Chapter 22- (Un)Professionalism

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#22 of Mom & Mum

It was lunchtime. Unfortunately, Debbie and Chuck are in their own lunch together without me, so I pretty much have nobody to talk to. I say "pretty much" because today was different. I was eating some food when I got a text from my phone. It was a message sent to my school email.

Sender: Melonie Fyre.

Subject: Sex

Message: I can't wait until after lunch. I literally can't. I need you. Now.

Oh boy, she's in some real heat, ain't she? I sent her my phone number over email and quickly paced to her room. I hadn't even finished lunch and I was already coming for dessert. As I walked towards the main office, I was overcome by a flurry of text messages from my blazing beauty. It became soon hard to walk as I grew intensely erect; all of her text messages were delicious pictures of her, posing naked for me. She was playing with herself in the sexiest way possible. "Come get some," she teased me. Wanting all the time I could to fuck my babe, I hurried my walk into a jog and approached the main office in record time.

When I walked through the entrance, something struck me as odd; nobody was there. The lights were almost all out. I was getting a little nervous, actually. "He-hello...?" I called out. What's happening? _I traced towards Melonie's door slowly when a black, slender arm stuck out. It waved its finger towards me in a 'come over here' way. It was also accompanied by a heavenly voice. "Oh baby," my seductive principal sang. "C'mere and give Mama a treat." _Don't mind if I do. Since there was nobody in the office, I took my clothes off where I stood. I started jacking myself a little bit while my legs carried me to her office, just to fully erect myself. I sighed in frustration as I knew this was gonna be a while. But I didn't mind. I'm just having sex with a wonderful woman who loves degrading herself just like I do. What's not to mind?

I stepped in, and immediately my heart exploded. There was my insatiable, sex-addict principal, Melonie Fyre. But on her desk was none other than my teacher, Tara! She was tied up in red rope with her legs bent backward and her arms behind her back. Inside her mouth was a red rubbery ball gag. A look of fear coated her adorable face, which was counteracted by her geyser of a pussy erupting with arousal. I stared at the prisoner in front of me with undeniable lust. I turned my attention toward the black bombshell in front of me with wide eyes. "How the fuck...?" I quietly gasped.

She held out a hand to quiet me. "Well, my big-dicked baby," the flaming cat began. Her nethers were soaked in love. "After our play time, I re-watched the surveillance video of you and this bitch over here getting it on yesterday." Oh God, what's going on? Melonie tiptoed over towards Tara's behind on light feet. She placed her hand on my teacher's ass and stroked. Tara moaned in approval but soon gave a muffled scream as Ms. Fyre smacked her plump cheek. "And I thought to myself, 'How amazing would it be if we could both have fun with her?'"

As horrified as I was by this woman's evil sadomasochism, I was turned on even more. I felt a drop of arousal drip from my shaft. Melonie suddenly went behind her desk and opened the bottom drawer. She pulled out something that I had only seen maybe once in my life on the internet. In the brimstone lady's hand was a large, heavy strap-on. It was double-ended so that it would please the wearer just as much as the receiver. Tara looked over and gave trapped cries for help, but I knew she was excited about it. Her pussy hadn't stopped leaking since I entered the room. I looked back at Melonie, who was putting the attachment on.

"Now then, Master," the woman purred excellently. "Would you be so kind as to hold the prisoner in your hands?" I had never done something like this before. Sure, I'd say I've become a bit of a sexual sadist, but I've never quite been interested in the world of bondage. But no matter what my initial thoughts on the subject were, I was definitely hooked on the idea of it now. I chuckled a little, evilly. "But of course, my slave." I walked over toward the tall, brown captor and knelt down. I looked her in the eyes and saw a thousand emotions. But the one that stood out the most was desire. Tara wanted this very badly, and I was eager to please.

I slapped my teacher hard on her face, and she gave a wince of pain. It made my erection stronger. More and more drops of precum dripped from me like a leaky tap. I stood up now and bent over my brown beauty. I gripped a handful of her hair and painfully pulled her up by it. With her delicious black locks in my grasp, I lifted her up to my face. I wanted to say something evil like 'You're gonna get it', or 'Get ready for pain, bitch', but all that came out was a loogie:

I spat in my teacher's face with imminent disrespect. It somehow aroused me greater than anything I could've thought of saying. I took Tara's hair out of my hand and instead pried down on her sides. With a few steady breaths, I lifted my lover up above my cock and smushed her against my body. Tara started panting in a frenzy, her wonderful rack flopping about as her chest rose up and down. Drool crept out from the gag planted in her mouth. "Ready whenever, bitch."

Melonie's face turned maniacal. She gave a corrupt smirk and waltzed over to Tara's behind. She slid one end of the massive strap-on into herself with a delighted gasp. "Oh fuck, that felt really good," she whispered in my teacher's ear. We both prodded her entrances with devilish glee. A vile thought entered my head in an instant. I nudged the tip of my cock towards Tara's ass, where Melonie was already about to ravage. "Y'know, baby," I started with a nefarious hiss. "How about we double up on this bitch?" Both women's eyes lit up with lust, though Tara tried to look as scared as possible in order to get the most out of it. I didn't need to hear an answer from Melonie, as I knew she was enamored with the idea.

I gave another evil chuckle and moved my face into my busty teacher. "I hope you're loose enough back there, Tara," I said as I started to slip my tip into her asshole. She shivered in gratification as my hard head poked into her forbidden entrance. My short principal soon followed up and put her "tip" inside the same hole. "Cuz if you're not loose now," she whispered sinfully. "You certainly will be when we're done with you." Tara's body started viciously vibrating with intense satisfaction. "Three," I said in a low, harsh voice. "Two," Melonie continued with the same criminal energy. "Mph!" Tara gave a gagged yell.

The second we both plunged into her beautiful ass, Tara entered a whole other realm of sexual pleasure. The look I saw in her eyes, the shaking I saw from her body, the cum that poured from her lonely pussy; they all signaled that she was experiencing heaven itself. Although Tara's cry compounded all other noises, the combined cacophony of Melonie's wails and mine rivaled it immensely. It was tighter than anything I had ever experienced. Tara's asshole wasn't necessarily gaseous, but it wasn't exactly tight, either. But the combined girth of two rock-hard cocks inside the same cavity removed all wiggling room. And that wasn't even the start of it.

After the initial plow, I felt a strange buzzing around my crotch. It felt like my phone was vibrating. As soon as I was about to ask, however, Ms. Fyre stopped me. Her breath was getting heavy. "Yeah, it's a double-bladed, vibrating strap-on. You can get a lot of fun stuff when you're the principal." I wanted to put in my thoughts on the obscure item, but my cares melted away as the unforgiving vibes sent off by the scandalous accessory delightfully rocked my dick. It felt out of this world. And I bet it felt even better for Tara. I looked up at her and saw tears of extreme joy sprouting from her mascara-lined eyes. Something tells me that mascara is gonna be dripping everywhere by the time we're done with her.

We stared at each other and began to move our hips again. Because her hole was so tight, Melonie and I had to time our thrusts together. This meant we couldn't go at the vicious speed I wanted to, but it didn't matter to me as the combined sensations of Manx's tight butt and Ms. Fyre's dancing dildo sent me into eternal bliss. Like a true threesome, we all moaned in pleasure at the exact same time as we hit the peak of our thrust. It was literally impossible not to. I get kinda self-conscious about my moans, especially when I used to masturbate. However, in this past week, with all the stuff I've been through, I actually feel good to moan. I'm happy that my women don't care how weird my pleasure-filled exclamations sound. Where was I again? Oh yeah: brutal fucking.

As we continued our assault on my teacher, I caught one of her large, bouncy tits in my mouth and started sucking. Sucking on a breast, even if nothing comes out, is such a wonderful thing. As my jaw was locked down onto her fleshy fun bag, I used the bristles on my tongue to delicately tickle her small nipples. From the way Tara was reacting, it seemed like we were torturing her. Tara's body was sent into even more chaos than it was already in. The lower half of my body was getting soaked with her cum, and her pussy wasn't even getting any attention. Yet.

As if she could read my mind, Melonie stopped mid-thrust, which made me stop, too. "Hey Master," she called to me with heavy panting. My ears perked up as I looked at my exhausted beauty. Even though our thrusting stopped, the vibrating still made me lose it. "Let's try out this slut's other hole." That's when Tara started to lose it. I could see her breathing get especially rapid, as she knew she was going to be broken. I didn't care.

On another count of three, we slid our cocks out of our prisoner's tight, nasty hole and rested for a tiny bit, still carrying Tara. "Hey Master," Melonie once again said, sounding more gleeful this time. "Let's turn her around; I wanna watch my slave suffer." The absolute kinkiness of this woman was more than I could handle. And I thought __I_ was the fucked up one around here!_ Nevertheless, I did what the flame kitten suggested and turned her around so her butt was now up to me. Like before, we put our tips up to Tara's begging entrance, this time her sloshy pussy.

We did another count, and then effortlessly rammed into my teacher's soggy cunt. You know how in cartoons; a character would put some kind of oil on themselves to slip through a cell gate or something? Well, essentially, that's how we were both able to fit into her pussy. If Tara wasn't so unbelievably wet, my dick would probably get crushed by Melonie's. It was almost tighter, and I felt my body preparing itself for orgasm before we could even fully start. God damn it, I thought. With how many times I can fuck in a row, why can't I make my rounds longer?

As I tried to control my breathing while thrusting, I saw a wonderful spectacle taking place before me. "Yeah, you really like that, you dirty skank!" Melonie was yelling. She was really into this, too, I should note. Tara tried to answer, but her gag was on really tight. She just 'mmm hmm'd' through choked tears. It was unbelievably erotic. My flaming principal spat other harsh words and our poor slave.

"I bet you didn't think I'd find out how much of a whore you are!" Man, I never would've known how much of a sadist I was until just a few days ago. And you know what? I don't mind at all. I decided it was my time to get in on the degrading fun. "You're such a slut, Tara, you know that? You're a stupid, brainless slut who will do anything for cock. And I bet you love getting abused like this!" I could tell Melonie was happy with my performance. She was getting close to the edge as well. We were all moaning simultaneously with each pelvic motion. It was so very cliché, but we all enjoyed it, so who gives a shit? We were all gonna cum anyway, so it was fine.

Melonie suddenly ripped the gag off Tara's mouth, and I was surprised to see that it was no normal gag; it had a dick on the inside! So not only was her breathing restricted but her whole throat was kept company! Melonie Fyre does not fuck around. I'm lucky to be on her good side. "Oh fuck, this is so good!" Tara yelled at the top of her lungs. Her voice was shaking along with the vibrations. Ms. Fyre started calling out lustfully, too. "Yes, Tara! Your pussy is great! Cum with me!"

I tried my best to hold on, but I couldn't prevent myself from shouting out in pleasure as well. "Ugh, I love you guys!" A split second later, we all released ourselves. I could practically hear a waterfall of cum explode from both of my women, completely soaking the rugged floor beneath us. Their sudden rupturing cunts brought me to the edge and then some, and I ejaculated with enough force to actually propel Tara off my cock. It truly was a sight to see, and my explanation certainly isn't doing it enough justice.

Melonie was now left to carry the slutty teacher in her hands while I tried to hold onto the desk. The blood in my body seemed to leave my face and brain, and now I was in a struggle to stay conscious. I saw the charcoal cat try her best to hold onto her brown subordinate, but it was too late. They toppled onto the ground, hitting my legs and sending me down, too. We all lay down next to each other, our faces squished together, panting like dogs. "That... was..." I could ever so slightly hear Melonie gasp. "The best... orgasm..." Tara then continued with huge wheezes between words. _I guess I'll finish; _"I've... ever had..." We all then took a short nap on the cum-stained rug.

Unfortunately, it was a really short nap. Like, five minutes short. I woke up to the annoying sound of the bell, telling us that it was time for the next period. I opened my heavy eyelids and shook my two babes awake. I placed one hand on each of their heads and gently rocked them. "Hey, Melonie. Tara. We gotta get up. The day's almost over." Nothing. They were out like a light.

And unfortunately, they were on top of me, preventing me from getting up. And they were pretty heavy. Top-heavy, that is. So, I did the only other thing I could do; I slapped them both as hard as I could on their plump, deserving asscheeks. Both delicious women yipped in pain and suddenly awoke. Even though it was only a short nap, they both had red, popped veins in their eyes as though they had been hibernating. "Ah, Jackie!" The fiery lady on my right leg whined. "I was in the middle of a good dream. Why'd you do that?"

Why? We're in a fucking school. We've still got 2 and a half hours of this shit. Get off your whore butts and get changed. "Melonie, Tara, you've got a job to do. And I've got work to do." I was about to scoot myself out from under her until the woman on my left leg tugged at my fur. "You're damn right, Jackie," Tara gave an exhausted sigh. "Our job is to satisfy you, and you gotta get to work on our pussies." Oh, for the love of God...

Trying to convince women to do something can be difficult. I'm not trying to be sexist by any means, but the female gender can be quite stubborn. Especially when the women in question are the very personifications of lust. As much as I tried, I could not convince Tara or Melonie to let me leave even for a single period. They said, and I quote: "Master if you leave us, we'll die of horniness. We need your immaculate cock in us. We'll go mad if you don't stay. Yes. For real. I have somehow turned these two beautiful, dignified, intelligent women into babies complaining about not getting to keep a toy.

Maybe this whole sex thing was never a good idea. Maybe I should've just kept it to Morgan, Stacy, and me. Well, maybe Rachael, too. And Gina. And obviously Deborah. And Francine. Okay, you know what? Maybe this isn't bad at all. Maybe I'm just overthinking things like I usually do. I mean, come on, Jackie, is there really anything bad about the situation you're in? You have eight women who will most likely serve and please you for the rest of your life! What's not to love about that?! It's magnificent, I tell you, magnificent!

Much like how I hid under Tara's desk yesterday, I also hid under Melonie's desk today. She had a few important conversations with other faculty members and some students. And because I am a gentleman, I only teased her a little. Oh, who am I kidding? I fucking tortured her from under the desk. My favorite moment was when my gym teacher came in asking where I was, and I drove my fist into Melonie's depraved little cunt every time he said my name. It was a total blast. Literally; I had gallons of her cum shot onto me. Oh, and Tara unfortunately wasn't here. After lunch ended, she had more classes to teach, so it's just been me and the spitfire.

I decided to share my experiences with her, because why the fuck not? And, as I'm sure anyone could guess, Melonie said she wanted to come to our house after school to have some fun with us. I was gonna tell them all the news, but Melonie said she wanted to surprise them all. I suppose a fun little surprise like yesterday wouldn't hurt, would it? But sadly, Tara wouldn't be able to make it after school. She actually has important things to do other than to get fucked silly. _As if more important things than that could possibly exist! _Nah, I'm kidding. Of course, there are more important things to do. If only summer break could come sooner, then we would never have to wait until after school to have our quality time...

Where was I again? Oh yeah, the office. I sent the text at around 2:00, just mere minutes before the dismissal bell was about to ring. While I was mercilessly pounding my sexy principal on top of her desk, her phone started going off. I was still feeling particularly evil, so I told her to answer it while I was destroying her wet pussy. "But... but Master..." She was experiencing sensory overload. My cock was just too good for her. "They... they're gonna... OH FUCK! They're gonna hear us!" I stopped my ravenous assault on her cunt and bent over, just far enough to hunch over her back.

Her sweaty orange hair glossed my nose as I moved toward her ear. "Well, then you better make it quick, you little slut. Make it a quick call, cuz I'm about to go all out on you." Through her soaked pussy lips, I felt her blood freeze. Melonie was extremely nervous, but as much as I love her, I wasn't going to let up. With shaking hands, my slave in heat picked up her cell. I once again started my thrusting as soon as she hit 'Answer'. "He-hello... Parker..." Melonie gave a suppressed moan. Parker? Who could that be? Shit, am I going to hear some really personal info? Heh, oh well, I guess.

"Yes, yes, I... Ah! I understand." I could feel my dick start to tingle with my oncoming orgasm. I started putting more force into my thrusts, making Melonie's moans get even lewder. "No... No, I'm just... Oh fuck..." She was sweating like she was in a sauna. I saw drool drip from her mouth, and I could tell that putting her in this embarrassing situation was a turn-on for her. I noticed it even further when another wave of lubrication hit my dick, which totally signaled her arousal. "No, I'm just cooking something in... AH! In the lounge, and it's re-really hot in here." Oh, she's going that direction, is she? Who is she talking to? "Oh, just some bacon. The oil... mmm! The oil is kinda getting me." I took one hand off the desk and smashed it into her bubbly butt, producing an overflow of cum to spew from her.

"Ah, yes! I'm cumming! Coming to the meeting, yeah!" Nice. My attention was too focused on the conversation that I hadn't even noticed I had cum, too! How the fuck does that happen? My thrusts soon slowed down as my body started tiring itself. Meanwhile, Melonie's ripe pussy was bursting with our nasty cum-soup. I bent over a little and saw her tongue sticking out. Drool covered whatever important papers she had on her desk. "Ah! Listen, let's talk about it later, Parker. I gotta clean this mess." She clicked her phone with her incredibly wobbly hands and hung up.

"Don't you... ever do that again... Jackie." I phased back into reality and stared at my delicious princess. Her face was covered in smelly sweat. Although her face has always been a charcoal color, her cheeks and most of her head were bright red in a frenzy of blushing. I quickly looked down at my cock, which had finally gone soft, and pulled out of her, making us moan in delight from the process. I fell back into Melonie's office chair, and then she fell back into my lap. Her slimy insides flooded their internal liquids down my pelvis and legs. Once again, the carpet was now ruined with our love. While trying to gain control of my breath, I asked the big question floating on my mind. "So, who was that, babe?" I wrapped Melonie in my arms tightly, and she willingly snuggled my chest and dove her face into me. "That was the superintendent, Jackie."

_Oh God, oh fuck. Holy shit, did I just get us all in trouble? _"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Mel-!" My woman placed a sweaty, cum-covered finger on my lips to hush me. _Mmm, her juices taste delicious. _Much like her personality, her cum is slightly hot; like chili. "Babe," Melonie began. She took a deep breath and brought her face to mine. I felt her spicy exhales glaze over my fur. "You worry way too fucking much. Don't focus on the tomorrow, Jackie. Just focus on the now."

I didn't think I'd be getting philosophical insight from my principal, of all people. Her statement would be more impactful if we weren't naked and saturated in our bodily fluids, though. Kinda defeats any ideas of sincerity, really. Nonetheless, I nodded at Ms. Fyre, and she happily smiled at me. Melonie put her head back into my chest and lit up the room with her loud purring. I almost wanted to fall asleep. But it was 2:10, and we had to head home soon. Also, the janitor would probably be coming in any minute.

God, I feel like an asshole now. That man is gonna be spending the next 3 weeks disinfecting this room. The smell of Melonie's savory cum is going to stay in the carpet for ages, even after she steps down. Oh well, it's not my fault she wanted to fuck.

2:12. The dismissal bell rang a bit late today. Weird. As soon as we heard it, Melonie and I clamored to get re-dressed, straighten our fur, and tried our best to mask the offensive odor. "Alright, babe," I looked over at my sweet woman. She was angrily stuffing one of her boobs back into her shirt. I chuckled a little and went to the door. "You ready to meet my family and spend some quality time there?" Fucking hell, the thought of this situation alone made me erect. I can't wait to see how much they love her. I stared into her bright, orange eyes with passion. However, I couldn't see the excitement that enveloped me. There was a hint of disappointment. I grew slightly concerned.

"Melonie, what's wrong?" Ms. Fyre simply pouted and shook her head. "Ugh, I'm sorry, Jackie. I just remembered there was some shit I had to do after the bell. Principal stuff, and the works, ya know?" Oh. Well, fuck. Now I was the one feeling disappointed. But Melonie could easily tell. "Hey, wait! Don't get sad, Jackie!" She called over to me. My ears pointed up on their own, as they heard a slight metallic jingle. Suddenly, I saw a ring of keys fly toward me. Luckily, I could catch them before they pierced my face. After flinching, I looked down at them. Car keys? I looked up at Melonie, who was already back in her chair, looking ready to do some work. "Go to my car, sexy. You can wait for me there. It'll only take a half hour or so."

I know being the principal of a high school meant that you were making the dough, but I never would've known how awesome of a car Melonie has! It was the epitome of chick magnet, even though it was owned by one of the hottest chicks in the world. It was one of those luxury sports cars with doors that flip upwards instead of opening outwards. And much like its owner, it was one hot piece of ass. Luckily, I didn't start the alarm when coming in, so I could just relax in the passenger seat and wait excitedly for my delicious beauty to finish her work.

I wonder what she was doing. Finances for the school? Events? _I don't know what the job description of a principal entails, but it's probably a huge responsibility. I'm surprised such a sexually-driven maniac like Melonie could have earned such an illustrious position. Maybe she had her way with the higher-ups, and that's why she got here. _Oh, shut it, will you, Jackie? Just because she loves cock, doesn't mean she'd degrade herself to attain a higher rank, right?

This is why you should never be alone in a small space, Jackie.

Anyhoo, now I'm just sittin' here with nothing to do. Well, since nobody's around, I might as well have a peek or two inside her glove compartment. Hehe, luckily, it's not one that has a lock. I guess her high-end car isn't as high-end as I thought. Let's see what we have here: spare keys, pepper spray, reg-and-proof, kinda basic stuff. Shit, I thought there was gonna be like some kind of mega-dildo in here or something. How unfortunate.

A half-hour came and went, but there were no signs of my adorable whore anywhere. What's keeping her? I was half tempted to go back inside, but I wouldn't want to risk being seen by anyone. If somebody saw an average Joe like me coming out of the principal's sexy ride, I'd gain too much attention from people. Ugh, I guess I'll just keep waiting. I was about to take a nap when a sudden tap on the window startled me. I thought it was finally time for my babe to come in, but when I looked to my right, I saw a strange figure I didn't think I'd see ever again...