The Quest chapter 5

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#5 of The Quest

The Quest Chapter 5 The final chapter of this series. Stephen can't tell the party members about Sabrina's recent changes. The party recovers the final two talismans and Stephen's life changes for the better.

In a cave near the town of Crystallum. Hours after the events of the last chapter.

Stephen followed the party with Mala in the lead. The other party members didn't seem upset with him after the stunt he had pulled yesterday. Elenor had told him that it was the biggest fireball she had ever seen. Mala told him that Sabrina was going to dish out his punishment when they returned to the castle.

Maud, the kitsune, was walking nearby to keep an eye on him. Stephen asked her,"Uh, Maud, how does Sabrina punish her apprentices?"

The kitsune hadn't gotten mad at him for that fireball stunt. The mysterious vixen seemed to have a perpetually calm demeanor about her. She turned to him and stroking his cheek, told him,"Don't worry my mate, my old friend usually assigns extra cleaning chores as punishment. So don't let that threat eat you up inside. Sabrina is a popular teacher and you should count yourself honored that she's training you."

Stephen nodded to himself, relaxing as he felt a lot of weight leave his shoulders. Something that Mala had said to him on the airship, played in his memories. "Female wolves are very beautiful and they will be sexually attractive to a male husky or collie." He remembered waking up to see a very young Sabrina lecturing him and telling him how she's going to be his third mate. Stephen thought to himself,'Not only huskies and collies . . . She took my breath away too!' Every time the young human male tried to tell Mala or Maud what had happened in the tent, his tongue became stuck to the roof of his mouth, preventing him from speaking.

Stephen shook his head like a wet dog, remembering looking at the young Sabrina. The wolfess was very beautiful with silver blonde head hair and snow white fur instead of the yellowish tint he remembered her having. Every time he thought of her, his penis grew hard. Remembering the firm breasts she had made his hands stroke, feeling those firm nipples. 'Damn! Mala wasn't lying when she said that female wolves are beautiful.', the young human thought to himself and he found himself wondering if female wolves were as sex crazed as vixens, looking at Mala and then Maud walking near him.

Minutes later, Mala yelled,"Stop! There are traps ahead of us." The vixen halted the party, looking hard at the pathway.

Elenor stood next to Mala, glancing at the floor ahead of them. The wolf/husky saw a tile pattern that looked like a chess board. She went to step forward but Mala stopped her from moving ahead. "Let me guess, another trap?", Elenor asked and saw Mala nodding as she looked for a clear path.

Pete walked up to the female canines. "So, how are we going to get out of here?", he asked curiously.

Mala looked at the tile pattern on the floor, summoning her talent. The vixen saw a white border around a number of the tiles. She tossed a rock on one each; the rock vanishing on the ones without the white border while the rock bounced off the ones with the white border.

Maud stopped the party with a restraining spell and said,"Only one can pass this test." The kitsune looked at Stephen with apologetic look and said,"Sorry mate, you must go get the chalice by yourself."

The young human looked at the party and walked up to the tiles, listening to Mala's directions.

Minutes later, he entered another room like the one that had held the scepter. Stephen walked forward to a raised platform that had a chalice on it. He let out a sigh and lifted the jeweled cup, feeling a rush of energy going into his body. Curious, he looked around, then at himself and saw no changes. Shrugging, he turned and made his way back to his waiting comrades.

Hour's later, at the campsite.

"Sabrina, we have it!", Mala called excitedly as the party entered the campsite.

The wolfess grinned in the shadow of her hood, looking at Stephen holding a jeweled cup. Sabrina watched as her friend Maud encased the chalice in a protective glass ball.

Stephen took a good look at Sabrina. He knew that the under the hood and cloak, was a young female wolf, and not the older one who had brought him to this world. The young human male shuddered, remembering the blue gaze of the female wolf.

Sabrina looked to Mala and said,"I need to talk to Stephen for a few minutes in your tent." The wolfess handed the vixen a scroll and told her,"Here's the location of the final talisman you will need to retrieve. I am going to have a talk with Stephen about that fireball stunt."

Mala nodded as Stephen followed Sabrina to the tent. The vixen saw the look on Stephen's face, as if he wanted to tell her something. 'What is going on with you Stephen? You try to tell me something, but you go mute on me. I think you're worried what Sabrina is going to do with you, but doing extra chores is not so bad.'

Stephen followed Sabrina into the tent and as soon as they had entered, the wolfess made a gesture that caused the flaps to close. He watched as Sabrina removed the hood and cloak. "Wow, you're hot!! What happen to you Sabrina?", Stephen asked her.

The young wolfess was wearing a one piece blue outfit that showed much of her feminine curves. Sabrina was all snow white with large breasts and a muscular build. Standing straight, she was now a little taller than him. "Something happened with the scepter and now I am twenty years old again.", Sabrina told him and gave him a hug, pressing his face against her breasts.

Stephen felt his penis grow steel hard in a flash. He looked up to her, staring into her clear blue eyes and asked,"What are you going to do to me after the quest is complete?"

Sabrina grinned at the young human, thinking of what she had been considering. She then grew more serious and sadly told him,"Well, I might be young again, but there is a problem. I can't send you back now because a sorceress has to be a certain age to perform the spell and until that accident with that scepter, there was only one sorceress that can do that spell . . ." The youthful blue eyes looked at the human resting his head on her large breasts and let that sink in before continuing,"Now, there is no one who can perform that spell. I am sorry Stephen but you're stuck here."

Stephen sighed, feeling the firm, fur covered breast against his face. A pair of hands stroked his hair. He loved that feeling, when slim female fingers stroked his hair. Memories went thru his head of when his father's sister had done it to him, and what Sabina had said sank in. Now, he was stuck here and there was no going back home. He had told Mala that he had decided to stay after the quest but now, he was going to live with Mala, Maud and now this beautiful female wolf. How lucky could he be to be in this situation? 'Mala is right, female wolves are beautiful but now I want to have sex with her!', the young human male thought to himself with glee.

He was brought back from those thoughts by Sabrina's gentle voice telling him,"Sorry Stephen but I am old fashioned. You will have to wait until after our mating ceremony. I am worth the wait, my dear. I'll have either Mala or Maud, help you with your need. Rest now." A snow white finger touched his forehead, making fall asleep.

While falling asleep, the human sighed and briefly thought,'I need to find a defense spell against these sleep spells.' A set of very strong hands put him in the sleeping bag.

Sabrina sighed and pulled down Stephen's shorts, looking at the hardened organ. 'Hmm . . . Just one more talisman and the journey back home.', she thought to herself and licked her muzzle. She covered him back up, grinning as she put back on her disguise.

A few days later, in the town of Paradiso perdidit. The north pole of Sirus five, leaving the town's airport.

Stephen shivered, looking at the rest of his companions. Elenor and Pete were wearing thick coats on their bodies and wrappings on their feet. Both vixens were wearing bright outfits but the human suspected them of being magical in nature. He looked over at the town that was made of ice. The young human male admired the buildings that looked like ice sculptures from fancy dinners he had seen on the internet.

Mala yelled out,"The location of the jeweled sword is a few hours south of this town." She looked at Stephen seductively and told him with a purr,"We will rent a room for the night and go looking for it tomorrow morning but we will have only four hours of daylight tomorrow. I am sorry, hopefully there will be another cave for us to use a shelter."

An hour later in the rented room.

The room and the entire inn were made out of carved ice. Even the bed was made of ice. There was a mattress on the ice box carved to a shape of a box spring for a bed. "I can't believe this place is so warm.", Stephen said with amazement, looking at the medium blue room.

Maud walked up to the young human male, wearing nothing. The kitsune made a gesture, making his clothing drop off. She pushed him gently on to the bed and sat astride his waist. She grinned down and told him,"Mala is doing business with Pete and Elenor in their room. So we can have a little fun. I also wanted to thank you for the kit." She gave a sultry murr, placing Stephen's hands on her lower abdomen.

He felt her warm body heat thru the fur and with her hands guiding his, the young human male felt a hard area underneath. Knowing from a lesson in anatomy, he was feeling Maud's uterus. "Oh! Alright, this is different.", Stephan said to himself as he felt Maud getting up and her slender fingers fondling his penis. The young human looked at the petite kitsune's furry naked body, admiring it.

Maud murred as she lowered herself on Stephen,"Uh huh, the rumors are right, pregnant kitsunes want sex a lot." The kitsune hugged the young human male to her breasts.

Stephen sighed as he felt warmth engulf his member.

The next day, outside of a cave.

"Figures. There has to be another cave.", said Elenor with a bored tone in her voice.

"Uh huh, another dark cave to have fun in.", Pete muttered as the party entered the cave.

An hour later while the party was descending into the cave, Stephen slipped. "Stephen, grab my hand!", Mala yelled but the young human was out of reach and slid down the icy floor, deeper in to the cave. Quickly, it was too late for the vixen to cast a spell to rescue her lover and future mate.

"Oh shiiiittttt!!!", Stephen yelled as he slid on the rough icy floor. He slid in darkness for at least a thousand feet before he saw light ahead.

The cave was illuminated with a blue glow; structures appearing in the illuminated area. The light came from overhead large stalactites, hanging down from the cave ceiling. Stephen saw houses and shops, as well as other businesses, encased in ice as he slid down a street. Coming to a stop a minute later he stood up, rubbing his ass and brushing the snow from the seat of his pants. "What is this place?", he said with a quiet tone to his voice.

A white flash and Sabrina appeared next to him. "This was once a nice town long ago Stephen. It's unfortunate that you have entered this place because the inhabitants are still here.", the wolfess said with dread in her voice.

Stephen looked at the buildings encased in ice and turned to Sabrina, asking, "What happened to this place?"

"There was an Earthquake and the ground liquefied, sucking the town in to the ground. I might be young and strong again but you'll never find me by myself, in here.", she said somberly. She gave Stephen a hug, pressing her body against his and told him,"I'll stay with you until the party catches up to you. Just stay with me and don't leave my sight. It's not worth it to go exploring in this place."

Stephen took another look at the dead, frozen town. Now it didn't seem so pretty. It reminded him of a city that had been bombed. He hugged Sabrina and shivered as he told her,"I hope they show up soon. Now this place is giving me the creeps."

Sabrina looked at the town, a tear sliding down her cheek as she told him,"There was a survivor . . . A teenage, female white wolf. That was me." She hugged Stephen back and muttered a spell that warmed the human's coat, raising the human's core temperature. "Stephen, this was a nice town until that disaster happened.", the wolfess said in a very quiet tone and she took out a picture, looking at the town with lots of inhabitants going about their daily routines. "Why did I go skiing that day? Was it fate wanting me to live thru that?", Sabrina murmured quietly to herself.

A few hours later, the party showed up with Mala being excited to see her teacher again and Stephen alright. "How did you find him?", asked Mala, looking at her teacher still wearing the cloak and hood.

Sabrina touched the necklace around Stephen's neck and said,"That's the reason I found him but you'll want to get out of this town as soon as possible. The population is still here and they don't like visitors."

"How do you know that?", Pete asked with dread as he looked at the buildings.

The cloaked figure turned to the wolf/collie mix and said,"This is the lost city of La Muerte, Pete."

Both wolf hybrids got a look of horror in their eyes and looked around. Elenor started to shake. "Mala, lets get out of this cursed place!", the wolf/husky said to the vixen, fear plain to hear in her voice.

Minutes later in a large room.

The party walked in to the room where a large sword hung on the wall. Sabrina looked at Maud and said,"Friend? You'll need to summon a portal to take us to the town of Paradiso perdidit. I don't think our wolf hybrids want to walk thru that ghost town again."

"You got that right Sabrina. If you need any energy, I'll be glad to spend time tired, instead of walking thru that dead town.", Pete said to the kitsune.

"Me to! I'm with my fiance.", Elenor said as she walked up to stand next to Pete.

Maud waved her hands and said,"Don't worry, I haven't done any complex tricks in a while so I have enough energy to summon a portal to Paradiso Perdidit." She saw the relieved looks on the wolf hybrids.

Stephen nodded looking at the long broadsword hanging on the wall. The young human male admired the jewel encrusted sheathe and gold pummel. He walked up to the wall and grabbed the sword off of it, bringing it back to his friends.

Maud nodded and encased the sword in glass. The kitsune took the glass encased sword and handed it to Sabrina. She then said,"Let's leave this mass graveyard." She summoned a portal and the party stepped thru it, leaving the quiet wolfess behind.

Sabrina remained quiet in her hood for a minute, looking around her and then said,"Well, now our most treasured possession is in our possession and will soon be on its way to my order." The wolfess looked one last time at the town that had raised her centuries ago. If anyone had been watching, they would have seen her turn around to stare in a certain direction. She saw the home she was born in and said with sadness,"Good bye my family. I am going to start a new life soon and you will always have a special place in my heart. 'Till we meet again, mom and dad.". She took a last look of the house and walked thru the portal, leaving the quiet town in the ice cavern.

One week later the entrance of Sabrina's castle.

Three figures stood before the large doors, Elenor and Pete had gone to his place to rest. Sabrina left the party after Maud's portal had appeared at the out skirts of Paradiso Perdidit, to take the sword to her order.

Mala looked at Stephen, opening the door after taking down the defensive spell and told him."Well, we will have supper soon and then perform the Mating ceremony." The vixen smiled, looking at Stephen hungrily.

The young human looked Mala, knowing that a young Sabrina is going to be part of the ceremony. He said,"Yeah, I am looking forward to it." Mala looked at him curiously so he went on,"I am looking forward, just nervous."

The vixen opened the doors and told him,"After the ceremony, we will just relax and...hi Sabrina." She noticed a black cloaked figure.

"I'll be part of the mating ceremony. You see, I didn't get burned. The scepter was damaged and it somehow discharged a magic spell at me. It gave me my youth again, making me twenty years old once more." She removed the black hood and cloak, displaying her young body to the two vixens. "I put a jinx on Stephen after he saw how old I am now. The reason I kept this a secret is that I didn't know if it was permanent or not. I found out that I am going to live my life again and I am sorry that I kept it a secret from you." The wolfess walked up to them.

Mala sighed, knowing that Sabrina had her reasons to be secretive was once in a while. "I forgive you teacher, plus its going to be neat having a younger sister.", Mala said with a mischievous twang in her voice.

"I am still your teacher my apprentice.", Sabrina told her student with a serious tone and looked at Stephen, seeing that the human male had seemed to grow a little, putting on more muscle. It was making her wet between the legs. She thought to herself,'It can't wait, my urges are getting strong and want to have sex with the human.' She went on,"After the meal, we will perform the mating ceremony." The wolfess saw the eager expressions on Mala and Maud. She told them,"Sorry my apprentice, but I am getting him to myself tonight."

Mala nodded, seeing and smelling how horny her teacher was. The vixen saw the young wolfess move in ways of a very horny vixen. Mala knew Sabrina was the alpha here and she had no choice but to accept her decision. Trying to get between a horny wolf bitch and the object of her desire would be a very bad idea.

Hours later, in Sabrina's room.

"The first thing we have got to do is the extra cleaning chore you earned from that fireball stunt.", Sabrina said to Stephen, who was standing next to her.

Stephen went to picking up a items that were laying about the bed chamber but a set of strong hands grabbed him and Sabrina said,"No, no, my mate. We're going to the shower and you're going to wash my body clean, before we proceed to other things." The look on her face made Stephen think immediately of what those other things would be and he grew erect.

She removed her outfit and gently steered Stephen to the shower, turning on the water. Water splashed on her trim young body and she grabbed Stephen's hands, lathering them with soap. She ducked her head under the water, then brought his hands to her head and made them rub the soap into her hair.

The young humans' heart raced as he worked soap into Sabrina's' fur. Standing in front of him was one of the most beautiful females he had ever seen! His hands were now massaging Sabrina's' back after she had turned around, he rested his head on her shoulder pressing his body against her muscular back. Strong hands grabbed his and they are placed on her large breasts. Stephen held his breath as he massaged the large orbs, feeling the stiff nipples.

Then he felt her abdomen, giving him the feeling stroking steel and the bumps of her six pack pattern. "Oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my!", he thought to himself as one of his fingers is worked into her vagina. Sabrina had his hand in an iron grip working his fingers in her love canal. The young human male heard the wolfess moaning and smelled her wet fur.

A minute later, she howled as she orgasmed, his fingers brought to her mouth and Sabrina licked his fingers cleaned. He let loose a load on the floor, watching the white streamers swirl down the drain.

Stephen was gently walked to the bed after they dried off. The wolfess head went to between his legs. Expecting a blow job like Mala gave to him once in a while, he felt his scrotal sack get taken into her wet maw and her lips encircled his balls. 'Crap, she's sucking my balls! Eric Cartman from South Park would like this but I think it better if I never tell her.', Stephen thought with pleasure, the negative pressure on his balls bringing him pleasure and he felt her tongue licking his sack.

She sucked on his scrotum for another minute, then moved her body. He sucked in his breath as the wolfess placed his penis between her breasts. The young human enjoyed her large breasts rubbing on his member. Her wet tongue licked the head of penis and he saw Sabrina's' head bend down licking along his member.

Stephen enjoyed the tit fuck for another minute before Sabrina moved her body again. He looked at the snow white colored wolf, lowering her hips onto his member. Stephen bit his lower lip as the tight vaginal lips engulfed his penis. Looking at his groin area, Stephen saw his engorged cock vanish in to the wolf's sex.

Sabrina hugged him, laying her body on his, tightening her vaginal muscles and giving his member a tug. She stroked his hair giving him a kiss on the mouth. The wolfess then placed his mouth against one of her breasts, urging him to suck on it.

He heard her moan as he sucked on the pink, erect nipple. Sabrina massaged his body as she had sex with him. A couple minutes later, she howled again causing her love canal to give his member a gentle tug. The young human male relaxed as her fingers worked on his body. Stephen lay on the pillow and Sabrina laid on his body again. The wolfess gave him another kiss and worked her tongue into his mouth.

Sputtering, he looked at her blue eyes and he ejaculated! She pulled on his member with her vaginal muscles, milking him of his seed. "AAAHHH, oh my goddess!", Stephen yelled as he let out a long sigh of pleasure.

She was still lying on his body. The wolfess sat on his hips with his member still inside her. Sabrina massaged his body at certain points and murred happily,"Ah no my mate, the night is still young and I have got a few more things to show you."

Stephen moaned as he felts his penis getting hard again.

A few hours later he was looking into her blue eyes and she had her muscular legs wrapped around his waist. He could feel her wet vaginal lips pressing against his lower abdomen. She stroked his hair, making him relax. "So, what is going to be my first lesson?", Stephen asked the wolfess with curiosity in his voice.

Sabrina smiled at him as told her mate,"I've got to talk with Mala and see how much she taught you during the quest. Since Maud is also going to be part of my teaching staff, I am going to move in to Mala's room with Maud."

"What is going to happen with this room?", asked Stephen.

"It's going to be made in to a guest room and after so many years, Maud's kit will use this as a nursery room.", answered Sabrina, looking at Stephen who had just fallen asleep. She chuckled to herself. 'Must have made him tired. Perhaps I might have been too much for him.', the wolfess thought to herself, pressing her body against the human's and loving the one night she got to herself with Stephen. For tomorrow night, she would be sleeping with him and the two vixens, who were her co-mates.

Epilogue, a few months later, outside Sabrina's castle.

He deflected the blow from the training sword, causing Elenor's blow to be redirected. The wolf/husky grinned as she blocked Stephen's return attack and called out,"You're improving, human."

"You and Pete are doing a good job in training me.", Stephen answered, renewing his attack. He saw Pete with two other female wolves, a gray and black one named Cynthia, and another one all black furred, who was named Mayer. So far, the only female that was expecting was Maud. According to Maud, Mala should be going in to heat in a few months, along with Sabrina.

The human male had just turned eighteen a few days ago. Mala had given him an arm band that had a good luck charm on it. Maud gave him a carrying bag that has a type of enchantment so he could put a large amount of items in it and it would still have room in it. Sabrina gave him a bracelet that had a few jewels on it to store energy in them, against future need. She told him in a year, she would teach him the spell of storing energy, along with Mala. But he would have to wait until his eleventh year of training, before he learned the art of summoning portals.

Stephen watched as Elenor put away the practice weapons. He turned, seeing two vixens looking at him, alongside a white female wolf.

"Come on Stephen, its time for your lessons.", Sabrina said with authority in her voice.

He nodded and walked to the three female canines. "I just love it here!", Stephen said with glee, looking at the two suns in the sky, and watching the large blue gas giant setting in the distance.


The Quest chapter 4

The Quest chapter 4. The party gets a new member and Sabrina undergoes a change. Sabrina's castle. The white flash hit the old female wolf knocking her to the floor. She felt every hair on her pelt get pulled. "AAIIEE, this hurts!", Sabrina...

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The Quest chapter 3

The Quest chapter 3. The party gets the first talisman, but when they go to get the second one. They run into a slight snag, but Sabrina causes an accident. The next day, a café. "He will meet us here and he promised that he would help us.",...

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The Quest chapter 2

The Quest chapter 2: Stephen meets Elenor and the sorceress Sabrina. Sabrina tells him what she needs done, but at a inn, Mala catches him doing something. The next morning, Sabrina's castle. Stephen felt someone shaking him awake, the first...

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