The Perfect Roommate (M/Poodle TF)

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#4 of Transformation Stories

Originally posted 21 May 2020 on FurAffinity

Sometimes you get really lucky when you get a roommate you don't know through a definitely not shady website. Other times, you get someone who steals all your stuff, doesn't clean up after themselves, eats all your food, and doesn't pull any of their weight. Gregor was exactly that type of roommate, and he knew it pretty well. But if there's one thing he knew, it was how to make sure he looked good. And that was what mattered, right? Surely that would never result in any sort of...revenge scenario, right?


Poodle TF that I'd been wanting to write for a LONG time. Tried to shy away from generic triggers, but then it turns out it was by the most generic poodle trigger out there. Do I care? Nah. Started at our Sunday TF Art Jams - come hangout and watch every Sunday!

"Fucking winter weather..."

Gregor pushed through the door of his apartment, rubbing a gloved hand along his arm as his other hand clenched hard on the grocery bag he carried. He looked every bit a marshmallow, surrounded by a large, puffy blue coat with a large, fuzzy hat on his head. A thick, wool scarf surrounding his face, and his jeans were the only part of his body that didn't look like it was comically misshapen. He slammed the door shut, grumbling as he dropped the grocery bag just inside of the door and slumped against the wall, sliding down to the floor. He wasted no time in undoing the laces on his boots, caked with ice and snow as he angrily threw his gloves off and across the room.

"Gotta move out of this cold ass place..." The Canadian said as he finally had his hands free, tensing and stretching out his fingers as he shook the cold from them. As bundled up as he might've been, the far below zero Celsius temperature didn't seem to care much. He struggled to get the laces undone on his boots, finally freeing his feet from the shackles of his footwear before placing them on the incredibly used towel next to his roommate's notably cleaner, neater, and better kept boots. Naturally, Gregor's boots knocked over his roommates, and if you were to ask how much Gregor cared, he wouldn't even know what you were talking about.

He made his way through the somewhat small and messy apartment, taking off his coat and hat before throwing them...somewhere. He didn't really care. As was indicated by his dirty and matted black hair falling over his face when he took his hat off, neatness wasn't his point of focus. That said, he did grunt in frustration as he took a comb out of his pocket and started to mess with his hair. He combed it almost obsessively, straightening it out from the hat's oppressive nature before slicking it back. He smiled to himself, his dull brown eyes pleased with himself as he looked to be oddly in tune with his appearance.

"Benji, I'm home." He said in a raised voice, banging on the first door in the hallway as his bald roommate looked up from his computer. He scoffed and put his classes back on, his headphones being put on his desk before he got up and moved to the door. He looked back and forth in the hall, not seeing Gregor but easily able to follow the trail of clothes that led to his room. Benji grunted to himself, his more well-kept and fully dressed appearance making a stark contrast to his roommate.

"H-hey, Gregor!! Get your ass back here, we need to talk!!" His tone said all Gregor needed to know about his mood, Benji clearly frustrated about...well, it didn't really matter. Gregor didn't exactly have the highest emotional intelligence out there, but he knew it would be a pain in the ass to him if he didn't respond somewhat soon. He was in his room, his pants already off and his shirt halfway over his head as he rolled his eyes as Benji stood in the doorway and instantly covered his eyes. "What the...can't you close your door!!"

"Can't you knock?"

The immediate response was irritating to say the least, and it just made Benji move to the door frame and fume quietly. "I fucking called out to you, doesn't that make it obvious that I'm gonna come in here?? God, have some decency."

"I do. My hair looks great and my tattoos are shown off nicely when I hold my shirt like this." As his shirt was crumpled up at his neck, he smirked and turned to the side where a very badly drawn tattoo of kanji was plastered on his ribcage. He told the tattoo artist he wanted it to say 'handsome hunk.' The tattoo artist wanted it to say 'pretentious prick.' Gregor wasn't smart enough to ever try and check the translation. He just assumed it was perfect.

"Ugh...look, we haven't been living together that long, but you're already starting to get on my nerves. Remember when I said to keep your hands off of my stuff? And my shampoo? And lotion? And conditioner? And my fucking aftershave???"

"Oh yeah. You really should like...write that down or something."


Gregor laughed and took his shirt off the whole way, throwing it across the room before sitting on his bed and propping a foot on his leg. "Dude, chill out. It's not like that shit's expensive - I bought some more for like, fifteen bucks. It's in the bag by the door." This statement made Benji lift a brow, grunting softly before he walked away from Gregor's room and over to the door. Gregor meanwhile, continued to undress, taking his socks off one at a time before throwing them somewhere. He was sitting in a somewhat dirty pair of briefs, showing how often he did his laundry. But in that moment, he suddenly let his hand dart to his side table to grab a small hand mirror and pick it up. He held it in front of his face, readjusting some hairs that fell out of place before he smiled to himself. The mirror fell on his bed as Gregor stood up and grabbed the waistband of his underwear, letting the briefs fall down his legs and to the floor before he stepped out of them.

"Dude, are you fucking kidding? THIS is the shit you bought? This stuff is-JESUS, DUDE." As Benji walked back to his room to confront Gregor once again, he was greeted by the view of Gregor's flaccid, uncut penis. Benji almost dropped the bag as he walked into the room but managed to keep a hold of it just barely. Gregor looked up, crossing his arms as he tilted his head with a frustrated look for an expression.

"Dude, can you fucking knock?" He said in an actually serious tone, rolling his eyes and walking over to his dresser, which likely had more clothes on top of it than inside. He started pushing everything off the top, looking for something but making more of a mess than he was making progress.

"Look, I appreciate you paying all the bills on time and everything..." Benji started, looking back in the room and grumbling as he was faced with a sight full of Gregor's ass. "But you gotta be more respectful, man. I've...almost gotten used to you just being nude whenever you feel like it with your weird poodling attitude, I can sometimes manage when you eat all of my food...but man," He pulled out two of the bottles from the bag, holding them up and nudging at them with his head. "You apologize by buying this shitty ass stuff? You do realize this is shampoo that's basically like, oil mixed with soap, right?"

Gregor turned around to look at him as he finally grabbed the towel he was looking for and slung it over his shoulder. There was a quick moment of silence as he thought, tilting his head slightly in confusion. "'re bald though. You don't even need shampoo."

A beat. Benji slowly closed his eyes and let out a long breath. "I...yes. Yes I do. And this shit doesn't do anything." With a shrug, Gregor started walking through the room and pushed past Benji, not even trying to be respectful of 'what' touched his roommate's body. "H-hey, come on! You could at LEAST try to not rub your dick on me."

"Hey now, there are plenty of ladies out there who would love that chance."

"Do I look like a fucking lady to you?"

"...honest answer?"

"Look-" Benji said to completely change the subject before it angered him any further. "I did a run yesterday after you went to bed. Don't. Touch. My. Shit. Ok? Can you do that? Please? Like...just ONCE?" He was clearly very frustrated, watching as Gregor walked down the hallway and into the bathroom. His hand waved in the air, possibly in acknowledgement but more likely to get Benji off of his case. Benji put a hand to the bridge of his nose, pinching it softly before he walked back to his room and put his headphones back on.

Back in the bathroom, Gregor threw the towel toward the shower, taking his phone that was hiding under the towel from out of his hand. He put his password in pretty quickly and started scrolling through a couple of different sites on his phone, finding the one he was looking for quickly with a smirk. He wasted no time in grabbing the bottle of lube from the sink and flicking the cap open, sitting down on the floor against the sink cabinet and pouring probably way more than was necessary onto his shaft. He didn't even bother to close the bottle, literally throwing it back up on the sink as it rolled toward the drain and Benji's new bottle of lubricant started to drain away very quickly.

"Heh...damn this one gets me." He hummed to himself, watching the video of two women doing...incredibly lewd things to each other while his free hand started to stroke himself off. It didn't take much to get Gregor going, his shaft twitching to life as his modest penis was already throbbing in arousal. He moaned with no consideration to how loud he was being, his hand squeezing and stroking quickly as it was almost like a race to him. "Fuck yeah, just...mmmg, that's it." His voice was getting a bit shakier from his pleasure, his hand squeezing and stroking as fast as he could go. He kept hiking his hand down lower to grope at himself between his legs, the lube smearing all over his sac and some of it dripping onto the bath mat.

"Hnng..." He huffed, gripping tightly onto that phone as the video kept playing, his hair starting to fall over his face as he was reveling in the pleasure. He could feel it building more and more, a mix of pre-cum and lube rolling down the sides of his dick as he kept stroking and rubbing back and forth. He opened his mouth in a moan, panting out heavily as he stretched his leg out on the floor. "Fuck, fuck man." He said in an almost weirdly monotone voice while he continued pleasuring himself. He pressed his back against the wall of the shower, feeling that climax already building as he kept watching the porn on his phone. His hand was shaking a bit, the phone falling out of it and onto the floor in a small puddle of lubricant as Gregor's body suddenly tensed all over.

His cock twitched and he hit his climax pretty quickly, a few small shots of cum shooting onto the floor just an inch or two in front of him before it started to run down his hand. His voice was broken as he groaned and fought for breath, The climax only lasting a moment or two before he leaned back against the shower door with the surprising mess he made from...well, very little happening. He shut his eyes and sighed to himself, using his unsullied hand to brush his hair back into place. "Mmmm...that was good." He deluded himself, likely having never spent more than a minute on pleasuring himself. He just basked in his 'afterglow,' waiting for a little bit before pushing himself off of the floor.

"Alright, now's a good time to clean up and shower and shit." His voice was soft, grabbing his towel and using it to wipe his cum and lube off of his body before throwing it back on the ground to use it again after the shower. He slid the shower door open and turned on the water, closing the door again as he would wait a while for the water to warm up. Meanwhile, his already terrible attention span completely forgot what it was that Benji had told him as he started to look through his medicine cabinet to see what he should use for his shower. There were many new bottles of various supplies - from conditioner to shampoo to aftershave to body lotion to all sorts of new things! And considering Gregor was -very- particular about his hair, he wanted to make sure he got the best of the best!

...from his roommate.

As he was searching through the bottles and trying to find something good for him, he saw two things that immediately caught his eye. The first was a shampoo that had some sort of French name he couldn't read: 'L'essence du caniche.' It sounded fancy enough, and that was all he cared about. Plus, it looked like there were a lot of ingredients in it that sounded very complicated, which had to mean it was good for his hair. He put it on the counter of the sink and grabbed two others - one was a body lotion of the same name and the last was a body wash. They were unopened and all still had the plastic on the caps, meaning they had plenty for him to use to the point where he wouldn't feel bad using something that wasn't his!

He took the three and opened the shower door, putting them on one of the metal hanging shelves his roommate so kindly installed for them. After testing the water, he found he had to wait a few more minutes for the shower to warm up. Deciding he was incredibly impatient, Gregor took the lotion from the shelf and started examining the bottle. "Hmm...cold weather's been making things a bit dry. I bet you can use this before and after showering." He said, clearly not knowing much about how lotion actually worked as he shook it up for some reason before pouring a bit into one of his palms. Much to his surprise, it came out a strange black-ish gray color, but it was still very much a lotion consistency.

Feeling a little concerned about the color, he brought it up to his face to give it a quick smell. It had a very odd and earthy scent to it, almost bearing a strange musk to it. But with a quick shrug, he put his other hand on top of it before rubbing them together and spreading it over his arms. The lotion was incredibly smooth and actually warm, definitely moisturizing the skin on his arms as the black quickly faded into his skin. He smiled at the sensation, shivering a bit before he poured even more onto his hands and started to spread it all over his body. He spent extra time rubbing the lotion over his pecs and belly, teasing his nipples with a light pinch before smirking to himself. "Damn, Benji knows how to buy the good stuff." He hummed, really rubbing it in deep as the blackish gray lotion was liberally applied to himself.

He didn't stop there, taking another handful of the lotion and rubbing it along his hips, down his legs, behind his knees, between his legs, along his shaft, on his cheeks...everywhere he could get his hands as he worked it up along his neck and his face with a soft hum. The warm and tingling sensation from the lotion was magical, his body feeling so very at peace from even that first coat as he paused to lean against the wall with his eyes closed. He was very much about taking care of certain parts of his body as well as he possibly could while not caring about the rest, but this lotion just from the feel would be the best care he could give himself.

He spent a few minutes just enjoying the sensations as it was tingling along his body. He could feel his muscles relaxing shockingly well, uncertain of why but not caring in the slightest. Even as he opened his eyes and looked down at his body, he could see the lotion fading away as it started to exfoliate his skin all over, one of his hands idly rubbing over his body and down to his shaft again. The warmth was overwhelmingly wonderful, Gregor feeling a new sort of lightness in his body that was impossible to describe. Everywhere the lotion touched felt like a massage, rubbing all the stress and tension from a long winter out of his body. "H-heh...damn. Gotta...gotta use that tuff more often." He rumbled to himself, slowly and painstakingly pushing himself off of the wall and into the shower where the water was perfectly warm for him.

His hand lazily grabbed the door and slid it closed, having to lean against it once it was secured to shake his mind out of the strange relaxation spreading through his body. He almost felt like he was on drugs, finding it somewhat harder to focus on anything as the lotion kept that warm feeling strong, even through the hot water of the shower. "Maaaaaan, whatever this stuff is, it's strong as hell. Could use a, massage with this stuff." He chuckled quietly to himself, slicking his hair back in the shower as he closed his eyes again and let the water run down his body. It was an other-worldy feeling, the muscle relaxant of the lotion with the warm water along his body recovering from the cold. Part of him wished he didn't masturbate until after he used the lotion considering how good he felt.

He lost track of time with how long he was standing there, ten minutes or so passing by as he was just standing up straight in the shower with the water rushing past him. Every minute or so, his hand would idly move to his penis and gently stroke it. It was impossible to wrap his head around the sensations of his body, but he'd never felt so at peace in his life. When he finally did open his eyes, he groaned softly as he was feeling a bit lightheaded. Not in a bad way...but almost like it was hard for him to concentrate on much of anything. He moved a hand to his head, holding it gently before he shook it and found his vision starting to get disoriented. The bottles on the shelf in the shower were moving around, multiple of them twirling in a strange dance as he shakily moved a hand toward one of the bottles. He grabbed for it, but his hand missed and only hit air.

With a hard blink of his eyes and another shake of his head, he was able to get rid of the vertigo long enough to grab one of the bottles. He hesitantly pulled it forward and looked at it, recognizing the name and seeing it was the shampoo. His smile spread slowly, almost like his reactions were delayed by a second as he opened the cap and poured the shampoo into his hand. It was a similar color to the lotion, a strange grainy black and gray but definitely having the consistency of shampoo. It almost felt...heavy in his hand as he poured it, closing the lid as the bottle dropped from his hands and rolled along the floor. He blinked a few times in confusion, looking down and seeing three bottles all along the floor as he tried his best to forget about it and ignore it, especially with the shampoo in his hand growing heavier by the second.

His hand shakily moved up to his head and almost mechanically flipped itself over his hair, the shampoo practically oozing out of his palm and landing thickly on his hair. He let out a soft gasp as it felt very cold along his head...which didn't make sense because it was warm in his hands. He didn't have much time to think about it as his hands almost of their own accord went to his head and started to massage the shampoo into his hair, the cold sensation causing a shiver to run down his spine. There was about everything going on. He was finding it harder to think as he massaged that heavy, cold shampoo into his head. And...he almost felt like his hair was getting thicker somehow?

  • No. That would be ridiculous.-

The thought felt like it shot through his mind like a bullet, the words feeling almost...overbearing. Like It wasn't his originally, but it adapted into his brain. He blinked once or twice, his vision starting to stabilize but almost going hazy in a different way. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't comprehend anything he was seeing. Like his thoughts were slowing down to a halt as if they were stuck in a thick molasses that was getting thicker by the second. He couldn't think about anything...and yet, his hands continued to rub that shampoo through his hair as his scalp started to tingle. The warmth of his body kept him at peace, and the sudden stopping of his thoughts made him lose track of everything that was going on as if he were in a deep trance.

  • There's a good boy. Keep rubbing that shampoo in deeper...and deeper...and deeper... -

With every word echoing in his mind, Gregor could feel his body relaxing more and more. His hair, one of his most prized possessions, was starting to feel different in his hands somehow. And his body, that tingling still running along it from the massaging, started to feel different somehow. Lighter in a different way. Almost as if something was churning and changing in the way he could move his body. It was impossible to describe, but even if he had the words for it, he wouldn't be able to form them properly. All he could do was stare blankly at the wall of the shower as he continued to rub that shampoo deeper and deeper into his scalp. The black color didn't go away as he rubbed it into his skin, and no suds were appearing. Instead...his hair was taking on an almost darker black than what he already had. But stranger yet?

It was taking on a different texture entirely.

His hair was standing up in a strange way, almost as if he got a perm and every follicle of hair was starting to poof up. It wasn't exactly hard like it was gelled, but it was fluffy...and squishy...and was taking up a volume he'd never experienced before. He kept running his hands through it as they would get stuck every so often. He kept massaging, long after the shampoo had washed out and sank into his scalp, molding his mind with every light touch of his fingers. His eyes lidded, blank thoughts passing through his head as his body looked so relaxed and at ease in that moment.

  • Good boy. Such a good boy. Good boys deserve rewards, don't they? -

He nodded to the disembodied voice speaking directly into his mind as his arm lazily lifted up into the air and grabbed the bottle of body wash of the same brand - the last of the three bottles. He groaned as something felt right about picking it up, but he couldn't even feel it in his hand. He couldn't feel or sense was all blank as he was at the mercy of some unperceivable power that was speaking to him now with his hair curling and locking in the air and his muscles all staying in a permanent state of relaxation while the circulation in his body As his hands robotically worked to take off the plastic from the bottle of body wash, he could feel a shiver of pleasure and good feelings roll through his body. A lust-filled moan escaped from the back of his throat as his eyes rolled up a bit, his cock starting to twitch despite having just masturbated moments before.

  • Such a good, obedient boy. Rub that body wash all over. Nice and deep. Everywhere. -

He didn't need to be told twice as he started to pour out the fully gray body wash into his palm, a strange jolt of a tingle running through his hands as he gathered a large glob of it. Something felt so very off as he held it in his hands...but also so very good and so very right. Almost...natural. His palm was starting to go numb, but his hands spread the gray soapy gel all over each other before he started to rub it along his body. He started with his belly, spreading it over evenly before working toward his back and down his hips. It was almost methodical how he was spreading it, hands separating as one went up his chest and another went between his thighs. He squeezed along his pecs and rubbed up his shoulders at the same time he trailed a finger along his taint and almost stoically coated his length and sac.

He was on a mission from that voice...and from how his body responded to every touch from that gel. He grabbed the bottle again and spread more of it on his hands, continuing to rub down both of his legs together before getting the tops of his feet. He straightened his back again and started to rub it as best as he could reach along his shoulder blades...the low of his back...the outline of his spine...everywhere. Then finally, he rubbed more of it along his arms, in his armpits, along his wrists, on the back of his hands, everywhere he had even the slightest bit of skin. After that, he wasted no time in rubbing along his neck and up his face, just along the outlines of his changed hair. His hairline was already looking a strange gray color, but as he spread the gel all along his body, there was something strange about it. None of it was washing off. It was almost like a paste, sticking to his body and making him look fairly alien as it clung to his body.

  • Very good boy! Now...let the gel do its work, and let your body tell you want to do. -

A mindless moan droned out of his throat as he couldn't focus on anything. His thoughts came to a standstill...his body tingling from the strange numbness of the gel as that body wash still left some odd, deep lingering sensations. He waited...and waited...and waited...and as the water continued to flow over his body, he started to understand what that voice was telling him. Things were getting...uncomfortable. Almost like there was an itch in his body that wasn't being scratched, and he couldn't pinpoint one exact location for it. Something was crying out to him in need within him, but try as his relaxed mind could, there seemed to be no answer. That is, until he felt a strange twinge on his hands. With the world spinning around him, Gregor lifted a hand lazily to his face as he tilted his head in confusion, trying to focus his sight on it long enough to see within the gel. It was hard to make out...but he almost swore there was something sticking out of his palm. As his other hand moved closer, he clumsily ran a finger along it before he felt something soft...squishy. Almost leathery?

He didn't have the mental capacity to focus on what it could be, nor could he understand what was happening as a soft thrumming ran through his body. It started in his hands, holding the majority of that gel as he felt an itching fire. But it wasn't a painful sensation, no. felt wonderful. Almost like his senses were ablaze, aware of everything going on and able to sense every cell in his body. He held his hand lazily in front of him, bringing it closer to his face as he rubbed a finger along it again. He let out another moan, almost turning into a soft whine as a shiver ran down Gregor's back and he fell against the wall of the shower with a soft thud. His vision was spinning, five images of everything in the shower dancing around his head as he rubbed along the strange outgrowth on his paw. He had no concept of what it could be, but with every line his fingers traced along it, he could feel it was almost fused to his hand...but there was something else strange about it.

Lower and lower along that pad his fingers ran, and he started to notice three things: The first - the skin along his hand was feeling off. The second - his nails seemed to be sharper...longer...harder, almost. And the third - it was getting harder and harder to move his fingers by the second. With the joints in his hand stiffening up, he rubbed harder as the gel started to make way...but the color was still there? As Gregor blinked and was a victim to his mindlessness, he almost drunkenly rubbed along his palm down to his wrist as something was shifting there as well. Try as he might, his wrist wouldn't quite bend the same way, making it impossible to bend his hand palm-side toward his wrist. His muscles wouldn't respond, instead moving more into an 'L' shape as his arms started to feel a bit numb. But amidst all the strange changes in his hand, something else started to bite at his mind.


Raw. Lust-fueled need.

His mouth opened in a heavy pant, his whole body feeling hot under the water as his head tilted down toward the rest of his body. Something about the gel seemed to be shimmering...but amidst all of that, he could see his shaft quickly twitching to life. Listen to his body...those words echoed in the empty recesses of his mind as his arm stretched to press against his twitching cock, Gregor letting out a heavy whining moan the second he rubbed along his aching shaft. He pressed that strange, soft pad against the base of his penis, pushing down as he felt a sharp bolt of pleasure rush up his spine with a heavy shiver. He yowled out loudly, pressing up to the head as he could feel his hand trying to wrap around that length. But try as he might, he for some reason couldn't wrap his fingers around himself. He tried with his other hand, seeing slightly more success but finding his fingers were getting stiffer...less nimble.

Gregor whimpered in frustration, his voice sounding a bit off as he struggled to wrap his fingers around his cock. One of his hands stopped bending at all, his fingers almost shrinking as he rubbed and stroked at himself in raw, wanton lust. He arched his back into the air, hips bucking forward as the tingling along his body started to get more intense...more vivid. He could feel the pleasure resonating through every part of his being, the gel almost vibrating with him as the ripples of pleasure roiled through his body. Everything was need. Every ounce of him was screaming out so very suddenly in the deathgrip of his arousal, panting harder and harder as his tongue started to hang out of his mouth...almost longer than it was before. As his wrists kept working back and forth at his foreskin, he could feel they were shifting physically. His thumbs turned almost useless as they shrank back toward the rest of his hand, and a strange texture matching his hair started to push out from along his wrists.

Every bit of his attention was focused on his shaft that he couldn't spend any time thinking about all the strange sensations he was experiencing. Inside of his body, he could feel that burning heat as his chest shifted around and his hips started to widen. Cracks rippled along his spine as something pressed out against the wall of the shower, causing him to jump for a brief moment. Were he able to focus long enough to examine it, he would feel a bump pressing out of the base of his spine just above his rear while his ass started to shrink. The muscle and fat was practically shedding away, his legs starting to shake as his balance was shifting very suddenly. He pressed his head back against the wall, stroking faster and faster and faster as he was caught up in a haze of pleasure. His head rolled to the side, ears feeling off as they were almost shifting up the side of his head and growing longer. Everything was changing...but all he could think of was that pleasure.

As the water ran down past his feet, Gregor was slowly pushing off of his heels as his toes were starting to shift. His nails were growing out into claws, clacking along the ceramic tile beneath them. He could feel his center of balance shifting very suddenly, his muscles struggling to support his legs and body as everything was changing very suddenly. Even his arms were struggling to bend and stroke himself off at the same pace, more whimpers coming out of his maw as he felt his jaw crick and crack in soreness. His tongue wouldn't fit, and his knees were starting to shake while a strange thumping echoed and intermixed with the water pouring onto his body. His new tail was stretching out further, a small puff of black fur starting to grow out at the tip. His shoulders and chest were also starting to itch, black follicles of fur pressing out of his now gray skin as he continued to moan and masturbate as hard as he could.

His body started to sway in the shower, tail instinctively shifting and trying to catch his balance. He wavered a bit before falling against the wall to his side, whimpering as his shoulder shifted uncomfortably. One of his hands fell off of his cock, looking like a dog's paw with a black puff of fur where his wrist used to be. It hung at his side, twitching as his bones and muscles twisted and shifted to the point where he couldn't reach his cock anymore, try as hard as he might. His other hand wasn't far behind, but it was still rubbing a paw along the top of his cock which seemed to be shifting by the second. His sac was pulling in closer to his body, penis bulging out as the base seemed to grow by the second. His head started to taper out, and the entire length was darkening and turning a deep red that pulsed and twitched more and more with every light brush of that paw desperately trying to keep pleasuring himself.

  • There's a good boy! You're such a good dog, Gregor. Stroke as long as you can. Let's see if you can finish before those paws are useless. -

The voice teased him, any remnants of thoughts in that echo chamber of a mind switching to purely instinctive grumbles and barks. His tongue hung out farther from his mouth as it stretched out into the air, his ears flopping around against his head as his nose started to pick up all new sorts of smells...strongest of which being the constant stream of pre dripping out of the tip of his cock with each brush of that paw. His neck shifted back against the wall, his head pushing his body off as he let out a loud yelp and slid down to the floor of the shower, body bouncing off of the floor as his misshapen legs stretched out. He kicked his new paws around, the fur on his chest growing out into a puffy black and soaked mess as he moaned and whined in a lust he couldn't comprehend. That is, until there was a knocking at the door.

" ok in there?"

The voice sounded so familiar. It was like Gregor knew who it was, but his mind was so focused on his arousal and pleasure that everything else seemed unimportant. As his muzzled continued stretching out with his black nose twitching as it took its shape, his muscles and ribcage started to crack and shift more and more around the black fuzz of fur stretching along his shoulders and chest. He bent his body, back not moving in the same way as his front paws tried desperately to reach down to his crimson tapered cock twitching up in the air. His hind legs were taking on their shape as they kicked out into the air, his gray skin no longer covered in the gel as his jet black fur was puffing out against the water. He could feel his arousal growing more and more and more with every passing second.

  • Aw...what's wrong, boy? Struggling to get off without your human limbs? -

The voice was mocking him, but Gregor couldn't understand the words anymore. All he could understand was he had a burning need, a lust that was fueling his every thought. He bent and shifted, his face still partially showing his dazed humanity while bits of his waist, legs, and even his chest were still human. He shifted his front paws desperately down to his pulsing shaft eagerly and with a heavy whimper. No matter what he did, he couldn't pleasure himself. No matter how much he bucked his hips into the air. No matter how hard he stretched. No matter how desperately he whined out. Nothing would let him reach that throbbing red shaft sitting between his legs...

...until he felt something grab at his cock.

His ears perked as his body shivered, letting out a yowling moan as his hips thrust into the mysterious sensation. His spinning eyes shifted to the now open door of the shower, seeing a bald man grabbing at his length and stroking it suddenly with a wide grin on his face. His mouth was moving, but the words were shifting together...that is, until he heard the voice in his head echoing louder.

  • Just couldn't keep your paws off my stuff, could you? -

It spoke almost out of sync with the man, but the words seemed to match how his lips moved perfectly. Moments passed as he kept talking, Gregor's eyes focused on the bald man's own as he felt a new pleasure unlike any he'd felt before coursing through his new canine body.

  • Knew you couldn't resist...but maybe now you'll obey better, mutt. -

The words slowly started to match his mouth closer and closer, Gregor unable to peel his eyes away as he panted and whined harder and harder. He was leaking pre uncontrollably, his muscles aching as the last bits of his body shifted and abandoned his humanity. He could hardly breathe from the pleasure, that hand stroking harder and faster and longer as it started to tease along his knot.

  • Just a horny obedient dog...that bottle? I knew you'd use it. And now you'll never steal my stuff again. -

The words echoed in his mind, but they held no meaning to Gregor. All he could understand was how hard it was to focus on anything but his aching, throbbing knot with every light stroke and squeeze that man gave it. It was blissful torture, his whole body shaking as he felt his vision go hazy once again.

  • Close, pup? Once you cum, that's it. No more useless roommate Gregor. Just my good, obedient, horny pet. You wanna cum, boy? Huh? You ready to blow that knot? -

His thoughts were starting to clear, focusing as the tingling and thrumming of the magical changes were coming to a halt. But his thoughts didn't return. He had no thoughts aside from the raw, lust-fueled pleasure filling every bit of his body. His shaft felt like it was about to explode as his legs kicked out into the air and that man kept stroking more and more and more by the second. Finally, the smirk on his face grew wider as Gregor's eyes widened and he let out a long, pleasured howl of pure need. That hand moved down his knot, teasing at the base of his sheath before tugging hard on that bulb to stimulate a tie.


Gregor needed no second bidding, his hips bucking hard into the air and his back arching off of the wet floor of the shower as he shot out his load high into the air. It flew over his head and splashed against the wall, the last bits of his humanity fading off of his new poodle body as he lost consciousness for a second in that orgasm. His cum shot out heavily in long, thick ropes onto his thick, puffy black coat of fur as he whined and panted needily. His cock was milked hard, that hand tugging and pulling along that knot harder and harder as he humped in an instinctive rhythm with the motions. He was unable to even feel his instincts fueling him, everything going blank in an ethereal bliss as his cum splattered along his body. More and more ropes of his seed shot into the air as his tongue hung out and tasted of his own essence.

A full minute passed by while he came, feeling the pleasure start to die out as the man stood up and walked to the other side of the shower. He ran his hand under the water to wash off the dog's cum before shaking it in the air, turning off the water and grabbing a towel from the towel rack. "Something about this just seemed...fitting to me. You care about your appearance, but are still a slob and will lick your own ass. Makes sense, right?" He spoke to the dog who was panting and staring up at him with that twitching knot against his body. Benji laughed, that smirk ever present on his face as he leaned down and pressed the towel against the dog's head.

"I think so. And you'd think if you would've read you would've seen all the warnings on those bottles. But nope. Had to jerk off and steal my stuff. Well, we're gonna make sure you're never a bad boy again, aren't we?" He cooed down to the dog as he ran the towel along the puffy black fur, drying it off as best he could before working along the poodle's gray skin. The dog just panted and gave a soft wuff, sniffing at his roommate as there was no semblance of human intelligence left inside of him. There was no more Gregor.

There was just a good dog.

Word count: 7173

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