Neutral Ground (Fox x Wolf)

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#4 of Fanfic

Originally posted 18 August 2019 on FurAffinity.

It's always an interesting experience going into a neutral zone. With Aquas turned into a no-conflict zone to aid in the restoration of the planet, Fox McCloud didn't expect to find his nemesis Wolf O'Donnel on the planet. Though outside of their ships, Wolf seems quite a bit...different than Fox would've expected. More open. More direct. More attractive.

M/M story of Fox and Wolf getting together and hooking up with some fun frotting action. haven't written or posted anything in a while, and this was sitting unedited in my documents for a while, so enjoy!

Characters belong to Nintendo.


Alright Fox...deep breath.

The ace pilot didn't know how he got himself into these sorts of situations. Leaning over the bathroom sink with his hands planted firmly on the porcelain, he looked up in the mirror at himself with a nervous twinge in his muzzle. He was tense. It was written all over his body language as his fingers shook against the rim of the sink. He'd been on missions where his life was on the line, but there still no comparing life or death to a situation like this. A long sigh escaped from his muzzle, lowering his head for a moment as he stretched back into his heels and tapped his boots on the floor. He knew he would have to get out there and face the situation head on, but all the training in the world never prepared him for...this."Hey, Fox. You ok in there? It's been ten minutes." The voice made Fox's ears twitch with a dull throb of spite in the pit

of his heart. Every time he heard that voice, he would instinctively clench his fists, remembering all the times he'd come so close to losing his life in the cockpit of his Arwing. So many times he had just narrowly missed a shot to finally take them down. So many times he had to listen to the constantly cocky, smug, overconfident baritone voice lightly calling from the other room. It took him a moment to steel himself, staring into the mirror one last time before pushing away from it.

"Yeah, just finishing up...Wolf." He said the words quietly, almost feeling like he was betraying himself and his team in this situation. It all started out so suddenly. The environmental restoration project on Aquas made it a neutral zone - no weapons, no clashes, and no battle around orbit of the planet. Fox found himself there as an ambassador to Corneria. It was really more of an act of formality than a formal mission as General Pepper would be handling the majority of the business. He was simply there as a representative of the military force as a sign of good faith. The last person he was expecting to see there was Wolf O'Donnell, his sworn nemesis and long-term enemy since he entered an Arwing.

The two of them happened to meet on a boardwalk near one of the restored beaches. Fox was in his typical military-granted uniform as he was bound for an escort mission later that morning, making him somewhat of an obvious sight to see in public. It just so happened that Wolf was also along that same boardwalk wearing some more casual clothes - a t-shirt and jeans to be precise. But the strange thing was what Wolf's shirt said, that of something regarding pride and rainbows...which took Fox a couple of seconds to fully grasp what it was saying. The two of them encountered each other in a tense moment not long after Fox noticed the shirt, and they had There were too many people around on the neutral world, however, so they kept it brief, upon which Wolf invited Fox to his hotel room to discuss it further. Fox, in the spirit of neutrality, agreed to the exchange expecting it would be a chance for Fox and Wolf to come to terms with their rivalry. However, when he arrived at the hotel room...

Fox opened the door to the bathroom and walked out into the hotel room where Wolf was sitting in a chair watching TV. He looked up and smirked at Fox, wearing notably fewer clothes than before. Fox paused for just a moment, staring at Wolf before he cleared his throat with a blush and took a seat on the bed. "You took your sweet time in there, Fox." Wolf snickered softly, drinking his cocktail and stretching while his tanktop and thong hugged his body closely, leaving nothing to the imagination. Fox was greeted at the door in that very same outfit, and Wolf hadn't even tried to brush it off as out of the ordinary. Fox, being someone who built his identity on being a war hero and the savior of Lylat, had kept his sexual orientation and anything relating to sex completely out of the public sphere. Wolf, on the other hand...

From the moment Wolf opened the door, he made his intentions very clear. "Didn't thinkya'd show up, Fox. You've always seemed so sterile that I thought a booty call wouldn't be your thing." Those words still echoed in Fox's head as he sat there on the bed, feeling out of place in his uniform but not exactly wanting to get as casual as Wolf. He turned to his adversary, unable to hide the blush on his cheeks as he had to do everything to not look at the very hard to hide bulge Wolf was sporting from his shaft barely being covered by a thong.

"I thought you wanted to talk diplomacy, not show off your body and degrade me." Fox quipped back somewhat quietly, making sure Wolf could hear him while his body language was speaking only of discomfort. There was, however, one part of Fox that was getting more and more comfortable the longer he spent in the room. "Enemies or not, you could at least spare me the embarrassment." While he was expecting a laugh from Wolf, he instead got silence. It was long enough that Fox chanced a look back at the lupine, somewhat shocked to find he had a strangely sincere expression across his face.

" really think we're enemies, huh?" He said in a sober monotone, finishing off his drink before pushing up from the chair. He was somewhat larger than Fox expected, in every sense of the term. His muscles were certainly noteworthy, but he also had a fair bit of bulk on him. Shaped, rather than carved of muscle with a slightly disarming rotundness about him when he was in casual clothes. But only slightly. It almost made him seem like a normal person, and as he stood in front of Fox next to the bed, the vulpine could only stare Wolf straight on.

"...uh...aren't we?" Wolf let out a sigh at the response, pinching the bridge of his muzzle lightly before leaning back against the dresser.

"We're mercenaries, Fox. Both of us. Just because you're permanently hired by the Cornerian army until you decide you and your team are done doesn't mean we're any different. We're both soldiers for hire. We're both seasoned pilots. We're both men of our own sense of pride. We're both bi. We're bo-"

"W-whoa, what the fuck, Wolf??" That last comment took Fox off guard with how naturally Wolf said it, and the interruption equally shocked Wolf. The lupine gave a very atypical tilt of his head to the side, almost seeming confused at the outburst.

"...What, gay then?"

"What in the hell makes you think I'm into guys??" He stood up with his tail flicking up, body tensing up even more with his hands balled into fists. The outburst was completely unexpected as Wolf shifted into a reactionary fighting stance for just a moment. But as the tension in the room gave way to awkward silence, Wolf relaxed his pose to stare at his company while the gears slowly started to move.

"...Ohhhh boy, you're not out, are you?" His voice was low, putting the pieces of Fox's situation together better than Fox likely knew. "Fox, you got what I was saying to you on the boardwalk, yeah? About getting comfy back in my room and discussing 'true diplomacy?' I mean...even if you didn't hear the way I said it, I'm assuming you felt my hand on your ass..." Normally Wolf would laugh in such a situation, but he didn't feel it would be appropriate. Looking at the hero of Lylat and seeing how incredibly frustrated and embarrassed he was in that situation...Wolf couldn't help but pity his adversary.

"...I did." Fox's reply was terse, voice low as he practically refused to make eye contact.

"So you can't stand there and tell me you were expecting some sort of work call." He spoke with a direct gentleness, not mincing his words but ensuring Fox would know he wasn't trying to be antagonistic. He pushed up from the dresser, moving over to Fox before the two of them were standing just inches apart. "Whatever happens out in space is business, kit. I don't think anything of you as a person in my cockpit because at the end of the day, I go home and live my life. So me telling you you're a sexy piece of tail? That's not a mind game. That's the truth, foxy boy."

That new pet name took Fox by surprise, highlighted by the serious and almost concerned expression Wolf was sporting. He felt there was some strange sense of care from Wolf...but also some sort of strange realization. "...So you're telling me you were actually-"

"Fuck's sake, Fox. Yes. Yes I'm into you. Yes I'm hitting on you. Have you never flirted with people before?" Even without looking at Wolf, he could feel the eye-roll from the tone of his voice alone. For the first time in years, Fox felt at a tactical loss. He stood there in front of the bed, frozen in place as he looked at Wolf dead in the eyes. He was trying to stay strong, and yet...he could feel something in him wavering. Yearning. His legs shook a bit as he slowly sat down, hands on his legs with his head tilted down. "...Fox?" The voice didn't move him this time, Fox just pausing and continuing to stare downward while he searched for some reaction. Some way to come out on top like he always had. But maybe...for the first time ever...

There wasn't one.

"...I, uh...I'm down."

The words took Wolf by surprise as his ears perked. It seemed like such a weird change of pace, for Fox to go from being so defensive and unsure to just...saying yes? His tail flicked slightly in the air, the lupine tilting his head slightly as he studied Fox's body language. "...yeah?" It was all he could manage to say, wanting to see where his so-called 'adversary' would go with this.

"...Yeah. I just...yeah." Fox seemed to grip at his legs a bit tighter, body tense as he kept his gaze down. "I need...the universe is always looking at me. I have to be a role model. Prim, proper, upright, collected. You doing all of that took me really off guard. And away from the eyes of everyone, I just thought-" He gasped slightly, feeling the bed shift as Wolf took a seat right next to him. The weight of one of his arms resting across Fox's shoulders made a shiver run up his back, every instinct in his body telling him he needed to be ready. Wolf's tail lightly brushed up against Fox's own...he managed to silence those thoughts for a moment. Just a brief moment, and let out a deep breath.

"There's nothing wrong with this, Fox." His voice was gentle, soft, even. He slowly began to rub along Fox's shoulder and down his arm, pulling him in just slightly. "You're allowed to be yourself, AND a hero. The two don't have to be separate. And if you're really down, then I'd be happy to give you a night off." Wolf said almost like an old lover, his claws lightly brushing down Fox's jacket sleeve as Fox turned his gaze over to Wolf's. There was a sort of sadness in Fox's eyes, echoing a deep fountain of repressed emotions and yearnings. It took Wolf by surprise...but as his free hand moved to Fox's leg, he started to massage it casually and slowly slid to his inner thigh. "It sounds like you need it...Foxy boy."

The comment made Fox smile softly, shutting his eyes and leaning his head into Wolf's shoulder with a soft sigh. Something about the warmth of that hand brushing along his thigh made him...feel good. Feel a bit more at peace in that moment. Wolf gently rubbed along that strong thigh, squeezing Fox's shoulder as he smiled. In that moment, neither of them seemed to want to say anything, both feeling so happy and comfortable at that realization from Fox. They stayed in that position for what felt like an hour, Wolf just lightly teasing Fox while Fox dozed off and breathed steadily against his figure. That is...until Wolf's hand started to move farther up Fox's leg.

The sudden shift in the pressure along his leg made Fox's ears perk into the air, his eyes shifting down to look at where Wolf was touching as his fingers seemed to dance along his crotch. Fox gulped nervously, tail flicking as he could feel that light brushing of each of those fingers against his shaft under his pants. He couldn't resist a few soft yips escaping from the back of his throat as the teasing began, shifting his legs and moving in closer to Wolf. The lupine couldn't help but smirk a bit at the change as he started to get a bit more insistent. His hand pressed up against that bulge in Fox's pants, lightly grasping it and rubbing along that outline twitching against the fabric.

That teasing went on for a few moments as Fox's breath came out in ragged pants, his hand grasping at Wolf's knee with each and every stroke. He had never felt someone so firm...yet so gentle, teasing him like he knew the perfect way to get Fox worked up. His tail flicked more and more and more, feeling his arousal growing by the second suddenly stopped. Fox's eyes opened, his head moving off of Wolf as he looked up at his mate for the night. "Easy, Foxy boy. Just gonna...make things a bit more comfortable." His voice was so low and soothing, so unlike what Fox would've expected from his longtime rival. That comment confused the vulpine...that is, until he felt those hands moving to his chest and pressing Fox back against the bed.

All he could do was manage a stunned gasp, looking up into the air as he saw Wolf's face grinning down at him. His hands were pressed to the sides of his head, the alpha male's tail wagging eagerly as he winked at Fox. That simple action made the vulpine blush, his own tail thumping against the bed and brushing up against Wolf's leg as the two of them just stared for a brief moment into each other's eyes. Wolf was the first to move, his hand lightly brushing along Fox's cheek before leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on those soft lips. It made Fox shiver, freezing for just a brief moment before reaching up and gently grasping the back of Wolf's head. Their lips met as they shared each other's breath, Fox breathing out heavily with a soft, quiet whimper of delight. They barely moved, simply enjoying the sweet and sensual touch of romance in that moment. Wolf tilted his head, lowering his body onto his temporary lover as Fox could feel the warm heat of his barely clothed body.

They laid there in that embrace for far longer than either intended, the only sounds interrupting their silence being the shifting of their bodies and the brushing of their tongues against each other. It was like Fox's own version of heaven to feel the gentle touch of another. The sensual way that Wolf kissed him and rubbed his hands down his sides...his hips...his belly. Every touch another reminder that Fox wanted this more than he could possibly say. His muzzles shifted to the side as they made out eagerly, hands exploring each other for the very first time as all inhibitions were case aside in that moment. Fox couldn't believe how exciting, how thrilling how...wrong yet right this all felt. He slowly started to get more adventurous, moving from Wolf's back down to his hips and along the warm, soft fur of his belly. Those fingers danced along the waistband of that tight thong, his face flushing heavily as he slowly considered the next move.

Of course, Fox was in the company of an expert who took no time to consider the next option. Wolf let Fox explore enough before grunting lightly into the kiss, claws instantly at the zipper of Fox's jacket before hungrily pulling it down to reveal the tanktop underneath. Those roving claws ripped at the fabric hiding that chest from him, tearing it straight down to Fox's waistband before Wolf took two giant handfuls of Fox's chest fur and gripped it in pure need. Fox tensed in response, taking in a deep breath between kisses before pulling Wolf back into his muzzle. They rolled around in that carnal desire, fur meeting claw and legs shifting and rolling against each other. Tail bumped against tail. Chest rubbed against chest. Bulge in their pants twitched up against one another. Their rivalry was thrown out the window for the sake of that one night of pure, unadulterated need met in that simple hotel room.

The next step was decisive. With those handfuls of fur, Wolf dared to drift ever lower to take a full grope of Fox's shaft, feeling how hard and in need his rival was. He could feel the twitching of that cock and the warmth of his pre-cum even through Fox's pants, smirking to himself while he abruptly broke the kiss. "Mmmmm, Foxy boy. I wanna see your little friend there..." He snickered quietly, that cocksure attitude coming back out as Fox simply huffed and licked up his muzzle. Wolf went to work on those pants, the button quickly flicking out of its slit as the zipper was almost seamlessly worked down. The resulting yip from Fox as he felt the pressure relieve in his pants was impossible to ignore, accompanied by a cute blush which Wolf took full advantage of. "Heh, you're so God damned adorable." He cooed, brushing a finger along the underside of Fox's muzzle.

"Sh...shutup, Wolf."

"Make me, Foxy boy."

The teasing sounded almost eerily similar to their dogfights in space, only this time with much more intimate teasing. Wolf shifted his free hand back to Fox's crotch, running a single finger up the base of that twitching and lightly flitting around the wet spot sticking out. It took everything in Fox's power to not howl out in an agonizing moan, already arching his back and gripping the bedsheets firmly in his claws. Wolf took note and idly teased his finger back and forth so painfully slowly along that shaft. "I sure hear a lot of whimpering and don't hear a lot of stopping me." He teased again, circling his finger around the head of Fox's length. He could tell by the way Fox's head was pressing back against the bed in a constant pant that he was doing exactly what needed to be done. But Wolf was far from finished. He shifted his hand up again, still rubbing along the underside of Fox's muzzle before he flicked the waistband of those boxer briefs and pulled them down to his thighs.

Fox's shaft twitched high into the air, a bead of pre-cum dripping down onto the fur of his belly as Wolf hummed hungrily to himself. He practically wasted no time in pulling down his own thong to finally let his own cock free in the air, bringing his body down on the vulpine's with a sudden grunt. He said nothing, simply pulling Fox's muzzle up against his own as their noses rubbed and their hot breath mixed. There wasn't even a chance for Fox to look down at Wolf's package before he felt it throbbing up against his own, their fur and arms and muzzles and shafts completely engrossed in one another as they moaned and wagged against that hotel bed. Fox's body twitched lightly as he shifted underneath his lover, Wolf's hips grinding into that firm length as their pre started to mix together and pool along Fox's fur. A moan here, a smack there, and the sweet musky smell of their mixed arousal completely overtook their senses, and it was only getting more intense with each passing second.

"Fuck...Fox." Wolf managed to get out between kisses, their tongues rolling along each other as Wolf tilted his muzzle and pushed in harder. Fox's back arched into his body in pure need, feeling a leg twitch as his tail flicked back and forth against Wolf's side. Wolf's hands slowly started to move down that toned body, tracing his claws down that firm and athletic chest before he found that shaft once more. His fingers danced along that foreskin, lightly curling around both stiff rods before giving them a teasing squeeze. Even that slight pressure made Fox moan louder, pre spilling out faster as it started to cover Wolf's fingers. Ever the opportunist, the lupine took full advantage of that moment and started to slowly drag his hand down to the base of both their shafts. His tip towered over Fox's, but their warmth seemed so natural together that neither seemed to care in the slightest.

They stayed in that kiss for a while longer, tongues dancing along each other before Wolf started to idly stroke their shafts in a slow, loving pace. Having never felt such a strange warmth mixed with a passionate kiss, Fox's head was swimming in a hazy cloud of his own arousal. His fail flicked repeatedly against Wolf's legs with his ears splayed back hard against his head. He couldn't believe this is what his night turned into...getting stroked off by his former nemesis as he laid completely exposed in bed with him, cock to cock and tongue to tongue. His hips slowly started to roll into the stroking as his legs shifted along the bed. Wolf was doing the same, working his hand into a casual pace as both of their pre started to mix together and hasten the pleasure. He held a tight, but gentle grip and increased the pace slowly over time. Their moans mixed together with the scent of their love thick on the air, the two men losing track of the minutes that passed with each breath against each other.

It wasn't long before Wolf had to break the kiss, a shiver running down his back as his hand squeezed very suddenly. "Mmmf...gods I haven't done this with someone else in such a fucking long time..." He huffed, ragged breath washing over Fox's muzzle who couldn't even respond. He was in absolute carnal bliss, feeling the pressure in his shaft building more and more with every light brush of that strong, firm paw. Each time Wolf stroked up their pulsing shafts was another buck from Fox's hips, the arousal reaching new heights he'd never before experienced. His head rolled to the side of the pillow, eyes shutting as a jolting shiver wracked Fox's entire body. There were no words in his mouth or his mind, for once not worrying about his next move and not planning an escape route. For once just reveling in the moment for all it was. Each and every stroke and touch and huff and moan pushed both of them closer and closer and closer to that inevitable climax they could both feel rapidly approaching.

Moments turned to minutes turned to what felt like an eternity in that embrace, soft kisses peppering Fox's muzzle every so often as his body was starting to tense up more notably with every stroke. Wolf's hand was moving as fast as it could go along their shafts, and Fox's length was starting to pulse with greater intensity. His breath was ragged, sweat beading down his face as his jacket bunched up underneath his body. He gripped the bedsheets with one hand and Wolf's tanktop with the other, muzzle hanging open as his voice slowly got higher in pitch with each and every moan. His cries were getting more and more frantic, his abs twitching as his hips started to buck more and more into that hand. "W...W-Wolf..."

"You keep that mouth shut, Foxy boy. Don't say a f-fucking word and just give it to me you hot fucking fox." It was clear that Wolf was approaching his peak as well, gritting his teeth and growling lightly. His hand started moving a bit more sporadically, hips grinding and bucking into Fox's body as his back arched. There was a notable pool of pre all along Fox's abs, and both of their shafts were glistening in the soft light of hotel room. Wolf's body was starting to shake a bit as his hand was moving like a blur. All of this warmth and attention was transferring straight to Fox whose muzzle was hanging wide open in a belabored pant over and over and over. He clenched the bedding even harder, voice rising to a high plateau before he let out a long, howling yelp with a heavy thrust in the air.

The sudden twitch in Fox's length followed by the sudden scent in the air told Wolf everything he needed to know. All the muscles in Fox's body were twitching as he moaned with constant weak whimpers while his seed shot hard against his body. He painted his already white fur heavily in one of the most intense climaxes he'd felt in years, humping Wolf's hand as hard as he possibly could. The moments passed as he came, his fur quickly matting from the drying cum along his body. Wolf kept stroking him off faster and faster and faster, even after Fox could feel his orgasm coming to a halt. His breath slowed down, seed slowing to a dribble while Wolf's body started to tense up more with each passing second.

"O-oh fuck, Wolf..." Fox cooed quietly, looking up in a daze at the lupine on top of him who didn't seem to have much energy left. Fox just watched and felt a blush forming as Wolf essentially used him as a masturbator, teeth gritted and eyes shut as he snarled on the edge of his orgasm. He didn't want to ruin anything about that moment for Wolf, choosing to stay quiet as the constant frotting brought more lingering pleasure to Fox's afterglow. He squirmed idly under his new lover, watching as the expression on Wolf's face slowly changed with each additional stroke. Fox had to bite his lip to keep himself from humming in appreciation of the view, letting his guard down notably in his refractory state. He could tell Wolf was close the more he stroked just by the way his arm was starting to jerk more erratically. Fox could feel a few rolling jolts of pleasure in his post-orgasm state, but the tension in Wolf's cock twitching against his own was telling him everything he needed to know.

He let Wolf go on, low growls and gasps escaping from the back of his throat as he started to get more vocal. Those ragged breaths huffed and moaned against Fox's cheek as he let out a gasp and felt his breath catch in his throat. His back arched, fur standing on edge as his body was starting to shake. Wolf held back as long as he possibly could before he threw back his head in a shockingly loud howl of delight. His cock suddenly burst with his climax, cum shooting hard onto Fox's body and even up to his muzzle as Wolf's hips bucked hard. Fox, still heavy in his afterglow, let out a soft yip but ultimately let Wolf paint him in that warm, sticky mess. The lupine's breath went ragged, hips bucking like wild as he rode out his own orgasm and Fox laid there and reveled in the feeling.

After a few moments, Wolf's shaft thrust a few final times before it simply twitched against Fox's belly. His breath came in hard gasps, panting against the vulpine's cheek before he fell to Fox's side. The two males were spent from their pleasure, shafts wet and dripping with their mutual enjoyment as Fox's fur was matting even more than it did originally. They laid against each other, Fox on his back panting and Wolf on his side gasping, one paw still on Fox's length as his own twitched against Fox's leg. They laid there for what felt like hours, breath mingling as they cuddled lazily and let their energy return to them slowly over those couple of moments. It was finally Wolf who broke the silence, shifting his muzzle to give a light kiss to Fox's neck.

"...enjoy yourself, Foxy boy?" He cooed like an old lover, tracing his fingers along either side of the base of Fox's shaft. The light teasing brought more soft moans from the vulpine, head shifting along the pillow as he let out a long, deep breath.

" was amazing." He sighed with a soft smile, tail lazily flicking up against the other male. The two of them shifted, Fox taking Wolf's hand from his shaft to interweave their fingers together. The action brought a light smirk to Wolf's face, closing his eyes before resting his head on Fox's shoulder.

"Well, better get used to it, Foxy boy. Even if we have missions where we need to kill each other, you can bet that pretty little tail of yours that I'm not done with you.'ve got a lotta things to learn if you're gonna be a proper boyfriend."

"...B...boyfriend??" Those words took Fox by surprise, lifting his head to look over at Wolf in a bit of shock. "Wait, you mean-"

"I don't fuck and run, Fox. And I know you aren't that type either. I'm willing to make this work. You think I can hear those cute moans of yours and not want more? Heh. You know I can't let you do-"

His words were interrupted by another kiss straight on the muzzle, lasting only a second before Fox playfully glared at him. Wolf returned the gesture with a sly grin, winking before the two cuddled up together and casually fell asleep.

Hours passed before Fox left, cleaned up and looking professional as ever. It took him some time to make his way back to Great Fox, but once he was safely in his room, he let out a long sigh. It wasn't until that moment that he took his tattered tanktop from out of his pocket, bringing it to his muzzle and taking in a deep whiff. He couldn't stop himself from shivering, still smelling Wolf's scent on the fabric before lying back in his bed and reaching into his pants once again. He had no idea how he was going to date one of his biggest enemies...but frankly, he couldn't wait to figure it out.

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