Pay-Pal (Part 1) The Bet

Story by Prince Seren on SoFurry

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A story I've written just in the past week, hope you like it, criticism would be

appreciated not bad though, enjoy :)

The story of stories is like a story but yet not a story, confusing you am I? Well that is just how I felt when I wrote out Pay-Pal the story of two strangers who meet confusingly and become best friends, well more then best friends to be exact, but we'll get to all that. Have you ever been paid to be a friend to someone completely out of the norm? That one guy whom seems to be the outcast of the pack, the loner, the person with all the problems? Well this is what my latest story is about, Pay-Pal takes place in a furry community called Aura which is far from any human community. But the story of these two furs unravels rather strangely, first off they are complete opposites, and they totally don't get along, but with this some how they find deep in their hearts, they love each other.

Part 1: The Bet

Charily sighed deeply as he walked towards Aura High School, it had been three days since the end of summer and they have been torcher for him. He had been teased, he had been laughed at for his still same old geeky looks. But oddly enough the only change were the jokes themselves. It appeared that over the summer the boys of fall as most call the football team have invented new laughs about him, specially since he was gay. The wolf sighed as he neared the school, time for chaos. He straightened out his Three Days Grace T-shirt that showed some of his body muscle, not very much but enough. He was a good looking kid, but he also believed in another religion which gave him the title of "Loser" in the school. No girl would go out with him, and no other guy would hang out.

Jareth sighed deeply as he parked his ford in the last empty lot that was provided for the kids section of the car lot. He jumped out of his truck and shook his long lion mane allowing the locks to flow with the slight gust of wind that began to pick up. This was yet the third day, and had the third girl ask him out, but had to disagree with her because it would ruin his reputation. He dared not go out with any of the girls at the school, for he knew that there was someone else that was more special then any of these people at the school. He thought about going to the locker rooms and jerking off with the guys again at some of the magazines that he collected and kept hidden from teachers sight, but then again that might not be a good idea, considering that a fag was also apart of the class, he could not wait for the coach to get a hold of him considering that he was homophobic.

Charily kept to himself as classes passed on, and when it came to lunch time, he had a whole table just to himself, no one would even dare sit next to him for fear of being cursed. He sat there, allowing the teeth of his fork jab endlessly at the bits of pork and potatoes that rested on his plate, once in a while he took a sip of chocolate milk from his container.

One of the boys at Jareth's table grinned slyly and smiled. "Hey Jar, I bet I bet twenty bucks to make friends with that fag over there for a whole month," He laughed out loud as his other friends joined in.

Jareth stared at March, his German Shepered friend and glared. "Not even for a million." Replied Jareth growling to himself as he kept eating his pork sighing deeply.

"Ah come on man, just give it a try." March grinned softly, offering his paw for him to shake.

Jareth sighed knowing that March would not give up till he made a deal with him. "Fine.." He complained taking his paw and shook it. He then got up and took his tray and walked over to where the kid sat, he noticed that his tray was gone and had a book in his paws. He sat himself down and looked around, seeing everyone stare at him, which made him feel uneasy. "Um..hi, my name is Jareth, whats' yours?" He asked trying to keep a slow conversation.

Charily took a deep breath as he put his book down and glanced at him. "Uh, Charily, but I thought you knew that already..." He looked at him in puzzlement, in fact complete confusion as why he was even sitting with him.

"So um, what book are you reading?" Jareth asked taking a glance at the cover for it was just plain with no drawings or anything on it.

"Just my book of shadows, or what your type of people call a journal." He said flipping a page. "It contains most important spells and the spells that I've created over the years," He said nodding a little as he sat it down for the boy to get a better look.

Jareth had to make an attempt, he knew that he was being watched, He saw this strange writing that he did not recognize, but maybe that is why the wolf wrote in it so no one can see what he was writing. "Interesting." He commented politely. The bell tolled loudly announcing that lunch was over with and that they had to get their trays to the washer pronto and get to the next class. Jareth got in the long waiting line as students emptied their trays of what food they had left, it was embracing to see how much food that these people didn't eat, he thought that a whole trashcan of uneaten food could feed a hole tribe in Africa.

Kiador did not know weather this was a prank the jerk table was performing, or weather this guy really was trying to talk with him, either way he was so inexperienced at socializing that he did not know what to do. He emptied his tray in relief that the conversation was just a brief one and that he was heading to biology next, but he knew there was going to be trouble during his last hour class, gym. He sat himself down at the back desk where no one else but him sat and opened his biology folder and began to sketch down notes as the teacher began to talk.

The clock near the door ticked endlessly and annoyingly. Considering that Kiador had really good hearing, the ticking began to bug him as he worked on a worksheet on human parts. After the bell rang once again dismissing everyone to seventh hour which for Kiador was vocal class which meant that he had to be ready to sing a solo, for he went out for a solo in a song that his teacher assigned him which was a song called "You Raise Me Up" performed by the Celtic Women. He was of course glad to do it, for he never in his high school life was offered a solo, but I guess that happens when your not picked for one when you raise your paw in the crowd first before everyone else and then have someone else get picked besides you (Fact: This is a true event that takes place in Kiador's RL (Real life), but he gets over it from time to time)

Time slowly moved onward towards last hour, the hour of dread for Kiador. Him and Jareth began to talk a bit more now and again, and he's taking a liking to him, he found out they both took an interest in protecting nature, and their passion for poetry and writing. He also brought up the solo that he was given for the choir, and that it was going to be played during prom night, but he knew that he could not ask him out for prom for that would be really stupid.

Gym, at first felt it would never end, specially with the humidity coach Armstrong gave him for being a fag, homophobic bastard. Now he was walking home, with his cell phone at his paws as he texted his friends, he took out a slip of paper and saw Jareth's number on the slip. Wondering what to do with it, he decided to text him and see if he replied.


MESSAGE SENT TO: (305) 564-3434

He kept an eye on the street and smiled softly as he waited for his phone to vibrate. He neared his house and entered the door slinging his backpack in the closet where it belonged and went up stares when it vibrated again.

NEW MESSAGE FROM: (305) 564-3434

He clicked open and read on and his eyes nearly went out of his skull.



It took a long moment for Kiador to take this in, he was being asked by a straight guy to go to prom, the guy that every girl ever dreamed of, this guy was asking him out, this had to be some kind of joke, some sort of joke that the guys were playing on him to see how stupid he was, he thought of what to text back.


MESSAGE SENT TO (305) 564-3434

He waited as he laid on his bed and yawned softly as his phone buzzed again and he slid the slider opened and read the text.


Wow, he did not know that he was bi, he texted a reply and smiled softly.


SENT TO (305) 564-3434

When he closed his eyes, he sighed deeply, he was going to be going to prom with somone, for once. That was like a miracle in the making, for no one asked him out to prom, not only was he going to go to prom, he was going with a guy!

When the next day found Kiador he was walking with Jareth talking away all about his interests and other things that Jareth took interest in, it was odd how everyone stared at them as they walked class to class side by side, some have asked if they were going out, but they'd make up a random white lie saying that they were just friends.

Jareth was falling under a spell some how, what came out to be some sort of dumb bet came out to be something else. Though he hated to admit to it, he and Kiador were getting along very well, to well to be on top of things. He knew that his friends were starting to question weather he was faking being friends, or actually being friends with him, but later today after gym he was going to take even a bigger step backward then he ever imagined. For some reason he felt this big urge to, to mate with him.. Though snow leopards didn't go often for other men, his urges were unattended and his only hope was that he could get with Kiador, and court and then tell him of his real feelings, the feelings that lay in the shadows of his heart, the feelings that he once never felt inside of his heart, love.

Kiador was happier then ever, he was walking, talking with his friend, but little did he know that there was going to be a big step forwards after school. His classes were better now, some how Jareth managed to get all classes with him, and now it was easy for he helped him out on the worksheets and other projects that he declared were boring as hell.

Jareth knew that this was way beyond his imagination, but the guys said that if he had sex with him, that would add to the bet, but for some reason he felt that this was no longer a bet, that this pay-pal thing was not happening anymore. He didn't understand it, but the clouds were drifting away from his heart and the more time he spent with Kiador, the more he felt for him. Prom was one thing that raised the bet even more, but having sex would give him it least eighty bucks, but money was not apart of this relationship that was growing, growling like a seed planted in the wrong kind of soil. But still the seed opened up and was brought to life by the rays of the sun, and with the Goddesses light, it warms up to the world. That was how he started feeling for Kiador, the bet was gone, the money would still be his, but he knew one thing, that he and Kiador shared was something far more powerful then money, far more powerful then being a supreme being.

After school was over, the time had at last came, the time that would testify the ways of Jareth's ability, and his courage. He saw everyone leave, but he took a while to get undressed and shower. The water felt good against his white and black spotted fur, as a low purr began to occur deep in his throat. He sighed deeply loving the feeling of falling warm water meet his body making his fur lay flat. He glanced every now and again at Kiador's body, grinning softly as he giggled a little looking off now and again with a blush. Some of the guys looked at Jareth as if he were crazy, but shrugged and left the room till it was only them. "Hey Kiador, I was wondering..ugh since we're the only one's in here and coach is gone," He said and slowly removed his towel exposing his sheath and balls, a smile displayed across his muzzle.

Kiador gulped a little, stealing a glance at the naked snow leopard that was exposing his sheath, god it looked so good. He felt his sheath begin to harden with erection, he knew that he could not say no to this, even if he never had sex with a guy before. "Sure.." He said feeling butterflies flutter around his stomach as he approached the tiger who laid his back against the wall.

"Lets start easy then go further and see how it goes from there." Jareth said seeing that the wolf was approaching. He never realized what muscle he had until today. "Dang your hot." He whistled winking. "Suck it now." He demanded eagerly.

Kiador knelt down on his knees, slowly coming closer to the leopards sheath as his mouth opened and his tongue snaked its way out and around Jareth's sheath. God it felt so good around his tongue, so furry, so warm. He also noticed that Jareth was slowly getting an erection, so for help he lifted his right paw and slowly touched the leopards balls and firmly groped them, a deep murr came from his throat as he took his friends cock into his muzzle allowing himself to take deep mouth fulls of it and began to suck on it gently, making sure his teeth did not harm the soft flesh that rubbed against the walls of his muzzle as he felt the meat of the leopard poke out of the entrance of the sheath, he knew that he was getting harder, he was two for his towel that he still wore had a big tent in it now as he slowly sucked on the leopards cock, hearing a moan or two drift from Jareth's mouth.

Jareth moaned out loud, his cock was now all the way out, his meat warm and dripping with pre, his eyes were gently closed, his teeth clenched as his head laid itself against the wall of the bench in which he now was sitting upon as he felt Kiador's warm muzzle around his sheath. God he did not know that it felt so good to have someone sucking your dick, not this good. "Oh yeah, that's it little bitch.." He muttered softly smiling softly. "As long as you don't mind being called names, I'm going to go wild with you." He said laughing a little and shuddering for the wolf sucked his cock a bit harder. "God that is so fucking good!."

Kiador allowed the huge leopard cock out of his muzzle as he cradled it in his paw as he spoke. "I don't mind at all, in fact call me all the naughty names you can think of as I suck your fucking huge cock." He giggled softly and then stroked the huge cock a few times, his other paw rubbed the huge leopards sack, knowing that increased the pleasure for he could now see that the cock was getting harder, he smirked evilly and then put back the cock into his warm mouth and allowed his tongue to lick around it and over it, feeling the firm texture of the barbs that were against the cat's cock, feeling a shudder from Jareth signaled him to keep doing his treatment for he was enjoying it.

"Ah fuck you dirty slut, oh god suck that fucking huge cock deep into your mouth. He rose up to his paws and rested his left paw against one side of the locker, and his right paw on Kiador's head as he began to buck harshly into the wolf's muzzle, giving him a good mouth fucking. "Oh yeah little bitch, take that cock in your mouth," He grinned softly and moaned deeply feeling the slapping of Kiador's mouth as he felt his cock go in and out.

Kiador kept up with the moves of Jareth's body as he muzzle fucked him, feeling the hard meat slap against the sides of his muzzle felt so good, he almost wanted to advance to the next level, hard anal penetration. "Oh god, I want that nice firm cock in my ass.." He pleaded as he then moved a little and then got on all fours, the doggie position and rose his tail proudly as a smile broke across his face. "Come get me big boy." He said teasingly.

Jareth gulped a little as he saw the wolf's tailhole, his eyes grew wide as he then went down to his knees towards the wolf's anus and slipped out his tongue and slowly began to lick the edges, feeling the hole pucker in and out a little as it got wet with his drool. Grinning devilishly he allowed his tongue to enter the wolf's hole slowly licking the walls of the prostate that rested inside. Closing his eyes moaning softly in his mind, his tongue worked the edges of the wolf's anus and when he thought the wolf was ready he rose his head up and looked at Kiador. "Are you ready my dear?" He asked smiling mischievously. He then smiled and allowed his paw to smack the wolf's ass. "Oh yeah, time to get to fucking business." Another slap came across the wolf's ass as his grin grew wider seeing that Kiador enjoyed it. He then got up and took out something from his locker, a nice black leather whip. He rose his foot into the air and placed it on his ass. "Oh yeah, time for hell baby." He growled.

Kiador yelped, but loved the smacking of his ass, he loved to get torched and when he saw the whip come out, he knew he was going to be in for a hell of a ride. "What are you doing?" he asked in puzzlement as he saw Jareth place the rope next to the bench and go back to his locker.

Jareth grinned and pulled out a few vibrators of different kinds, and a muzzle with a leash. "You'll find out." He said as he came back to Kiador and then harshly wrapped the muzzle around his mouth grinning as he tied it hearing low whimpers come from him. "You want to do this we are going to do it." He growled as his eyes changed color from an emerald green to an amber glaze which meant he was going to give this wolf hell before he could cum. Jareth got back on his hands and knees and slowly began to finger the licked tail hole of the wolf, feeling it pucker in and out as one finger slid right inside. He heard the wolf moan deeply through the muzzle. "I wonder if I can take in another finger." He said, and with that added another finger into the wolf's ass. As he did this, his mind thought. _ This is so strange, I'm making love to a man when I'm suppose to be straight, damn bet. I knew that this would change me, for some damn reason I just knew it, now I'm making love with this boy, soon to go to prom with him...ugh _

Kiador moaned deeply, feeling the fingers inside of his tight hole. The muzzle kept him from speaking much besides muffled yelps and moans of pleasure, the fingers of the leopard felt good against his anus, he longed for more fingers to be inserted, in fact fisting was a major turn on for him. He closed his eyes, purring louder and louder. Slowly he allowed his paw to enter the wolf's huge exposing hole as he shivered slightly. "Oh yeah, that's it boy, let that asshole of yours get bigger for my fist." He said panting a little, his cock was now throbbing between his legs as he began to go up and down meeting the walls of the wolf's anus and feeling his prostate at the edge of his knuckles.

Kiador was in heaven unable to speak much he had to say it sooner or later, so he'd try his best. "Fu..fuck me!" He manged to say through the muzzle that kept his mouth shut fast.

Jareth smirked and then took out his fist and untied the muzzle from the wolf's mouth and allowed him to turn around on his back. "Oh yeah, now that is what I"m talking about dear wolf." He said grinning. After he was turned around he aimed his huge throbbing cat cock towards his prostate and then took a moment before thrusting it harshly inside. "Fuck I'm going to cum.." He panted deeply taking out his cock from the wolf's ass and began to jack himself off moaning deeply as then a long string of white cum flowed through the air and landed on the wolf's belly as he panted.

Kiador moaned deeply feeling the white cum stick to his fur as he pawed himself off, knowing that his climax would soon come, he closed his eyes panting deeply as his knot released itself as he moaned deeply. "Fuck...fuck!" He howled as his cum flung itself across to Jareth's muzzle as it flung high in the air and landed on his stomach as he leaned his head on the ground panting deeply. "Fuck.." His breath was harsh as he panted, his bones hurt as well as his sore tailhole.

After the amazing event that took place in the school's locker room, the evening met Kiador and Jareth walking together down the street holding their paws together talking about what their life was like at home, as if the moment in the locker room was left behind unspoken of.

"Yeah, my mother was killed a while back last year by a robber, and my father abandon me after the death of mother, so now I live with my Grandparents," Explained Kiador sighing. "My Grandmother is Wiccan which is why I'm so into it, for her and I share an interest. Grandfather can't speak for he lost his voice during the war, so he has no say so in it." He laughed softly.

The humid evening scratched endlessly over the neck of Jareth, either that or his mind was wracking over the last hours event, he really had sex with a boy, and enjoyed it, it was so strange. "Yeah, I just live with my mother, my dad broke up with her and I rarely see him, but that don't bother me much." He said smiling. "So, I'll see you tomorrow/then?"

Kiador smiled. "Bright and Early."