Unifursity Extracurricular

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#13 of One Shots

Well I'm not sure how often I'll write stories involving messing, it's not that I don't like it but my feelings towards it are complicated. In any case it's really hard to write too but I hope you enjoy! @w@

Splicer shifted in his seat. He couldn't find a comfortable position, each movement he made was accompanied with a subtle but still audible crinkle. The wolf had no idea what he was thinking when his friend convinced him to wear a diaper to his classes the night prior. Honestly he wasn't thinking, too busy holding his wand up to the front of his pamper, straining hard against the bars of his then vibrating cage. Sadly for him, the bars were now still. Pressing against the front of a fresh diaper, hidden well by his baggy sweatpants. He finished the lesson off, managing to keep his paws on his computer's keyboard for the most part when the professor dismissed them all. As the pink badger was leaving he turned back and addressed the class with a final note.

"Oh I forgot to mention there will be another student in shortly to perform a quick survey for his psychology paper. Attendance is optional, of course, but anyone who participates will be excused from Friday's class."

It was a tempting offer, but Splicer had some work he wanted to get done, as well as a rising need for the bathroom welling up inside him. He shoved his books into his bag, but when he saw who came in the door, he decided he could wait a little while longer. It was a taller canine than he was, chocolate coloured fur with one ear half cocked. He had always wished his gray coat was that smooth and luscious. Theirs was practically shining. Jam was their name. He talked to them, once or twice in passing. Probably at some random house party he snuck into for the drinks. Jam placed his laptop on the desk and looked around the room with a confident smile. He scanned the room. Not too many furs stayed, to his disappointment. But still there was a large enough sample size for him to get what he needed.

"Alright everyone, I'm going to pass around a piece of paper. If you can put your email on it I'll send you the file and we can get started." Jam said as he handed a page to the hedgehog in the front row. Pencils and pens moved as the paper was passed from one paw to another, finally Splicer put his email down, before realizing he was the last one to sign. He felt his ear fold a bit as he got up from his seat and tried his best not to let his legs rub against the diaper. He couldn't even make eye contact as he gave the dog the paper back, he swore he saw the dog's ear's twitch with every light crinkle he made. But it had to be his imagination, had to.

"Perfect! We'll get started right away then." Jam started quickly typing on his keyboard, sending every fur his survey, about a dozen names in total.

Splicer opened the file he was sent, brushing off the embarrassing encounter to the best of his ability. Despite his efforts he couldn't help but feel his cage tighten at the idea that somehow the dog knew what he was wearing down there. He looked at the pdf he opened, filling in the usual categories that come with surveys. Name, Splicer. Age, 25. Species, wolf. Occupation, student at Unifursity. Then he looked down at the first question.

Do you sleep well at night? There were bubbles he could click to give his answer. He bit his lip, he usually slept better on nights when he wore a diaper to bed than when he didn't. He clicked the sometimes button. It's not that the unpadded sleep was bad, just that he stayed up tossing and turning some nights which never happened when he was diapered. He always slept like a baby.

The next few questions passed by rather easily, just general lifestyle questions. Splicer looked up from his computer. All the other furs seemed completely bored. The black wolf sitting next to him looked about ready to pass out. Eyes glassy and glazed over. Then he scrolled down to the next page, his heart skipped a beat.

Have you thought about using a pacifier to help you sleep? Splicer's knee hit the table. He stood up and looked around.

"Something wrong?" Jam asked, raising one eyebrow with his paws crossed across his chest.

"The hell kind of question is this?" Splicer asked, quivering a little.

"All the questions in the survey are completely normal and integral to my research but if the questions make you uncomfortable you're more than free to leave." Jam shot Splicer down, leaving him feeling even smaller than before.

Splicer sat back down, grumbling as he hovered his mouse over the option for no, but he couldn't bring himself to click it. Instead as if he couldn't stop his paw from moving it went up the screen and clicked on next. He had considered using a pacifier, he could just imagine that steady rhythmic motion, bobbing in and out as he drifted off to sleep. Maybe it would be nice to try.

Have you ever wet yourself while asleep? Splicer clicked no, he had never wet the bed. Only when he was too lazy to get up and he was already diapered. That didn't count though, did it?

Would you consider wearing a diaper? Splicer felt his ear fully flatten as he pressed a paw below the desk, feeling the crinkling plastic just on the other side of his sweatpants. His tip was rubbing the soft fabric, pre dribbling out and quickly soaking into the front of his diaper. He could picture the small wet spot beginning to form on the front. He slowly rubbed it as he kept reading the question over and over again.

Would you consider wearing a diaper?

Would you consider wearing a diaper?

Would you consider wearing a diaper?

The words were burning into his mind. He broke away from the rubbing and reading long enough to look over to the wolf on his right. Their mouth was hanging open, drool dripping from their muzzle at a steady pace, right onto their lap. He must have been drooling a while judging by the stain there. Unless it was something else. Splicer quickly turned back to the screen and squinted. A nearly imperceptible change in the shade in white slowly spun around a few key words.


Wet yourself


In between each question were words barely legible to the wolf's keen eyes but he could guess what they said. Probably be a good baby, relax, all that dumb hypno stuff. Good thing he was great at keeping subliminal tricks from affecting him. He clicked yes, a little thank you popped up on the screen and he closed the survey. He felt a little smug. Every fur in the class was in the same dumbed-down drooling state of the wolf beside him. Every fur except him. He walked up to the equally smug dog sitting in the teachers chair at the front of class.

"Finished your stupid little survey. Thanks for the day off." Splicer said triumphantly.

"Awww don't be mean, I worked really hard on it." Jam replied with mock sadness.

"I mean you know I'm already into them anyway, you don't need to hypnotize me for that?"

"Is that why I heard you crinkling earlier? You should show me, little pup."

"See?" Splicer dropped his sweatpants without even thinking about it, the little animals playing around on the front of his diaper were in full view of the smug dog, as were all the fade when wet paws. "Shit!"

Splicer pulled his sweatpants back up, realizing some of the hypnosis might have affected him more than he thought at first. His mind must have been worn down but those subliminal messages after all.

"Still dry? Good job little pup! But I can see how much strain your mind is under in there. Why do you keep resisting? Playing pretend? Wouldn't you be much happier like all your classmates over there?" Jam stood up, walking over to the wolf, firmly pressing their paw to the front of their diaper. "Oh a little cage down there? Puppy bits all locked up?"

"Yes, I mean no..." Splicer felt the conditioning start to sink in deeper and deeper, his whole mind was begging to submit, give in, join his classmates... his classmates! He balled up the rest of his dwindling free will into his throat. "My classmates... the-the other ones! I'll bring them to you and you can hypnotize them instead! Just let me go and they'll all be yours!"

"Oh trust me, they will be mine soon enough, but here and now, I just want you. And you want to be mine, don't you puppy?"

The word puppy drilled into the wolf's skull, Splicer felt that balled up resistance fall away down into his stomach. Then his knees began to quiver and he fell down to them, keeping himself up on all fours.

"No... please..."

"Good puppy..." Jam leaned down, cooing the words directly into the wolf's mind. Splicer shivered, pure bliss ran down his spine, then through his sheath until he was dribbling all his brain power into the front of his diaper. His IQ faded away in time with the paws on the front of his pamper, slowly dissapearing, dissapearing, gone.

"N-notta pubby..." the drooling wolf had to focus on stringing together a single thought, and even then it was barely coherent.

"Seems like someone's still a little fussy puppy! I think I know what it is though~" Jam sang to the wolf. "You still gotta go potty don't you!"

Splicer couldn't quite understand what was being said but the dog's tone of voice made him happy. His head nodded and his tail wagged. The last vestiges of his free will are still trapped in his tummy, but that didn't feel right anymore. Splicer balled his paws, scrunched his face up and his tail stood straight up in the sky. Something still didn't seem quite right though. His tail retreated between his legs, the pressure in his tummy. It was telling him not to give in. His free will was screaming at him, making his head hurt. But he bit his lip, feeling his tail slowly hike back up. It was too much, he had to push that free will out and be a good puppy. That's why he was so pupset! A grunt escaped his lips as he pushed his useless free will out into his diaper like a good puppy, leaving a large lump in his seat. I was warm and mushy, it felt so good, finally his head and tummy felt better without it anyways. His tongue lulled out, relaxing completely. Free of all the annoying weight in his head. It was all down in his seat now. He let out a light giggle, then a moan as he pressed one paw to the front of his diaper, groping his cage before slowly trailing it down towards the back giving it a light squish.

"Well that's one good puppy!" Jam praised the dumb wolf. Helping him fry his brain more by using his foot to dig the wolf's paw harder onto the back of his well used padding. Splicer fell forward onto his face, drooling on the cold tile, but he didn't care. He felt his dick throb, once, twice, then slowly spurting into the front of his diaper, ruined orgasm cementing his new place in life. He didn't care, the wolf was in heaven, and he never wanted to leave.

"Sorry pup, forgot a change. Guess you'll just have to walk in that till we get home. The others will recover in about an hour. You, though? I'm not sure you'll ever come back..."

Jam rummaged around in his bag, moving the spare diaper he brought to find the collar and leash. Of course he lied, but what the puppy didn't know would hurt him. And the puppy didn't know much of anything anymore but how to pack pampers. Stripping the wolf, leaving him now naked save for the diaper and collar, Jam pulled the leash, ushering the wolf towards the door and the busy hallway beyond.

Otterly Magical

"Oh, headmaster?" Quills fluttered about, scanning lines on pages, occasionally making corrections. The wolf was staring intently into a blue, lightly glowing focus of his own creation when the pink badger had entered his office. He hurriedly put...

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Roommate Struggles

Roommates are the worst. At least Splicer's spent most of his time with his gym bros or frat friends or whatever the hell they were called. The gray wolf was too busy with his studies to worry about any of that. Ever since he got accepted to unifursity...

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A Little Vacation

Stress, it was a foreign concept to Splicer. Was. Then life started piling up, responsibilities, bills, work, scheduling conflicts. The wolf thought it would be easy enough to balance and it was, at first. Then his work schedule shifted to far too...

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