Chapter 25- A Good Night's Fuck

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#25 of Mom & Mum

I could tell Stephanie was excited about this. In a way, I was, too. However, that does not mean she should be going 20 miles above the speed limit just to get home. She cackled to herself with a positive attitude while I was busy praying we wouldn't run somebody over.

Thankfully, my aunt's apartment isn't as far away as I thought it'd be. If going the normal speed limit, I'd say it would've been a 10-minute drive from the school. It was a shame that Stephanie lived in an apartment, though. From what she told me, the house next to ours was rented out by my father just for her. I guess she didn't want to stay there. Then again, this was after my father had passed, but before Stacy met Morgan, so we didn't live close to there, anyway. We arrived at a semi-rustic apartment building at almost 9:30. Once we stopped at a parking lot right near it, I finally sighed in relief, thankful we didn't hit anybody or anything. I unbuckled myself and turned left to my aunt, but she was not in the driver's seat. What the-?

"Alright, Jackie! Let's go!" my aunt squealed behind me in joy. I turned over to my left and saw Stephanie was already outside the car, holding my door open. Man, she must really be excited about this. I mean, I can't necessarily blame her, but it's just unusual. Eh, whatever. I guess I'm excited, too. I wonder what kind of life she's been living for nearly a decade.

Steph grabbed me by the hand and pulled me out of the car and into her body. I tried to get away from her tight embrace, but I couldn't. After a little struggle, she unlocked me from her lethal hug and slammed the car door shut. "Oh, I'm so happy you're the first family member I get to show my new place! C'mon, let's get inside!"

My aunt held my hand embarrassingly while we walked into the building. The man behind the front desk paid us no mind while we hopped into the elevator behind him. The doors opened and closed slowly; my aunt and I being the only riders, it would seem. Stephanie hummed happily to herself while keeping a firm grip on my hand. Even though nobody was around, it felt too cutesy, even for me.

The second I tried to unloosen my hand from her iron hold, Stephanie turned her head to me and scoffed. "Oh, come on, Jackie! I just want to love my favorite nephew." She let go of me, but then quickly hugged me from behind before I could sigh in relief. Fuck, she's strong! She practically started lifting me with her hug while I struggled to get out. "I'm..." I tried to breathe. "I'm... your only... nephew... Stephanie...!"

She dropped me down and I very nearly fell on my ass. "Exactly, and that's why I want to love you!" I held my chest and tried to control my breathing, but the air was quickly sucked outta me when she held me up against the wall, her face buried deep into my neck. My entire body started to vibrate with her purring. I had never heard somebody purr so loudly in my life. Even with all the experiences I've had with my women over the past few days, none of them showed even a quarter of the happiness my aunt was at this moment. It was almost surreal.

The elevator chime tinged as we kept going up more and more floors. Once it stopped and the doors started to open, Steph hopped off and happily gleamed at me. Once my heart rate returned to normal, I stared up at her and held my hand out, knowing all too well she was most likely going to grab it and drag me out anyway. And drag she did, as my sweaty fur painfully peeled off the chrome on the elevator when she yanked me out. And I mean yanked. The force this woman put into all of her actions made me feel like she was some kinda secret bodybuilder.

Stephanie pulled me so hard that we actually fell onto the floor; luckily not caught between the elevator doors. But what was my concern wasn't the doors, it was the fact that I fell right on top of my aunt! Like, literally on her. We both stared at each other with awkward, bulged eyes, too embarrassed to say anything. Our faces were so close we could feel every single nervous breath that came from our noses like machine-gun fire. If somebody suddenly came in, they'd think we were getting it on, on the floor!

"Um... ahem..." I stuttered, a little too nervous to say anything. Luckily, my aunt seemed to start thinking before me. "My, my, you dog, Jackie," Stephanie purred to me sexily. "At least take me to dinner before having me for dessert." Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Oh God. That's so fucking weird. Why on earth would you say that? Immediately, I jumped off my aunt and landed on my butt, now leaning against the closed doors of the elevator.

I put a hand up to my head and smeared the sweat away, but it kept getting replaced. I don't know why, but what she said was the strangest mixture of funny and sexy. And I just didn't like it. Stephanie is a beautiful woman, don't get me wrong. And trust me, I have no issue with pounding members of the family. It's what I've been doing almost constantly for the past 5 days. But Stephanie is the one female family member I've interacted with that I saw more as an actual family member than a fucktoy. And hearing that kind of sexual comment from her was just... unnerving.

Anyway, Steph sat up and noticed my distress. She hopped over to me and caressed my side, giving me a warm smile the entire time. "Aw, I'm sorry for freaking you out like that, hun. I just kinda thought a guy like you would have the same fucked up sense of humor I do." She kissed my head and then stood up, her chest jiggling a bit too much for my liking. Once again, she held out her hand, and I grabbed onto it. "C'mon hun, let's get to my room and unload."

Lucky for me, Stephanie's room was the furthest down the hallway. And by lucky, I mean shitty, cuz I was starting to get fucking exhausted. I usually only feel this drained after pumping out dozens of cumshots, not after eating and falling over my aunt. I guess I've just had too long of a day. I was ready to just throw my backpack on the floor and crawl into bed. Steph could tell, as she kept having to tap my head to even keep me up. Eventually, though, we got to her door. Steph jiggled around a couple of keys before putting them in. After she turned and opened, I was half-tempted to just fall down right there. We slugged on as my aunt reached in and turned on the lights. Once they flickered four or five times, they lit up the small apartment. Oh boy, was it small.

Much like everything else about her, except for her chest, her place was very humble. It had a cozy vibe to it that I couldn't completely describe. The wallpaper wasn't high quality, and neither was the rug, but it wasn't a dump either. I mean, it had the basics; a coffee table, couch, television, couple bookcases, and a small kitchen. Only three doors, not counting the one we just entered. I'm gonna guess one's a clothes closet, one is the bedroom, and the last one is the electrical closet.

"Well, here we are honey!" Somehow she still had the energy to be bubbly. I envy her. Stephanie tossed her keys and wallet onto the table while I tossed myself onto the couch. It had a muggy pattern but felt good enough to sleep on. I dropped the strap of my bag and kicked off my shoes, ready to just fall asleep for a couple of days. I was about to get some shut-eye, but I felt the looming presence of my aunt over me. Actually, I think that was just the massive shadow her chest gave from the light. "Uh, what do you think you're doing, Jackie?"

My eyes darted open. Oh, that did not sound happy. Slowly and hesitantly, I turned my head to the side and looked up at her. Maybe it was just her inflection, but she didn't look as pissed as she sounded. But then again, she also had her arms crossed. And Lord knows a woman crossing her arms can mean anything, but most of the time, it means she's not happy. "S-sorry, Aunt Stephanie, I was just really tire-"

Steph grabbed me by the shoulders and hauled me up to her. My legs were now dangling above the sofa, just barely touching it. The strong woman beamed at me with a cold stare. The moment her mouth opened, I expected her to harshly reprimand me. "Jackie, what the fuck kinda aunt would I be if I made you sleep on the couch? You're not a husband that annoyed me, so it's not like I'm banishing you to it." She laughed a little as she put me back on the ground. Man, this woman's got a really... unfeminine sense of humor. I like it. A lot.

"Well, where else am I supposed to go? The bathtub?" Steph put a hand on my shoulder and started walking me towards a room. Her bust once again bounced crazily as she laughed. "What? The bathtub?! Oh come on, Jackie, I'm not that mean!" The moment I noticed we had approached a door, she flung it open and pushed me in. "You're sleeping in my bed, you dingus!" I was shoved into a sizable bed. Not a queen mattress, let alone a king, but a kinda big one. But it certainly did not look big enough for two people.

I looked back at her as she flicked on the lights. Her room was illuminated, but it was still black everywhere. Save for a couple of spots, her bedroom walls were covered top to bottom in... band posters? Hold on; what? In disbelief, I paced up to the side of her cute vanity and stared at the one that was striking me the most. It had a bloody design, and the band logo was pretty much unreasonable. But I could sorta recognize it because I think Chuck (remember him?) showed them to me once to scare me a long time ago. What was their name again? Bloody Hook?

A pair of arms constricting me from behind pulled me out of my memories and back to the bedroom. Stephanie's lovely voice sang out to me. "Surprised your auntie's into death metal, Jackie?" Surprised is one way to say it. Considering most of her room was enveloped in these nightmarish posters, which I'd say numbered about 100, I'm more so petrified than surprised. Nonetheless, I still feigned that I was. "Heh, yeah, I guess so. I didn't think that'd be your kinda scene, Steph." I scratched the back of my head while she turned me away, still embracing me from behind.

She spun daintily with me in her grasp, as if dancing with me. I went along with it and moved my paws similarly to her. Since she was slightly taller, Steph rested her head on top of mine while we neared the mattress. Her purring was almost too loud for me to hear anything else. It was so odd how she was this happy. After the weird incident in the hallway and the "disgrace" I gave by suggesting I slept on the couch, I'd think she'd still be miffed at me. But no; she seems to be at the top of the world right now. And after what I had heard she was harboring in those years of being away, I was joyous to know my being here was good enough for her.

My blissful thoughts were then smashed once Steph threw me onto the bed. I panicked in legitimate fear for a second until I realized I was okay. With wide eyes, I stared at my aunt, who was dusting her paws off and placing them on her hips. "Alright, Jackie," she quipped at me with a cocky tone. "That's enough sentimentality for one night. I got an early shift in the morning, and I'll have to drive you to school, too, so we should hit the hay." Aw, well that's sweet of her. Wait, why is she taking off her shirt?

I spun my head around so fast that it almost broke my neck. "Hey, at least warn me before you get in your pajamas, Stephanie!" I sorta laughed when I said it, but I was still firm enough to be serious. Though I was covering my eyes, I could tell my aunt was crossing her arms with a weird look on her face. "Oh come on, Jackie," the teal woman groaned to me. "You really think I wear pajamas? I'm not 12, honey." Okay, there are multiple things wrong with that sentence: 1. Uh, yeah, I do think you wear pajamas. Pretty much everyone does. I don't when it's really hot out, but it's not even summer yet. 2. I'm pretty sure wearing your jammies isn't a kid thing, so I don't know where the hell that "12-year-old" thing came from. 3. Are you seriously about to sleep in the same bed as your newly reunited nephew with nothing but underwear on?

This may come across as really fucking offensive, but this woman should've never left therapy.

"W-wait," I stammered. Fuck, this is getting too weird. I gotta think of some kind of excuse. "Stephanie, I didn't bring a change of clothes." Really? Do you honestly think she'd mind that, Jackie? Lots of people sleep in their clothes. Don't be a fucking baby about it. Steph looked back at me with her hands on her hips. She rolled her eyes and groaned at me before slipping her hands under her pants. "Okay, and? You can sleep in your boxers if you want; I won't judge. Don't men usually do that?" Well, she had a point there. I don't take heat very well, so in the late spring and all throughout summer I either sleep with a light shirt and boxers, just my boxers, or sometimes nothing at all.

Steph glanced at me with a smirk on her face, her eyes narrowed. "I usually sleep with nothing on, but I'll keep my underwear on so I don't scar you for life, okay babe?" Why must you say these kinds of things? You have absolutely no reason to tell your barely-legal nephew that you like to let your tits breathe during the night. And yet you did so anyway. Speaking of letting stuff breathe, Stephanie started to take her pants off. I had to be sure I snuck in a couple of glances when she wasn't looking. And wow, those were some nice glances.

She then took off her shirt, and it quickly became a battle to hide my boner. Even with her secure, conservative green bra, her fun bags jiggled crazily. I had to stop looking at them when she turned back to me, because my eyes would've been glued to her chest all night if I didn't pull my gaze away. However, at the same time, I could tell my quick shift in eyesight threw her off.

A hand on my shoulder panicked me and I turned around to her. She had worry in her eyes as though I had insulted her. "Jackie, if it makes you uncomfortable, I'll put my stuff back on." She reached for her tee that had been thrown to the ground, giving me a good look at her cleavage while she bent over. I started to salivate, but I neutralized my expression the moment she got back up. Now I was really starting to feel bad. I put a hand on her shoulder in return. "Steph," I said with a nice voice crack. We both giggled a little.

I sighed at her and shrugged. "This is your house. Well, apartment. You can sleep however you want. I may be 18, but I'm more mature than that." I liked to think I was telling the truth, but I knew I was bullshitting myself. C'mon, Jackie. You turned your mother, stepmother, aunt, mother's friend, mother's friend's daughter, English teacher, childhood friend, and principal into your playthings. There is nothing mature about you whatsoever.

Stephanie grinned at me and patted my hand. "Well, if you say so." She winked at me before tossing her shirt back onto the floor and gripping the back of her bra. My eyes widened and I looked away before snapping at her. "Hey, that's not what I meant!" It was too late. Her underwear was now on the floor at my feet. Bra and panties. I don't really believe in you, God, but if you're out there, please give me the strength to hold myself together. I beg you.

"Well, you said I could sleep however I want," she purred to me evilly. What the-? You're seriously doing this right now? I removed the hand from my eyes and sealed them shut before facing her, I think. "Yeah, I did say that," I started. "But don't do that so suddenly. I don't want to see your... breasts." The pause made it sound like I was afraid to say that word in front of my aunt, which I guess I kinda was. But the real reason I paused was that I almost said "your fat fucking honkers". I'd be sleeping in a body bag if I said that.

I jumped a little when my head was pat, as I still had my eyes closed. Steph's voice circled around me as she walked behind the bed. She flopped down onto it and undid the covers. "Well, then you don't have to look, hun. Besides, who the hell would wanna look at their aunt's fat fucking honkers?" How the hell did she read my mind? Never mind that, I need to go to bed. This has been one helluva draining day. I laughed nervously and stood up again to undo the covers. Or at least try to. I thought my spatial awareness was better than this. Where the fuck are the-? Oh, there they are. "Yeah, well," I gulped before sliding into the bed. Moving with a boner at maximum hardness is especially difficult when you don't want anybody to notice. "Don't worry, I'm not the incest kinda guy." Funny.

"Sucks for you, then," the naked cat remarked. "Some of the best porn out there is step-fantasy." I genuinely believe this woman is just a teenager trapped in a 30-something-year-old's body. Cuz unless you're as much of a slut as all of my women, you wouldn't talk like this. Also, "step-fantasy"? I had to call her out on that. "Yeah no," I dryly told her as I lay on my side, my back to the temptress. "What the hell is the fun in it if they're not actually related?" I don't know why I'm having this conversation with my aunt, but I am.

With my eyes now open again, I stared into the sole window in her room before a force jolted me. Steph patted my shoulder with the might of a goddess and laughed heartily. "That's my fucking boy, Jackie! What the hell is even with all of the "step" stuff anyway? If they're gonna get actors that aren't related, why not just stick to regular bro and sis?" Oh great, I wanted to go to bed, but now Stephanie is actually giving me a good conversation. I shuffled in between the sheets and shrugged at her. "I dunno, Steph. Maybe the idea of real incest turns people off."

She scoffed at me and turned towards me. I could tell because her voice was more apparent now. "Tsk, yeah, well those people can fuck off! If you ask me, that shit is hot as hell!" Boner, please, I'm trying to stay incognito here. My dick was pressing so hard against my pants that I could've sworn I heard ripping. I started sweating again as she shifted even closer to me. "C'mon Jackie, you can tell me; you ever thought it'd be hot if you fucked Stacy's brains out?" She is literally doing this on purpose now. She even paused, as if expecting her own nephew to tell her how much he wanted to bang his mother.

Then it got even worse. I felt her two massive jugs press into my back. Even with my shirt on, I could feel how unbelievably huge and soft they were. I could not stress enough how hard it was to hold in the urge to not turn around, squeeze her tits and just plow the shit out of her. Every muscle in my body, even my heart, was telling me to do it. Then, she put her hands on my shoulders and came to my ear. After an inhale, she whispered with a hot breath.

"Or what about mine, hm? Ever thought of fucking ol' Steph's brains out?~"

Okay, that does it! I turned around immediately and was prepared to do all the things my muscles told me to, but I was taken aback when I felt Stephanie's tongue in my mouth! I wanted to pull away, but the woman took her hands off my shoulders and fastened them around my back, pulling me into her! The sudden touch of her tongue against mine caused me to moan feverishly, to which she pulled away and laughed. "Ha! I knew you wanted some of this!" I was ready to get back onto her lips, but Steph sat up quickly and threw the blankets and covers onto the ground, leaving the bed bare.

I whipped my head to my left to see Stephanie groping herself. And by God, when I said earlier that her tits were as large as Stacy's, I sure as hell meant it. They could barely fit in her hands, they were so massive. In fact, I think they may have been just a little bigger!

"You've got some fuckin' nerve staring at my tits like that, Jackie," Steph smirked at me. Her eyes were ablaze with sexual energy. I gulped at her as sweat continued forming on my neck. Was she mad? Or just angrily horny? Not being able to tell only made me sweat faster. Steph un-groped her tits in question and fastened them to my shorts. "I'd be angry if this fat cock of yours wasn't on my mind since we left the parking lot." She moved her arms and off came my shorts and boxers. They flew against the wall with such ferocity that it made a loud bang.

"And there it fucking is! God, it's huge!" I could barely hear her voice, it was so high-pitched and joyous it hurt my ears. Without hesitation, Steph dragged me by my feet away from the pillow and into the middle of the mattress. "Aunt Stephanie, what are you doing?" The bed shook as she hopped onto her feet and stood above me. I didn't want to look, but I was startled when a drip of water doused my nose. Oh come on, Jackie. Are you really gonna be that naive? That's clearly not water.

I was right. I opened my eyes and saw an absolutely beautiful cooch. An absolutely beautifully wet cooch, to be more precise. More drops of arousal fell down onto my face, making my erection twitch violently. I was so caught up in her folds that I barely noticed her hand come out and point to it. "Y'see that? You have no right to get me this fucking wet. None. Zero." Do you think I wanted to?! The only people who know how much of a pervert I am are the women I've turned into my sluts! I don't want people to know that about me unless they're intent on joining in! Clearly, you are now, but don't act like I was getting you all hot and bothered on purpose!

I stammered at my horny aunt while her wetness continued assaulting my face. "I... I don't know what to say, Steph." She put her arms on the wall above me and eased herself onto her knees before moving herself right above my cock. She looked ready for the ride of a lifetime, meanwhile, I was still confused as to how this was happening. Stephanie lowered herself right onto the tip of my cock, making me moan frailly. Meanwhile, she giggled and stared at me with cocky eyes. "Then don't fucking say anything, Jackie! Better yet, don't do anything besides draining your balls into my wet, needy cunt!"

And she meant that. Steph pinned my arms down and prevented me from moving at all. It scared me a little, but it was also incredibly hot to see a woman use my cock for herself in such a needy way. I was already leaking when she kissed me, but now I was practically pouring my precum out onto my stomach and the bed. The horny woman got onto her knees and pressed my tip in ever so gently, and we both sang in bliss.

"This is the first real cock I've ever had, Jackie. How does it feel to take your auntie's virginity?" Wait, what? You're a virgin? How the fuck does a dastardly sexy girl like you go all these years without getting dicked at least once? I looked at her with surprise while she stared me down with a toothy smirk. "Trust me, hun, I've been saving for somebody special. You should feel honored that your own aunt wanted her first with you."

I... guess? When Regina gave me her first, I felt proud of myself, but this is a 40-something-year-old woman! Do you honestly expect me to believe that this sexy bitch has gone dickless for all these years? And she wants her teen nephew to be the first one to fuck her? Have I been living in a dream this past week? Or have I just been blessed enough to live the dream?

Without hesitation, Stephanie slammed down her wet hole and swallowed me up. She beamed at me while I moaned up into the sky. "Fuck yes! It's better than I hoped it'd be!" Stephanie trembled before falling down onto my chest. She would've hit her nose if her giant tits didn't act like airbags. I trembled along with her, unprepared for how good she'd feel. Surprisingly, she wasn't tight like a virgin. My guess is that she's plowed herself with toys for the past 10 years, hence why she's a bit loose. But her pussy was still hugging my rod like anybody else's.

"Shit, Steph," I wheezed into the air. "We should've done this the second you dragged me into your car." My aunt now started furiously hopping on my lap, making us both squeal with joy. "T-trust me, babe," Stephanie called out, smiling ear-to-ear while moaning like the beautiful slut she is. "I wanted nothing more than to hop into that car you were in and ride you till those nuts were empty. But I figured teasing you to the breaking point would be so much better~ You think that little stunt outside the elevator was an accident?" My body on top of hers came back into my mind. I was so panicked somebody would have found us that I didn't want to savor the moment.

I nodded with my tongue sticking out, salivating at the unbelievably juicy sounds coming from our hips. With my arms still pinned, Stephanie came towards my face and whispered devilishly. "I was getting so wet, you had no idea. If you stayed on me a second longer, I would've fucked you right then and there, Jackie." She began to purr as she sped up, slamming her rear onto me like a piston in an engine. Her weight pushed me down harder and harder into the bed. I was worried we were gonna break it, as the springs squeaked almost as loudly as Stephanie did.

My teal aunt stopped her riding all of a sudden and bent down to my face, still holding my arms above me. A sexy scent washed over my face as she whispered to me. "Jackie, baby," the hottie sang to me and she slowly gyrated on my cock. It felt incredible, even if she was blue-balling me in a way. I wanted to return her devilish energy and whisper back, but she continued breathing her scent onto me as she spoke. What is this? It doesn't smell like estrous, I can tell you that much. Is it some kinda aphrodisiac mouthwash or something? Whatever it was, it made my dick twitch every time I inhaled it.

"Yes, my love?" I answered back to her. I smirked evilly as my aunt's face darkened with arousal. Her blushing was absolutely adorable, and I could tell she wanted to hide it because her arms flinched for just a second. She knew how adorable she was. "Oh, you better not fucking say that, Jackie," she squealed to me, making sure to exhale over my face as much as she could. Better not say that? That's concerning. My face puckered a little at her statement, and I was ready to question her. Stephanie then let go of my hands and clasped hers around my cheeks before leaning onto me.

"If you call me 'your love', I'll have no choice but to be addicted to you~"

Oh, is that right? Without a second to waste, I rushed my hands onto Steph's behind and fastened my claws onto her enormous cheeks, making her moan adorably into my face. Just from my touch, she began to tremble on top of me, leading me to believe she'd really been wanting this. I cleared my throat and answered her with as much gusto as I could muster. "Babe, you can get addicted all you like. This is the only cock you're ever gonna want~"

It seemed like we were both immediately turned on by that, as Stephanie threw her tongue into my mouth the second I started moving her ass up and down again. As the juices of her cunt splashed onto my legs and tail, her saliva splashed all around my mouth. It had a mintiness to it that I couldn't quite explain. It stung when I swallowed it, but I was willing to deal with it if I could be as nasty with this bitch as possible.

Steph got up again and grabbed my arms once more, pinning them up above my head. All of this while still hopping up and down my rod. She furrowed her eyebrows and smirked while panting like no tomorrow. "You... hah... you gonna... f-f-fuuuuck!~" Why yes; I am gonna fuck. I'm gonna fuck that pretty pussy of yours till it hurts! Stephanie had to stop for a moment so she could form her words, as I could imagine her brain was close to shutting off. "Mph! You g-gonna cum yet, baby?~" She asked it as if she wanted it. Desperately. I wish I could've given it to her right then and there, but I wasn't even close yet.

"I've fucked a lot of pussy in my day, Stephanie. You're a natural, but it's gonna take a lot more than that to make me cum~" I don't know where my sudden arrogance came from, but it felt good to say. She was toying with me all that time, why shouldn't I toy with her in return? The teal woman atop me smiled and bowed down, my arms still within her grip. She put her mouth up to my ear and nibbled a bit, making me shudder and moan uncontrollably.

"Oh really? Then how about I get serious?~"

Serious, you say? Before I had time to question what she meant, Steph lifted her ass ever so slightly until only my tip was inside her. The tiny bit of light coming through the blinds shone off my dick thanks to the sloppy juices Steph made. The reflection quickly went away, however, as my aunt's ass-cheeks fell down and obscured the view. She didn't sit all the way down, though. Instead, Steph raised herself back up, my dick almost falling out of her hole. What is she doing?

Steph did this a couple more times before stopping at the very tip of my head. "Hah... well now, are you ready to moan like crazy?" I... uh... sure? I had no idea what my aunt was planning, but I hope it's something amazing. I nodded to the busty demoness on top of me with a confused expression, but I quickly opened my mouth in shock as Steph started moving her hips up and down very quickly on top of me. She was twerking on my dick!

Immediately, I screamed in ecstasy. It was the loudest any woman had ever made me. The intense speed Stephanie was gyrating on me was too much to handle. And since she was still pinning my arms down, I had nothing to muffle my sounds. I was afraid the other tenants were going to hear us. Well, me. Stephanie was just grunting, as it was probably taking a lot of energy to move her body like that. All the while, she continued breathing heavily into my face, filling my nostrils with her sexy scent.

I was at the height of bliss right then. Although only the head of my cock was inside her, the sloppy friction of it was better than when my entire cock was inside her. She was hitting all the right nerves, and she fucking knew it. "Hah..." she wheezed on me, likely as close to orgasm as I was. "You gonna fucking cum, Jackie?" I simply nodded at my aunt while whimpering slightly. "Hnng...!" I couldn't even speak coherent words. All the feeling in my brain was getting sucked out through my dick. The grunt seemed to be enough for Stephanie, as she stopped for a slight second and inhaled greatly.

"Good. I want every single drop of it in me~" Nothing made me happier than hearing that. With a gruff scream, I bucked my hips to the sky the moment Steph slammed her fat, juicy ass down on me. If the neighbors didn't hear my obnoxious moaning, they had to have heard that clap. It was so disgustingly perfect. Though it was honestly drowned out by the chorus my aunt and I both sang to each other. A chorus of unadulterated, animalistic lust.

Stephanie continued to ride me with passion, making sure every strand of my life force was sucked out of me. She giggled happily as more and more of my cum was shot into her. "Mmmph, Jackie," she smiled at me, deviously. My aunt lowered herself until she could rest her muzzle on mine. "I've never been happier in my whole life."

To anyone else, that would sound like something very simple one might say after a night of love-making. But hearing that from Stephanie hit me. It hit me hard. This woman has been through a lot of shit in her life. On top of what she told me in the diner about her upbringing, she lost her brother, my father, nearly 15 years ago. It sent her into an existential panic and she was put into therapy. Finally getting to experience life again after over a decade of solitude, she's now finally ready to live normally. And even better, she's found happiness. Through me. Sure, she's currently grinding my still-erect cock, but Stephanie found joy in life again. All because of me.

I felt a stinging in my eye. It was small, but not small enough to go unnoticed by my aunt. Her eyebrows rose and she ceased moving her hips. "Jackie, are you okay?" The genuine concern in her voice only made me smile. If my hands weren't still in her surprisingly strong grip, I'd squeeze her with all of my might.

"Yes, Stephanie," I whispered to the teal beauty on top of my body. "I'm just so happy you feel that way." In an instant, Steph's mouth curled up like mine. A blush like no other erupted on her cheeks, the heat radiating toward my face. She unclasped my hands and fell down on me, wrapping me in a back-breakingly tight hug. I hugged her back as hard as I could, moaning happily as she did the same to me.

Cum splashed onto my lap as Steph rose her hips, wiggling my cock out of her marinated cunt. She fell back onto me with my cock snuggly resting between her cheeks. Still hard. Very hard. Steph gave me a very sultry gaze as she clenched the muscles in her butt.

With a giggle, she stared me in the eyes and said those wonderful words: "Let's do it again~" I was gonna grab her the second she said that, but Stephanie gripped my shoulders and rolled us over, holding me on top of her. I was shocked by her attitude, though I honestly should've predicted this. Nodding at Steph, I held my lathered dick and pushed into her once again.

"Haa..." my aunt sighed. "I'm gonna fucking drain this cock, Jackie." Oh, I _ bet you are babe._ I'm_ not gonna stop till every drop has been shot out of me._ I wanted to tell her that, but Steph pushed my lips onto hers. I started up my motions again, pounding Steph with all that I had. Admittedly, I was already getting pretty tired, but I wasn't going to pass up this chance.

The hours passed as Stephanie and I did every position in the book. I think. I've never actually read that book. Maybe I'll ask for a Kama Sutra for my 19th birthday. Until now, I'll just stick to what I know from porn, and what I know from Steph. And let me tell you, she really did not let up. She did everything she could to fuck every single ounce of cum out of me. She fucked me at least a dozen times, both holes, for hours. She gave me tit-jobs, blowjobs, handjobs, ass-jobs (which are apparently a thing?); everything. For a woman who has never had sex before, she certainly knew what she was doing. This one lady drained my balls nearly as fast as it took my other ladies when they worked together. Had I known about Stephanie's skills, I would've brought her home to share the love with everyone else.

Once all was said and done, Stephanie flopped down next to me on her bed. Our hair was disheveled, there was cum everywhere, and my groin was on fire. With a deep sigh, my aunt nuzzled into my shoulder and whispered to me. "Thank... you... Jackie..." I would've smiled if I could, but even keeping myself awake was too exhausting.

My eyelids were beyond my control. In the last second they were open, I caught a glimpse at Stephanie's desktop clock. 6:13 am.
