A Princess and Her Dragon

Story by Z-Byte on SoFurry

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My first request! Now I'm all giddy. This is for a friend of mine on the Yiffstar forums.

The two characters are owned by my friend, Pokemon is owned by Nintendo, and the hotness you're about to experience is owned by you, the people. Consider it a gift from yours truly ^__^


A young woman soared through the night sky atop a charizard, its flaming tail tracing a comet-like trail as it flew high above a mountain range. The girl's long, brown hair danced with the cool, rushing wind as she held tightly to her red dragon mount, feeding off of his warmth as the wind fed from hers.

The girl felt a rumble emit from her charizard's throat, soon followed by a deep, almost guttural voice. "It's late, Mimi. We should find some place to rest until morning."

"Mmm," replied the tired trainer. Despite her precarious position, she didn't feel any shred of fear letting herself nearly fall asleep atop the charizard's back. "Whatever you think is best, Sora."

Sora nodded, the silver earring around his left horn bobbing the small sapphire jewel attached to it. He began to slow, careful not to let his human charge slip from his scaly back as he scanned the mountainside for a shelter. The charizard noticed a cluster of shadows that alluded to a cave and began gliding towards it, his wings unfurling like a parachute as he made his descent.

With a gust of wind, the dragon made landfall on the lip of the cave, dust blowing into the rock shelter and rolling against its walls. "It's old," said the charizard, taking a sniff of the dust that made its way to his snout. "It doesn't smell like anyone's home anymore. This will be a great spot."

"Ah, alright," said Mimi with a sigh. She was tired, and didn't matter where they slept tonight. A fanged smile broke the flame Pokemon's reptillian snout and used his wings to gently roll the human off of his back and into his arms, the human not even budging as she was transferred from his back to his front. Cradling the fragile girl in his claws, he stepped into the mountain cavity and away from the cool air of the night, the torch on his tail illuminating the stone walls as he stepped deeper into the shelter.

Sora knelt at the end of the cave and sat against its stony surface, laying Mimi against his large, red belly. The trainer looked up at her dragon and saw him staring back at her with large, deep blue eyes, the fire from his tail reflecting beautifully off of the silver earring she had given him.

Mimi's charizard had been with her ever since she was very young. She remembered playing with him when they were little, and even now he seemed more like family than just another Pokemon. At the age of eleven, they had both left their hometown of Pallet to journey around the world. Sure, she was young, but as long as she had her char to protect her, she knew she would be safe. Now thirteen, Mimi was thankful that she did have such a great beast always by her side. She cuddled against him, hugging Sora's warm body as his tail flame heated the inside of the cave.

The flame Pokemon draped his scaled, muscled arm around his trainer. He too felt strong feelings for his companion. They had grown up together, Sora being two years younger than his human companion. When she was old enough, she began training him to protect her, fighting other trainers in order to improve his strength. However, he fought for something more...

Sora's gaze shifted to Mimi's body: the trainer's clothing was of an alternative style, her red, long-sleeved shirt with a zipper running down the middle from her neck to her hips. The tightness of her top pulled against her slender body, her breasts being only small, slowly developing hills against the landscape of her chest.

The charizard's eyes wandered downward to Mimi's waist, the hem of her red-and-black plaid skirt was hiked just high enough to expose her blood-red panties when she sat down like this. Most of her lower legs were covered in black, zipped up boots, but the rest of her thighs were exposed to the air.

"Beautiful," he finally said, breaking the silence that had almost lulled the young woman into sleep. The trainer slowly looked upwards, the grey, almost silver colored lenses over her irises softly flickering with the reflection of the flame. "Hmm? What's beautiful?"

"You are, Mimi," Sora managed to say, the words almost faltering as they ran from between his lips. The girl seemed a little confused at this sudden confession, but it was effective in waking her. "I... thank you, Sora. That's sweet."

The charizard began fidgeting with his right claw, keeping his left wrapped around the young woman. He did not want his feelings to be passed off as a mere compliment. "We've been together for a long time now, almost ten years. When we were kids, I always felt like your older brother, protecting you and making sure you grew up the right way. But now, I don't see you as a little girl that I need to protect."

Mimi brought her hand to the side of the great beasts head and gently rubbed the warm scales of his fearsome face, the black and pink collar she wore around her neck jingling softly with the small tag it bore. "Then what do you see me as, Sora?"

"This," said the dragon, tentatively drawing his head closer to the human's. His snout touched her nose and halted. Mimi was a little intimidated by this, but the look in the dragon's eyes didn't frighten her at all. In fact, his gaze calmed her, making her feel peaceful, almost trancelike.

She felt his grip on her tighten and his wing slowly fold over her shoulder, pressing her closer to him. Suddenly, a tapered tongue slowly snaked its way from the charizard's mouth and brushed gently across hers, eliciting a gasp from the human as the sudden warm, wet tendril grazed her face.

The tongue retreated, and the girl brought two of her fingers to her lips, smearing a small bit of dragon saliva across her fingertips and looking at the sheen reflecting in the flames of the dragon's tail, which had begun to slowly grow in size along with the heartbeat of the great beast. "Sora..."

The charizard continued to gaze into the human's silver-grey eyes, "I love you, Mimi. It's because of you that I have become stronger, and even though we aren't of the same species, I still care for you more than I ever would any other female."

Mimi was speechless. She had strong feelings for her charizard as well. He had been there since the beginning of her journey, and for two years he has served as both her guardian and her champion. At times, Mimi even thought of what it would have been like if she was born a dragon Pokemon instead of the human that she was. She and Sora could soar through the skies together, dancing among the clouds before returning to their den to raise a family. The thought of being taken by this great beast was the subject of many lonely nights in the Pokemon Centers as she struggled through puberty, but that fantasy seemed much more real now.

The charizard's tongue once again slithered from its home, testing the waters of the human's mouth. The girl permitted the intruder, letting a small yelp escape her throat as this new experience, her first kiss, slowly took its effect on her body. She inhaled, breathing the odorless breath of the dragon's slightly open mouth as she began to massage the tongue in her mouth with her own, unsure of what to do besides that. Her thoughts were still swimming in a sea of confusion, but, in the back of her mind, something was telling her what to do, as though it had been practicing for this moment.

A rolling growl slowly traveled up Sora's long, scaled neck and through his tongue, the vibrations being felt by the human and giving her a taste of how primal this carnal act was. She closed her eyes, accepting his love without words and choosing to give in to the desires of her Pokemon as if she were his mate.

Mimi felt her body being gently pushed backwards by the charizard. She relaxed her body and allowed herself to be laid against the slightly cool ground of the cave. The dragon followed suit, sitting up on his knees and slowly bringing his body down to hers, his tongue never leaving the embrace of her lips. His wings folded to his sides, making them appear like a tent and giving his trainer a since of privacy, a space where only she and him existed. The warmth between their bodies increased as the charizard lay against her, his claws resting by her shoulders to keep his massive form from crushing her own.

The girl reached out and stroked the neck and shoulders of her draconic companion, feeling the fruits of their training as his muscles seemed to twitch and pulse beneath his red scales. She shivered as his tongue snaked from her mouth, a trail of their saliva following the tapered tendril back into the mouth of its master. She opened her eyes and saw the charizard looking over her body, almost as if he were pondering something. Carefully bringing a claw up, the dragon hooked its tip into the small loop in her shirt's zipper.

With another growl, he tore the zipper downward, giving the illusion of ripping the fabric from her flesh and adding another animalistic element. She arched her back as the sound of the zipper screaming shocked her, causing her small breasts to part the opened material. She was bra-less, having training-bra-like cups on the inside of her shirt for convenience. Her nipples were immediately exposed to the warm air, their tips brushing against the softer scales of the charizard's underbelly and forcing a moan from her saliva-stained lips.

Sora seemed to take note of their sensitivity and arched his neck down, appearing to admire her now-bare flesh. "Pleasuring a female is new to me, Mimi, especially a human one. His huge, draconic head inched closer to her chest, a hot breath washing over her young mounds of flesh. "Tell me, is this what I must do?"

That wonderful tongue slapped softly against her bare breast, making her jump as this second new situation shocked her body. "Aah! Yes..." Her head was swimming; she couldn't believe that this was happening. She kept expecting to wake up, innocently sleeping against Sora's body, but the feeling of his tongue slowly creeping from the tip of one breast to the other quickly made everything much more real for her. This wasn't a dream, and sleeping was the last thing on her mind.

Looking down her body, she saw her small breasts already coated in her dragon's glistening spittle like a warm, moist blanket. Looking beyond her exposed chest, she saw what looked like the head of a bright red snake slowly crawling from an opening just beneath the soft, yellow scales of Sora's under scales. Mimi's eyes widened as she thought back to some anatomy books she had "read" while staying the Pokemon Centers. She recalled that charizard's penis is tapered at the head until it orgasms, the tip inflating to a small bulb during ejaculation.

She was slightly intimidated at the idea of that thing growing inside of her virgin body. However, it slid further from its hidden sheath and brushed against her naked thigh, leaving a trail of his natural lubricant and causing her to gasp, pushing any negative thought out of her mind and replacing it with primal lust. She wanted him inside of her in the worst way.

"S..Sora," said Mimi, close to panting from the pleasure from his tongue alone. "Fuck...fuck me..."

The charizard seemed surprised, "Are you sure?" The answer wasn't vocal, though, as Mimi had already begun undoing the front of her skirt, unfolding it and trying to awkwardly remove her panties from her pinned position. The dragon stood and stepped back, allowing the girl to remove all of her clothing, her open shirt, her black boots, and those thin, blood-red panties that seemed to cling to her sex before letting go.

The charizard looked down at his trainer and smiled. She looked so vulnerable, so different than she usually does. She was completely naked, save for the collar she wore, adding to her submissive appearance. Her long, brown hair was fanned behind her head, spreading like two tanned wings that bounced off of her shoulders. The dragon's cock was fully erect now, his length of his deep red, tapered shaft just shy of nine inches and as thick around at the base as three human fingers. Mimi knew that it would take some sort of miracle to get all of him inside of her, but she didn't care. For tonight, she wanted to belong to this beautiful creature. She lifted her hips and bore herself to him.

Sora knelt once more before his willing trainer, this time clutching her bare buttocks with his claws. He squeezed them, hard enough to feel her jump yet soft enough to leave only a red mark. With his thumb-claws, he reached between her thighs and held her hips higher off the ground, gently opening the virgin petals of the young girl's pussy. His neck craned as he moved his head closer, taking a whiff of her aroused sex before letting his hot breaths roll against them.

"Yes..." was all Mimi could say as her dragon opened his mouth and let his famous tongue explore the area of her body untouched by any man. He began to taste her, eliciting a gasp as each flick of the tongue further enticed her clit from its hooded home. She felt like she could cum with just this alone, but Sora had yet to take her up on her offer from before. He leaned forward, his tongue bathing a trail from his trainer's pussy to her naval, from there to her breasts, and finally to her mouth as his great body followed. "Are you ready, Mimi?"

"God yes..." she said, grasping the muscled arms of her charizard. "I'm ready."

The human felt her Pokemon's burning cock slowly sliding up her thigh, coming to rest near the equally hot folds of her labia. He pushed forward, applying a slight pressure between her folds. She winced, feeling them slowly part the area where only her fingers had dared to go before. With a wet, slick sound, his member slipped, nearly four inches sliding upwards against her clit and over her stomach. Her body clenched and shivered, the sharp, sudden pleasure bringing her to her first orgasm of the night.

Sora moaned, the fluids of Mimi's orgasm slowly coating his shaft. He brought his cock head against his trainer's sex again; making sure the tapered head was a finger's length inside her lubricated pussy before applying pressure again. Mimi leaned forward and grasped her dragon's neck, gritting her teeth as the slowly widening intruder made its way into her most sacred of spaces. However, Sora soon hit a fleshy, resilient barrier. The Pokemon was unfamiliar with this obstruction and halted, moving back and forth slowly in the painfully small place he was allowed.

"Deeper, Sora. Please."

"Very well..."

She felt him growl against her as he continued pushing, his cock slowly disappearing into her, centimeter by heavenly centimeter, slowly stretching the membrane of her maidenhood. When the elastic wall could take no more, it ruptured, sending a rush of pain mixed with pleasure as the charizard's shaft went much deeper. Her body convulsed with shock, and she stifled a loud scream. She didn't want her lover to think he had hurt her. Instead, she began rocking her hips against the thick intruder, coaxing him deeper into her feminine recesses.

Back and forth, back and forth, he went deeper with every stroke. It wasn't long before she felt pressure against her cervix, the opening of her womb much too narrow for his cock to pass through. Even though almost all of the dragon's meat was within her, the beast seemed content to spare his last few inches, beginning to slowly withdraw, only to push again once his tip had almost cleared the entrance of her pussy.

"Aah! Yes... Aah... Faster, Sora." Mimi's grip on her draconic lover's neck tightened as she gasped and moaned with pleasure, the charizard replying in kind with grunts as his tempo increased, wings folding around the human's back and causing her to slip more easily onto his shaft. His cock shone with both of their juices, Mimi's body being constantly wracked with orgasm after orgasm, her previously virgin body gaining everything it had ever wanted and more. So much more.

Sora's thrusts were growing more forceful, each one almost lifting the girl off of the ground as her young mounds brushed against the warm, scaled body of her mate. She screamed with pleasure, feeling every vein, every slight bulge in her Pokemon's cock slide against her inner walls as his piston-like thrusts became faster, fucking harder.

The charizard's breaths had become labored, his cock planting itself further into the young woman's body. He was close to the edge, his tail thrashing furiously behind him as its flame began to flicker wildly, mimicking the chaotic passion of his lovemaking. She felt his thrusts become less uniform as he attempted to speed his own orgasm and she braced herself, preparing for the moment he climaxes.

No amount of preparation could have readied her for this, however. With one final, forceful thrust, Sora nearly buried the last inch of his charizard member inside of Mimi, making the girl shout as the area around the head of the dragon's cock instantly expanded at least an inch inside of her, causing her to release her most potent orgasm yet. A hot sensation overwhelmed her insides as the Pokemon began to fill her womb with his virile, draconic seed, each forceful spurt hitting the inside of her body like a jet from a small hose. She clenched her teeth and winced with each blast as her lover's cock filled her in ways she's never even imagined.

The dragon soon relaxed himself, leaving her with the feeling of being completely full. Her dragon panted above her, his tongue hanging loosely from his jaws as he lay backward, carrying his trainer with him. Mimi leaned forward on her Pokemon's heavy body, still hugging his neck as she laid still, her charizard all but locked in as she felt a wet trickle escape the seal of his flared cock head.

She slowly felt Sora's shaft shrinking, his member returning to its haven beneath the dragon's scales. The flare began to move slowly towards the entrance of her cunt, bringing a whole new sensation as it pushed her walls further apart like a creature slowly crawling out of her and bringing with it a warm trail of cum. Then, the head had reached her vulva. Mimi closed her eyes, enjoying that last bit of pleasure before the knotted head slipped out of her, aided by the torrent like rush of charizard cum that followed. It drooled out of her cunt, tracing a red-and-white river down Sora's body as he embraced his human lover with his wings.

Both Mimi and Sora knew that tonight they had transcended the bonds of a trainer and her Pokemon. Tonight, their species, bodies, even minds didn't matter. All that existed was two hearts, beating against each other, almost daring to touch through the barriers of flesh and bone that existed between them.

"I love you, Sora."