Xenophile Allie Scene (from Tally Road novel)

Story by Jinxtigr on SoFurry

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"Hey, Allie!"

There was a disturbance on the floor, and Jennis was in the thick of it as usual. Allie looked over to try to see what was the matter. She was trying to balance on one of the little posing stands, and having a tough time of it as she was a bit shakey and sore- after her disastrous first time with a john who got upset and rushed off without paying, she got even- literally- by landing a couple johns in the course of the evening, coaxing fairly high payments out of them, and getting paid by them. She turned her take over to the enforcers, and no longer owed Jennis money. She was now working on scoring food money for the following day, to take Jennis out to breakfast and even that score.


It was hard to see what was going on, because whoever was with Jennis was getting mobbed by the more desperate, cheaper whores, who apparently smelled money.

"Show 'em some claw, honey, back them off. Back off, you! Since when has he ever picked you?"

"Oh yeah, baby, hurt me!" sang a cracked, mocking voice.

"Back off or I get you fired. Allie!" yelled Jennis. "Get your ass over here, I got somebody who wants to meet you!"

Allie hopped off the stand, wobbling as she landed, and hurried over to where Jennis was shooing away the more haggard, drug-ravaged girls, but long before she got there it was obvious what Jennis had found for her.

Allie had never seen such a tall Nerre. The fellow stood, head high and tail twitching in apparent disdain, looking sidelong and haughty at the rejected wolf girls, and as she approached, she saw his eyebrow raise. It would have been hard to tell, for he was jet black all over, but his brow whiskers showed it clearly.

"Allie, this is Rencer..."


"Rencer- it's a Nerre name." She whispered hastily to Allie, "...if I remember, he's not too long but kinda fat, don't forget not to pinch!"

"You're right." said the Nerre male, in a soft but deep voice that startled Allie. "This one does look fresh, doesn't she?"

"Are you kidding?" said Jennis. "Allie's just barely starting out. I kinda don't like that much, but you know this city, at least here I can keep an eye on her. She's just started today, possibly first time ever."

"They all say that." said the Nerre, disapprovingly.

"Yeah, but do I say it to you? Come on."

"That's true. You've been very honorable."

"Allie's also a sweetie. Maybe you can warm up to her a bit, not be so damn aloof. How about it?"

"No, I don't think so." said Rencer. "But I am pleased, do understand that. You've done very well. I thank you."

"You'll be thanking her later. Well..." said Jennis, "...I guess that would be awful unusual for you, right?"

The Nerre looked Allie over with a dispassionate eye. "It's possible. We'll see. You say her fur patterning is attractive?"

"Hah. If I know you, you'll be pleased." said Jennis, while Allie bristled in embarrassment.

"Shyness, yet!" said Rencer. He padded gracefully over, and ran a paw down Allie's side, and over her pert buttock, and down her tail. Allie shivered a bit at the bold, entitled touch. This big cat had absolutely no reservations about what he wanted.

He turned to Jennis, with an air of decisiveness. "Two hundred. I'm that pleased with your efforts. You've done very well."

Jennis's ears were a bit laid back, sign of some conflict. "I'm not sure I... look, Rencer, I think Allie's a little special. Her first guy tonight basically wanted to marry her. Can you at least talk to her?"

"I don't understand. What would you have me say?" His tail flicked.

"It's just polite. How pretty she is, or whatever. You're talking only to me."

"But I've noticed that already. Very well." The big Nerre addressed Allie, with the hint of a mocking tone in his voice. "My dear lady, I propose to mate with you until my back gives out. You are two hundred credits of aesthetic ecstacy, if I'm to believe Jennis, and if your feel lives up to your looks, I shall come so hard you'll be a two hundred and fifty credit wolf next visit. How is that, Jennis?"

Jennis rolled her eyes. "God, you're a hopeless romantic. Rencer, you're impossible."

"Oh, I don't think so. At any rate, you've not complained, have you?"

"Certainly not." said Jennis. "You're lovely in the sack. I just wish you could be more... oh, I don't know. Allie, are you game to take on this fellow? I gotta warn you, he's sure not going to try to marry you after. But he is yummy as hell, and he's totally trustworthy and good for the money. And in his way he is appreciative."

"Oh, certainly!" said Rencer. "Come along, dear lady. I feel quite confident that I'll enjoy you. Jennis has truly outdone herself."

Allie glanced between Jennis and Rencer- and extended a paw to Rencer, who took it courteously.

"I hope you do. Enjoy me, that is... Let's go see."

Rencer purred, and unexpectedly led the way back towards the rooms. Apparently he had a preference- he certainly didn't stop to ask Allie's. Just as well, thought Allie, for he probably knew the place better than she did...

The big Nerre led Allie to a room she hadn't been in before- one that disturbed her, for its walls were heavily padded and decorated with... equipment.

"Um." she said. "Is this going to be, uh... more complicated?"

Rencer drew her up against his body in a curiously languid motion- as if he was following some sort of dance that decreed how quickly he could grab a woman and crush her to his muscular chest. It reminded Allie of the concept of momentum- there was a dangling moment where she clearly could have drawn back, and then as she closed with him, the power ramped up, and in the end she wound up enfolded in his arms in a tight, fierce embrace.

"Is that what you wish, little wolfpuppy female?"

"I'm not that little, and not exactly." said Allie. "I'm trying to figure out what you're going to do with me."

"But I told you. I'm going to mate with you until my back gives out. Have you been having other males, puppy-girl?"

Allie figured it was pointless to deny it. "Several. Apparently that's what whores do, okay? I think I did it fairly well, too. Why? Would you rather be the first one I got with?"

The Nerre licked his lips. "On the contrary. I hope you haven't been too tidy."

Allie blinked. "Thought you wanted me fresh. Wasn't that the point?"

"You've- rinsed yourself out, or whatever it is you do? Oh dear. But I don't feel like waiting." Rencer began removing his clothing, also black, to reveal a fluffy white chest.

"Oh! Pretty! I've got a white blaze as well." said Allie, and pirouetted to show the strangely polite Nerre her body.

"Thank you, and indeed you do. It's a shame you tidied up from the last..."

"Oh! Really? Um- I didn't. So wait, for some reason you want sloppy seconds?"

The Nerre's eyes widened. "You did not? This session gets better and better. Show me."


Again, it was that odd dancelike motion, this time with Rencer moving in and very gradually sweeping Allie off her paws. It began with a lead-in that telegraphed what motion he was going to make, and when her body did not make motions to turn away or resist, all at once the big cat pounced and seized her in his arms, cradling her like a baby. He had to be very strong, to carry her so lightly, but he wasn't going far- he plunked her down on her back, in the middle of the bed, and flipped her legs apart, rolling her hips back so her paws were around her ears.

"Show me. You'll feel the best if you are as juicy as a Nerre lady."

Allie blinked. "Oh, I guess I get it." She reached down, Rencer following her motion with gleaming eyes, and hesitantly spread her wolfish vulva which tended to jut out in this position. She wasn't sure if the Nerre would accept her, but a tentative wriggle of her hips reminded her that she did feel pretty marinated, what with the last two guys. It reminded her that under normal circumstances, she'd damned well want to tidy up- but these weren't normal circumstances.

Rencer licked his lips rapidly, one ear flicking.

"Well?" said Allie.

"Your white chest-blaze runs down between your legs." said the Nerre, ear flicking again. "It bisects your buttocks, and goes down the underside of your tail. There is a drip of wolf semen oozing out of your vagina."

Allie bristled in embarrassment, her eyes going tragic. "I'm sorry!"

In an instant, Rencer's paw flicked out to catch her muzzle as it turned away, and with the same deliberate grace, met it and then when there was no resistance, drew it back to face his steady gaze.

"It is the most beautiful thing I have ever, ever seen, sweet wolfpuppy. Laux venste ai aillelier mairau?" he purred.

"Okay, you lost me. What's that mean?"

Rencer paused, and for the first time, looked uncomfortable. It was an awkward moment for him, because he crouched in a predatory way over her, and he was beginning to show a serious erection- from his small fuzzy sheath protruded the tip of what might be a very daunting kitty-cock. She couldn't see much of it, only that it tapered smaller towards the tip- and clearly did the opposite towards the base.

"You'd not know. It's a Nerre phrase. I probably don't need to say it with you, Runge aren't delicate."

"Okay, now I really want to know what that meant." said Allie. "Please?" She calculated the odds of getting away from this guy if she had to. If he always did that slow-fast thing she'd have a fair shot at evading him, or she could kick at him.

"Oh dear." said Rencer, whiskers drooping. "Can't you..."

"No. C'mon, tell me, or it'll drive me crazy."

Rencer sighed. Between his legs, his hard-on kept emerging, getting stiffer, quiveringly eager- apparently this secret phrase hid something pretty fierce, and revealing it was exciting him more.

"You must promise not to tell your kind. You're so beautiful- but we are so private."

"Some of us probably know anyway. Rencer! Tell me what's working you up so."

"I just... didn't expect you to become so real... it's hard to explain. I will tell. It is hard to translate..."

It's making you hard as well, thought Allie. "Please try?"

Rencer was panting a little, trembling. "Don't usually drag that part out this way, it's like neither a yes or no answer... I expected to be inside you soon after..."


"It means... sort of like... may I take you beyond the scream, is the literal translation."

Allie watched, wide-eyed, loomed over by this powerful cat held in check by his own obligations and culture's protocol. That feline erection was massive, it looked fantastic. She still couldn't see the base for his sheath.

"You said we weren't delicate. Does 'beyond the scream' have to do with lady Nerre being delicate?"

Rencer trembled more. "I am... rather tall and large for my people... if I mate a female who might be... overexcited... and unwise..."

Allie was thinking fast. "You're asking if you can let yourself go, in case..."

"In case I cannot tell... the scream of climax from a scream of injury."

"Wow." breathed Allie. "Yeah, you're fucking huge, I can see why you came here..."

"Say it, 'aons, say it please..."

Allie thought faster and faster. "Before I ask what you need me to say- may I touch you? And I mean, on that sheath of yours. Something I should know."

"Of course, of course... I think I know what you mean to learn..."

Allie wasted no time. She reached down between his legs, and grasped the base of his sheath firmly, and thought, ye gods- no wonder Jennis warned me about this. But... I think that's not too long for me, and I think that's not too thick...

Allie realized she was panting too, her nipples standing out rigidly, her hips squirming in slow motion- her body had already decided what was about to happen. Her mind ran a few last frantic calculations, waved its okay, and leapt aside like a truck was thundering toward it.

"Tell me what I say, tell me, tell me!" panted Allie.

Rencer's head went back, and he stared into space, shivering in tension. "If you will risk the wrong scream before I am done... you will say... viez."

"What's that mean?"

Rencer grinned bared teeth at her. "You're mad. You'll see."

Allie grinned back. "Tell me or I hold you hostage. That looks uncomfortable."

"You're... squirming."

"Tell me what it means or we both die of horny right here. I'm just as bad off, but I'm curious about things. Tell, tell!" begged Allie.

Rencer grinned more- sensing the new rules, the unexpected protocol that would lead to his most savage desire being unleashed. "I could make you squirm just as badly as you are making me shake."

"Tell me, please!"

"Viez... means... I melt into limpness, take me. That's pretty much it. It is surrender to the oncoming storm, no matter how fierce."

Allie gazed into his eyes, which burned with a predatory wildness held in check by his unyielding protocols, and felt like she was pulling the pin on a hand grenade. She'd worked him up to a terrifying pitch, and perhaps should not have got her first Nerre this excited.

She'd worked herself up to a terrifying pitch as well. Her heart pounded, and she couldn't stop watching his tail lash over his powerful hips, poised in that lewd crouch. Anything could happen, anything.


Allie half expected the big cat to explode into a frenzy- but this was not his way. Even now, her expectations were deliciously confounded.

Rencer shifted a paw. He let out a long, shuddery sigh. His tail lashed- and again, and poised quivering- and then, in exactly the same slow-fast motion she'd come to recognize, the rock-hard Nerre took her.

Allie gasped in shock and pleasure at the sheer differentness- Rencer's penis tapered so much compared to a Runge male that he seemed to slip into her effortlessly, smoothed by the cocktail of eros juices that coated her insides- but the taper did indeed go both ways, and the feline smoothly thrust almost all the way into her, without quite pushing it, as if to get a sense of her.

Allie's legs went around his body, awkwardly because he'd arched his back so boldly- Rencer held himself as if crouching over his lover, paws set apart, hips splayed lewdly- rather than cuddling belly-to-belly, he seemed to be bracing for warfare, and his eyes were wild. He didn't come down with Allie's legs around him- he lifted her butt slightly off the bed and made some fluid thrusting motions that rocked Allie's psyche, and she decided to hold him with her arms- but let her legs roll back into a curled-up posture.

"Yes." said Rencer softly. "Let me move."

And he did. Rencer's claws dug into the bed, and he began a strange, slow thrusting- that swelling, tapering Nerre cock gliding deeply into Allie's puss, always with that alarming, alien thickness at the base. There wasn't a hint of the usual gleeful humping, the knot, the tying and staying- Allie fought to stay relaxed as the big cat's equipment plumbed her with insouciant grace, seeming to grow bulkier with each elegant, unhurried thrust.

"You're not pinching." he purred.

Allie fought her way from dizzy realms of sensation to say, "...thought I... shouldn't..."

"Oh, sweet wolfpuppy. You'll know when."

"Nhhh! mmh! you... want that?"

"Aillelier cuts both ways. I forgive..."

Rencer had begun an astonishing trick- surely it had to make even feline hips sore, but he had begun tugging almost totally out of her, then thrusting smoothly to her depths. His rhythm, once regular, began to develop startling little variations- his teeth would grit, and those powerful hips would lash forward with alarming boldness, but his startling dexterity made it seem almost machinelike- he'd plunge so accurately that Allie's pussy barely noticed the aggressiveness, instead it felt like a sudden, explosive eruption of Nerre cock in her. Not there- then suddenly, balls-deep, cramming her lovingly, his body rippling with muscles in balance with each other. And then, it would tug out, slowly or quickly, and once again, that machinelike burst of effortless strength.

Allie suddenly realized she was shuddering violently and about to explode... something about this elegant, detached creature, pleasuring himself in her, called forth something in her. Something that said, damn expectations, to hell with what might happen- I can do this, this part of life doesn't have to be about constantly trying to please, to put on an act and play the part, to cry out whatever the fellow wants me to, for fear of his displeasure.

This one doesn't seem to care what I do, he's obviously about to erupt anyhow, his rules seem to say I can do anything I want.

This one's for ME.

Allie rode the surges of this strange new freedom, reeling as Rencer's coordinated, sophisticated lovemaking took her- low grinding of his belly against hers as his cock thrust deep, rising up to draw nearly out and tease with shallow, tantalizing strokes into her, leaning forward to give in to powerful, graceful lunges... and then, all at once, Rencer drew back, reared up above her, and Allie realized that she could not stand his pause right then, could not possibly survive it, that her heart pounded and her fur bristled and the moment was right now.

She did not cry out, because nobody was making her do so. She simply grabbed at Rencer with her arms and legs- and the scream was silent, for her, as silent as she could make it, white light flaring in her consciousness as the powerful Nerre finally really cut loose.

It was terrifying and wonderful. Were she not in a blinding orgasm, she'd have been quite alarmed. Rencer's body convulsed, and Allie's body was brutally jolted by the savagery- he grabbed her tightly, and that strange feline cock thrust still deeper, painfully deep, the bulk at the base splitting her with just a bit more thickness... and then a mighty throb, as he began to come.

Allie couldn't help making a shrill yipe from between gritted teeth, in spite of her determination to not vocalize- and another, that wavered as it was shook by the force of her orgasm- and she clung to the powerful Nerre for dear life, because he would sag for just a moment, and then convulse on her again with a hiss or a yowl. He held nothing back- she feared broken bones, and was too busy to care. She caught herself trying to tie on him, in a moment of semi-clarity, glimpsed that his ears were laid back in apparent pain, and that he was ramming it as deep as he could regardless. She writhed, panting, and tried to relax and melt around him- the savage penetration helped, for it was quite impossible to tie much. It really was like trying to tie on a knot. Allie just gave in to the sensations, so utterly different. Nobody had ever tried to thrust so deep in her before- it was like some alarming compulsion, which combined with Rencer's large and muscular body, led to uncontrollable forces that Allie was just rugged enough to withstand.

Withstand, hell. It was a little bit of hurt combined with a whole bunch of incredible. Allie nuzzled Rencer as he snarled, hissed, doubled up with the intensity of his body's need to sink it right up to her ribcage. Her vulva was actually sore from how hard he was pressing against it. She writhed and yipped and half-fainted with unrelenting orgasm, all driven by the amazing hunger and passion of this alien creature.

Gradually, the savagery of the big feline subsided, and as Allie swam drunkenly in post-coital dizziness, the world still going white on her from time to time, she got the hang of the relaxing thing, and her pussy stopped pinching him. This helped him settle down- in fact, he settled down so much he sprawled across her as if he'd been poured there.

Rencer started to purr, a huge resounding purr that vibrated Allie's whole body. He seemed quite happy to just lie on her and purr. Didn't ask if she was okay, possibly didn't care beyond general politeness, didn't scold her for doing it wrong or complain about how she'd locked on him a couple times... Rencer was in the moment, completely, and the moment was bliss.

Allie suddenly realized she was crying, because she required nothing more from him either. She was sure he wasn't going to cheat her- she got to stay with him for at least a little while- and the moment was hers, also.

Allie turned her face from the big, contented Nerre, enfolded him in her trembling embrace, and wept tears of relief for a little while.

This part of life, stolen from her so long ago, could indeed be hers.

Eventually, he spoke.

"Ahhhh... most pleased... if you do not object, sweet wolfpuppy, I shall indeed return..."

"Yes please." said Allie, with a sniffle. She wiped her eye with the back of a paw.

Rencer noticed this, and his ear quirked a bit. "Oh. Shall I get assistance? Do you feel damaged?"

"I don't think so." said Allie. She was a little off-balance at his tone. The big cat sounded simply curious. It was as if their agreement to go 'beyond the scream' had freed him of any concern for her well-being: his attitude was no more guilty than if he had walked in to find her riding a pneumatic drill.

Of course, it did cut both ways, Allie remembered. "I hope I didn't pinch at you too much?" she said. "I forgot myself for a moment."

"No matter." said Rencer. "One takes these chances. You are the proverbial biter, but you got past it, which is unusual."

"Jennis tried to coach me. Ye gods, proverbial biter? Really? I'm so sorry!"

"I must thank her, then." said Rencer, who was putting his clothes back on again. "Yes, that's what it's like."

"I'm so sorry." stammered Allie. "I'll practice, I promise, it won't happen again..."

Rencer glanced at her with some amusement. "Practice releasing, wolfpuppy. A little of that is spicy, you know. It's only unpleasant if it continues on and on- as it sometimes will do. Did I seem very displeased at that moment?"

"Um. You snarled and laid your ears back and tried to deep throat me from the other direction. I'm not sure if I'd call it displeased. A little frightening?"

Rencer had gotten dressed, and appeared debonair once more, the only hint of the savage creature within being his height and build. "We get that, yes."

"I wouldn't think it to look at you. We have rough males in our species, too, but you were kinda special..."

Rencer lifted an eyebrow. "You are sure you don't need medical assistance?"

Allie shook her head, eyes very wide. "Oh, no no. Um..."


"Maybe I want a hug." said Allie, and bristled in embarrassment, looking away.

When she peeked back, sidelong, Rencer had not moved. He still looked polite, curious, not a hair out of place, the very opposite of the creature who'd snarled and fucked her nearly to the point of fainting.

Rencer's ear flicked a couple of times.

"I shall tell Jennis, for you certainly deserve one. Until next time, dear wolfpuppy." And with a swish of his slim black tail, he made for the door.

Allie stared, stricken and limp with satisfaction, as he went. He opened the door without looking back, swept out elegantly, pausing only to speak briefly with the enforcer and pass him something- her payment. As he left, Allie saw him speak to Jennis, who seemed to have been hanging around near the door, and Jennis darted for the room just as the enforcer said "Uh- wait!" and went after the departing feline. They bumped into each other outside the doorway.

Jennis looked very flustered. "What? What's he done?"

"He's paid her twice!"

Jennis laughed out loud. "Nice kind of problem! Don't you worry about it, scuse me, out of the way... you just let him go, he knew what he was doing. Scuse me..."

Allie At Work Scene (Punch The C(l)ock)

(pretty much the entire Tally Road novel chapter 'Punch The C(l)ock'! I'm working on bringing all this to the Kindle, which seems better than like donation buttons or whatever :) ) "You can stand on those as long as nobody's standing...

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Boodins Scene

(from the Tally Road novel- canine Boodins makes amazonian feline Daucery feel like a lil' fluff) Now Boodins walked along a corridor in a whorehouse, following another Nerre who was in some ways even more intimidating. This one was named Daucery, and...

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And Oh, My Beloved (happy new year from the Tally Road novel!)

(follows Buckets Scene, and includes characters introduced in the Tally Road novel) Boodins was still glancing in the direction of the back rooms. The screaming had shocked him- first, so wanton and erotic, and then escalating to that awful peak....

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