Secret Love

Story by Crescent Fox on SoFurry

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#2 of A White Rose of Acceptance

*Dumb Disclaimer thing, This story contains adult materials and should not be viewed if you are under the age of 18, but if you choose to just don't get caught Hello again! Well here is chapter two, I hope you like it. * * *

Chapter 2: Secret love Aidan looked up and down the hall, furs were huddled together talking. He moved his eyes back onto the rose. There was nothing attached to it, it was just placed there is gorgeous white petals pointed directly at the fox. Aidan picked it up looking for some kind of sign of sign or note saying who it was from. When furs started to clear out of the halls Aidan picked up the rose and hid it in his jacket. Aidan walked down into the commons looking around for his friend Miles. Aidan looked down the hall and saw the white wolf from his swim team leaning against a wall alone. Aidan remembered how the wolf had saved him from a beating the day before. 'Scott' he repeated to himself in his head. The Fox stared at the wolf when a finger tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around to see Miles looking back at him. "Ready to go?" Miles asked. Aidan nodded and followed Miles out the front door. Just before he left though, he turned to look at Scott one last time. When he did he saw the wolf staring back at him. Aidan shook his head turning forward blushing swiftly. Miles started Benny, his Honda accord, and pulled out of the parking lot. The fox looked out his window trying to avoid the question that he knew Miles was going to ask soon. The raccoon turned onto a road, which lead almost directly to his house. "Sooo..."Miles said trailing off. "How was your day..." Aidan looked over from the window and sighed. He decided to stay quiet. "Aidan, are you going to talk about it?" Miles said turning to look at him. Aidan shook his head sighing again. The rest of the drive to the raccoon's house they were quiet. Aidan placed the rose into his bag before he got in the car careful not to damage it. Aidan really wasn't thinking about the fight, the wolf, Miles, or even that he was gay. All the fox was thinking about was the rose. 'Why' he thought, 'Why would someone do that, for me?' The fox sighed again as the car came to a halt in Miles's driveway. They both got out of the car, miles stretched. Aidan looked up the street towards his house. Aidan's house was only 4 houses away from Miles's, which is why Miles picked him up everyday. The fox and the raccoon entered the house and walked up stairs to Miles's room. The room was covered in band posters and random little trinkets. Aidan sat on the bed and fiddled with a little gnome that the raccoon had on his nightstand. "I wanted to show you my new game man," Miles said grabbing a box with a big smile across his muzzle, "SSX3" Aidan's face brighten up when he saw it. His favorite game he rented all the time. "You're the man" the fox said smiling. They put the disc into the PS2 and began to play. Aidan winning every challenge as they went. The two furs continued playing until it began getting dark out. Sometime during the mix they tried to find some food failing miserably. Around 9 Miles's mom peaked her head in the room spotting Aidan laying on the floor and Miles sitting in a recliner. "Aidan? Will you be spending the night tonight?" The older raccoon said with a cheery tone. Miles and Aidan looked at each other and shrugged. "Your call." Miles said. Aidan thought for a second, "Yeah I guess I will." "Alright dear, I'll get you a blanket and a pillow" The old raccoon said before disappearing be hide the door. Aidan and Miles returned their attention to the screen in which both snowboarders were on the ground faces in the snow. Late at night when the furs got bored they just sat in the dark room with the T.V. off. The only light in the room was the moon shining through the window onto Aidan's tail. Everyone in the house had gone to sleep except for Aidan and Miles. "Aidan?" Miles asked "Yeah?" "Whats up with you these last few days?" Aidan stayed quiet for a while, on the verge of tears. "I mean, like the whole school seemed to be looking at you and talking about you. You were avoiding me most of the day, and Chris attacked you and I don't know why." Miles spotted Aidan's tail move out of the moonlight from the window as he held it close to himself petting it. A few tears were now rolling down Aidan's cheek as Miles was talking. 'Would Miles react the same as all those other fur?' The fox kept wondering to himself. "Aidan, I just want to know what happened, you're my best friend and I don't want to see you get hurt again" "Miles..." The raccoon paused as he heard the tone of Aidan's voice, it was obvious he was crying. Miles got up from his chair and walked over to the fox. He could hear the quiet sobbing of the fox. The raccoon put his paw on the Fox's shoulder. "Miles... I'm gay..." The raccoon took a step back out of shock. "Aidan I..." Miles paused for a second, "I don't care if you're gay, If its who you are. Like I said your my best friend and I'll be your best friend no matter what." Aidan looked up at Miles whose paw had returned to his shoulder. Aidan turned around and hugged the raccoons ankles causing him to fall. The fox just cried and cried into the fabric covering Miles's legs. Aidan had thought wrong and he really did have a true friend. The fox cried for was seemed like hours and Miles just smiled and patted him on the back. After the tears stopped Miles sat up and so did Aidan. The Fox smiled when he looked at Miles. The raccoon just sat trying think about things to say, trying to get out of the awkward silence. "Sooo..." Miles said in his usual tone, "How many boys you been with?" Aidan tilted his head at the question, then he realized he was kidding. The fox and the raccoon burst out laughing for seemingly no reason. There was a knock on the door sometime in the morning. "Boys! Time to get up" Miles rolled over in bed burying his muzzle in the pillow, Aidan holding his ears down with his paws. "I have breakfast for you guys!" Both the teens pulled their heads up and looked at each other. "Breakfast?" Aidan smiled, " I never get breakfast at home" "Well that's because your too lazy to cook" Miles said stumbling face first out of bed. "Ouch" Aidan laughed, "That, and anything I cook is burned or soggy...or both" The fox stretched and followed Miles downstairs. The fox looked at all the pictures of Miles, his Mom and older brother, a happy family. He thought about how he and his mom only fought when they were around each other, luckily she was gone 3 weeks out of the month most of the time. As they strolled into the kitchen, Aidan spotted the breakfast already laid out for him and Miles. Homemade pancakes, bacon, eggs, hash browns, toast, milk and orange juice. The fox's eyes widened as he sat down in the steel chair practically drooling at the delicious looking meal in front of him. "How'd you boys sleep?" Miles's mom asked as she was scrubbing a dish from the sink. Miles looked over at Aidan who was already looking at him with a muzzle full of food. The fox's face seemed to be worried as he didn't want anyone else to know. "It was fine Mom. We just talked an stuff all night." The young raccoon replied shoving a whole pancake into his maw. "Oh talking, that sounds better to me then playing those video games for hours on end" Miles's mom giggled as she put a pan into the drying rack. Aidan sat and listened to their conversation go back and forth about how video games rot your mind. Miles's only comeback was it gave you catlike reflexes. His mom proceeded to toss a sponge at the younger raccoon hitting him right between the eyes, as he was shoving another whole pancake in his muzzle. Aidan burst out laughing followed by his mother's quiet giggling. Miles squeezed the sponge in his paw chucking it back at her, only missing. "Oh dear, I think you need to play a few more of those games." His mom giggled as she returned to doing her dishes. Miles grumbled cutting off a piece of sausage and eating it. Aidan put his fork on his plate as he finished up his breakfast. Miles finished about the same time and his mother took their plates to the counter. "So what will you two be doing today?" the raccoon's mom asked dipping the plate in hot water. The two young furs looked at each other thinking about what they should do. At the same time they replied, "Mall" Both furs piled into Miles's car. Aidan yawned and stretched out in the seat getting comfortable. Miles started the car up and pulled out of the driveway. Aidan looked though his MP3 player and found his favorite song, "Moment in Grace" by Cult Hero. Aidan smiled as he listened to the lyrics that relaxed him at anytime. Miles turned a corner sharply causing Aidan's tail to lay next to his leg. He looked down, its white tip was slowly moving up and down rubbing against his leg. Miles looked up at Aidan who had his eyes closed and was smiling. The sun was shining just right to make the white fur the disappeared into his shirt glow bright. 'Wow he is pretty' Miles thought to himself for a moment. His eyes widened as he realized he just thought Aidan was pretty. The raccoon corrected his line of sight quickly, staring out the windshield as they pulled up to the turn for the mall parking lot. Miles pushed the thought to the back of his head trying not to think much of it. They both got out of their cars and walked up to the giant mall. The entranced read Jordan Creek Mall, they both walked through the giant sliding doors. The entrance of the mall was a narrow strip of little clothing and jewelry stores. At the end of the strip it opened up to a massive center with escalators, stairs, and an elevator right in front of them, and two passages to the left or right. The fox and the raccoon took the left passage leading them to a ton of clothing stores. They stopped by one, and Aidan bought a new red t-shirt that had a set of black wings on the back. Miles stopped at Borders and picked up a new manga in his favorite series Imadoki. Aidan laughed as he picked it up. "I still say that book is just a bit girly for you Miles." Miles growled playfully, "Yeah girly things like sleeping with guys?" The raccoon nudged Aidan's arm kiddingly. The two furs continued to laugh and talk about things they saw. Miles ribbing Aidan every chance he got, the fox taking it all in knowing he would get him back one day soon. While on the second level of the mall they were walking holding 2 bags each now. Miles looked over at the fox who was rummaging through one of his bags. He was still trying to forget about earlier in the car. About the perfect time it could happen Miles stomach made a loud grumble. Aidan turned back around to him slowly with his eyes wide open. "Miiiiles?" He said in a playful tone. "Are you Huuuunnngry?" Miles smirked and nodded, "Lets go to the food court." Aidan heard a loud crash be hide him. He turned around to see two furs on the ground holding their heads. The fox giggled thinking about 'How dumb does a fur half to be to run in...' The fox's thoughts were cut short as he bounced off a furs chest and falling backward. Miles looked down at the fox laughing. Aidan rubbed his head, "Sorry I wasn't watching where I was goi..." The fox looked up and saw a familiar white wolf standing over him, a blush crept up on his face. "Well this seems familiar" Scott said laughing holding a paw out. Miles tilted his head, "You know him Aidan?" Aidan took the paw still blushing bright trying to avoid eye contact with the white wolf. Scott pulled up the fox and patted his shoulder. "Well I'm new on the swim team. Actually I'm just new around here. Anyways, the other day the fox here was being pushed around by some lion brute in the showers. I just stepped in and stopped it." Miles looked over at Aidan who was blushing bright. "Ah I see, Well that was nice of you." Miles said patting Aidan on the shoulder. Aidan looked at the two furs staring at him. He fumbled on a few things to say but was saved by the growling of Miles's stomach. The wolf and the fox looked over at him with wide eyes. Miles began blushing as his tried to quell his stomach. "Umm Do you guys want to get something to eat now?" The raccoon said pointing over his shoulder towards the food court. "Sure I'm up for some food I guess. I'm here to try to meet people." Scott said smiling starting to walk toward the food court. Aidan stood for a second worrying what he was going to do. 'This can't end well.' Miles called to Aidan. Aidan sat down at a table with his tray of food, each of the furs had a different type of food. "So where are you from Scott?" Miles asked taking a bite of his sandwich. "Oh just a small town now one has ever heard of in the middle of Iowa." The wolf replied trying to grasp onto his chopsticks, failing he just picked up a fork and began eating with it. "Well I think you'll like Jordan Creek. Were not big, or small, and we have a lot to do here too, Right Aidan." The fox coughed as the attention was brought to him. " Y-Yeah, I mean me and Miles always have things to do. Going to clubs, coming here, or catching a concert at the Val Air Ballroom, all really fun." Aidan smiled thinking what it would be like being pushed up against the wolf in a big audience "Val Air?" the wolf questioned looking towards Aidan now. "Yeah its our concert hall, we always get a ton of cool shows coming through. Like Angels and Airwaves, HelloGoodbye, All-American Rejects, and Cult Hero." "Cult Hero came here?!" the wolf shouted which made Aidan and Miles jump. "Well... They are coming here in about a week." Miles replied. "Yeah and Me and Miles are going." Aidan winked at Miles across the table trying to get the wolf to be jealous. Miles blushed at the fox not knowing why. Scott smiled, "Really? I am soooo getting a ticket tonight." Aidan's face lit up as the wolf talked "Awesome, maybe you could go with us!" "Sure that sounds great, you too don't seem to be rapists." The wolf replied. Miles chuckled, "Its good that you think that... Its really good..." the raccoon said trailing off menacingly. All the furs started laughing together. Another hour past as the furs finished their meals and continued to shop. Aidan and Scott talked about music and games. Miles added a joke here or there but was amazed on how well the two furs got along, it was like they were friends for years. Miles stopped on the last part and thoughts of jealousy began rising. "Uhh I have to go to the bathroom guys, I'll be right back" Miles said with a nervous tone to his voice. Both furs nodded as they watched the raccoon walk down a hallway and round a corner. The raccoon leaned over a sink dipping his paws in the water and bringing it to his face. 'Ok Miles, Seriously what is going on with you.' The raccoon thought to himself as other furs stared at him curiously. 'Ok, Aidan is gay. That's fine, nothing wrong with that, but that doesn't make you gay.' He brought more water to his face and grabbed a paper towel wiping it off. 'He is just my friend, just my friend, just my very pretty male friend...' Miles looked at himself in the mirror, it was obvious he was panicking. 'I mean my very male friend! Damn it...' Aidan leaned against the wall tapping his foot, Scott looked up and down the halls. "So... Aidan..." Scott said making Aidan lift his head to look at him. "Did you like my present?" Aidan tilted his head in confusion , "You didn't get me a gift?" The wolf laughed quietly to himself, "The rose silly..." Aidan's eyes widened as the wolf stared into them seductively, "T-Th-Th-That was you?!" The fox shouted as the wolf put his paw over his muzzle trying to calm him down. "Shhh.." Scott whispered, "Yes it was me. Look Aidan, I think you're cute." The wolf continued letting go the fox's muzzle and looking at his phone for the time. "I have to go, but here is my number." He said taking out a receipt and writing down his number on it. "Call me tomorrow if you want to hang out, ok?" Aidan took the piece of paper and nodded making the wolf smile as he waved goodbye. Aidan looked down at the number blushing. 'Did I really just get asked out?' Miles stepped out of the bathroom and looked over at Aidan who was looking at the piece of paper. "Aidan?" Miles said making the fox practically jump out of his skin. "Where'd Scott go? "O-Oh Scott said he had to leave..." Aidan said stuffing the paper in his pocket. Miles took note of the paper but decided not to ask, he took out his phone and looked at the time. "Yeah, I guess we could be leaving here too." Aidan nodded and followed Miles as they walked towards the exit. Miles pulled into Aidan's driveway and put his car in park. Aidan sighed as the music turned off and he turned back to the raccoon. "I guess I'll see you Monday morning right?" the raccoon asked. Aidan nodded keeping quiet for a moment. "Umm Miles?" "Yeah what is it?" he asked "Thanks for this weekend... You don't know how much it means to me having a friend like you around." The fox started to tear up as he leaned over and hugged the raccoon tight. "Thank you so much..." Miles was stunned for a moment, but soon wrapped his arms around the fox enjoying how warm he was. "Anytime Aidan..." the raccoon trailed off as the fox let go of him. Miles found himself wishing he hadn't. Aidan opened the door grabbing his bag from the trunk. Miles watched the fox walk up to his door, open it, and disappear be hide it. He dropped his head down and sighed. 'Damn it you silly fox...' he thought to himself as a tear rolled down his cheek. 'Why would you think I wouldn't care about you, Your everything to me too...' he put the car into reverse and pulled out of the driveway. 'Everything...' * * *

Well there you have it. I hope you enjoy. I shall go on to part 3!

The Encounter

\*Dumb Disclaimer thing, This story contains adult materials and should not be viewed if you are under the age of 18, but if you choose to just don't get caught Hello everyone, This is my first story and I would love to get a lot of creative...

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