moment. The tentacle then dove in and wrapped itself around the bunny's throat firmly, without yet squeezing down. "Alright, all teasing aside... you sure you're ready for this?"

Brooke took a long, steady breath, trying to calm his nerves, then nodded ever so slightly. "Y-yeah..."

"Okay. Gonna squeeze down a bit. Just a little to start with. Remember, use your hands to tell me things. If you start to panic, or need a breath, or otherwise just want me to stop for any reason, don't hesitate to let me know. Hell, smack me if you have to. I won't be offended."

"R-right... got it," Brooke confirmed.

"And don't worry. I'll also be able to tell when it gets serious, too," Kael assured him. "So you may not even need to. Now c'mon, take a good breath for me."

Brooke steadied himself, then inhaled. A moment later, he felt the tentacle suddenly squeeze down around his throat, not quite completely cutting off his air but definitely making it hard to breathe. Luckily, the broad shape it'd adopted minimized any pain by spreading the force out a bit. It was like wearing a suddenly-aggressive fleshy turtleneck sweater, in a way.

At the same time, Kael sped up again, grinning over his shoulder as he pounded the Brooke's rump and rigorously jerked him off at the same time. As the bunny let out a stifled moan and arched his back, clenching his eyes shut, the folf caught one of his ears in his mouth and started giving it little nibbles. He could feel the cock in his hand suddenly throb with intense arousal as he continued pumping away it it.

After a couple minutes, he released the ear and licked his cheek. "Doing real good, cutie. Gonna flip the mic on now so they can hear those cute muffled moans of yours, alright? Not like they'll be able to recognize your voice from that."

Brooke's eyes peeked back open as he glanced sidelong at his friend uncertainly. But after a moment, totally lost in the intensity of the moment, he just closed them again and did his best to give a slight nod, while simultaneously trying and mostly failing to suck in more air.

Another tentacle fiddled with something behind them, then Kael gently nipped on the bunny's shoulder as he continued slamming his rod into his ass hard and deep. After a few moments, he felt a light, yet somewhat frantic tapping on his hips. He immediately slowed back down and loosened the grip on his friend's throat. "You alright?"

Brooke gasped and panted heavily as he tried to catch his breath. "Y-yeah... just... needed a... moment..."

"Of course. Let me know when you're ready to continue," the folf replied, nuzzling his cheek a little. "Not too rough, I hope?"

The bunny took a moment to let his brain churn, then smiled weakly over at him. "N-nah, I... I can take it..."

"Good," Kael replied, then smirked and nudged his cheek a little with his snout as he felt the bunny squirming a little underneath him. "From the way you're throbbing and trying to get things started down there again, I take it you're ready to continue?"

Brooke took a few more steadying breaths, then nodded. "Y-yeah."

"Deep breath."

The bunny did as he was told and gritted his teeth a bit as he felt the tentacle tighten around his throat again. The folf started plunging into his rear more rigorously once more, and his hand went from fondling and caressing right back into enthusiastically stroking his dick. He whimpered and moaned from all the intense stimulation, much to the delight of his eldritch partner.

They repeated the cycle a few times- fucking and stroking vigorously for a minute or two, then pausing to recover for a minute or two, over and over again. Over time they settled into longer loops, as Brooke got used to taking in what air he could during the active fucking sessions without panicking. Still, he could feel it making him a little dizzy at times.

Fortunately, true to his word, Kael made sure to ease up even without a signal any time it started to feel a bit alarming. And more than anything, Brooke was in ecstasy. He couldn't remember the last time he was that hard. His dick pulsed and throbbed as the folf diligently worked it over, while the prick in his ass fervently attacked his prostate. Pre was leaking out of him like a tiny faucet had been turned on. He wasn't sure how much longer he could last. And then, as if he wasn't already a bit overwhelmed to begin with, the dirty talk started.

"Damn. Your cock's... hard as diamond, Brooke," Kael panted in his ear. "You're lovin' this... rough fuckin', hmm? Guess you... really are a... natural bottom, huh?"

Brooke grunted and whimpered a bit in response. He would have blushed more if his face wasn't already completely reddened from the breath-play.

"Imagine all those... people on that stream... jerkin' it to your cute ass... gettin' pounded... right in front of them. Your... cute balls... bouncing off mine. And... your rock-hard dick... oozing all over the place. Hope you're... not messing up the lens... you naughty little boy," Kael continued teasing. Brooke let out another muffled moan and bucked his hips a bit in response. "Bet you... can't wait to get... a fat load up that cute ass."

Suddenly, there was another urgent tap on his shoulder, and he quickly all but came to a stop as he loosened the grip on his partner's neck. Brooke gasped and panted, even as his hips bucked needily underneath them. But Kael made sure to keep his hand away for a moment while they rested. "Doin' good, cutiebun?"

"Y... yeah... s-so fucking... close..." Brooke whimpered.

Kael grinned. "Me too. C'mon, one more breath and we'll finish together."

Brooke nodded and inhaled, bracing himself. He clenched his eyes shut as the choking, fucking, and stroking resumed. Soon enough, he could feel himself nearing the edge. He opened his mouth as a moan tried to force itself out, but it was cut short as another tentacle stuffed it, gagging him completely. He would have felt panicked, had he not crossed the threshold in that moment. He frantically bucked and convulsed under the still-thrusting folf, spraying rope after rope of cum all across the towel that the folf had at some point set on the end of the bed. Just as he'd been told, the lack of air certainly intensified his orgasm, and he felt like he was going to pass out any moment as his partner continued vigorously fucking and milking him.

For his part, Kael bit down into the bunny's shoulder some more and clenched his own eyes shut as his partner's convulsing body and clenching sphincter pushed him over the edge as well a moment later. He inhaled sharply as he started to unload into his bowels, letting out a muffled moan of his own. His thrusting gradually slowed until he hilted himself inside the twinky little fluffball, releasing his grip on his neck at the same time. Brooke gasped and they both slumped forward onto the bed as they slowly came down from their respective orgasms.

The bunny's vision spun as he trembled with occasional spasms from little aftershocks of ecstasy for a minute. Eventually, after making sure to milk every last drop out of him, he felt the hand leave his cock and both of the folf's arms wrapped around him. "Whew... haven't felt someone get that turned on under me in a while," Kael commented after they both took some time to catch their breath and recover, grinning sidelong at his partner. "So I don't really have to ask, but I will anyway. You enjoy yourself?"

"F...fuck yeah... holy shit..." Brooke panted, his vision still swimming. "I... don't think... I'll... be able to move... for a... while though..."

Kael giggled a bit. "That's fine. There's no hurry. Just leave things to me," he said. "Honestly this is a contender for my favorite part."

"Huh?" Brooke murmured, shooting him a sidelong confused, albeit still slightly dazed look. "Whassat?"

"Aftercare. Also known as cuddle time!" Kael announced, then suddenly got up and carefully slid his softening cock out of his friend's ass, while a tentacle reached over and disabled the camera. He then scooped the bunny into his arms and carried him further up the bed. One of his tentacles grabbed the towel and re-situated it before he set his friend back down and rolled him over so that it'd catch whatever leaked out of his well-fucked rear. A moment later, he was cuddling the bunny in his arms, letting his head rest on his chest. "You took that like a fuckin' champ, Brooke. Proud of you, cutiebutt."

Still feeling slightly loopy, the bunny tilted his head back and took a moment to try and focus his eyes on the folf, with a somewhat silly look on his face the whole time. "Hehe... thanks..."

"...good god, you're adorably sloppy right now," Kael said, then snickered. "Didn't actually give you brain damage, did I?"

Brooke stuck his tongue out at him, then shut his eyes and sighed heavily. "Holy... fuck..."

"Yeahh, you're gonna be sore for a while," the folf said.

"Worth it," the bunny mumbled.

Kael snorted a bit. "Well, like I said, you don't have to lift a finger. You said you're off work tomorrow, right?"

Brooke struggled to think for a moment, then slowly nodded. "Would... call out if I wasn't. Fuck..."

"Good. Sleepover it is, then," the folf said, then tweaked his nose playfully. "Just let me know when you're ready to order dinner. I can feed you if you want."

"Mm... not gonna... be that bad... is it?" the bunny asked as his eyes fluttered back open, suddenly somewhat concerned.

"Probably not. Just putting it out there just in case," he said, then pulled the bunny up a little more and gave him a gentle squeeze. One of his tentacles reached over and grabbed a bottle of water from a small pack he kept under the nightstand. He unscrewed it and carefully held it up to the bunny's mouth, gently coaxing him to take a couple sips. "Number one critical lesson for this shit- any top worth a fuck makes damn sure to take care of his cute little bottom after a rough romp. So you just relax hun. Kaelzai's got ya covered for as long as it takes."

"'Hun', huh? What're we dating now?" Brooke asked with a little smirk after he finished sipping the water.

Kael chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Pet names come with the territory, dork. So shush and let me pamper you."

"Not saying I'd object," Brooke murmured.

"...let's just see how things go," the folf said, nuzzling his head affectionately. "I'm open to the idea too honestly, but we can revisit that subject after the sexy happy-chemicals in our brains settle down." After a moment, he noticed a bite mark he'd left on the bunny's shoulder and winced. "Oop. Guess I was rougher than I meant," he said, then rubbed it gently. "That hurt? Not seeing any blood, but I might've broke the skin a bit."

Brooke flinched a little. "...slightly. S'fine though." He grinned playfully. "Battle scar. Totally badass."

Kael snickered. "Sure. Anyone asks, you fought off a vicious monster in the woods this weekend, and definitely didn't get your brains fucked out of you."

"'sactly," the bunny replied, then giggled. After a moment, he nuzzled up to the folf weakly. "Fuck. Thanks again for... everything, man. Not just the biggest nut of my life, but... y'know. Helping me embrace... parts of myself, 'n' stuff. 'n' taking care of me."

"I was extremely happy to, Brooke," the folf said, rubbing his belly softly. "I'm honored you trusted me for it."

Brooke beamed and nuzzled up into the folf's embrace. After a moment, his belly rumbled and he shot him a sheepish look. "Mayyybe those tacos sound pretty good right now."

Kael giggled, then grabbed his phone with a tentacle and poked around with it some. His eyes widened slightly. "Oh, wow. We uh... can spring for something fancier if you want. That stream really did numbers."

"Really?" Brooke asked, blushing brightly.

"Yeah. To be fair," the folf said, grinning back down at him. "People do love a cute shy boy getting ravished for the first time. You did make some cute noises, and that was an impressive orgasm."

The bunny's face was on fire as he averted his gaze with a bashful smile. "Fuck... I'm a goddamn pornstar... eesh..."

Kael giggled. "Yep. Don't worry, I'll be sure to send you a copy of the recording," he said, then booped his nose. "So, I'm thinking pasta from that new fancy place. Sound good?"

"Sounds amazing," Brooke agreed, then nuzzled the folf again. "Then again, I'm not picky right now."

"I can imagine," Kael replied, stroking his chest softly as he pulled up the restaurant's menu. "I'll have it delivered since I know you're not getting up any time soon. Alfredo sound good?"

"Fuck yeah," the bunny replied.

"Hmm... you know what, fuck it. I'm adding some wine, too," the folf said. "Make it a proper celebration for your big step of self-discovery."

Brooke grinned bashfully and grabbed the arms wrapped around him in his hands softly. "Y-you sure that's a good idea? My head's still recovering as it is."

"Don't worry," Kael assured him. "You'll feel a bit better by that point, especially once you get some food in you. And you can skip it if you're not comfortable with it."

"Mmkay," Brooke replied. "Guess I don't haveta be anywhere anyway."

"Exactly," the folf agreed. He finished setting up the order, then set the phone aside and re-focused on cuddling and pampering the bunny in his arms. In addition to his arms, a few of the tentacles widened a little and gently wrapped around him. "Now then. Time for all the snuggles while we wait. More water?"

"Yes please," the bunny responded with a little smile.

The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Ch. 23 extended beach scene (MHO)

_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 5: The Cult of the Crimson Isles_ _Chapter 23 (scene extension)_ _So yeah, this is a (maybe, maybe-not canon) extension of the beach walk scene with Kuna and Hoku. It was something I've really been thinking about...

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Downtime - Ch. 4 (MHO)

_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 7: Downtime_ _Chapter 4_ _Time to start some enchanting experiences in an enchanted-looking forest. But can a mysterious, magical forest compete with the potent magic the boys are already starting to feel within...

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Downtime - Ch. 3 (MHO)

_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 7: Downtime_ _Chapter 3_ _Weee, fun with instincts! Hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I did writing it. So nice to get back to these two dorks just being adorable and silly together for a bit._ _-Llox_...

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