Changes in Life; Chapter 2 - The Change

Story by Skye on SoFurry

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#2 of Changes in Life

Changes in Life - Chapter 2 - The Change

Heres it is the newly edited chapter 2 - refreshed and ready to go.


My head was still pounding when the wall directly across from us flashed a pale red for a split-second before cooling back to a pearly white.

"Did you see that, or is it just me, that gas really did a number on me." I pointed to the door.

"Nah, I saw it too, at least..." Troy was cut off.

The wall pulsed red again, and then a small section of it seemed to disintegrate into a thousand small shards of metal, which melted into the floor. Through the apparent door a tall man walked in. He was wearing a long white lab coat and a small mask over his mouth.

The s presumed scientist walked over to the two of us laying on the floor, before he bent down examining us thoroughly, before turning to the door-like hole in the wall and called, "It's alright; the collector didn't hurt them it seems."

Another man walked in, dressed in the same attire, then another, and another, until there were about ten people around me and Troy.

"What the hell do you guys want with us?" I snapped.

"Your questions will be answered shortly, in the meantime follow me," The man said standing up.

Two of the other scientists then turned to me and Troy before lowering a pair of hand-cuff looking things onto our hands. They then dragged us to our feet and began walking to the wall, a small key pad seemed to melt into existence in front of the man's hands. He typed some code in and the ankle cuffs on Troy and I hissed, before dropping off them and retracting back into the wall.

The scientists that were around us grabbed a limb each, one held Troy's left arm one took the right, and two others took my own arms; before they half-dragged half-escorted us out of the cell-like room.

Walking through the hall way seemed kind of strange, no one seemed to even notice us, there were scientists everywhere, and no one was helping us, they just looked, nodded at our captors and continued on.

They continued moving through what one would guess to be a lab, before stopping at another solid white wall, which melted to the floor as the men carried us into the dark room ahead. Once inside the door seemed to fountain up again before freezing into a solid door once more.

The dark room erupted into light as the room powered up. I felt a wash of new fear pass over me. In front of us sat two surgical beds, each equipped with a ton of machinery which looked strangely futuristic. Across the room from the beds sat what looked like a door frame large enough to drive a car through, standing in the middle of the room, a thick silvery fluid seemed to run in a constant fountain from the top of the frame to the floor below which was grated and allowed the substance to drain away.

Our captors paused a moment to put on long gloves which went up to their shoulders, before they grabbed us and dragged us over towards the fountain. The metallic looking material looked to be red hot, it had to be it was molten.

"Great," I thought, "They're going to kill us in some fucked up excuse for a fountain."

The men pushed me through it first; the fluid surprisingly wasn't hot, but warm. As I passed through, I felt a weird feeling wash through me as if I was falling. Then I collapsed on the grate on the other side of the frame, coated in the substance, which seemed to absorb completely into my skin before disappearing.

Troy was shoved through next, this time I saw him emerge and watched the substance dissolve into his skin.

The two of us were dragged now to the tables, a mask quickly paced over our faces and the room grew blurry once more... We were knocked out... again.


I'm not sure how much time had passed when I came to, but I did know one thing... I hurt, a lot. The pain I felt in my body was more excruciating that I had ever felt before in my life. I looked around, I was still strapped to the surgical table, but it was now standing vertically and in front of me, I realized the wall had turned from a white colour to a mirror like appearance.

It took me a second, but then it hit me, I realized what I looked like... I was more than a little different. All of the hair on my body had vanished, leaving me completely smooth, except for the hair on my head, which had become a golden blond colour. Not only that... but I was... ripped; I mean I wasn't fat to begin with, but it was like the old me had been replaced with the super muscular version that was almost too toned for the skin which was now a taught covering them. A defined six... no eight back adorned my abdomen and large pectoral muscles now covered my once flat chest.

It was then that I looked over at Troy, and felt a completely strange feeling wash over me... a total lust. I mean I'm human, I have urges, but never towards Troy before, I had know I was bisexual for the longest time, but never had I felt this strongly about someone before; from his smooth chest and body, completely toned and just perfect.

_ "Snap out of it,"_ I thought,"He's my best friend, I've known him for years, and I'm not interested."

Troy looked at me and had a similar reaction quickly went wide-eyed and looked away, "You look... good." He said and couldn't believe what he was saying, let alone thinking.

The scientists were gone now, but a camera was in front of each of them, connected to several computers which looked to be monitoring their vitals and something called a "growth process".

"You still haven't told us why you're doing this to us!" Troy snapped, looking at the camera.

"No, they haven't," a voice chimed in from behind them, "and that's because they're not allowed to."

"Who are you," I struggled to turn around and look at the man behind them.

"Don't stress yourself Skye, I'll come around so you can see me better." The voice calmly replied.

"How do you know my name?" I demanded back.

"Skye, I know almost as much about you as you do," the voice taunted, "Through my own ways of course, don't think I used our friendship to get close to you or anything." The voice replied dripping with sarcasm.

The voice's body walked into view, if possible our mouths would have literally hit the floor.

Standing there in front of us was a raptor, standing on its too feet, alive and wearing a lab coat.

"A real live raptor," we thought in unison.

"Oh, I'm sorry guys," the raptor began to speak again, "You wouldn't recognise me in this form; let me help you with that."

The form of the raptor suddenly seemed to ripple as from head to toe, and wave of what looked live water rushed down him, and a form began to take shape one more.

One the water had vanished, a boy walked out of the mist; it was Joey.

"Joey," Troy spat.

"Yeah, it's me, this is what I truly am, I can change my shape at will, from human, to a raptor." Joey smirked.

"You two are going to be just like me when I'm done with you; only you won't get to be a raptor like me, I've got something more fitting to you guys planned." Joey laughed.

"One thing though," I cut in, "How can you say that our friendship wasn't all just for this; we honestly, didn't even know you, we just saw you in the hall way and on the bus a few times; we hardly ever spoke to one another."

"Details, details," Joey started again; "Around here you're going to learn to respect what I say and follow my commands to the letter," he walked around to the back of Skye's table, which was cut away, so there was access to the back. "Or this tight ass of yours," Joey slide his hands across Skye's smooth rear, "I going to be sitting on the end of my raptor form's dick!" He smirked.

"You're fucked up!" I protested "I'd never let you do that."

"You won't have to 'let' me do anything, I'll do what I please, and nothing you say or can do will stop that." Joey walked over to two of the scientists beside the beds; "Now, enough talking, their ready to go." He nodded to the technicians beside them, who sprayed us with a gas which had the same effect as before, knocking us out.

A few hours later...

I woke up, to the second massive headache in one day, it literally seemed to be pulsing inside my head, but I managed to sit up. I was back in the room with entirely white walls, Troy was laying beside me.

Troy woke up seconds later, and managed to sit up himself.

"And were shackled to the wall again." Troy said lifting the heavy chain with an easier than expected result.

"Try lifting that chain there Skye" Troy pointed over to the steel chain shackle attached to Skye's leg.

"Why," I questioned, "it's too heavy too..." I paused looking down at my hands in disbelief; the chain that must have weighed sixty pounds was sitting in the palm of my hand, and moving around as Skye lifted his arm.

"How is that possible?" I asked, "I'm not that strong."

"It's because of what I have done to you." The wall melted away and Joey stepped in.

The wall re-formed behind him and he sat in a chair across from them.

"You know, Skye, I never said any of this to you before but you and Troy really are quite attractive and even more so now with my 'adaptations'." Joey smirked.

"What the hell do you want," Troy snapped, "Get out of here."

"No, I won't, and to be quite honest, you two can't do a thing to me." Joey laughed again.

"Ok then if you won't leave, then tell us what you did to us in that room." Skye shouted.

"All we did was give you some specialized steroids," Joey explained, "They enhance your body's muscle strength and endurance. Did some bone reinforcement, augmentation."

"That and, we did some gene modifications." He glared.

"You did what?" Troy shouted.

"I fused your DNA with other DNA, to make sort of a hybrid, you the car." "One part uses gas the other electricity"

"I'm sorry, I thought you just related Troy and I to a car!?!" "Did I hear that right?" I glared.

"Yes, and in fact the procedure went very well, your bodies accepted the genes and you two didn't die!" Joes laughed.

"Oh and I suppose that's the least of our problems?!?" Troy gritted his teeth.

"That's right, there's going to be a lot of pain for you two in the near future." Joey grinned.

"What do you mean?" Troy questioned.

"Well, in order to become, a morphed human like me, you first have to transform your body into the new and in this case undesired creature." Joey answered.

"What creatures did you start to turn us into?" I asked, "That's the least you can tell us."

"I shouldn't even have to tell you two," Joey laughed, "You're going to turn into an orca Skye and Troy's going to become a dragon."

"What do you mean a dragon?" Troy stuttered.

"Well I mean the thing with two arms, two legs horns wings and the body of a dragon, minus the fact that you're going to be an anthro; or in case you don't know what that means it is..." Joey stopped.

"I know what it means," Troy looked at the floor.

"Good well then the reason that you Troy, are going be a dragon is because you've been fascinated by them since you were young and it just fits that I help you bridge that gap between you fascination and your life." Joey laughed.

"Skye on the other hand, is going to become and anthro orca; mainly because he's fascinated by them, their speed in the water, their strength and their feel." Joey laughed.

Troy looked at Skye who just looked back at him in disbelief.

"Well I have to go now, but I hope that you have fun with this transformation now." Joey cackled as he left the room the door re-materializing behind him.

"I don't even want to talk about it now." I said looking to Troy who had a puzzled look on his face.

"Ok," Troy looked back at him.

The lights in the room dimmed, and the room seemed to get cooler, a small row of crystals along the ceiling and walls cast a smooth but weak light on the walls and floors, just illuminating them.

Troy moved in closer to me and I leaned against him, we were going to share body heat. The two of them leaned together, they couldn't care less about being naked, or about these new feelings they had recently developed for each other.

Troy turned to me, "Skye I'm sorry about this," Is all that Troy said before he leaned in and pushed his lips against my own."

Troy pulled away, "I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm doing it's just that I... the last while, I can't get you off my mind; your muscled and smooth body, your soft skin... just you, in general." Troy looked away.

"It's ok," was all that I said before pulling Troy into a hug and kissing him back; more passionately then the first one, this kiss just seemed to be so... perfect.

The kiss seemed to go on forever before I pulled away from my friend, and looked right into his eyes before kissing him again, "these augmentations," I thought.

Troy pulled me in closer and began to slide his right hand down my soft abdomen, until he reached my groin.

My own straining member didn't need any further encouragement, it was already half hard, but began to pulse slightly as Troy's fingers slide across its shaft.

I didn't waste any time either; placing one hand on Troy's chest and the other onto his already hardening cock.

Troy groaned into my mouth, trusting into my hand.

"Like that do you?" I asked laughing, stroking Troy's smooth abs again.

Troy, by now was at his full length, at six-and a half inches long; and pre beginning to ooze out of the top of his dick.

I broke the kiss, lowering my mouth just in front of Troy's fully erect prick; before slowly lowering my lips over the head and the closing them again around the shaft. I bobbed back up before going back down all the way; my tongue sliding around the underside of Troy's cock.

Troy followed my lead, and began to suck me off as well, already moving over top of me; so I could get a better angle and he could partake as well.

I let out a loud moan around Troy's dick when I began to feel a sharp pulsing pain in my hands and feet; causing me to stop suckling Troy and looked at them.

A strange black ring of light had appeared around my finger tips and toes; it slowly moved, inching its way along until it was around the arch of my foot.

A pain like he had never felt before rocketed through my body, wave after wave of power, like his skin was melting.

At that point Troy began to have a similar reaction; his face relaxed around my cock and then he pulled off, grabbing his hands; the sky blue ring of light having just passed his fingernails and his toes.

We both lay on our backs, rolling as the pain continued, before I sat up and looked at my fingers; they were no longer white, but a mid-night black in colour, and rounded, without fingernails.

"What the hell," I shouted.

"What is it?" Troy asked, "Aside from the piercing pain."

"Look at your fingers Troy," I pointed through glazed eyes.

Troy looked down and gasped as he noticed his smooth slender tanned finger tips had turned into sky blue two-inch long nails and as the rings of light moved up, it left behind more parts; talons, and smooth warm scales.

"What's happening, my hands look like..." Troy started

"Like dragon's talons," Skye suggested.

"He wasn't lying." Troy choked.

"About what, the transformations, or the species he told us we'd become?" I cried out, the pain becoming worse as the black rings slide up over his elbows and knee caps.

"Both," Troy gasped; as his own rings passed over his knee caps.

The rings continued to pulse as they re-shaped both Troy's and my own body to its newly desired forms, the creatures that we loved so much.

The pain got too great as the rings made their way to the shoulders and groin; we slowly both began to lose consciousness, eyes glazing over as the rings continued their way along the contours of their bodies.

A few hours later...

"What happened," Troy asked getting up groggily, the pain still ringing through his mind.

"I'm not sure," I replied, "Last thing I recall, we were being transformed by those rings of light.

We both stood up and gasping when our eyes landed on each other.

Where I had once had been a shorter, slightly larger build, was now a smooth mid-night black orca, with white areas, over his eyes, down my chest, across my belly and down the underside of my newly formed tail. The once innocent looking face, now had a black and white, contrast to it and gorgeous bright amber eyes. My smooth skin before the transformation was gone and replaced by a smooth, slippery soft black and white skinned cover. Even my groin had changed, it went from consisting of a penis and testicles to a simple slit. My ass was now a smooth muscled and toned-one. I had also managed to sprout a dorsal fin on my back and a beak instead of a mouth.

Troy, on the other hand had changed from the skater looking seventeen, almost eighteen year old to a bright sky blue dragon. Soft scales covered his body, where wings now sprouted from his back were a brighter white colour and he had talons instead of fingernails. The look was made complete by the dragon's snout and two horns that now were his face and top of his head. Troy's legs were now even more toned and muscular with a brighter colour of blue running across his abdomen and down the underside of his tail. His bright blue eyes, were now a stunning bright green and his groin had changed to a slit as well, with a sheath covering his cock and his balls handing from that; all inside his body now.

We stood in the same space, looking at each other's new forms, and had one thing in mind; finishing what we had just started before this had happened.

Just as Troy pulled my beak into another passionate kiss, the wall beside them melted away, someone was coming in.