Dawn and Karla's night alone.

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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Here's another request from fans to see the scene where Conner's GF, Dawn, when she sleeps with Karla Chintzy from the story, DAWN OF PROGENY, third story from my Sly Cooper trilogy. (See my profile; I've put up a link to my fanfiction stories.)

This DOES take place in the story but I edited the scene out to maintain the rating and policy of that site. Here's the edited version.

Mumbai, India...

Sometime after sunset...

(During the events near the end of chapter 24)

Dawn closed the bathroom door and turned back to Karla. "Conner told me he was upset that you ran off to fight. No one wants you to get killed, Karla." She sighed softly and took off her favorite crumble cap, tossing it on the sink counter.

"Really?" The blonde-headed half-breed offered an inward smile. "After your little speech about how Conner is yours and to stay away from him... I guess I thought you didn't really care for me."

Dawn shook her head. "I guess I can be a little jealous about Conner but... I have no right. We're not dating right now. I'll get there again... it's just... complicated." She placed a paw on the side of Karla's face and sifted her fingers through the other woman's facial fur. "You've got a cut here... it's bleeding but it's not really bad. We're going to have to wash this stuff off of you." She turned her attention to the white-furred woman's waist. "You got winged here. It's going to get blood on your blouse and we don't have a change of clothes... let's get you cleaned up." Dawn motioned to the bathtub.

Karla's vibrant green eyes flitted over the tub, which was surprisingly clean. "A hot breath... I can't argue with that." The half-feline half-vixen drew her blouse up and off then folded it and placed it upon the toilet lid. She wiggled out of her skirt and laid it atop of her blouse then placed a paw upon her hip, dabbing a claw at where a bullet had grazed her hip. "It doesn't get much closer than this."

"No kidding." Dawn moved to the tub and turned on the water. She placed a paw beneath the faucet, waiting for it to get hot then she reached down and plugged the drain. "Okay... lucky for you I got soap while I was out." She lifted a paw, pointing to the various lotions and cream rinse bottles lined against the wall on the far end of the tub. "I figure we girls need a little pampering every now and then."

"I'm not arguing," replied Karla. She offered a sidelong grin and asked, "I take it you're comfortable with me bathing in front of you - I didn't want any awkwardness or what-have-you."

"I'm fine with it," replied Dawn. "IF anyone was supposed to feel awkward, I thought it would be you."


The raccoon rubbed either side of her face and nodded. "I expected to be judged for my dating choices during the three years when I thought Conner was dead."

Karla shook her head casually and removed her lacy panties then dropped them across the folded skirt and blouse. "There's nothing wrong with dating women, so long as you find one that isn't caddy, selfish and overly emotional."

"I've dated that... and I've dated women who weren't nearly so bad." She shook her head slowly and offered a nervous smile to the half-breed. "So you're okay with it, then?"

Karla nodded with a grin. "I'm bi - we're on the same page, here, Dawn. We're both attractive young ladies in a unique position and far from being fully understood. And neither of us have any use for shame."

"That's the truth," replied the raccoon with a shrug. She sat down on the closed toilet, watching Karla move into the tub. "I'm surprised Conner hasn't been all over you. You're stunning regardless of the fact you have a little bit of blood on your face and hip. Honestly, though... I've wanted to ask you this since the other day... how can it possibly be feasible to smother someone between your boobs, anyhow?"

Karla relaxed into the hot water. She glanced up at Dawn and chuckled. "Did you want to find out? I have no problem proving it's possible."

"What do you want me to do?"

The felox shrugged. "Just get close enough and I'll do the rest." She brought her paws up to the swell of her bosom in a playful way. "Tap out on the side of the tub and I'll stop, unless of course it's too awkward for you. I don't mind - either way."

"If you're trying to suggest that I'd be too nervous to try it, you're sadly mistaken," Dawn told her.

"Well get over here, then. But I don't want to get your only change of clothes wet... so take'em off and put them with mine to be safe."

Dawn glanced at Karla's body then down and finally back at Karla. "Okay, I suppose so." She removed her shirt, stood up and placed the cloth on the toilet lid with Karla's clothes. She glanced back at the bathroom door, approached it and locked the knob then removed her bra. Her splendid c-cup globes were perky and perfectly round. She brought her paws beneath her breast, rubbing and scratching against her torso. She then stretched and unbuttoned her pants, removing both her jeans and a black thong all at once. Fully nude she stepped into the tub and knelt down between Karla's legs. "See? Far from nervous, here. I'm perfectly fine with the difference in our endowment, too. I'm happy with myself."

"You should be," Karla told her. "You're a very attractive girl. If I was Conner, I'd be all over you until you took me back." She grinned then lifted a paw and patted the raccoon's face. "Cutie."

The raccoon chuckled softly. "So how does this work? You use teleportation or whatever and you draw me in close then what?"

Karla drew her breast apart then waggled a finger. "Yes, typically I capture you with my abilities... once ensnared, your face winds up between my breasts and I take you by the back of the head to keep you from pulling away."

Dawn glanced back at the locked bathroom door then leaned in forward, moving closer to Karla. She hesitated briefly then leaned further until Karla's breasts were brushing against either side of Dawn's face. "Like this, right?"

"Quite so, sweetheart." Karla placed her paws against the backside of Dawn's head. "Ready? Remember, just tap against my leg or the side of the tub if you need a breath." She drew Dawn's face inward then moved her paws to either side of her swollen globes, massaging either side of Dawn's face and muzzle with them.

Dawn's tail fluttered back and forth. In a muffled tone against Karla's chest, she said, "Surprisingly, this is really rather relaxing... it feels quite good - your breast is really soft to the touch."

"Thank you, hon," said Karla, lifting them up and down then pushing her breast inward to massage Dawn's face. "I won't lie, it feels good pressing them against something."

"Believe me," Dawn replied against the half-breed's sternum. "I know what you mean... I love having my breast rubbed for some reason." She nuzzled forth into the canyon of cleavage. "I'm ready whenever you are to take this up a notch."

"Fair enough, hon." Karla placed her left paw behind Dawn's head again and used her right paw to continue the facial massage, grinding her breast against the other woman's face. She could feel Dawn's soft sigh of content as the warm breath was expelled against the felox's chestfur. She murmured, "No use rushing right in with all the kinky stuff... If you're interested in warming up, first." She placed a paw down, trailing her fingers along Dawn's spine until it came to the girl's tail. She then wiggled her fingers down further, along the crack of the nineteen-year-old's rump. "Tell me if I'm moving too quickly."

Instead of replying vocally, Dawn placed her paw just beneath the water against Karla's soft mound. Her fingers teasingly trailed lower, between the gorgeous half-breed's thighs. Her fingertips moved sensually against the pink flesh of Karla's soft flower, tickling the submerged petals in a devious fashion. She lifted her head then closed her lips over Karla's left cherry-pink nub, suckling the nipple gently while flickering her tongue over the sensitive little button. The felox responded with a gasp and a moan. Meanwhile, as if to tease more, Dawn's finger found the creamy entrance between vanilla-furred thighs... then the teenager pushed her finger inwards, sliding slowly within the confines of Karla's creamy chamber. Another gasp and a hiss of pleasure slipped from Karla's parted lips. "Christ that's good, you have a wonderful touch."

Dawn added a second finger and began to move her forearm forward and back in a rhythmic cadence, wiggling the two fingers against Karla's sensitive flesh within. She knew that the felox was enjoying it by the way she writhed.

"God, right on the g-spot," murmured Karla. "I hope you muzzle-fuck as well as you finger."

Dawn glanced up. She kept her lips pursed around the nipple and spoke out of the corner of her maw. "Actually, I'm even better, but I sure hope you don't disappoint with your breast."

Karla grinned with her tongue sticking out through her teeth. "I'll make sure you're about to faint just as you get off, you cute lil' thing."

"Promises, promises," replied the raccoon returning her attention back to Karla's ample bosom. Just to be playful, she jammed a third finger into Karla's slick pussy, causing the felox to groan long and loud again.

"Ngh, oh god... good girl," said Karla, beginning to pant now as she was nearing her first climax of the evening. She bucked her hips up against Dawn's fingers passionately. "Can you just imagine if Conner heard us?" She paused for dramatic effect then added, "Maybe he'd join, hmm? Imagine that... your face buried between my tits or my thighs... and he comes in here, mounts you from behind and rails you wildly... I bet you'd love that, wouldn't you?"

Dawn, hiding her blush by keeping her face against Karla's chest, offered a muffled, "Mm-hmm." The thought of it all was very arousing - she pondered what it would be like to be sandwiched between the two. As she imagined the thought of Conner pistoning into her while she attended to Karla's beautiful body. Her fingers quickened in pace, pumping her paw into the half-breed's creamy, tight pussy. It caused Karla to groan again from intense pleasure. The woman's vocal murmurs aroused Dawn even more.

The raccoon lifted her head and said, "I have a toy in my bag... and, uh... a, um... a harness." She blushed a little but fought to push away the sensations of embarrassment. "I'll get it if you like and, uh..."

"Perfect," replied the half-vixen. "You're on bottom, I'll wear the toy... and while I drive it into you, I'll pull your face up into my chest... nothing beats the sensation of release while gasping for air... feeling someone control you like a puppet while you writhe around wildly beneath them... Trust me."

"I... okay." The teen could offer nothing more, halfway stunned into silence. She stepped out of the half-filled tub, stalked across the bathroom and retrieved her bag. She fished around in it for a moment then withdrew the rubber toy and the harness then took a moment to look at it. "I've... not used this in a year or so... my last girlfriend bought it for me... I'm not even sure why I carry around the harness part anymore." She moved back to the tub, watching Karla sit up with a sparkle of mirth in her eyes. The felox reached up, took the toy and the harness and grinned eagerly. "Lay down in the tub, sweetheart. Assume the position."

Dawn licked her lips in apprehension then moved into the tub. She sank down into the hot water and slowly opened her legs. She watched as the other woman attached the harness and the toy. The raccoon licked her lips again, never in her life having been with such an incredibly attractive partner.

Karla activated the vibrator with a soft giggle. "The batteries work." She adjusted it so that the textured base, resembling a French Tickler, was pressed against her own clit. She wiggled a bit then crawled into the tub atop of Dawn. Karla took the throbbing rubber wand in her palm and guided it down so that the tip brushed against Dawn's smooth slit.

The felox then leaned in and kissed her new lover softly. Her other paw came up and cupped Dawn's rather average-sized c-cup breast, fondling with an experienced touch. The kneeding fingertips were incredible, causing Dawn to writhe gently. Karla grinned. "Shh, relax. I'm going to tell you a secret... I, too, have a sweet spot. A place that causes me to get really turned on..."

"Where?" Dawn asked, muffled against Karla's bottom lip.

She smiled back at the raccoon and lowered her voice. "I love feeling the gentle nip of teeth against my sternum. It's really... I mean... I lose control over that."

"Really?" Dawn lowered her head a bit and closed her lips over Karla's chin then nibbled down her jawline to her neckline. Hungry with desire, she continued nipping her way down passed Karla's collarbone. Meanwhile, the felox began rubbing the vibrating tip of the dildo against Dawn's inner thighs, so that the tip slid down passed the raccoon's clitoris until the tip brushed against that creamy, needy entrance.

Karla pushed her own hips forward, feeling the base of the vibrator grind against her sensitive flesh. She eased her hips forward again, forcing the tip forward until it sunk into Dawn. The raccoon gasped as her folds were gently stretched apart by the vibrating intrusion. She writhed gently, her lips finding Karla's sensitive nipple again. Karla grinded her hips harder, pleasured by the vibrating hilt of the well-designed strap-on. Meanwhile her actions caused the toy to glide further into Dawn, buzzing against the raccoon's g-spot.

Dawn lifted her legs from the water and wrapped them around Karla's waist. Her crisscrossed heels rested against the felox's rump, wedged between sumptuous cheeks of flesh and fur. Dawn bucked her body up impatiently, taking the rubber cock all the way until the tip was vibrating against her cervix. Meanwhile it put pressure against the toy, causing the hilt to grind against Karla's clit, driving the half-vixen wild with intense pleasure.

Karla brought her paws up, grasped her own breast and spread them apart, engulfing Dawn's svelte raccoon face. She leaned forward, pressing them back together to completely enclose her breasts against either side of Dawn's face, all the way back to her ears.

Remembering Karla's words, Dawn closed her front teeth against Karla's sternum, nipping playfully. In passionate reply, Karla grinded her hips, beginning to buck them to create a rhythm. She could hear Dawn's muffled cries of pleasure against her chest and increased the pace of her motions. The rumbling rubber toy was drawn back to within an inch from the tip only to be driven back into Dawn's undulating flesh, hilted once more. Karla rolled her hips, plowing deeply into Dawn's flesh while keeping her paws on either side, to keep her pillow-like bosom around the raccoon's face and muzzle. She groaned right into Dawn's ear and whispered, "That's it... bite right there, at the center... Do you like that thing being driven into you, babygirl? If you're a really good girl... I'll let you return the favor and use it back on me." She then gasped, feeling Dawn's reply - another nip against the sternum.

The half-breed continued to ride the raccoon into the tub, driving the wand deeply within her lover's flesh. Karla trembled as she reached a small release. She forced her paws beneath Dawn's head, pulling the girl's face up against the well-endowed chest. The busty woman groaned into Dawn's ear from pleasure. Meanwhile, Dawn thrashed to try and take a breath but was only able to receive very little oxygen through Karla's thick vanilla and carnation-mixed chest fur. She, too, was growing wild from the pleasure and wanted to take a breath of air because her legs and abs were starting to cramp. This time, she closed her teeth hard against Karla's chest, right between her thick, soft bosom.

A gasp. Karla tightened her grip on the back of Dawn's head, enthralled by the sensations and deep-down hunger for control. She continued to buck her hips, now splashing the bath water with every thrust into Dawn's dizzily pulsing body. The raccoon continued to thrash, putting intense pressure back against the toy so that it returned pleasure back to Karla who swooned from the sensation.

Dawn reached her paws around Karla's back and dug her nails into the half-feline's flesh and fur then, all at once, she went limp.

Karla giggled. "Oh, no you don't, ya' cute lil' thing - Conner wouldn't like that very much." She lifted her body. Dawn's head flumped back, splashing into the tub water. With a skillful toe-claw, Karla tugged the drain up, causing a gurgling sound to fill the air. The felox then used her right paw to cup Dawn's nose and her left paw to hold the girl's muzzle steady. She then placed her mouth upon Dawn's and breathed fresh air into the girl's lungs quickly, not giving Dawn's heart a chance to stop just yet.

After two attempts, Dawn gasped, arching her back in unison to an intense orgasm slamming into her body. The sensation trailed up her spine then down her legs all at once. She drew in air deeply then exhaled a scream of pleasure but Karla was too quick. She cupped the raccoon's mouth then pulled Dawn back into her breast to stifle the sound so it wouldn't wake up Conner or Keri.

"Shh," whispered Karla. She then arched her body, freeing Dawn's face once more only to kiss the raccoon with an intense passion. Their lips meshed together then locked. Dawn's tongue found Karla's and they swirled together as relief flooded Dawn's body, followed by a release of all previous sexual tension pent up over the past month. She whimpered into Karla's mouth, writhing in ecstasy.

Karla closed her lips over Dawn's tongue, suckling upon it. She placed a paw firmly against the raccoon's chest, cupping and kneading the girl's breast. Her tail flickered from left to right, swishing about in excitement. She felt Dawn relax beneath her, shaking like a leaf in the wind.

The felox lifted her head. "Why, Dawn... you're quivering."

"Yeah?" she murred, "I'm still horny... why don't you take that thing off and give it to me."

Karla arched her head up then grinned. "Oh yeah? I never figured you for a topper."

"Mmhmm, and I never figured you for a bottom. Get off and I'll show you."

Bemused by the offer, Karla dismounted and climbed up onto the rim of the tub. She rolled off of it and onto her knees on the tiled floor, looking down at the raccoon. "Now I'm really curious."

Dawn grinned. "Y'know what? Stay in that position, just like that. Don't move an inch." She sat up, creating a splashing sound. She then reached back and opened the drain only to find it partially open already. Next, she stepped out of the tub, went back to her bag where she'd retrieved her 'toy', earlier, and fished out another item behind Karla's back.

Next, the nineteen-year-old girl approached the kneeling Karla from behind. She captured the woman's paws then guided them forward, back into the tub only to handcuff them to the faucet. "No cheating... stay put." She then placed her paws upon Karla's shoulders and began to run her fingertips down the woman's vanilla-furred body. Once her paws met with Karla's hips, she unfastened the strap-on and fastened it to herself. "Now... much better."

She knelt between the half-breeds ankles and snagged her white-furred tail, lifting it straight up along the woman's back. Dawn took the gooey tip, slick with her own release, and trailed it down the crack of the half-vixen's ass. The tip brushed against Karla's tightly puckered rear entrance, causing her to wiggle. Dawn continued to trail it down until it met with her creamy little lips. Finally, the raccoon reached her arms around, firmly cupped the felox's ample breast and drove the vibrating toy all the way in with a single thrust.

A massive gasp of breath preceded Karla's cry of both pain and pleasure. However, Dawn's left paw quickly raced up and clamped over that white furred muzzle before she could scream. The raccoon closed her lips over the other woman's neck, suckling and licking while beginning to buck her hips. She nibbled her way up to the side of Karla's head then whispered, "Feel good? I came on that thing four times. And now every drop of it is inside you. I guess that's as close as I'll get to filling you with my juices - enjoy it while it lasts, you sexy little whore." Her words melted down into a long, drawn out murr. Meanwhile, Karla whimpered in hysterical pleasure at how Dawn's wording made her feel.

Through the side of her muzzle, Karla whimpered the words, "Fuck me hard." She then lowered her head, doubled over the rim of the tub. She closed her eyes and tried fantasizing about Conner ramming his cock into her but something about sex with Dawn felt even hotter. She gave a helpless tug at the metal restraints and murmured, "I'd sure love to use a paw... to reach back and finger you."

"Deal with it. I'm in control, now. You've had your turn, bitch." Dawn grinned then closed her teeth over Karla's ear only to suckle softly while ramming the rubberized sex toy into her new lover, from tip to hilt. Every time Dawn drew her hips back, the sound of wet buzzing filled the room only to become muffled once more as it was driven back into Karla.

The hybrid-vixen groaned, whimpered then moaned loudly but the paw still holding her muzzle shut stifled all her sounds. Again, out of the corner of her maw, she asked, "Isn't this the part where we invite Conner to join?"

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? Getting dick from the man I love... No, I want him to be mine and I want this to stay private. I won't have him lose his virginity by running a train on us. Now hold still and keep quiet while I pound that hot little hole." She continued to buck her hips, slamming the tip up against Karla's cervix with every deep thrust. Karla continued to thrash and moan loud enough that Dawn didn't remove her paw from the woman's mouth. "Christ, you're loud as hell," said the raccoon, her pace growing in intensity.

A mixture of gooey cream began to dribble down Karla's inner thighs, soaking her fur. Dawn, keeping her left paw in place on the woman's muzzle, also used her right paw to grope and fondle Karla's breast. The felox wiggled erratically from pleasure, nearing a hard release. Dawn sensed it from the way her lover writhed. "Getting close, hmm? You'd better get off for me or I'll jam it right into your ass, little girl."

Karla nodded emphatically to acknowledge how close she really was. She bore down on the throbbing, buzzing rubber dick with her teeth clinched. Her ears laid back and her whiskers conformed along her muzzle. "I'm so damn close... get me on my back, Dawn."

The raccoon grinned. She withdrew the toy cock then let it hang loose. She took Karla by the hips and literally rolled her over until she flopped into the empty tub, causing her paws to crisscross, still cuffed to the spout. Dawn then climbed back into the tub, grasped Karla's legs and pulled them up onto her shoulders, jamming the slickened cock back into the half-breed's quivering little folds until it hit bottom. The vanilla-furred felox thrashed. "Suck my breast," she begged.

Dawn nodded and knelt down between Karla's elevated knees and began to nibble and suckle on Karla's voluptuous creamy breast. Rather suddenly, Karla utilized her telekinetic abilities to draw Dawn back between them fully, encasing the raccoon's face. Dawn, however, remained calm and continued to slam her hips forward, now clinging to Karla like an adrift sailor to a float. Her hips moved in an erotic, quick rhythm, pounding the woman in desperation to climax.

The French tickler textured base of the cock strapped against Dawn's waist continued to vibrate against the teen's clit with every thrust. She was now beginning to grow even more excited, nearing another release. Having Karla's legs up over her shoulders heightened the experience. She nipped and nibbled at the woman's sternum, while having her muzzle massaged by the pillowy breasts that surrounded her entire visage.

The lush, melodic squishing sound of pillaging Karla's body was as erotic to the ear as Karla's whorish moans of pleasure. Dawn's paws slid down and gripped Karla's rump, pulling their bodies together to assist with each thrust. She rolled her hips in a semi-circle to better grind the length inwardly. Meanwhile, the hybrid girl locked her ankles behind Dawn's neck to help keep the raccoon's face buried.

Karla suddenly arched her back, trying to gasp without making too much noise. Her jaw dropped open and her lower lip shuddered. Her eyes opened wide and she clamped down her luscious little lips around that pulsing, invading cock buried deep in her body... Her crossed legs tightened, forcing Dawn's face to mash up against her breastplate. The raccoon began to thrash, overcome by her own sensational pleasure.

Dawn struggled, gasping for air but continued to buck her hips, driving that thick, rubberized girth into Karla's flesh, reaching an intense clitoral release. She thrashed to receive air but the movements were attributed to pleasure and Karla squealed with glee. She clinched herself and clung to Dawn until her body shook beyond control and her legs unlocked.

Dawn lifted her head up and gasped for air all at once, allowing her to relax into her final release. Her eyes rolled back and her paws closed into fists, digging her fingers into the perfect veneer of fur on Karla's ass. She then dropped her head to the felox's chest, laid her head sideways across the pillow-like bosom and closed her eyes, not bothering to turn off the vibrator. "Holy hell... ding, ding," she tapped the rim of the tub gently and announced, "I'm done."

Karla, exhausted beyond belief, added, "T...tapping out so soon?"

"Tsch," remarked the raccoon with a sigh of content. "I'm not even going to try to move right yet." Still dizzy from going without oxygen for so long, she shut her eyes and passed out, right there atop of Karla's body in the tub. The half-vixen draped her legs over either side of the tub's rim and sighed with a confident yet dreamy smile.

She remarked in a soft, bragging way, "Ha, ha, Conner... I got'cher girl; I got'cher girl." Finally, the felox snaked a paw down between their meshed bodies and flipped the switch, deactivating the vibrator. Then she closed her own eyes for a moment. In a weary whisper, Karla said, "I suppose we should get dressed and go sleep out on the floor with the others... else they'll suspect something."

In a muffled, semi-conscious tone, Dawn said, "Soon... just give me a minute." Again her deep breathing returned and she fled back into the depths of unconsciousness.

Sibling Rivalry

This alternative-ending story was requested SO MANY TIMES that I decided to go ahead and write it. Basically, in the third story of my Sly Cooper trilogy (found on FanFiction.net, check my profile for the link to all my stories), I wrote...

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Reflections of REGRET Chapter1

**So far, this is chapter 1-17 of Reflections of Regret which begins after STARFOX COMMAND concludes. ** **There is a great deal of sexual situations in this story as I try to show Krystal going through conflicted emotions; deep down inside,...

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