Hellhounds: Control of Unstable (Part 2)

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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#4 of Hellhounds

Hellhounds: Control of Unstable (Part 2)

"JAKOB! Where the hell are you?! We're pinned down over here!" shouted the colonel.

The sniper stopped running and sighed heavily. "I just took out the RPG squadron, sir. What's your current position?"

"About 30 yards from the city hall. They've got machine gun nests pointed at us and we can't move without getting our asses shot up. We have a plan to take care of them, but we need you to take out the snipers in the adjacent buildings before we can continue. So get your ass down here now!" he bellowed.

Jakob sighed exasperatedly and started sprinting back the way he came.

"I ain't gettin' paid enough for all this running around shit!"

We stood behind the wall, anxiously waiting for Jakob to return so we could finally put our plan into motion and grab those smoke grenades. We waited for about ten minutes before the sniper finally radioed in, and told us he was in position.

"All right, I'm here! Check your 9:00!"

The Hellhounds and I all looked up at one of the roofs on the left side of the street and saw the end of Jakob's Dragunov. Lieutenant Strang sighed with relief and radioed him in.

"Snipers are located in the buildings at your 12:00 and 10:00; you seem 'em merc?"

"Affirmative. Do you or your wolves know the specific location of the snipers?"

"Negative. You're gonna have to find 'em on your own."

"Roger. I'll alert you when the coast is clear."

And so we waited impatiently yet again for Jakob to take out all the hostile snipers we could find. He found two of them with ease--both of them were on the roof of one building, and they had their red-dot sighting on, making them even more visible. Jakob steadied his paws and kept a firm grip on the sniper rifle, before taking out the first target with a clean shot through the nasal cavity. He immediately looked over at the other sniper and shot him in the heart before he had the chance to relocate. Jakob sighed and started to search the individual windows one-by-one, in search of a careless sniper who left a portion of his body exposed. As he zoomed in, he caught a glimpse of a tiger's pointy ear, and he promptly blasted the upper-half of it clean off. The tiger shouted with frustration and grabbed what was left of his bleeding ear before standing up and inhaling sharply with his eyes shut. He was in too much pain to realize that he was standing in front of the window, and as a result, he was quickly shot in the throat by Jakob. He focused his aim on the building at his 10:00 and saw that one of the snipers actually had his head sticking out of the window. Jakob scoffed.


Jakob shot the sniper in his right temple, and watched as his body jerked and gradually tilted out of the windowsill and down to the ground. Our sniper began to skim the rest of the buildings in the quadrant, checking to see where the final sniper was. For some odd reason, Jakob always assumed that snipers traveled in packs of five, and as strange as it sounded, he was usually right. So after he scanned the building in front of him, he looked at the one to his 10:00 again, and noticed that a sniper who was roaming moved to a different location so he could take him out. Jakob rolled out of the way when the tiger fired, and locked on to his position. Then he promptly shot him in the forehead.

"All targets are down, I repeat, all the snipers have been neutralized."

"Good work. Smart-ass, get the smoke grenades!" ordered the colonel.

"Why not make--"

Smart-ass yelped when the colonel yanked him by his right ear and shoved him out into the open. He was going to run back for cover, but the machine gun nests already spotted him. Naturally, he sprinted towards one of the houses on the right side of the street. The narcissistic werewolf scurried up the stairs of the house he entered, and before he knew it, he was on the rooftops. Smart-ass crouched down and slowly walked over towards one of the dead soldiers, and noticed that he was still clutching one of the smoke grenades in his paw before the sniper shot him. Smart-ass slowly removed the grenade from his lifeless paw and removed the pin with his own paw. Then he tossed the grenade into the middle of the street and watched as it plopped and rolled around in the gravel. At first, nothing happened, but a few seconds later, a loud crack was heard, followed by the sound of hissing. The street was filled with smoke in a matter of seconds, and the gunfire from the nests began to deplete until the shooters were suddenly blind.

"Fuck, they got the smoke grenades!" said the leader of the tigers shooting at us.

"GO!" shouted the lieutenant.

All of us walked out into the middle of the street and started to sprint towards city hall, using the smoke for cover. We couldn't see anymore than the tigers could, but we knew that the enemy was in front of us, so we did not hesitate to blast our rifles straight ahead, knowing that our bullets would nick a few soldiers. As we began to leave the giant cloud of smoke, we could clearly see all the felines taking position at the machine gun nests. Zepher grinned as he aimed down his sights and shot one of the machine gun handlers a few times, and then hit the supporter in the chest twice. The tigers quickly discovered what our plan was, and returned fire. While Strang and the rest of us found something to hide behind, some of Strang's wolves panicked and didn't know where to go. It wasn't until five of them were cut down by the machine guns deadly bullets that they ran over to the areas we were hiding behind. Smart-ass was watching us from the rooftops and could see that we needed more cover if we were going to get to city hall intact. He chucked another smoke grenade out into the middle of the road, and once the infamous hissing was heard, we charged for the machine gun nests yet again. Unfortunately, all the soldiers were smart enough to realize what we were doing, and didn't stop firing at us. Two more soldiers groaned and fell to the ground as they were riddled with bullets, and Zepher and I were forced to get on our stomachs and army crawl our way down the street. Our guardian sniper was still covering us from the sky, and he shot one of the machine gun controllers in the throat, shortly before Smart-ass contributed to the fight and took down two more soldiers giving the machine gun controllers support. Thirty seconds or so passed, and the smoke began to drift up into the atmosphere and disappear. We were only twelve yards away from the machine guns, but our cover was gone, so we quickly hid behind a few more walls. By "we" I'm referring to us Hellhounds; a majority of Strang's soldiers tried to rush the nests, and it wasn't until four of them went down that they freaked out and hid behind the walls alongside us. After moving position, Jakob found another target and quickly took him out with a shot to the face. From what I could tell, there were only two tigers operating the machine guns now, both of whom were beginning to panic. Smart-ass threw another smoke grenade to the ground, and we were on our way once the hissing commenced. We knew that the machine gun operators were beginning to panic and running out of tigers. We managed to get within seven yards of the machine gun nests before we started returning fire. Fenrir rolled along the gravel and hurried over to a dumpster and hid when the machine guns caught sight of him. They stopped firing at him briefly when another one of Strang's wolves was caught in the crossfire. Through the wolf's sacrifice, Fenrir was able to come out of his hiding spot and he shot one of the machine gunners in the face twice. With only one machine gunner left, the soldiers began to panic. Some of them even backed away from us and took refuge inside city hall. But the last machine gunner stood firm, and gritted his teeth as he unloaded dozens of bullets at us. It didn't last very long though, as Jakob managed to take out the final machine gunner by shooting him in the forehead.


Lieutenant Strang suddenly smirked as he saw the tiger's retreating. He wasn't a big fan of felines, and a lot of soldiers suspected the wolf of being a speciesist, but it was a very big coincidence that all the battalions he fought that consisted of felines usually wound up running away like the pussycats they were.

"Heh! We're almost done here pups! C'mon, let's take over city hall and find Maltowzer so we can end this!"

"Smart-ass, regroup with the squadron now!" ordered the colonel.

The werewolf once again didn't feel like delivering a retort to the colonel, so he hopped off the roof and ran over to the rest of us Hellhounds and what was left of Strang's forces. The tigers were shooting at us as they slowly walked backwards and entered city hall through the front door. Denton managed to shoot one of the tigers in the leg, and Strang finished him off by shooting him in the throat. We got into a crouching position and slowly headed up the stairs and over to the door, ready to bust it down. Strang glanced at one of his soldiers and gestured for him to kick down the door. The brown wolf nodded and stepped in front of the double-doors. The second he lifted his right leg, he shouted and fell backwards when five bullets zoomed through the door, two of which hit the soldier. Strang swore out loud while Zepher kicked the door down himself. Immediately afterwards, he dived out the way when four more tigers returned fire. Fenrir surreptitiously tried to point his rifle at the enemy soldiers, but as he peeked around the open doors, several bullets whizzed past his rifle and the tip of his nose, practically taking it off. Fenrir started panting hastily before he growled and switched between his assault rifle and his shotgun.

"Damn, he's pissed now." I said.


Fenrir rolled into city hall, narrowly avoiding a series of bullets, before he pointed his shotgun at a tiger and blasted him in the chest. He cocked his shotgun before quickly aiming his weapon at another tiger, hitting him directly below the throat and sending his body into a glass showcase. The chubby werewolf threw his body behind a desk someone kicked over and took cover from the three tigers who had him in their sights. With their attention focused on Fenrir and not us, we were able to infiltrate the city hall with ease. Smart-ass and I took out the three tigers who were gunning for Fenrir in a matter of seconds while Denton aimed down his sights and shot a tiger on the second floor in the shoulder and stomach. Fenrir popped out of his hiding space and blasted off half of a soldier's head before he reached the bottom of the staircase. Cocking his shotgun, he aimed his weapon at the window and took out a feline who had stayed outside and tried to ambush us by shooting at us through the window.

"Fitch, you and the others clear out the basement. We're gonna go after Maltowzer!"

"Yes, sir!"

The wolves who hadn't been slain by Maltowzer's tiger forces ran downstairs into the basement and began to clear the rooms, while the lieutenant followed us up the stairs in the atrium and began to seek out the opposing lieutenant. We checked the corners of the corridor, and I wound up coming into contact with a tiger hiding behind a wooden door. He tried to shoot at us by opening up the door and erratically firing his rifle, but I fired all the bullets left in my magazine at the door before watching as his limp body slouched forwards and collapsed onto the ground. But that was only on the left side of the hallway. On the right side, the colonel caught a glimpse of a tiger wearing a white uniform sprint down the corridor and fire two bullets at us. Judging by how fast he was moving and the different attire, it was Lieutenant Maltowzer, or a subordinate of his with a high rank.

"GET THEM!" he shouted.

We saw another soldier appear from the corridor the lieutenant sprinted down, but before any of us even had a chance of taking him out, Zepher threw his knife at the feline, hitting him in the Adam's apple. The tiger let out a choking groan before he gagged and landed flat on his face. We ran down the right corridor and paused before following our target down the left path. Fenrir peeked over the corner and saw the lieutenant aim his desert eagle at us and fire off three rounds. The coward resumed the chase, and started to run down a corridor on his right, shouting out, "GO!" so another one of his cronies could take us out. But we had an infuriated werewolf wielding a shotgun on our side, and Fenrir blasted the tiger in the abdomen before he could even reach us.

"That coward's gotta be running out of room by now! Let's get him before he can get to the roof and call for an EVAC!" shouted Strang.

As we turned right and finally corned the tiger at the end of the hallway, he fired more bullets at us, and Denton and I were forced to duck before the bullets wound up penetrating our skulls. Before we had the chance to get back up, Tenny shot out the glass and jumped outside onto the roof, yelping once he nearly slid down to the ground. If the bastard had fallen right then and there, the whole thing would've ended, and we could've gone home saying that his death really was an accident. But he maintained his balance and started to run along the building's perimeter, reaching the other side of the roof. He waited with his desert eagle aimed at the window he just hopped through, expecting us to follow him. Strang was the first one to hop outside, sliding along the slippery, slanted tiles and nearly falling to the ground himself. Tenny fired off two shots, and missed both times. He was about to blow the canine's brains out, but Jakob saved the lieutenant in the nick of time, and sniped the tiger in his wrist. He yelped and dropped the gun before swearing out loud and looking down at his wound. Defenseless and cornered, Tenny did the only thing he could, and threw himself through another window, without shielding his face or any other part of his body. As he dove sideways, Strang squeezed off five shots, and one of them hit Tenny in the foot (he wasn't wearing boots at the time, so I'm sure he stepped on glass as well. Smart guy huh?)

"I think he's down! WE GOT HIM!" shouted the lieutenant.

The rest of us jumped onto the roof and followed the gray wolf until he pointed his rifle through the broken window Tenny had just hurled himself through. Strang saw that Tenny had a secondary silver pistol equipped on him, but he didn't bother saying "freeze," and shot him in the paw, blowing off one of his fingers in the process. We could hear the tiger groaning in the distance and knew that Tenny was subdued. The six of us climbed through the broken window and stomped into what appeared to be city hall's primary office room. All the guards inside had been killed long before we got there, and there was a giant vault door near the corner of the room. Strang was busy dragging the wounded lieutenant over towards the vault door so he could get around to interrogating him.

"What are you doing Strang? Let's just kill him and get out of here." said Riesling.

"Not just yet colonel. Unlike you mercs, we need him alive, and our commander gave us strict orders not to kill him."

Strang turned away from Riesling and diverted his attention over to the panting, bleeding tiger.

"Now, you're gonna tell us what the combination to the vault is or else you're gonna walk out of here losing much more than your little finger."

Smart-ass rolled his eyes and sighed. "Just shoot the guy so you don't waste time. All he's gonna do is say--"


Fenrir pointed his shotgun at Tenny's right kneecap and pulled the trigger. His kneecap instantly turned into a disgusting blotch of crimson and exposed flesh; the bones were shattered into billions of pieces and went flying in all directions, along with much blood. The tiger started shouting hysterically and grabbed his right leg, forced to watch all the red blood dripping out his maimed knee.

"You're gonna be fighting this war with only one leg now lieutenant! Answer us now and you won't lose the other one!"

Riesling walked over to Maltowzer and pressed his boot against the tiger's wound on his knee and pointed his handgun at his face. The tiger screamed again before he shut his eyes and winced a few times.

"What's the damn combination?!"

Tenny opened his eyes and noticed that the colonel was pointing his handgun directly at his left eye. The feline knew that it was possible to get shot in the eye and live, and seeing as how he already lost his right leg, he saw no reason in losing his eye too.


Colonel Riesling grinned and removed his foot.

"That's better. Input the code lieutenant. We'll watch over this pussycat."

"Alright, just don't kill him yet!"

"We won't." I said.

All six of us had our guns pointed at the tiger and were staring at him like we wanted to rip the scalp from his head and feast on his brains for dinner, and judging by Zepher's face, that's exactly what he wanted to do. But we remained calm and silent while Lieutenant Strang focused on unlocking the vault door. After he entered the final number, he heard a loud click, indicating that the door had successfully been unlocked. Strang grabbed the golden handle and grunted as he slowly pulled open the three-inch thick steel door, which hissed loudly in the process. Strang looked inside the vault and found dozens of different items, ranging from a few money bags to several boxes containing documents and folders, to black leather suitcases and a few assault rifles.

"Christ, I think we just hit a gold mine here."

Strang walked inside the vault and started sifting through all the documents and folders, gathering any amount of intelligence that seemed valuable and skimming through it.

"I don't believe it! There's enough Intel in here to hinder Commander Zeo's operations for the next year or two! If we're lucky we might even find the son of a bitch!"

"Did you get what you came for lieutenant?"

Strang chuckled. "Trust me, I got a helluva lot more than I wanted!"

"Good." said the colonel, nodding at Fenrir.

"Now, as for Maltowzer--"

Fenrir shot the tiger square in his face, killing him instantly and making it so he was unrecognizable. Strang immediately grabbed his assault rifle and stepped out of the vault to find the source of the disturbance. To his surprise, all he found was a faceless Maltowzer, and smoke coming out of the barrel of Fenrir's shotgun.


"Actually, you said don't kill him yet. Not our fault you weren't specific with your words Strang." said Smart-ass.

"We could've interrogated him for more information!"

"Yeah, well, maybe if you can put his mouth back together, he'll come back to life and start talking again."

"You had your orders, lieutenant, and we had ours. Your superiors wanted him alive, ours wanted him dead. Now obviously, you're superiors won't be too pleased to see that his face is spread all over the wall, but if you flash those files in their face, you know, brandish them a little, I don't think they'll give a damn about Maltowzer anymore." said Riesling.

"That doesn't change anything if there was something he didn't write down that only he knew!"

Riesling shrugged. "Maybe, but you and all your wolves will just have to deal with that should the situation arise."

"So what now?"

"Maltowzer's dead, you're still alive; our mission's done with and we're gonna call for an EVAC."

"That's it?"

"C'mon lieutenant, you know how we work. 'Sides, if you're lucky you'll run into us again real soon."

Strang scoffed. "Yeah, I'll bet."

"Jakob, stay where you are. Maltowzer's dead and Strang is safe. We're coming back outside and ordering a chopper to pick us up."

"Roger that."

"Let's go hounds!"

We followed the colonel out of city hall, which had officially been cleaned out thanks to the rest of Strang's soldiers. While the colonel started to call for a chopper to haul us back over to the safe house, I analyzed all of the Hellhounds very closely. It became clear to me that I should be on my guard when I was around one of them...but I didn't know who. Maybe it was Fenrir, who had no problem executing that lieutenant right in front of us? Maybe it was Jakob, who was secretly plotting to betray the entire squadron for a bigger pay grade. Or perhaps the colonel, who was a sociopath who deemed all of us expendable and would kill us the second we were of no value to him. And then there was Zepher, of course. He had been on the top of my suspicions, although, the fact that he wasn't hiding any of his dirty secrets from me, unlike the rest of the group, did say something about him. I just wasn't sure anymore, and I knew that I had to get closer to my teammates, at least enough so I could find out all their dirty secrets and decide for myself which one of them I should avoid. Seeing as how all we really did at the safe house was sleeping, eating, masturbating, or fucking each other, I figured I might as well kill two birds with one stone, and indulge my sexual fantasies with them. And I was gonna start with the colonel.

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