Convicts - Part 4

Story by Atlas86 on SoFurry

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#5 of Convicts

Warning: The following piece contains consensual sex and stuff. And I should mention that this previously-indescribable "stuff", pertains to some very graphic scenes of violence between a watermelon and a rose bush. This watermelon, which has had a negative disposition towards the rose bush for quite some time now, finally decided that it had had enough of the aforementioned flora, and hurled itself towards it at incredible speed. Meanwhile, the rose bush was busy climbing up a wall for the sheer enjoyment of sneering down at blades of grass. The watermelon, being the rapidly-approaching projectile that it was at this point, did not give the wall any regard as it focused on the rose bush, but due to laws of the transfer of kinetic energy, burst upon contact with the wall-bound rose and showered its delicious pink blood across the plain of innocent grass children below. These children, now completely desensitized, grew up to become murderous blades of grass, who eventually devoured the roots of the rose bush, causing it to whither and turn to dust, and soon after, took over the world.

P.S. sentences 2 through 6 of the previous disclaimer have absolutely nothing to do with the following piece of fiction.

P.S.S. I guess the "stuff" could be the rimming and foot-fetish-ing that takes place during the consensual sex.

Jack awoke in a daze. His head was pounding and his whole body felt not dissimilar to jelly. He had been scraping across bare sticks all night, the pillows shifted up around him like a crater. A great weight was pressed against his back, but it wasn't hard to figure out what that was. He groaned and twisted his neck to look above him.

The mass of black scales was still there, quietly snoring as he covered the entire nest in an immovable cover. And while Jack was thankful for the warmth on cold, winter nights, it was summer, and they were in South America. He was baking alive, though being in a cave did help to get it cool enough to be livable. Jack realized that he was dripping with sweat, and while he was certainly slick, it wasn't enough to get him out of his giant friend's grasp. An arm clung to his chest on his left, and the greater portion of his chest took a position on his right. His heart had been thumping in his ear for hours, and it was starting to drive him up the wall. He needed a bathe, to cool down, and calm down.

He tried to wriggle himself backwards, but that only served to send a sore jolt up his spine. He reached back with his right arm, and could feel the heat radiating off the semi-erect shaft lodged inside him. "It's still in there!?" he thought. He must have been clenching during the night, keeping it stimulated and out of its slit. "Damn his endurance."

"Drake? Drake, wake up," he called, pushing meagerly against the arm around him. Suddenly, there was a great surge in the creature above him, followed by a yawn. Two terrifying, yet brilliantly beautiful eyes blinked slowly, and then focused on him.

"Good morning, Jack," the dragon replied sleepily, and yawned again. "Are you ready to go to the lake?"

"Yeah, let's do that now," Jack replied.

He felt the arm around him release him, and plant itself firmly a few inches away. In one smooth motion, the dragon rose up to its full height stretching its back as it did every morning. But as it did, Jack felt the shaft inside him rise and bend, but ultimately pull him up with it. There was another twinge of pain, one which he couldn't help but growl at.

"Oh, Jack. Are you forcing yourself on me already?" Drake asked playfully.

"You never stopped forcing yourself on me." Jack groaned in reply.

"Well, I'm already in, so do you want to finish it off?" the

dragon asked, giving a small hump forwards and driving the shaft a bit deeper into his bruised rectum.

"No Drake, I hurt. Just get it out." Jack pleaded.

"Oh, okay," Drake replied, suddenly sounding guilty. He lay down on his side, spooning Jack, and very carefully pulled his pelvis back, dragging the phallus back with it. All the while, Jack lay groaning against the dragon's belly, as the exiting shaft reactivated some dormant sensitive spots. When the monstrous shaft had finally retreated back into its scaled home, Drake simply held Jack gently, cradling him in his arms. "I'm sorry, Jack. I wouldn't have been so rough for so long if you were going to feel like this."

"It's not your fault, Drake. It seemed like a good idea at the time," Jack replied. "Now we know my limit. Only three times a night, not five. And only when I feel up to it."

"Were you feeling up to it last night?" Drake asked.

"I thought I did," Jack admitted.

They stayed together like that for a long moment. Being cradled gently in his lover's arms reminded Jack of the love that they shared. A very deep one, the one that made him leave his own wife on a whim. He knew that he could always look into those warm, sweet, innocent eyes, and be healed of any pains he felt. But Drake blinked, and he shifted the wrong way, and the pain returned with a vengeance.

"Alright, let's get you down to the lake. Some cold water in that bruised tube will do you some good. And maybe a little warm fluid too."

"As much as I love your rim jobs, I don't even want to think about having anything in my ass right now."

"Okay, but we need to get you cleaned up regardless. We have to leave today." Drake said, as if he was reminding him of something.

"Wait, what? Leave for where?" Jack asked as he was deftly laid onto Drake's back.

"Did you forget already?" Drake asked with a chuckle, and began towards the exit. "Mating season starts in two weeks. We have to get back before I miss it."

"And you're taking me with you?" Jack asked. "Isn't this your thing?"

"Yeah, well I thought that you should go see your family," Drake replied. "You did completely abandon them rather suddenly."

"Don't remind me," Jack groaned, placing a hand over his eyes to block out the sun that was now raging down on them.

"Do you have any regrets?" Drake asked softly.

Jack sighed. "I wish that this could have happened without her feeling hurt," he replied.

"Jack, listen...this past year was great, but if you feel that you should go back to them...I'll be alright."

"No, no," Jack shot back hastily. "What I had with was like a trial version of what we have now. I never want this to end. Just the two of us...nobody around for's a great thing."

Drake nodded. "I just want to make sure that you feel comfortable, Jack," the dragon replied.

"You always do," Jack said. He tried to sit up, to get over to the dragon's head and kiss him during the heat of this moment, but all he managed to do was reawaken the pains that had just began to slumber. "Except last night...damn that was rough,"

"I know, I'm sorry," Drake repeated. "Here, let's get you in the water."

Jack could feel the cool air off the water before he even saw it. The small, recluse lake, hidden in the midst of this tropical rainforest, was one of Jack's favorite spots. It had a natural basin that was perfectly suited for them to bathe in, and for them to get dirty in again. Luckily, the water drained out of it from a small creek, so the murky white remains would drift away and leave the water fresh and pure again.

"Okay, are you ready?" Drake asked.

"Yep," Jack replied, and listened as the water rolled and rippled away from Drake's feet as he stepped into the lake. He felt the dragon begin to lower himself into the water, and cringed as the frigid liquid began to lap up against his hanging feet and hands. It quickly rose up his forearms and shins, then to his thighs, biceps, shoulders, and he got another spark when the water brushed against his still-spread hole. It did a number on the bruising, numbing his entire rectum. He managed to angle himself onto one of the flat-rock seats that was in the basin, and discovered that he could actually sit on it. As he relaxed in his seat, he watched Drake 'cleaning' himself. He was pretty sure that the dragon just liked to give himself a blowjob, but to be fair, his tongue was his primary cleaning tool. It's just, when you orgasm every time you bathe, something might be up.

"You want to help me?" Drake asked, pulling his lips away from his groin. "You know how much you love to help me bathe."

"I don't know, already?" Jack asked.

"Come on, Jack," Drake pleaded, shuffling closer to him. "You know that there are things that your hands can do that my tongue can't. And, there are things that my tongue can do that your hands can't, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, well...maybe I could use a bit of cleaning," Jack said, forcing an uncertainty into his voice.

"Here, why don't I help you with that," Drake replied, and Jack moaned as the lips of the great creature were suddenly suctioned around his genitals. That dragon could do amazing things with his mouth, that was for sure. He must have had a lot of experience with this sort of thing, being a submissive male and all. But still, humans and dragons were different, and he still managed to give him an unparalleled blowjob, without ever nipping off anything. While his deft tongue slithered and snaked up and around his shaft in a wicked dance, his lower jaw massaged his sack with the inside of his teeth. The miniscule scratching sensation on Jack's scrotum only added to the pleasure, and it never went too deep. The pleasure built up slowly, until everything came to a head. With a groan and a small convulsion, Jack ejaculated into the waiting maw of his lover, keen to suck him dry. And dry him he did.

"Oh god you're good," Jack moaned as the flow ebbed, and the maw released his shrinking shaft. Drake smiled and drew a small lick over his left cheek. The organ felt stickier than usual, due to its fresh coating, but Jack loved it all the same.

"Alright, my turn," Drake replied eagerly, and practically threw himself into Jack's lap. It was an awkward position for a dragon to take, especially if he didn't want to crush the other person involved, but they had managed to make it work. In the end, the ripe and waiting phallus sat mere inches from Jack's face, giving off waves of sweet, spicy musk. Reaching out, Jack took a hold of the monstrous organ, about as wide as a soda can, and slowly stroked up and down it. Watching it quiver, pulse, and tense under his ministration always made him wonder how he managed to take all of it into him without being hurt. Well, without always being hurt.

"Jack, you're touch..." Drake began, but was cut off by another moan.

Jack couldn't help but smile as the mighty beast writhed under his touch. He couldn't help himself, and leaned in to lick at the great rod. It always had just the right mixture of salt and spice to satisfy his need for flavor. Drake would always joke about their post-mean oral sessions, but Jack just wanted something to add to the bland meat he brought back.

"Uggh, when was the last time you ate, Jack?" Drake managed between groans.

"Yesterday afternoon," Jack replied.

"Well, here's something to fill you up," he moaned, and his whole body went ridged. Jack pushed his lips down over the head of the shaft and waited with anticipation for the rising tide to break. When Drake did go, it was a wash of delicious flavor that Jack didn't want to escape. He swallowed like mad, some trying to escape from his lips even though it was being shot to the back of his throat. Drake always shot at just the right pressure. It wasn't so hard that it hurt, but it was still a satisfying conclusion. After a long six seconds of draconic orgasm, Jack had every last drop down his throat, and actually felt much better. He released the organ from his grasp, and was treated with a friendly embrace from Drake.

"Thanks for helping me get clean," he said. "Now we'd better clean up."

Jack laughed, but that was the way it always worked when they bathed. It was never a private thing, and they never really got clean. They never really stayed clean long either.

"Well, I think we should be okay," Jack replied. "And my ass is feeling better, so maybe we should head out."

"Yeah, let's do that," Drake replied, and sunk deeper into the pool some Jack could climb onto his back. When he was securely perched in his usual seat, Drake climbed out of the water and shook himself dry, trying to keep his shoulders as steady as possible. Regardless, Jack had to drop to his stomach and latch onto the neck in front of him to avoid being thrown off.

"I keep telling you not to do that when I'm up here!" Jack shouted.

"Sorry," Drake replied sheepishly, and aimed himself towards the lake. He took a running start, and leapt out over the basin they had just sat in. His wings unfurled with a majestic flourish, and they rocketed upwards as the wind caught the sails. Circling around the lake in a wide, lazy loop, Drake finally set there course north.


"Okay, I'll see you in a week," Drake said, and turned to leave.

"Wait, hold on a minute. You're just leaving me here?" Jack asked.

"I'm not going to stay here with you, Jack. I've got catching up to do, among other things," Drake replied.

"But what if she doesn't want to see me? What do I do then?" Jack asked.

"Fine, I'll wait here for ten minutes," Drake sighed. "If you're thrown out in that time, I'll take you with me."

"Thank you," Jack said, and proceeded towards the door. He shivered and rubbed the forearms that his tee shirt left exposed. It was cold here, until down in South America. It was winter or late fall here. The seasons were all messed up. Or rather, the seasons were all messed up down there, or something like that.

He knocked on the door. He waited. No one answered. The car was in the driveway, and a few lights were on, so she must be home. He knocked again. Still no answer. He checked under the doormat. The spare key was still there. He unlocked the door and stepped inside, taking one last look at Drake before closing it slowly behind him. The living room was dark, as was the kitchen. There was a light on in the upstairs hallway, so he quietly slipped up the stairs and into the straight passage. The doors to the children's rooms were closed, and the lights were off. They must have been asleep. He went to the last door on the right, the one that lead to the master bedroom. This door, too, was closed, but a low, flickering light was wavering beneath the door. "She never uses candles," he thought.

He turned the doorknob, and the door silently cracked open. He peeked inside, but what lay before him was not what he was expecting. His hand released the doorknob and dropped to his side, as the door swung the rest of the way open. A small scented candle sat on the nightstand, his nightstand. And just beside it, his wide lay on the bed, with a man on top of her. The man was young, handsome, and shirtless at the moment. Thankfully, Vanessa still had most of her clothes on. They were kissing quite intimately, until Vanessa's once shut eyes opened. They slowly fell on him, a mere second before she was stricken with shock, and broke the kiss.

"Jack? Jack is that you?" she asked. Her lover merely lay on the other side of the bed, staring at Vanessa with confusion.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," Jack said despondently. "I'll just leave."

"Wait, Jack!" Vanessa called. But Jack had already disappeared down the hallway. Jack could hear scuffling in the bedroom as he headed down the stairs. And footsteps echoed through the house as he opened the door again. He stepped through the doorway, letting the door swing half-heartedly behind him as he made his way slowly back to Drake. "Jack!" Vanessa called again, this time from the open door. "Please stop."

"No, I think I should leave," Jack replied. He didn't even turn around to face her. "You're busy. Maybe I'll try again on our way back."

"Jack, please don't do this," Vanessa's hand suddenly touched his shoulder. It felt hot, burning even, to him. "I haven't seen you in ages."

"He seems nice," Jack replied. "Are you happy with him?"

"Jack, please-" she began.

"Are you happy with him?" he asked again.

He could hear her beginning to sob, and her grip on his shoulder tightened. "Very much," she replied.

Jack nodded. "Then I'm happy for you," he replied. "Now go enjoy each other. It's only fair, I did the same thing to you. I'll come back in a week. I just need some time to think."

"Where are you going?" Vanessa asked.

"To the dragon's mountain," Jack replied.

"Be careful," Vanessa said. She turned him around and then embraced him. His arms stayed at his sides, no matter how much he wanted to return the gesture. "I want to see you again. The kids want to see you. Please come back."

Jack nodded. "I'll be back soon. A few days. Until then, hold onto him. Feel loved by someone again. You deserve it."

"Jack..." she began, as he backed out of her grip and continued towards Drake. The streetlamps reflected brilliantly off his scales, but he wasn't really paying attention to that. He wasn't really paying attention to anything. He climbed up onto Drake's back simply from muscle memory.

"Jack, are you sure?" Drake asked.

"Yes, let's go," Jack replied.

Drake cast a sympathetic gaze to Vanessa, who had retreated back to the doorway. He took off, circling once around the house before setting course eastward.

"She has a new man. That's good for her, she should find someone who will stay by her side. She deserves it." Jack thought. "So why does it hurt so much?"

His eyes began to water, and his throat began to tighten. He tried his hardest to hold back the inevitable, but his hardest wasn't hard enough. Tears began to stream from his eyes, his breath began to catch, and he suddenly collapsed into full-out sobbing. He pressed himself down, trying to bury his face into the Drake's hard neck, but to no avail. He didn't notice as Drake began to spiral down, and eventually land.

The dragon carried him into a cave, a cave Jack would've recognized. The cave where they first made love. Drake lay down in the middle of it, and pulled the quivering form of Jack off his back and to his chest. There, he curled up as tight as he could, both arms wrapped tightly around the distressed human, and squeezed. Jack continued to sob and bury his face in Drake's chest, but that was okay. Drake wanted to help him get through it, and would give him whatever he needed.

"It's okay, Jack," Drake said softly. "I'm right here."

Jack said nothing. He continued to sob, and sob, and sob, long into the night. Eventually, to Drake's relief, he finally cried himself to sleep, and the dragon was also able to get some rest.


The dragon's mountain home rose out of the earth like a spearhead, breaking the cloud layer into a wispy trail that waved behind it in the wind. Jack stared at it with a certain sense of relief. It would be nice here. Simple. He looked forward to seeing everyone again, especially Vera. He wanted to snuggle in between her and Drake and forget about his troubles. There would be plenty of sex there, too. That would help.

"Home sweet home," Drake commented, swinging wide around the side of the mountain before aiming for the entrance hole. "Would you like to come with me to see everyone, or do you want me to drop you off in my cave?"

"Doesn't Farek not like me very much?" Jack asked.

"It's not that he doesn't like you. He's just very conservative," Drake replied. "Just keep close to me, if you want to come, that is."

"I guess I could go with you and say hello," Jack said with a shrug.

Drake glided in through the entrance and pumped his wings, shooting upwards towards the top level. Once there, he flared his wings and landed on the platform, allowing Jack to dismount before leading the way into the council chamber. All the males were sitting in a circle, as they always did, and they turned their heads up immediately when Drake stepped through the doorway.

"Would you look at that, just the guy we were talking about," Kale said with a sneer from the opposite side of the room.

"Hello, Kale. Everyone," Drake said with a small bow of his head. "Are you all excited for mating season."

"Let's just say that we all can't steal away with our own private sex toy." Cenith said, nodding towards Jack.

"He's not a sex toy," Drake reminded him.

"Right, right. He's your special friend." Kale replied. "The point is, you've been getting off every night, while we've been stuck here without a sub for eight months. Now hike your tail, Drake, we've all got some stuff to catch up on."

"So close to mating season? You'll spoil your appetite, Kale." Wester chimed in, taking a bite of a deer he had in front of him. Amongst the blood and organs that spilled from the open would, a fair amount of white, viscous fluid came out with it.

"You cheating necrophiliac bastard," Kale said with mock disgust. "You totally did that deer, didn't you?"

"Who said anything about necrophilia?" Wester asked.

Kale's eyebrows rose in surprise. "That's pretty quick, to pin one of those like that."

"Well, I don't mean to brag, but..."

"Uggh, you're so full of yourself," Cenith groaned.

"Aww, you're just jealous because I beat you in that hunting challenge," Wester replied with a grin.

"You want to go? Come on, first one to spear the other wins." Cenith shouted, standing up. He towered over Wester at his full height, but that didn't seem to deter the other dragon from accepting the challenge. They appeared poised to fight, but Farek, who had been lying silently at the head of the group, stood up and got between them.

"Sit down, or I'll castrate you both," Farek said testily. "No one ruts anything until the mating session is over. Afterwards, the floor is open. That includes you, Drake. Don't think that you are excluded from my judgment."

"Of course, Councilman," Drake replied respectfully.

"You must be tired after your long flight here. Why don't you got take a rest?" Farek suggested.

Drake nodded, and turned to leave. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Enjoy your hormone storms." He led the way out of the room without waiting for a response. He flew himself and Jack down to his floor, and led the way to his cave. It was exactly the way that he had left it eight months earlier, and may have even been cleaned a few times. His bed was gone, over course, but that wasn't really necessary. They would only be there for about a week, tops.

"Do you want to go see Vera?" Jack asked, pointing over his shoulder to the door.

"Oh, it's probably best if we don't disturb her," Drake replied. "Vera will be very...pent up...right now."

"Ah," Jack said. "I can imagine. So, we are going to bed then?"

Drake yawned and nodded. "I'm beat, and I'm going to need a lot of energy tomorrow. You will too."

"What? I'm not doing anything tomorrow," Jack replied. "Am I?"

"Don't think that we only rut once a year." Drake replied. "The males will be going all day, and with you here, they'll probably drag you into it, too. If you want to keep out of it, I should drop you outside tonight, and come pick you up when it's over."

"Are the other males going to be doing you, too?" Jack asked.

"Probably," Drake replied. "They seemed pretty mad at me earlier. It's probably going to be rough. My ass hurts just thinking about it."

"I guess I could take a couple of them off your hands," Jack replied with a grin.

"I don't know, Jack. I'm always gentle with you, even when we play rough. These guys probably won't consider your safety." Drake replied.

"Oh, I've taken those guys before," Jack replied. "I'll probably have one of them beneath me. He'll cushion me against whoever's on top."

"Listen Drake," Jack said softly, reaching up to rub the dragon's cheek. "Humans might not have that much endurance, but after a couple weeks with no sex at all, a guy can get a little pent up. And besides, if I'm living with a dragon, I should at least try and participate in dragon culture."

"Not all of our culture revolves around sex," Drake replied.

Jack shot him a skeptical look. "Fine, but I want to do this."

"Jack...alright," Drake sighed. "But you have all night to brood on how big and rough these guys are, and get nervous and back out. Don't waste that time. Because once we get started, there's no turning back."

Jack nodded. "I understand, now let's go to bed. All this lecturing has made me tired," he said, adding a forced yawn at the end.

"Very funny," Drake replied, rolling his eyes and lying down on the cold stone floor. "You can sleep on the floor for that."

"Aw, I'm sorry," Jack said, but Drake had already sealed himself in a membrane cocoon. Jack tried to peel back a layer of wing, but it was held tight against his body, and wouldn't budge. "Drake, please let me in."

There was no answer.

"Come on, no one falls asleep that fast!"


Jack sighed, and made his way towards the wall. One of Drake's exotic rugs lay on the floor there. It wasn't the softest thing he had ever slept on, but it was certainly more comfortable than the bare rock. It held some heat too. It took him a little longer than usual, but after an hour, he managed to fall asleep.


"Overslept, did you Drake?" Wester asked. "No problem. More vent for me."

"Shut up, Wester," Drake groaned sleepily. He seemed far more irritable this morning than usual, his eyes red and bloodshot. It had started last night, at about midnight. Even Jack could detect the faint musky odor that began to waft through every corner of the complex. And if he could detect it at all, it must have driven all the male dragons crazy. "We all get the same amount of time,"

"But I get to go first, since I was here first." Wester giggled.

"Not on your life, Wester," Kale growled as he stalked into the room. "I'll tear off that cute little head of yours if you get between me and either or those females."

"Wrong again, Kale. I'm first," Cenith said, coming in behind Kale.

"You want to fight, Cenith?" Kale asked. There was definitely hostility in his voice. "I can pin you any day. Then you can be a bitch, too."

"We both know that's Drake's job," Cenith replied, smirking over at Drake. "Why take his fun away?"

"All of you, shut up. I have enough of a head-ache from that pheromone storm as it is." Farek roared, walking into the room with his head hunched low. "I'm the councilman, and I make the final decision on the order. Anyone who wants to object?"

"No, councilman," Both Kale and Cenith said, bowing their heads in submission to the elder dragon. Jack was amazed at how easily Farek could control the two, much larger, dragons, who were both deep in a hormone-driven frenzy.

"And you, human," Farek said, dropping his angry eyes on him. Jack's snapped straight, like a soldier would do for his commander, and couldn't help but sweat a little. "If you're going to be a voyeur, then you're part of the after-party, no exceptions. You want to get out, now is the time."

"I'll stay," Jack replied. "Sir."

"Good, because I could always use another hole to fill. And take those useless clothes off," Farek replied with a smirk. "Every single one of you will be my bitch by the day's end. If you don't like it, then usurp me. Come on, I dare you."

No one dared to move.

Farek smirked again. "Good, the females may enter."

The two dragons must have been waiting for their cue, as both entered the room upon Farek's word. They were both dripping with sexual fluids, and looked especially feral. Jack was afraid to meet Vera's eye, as she might bite his head off. Oddly enough, they both followed what seemed to be the standard mating procedure.

"Myer, you're first. Vera is second." Farek ordered, and the two females mindlessly obeyed. The first female, Myer, who Jack had never personally met, lay down on her back in front of the group of males. They all stared hungrily down at her gaping hole. Vera took a similar position to her right.

"Alright, here is how this is going to go down." Farek announced to the group. "The strongest go first, and we go in order from there. Cenith is first, followed by Kale. I go after Kale. Wester, because you took that deer, you're after me. And Drake, you've been having sex all year. You go last."

"Yes, councilman," Drake growled, but bowed all the same.

"Now line up. And get started Cenith! I want to rut something today." Farek shouted.

Jack watched, now naked, as the massive male stepped forward, hanging over the female spread beneath him for only a second before dropping down onto her. His thick member had been hanging out for a while now, and he let out a guttural groan as it finally found a home. There was no slow, foreplay-like build-up. Cenith just went all out on the female beneath him. The squelching sounds were fascinating to Jack, but they drove the other males, and even Vera, crazy. He could tell that they were all trying desperately to not play with themselves. Even Jack knew that one touch was likely to set them off. Speaking of which, Cenith gave one last, heavy thrust into his mate before roaring out in orgasm. Myer gave a noticeable shudder as she received his seed, and was left panting. Cenith rose from her wet vent, and slid sideways over to Vera. It was the same procedure as before. In, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, and finish. If it only took five thrusts, Jack knew that this wouldn't take very long. And then it would be his turn to take some of that seed.

Kale stepped up as soon as Cenith dismounted. He repeated what the other had done just seconds before, and then backed up to where Cenith stood now. Both their members were still full and ridged. Then it was Farek's turn, who was a little more vocal about his pleasure. Every thrust was announced with a roar, and every retraction had its own hiss accompany it. That didn't make the final roar any less loud, though, and Jack had to cover his ears as the call echoed through the cave. He dismounted, and repeated, then stepped back. Then it simply repeated until all of the dragons had finished. Wester and Drake took longer, grated, which made it clear that the other three males really hadn't had any sexual content since they had 'raped' him early last year.

"Alright girls, we'll be expecting the results tomorrow morning. Now go rest, you've earned it." Farek said, watching with a smile as the droopy-eyed females stood up and left there cave, still dripping with mixed sexual fluids. "Now, human. All four of us want to fill you up, but based on our last run, you can only fit three maximum. So, hike your tail, Drake, Kale is going in you first. We'll work from there."

Drake gave a noticeable cringed when he heard Kale's name. Jack guessed that he had caused Drake a lot of trouble in the past, on this subject in particular.

"Come on, Drake. I've missed you quite a bit after last year's run." Kale said, sauntering over to Drake and shoving his snout under his tail. Jack watched the larger dragon tongue over his new toy's entrance before brushing the tail up over his shoulder. Once the troublesome appendage was out of his way, Kale rose up and mounted Drake doggy-style, his member hanging ridged less than an inch from Drake's clenched hole. "Remember when Cenith and I had a race to see who could finish in you first? I won't let him beat me this time."

Kale threw his first massive thrust into Drake, and a roar of pain rang out through the cave. At that same instant, Jack suddenly felt two sets of claws wrap around his torso and lift him into the air. He was held aloft as Wester maneuvered his body under him, and he watched with a grin as Jack was lowered onto his belly.

"Hold him there while I lube us up," Farek ordered, and Jack was suddenly released from his bonds. There was no point in trying to escape, as Wester's claws immediately closed around him. Jack, Wester, and Cenith watched as the elder dragon's tongue set to work, first on Jack's hole, then on his own member. When he had finished those, he leaned in and began to suck on Wester's member, causing a giggle to rise from the dragon.

"That's a good spot for you, Farek," Wester chuckled. The laugh quickly turned to a yelp as Wester suddenly jumped and pushed Farek's head away. Jack could see the elder dragon's teeth were bared, and the tiniest spot of blood was leaking from the side of Wester's now slickened organ. "Damn it, man. I was just joking."

"That's a good spot for you, Wester," Farek replied with a smirk. He walked forward, standing with his dripping member close to Jack's entrance. He could feel the heat radiating off it, and gulped nervously. It felt big, even when it wasn't touching him. And he was about to take two of those.

"Are you ready, human?" Wester asked.

"I think so-oooh!" Jack exclaimed as he was suddenly penetrated by Farek. The massive dragon's equally massive member went straight through his well-lubed hole, and he felt the groin scales meet his cheeks a second later. He was forced down onto his stomach by Farek's weight, and it held him in place as he felt the second member, Wester's, come to meet him. He felt it run slowly up the lower end of his crack before shoving its first inch into him. Jack groaned again as Farek pulled out quickly, leaving an inch in, as Wester thrust the rest of the way in. He felt so full, all the time. It was amazing. He could feel his own member begin to stiffen, stimulated by the constant rubbing he received from Wester's belly scales. He moaned again, and as his mouth opened, a shadow descended on him, and another thick, fragrant phallus slapped against his forehead. It bounced, finally settling right under his nose. He knew exactly what to do with it, and after a deep sniff of the intoxicating musk, took the head of the shaft onto his tongue. Cenith's head felt a little narrower, more pointed, than Drake's was, which made it a little easier when the shaft began to push into his throat.

These dragons were very pent up, so their onslaught didn't last very long. Cenith was the first to go, his member pulsing rapidly against his tongue before his semen began to spray straight down his throat. The member's slit was left to be cleaned by his tongue before Cenith pulled out and stepped back, waiting for the next hole to open. At about that time, Jack felt both Farek's and Wester's members begin to swell. Growls began to rise in both their throats, and with three last thrusts, they both hilted at the same time. Jack gasped as he was stretched fat beyond what he thought was possible. His pelvis should have been shattering, but instead, he held together, and took all of that semen into his bowels. He felt full, as full as he had felt after going all night with Drake a week ago, but he knew that this was just the beginning. Both dragons pulled out, and Jack was left panting on Wester's belly, his own semen escaping at some point and splattering over the dragon's scales.

Jack took a weary glance over at Jack, who was still being ridden savagely. His forefeet had collapsed, leaving his chest on the ground with his rear end hiked in the air for Kale to ravage. The larger dragon put in another two strong pumps, then buried himself completely, pushing Drake's whole body forward a foot before simply collapsing on top of him, growling as his orgasm shot through the other dragon's bowels.

"You're as fun to ride as always, Drake," Kale growled, and pulled his stiff phallus out of the abused anus. "Who's next?"

Both Cenith and Farek stepped away from Jack and over to Drake, who was still tired from the last run. They gave him little time to recover, though, as Cenith mounted him from behind, and Farek dropped his own weight onto his shoulders. The combined mass of the two dominant dragons caused Drake's legs to buckle, and he was forced to lay flat on his stomach as the pumping began again.

"You know, human, there was always a scent on you that I could never place," Kale said casually, making his way over to way Jack and Wester still lay. "But when I lubed up Drake there a couple of minutes ago, I finally got it. You've been rimming him, haven't you?"

Jack gulped nervously, knowing exactly where this was going.

Kale grinned mischievously. "Oh, don't give me that. I know you like it, you've done it several times, by the smell of it. I even cleaned it up for you...a bit. Wester, hold him."

"With pleasure," Wester replied with a giggle, and using a deft hand spun the human onto his back. Jack felt the dragon's head press into him again, and soon he was speared completely upon the member. The two clawed hands held him firmly in place as Kale stepped over them, his hips waving seductively as he positioned his tail hole over Jack's head. Jack couldn't help but stare up into the abyss as it descended towards him. It was so wide, even for someone who wouldn't be penetrated that often. He felt the weight settle on his feet first, then it rose up his legs, and his torso, until finally, that musky expanse hung an inch above his nose. There was a second wait that allowed Jack to watch the sphincter expand and contract, before it was finally dropped on top of him. It expanded rapidly, enclosing most of his head, and blocking out all light.

"Okay, Wester, let's get this started," Jack heard Kale say, though most sounds were muffled by the pulsing anal walls that just covered his ears.

Jack suddenly felt the phallus between his legs pull out, and then slam into him with enough force to shove him farther up Kale's tail hole. As the member pulled out again, Kale's muscle contractions would force him back to his original position, only to be forced up again as the next thrust landed.

"Start licking, human, or this will take a lot longer." Kale's muddled voice came over the squelching sounds directly in his ears.

Jack stuck his tongue out immediately, though he didn't have to do much work himself. Kale's contractions squeezed his tongue on their own, so all Jack had to do was wriggle his tongue around when he felt the walls squeeze it, and a moan would rise from Kale's throat.

"Damn, now I know why Drake ran away with you," Kale moaned. "Every part of you is built for pleasing."

Wester put in three more hard thrusts before Jack could feel him about to blow. But instead of finishing inside him like he had last time, his pulled out. Jack felt Wester hump the air a few times, then a sputtered growl came from Kale as Wester must have sprayed right up into his mouth. Jack felt the clinging hole around him suddenly pulled away, leaving him completely unbound on Wester's chest. It took a moment for his eyes to readjust to the light, but when the glare was gone, he could see Kale's own ready phallus lodged deep into Wester's stunned mouth.

"Damn it, Wester. First, I'm going to bury this seed so far into you that it sprays out the other end. Then, you're going to lick this stuff off my face." Kale growled, his own face covered in the steaming white fluid. Wester began to giggle, but it soon turned to a gag as Kale's member pulsed and finally blew straight onto his tongue. In an incredible feat of speed, Kale pulled out of Wester, spun himself around, planted a foot down on the other dragon's neck, and got his own head an inch away from Wester's, all before the sputtering dragon could swallow any of the load that had just been handed to him.

"You're not going to stop tasting that until you clean this up," Kale growled.

Wester nodded hastily, and his tongue reached out to lap up his own seed. There was a lot of it, and Jack could tell that the dragon was struggling for air near the end. But once every drop of white fluid was cleaned from Kale's contrasting scales, the foot was removed from his throat. Wester's body decided to breathe first, causing him to inhale some of the musky, thick semen and lash out in a coughing fit. Jack quickly threw himself clear of the dragon as he began to pound on his chest, and with a sickening sound managed to cough up the semen and swallow it properly.

There were two roars a second later as Farek and Cenith pumped their seed into Drake, who was looking quite exhausted at this point. Jack was starting to feel tired too, though he certainly hadn't been ridden as hard as the dragon had.

"Alright...I'm empty," Farek panted, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Good, because Cenith and I need an official to see who can finish in this bitch first." Kale called, walking over to Drake again. They wasted no time positioning Drake on top of Cenith, and Kale mounting over his back, and they went at it, pumping back and forth to see who could get the most pleasure in the least amount of time.

"I guess that just leaves you and me," Wester said, rolling over. He now stood above Jack, and with a light push, forced the human to the ground and held him there. "Why don't we try something...different?"

"What do you mean?" Jack asked, struggling against the foot. The claws, which were once held together over his chest, suddenly splayed apart, and the space between the two large toes was suddenly pressed against his face. He tried to struggle back, out of the way, but something besides the crushing weight held him there. He knew that dragons didn't sweat, but there was still a musky odor emanating from the soft concave between the two toes. It was a little light, and a little sweater than the heavy musk of his member. It was almost like the scent of a smooth but heady flower.

"I've had a foot fetish for quite a while now," Wester continued. "Now, obviously, the other dragons around are too dominant to indulge my interests. But you're not very busy, or very dominant, are you?"

Jack hesitated a moment, then nodded slowly, his eyes never leaving the tantalizing space that awaited him.

"Somehow, I think you like that too, don't you?" Wester asked with a grin.

Jack nodded again.

"Well then, why don't we get started?" Wester said, and the target of Jack's affection slowly slid up his chin and settled under his nose. Jack took deep inhalations of the scent, so pleasantly fragrant, but soon couldn't contain himself. His tongue left the confines of his mouth and stroked gently against the scales before him, reveling in the texture and gentle saltiness. It wasn't harsh at all, and soon any hesitation left Jack as he began to lick all over the scales. Wester released a deep moan, and Jack knew that this run would be especially short. But seemed to be in control here, and managed to keep himself from blowing as he replaced his foot with a different one. "I'm not finishing until you do all four."

Jack was just as eager to lap the second foot as he was the first, and the third and fourth were just as magical as the first moments. Wester had been moaning nearly constantly, and Jack could feel him start to quiver. He was aloud one more second with the foot before it was removed and slammed into the ground beside him. This left no obstructions between him and the shaking member hanging a foot above him. It pulsed three times, and then semen exploded all over Jack's torso. It clung heavily to his skin, but still managed to quickly run down his legs and around his own member.

Wester stepped back, admiring the mess he'd made with a grin. He then lowered his head and began to run his tongue up and down Jack's body, lapping up his own seed. Jack was frozen still as the massive creature eyed him seductively, and ever so slowly his tongue worked down towards his own needy member. It flowed around it lithely, barely brushing against his shaft as it continued to track down his own flowing seed. And after lingering around his ass for a little while, the tongue retreated, leaving Jack wanting more.

"Ah, come on," Jack practically begged. "I finished you off three times, and you won't even touch mine?"

Wester shot him another seductive grin, and in one fluid motion, wrapped his member in a hard suction while running a claw straight up his loosened hole. The dragon's tongue completely ensnared his shaft, and squeezed it only once. At the same time, the claw ever so gently rubbed his prostate. The suddenness, along with the massive shot of pleasure that suddenly ran up his spine, cause Jack to orgasm immediately, and with enough force to drain him in nearly one shot. But that tongue wanted to milk him dry, and it did just that. Wester suckled on his member until it physically hurt, and Jack was pushing against the dragon's lip to move it away. When the mouth finally released him, his entire member was red and sore, and even looked a little shriveled.

"Is that better?" Wester asked, chuckling. "Well, I'm about finished for tonight. Who won?"

"I don't know how he does it," Kale said quietly, walking towards the exit just behind a smug-looking Cenith. Farek followed behind them, and Wester finally fell into the last space in the line. Leaving Jack and Drake alone in the cave, both full of semen and smelling heavily of musk.

"How are you doing, Drake?" Jack asked, coming over to kneel next to Drake's head.

Drake groaned as he opened his eyes, they looked red and sore, probably from having them stuffed in some many crotches. "I'm going to be sore for a few days." He replied, but managed to stand. As he did, a torrent of semen rushed from his abused tail hole, causing him to cringe as they agitated his raw nerves.

"Did they let you have any fun?" Jack asked.

"Uggh, no," Drake replied, lying down on his side to lick away the sperm that clung to his belly and crotch area. Jack could now see that his member was still rigid and needy.

"I want to help you, Drake, but I'm pretty sore, too," Jack replied.

"That's okay," Drake replied, giving his member a flick and watching it bounce back and forth. "This is what usually happens at these things. I'm used to it by now."

"Well, let's go back to your cave. We could both use a rest, and all this musk is starting to get to me." Jack said, and waited as Drake hauled himself to his feet and led the way towards the door. They stopped for a moment for Jack to get dressed before they left the room. The main shaft was deserted now, except for Vera, who was standing on her level and staring up at them expectantly. Drake shot her a confused look, but she simply turned and walked into the hallway towards her cave. Her hips and an extra, very intentional sway to them.

Drake carried Jack down to Vera's level, and followed her down the dark stone tunnel. They saw her turn into her cave, and entered it themselves a few minutes later. Inside, Vera lay on her back in her nest, in much the same way that she had in the main cave above. Her vent was still open, and the tip of her tail circled it slowly as she watched Drake and Jack enter.

"What are you doing, Vera?" Drake asked. "You should be fast asleep by now."

"I'm not tired," She replied simply. "Maybe you could help off some steam."

"You know we shouldn't, Vera," Drake replied, but stepped forward nonetheless. "It could spoil your chances of laying eggs."

"If anything, more sperm should make more eggs," she replied. "Now come on, stop thinking about it. Sex helps you forget about those kinds of problems."

"You're doing a very good job," Drake replied, now standing right in front of where Vera lay. He shrugged his shoulders widely, nearly throwing Jack off. Jack leapt off himself, knowing that Drake didn't want to be obstructed during his second attempt. "I'm almost completely seduced."

"What do you need to be completely seduced?" Vera asked, moving her tail to wrap gently around Drake's shaft.

Drake smiled, and then leaned down to inhale her scent. "That," he said, and then leapt up on top of her, mounting her like he had before. He wasted no time in pressing into her, and then pulling out, and then pressing into her again. Jack had a much better view this time around, and could clearly see Vera's vent clamping tightly around Drake's shaft as he tried to pull out. Drake and Vera's snouts met, and their tongues intertwined. Their snouts were not made for kissing, though, and Jack was given a perfect view of them as they danced a passionate waltz together. But it didn't last long, as Drake's tongue began to spasm, and Vera's started too shortly after. Their moans were suppressed by each other's grip and their rush of fluids met in the middle. Ultimately, Drake won out, as his surging sperm pushed back Vera's orgasm, pushing another helping of his seed deep inside her. They held the kiss for another long moment, before breaking it slowly, watching spindles of their mixed saliva connect them before the broke and splattered across Vera's chest.

"Thank you, Drake," Vera whispered. "I wanted you the most today."

Drake couldn't think of anything to say as he pulled out of Vera and stepped off of her.

"After you left, it got really lonely around here," she said. "Nobody talks with me like you did. Myer is Farek's lapdog, and never talks with me. The other males can't come near me without trying to pin me down. You were the only one that didn't treat me any differently from anyone else."

"You're a person, Vera. Just like me, just like Jack, just like anyone." Drake replied with a modest shrug.

"I know, and I thank you for that," Vera said. "I wish you could stay here with me tonight."

"Me too, but the others will get suspicious if they find me here with you when you should be sleeping." Drake replied. "Jack and I should leave now."

"Wait, will you let Jack stay here with me? There's nothing wrong about him being here. He's only a human after all. He can't affect my eggs."

"I guess that would be okay, but it's up to Jack," Drake said, glancing down at the man.

"Sure, I'd love to stay," Jack replied.

"Alright then, it's settled," Drake said, and made his way to the exit. "Play nice, you too."

They both watched as Drake turned the corner and disappeared, his gentle footsteps quickly fading into nothingness. Jack turned back to Vera, who was now on her side, with her arms stretched out in front of her. She beckoned him towards her with a wave of her hands, and he obliged. He stepped right up to her chest, feeling the heat radiating out of her, and then she took over. Her two hands grappled gently around his shoulders and waist, pulling him down until he was cradled against her chest. Jack smiled, enjoying the comfort of the position, and nuzzled his way ever closer to her.

"I needed this, thank you," Jack said softly, looking up at her endearingly. "There was no love in there. Plenty of sex, but no love. Being alone, just with Drake, is much better than an orgy."

Vera nodded, and yawned widely. She curled her body more tightly around Jack's body, and began to stroke the back of his neck slowly, like she was petting a cat. There were no more words between them, and they simply lay, enjoying each other's company. They both fell asleep around the same time, but Jack remembered looking and seeing Vera sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face, just before he joined her.



Jack was awake instantly, leaping away from the source of terrible roar despite his being sound asleep seconds earlier. He was shaking and suddenly drenched with sweat from the scare, but that didn't seem to be comparable to how Vera looked.

Her eyes were sore and bloodshot. Her body was constantly wracked with tremors and shakes, mainly around her waist, as she roared and growled. Her scales seemed duller than they had before, as if someone had drained the color right out.

"Vera! Vera what's happening?" Jack asked. He was concerned, and wanted to run up to her side and try to do something. But he got the same feeling from her now that he had yesterday, the feeling that she would bite him clean in two if he got too close.

"'s happening," she said, breathing raggedly. "We did it."

"What? What happened? What did we do?" Jack kept asking.

"What's all the noise about?" Kale asked, suddenly rushing into the room, though staying back even further than Jack. "Wait, are you laying eggs!?"

"What's it look like, asshole?" Vera lashed out angrily, causing Kale to flinch back. "Ahh, here comes the first one. Oh, it's a dom."

More, stronger tremors ran up her spine, and she roared out again as her vent was suddenly spread open. The outside walls of the vent began to balloon out around the bottom of the egg, until the hard shell finally slipped past the folds and appeared beneath her. It hung there, her rippling vent clinging to it for a brief moment before it dropped into the bottom of the nest. It was big, roughly a foot wide and foot and a half tall.

"Go get it, Jack." Kale ordered, suddenly surging forward to take one of Vera's hands in his own. "You have to move the egg away from her."

"What? To where?" Jack asked.

"To your right," Kale said simply.

Jack glanced frantically to his right, and noticed a small indent in the floor. It was deep enough to hold something of that egg's size, and was well-rounded, so that nothing could roll over the walls. Jack made a mad scramble towards the egg, which looked very fragile beneath the raging dragon. She was beginning to stomp now, trying to alleviate some of the pain in her groin, and also had Kale's hand in a death grip. Even the larger dragon looked like he was about to cry from how tightly Vera was squeezing.

"Hey, don't squeeze so hard," Kale said quietly. He was trying to exude some calmness for Vera, but she was in no position to absorb it.

"I'll squeeze as hard as I damn-well need to!" Vera screamed.

Another egg began to push against her vent, and Jack knew that he was running out of time. He charged forward, nearly getting nailed by Vera's waiver tail, and grabbed the egg up. It was heavy, that was for sure. It a challenge to escape the deathtrap with the precious egg in his arms, but he managed to squeeze through the gap and make it out of her range. Once he was no longer being threatened by flailing tails of thrashing claws, Jack was free to place the egg in its receptacle.

"Jack, get moving," Cenith's voice suddenly appeared. Jack looked up, and saw all of the other dragons were gathered by the door. "She's about to drop her third."

Jack rushed back in, and then rushed back out, and then rushed back in again. This pattern continued six more times, with each time getting more dangerous than the last. And finally, after ten minutes of hell, Vera was empty. She had given birth to nine eggs, each differently shaped but all painfully large. Her sudden rage had now dissipated to simple and quiet exhaustion, and she lay slumped on her belly, watching the door expectantly.

"Where is he?" she asked quietly, and Jack knew that she must have been talking about Drake. He was the only one who was not there. Jack didn't know how he could have missed the screaming, roaring, and yelling, but for whatever reason, he was missing the event.

"Here he comes," Wester announced as he pulled his head back inside the room.

"It's about damn time," Farek grumbled from the far wall.

Drake stumbled into the room as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep. He probably had, considering how tired he was yesterday. He looked around the room, eyeing all of the dragons with confusion. He could tell that something important had happened, but couldn't tell what it was.

"What's going on?" he asked innocently.

"Vera had a clutch," Cenith replied. "Nine eggs, total. By the looks of it, two doms, four subs, and three females."

"Three females? Wow," Drake commented, casting a glance over to the drained body of Vera. "Who's the father?"

"You are," Farek replied, leaving the sanctity of the wall to join the oddly muddled group of dragons standing in the small area near the door. "You lucky son of a bitch."

"There...mine?" Drake asked, stunned. His eyes travelled slowly over to where the nine eggs sat in the concave, and did not move.

"I always wanted it to be you," Vera said weakly, drawing everyone's attention to her. Drake couldn't hold back his smile, and went to her side.

"Hey, why don't you get some rest. Giving birth is hard on you," he said, licking the side of her muzzle affectionately. "We can talk about this when you wake up, okay?"

She nodded slowly. "Drake?"

"I'm right here," he said softly.

"I want to name one of the subs Jack, okay?" she said with a smile, and looked over at the human.

Drake nodded. "Jack is a great name for a sub," he replied, and backed away from her as her eyes began to droop. Within the minute she was fast asleep, a small smile still on her face.

Everyone cleared out of her room at that point, giving her plenty of space while she recuperated. Drake took Jack back to his cave, where they curled up on the floor together.

"So, what happens now?" Jack asked.

"Well, I guess we have to stay here for a while," Drake replied. "We have to raise the children here, it wouldn't work out down south. Plus, it would be nearly impossible to move all those eggs safely."

Jack nodded. "Alright, but where does it"

"I don't think it changes anything." Drake replied. "The males and females don't sleep in the same room. There are no family bonds like there are in human culture. Vera and I aren't married or anything. We simply raise our children together, and when they're grown up, it goes back to nothing."

"So, we're not one big, happy family?" Jack asked. "I was looking forward to being the estranged uncle."

"You can still be the estranged uncle if you want," Drake replied with a chuckle. "And I'll push the big, happy family as far as it will go."

He licked the top of Jack's head, and the human nuzzled deeper his grasp. Despite all that had happened, their love hadn't changed a bit, and they still valued each other over all else. Drake gave a wide yawn, and gave Jack one last loving embrace, before he drifted off to sleep once more.