What Happens in Detention Part 3

Story by Arch Fox on SoFurry

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#3 of What Happens in Detention

Author's Note;

This is a quick story I wrote to help me get over the writer's block I've been

suffering from for weeks now. I know it's not much, but I thought writing a short story

might help.

Hope you like it!


"Heh. I knew you'd be back" Aron chuckled. He looked Derek over, the young lion was standing

next to his desk. It was 4 o'clock, school had finished half an hour ago, but Derek decided

he wanted to talk to his teacher who had been using him over the past few days.

"S-Sir..." Derek muttered nervously.

"I know why you're here." Aron grinned, "But I want to hear you say it. Go on." Derek paused

before answering.

"I want you." He muttered.

"Louder, boy."

"I want you, Sir!"

"Heheh, good." The chubby tiger purred, running a finger down Derek's chest, "Good boy."

Aron locked the door before turning back to the young, slender lion.

"Then let's get started. Strip for me. And for God's sake stop looking so nervous."

"Y-yes, Sir." Derek muttered.

He pulled off his shirt, slowly revealing the yellow-brown fur on his chest.

"Mrr. Slower." Aron purred. Derek did as he was told. He slid his shoes off and unbuckled his

belt. Aron felt a stirring in his sheath as he watched his student strip. He unzipped his own

pants and pulled them down quickly, his hardening member tenting his underwear. The tiger

ripped off his own shirt, revealing his chubby stomach.

Derek hesitated when he saw his teacher ripping his clothes off. He ignored his nervousness

and let his school pants drop around his ankles. He kicked them to the side and stopped.

"Go on, boy." Aron purred, "The underwear too."

Derek did as he was told. He slowly slid his underwear down, leaving him completely naked

and at the mercy of his teacher. Aron purred.

"Heh. Guess I was right, eh?"

"Hm? About what?" Derek asked.

"You were enjoying it the whole time, right?" Derek hesitated before nodding.

"Y-yeah. That's right."

"Mrr. I could tell." Aron moved close to the young lion, "Damn you're sexy, Derek."

Derek just stood there, nervously. He looked his teacher over.

"You too." He muttered, admiring his teachers chubby stomach. Aron ran a finger down the

lions chest and stopped at his sheath.

"Aw, you're not hard?" Aron grinned, "Nervous eh?"

"A bit." Derek admited.

"Let's fix that." Aron chuckled.

The tiger knelt down in front of Derek and cupped the young lions balls. Derek gasped.

"Oh, S-Sir..."

"Mrr, like that?" Aron grinned. The tiger licked along Derek's sheath. It didn't take much

to coax the lions member out of his sheath. Derek moaned as he felt his member harden and

his teacher licking across his ballsack. Aron massaged his own throbbing member through the

underwear he was still wearing. He licked the head of Derek's hardening lion cock, causing

him to let out an approving moan.

"Please..." Derek gasped, "T-take me." Aron grinned.

"Heh, you're really behaving yourself today. Never imagined I'd hear you begging for it like


With that, the tiger took the young lions cock in his mouth. Derek was already dripping

pre-cum which his teacher eagerly licked up. Aron sucked on Derek's throbbing cock, stroking

his own cock through his underwear.

"Please... Fuck me." Derek gasped. Aron stopped and looked up.

"Mrr, desperate for it?" Aron grinned, "Beg some more."

"All right." Derek submitted, "I want you, Sir. Badly. Please, do me!" Aron was on his feet

in seconds, tearing off his underwear.

"All right, all fours." Aron purred. Derek did as he was commanded.

The slender lion knelt down on all fours, presenting his tight hole to the chubby tiger.

"Good boy." Aron sighed, running a hand across his plump ass. He couldn't wait any more.

Without hesitating, Aron shoved his throbbing cock into the young lions ass.

"Ahhh!!" Derek yelled as his teacher forced his fat member deeper inside him.

The shock of suddenly having such a huge, fat member inside him slowly subsided. Derek moaned aloud.

"Harder, Sir, please!" Derek begged.

Aron gripped the sides of the lions ass and pounded furiously inside him.

"Oh, dammit! You're so tight!" Aron gasped, "Mrr, tell me you like it!"

"More, please!" Derek yelled "Fuck me harder!!"

"Yeah, you like that, don't you, my little slut?" Aron grunted as he pounded the lions ass

with his big, fat tiger cock.

Derek felt his climax building. He let out a loud moan as the pounding he was getting

from his teacher sent him over the edge. His cock throbbed as he shot his seed across

the floor, his ass tightening around Aron's fat member. Aron gripped Derek's ass as he

tensed up and felt his own load building up.

"G-get ready for it, slut!" He moaned as he picked up the pace. It didn't take long before

the chubby tiger came inside his bitch, filling him up with his warm tiger cum.

Derek collapsed on the floor, Aron's cum dripping out of his hole.

"How was it?" Aron asked.

"We should do it again." Derek grinned.

"Heh. I knew you'd like it." Aron grinned, "You should get cleaned up."


Derek stood up, exhausted after being taken by the chubby tiger. Aron winked at him.

"Your parents'll be wondering where you've got to." Aron said, "School's been over for about

an hour now." Derek shrugged.

"Nah, they'll be fine." Derek picked up his clothes, "So, ah, I'll see you tomorrow then."

Aron winked again.

"Heh, damn right you will."