Ryan & Matthew Part 1

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#4 of Stories

Gravel crunched as a car pulled into a parking space for a local grocery store. The heat, although bearable, was still hot as the sun shone down brightly on the hood, shining in the mother's favorite shade of green. A mother of 25 turns off the engine, looking back at her two little cubs in the backseat, the heat sort of getting to her. "Now I want you two to behave today. I am just here to get a few things, and I don't want you two making a scene and causing a ruckus like usual. Understand?" The two cubs nodded, and when she looked to the front again, they grinned to each other. As it turns out, me, Katie, who is a black cat, always say I am only 'going to get a few things', but we always end up spending hours at the grocery store. My kits, Ryan, (a fox of 3 years of age), and his slightly older brother Matthew, (a otter of 4 years of age), love it. They have always loved going to the store with me.

Ever since they were both adopted and taken to the store for the first time when Ryan was 2 and Matthew was 3, they have anticipated their next visit every day. I take the keys out of the ignition and prepare to disembark my eager cubs from their car seats. Opening my door, I step out into the warm summer air, my foot-paw coming to rest on the hot pavement, which was quite smooth for having been out in the sun for so long. Having tough footpads, the heat didn't really bother my feet. What the heat really bothered was my all black body. People often say that curses are going to be put on them if I cross paths with anyone, but then they say they are joking afterward, and I know they mean it. Reaching down for the door handle, I notice I got my cubs attention, as they are both staring intently at the window.

My paw comes to rest on the handle anticipating heat, and when it touched, it was just as I expected. I jerked my paw back. "Ouch! Hotter than I expected. This place is just like Florida". Getting the door open on my second try, both of my sons look at me and smile, trying not to show on their faces that they had been trying to do naughty things on the way over here. "Are you two ready?", she says, sniffing the air for any scent of soiled diapers. They both nod and happily wait for their mother to stop sniffing and start getting them out. They wanted freedom, dang it, not the confines of their car seats. Even though they didn't like their car seats much, they did prove handy for one thing, and I know this to be true; making their pee and poo snuggle up tightly against their bodies, despite their already snug and fit diapers that I placed on them.

You see, they both loved their bodily wastes and fluids, often playing with their own and each other's in their bedroom all the time, as well as anywhere else they could get away with it. I was aware of this fact, having peeked in their bedroom sneakily all the time, as well as catching glimpses of this act in the rear view mirror. They often liked to slide their own poo out of their diapies and into their paws. I didn't mind this at all. Wipes did come in handy during those times.

Unsnapping Matthew's car seat, I lift the front over his head and happily pick him up, setting him down on the ground next to me, seeing a big smile on his face. Next I unbuckle Ryan's car seat, trying to stop making him wiggle everywhere, while I pick him up. "All right all right, you can see your brother in a moment. Here." I set him down next to Matthew on the pavement, the heat obviously not bothering them. They both give each other a big smile, then a loving, brotherly hug. Aw-wing at this cute scene for a moment, I go ahead and quickly snag my purse and car keys, close both doors swiftly, and make sure they are locked. As soon as the doors are closed, I quickly remember one thing I forgot. "Doh, forgot the diaper bag".

Fetching my keys from my pocket, I open the door back up, a heat blast rushing to my face. "Whew!" Quickly grabbing the diaper bag, I close the door again and hope the car doesn't melt in this heat. "All right, are you ready for a fun time at the store?" Both of my sons nodded happily, probably wondering why I didn't clothe them, seeing the looks on their faces. Having only adopted them last year, I have gotten to know them to a T in a very small amount of time. "Be careful of cars now, watch where you're going, look both ways!". My motherly instincts kick in and I bark out, (well, not really) precautions to them. My sons suddenly seem to have quite a bit of spring in their step as we walk to the front door. "And what makes you suddenly so happy guys?" "We love wearing only diapies", they say in their cute voices.

I smile at this, making sure they get across the road safely. I know they found clothing to be too un-comfy at times. In fact, I had been trying to hold a secret from everyone else around here. I let them run around naked in the house all the time, and when they had to go, they used their special litter box I bought just for them, in the corner of the living room. For the rest of the house, I left newspapers around, so they could go freely. They found this to be quite free and fun. Even though they loved their diapers, they did love to go naked too. Often, they sniffed each other's pee and poo while going in the litter box, giggling, and sometimes drank and ate it. I was very aware of this fact, as they didn't seem to be shy around me at all. When I adopted them, I was told a very amazing story.

You see, they were both back on Earth just like I was, and they got into a car accident with their parents when they were a year younger from their current age. I was told they had been found in the woods, naked, wondering where they are. The thing is, they are both from different families, and they never knew each other on Earth. When you die and decide to come here, (you simply have to wish it), you are transformed into whatever animal you loved the most on Earth. It's quite amazing. I was a big cat person myself, hence why I am a black cat.

I firmly grab onto Matthews little paw, while his other paw has a firm grip on his little brother's, the diaper bag in my other free paw. Matthew had to reach up quite a bit to grab my paw, but it wasn't uncomfortable for him. Thankfully, I had long arms, so I could reach down quite a ways. The cool air from the store met us all, a big relief from the hot summer day, despite it being early in the morning. I quickly grab a cart, letting go of Matthew's paw. Putting the diaper bag in the cart, I firmly grab onto the handle and walk through the sliding glass doors: what my sons liked to call the 'whoosh' doors from the sound they made.

Looking behind me, I made sure my kits were following me. Indeed they were, holding each other's paws, how cute. I know for a fact that they did really like sitting in the cart, and I wondered if they were gonna ask me. Much to my displeasure, they did; Running quickly in front of me to get my attention, they stopped JUST as I pulled the cart to a stop, almost hitting them. They made this kind of silly mischief all the time, so I was used to it. I did still try to look firm and stern as I suddenly shouted, "BOYS!" (which made them both wince), but when they started giving me puppy dog eyes, and seeing some tears welling up, my heart melted. "Aww, come here, I know what you guys want".

I picked up Matthew first, making sure his little hind-legs went through the holes. When he was all set and comfy, I picked up Ryan, giving him a quick lap on his cute lil nose, and set him down next to his brother, making them a pair again. They both then wrapped their arms around each other and hugged tight, making me smile. I knew alot more about them than they thought I did. I knew they were gay, and had no problem at all with it. In fact, I found it adorable. Any 'experimenting' they wanted to do with each other was fine with me. I wasn't one of those mothers who thought being gay was a sin and that you were going to Hell. I laughed at that kind of stuff. Isn't that why we were given free will?

I didn't think cub sex was wrong either. Hell, if my adopted kits ended up doing the humpy humpy, I wouldn't mind. If I caught them, I would just smile and watch, and possibly finger myself at the same time. I found gay couples to be extremely cute and hot, especially gay CUB couples. Yeah, I did find myself attracted to cubs, both male and female, and in this galaxy, thankfully, I won't get arrested for that.

All these thoughts cloud my head as I try to think of what I need. 'Arg, gotta think straight!' Trying to clear my mind of my kits love for each other, the first thing I needed popped into my head. "Ah right, we need some peanut butter and jelly!" "What do you say to that, guys?" I smile down at them, awaiting their usual reaction to the mention of PB&J. To my surprise though, when I looked down, I caught them giving a light peck on the mouth to one another. I didn't say anything though, just smiled. As if from a delayed signal, their ears finally caught what I said. "PB&J!!!", they squealed loudly. "SHH, quiet down guys" They both meeped, quickly covering their maw's cutely. "Sowwy" "Let's get a move on"

Pushing the cart forward after standing next to the doors for so long, I looked at the signs for the right aisle, while my sons were at it again. This time, they were kissing, while their paws were roaming all around inside each other's diapers. I just chuckled, then hoped we wouldn't pass anyone during this moment. Surprised at myself for letting my cubs be so open in a public grocery store, my motherly side kicks in and goes against it, but before I could say anything out loud, my other side told it to shut up.

I didn't have the heart to stop them anyway. If they loved each other, then who am I to punish them? Good thing there was hardly anyone here, as it was a Sunday, early in the morning, and nearly everyone was in church now. 'Goodness, the things my cubs are doing right now is heavily looked down upon in churches' Looking around, I suddenly feel like I am back on Earth, and everything that is going on right now is wrong. 'Why is that...', I wonder.

Steering the cart down the right aisle finally, I slow my pace, telling myself that I am not in a rush, no matter what I told my cubs. I allow my surroundings to awaken my senses and vision, and suddenly I am looking at every item on the shelf next to me, from candy to soda, having stopped the cart at the beginning of the aisle. Positioning the cart correctly, I stand right in front of my cubs, looking at the shelves, so nobody would be able to see them, accepting the fact that..... 'oh, they are only lapping eachother's noses'. 'Well, I don't see why anyone would object to that'. I loosen my body a bit, trying to calm myself, realizing suddenly how tense I am.

'Calm down'. My inner voice suddenly spoke out. 'This isn't earth anymore, you gotta remember that'. That sentence makes me happier than I was a second ago. 'You gotta remember how people are around here. Cubs kissing or even having sex isn't a felony here. It's allowed'.'And Katie, remember, there are no churches in this galaxy. Your thoughts a second ago on that matter were wrong. Religion is pretty much obsolete here' "Ah yeah", I suddenly say out loud. "I felt like I was on earth a minute ago"

I look back at my cubs and smile, realizing I had been looking at a box of Andes Mints this whole time. I put it back on the shelf, only to change my mind and put it in the basket, seeing my sons looking at each other with love in their eyes. "Ah what the heck, nothing wrong with straying off the shopping list" "Besides, Andes Mints were one of my favorites back on earth." After my inner self pushed reality back into my mind, I felt a lot braver and more cheerful than ever before.

Ryan and Matthew were confused at their mom's sudden cheerfulness, but they liked it anyway. Ryan looked back into his brother's eyes again after getting startled by mom, and smiled. Matthew smiled back. They both held paws, squeezing them tight. "I w-w-love you", Ryan suddenly said, shocking his older brother. 'He didn't say wuv!', Matthew thought. Looking into his younger brother's eyes, he giggled, unsure what to say at his brother's more grown up speak, getting nose to nose with him. "I love you too", he says with a playful lap on Ryan's nose.

As they wrapped themselves around each other and engaged in another kiss, they felt their bladders release, and they gently peed in their diapers, getting all warm and cozy. The lighting in the store comforted them as it shone down on them, making them sort of glow compared to their surroundings.

Letting my kits be, I simply pushed the cart along, not really caring now if anyone saw. The wheels squeaking as we moved didn't drown out the kissing sounds coming from below me as I steered the cart towards our next destination..aisle 4! A scent wafted up to my nose as we moved along...I knew that scent anywhere. I took my right paw off of the handle, reached down, and gave them both a grope to the front of their diapers. Feeling them shiver, I smiled, rubbing their small sheaths through the thick fabric.

The lighting suddenly changed as we entered into a different part of the store, the mood of the place making me and my kits happy as they kissed some more, my right paw going back onto the handle. Kissing was probably their favorite thing to do, besides rubbing each other all over. Suddenly remembering what I first needed to get, I slap my forehead. "Duh, I forgot to go get peanut butter and jelly, you guys distracted me!" They both looked up from their kissing at this sentence, giggling.

Turning the cart around, I head back in the other direction, looking at the signs for the words *peanut butter*, if there was any, wondering if I passed it or if it's further ahead in the other direction. "Aha!" Spotting the words *butter* on the aisle 9 sign up ahead, I steer it down the back aisle, passing the freezer section along the wall. The cold air blew against us, competing with the already chilly temperature in the store itself. As Aisle 9 draws closer to us, a old memory suddenly rushes back into my brain. I go into a sort of blackout, my world suddenly disappearing before my eyes. "What's going on??", I call out, scared and panicking. Voices suddenly whisper in my ear. "You have been a very bad girl, Katie" "Yes, you have".Those voices, they sound familiar...

Like a watercolor painting coming to life, a store much like the one I was in draws itself around me, putting me inside the painting, inside this old memory. Or was it a memory? Reality clashes with hallucinations as my brain scrambles to sort things out in a hurry. I appear, standing in a long store aisle, much like a copy of the one I was just in. Raising my paws up, I see that they are..... human hands?? My old human hands. "Whuuuu", I sort of slur, really confused now. Looking over the rest of me, I confirmed it. I was in my old human body. At least for this memory..if it was one.

"Katie, will you come with me please?" I whirl around, but then noticed it wasn't coming from behind me, it was coming from up ahead. Following that familiar voice, I end up in...Aisle 9, and see a surprise before me. I watch as a copy of myself stands before me, the manager talking to me. "Katie katie", he says in a sort of hushed voice, so none of the customers could hear. "Why have you done this to me? I thought you were a good worker and then I find out..." He stopped for a minute, as if not daring to say something, then continued in a quieter voice. "...find out you have been touching little girls and boys in the store inappropriately. I am quite shocked at you."

Hearing this with my own ears, I have a sort of shocked look myself, as well as my copy. I strain to remember when this happened. "Maybe we should go back to my office to continue this. Please follow me" I follow behind them, knowing they couldn't possibly see or hear me. If my old self back on Earth saw a clone, I would probably freak my Earth self out.

Walking through the aisles after them, I look at all the old Earth brands, being able to taste the soda we were passing. The lighting in this store seemed to be exceptionally bright...too bright even. Everything seemed to glow brilliantly. I guess that's what I get with a memory. Even though it was bright, I didn't even need to squint.

Arriving at the office, a few people stared as all of us entered into it, almost getting the door slammed in my face. Thankfully, I found I could walk right through it. "Cool" The manager, who's name I remembered was Anthony, told me to sit down. I looked at myself, seeing total fear on my face, and felt as though I could see through my old eyes, as if this was going to happen all over again. "Katie...I...have some bad news for you. I don't really want to do this, but after what I have been seeing recently, I must. I already took precautions and had police raid your house for any pedophile stuff on your PC. The results I got back from them...were quite astonishing. They indeed found alot, and now I must.." Before he finished his sentence, I had burst into tears, my hands up to my face. He continued as if he didn't care. "...fire you. I guess I will have to find a better worker. One who isn't a pedophile. The police also say that you must go to court where you will have a hearing, and you might possibly go to jail. The hearing is this Saturday. Be there, or you will be in even more trouble. And due to your nastiness, you won't even get a final check from me. Good day. Please leave now"

Remembering what happens next, I quickly move out of the way as my Earth self stands up so fast, I'm like a blur. I wrench open the door, tears streaming down my face, and I slam the door so hard the glass shatters. Apparently I was in too much despair to actually care. Before my Earth self is even out the front door, I have various workers running after me, shouting at me to stop. Quickly following my old self, I walk through the door, now shattered, while the manager runs after me too, stomping through the glass all over the floor. All of the workers had me surrounded next to the front door, as if I am a wild dog waiting to attack. With my tear ridden face, which was now red, I sure looked like one. I saw the manager take out his cellphone swiftly from his vest pocket. As he dialed some numbers, my Earth self looked even more worried. What happened next, I didn't really want to see, but I had to.

"Yes, this is Anthony, the manager, down here at the Publix on University Boulevard and State Road 436. I, meaning me and all of my wonderful workers" he grinned at everyone after saying this.what a retard. "...have an emergency here. Seems I have a disgruntled worker here, who also shattered my glass door in a most unpleasant way. She is also wanted by the police.." My Earth self screamed out loud. "FUCK YOU!"..."and she also just swore at me, as you might have just heard. tsk tsk. I would like it if you could send down some of your men to come take her away right now"

Seeing this memory replayed all over again was quite saddening. Knowing what was going to happen was even sadder. I wanted to forget my past life, but this memory didn't seem to want me to forget. Before my Earth self could do anything else, two police cars were already in the parking lot. I guess one was to take me away, and the other one was to make sure I didn't get away. I knew I was going to resist, I never did go out without a fight. When the police came through the front doors, they were greeted with the same sight I was seeing. They didn't even need to ask who was the troublemaker. Everyone was surrounding me, the ravaging tiger. How could you not tell? Anthony then pointed to me and said something to me I will never forget. "YOU CUNT! TAKE HER AWAY!" This made me even angrier, but before I could do anything, the policemen had their strong arms wrapped around me, dragging me away. I screamed and kicked, and managed to kick one of the workers in the chin. Serves him right for standing so close. Being a tough girl, I actually managed to get out of the policemen's grip, while snatching up one of their guns from the closest holster i could reach. I stood before them, aiming it at them, my hands quivering, while they all stood back, looking shocked.

"You....you...no one has ever cared about me in this world" I turn and face Anthony. "I can't believe you would do this to me. Why, why??" Tears were streaming down my face again, blurring my vision, the gun almost ready to fall out of my hands, I was quivering so much. The policemen took quick action, and the rest of them pulled out their guns, aiming it at me. "Put down the gun miss, and everything will be alright." "NO, EVERYTHING IS NOT ALRIGHT!", I shouted, sobbing now. "All my life I have wanted someone to accept me and love me for who I am, but all I got was bullshit and rejection! Why can't I be loved for who I am..why, why...". I trailed off, looking back and forth between the policemen and Anthony. "I..I hate you all!". I knew what was gonna happen next, and I never thought I would see it myself. I watched as my finger slowly but surely began pulling the trigger. I knew it was loaded, and I didn't really want to watch anymore, but my eyes remained open. The remaining customers, the ones who didn't already run out the door, had gathered to the far side of the store, all of them in a panic.

The police had obviously saw my finger getting ready to blow the gun, and they retaliated. BAM BAM BAM. They all shot at me at once, and I watched with sad eyes. My Earth body, now full of bullets, fell face forward, dead. The gun flew out of my hands, hit the sliding glass doors, and thankfully didn't go off. I saw the look on my face before I fell, it was one of emotion and shock.