Chapter 26- A Well-Deserved Break

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#26 of Mom & Mum

I don't think I even slept. Well, okay, I did sleep, but I didn't even get to that important part of sleep where you have your dreams. What's that stage called again? I can't even fucking think right now...

The sound of a vintage alarm clock jolted me out of my stupor. Though awake, the only part of my lethargic body capable of moving was my eyes. I could only imagine how bloodshot they were. I tried to sit up, but that was completely out of the question. Luckily, the ringing stopped only moments after my failed attempt. Well, I guess that means Steph's up.

I moved my eyes over to where my delicious aunt sat, hunched over. Her hair was a wreck, and she weakly shook with every motion she made. That was until she flopped back onto the mattress next to me and snuggled up to my side. With a groan, my busty lady spoke up to me.

"Sorry... dear..."

I tried chuckling, but that was almost too much. Instead, I inhaled deeply and used all my might to turn to my left and face her. "Don't apologize... Stephanie," I groaned back to her. "Let's just go back to bed."

Aunt Stephanie whined a little and shook her head. "Don't you have school?" she took a deep breath, nearly as fatigued as I was. She was right, but I couldn't give two shits right now. Graduation is in a week; what work could I possibly be missing? We got our yearbooks, we finished our finals, and started wrapping the whole year up. Honestly, as long as I show up for graduation practice and the ceremony itself, I could just fuck around till then. And fuck around I intend to do. First order of business: sleep.

"I couldn't... care less right now..." I sighed. I kept my eyes closed as I cuddled right up to her, hoping her sexy warmth would lull me back to bed. "We both... deserve a day... off..." I fell back into a state of unconsciousness right after saying that.

I certainly had dreams this time, I just couldn't remember what they were. That seems to have been happening a lot lately. Are my dreams somehow linked to the capacity of my balls?


What the fuck am __I_ even saying?_

A very meaty smell brought me back to the real world. Bacon? No, I didn't hear any sizzling. Turkey? Nah, turkey has a much more subtle smell than that. I peeled my eyes open and turned my head toward Stephanie's nightstand.

Thankfully I had actually gotten some sleep, as the clock read 2:04 pm. School should be over in about an hour. Oh well, it's my day off. I reached over to my phone, which was precariously resting on the edge of the nightstand. I expected another onslaught of missed calls and texts, but it was actually a lot tamer than last night.

In our group chat, there were a number of pictures of the girls getting it on with Melanie. Each of them was thanking me for the gift of another bitch to add to the harem. I smiled as I read a thoughtful message from Morgan.

"I'm not so sure what to say about this sudden inclusion, but if you trust Melanie, so do I. Hopefully, you got enough energy to fuck us all silly once you get back from class, babe. I love you with all of my heart, Jackie!~" [Morgan- 12:32 AM]

Enough energy? Ha. Very funny. If only you knew what was going on. I put my phone face-down on the bed before very slowly getting off. I hadn't touched the floor in over 12 hours, and I was deathly afraid of my legs giving out. C'mon, Jackie. Just put an arm on the nightstand. There ya go, good boy. Now just gently scooch yourself to the edge and plant your paws on the ground. Nice and gentle. And now...

"Well, good afternoon, hot stuff ~" a familiar voice rang. In the doorframe on my right was my enchanting aunt. Her hair seemed a bit longer than usual. Looks like she just got out of the shower. She was still naked, as well. If there was any feeling in my cock, it'd be standing up perfectly right now. I gazed at Stephanie and beamed brightly. "Back atcha, Steph. When did you get up?"

The teal lady delicately danced her way toward me, her massive bust barely swinging at all. She extended a dainty hand, which I embraced, and slowly helped me leave the bed. My legs weren't nearly as wobbly as I was expecting, though walking was still a bit of a challenge.

Steph winked at me before planting a soft kiss on my cheek, followed by a gentle hug. I for one was happy about that. After what she did to me and my cock last night, my bones were probably very brittle. "Hehe, about an hour ago, love. I took the liberty of bringing our stuff to the laundromat. Should be ready by 2:30-ish." She did that for me? This woman is such a sweetheart.

"That's very kind of you, Stephanie," I hugged her back. It felt good to be in her embrace. Especially after last night when I could've nearly died from dehydration. I sniffed myself as my aunt walked back into her living room and recoiled. Eugh._ Speaking of water, I desperately need a shower. An actual shower. Not just an excuse to fuck one of my girls under steamy running water._

Though it was relatively tricky, I managed to get into the hallway and turn left into the bathroom. It was nothing fancy, just like the rest of her apartment, but I liked that. A toilet, sink, and bathtub with a showerhead are all you really need in life. "Oh hey, Jackie," Steph's enchanting voice rang once more. Slowly, I swiveled in place and faced the doorway, which my aunt had now just entered. "If you're gonna shower, love, make sure you do it quickly. I wanted to take you somewhere."

Take me somewhere? Whatever could she mean? Eh, I'll ask when I'm done. Just gotta grab a towel and... wait... if my only clothes are at the laundromat, what am I gonna change into when I'm done showering?

Stephanie, __I_ love you. Very much. But God damn it._

The hot water was amazing, but even more amazing was the extremely fragrant shampoo she had. Yeah, she might kill me for using it, but I had to. If there was any more grease in my hair, I'd be a walking fast-food restaurant. When I'm not plowing one of my lovers, I realize my showers are a lot shorter. Funny how that works, I guess. Anyway, in a couple minutes, I was nice and fresh out of the bathroom with one of Steph's pink towels wrapped around my waist. Embarrassing? A bit, but I'm not gonna cry about it.

Making my way into the living room, the smell of meat from before intensified, and I could now see Steph in her small kitchen putting slices of something on bread, along with cheese and lettuce. She was still naked, which I wanted to question, but honestly, she can do what the fuck she wants. It probably excites her nearly as much as it excites me. My footsteps must've alerted her since she spun around quickly and gazed at me with shining eyes. "Well hello, gorgeous," my sexy aunt whistled to me. I smirked at her before sitting down on the rough sofa.

Devilishly, Stephanie waltzed to me with an evil sway in her hips, no doubt trying to awaken something in me. "You dry, babe?~" she whispered sexily to me, her face nearly on mine. Her tits pressed hard against my ribs, almost pushing me back. It was a simple question, yet it melted me inside. It made me want to go back to bed and fuck her silly. Nervous, I gulped and nodded, to which she silently chuckled.

Steph placed a dainty digit on my right arm and delicately traced it down my bicep, then my forearm, and finally to my hand. Her smaller hand gripped mine and slowly moved it right underneath her steamy cunt. With a gasp, Steph moved up to my ear and spoke like a devilish angel. "That's too bad, cuz I'm not~"

Before I could say anything, Stephanie harshly tugged at my towel, taking it clean off. My sore cock was now on display for her, and she wanted every bit of it. Without a second to waste, she brought one leg over mine and sat on my lap. I winced a small bit, as my groin was still in a lot of discomfort. Despite the pain, my dick hardened itself, fully ready to love my babe once again. I cried out as she ground her damp cooch against it. "Hng...!"

Steph looked at me funny. It's like she didn't even realize what she put me through last night. Her mouth opened, but I spoke before her. "Stephanie, you were like an animal last night. A sexy, ravenous animal, but still an animal, nonetheless." Her ears drooped, and I almost felt bad for a second. Steph sighed and got off my lap, plopping down on the couch to my left.

"Heh, I guess I went kinda overboard, didn't I?" Not even giving myself a second to think, I nodded at her. "Yeah, you did. No 'kinda' about it." Maybe that second part was unnecessary, but it was still true. Even after I couldn't keep up, Stephanie continued to suck and fuck the cum out of me for hours. I'd be surprised if I wasn't sterile after all that debauchery. Though clearly embarrassed, and even a little bit remorseful, Steph was blushing harder than ever. "Jackie," she sighed. "I'm sorry, baby. I was just so excited to finally have sex that... well..." I turned over and placed a hand on my aunt's cheek, lifting her face up to me.

"It's okay, Stephanie," I beamed at her. "I'm just happy that you were happy." My teal lady's pout soon turned into a wide grin. Her eyes sparkled and her ears stood back up. Without warning, Stephanie dove into me and wrapped her arms around my back. "Awww! Thank you so much, Jackie! I love you with all of my heart! You're the best nephew in the whole world!" She began kissing every inch of my face, which I honestly didn't even try to fight. It felt good to receive this much love.

We were going to start making out, but Stephanie's phone started chiming, ruining our immersion. Steph didn't need to look, but she knew what it was. "Aw fuck," she sighed. "That's the laundromat. I gotta pick up our stuff, honey." My aunt jumped off me and ran to her bedroom to put something on. Seeing her bust sway violently from side to side, even from behind, was incredibly sexy. "Do you wanna come with me?" I heard her yell from behind the walls.

For the first time in my life, the thought of getting caught naked sounded... appealing? It was weird. I didn't think I would ever be into exhibitionism, but the idea of it popped up in my head before even thinking of an answer. I liked it, somehow. I tried to think, but images of people gawking at Stephanie and me, together in the car, absolutely bare, flashed through my head.

"Sure, why not?" I got up and found my shoes laying down near the front door. I hadn't considered until now how awkward it was to be completely bare from head to shin. It felt off. Eh, who cares, though, am I right? I'm sure it'll be quick. Steph came back out from her room, only in a pair of purple tennis shoes. I'm not sure how to describe it, but it was equally cute and sexy. She spun adorably and then posed like a cheerleader before beaming at me. "Alright babe, let's go!"

We were able to sneak down the hallway with zero problems. While riding down the elevator, there was this rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. I had no idea why, but it was giving me tingles all over my body. Especially my limp cock. Stephanie could no doubt notice. "Feel that, love?" She put an arm around me and lightly kissed my cheek. "I do this kinda often, and the rush I get is almost euphoric. Feel this." She took one of my shakey hands and moved it to her drooling cunt. It almost felt like I was sticking my fingers in a bucket of water. I shouldn't have been surprised, yet I was.

My aunt and I were ready to floor it as the elevator reached the first story, but my heart sank as the doors opened. Standing in front of us was an elderly couple, absolutely mortified upon seeing our exposed bits. All four of us screamed, each in varied volumes and for varied durations. Before I had the chance to even consider covering my junk, Steph gripped hard onto my hand and sprinted out of the elevator. I was practically dragged through the front lobby, all while surprised at how fast she could run.

It was all a blur, but I could tell there were plenty of other people who were unfortunate enough to have their day ruined by a couple of dumb flashers. Though, in all honesty, how could your day be anything but amazing when you see a rack like Stephanie's? The embarrassment was almost too much to bear, so thankfully we ran to my aunt's beat-up car almost immediately. I had to slow down a couple of yards ahead of it to avoid planting my face into the door. "Heh, how'd you like that, Jackie?" Steph huffed and puffed while leaning against the driver's door. I crouched down and held my head, shaking it in disbelief.

I just did that. I just subjected maybe a dozen random people to that. They did not consent. There were no warnings. I made those unfortunate souls look at my dick, balls, and ass. But even if it was only for a few seconds, it felt amazing. What was wrong with me? I almost loved it!

"I... I don't even know... what so say... babe..." I panted like a dog. The late spring heat did nothing to calm my body. Sweat glistened across our fur, making the car stink to high hell. Stephanie opened the door of her pick-up and motioned me to do the same. We sat in there for a good 30 seconds before my beautiful aunt sighed happily "Yeah, it's just a rush," she exhaled loudly before putting her keys in the ignition.

Wait, where was she keeping them?

Steph put an arm up so she could back up properly before heading out of the lot. I didn't realize until now how uncomfortable it was to sit naked in a car. My aunt grinned at me while trying to keep a sexy face. "I usually do this once every other month." I believe it. Steph's definitely wild enough for that. How she hasn't been arrested yet, though, is beyond me. I guess it doesn't matter too much, anyway.

Not much happened on the way to the laundromat, but the second we got there, someone exited the door and blankly stared at us. He was a guy maybe in his 30s. Red hoodie, tight jeans, rugged green fur, and a pretty nice set of sunglasses. He very slowly approached Steph's side, seemingly bewildered. I turned my head back to my aunt as she put a soft paw on my shoulder. "You sure you don't wanna come inside? Nobody's in there. We could fuck for hours if you wanted to~" While the idea of once again getting caught sounded enticing, I had to decline. I would be mortified for the rest of my life if somebody were to come in while we were getting it on.

"Aw, you're no fun, Jackie," she teased at me before opening her door. Jumping out and grabbing her tits, she stuck out her tongue as she walked toward the pavement. "Where's your sense of adven-?" Stephanie bumped into the green man who was still flabbergasted by our nudity and scoffed at him. "Hey, buddy," she snapped at him. With a confused face, he looked at my aunt in the nipples. "Eyes are up here, you creep." Steph pointed at her face before walking elegantly into the building. And by elegantly, I mean slutily. The massive sway in her birthing hips sent chills of lust down my spine and to my cock. As the doors closed, the man looked back at me with beady eyes.

"Thank God I don't live here."

I almost puked from laughter.

Steph had pulled a large bag out of... seemingly nowhere... and stuffed it with our finished laundry, before skipping back outside. She hummed a beautiful tune while tossing the sack back into the trunk, though she came back with one of her shower robes on. It wasn't fastened and there was no possibility of her monstrously huge tits fitting in there. Even though I've just been talking about her body and not much else, I didn't really take the time to appreciate her beauty until now. As she unlocked the driver's door and flopped back in the car, I gazed at her gorgeous face.

I haven't looked at any pictures of Dad lately, but I could already tell the resemblance he had with his sister. The jawline, the spacing between the eyes, the cute, almost circular nose. I quite literally saw him in Stephanie. It warmed my heart but also put a truckload of guilt on my shoulders. I sighed and shook my head as Steph clamored back into a sitting position.

Though I stared at the parking lot ahead of us, I could practically feel the heat from my aunt's worried gaze. I took in a deep breath and prepared to deflect whatever she threw at me, but I couldn't. Without warning, my eyes started to leak and I slumped to my side, weeping silently. Though fairly quiet, I could feel my diaphragm tearing up my ribs and chest. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, kiddo," Steph uttered in a hushed tone. She undid her seatbelt and shimmied next to me, embracing my side and caressing my arm. "Whatever's going on, my love, ol' Steph is right here for you."

I couldn't stop, even with her help. "I'm sorry," I blubbered to her. "I just can't forgive myself for this." Her caressing increased, as she now began slowly kissing my side while hushing me. "Shh, baby, it's okay. It's okay." Tears continued to fall but at a lower rate. Stepanie's soothing purr worked wonders on me, as to be expected. She's blood-related, after all. Family knows how to help family. While the weight of guilt and shame still bore down on me, the tears at least stopped. I pressed my palm to my forehead and sighed from embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, Steph." She held a dainty finger to my lips to shush me before closing in. "Jackie baby, you got nothing to apologize for."

Oh, but there is. I couldn't hold it in, so I just had to force it out with one long exhale. "I just feel so awful for doing this to the family. I just..." My aunt looked up at me with an innocent gaze. "What do you mean by that, babe?" Please don't call me babe right now; I can't deal with it. As my breath still faltered, I let my voice go on auto-pilot.

"Dad's dead, and look at what I'm doing. I'm fucking his sister like it's nothing."

I couldn't just tell her that I was also banging his wife and sister-in-law. At least, not right now. Maybe I need a therapist, too. Holding in all this shame and possible regret in is definitely not good for one's psyche. Steph could tell how bad it was and pulled me into her. I could tell she was trying to formulate her words, as she just silently rubbed my back and played with my hair. "Jackie..." she sighed, not knowing where to begin.

We spent maybe the next 3 minutes just holding each other, trying to weather out the storm of negative emotions I had caused. Eventually, my busty aunt broke the hug and stared me in the eyes while gripping my shoulders. "Jackie, Roy- I mean, your father was such a good man. And I'm sure he still is in whatever afterlife he may be in. He meant the world to me." I dropped my head a little at the mention of his name, but Steph lightly grasped my chin and held my head up. I couldn't help but fake a smile as her sparkly eyes looked through me.

"Everything he did, he did it out of love. He had a love for everyone, Jackie. I'm sure you remember how nice he was to those around him, right?" I honestly could not say I did. I mean, I did know, but my memories of Dad only go back so far. I can't remember any specific instance of him showing his charity and selflessness, but the notion was still ingrained into my brain. Steph continued. "Even if you can't, it was still the truth. Your dad had a passion for making others happy, simply because he knew it was its own reward. And seeing his family, above all people, happy is what he lived for." I could tell where she was going with this. My aunt lightly pulled my head toward her breast, letting me lay on it.

Steph started to sniffle a little, and a single tear rolled down her face and onto my head. "He..." She took in a large breath and slowly breathed out to me. "He especially wanted me to be happy, second only to Stacy. No matter what had happened, Roy..." She began to sob just as I had. I figured now was my time to console her. I once again wrapped my beautiful babe in a tight hug and purred to her. She eventually wrapped her arms around my back and pulled me in. "Roy wanted to see me smile and be happy... no matter what caused it. And if he's looking down on us right now, he..." The teal beauty unlatched herself from my arms and resumed her grip on my shoulders.

"He might be angry with what he sees, but in the end, he'll be happy, because I'm happy. And so are you, his son."

Though my eyes stung again, I smiled and gave Steph a quick peck on her forehead. Though still recovering, she did the same to me before wiping her eyes. We both collapsed in our respective seats before sighing. This time, however, it was a sigh of relief. We both had our own demons we needed to kick out, and in that moment, it felt like we did.

"I love you, Jackie. I really, truly do." We both sat up simultaneously each gazing at each other through rose-tinted glasses. "I love you too, Stephanie," I spoke to her. I had readjusted myself back into a proper sitting position, as did Steph, and we both put on our seatbelts. Our alone time was wonderful, but now it was time to get back to civilization.

We arrived back in the lot of Steph's apartment, but before we got out, she leaned toward me. "I had been meaning to ask you something, by the way, Jackie," Stephanie stared at me with a less-than-happy face. I swallowed silently and gestured to her. "Shoot." I could hear her swallow now, too, and her ears lowered down as she donned a regretful look. "I didn't make you do anything you didn't want to do last night, did I?" Um. Well, technically, she did. But then again, so did Morgan. And Stacy. And most of the girls. I didn't really consent to have this kind of relationship with them all. But to be honest, I couldn't care less! I have been happier in these past 7 days than in my entire life!

"Steph, in all honesty," I said as she raised a single eyebrow, staring me down cautiously. "At first you did, but I was totally going to make a move if you didn't." To say that I saw fireworks in her eyes was a total understatement. It was as if a nuclear explosion of happiness reflected across her eyes. A squeal of unbridled joy escaped my busty babe as she jumped at me and hugged me with the force of a deity.

"OHMYGODI'MSOHAPPYJACKIEITHOUGHTIMADEYOUSOUNCOMFORTABLE-" I had to pry the woman off me before I'd get pulped. With all of my strength, I got my hands between Stephanie and me and pushed her away.

Luckily she didn't clamp back down on me but instead gave me a sloppy smooch on the forehead before giggling. "Shit, I'm sorry, Jackie. I'm just... I'm so happy you accepted that all. I know it's wrong and all, and I swear I didn't find you just to get into your pants, but I just needed you at that moment." I reciprocated Steph's spine-crushing hug from before, making sure to press our bodies close. We both purred delicately. I wasn't sure why, but getting this comfortable with my aunt was making me feel... teasing, I guess is the right word. I wanted to tempt her as much as she tempted me all day yesterday.

"By the way, Steph," I whispered before breaking the hug. Her ears rose up ever so slightly. "The answer's yes." The confusion on her face was precious. Her innocent, pondering expression was too cute for words. Stephanie opened her mouth, about to question me, but I continued. "The question you asked me last night; if I had ever thought about fucking Stacy's brains out. The answer is yes, I have." My aunt closed her mouth immediately, but not before her eyes widened and her cheeks filled with rosy embarrassment. "O-oh, I s-see," the teal babe stuttered, clearly unsure of what to say.

"And I have fucked her brains out, too," I said, nonchalantly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a slight smirk on her bewildered face. It was absolute gold, I tell you. Gold! "Y-you're fuckin' with me, right?" I grinned deviously and spoke to my beautiful whore. "Nope, not at all. I've pounded her pussy too many times to count. Do you wanna see proo-?" I was cut off immediately, as Steph jumped toward me again with sparkles in her eyes and squealed. "YES, OF COURSE I WANNA SEE PROOF!"

I unlocked my phone and went into the gallery, showing my busty aunt a sexy pic of Stacy bouncing her fat ass on my cock. "We did it for the first time about 3 days ago. Haven't stopped since." Stephanie motioned for the phone, which I soon gave to her shakey hands. "H-ho-holy..." Her jaw was agape, and she could only look at her sister-in-law's juicy rear. A single drop of drool dripped from her mouth, and I could only assume her cunt was drooling tenfold. Her cheeks rosied up and I could practically feel the warmth of her face from a foot away. "To think," she spoke quietly. "To think my own sister is such a sexy woman..." Now I could actually smell the wetness from her loins, and the smell told me she wanted Stacy.

"But that's not all, love," I devilishly grinned at Steph. Taking the phone back, I swiped to the left a couple of times and gave the phone back to her. Now she was looking at a shot of me fucking Morgan's ass raw. "Heh, that's my stepmother. She's also the one who took my v-card." Steph turned her head to me faster than a bullet. "No way," she gasped, her eyes sparkling. I chuckled quietly and gave her the deets. "Yep. Woke up to her sucking my cock a couple of hours after midnight on my 18th birthday, which was exactly a week ago." My aunt slowly took her robe off while still sitting, letting her enormous tits fall free. "And we just went on from there. Stacy actually came onto me the day after." The dripping from her mouth and her pussy continued, but even faster.

"And another." I swiped to the left, where a picture of me kissing Rachael as I came inside her was next. "That lovely lady is Stacy's younger sister, Rachael. You remember her, right?" Now Stephanie's expression morphed from lust to shock. "Fucking seriously?!" I couldn't tell if the loudness in her voice was from anger or not. My ears lowered instinctively and my heart rate slowed, but only before Steph blushed and spoke again. "Not only do you have two incredibly sexy mothers, but too incredibly sexy aunts as well?!" I spat out what little saliva I had in my mouth. "Bahaha! Jesus, Steph!" I was gonna tell her how prideful she was, but she flung herself to the driver's side and began fingering both of her holes with her back to the door. _Jesus, Steph. _I wanted to let her continue her performance, but she spoke out to me between moans. "K-keep... mph... going..."

"Oh, trust me, we're not done yet. This is Regina, or Gina, as we like to call her." Swiping once again, Steph was now looking at a POV shot of me cumming between the orange creamsicle's fat tits. Steph's mouth was once again agape, and I could faintly see her heart-shaped pupils shrink down. "Holy fucking... fuck!" The teal lecher increased the number of fingers in her pussy and ass to three, getting even more into it. My cock was nearly ripping through my boxers at this point. I wanted to tease her a little, but she spoke out again in a flustered frenzy. "How the... mhhhh... nngg... h-h-how the f-fuck can a w-woman have t-t-t-tits... ahn! ...that huge...!?" She almost couldn't take it anymore. I was only halfway through showing her the harem and she was already gonna explode.

Like an enthused infomercial spokesman, I gave my aunt the good ol' "But wait, there's more!" I jumped ahead and showed her a picture of Tara licking and sniffing my nuts while precum ran down my cock and through her hair. "That's Tara, my English teacher." Stephanie stared intensely at my teacher's face, her pupils practically morphing into hearts, and bit her lip. "Huff..." my aunt groaned. She seemed hungry, and I couldn't blame her. It seems the only women I know in my life have an insatiable appetite for cock.

"Here's my childhood friend, and first love, Deborah," I suavely spoke to my oozing aunt, before showing her a pic of me fucking the cheetah's mouth and busting my load down her throat. Steph pouted depressingly and slowed down the assault on her holes. "Haaaah... y'know, sometimes I envy girls with normal tits. You know how hard it is to lug these jugs around all the time?" I panned my sight to my aunt as she began squeezing them sexily before shoving a nipple in her mouth. I could almost smell the precum leaking from my tender shaft. She gave me a luscious wink before popping her mouth off of her huge tits. "Keep going, Jackie~"

"This mature lady is Francine; Gina's mother." I went to a picture of me ruining her throat while she scissored with her daughter. I remember taking that pic the other day, but I didn't really have the time to appreciate how hot it was. Should I feel bad for effectively ruining the Abbyssia family dynamic? I don't know yet, but at least Steph was loving it. "No! Fucking! Way!" If she wasn't going all out on her poor cunt right already, she was practically abusing it now. Forget whatever style or grace Stephanie had going on; she was stretching, slapping, and squeezing that shit! "You got her to fuck her mother, too?!" I stared down my slut of an aunt, her fist squelching around inside her damp pussy. I gave her a sly grin and snickered. "Seems I have that kind of effect on people~"

There was one last pic I had to show my lovely lady, who looked like she was about to pop, "And finally, this is Melonie. She's the principal of my school." I went to the most recent picture in my gallery, a shot of Mel deepthroating my cock like her life depended on it while simultaneously gushing juices from her steamy pussy. It looked good enough to drink. One look at Steph told me she was ready to burst. And burst she did, as her pussy practically combusted with orgasmic bliss. "Aaaaahhhhh! Fuck, Jackie!" she screamed at me while squirting everywhere.

"J-Jackie..." Stephanie stared me down, with lust like nothing I had ever seen before permeating through her eyes. "I-I had no idea you were s-such a... a..." She couldn't finish. It seemed she didn't have any intent on it, either, as she immediately pounced onto me and growled with excitement. I wasn't gonna have it. I managed to wrestle the horny bitch off of me and onto her back, pinning her down with little effort. "Such a stud? A beast? A sex deity?" I scoffed at her.

"Yes! Yes, all of the above!" She squealed happily under my grasp. I put a hand under my shorts and pulled my cock out, dripping pre all over her stomach. Steph shivered with delight and pulled my hair to get me up in her face. With the sexiest bedroom eyes I had ever seen in my life, my aunt whispered to me so elegantly. "Now show me how a lustful, unbridled sex monster like you owns his women~"

Oh ho, she was not prepared for this.