Teaching Brother A Lesson Pt 1

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#1 of Teaching Brother A Lesson

Enjoy this?  Try my collection of short stories out!


Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .



For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.


EDIT: Due the controversy raging in the comments I will say this. Keep it civil, keep it respectful. Any kink bashing, insults, or disrespect will be met with the delete button. If it continues past that you will be blocked. You can say what you think of the characters and debate all you like, all I ask is it not dissolve in a block of text referring to whores, cunts, bitches and insulting whoever you're debating. Be nice folks. :) Hate speech is no fun and remember it's only a story though I'm glad you enjoy it!

Daniel sprawled out on his bed with his ears firmly hidden behind a set of noise cancelling head phones. The room looked like any teenage boys, slightly messy with more posters then free wall space and his bed mussed up still from when he awoke in the morning. His brother had been complaining to his parents again about the mess, even though Patrick was younger and supplied just as much of the mess. The only time he got any peace from his younger brother was when he could listen to his music and block out the constant sounds of him walking in and out. He wished he could have his own room; it wasn't that much to ask!

That thought lead to another one, it was all Kat's fault. She had a room all to herself and she always had. She even had the room downstairs so she didn't have to listen to their parents yelling every time one of them made a bump or noise. She also didn't have them storming in every night when they weren't in bed. His sister got everything, even today! He'd managed to pass his biology exam with flying colors, he actually got 102 percent when his bonus questions had been put into account. Did he get any recognition? Anything at all? His father had just roughly ruffled his hair and told him he should work to maintain that grade.

Whereas Kat had woken up in the morning to a lavish breakfast of home made cinnamon muffins, a gift card to the mall and the promise that they'd be throwing her party in the evening. Their father had even taken a half day at work! Even thinking about it made him kick his foot out against the covers roughly so that they bunched up against the edge of his bed. Everything he tried to do, Kat had already done better. If he managed to pull out an A, she had gotten an A+. When he managed to get onto the football team as a lineman, she'd been head cheerleader and captain of the volley ball squad.

He'd stormed up the stairs after he'd dealt with the half acknowledgement of his paper, but not before pausing to give Kat a jostle on his way up the stairs. He almost could recall when they'd been friends, before Patrick had been born they'd been very close, but as time went on and she started to outshine him she became less of a role model and more of rival. Even his Father made comments about how he should be more like his sister, and worse at school he was often referred to as "Kat's brother". Not Dan, not Daniel, Kat's brother. It was almost more then he could bear.

A weight on the end of his bed stopped him from continuing on his internal rampage on what was wrong with the world and he leaned his head up to look at his younger brother. The fourteen year old was just starting to grow into his lanky arms and legs and had put on a growth spurt. Like all of them he had a rich brown hair and dark eyes, and he gave a grin at seeing his brother acknowledge him. Pat's mouth moved in a strange soundless way as the music kept blaring into his ears and he finally sighed and pulled his ear phones down.

"What?" He snapped, ignoring the slightly offended look.

"Mom says get downstairs, the party is starting. Grandma just got here and so did some of the rest of the family. And a whole gaggle of Kat's friends." Unlike he had in the past, this made the teen grin, he was just starting to find out girls could be interesting if he gave them a chance to be.

"Ugh. I think I'm gonna stay up here." Dan groaned and pushed himself into a sitting position, "The last thing I need is Grandma giving me those looks again."

"You will not!" A gruff voice announced itself from the hall and the slightly foreboding form of their father filled the door way. "You're not sulking up here when it's your sisters 18th birthday. She didn't miss your 16th!"

"Why do I have to go? It's not like she's gonna miss me if I'm not there." He reluctantly moved to sit side ways on the bed and watched his Dad's brows furrow for a moment.

"I have no idea what's wrong with you, your sister never puts up a fuss. Come down stairs or you can stay up here for the rest of the week since you like it so much." With those final words he listened to the heavy footsteps retreating back into the hall and towards the stairs.

"Ugh..fine. Whatever. Let's all go put a tiara on Princess Kat." He grumbled to himself while Pat positively bounced from the bed and rushed out the door.

That was his way of teasing her, Princess Kat. Spoiled, selfish, regal Princess Kat who couldn't be bothered to do anything hard or she might chip a nail. It was especially good when she'd been spending time with their Father, he always called her his little princess. He pulled off his school shirt and groped around to find an old band shirt that he'd tossed in a pile of clothes. It was wrinkled, but clean enough to pass inspection. He knew he could look dressed up for Prom and his parents would still find a way to compare him unfavorably to his sister.


"Now you understand." Grandma Sophie finished with a slight smile on her face as Kat stared at her with wide chocolate brown eyes.

At first she'd been restless when her elderly grandmother had slid her arm through hers companionably and said she'd like to have a chat with her. Kat didn't show it of course, she loved her Grandma after all, but her friends had just started to arrive with squeals of laughter and excitement. She was finally eighteen, a legal adult! Somehow this made sixteen pale in comparison. She'd be graduating in the spring and she'd already had five different acceptance letters from colleges. Her parents had been overjoyed when she'd signed up for Cornell on a full scholarship.

That restlessness had been driven away as her grandmother started to talk, at first she had listened with a slightly dubious expression as the older woman told their family history. They'd been witches as far as she could remember and had left Germany during the war to settle in America because they were far more accepting. Kat was almost ready for her Grandma to burst out laughing at the joke she was pulling but instead she had wavered in her form and for ten slow breaths an elderly black and white cat had perched in the thick cushioned chair before returning to her natural form.

"I never had a daughter of my own, but I knew when you were born you would be a witch like the long line of our family. Each young child is contained until they are eighteen and can understand what it means to both be one and how to responsibly use their magic." The older woman smiled so that the wrinkles seemed deeper in her merriment, "Oh don't look so worried! You won't have to spend years learning to use it!"

Kat forgot about her friends in the next room, forgot about the brightly wrapped presents and the excitement of finally being an adult. For the next hour her Grandmother patiently talked her about what it meant being a witch, not only how one worked magic, but also how to control herself. The stern older woman had talked severely about using it further herself in school or in gaining a job unfairly, and also about what sorts of limits she had. She was disappointed she couldn't do many things, and ruefully found out much of what a witch could do was mere myth and whimsy.

"Oh you can't go flying about on a broomstick or change the weather, dear girl! Magic is three part illusion and one part change. If ever you find yourself in trouble or danger you could push an idea into the persons head so that they couldn't see you or saw something else entirely! You can change yourself and others, heal with your touch."

"Turning people into toads?" She perked up a little and grinned as she thought of her younger brother Dan, wouldn't that show him?

"Good lord child no! There's too much of a person to fit all the way into a toad, a cat is as small as I can do, but until you learn you could turn yourself into a dog or a deer easily enough. You can change others but you might find out how troublesome that can be, mastery of another's body is a heavy burden."

"Oh." She gave a playful defeated look, "I know a few guys who'd make great toads."

"Tcah! I think I've kept you long enough, now I expect you to not play about too much. Next month I'll be staying for two weeks and I can teach you much more. I wanted to be sure you knew today so that you were careful and wouldn't be shocked by the unexpected." The older woman pushed herself to her feet and smiled when her granddaughters hand slipped under her elbow to help her, "Come along now, as I recall you have a party to show up too!"


Dan skirted the edge of the group as he made it to the back yard, he hadn't realized just how many people would show up until he opened the sliding glass door and nearly been knocked over by his mother. She had given him a slightly disapproving look at the wrinkled shirt before shoving a platter of cheese and meat at him and gave him a nudge towards the back yard. How surprising, he wouldn't be able to enjoy the party but instead get stuck playing waiter.

He'd sighed to himself and then tried to shake out of his melancholy; it was only a birthday party after all. He even spotted a few folks that he knew in the gaggle of girls, some of the upper classman from the foot ball team had shown up. With a hopeful feeling he made his way towards the other boys who were awkwardly gathered to one side and talking to one another as they made free with the pile of food. He got to the edge of the group and shouldered in with a good amount of laughter and mock punches.

"Hey, if it isn't Kat's brother. Was wonderin' if you were stuck working in the kitchen too." One of the seniors teased roughly, not realizing how it made him wince at being called that.

"Eh you know how it goes, I hauled some stuff out and then made myself scarce-" he started before he was cut off by a high pitched squeal from the back porch.

"KATHERINE! You look fantastic!" His sisters best friend ran up to hug her tightly while Kat grinned and her cheeks looked flushed.

Dan hung back as people in general started to fawn on her and wish her a happy birthday, his eyes catching the table that had the presents stacked up and sighed. He never had as many friends show up to his parties and he was mortally certain that when he turned eighteen he'd be lucky to get half that many. Still he tried his best to put on a pleasant face throughout the party, even when he wanted to ball his fists up in a mixture of jealousy and frustration.

Kat seemed to lap it all up like the princess she was, from their Father's tearful hug to their Mother's repeated exclamations that she was going to be attending Cornell next fall. It had started to grate on him to the point he had his teeth clenched against picking on her in front of their parents. He couldn't understand why they didn't see where he was coming from. Every time he strived for something she beat him to it!

He'd listened to his Dad tell him that he needed to go shopping for her birthday and to pick out something special to mark the day with. Every day leading up to the party had been pointed reminders that the Big Day was coming. Did he have a gift yet? What had he gotten her? Well he should get out there and buy something! He worked hard down at the grocery store to save up money, he didn't want to spend it on her. And he'd managed to weasel his way out of it deftly enough, carefully saying it was going to be a surprise for her.


Kat's day just got better and better, the party was a whirl of colors and laughter with her friends and herself. Though her mother was often a bit teary eyed and her father more than once came up to hug her and give pointed looks at the few boys he'd allowed at the party. She'd even had the chance to test out her powers, though she found them a bit harder to wield then her grandmother had lead her to believe.

Her first try had been with one of the football players, she'd carefully formed what she wanted in her mind and felt the strange rush and electric vibrations run down her spine. She built up her idea as detailed as she could until she let it loose to wrap around his mind and fog over it. She only had to wait several moments before he stopped in the conversation and frowned before he leaned down and moved his hands in a shooing motion. His mind's eye seeing a large heavy furred cat rubbing against his leg, he could even feel the warmth and softness of fur brushing back and forth.

The only dark spot came in the form of her brother, Dan. He was always surly but today he went above and beyond the normal for him. It had started as a shuffling push that he'd made look almost brotherly and grinned as he mock brushed her off. The smile didn't reach his eyes, instead he just said whispered under his breath. "Sorry, your highness, didn't spy you flaunting over here." And then he'd gone back to the rest of the crowd.

The next dark spot came with her gifts. She'd delighted in each one that was presented to her and thanked each person. One of her friends had managed to even sneak a rather lurid magazine into a gift of a new day planner, and she'd fought down a flush as she opened it and saw the writing. "I know you'll need pointers for college!" From her parents came the best gift, a small jewelry box that held a set of keys and she looked up as her father winked at her.

"We'll pick it up tomorrow sweety, but you would have noticed it in the drive way!" He joked, and her grin broadened.

"Seriously, Dad? A new car?! What type, where is it? What year?" She'd burst out the questions in a rapid fire way and envisioning all sorts of tantalizing models that could be waiting for her.

"Now now, it's not brand new. It's three years old, but I don't trust what you're driving to last you to Cornell and driving home to visit. It's better just around here and Dan needs a car so he'll get yours." He glanced over towards his son with the smile of someone bestowing a gift, but she could see the resentful look in his eyes.

"Great, now I can drive a car that says "Party Girl" He tried to make it a joke, but there was a nasty edge to it that made several people glance his way.

What did he have to be so angry? He wasn't going to be driving five hundred miles round trip just to visit home and her car was perfectly fine. It might be twelve years old, but it still ran great and she kept it clean to boot. She could only imagine what it would look like after he had a go at it for a month. Visions of heaped fast food wrappers, clothes and paper filled her head so that she almost felt sorry for her old car.

One present was missing from those here, she noticed that there wasn't a single gift from Daniel; even though Patrick had picked her out a rather garish cell phone case, he had at least tried! A flash of hurt went through her at that, she didn't get along with him true, but she didn't think he'd purposefully forget her birthday. She lifted her eyes to look over at her mother and half hoped to see her pulling out a badly wrapped package next.

"That was the last one, hon," Her mother said with a grin.

"Oh, okay mom! Thanks everyone, this was really amazing." She forced a grin even though she saw a smirk on Daniel's face. Was he daring her to demand to know where his present was?


Daniel managed to slink away with most of the adults after gifts had been open, her parents had agreed to let her have a party with just her friends after that. Even the laughter and smell of the BBQ didn't coax him back down from his room. Why should he go hang out with them anyway? He'd just be 'Kat's little brother' hanging around with the older kids. For a moment he thought about going to claim her car keys for himself now, but then realized he'd end up getting teased by the upper classmen about driving his sisters car. It had two pink bumper stickers for God's sake!

He had succeeded in at least one thing; she had looked at him with an almost hurt expression when he hadn't pulled out a gift for her. He hadn't missed a birthday before, but he was definitely missing out on this one. Not even the hesitant knock and voice of Grandma Sophie got him to leave his stewing and he jammed his head phones over his head to block out the noise from outside. The rumble in his stomach made him wish that he could block out the scents as well.


The last of Kat's friends left well after dark and the third time her Father, who was running thin on tolerance at this point, had come out to try and break up the party. The back yard was in a fine state of mess, but for once she wasn't the one to have to clean it up. She normally leapt to help her parents with most of the chores, but sometimes it was nice to know that she didn't have to do a particular set. She came in through the kitchen and her mother kissed her cheek lightly.

"Happy Birthday, sweetie, your Dad is already in bed and I'm heading there now. We'll take care of the mess in the morning."

"Are you sure, Mom? I could go out-"She started to offer with a guilty feeling, she didn't want her parents to get up early just to deal with the mess that had been left outside.

"Perfectly! Pat and Dan can help while your Father works on showing you your new car," Her mother gave her another hug before she moved to leave the room. "Oh, sweetie, did Dan give you his surprise?"

"Surprise?" She blinked her eyes at that.

"Yes, he told your Dad and me that he was getting you a surprise for your birthday."

"No, Mom. Maybe he's waited until the party died down?" She ventured and for a moment felt relief, as annoyed as she often was at her brother she didn't really hate him. She just wished he'd learn to behave himself now and then.

"I'm sure he did, well he's probably up in his room."

She watched her mother leave and rummaged through the kitchen, she'd grab him something to eat before she went up. She noticed that he hadn't been outside eating with the rest of her friends and by now she was sure he was starving. It was the least she could do after she had spent a good portion of the party mentally belittling him for his childish attitude. Maybe she'd work on scraping off her bumper stickers tomorrow morning too, that might make him feel better about getting her old car.


Dan half bobbed his head to his music, lost in that pounding rhythm and even started to forget the lyrics that were playing in favor of the actual music. He'd successfully pulled his mind away from the party and instead lost himself in a day dream of home life without Kat around. His parents would finally see just how hard he worked at school and come to his games more often. He knew that even if he wasn't as good as his sister he was still better than most of his class! All he needed was a chance to prove it.

He was broken away from those daydreams by the sudden darkening of the room and opened his eyes up to find the lights off. He turned his head and sure enough he saw the covers moving as Pat slipped into his bed and in the process sent down a new pile of clothes to fall down onto the floor. He surprised an urge to go over and toss the clothes right back on top of his younger brother. And he said he never made any of the mess! Still, as long as he was up, his stomach reminded him sharply it was time to eat and at least now he wouldn't be taunted or teased.

He slipped his way out of the room and walked down the hallway quietly, he could see the light off under his parent's bedroom door, but he didn't feel like them pinning him down for questions either. It wasn't until he made it down the stairs did he start to walk normally and to his dismay he saw the kitchen light on still. It wasn't the light over the sink, so he knew it wasn't just accidentally left on from whoever had been in there last and just as he was ready to slink back upstairs he saw the pony tailed outline of his sister's shadow.

Dan bit his lip, almost ready to burst out and say something when he saw that, what was she doing in the kitchen at this hour? He padded to the entry way and saw her emptying the last of his favorite brand of chips onto a plate right next to a sandwich. He'd been hoping to dig into those tonight too, she didn't even like them all that much. It was the last straw for him; he was tired of her always walking over him! She was always ruining everything for him.

"Hey Princess Kat, didn't know your kingdom extended all the way to the kitchen. Or were you afraid your friends would see how much you eat." He jabbed out nastily towards her. She stopped and almost dropped the plate as she turned around to glare at him.

"It's nothing like that-" She started and he saw her brows wrinkle up in the way she only used when she was getting annoyed.

"Suuure," He drawled out and advanced further into the kitchen. "I've seen your friends eat, they barely get anything down. I bet they'd flip if they knew what all you ate!"


Kat stared at her brother, part of her in disbelief that he would be so downright rude and the other part enraged at how he was leaping to conclusions. How dare he hint she was fat? What was wrong with him, the plate was for him! She'd almost gotten out the words to tell him that she was just making it for him before he continued that line of teasing remarks and she slammed the plate down almost cracking it with her anger.

"God, I can't wait until you're out of here, Kat. You think you rule this house, everyone's always primping you and talking about how wonderful you are and how sweet. No one sees you're just doing it for the attention!" Dan continued, his voice rising a bit.

"I-Dan that's not it at all! It's not my fault, if you just applied yourself a little more you'd be just as good as me." She tried to reason with him before he crushed that attempt.

"You know I try as hard as I can! But every time I almost get a pat on the head there's Princess Kat who just volunteered at the homeless shelter, or won the championships or got a scholarship! No one cares about me." She softened slightly at that, before she heard the last muttered word. "Bitch."

Kat never knew what came over her; if she was just so angry that she wanted to hurt him or that she just didn't know how her powers really worked. All she knew was the moment he said that she felt a rush of anger spill through her and she strode forward towards him. His sullen expression doing nothing for her temper at all, he didn't even seem to care how angry she was. Her dark brown eyes flashed with rage a moment before she half wished he'd obey her. He moved to turn around and storm out before her voice lashed out.

"STAY!" She yelled the words out before she could stop herself and she saw her brother freeze, one foot raised before turning around. His eyes bulging slightly as he mentally tried to struggle against the command. She raised her eye brows a little and then narrowed them again before she tried again, this time her voice was calm. "Sit."

"What...what the hell, Kat." Her brother got the words out as his body woodenly sat down onto one of the chairs at the breakfast nook. It was only two simple words, two commands given to him and already something was swirling in her mind. She remembered what her Grandmother had told her and it all seemed to fit. So Dan hated her, he called her a bitch, he thought his life was horrible being her younger brother. Well there were worse things than being her younger brother. Far worse things. She just had to show him that fact.

"Kat? Dan? What's going on down there?" Her father's voice came from the top of the stairs loudly, irritation in his voice at being woken up. Dan opened his mouth before she lifted up a hand towards him.

"Quiet." She edged the command with a shimmer of her magic before answering, "Nothing Dad, Dan was just giving me his surprise present."

"Oh. Well what is it?"

"I haven't opened it yet, I'll show you in the morning!" She called back up, she just had to keep her father from coming down.

"Well keep it down alright? I don't want to have to tell you pair again." The irritation had lessoned as the foot steps started to walk away again. She waited until the door was closed before she looked back to Dan and his large eyes and the outrage in them.


What was Kat doing to him? Dan's body felt as if someone else were jerking the strings and forcing him to behave as she wanted him too. It felt strange and horrible all at once. He tried to struggle against it but all he could do was sit there in silence was she talked. Had she drugged him? Was she just pulling some strange trick on him? He glared at her in outrage as she answered their father and when she turned back to him her lips parted in a smile that flashed her white even teeth.

"Heel." She said the word like she was addressing a dog so that he felt a stab of humiliation at it and tried to stop himself, but he found himself stumbling forward without understanding why he did.

"Kat! Stop it!" He got out, pushing past the command to be quiet. His feet kept moving one over the other as he followed her out onto the back porch. His body didn't want to obey him at all, not even when he tried to purposefully trip himself over the track the door ran along. His body just gathered itself up as he stumbled and continued behind her.

"I'm tired of this, Dan, seriously I'm not doing anything to you. I'm tired of dealing with your attitude, every time I turn around you're snipping at me and sulking because you haven't gotten what you wanted. It's like you're not even a part of this family, you don't even notice how hard Dad works to send us to private school or that he gave you a car today! " Kat's words snapped out quickly and he felt himself freeze next to her.

"Yeah, your old car. I want my own! You're so busy showing off you don't even see the way they ignore me. They don't even see me when you're around."

"You know what? If you're so sure they ignore you, then maybe you should be something else to our family. That way you'll get plenty of people petting and praising you and you can finally shut up about how you're always being picked on."

Dan opened his mouth to reply, ready to snap at her but suddenly something hot started to run along his ears and he let out a cry. His hands moved up to hold the side of his head and felt his ears almost feverishly hot against his hands. They felt almost overly sensitive; the light touch of his hand even made him cry out and forced him to drop his hands back down again. He stared at his sister to see her staring at him, not just watching, her eyes seemed to be looking hard at him and she smiled in a slightly disturbing way.

"I'm only going to say this once, Dan, you're going to learn how to behave. Starting now. And if you start to cause problems I'm going to punish you. This is just a taste of it."

Kat's voice seemed to come to his ears sharper and louder then before. Not as if she were yelling at him, but as if he was hearing more clearly. He drew in a breath as the burning reached a crescendo so that he dropped down onto the ground with a rough cry. He forced his hands to reach up to his ears as he felt them thinning down and curving on his head. The round tips reaching higher up to form points as they grew broader as well. It was only when he felt the soft down of fur forming that he let out a muted cry and flattened them back against his head. Wait? They moved! He felt them held down tight like they were animal's ears.

"What the hell did you do?!" He almost yelled the words out and then winced and dropped his head down in pain.

"I think you want to be doted on, then you will. You're going to be my new dog and I bet everyone will love giving you attention then!" She announced those words as she crouched down closer to him, he could even hear the wood of the deck creaking under her far more loudly then he should.

"What do you mean? Stop this! What are you doing to me?" His words were cracked on those words.

"Quiet! You'll behave like a dog, Dan. No, I think I'll call you Misha." She smirks a little bit, "I always wanted a dog all my own. And as to how, Grandma showed me. You'll be pet and fussed over all you want now."

"I never-" His words choked off in his mouth as he felt more heat building at the base of his spine and he curled himself forward. She was going to turn him into a dog?

"For now I'll make people think they see a dog, but every time you misbehave I'll turn just a little bit more of you into a dog for real." Kat crouched down close to him and she felt her tug at his clothes. "Dogs don't need clothes, Misha."

Dan missed half of what she said as the heat started to build up right against the base of his back. He felt a stab of humiliation ran through him as she renamed him though. Misha was a girl's name! The protest was short lived as he felt pressure in his pants growing and a stabbing pain just above the curve of his ass. Something was growing there and he fumbled for his pants as the pressure started to grow worse and he just managed to pull them down to feel something heavy spill out of them. He turned his head to look at the long fleshy extension above the curve of his rump.

"Stop this!" He called out again, "Look I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry!"

The words couldn't take back what was happening to him, his tail had started to form and as he watched thick brown fur started to sprout along the length of it. It started slowly at first before it grew heavier and he could feel it being slightly weight down as the fringe ran down along the underside so that it looked full and thick as any dog's tail. Even as he watched it behind him it moved, he felt muscles he had never had before flex and shift on their own. The tail curled itself down between his legs making him jerk forward in shock.

Kat's hands gripped his pants and he tried to push them away before she repeated the stay command and this time it stuck. He glared at her and felt his vision waver with tears, the most horrible of all was that he could feel the broad canine ears on his head flatten and move. Each time they did it was a foreign feel that send shudders down his spine. It had to be a dream, it had to be! His pants were pulled off leaving him miserably in his boxers and T-shirt before she gripped the t-shirt next. He managed to fight off her compulsion to struggle to hold it down, but she grasped it and yanked upwards harder than he expected her too.

"Behave, Misha!" Her words came sternly and he held himself in position as his shirt was peeled from his bare chest. His cheeks darkened with humiliation at the treatment. How could she do this to him?!


Kat looked over her brother and felt a roll of smugness come over her. His brown eyes were wide with shock and she could almost seed angry tears welling up. He looked strange with the shepherd style ears on his head, they pushed his curly hair away so that there was no mistaking what they were. The tail was a more dramatic feature, it waved behind him low to his body and each time he protested it jerked beneath his form to rest up against his stomach. She almost felt pity, before she reminded herself that he'd brought this down on himself.

"Heel!" She felt a drain as she forced that word into his mind.

Dan struggled and tried to stop himself, his muscles stood out as she turned to walk towards the house and she could hear the labored breathing that spilled past his lips. None of that stopped her compulsion, he was forced to walk right at her left leg one jerky step at a time. She knew she had to get him upstairs now, she was starting to feel more than just an ordinary drain. Her vision was starting to waver and blur with the energy she had spent to make him obey her and most of all to change him. She needed to get him settled down before she lost her hold on him.

As they passed into the kitchen she laid a final spell over him, it hugged over his body so that her vision wavered for a moment. A perfectly normal black and brown German Shepherd appeared in Dan's place. The body lean and muscled from obvious exercise, a thick black 'saddle' marred the rich brown of the coat and above the muzzle a set of rich chocolate brown eyes regarded her with a martyred look. She didn't even leave gender to match Dan's the form appeared to be a completely ordinary female dog and around the neck was a heavy red silk bow. Perfect.

Kat watched as Dan showed no hint that he knew an illusion had been cast over him, instead he stumbled and almost tripped trying to follow her and when she opened up her room he froze. His eyes looked at her desperately and she saw his leg muscles work to shove back. She was so tired, her bed had never looked so inviting but this had to look good. Her parents would never believe her dog had passed out in Dan's room and if Grandma Sophie heard. She shivered at that. She was sure her Grandma would put two and two together swiftly enough. And she'd been told that if she used her powers for ill gain she could be punished quite severely.

"Down, girl. Down." She managed that last command even as her vision protested having her eyes open. And she watched Dan drop down with the strange double vision of the large canine curling up on a pile of her clothes. Dan's eyes looked at her accusingly before she gave a final command, "Sleep."

Kat watched her brother's eyes sag shut before she stumbled to her own bed in exhaustion. Tomorrow would be a long day, she just hoped she'd recover enough to pull it off without anyone figuring it out!


"DAN! DANIEL! Wake up and get down here."

Dan's head went up with shock at the sound of his parent's voice outside of his bedroom door, what were they yelling about? God he'd had a weird dream, something about Kat and dogs. He moved his head up from his pillow only to feel his body cramped up from its laying position. His back ached and his bed felt as hard as rock under him. He was almost all the way awake when he realized he was staring at the edge of his sister's bed.

"DANIEL!!" The voice was louder outside of the door before the softer voice of his sister piped up.

"He's not here, Dad, remember? He's gonna take my car in to get it serviced and is off with his friends camping." He shook his head in an attempt to clear it, he hadn't said anything about that. His Dad would have freaked since he was suppose to help clean up. There was a long pause before the response came.

"Oh. Oh that's right! Thanks, princess."

He could hear each voice so sharply that is was almost painful, the new sharper ears made everything sound closer and he started to push himself up from his sister's clothes. He remembered what she'd done, he could feel it! The tail poked up above his boxer shorts and waved about as he started to stand up and moved his hands up to feel the soft furred ears. He was going to kill her! As soon as he told his parents what was going on she'd be grounded! Or maybe even worse. Visions of her being sent to the state university danced in his head.

"Mom! DAD!" He raced towards the door and went to grip the door knob but something stopped him. He shouted the names again and heard movement on the other side of the door.

"What's that? Kat, is that a dog?"

"Is it coming from outside? "

"Kat! Are you hiding a dog in your room!" His father's voice was annoyed even as Daniel stopped trying to grab the doorknob. What the hell?

"MOM! DAD!" He yelled out, "Get me outta here! "

"Oh, sorry I meant to tell you." Kat's voice came from further in the house and he could hear the rustle of plastic bags. "Dan gave me my present last night, wait til you see her!" Daniel widened his eyes at those words. See her? What did Kat mean? He remembered her forcing him to walk along last night, he had tried to struggle. Oh god this wasn't some horrible dream.

"Her? What do you mean her?" Her mother's voice raised up as the door knob jiggled.

"Down, Misha, sit! Oh she's so well trained, please Mom. It's the best gift and I can take her to college with me!" Kat's voice, even to his newly sharpened ears, sounded excited and pleading. He tried to stop himself but his body didn't respond as he dropped to his knees and sat back on his legs. His arms dropped so his hands were flat on the ground and the door opened up to reveal his parents.

"Mom! MOM! Look what she did." He yelled the words out desperately, only to see his mothers brows furrow slightly and her head turn to one side.

"I don't know, Kat, she's a very big dog and loud!" His father's head poked to the other side of the door and he strained to leap back up to his feet. His cheeks burned at being called a her. He was a boy, bad enough to be mistaken for a dog.

"Quiet, Misha." Kat's voice snapped through him and his tongue seemed to freeze while he struggled to form more words. "She's really well trained and Dan's never gotten me a gift like this! I even picked her up some dog food and toys today." She held up a white bag that seemed to strain under the weight of her purchases.

"Well, it'll only be until you leave I suppose." Their mother crouched down and to his horror started to rub against the back of his ears. A thrill of enjoyment ran through him and without a thought he pushed his head against the strokes to try and get the fingers to work harder. "And she does seem friendly. As long as you're taking care of her I don't see the harm. "

"Huh, well I thought Dan was going to get you a gag gift. Good that he's growing up, alright princess you can keep her." His father's voice came and his hand moved down to roughly cup under Dan's chin and pull it up as if scratching a dogs chest and throat. This was more than merely humiliating!


Kat grinned down at the seemingly pure bred German Shepherd as her parents gave the dog strokes and rubbed along her back. It was only when she really concentrated did she see the red faced and outraged look of her brother hiding there. He could look as outraged as he liked, the long tail was wagging back and forth behind him in his enjoyment of the sensation. She dropped the bag down while her parents were distracted and started to rummage around in it. Somehow, ignoring Dan's outraged looks was easy now that she'd made him be quiet.

"C'mere, girl, come on." She pulled out the pink leather collar and lifted it up out of the packaging and savored the wide eyed and frantic expression on her brothers face. "Come, Misha! Come!"

Dan glared at her again before his body jerked forward and she had a strange double vision of her own illusion of a dog padding forward mixed with her brother being forced to crawl on his hands and knees towards her. It was hard to feel sorry for him, not after all the nasty tricks and thinks that he'd said to her in the past. Still as he came to her feet his eyes watered as if he were about ready to cry and she moved her hand down to ruffle against his hair and announce, "Good girl!" in way of praise.

Despite how hard it had been for her to use so much energy to get him to obey last night, she found it easier today. Perhaps she'd grow stronger the more she used her powers and the harder she worked at it. She grabbed the collar and wrapped it around Dan's neck, although loosely so that it fit the illusion of the dog more than her brother and he moved up a hand to try and stop her. His fingers wrapped around her wrist and he jerked himself back away from the touch in protest.

"Remember what I said, Dan." She whispered under her breath trusting that the canine style ears would pick it up while her parents didn't hear it.


Dan felt the shame burn in his stomach, he couldn't stand up! He tried to but all he managed was the thought to tell his body to stand, instead he was forced to crawl towards her on his hands and knees as she held the collar up as if clutching a prize. A pink collar! Pink! He immediately found the will to move his hand up to try and stop her from putting the horrible thing around his neck. He wanted to stop her, until he heard those very soft whispered words hit his new canine ears.

The moment they left Kat's mouth he felt his throat start to ache as if he had strep throat, even the swallow he gave made him wince. His sister's eyes locked with his own for a long moment and he felt the first hot tear roll down his cheek and dropped his head down. He didn't even notice that swift hands secured the bright pink collar around his neck, the tag jingled down to brush coldly against his bare chest. He worked his jaws soundlessly to try to protest the treatment, but he couldn't form a single word. It was only when the ache left and he experimentally swallowed did he feel his vocal chords relax from the paralyzed state.

"What have you done?" He yelped out, only to hear his voice mangle the words into a growling yelp. He jerked his head back as the tags jingled against his chest, "Why would you do this?" Only more garbled noises left his throat.

It was worse that he could hear his parents complimenting the obviously high bred lines and coloring of him. Each time he heard 'her' he felt his head lower a little bit more and his cheeks felt as if they were on fire. Didn't they recognize their own son? Were they all pulling some sort of joke on him? Like Kat said, to teach him a lesson. If so he was learning and learning fast just how horrible the lesson was as his parents kissed Kat goodbye for the day. Pat squealed excitedly when he was on his way towards their Mom's car and roughly knocked him against the ears in an attempt apparently to get him to play.

"Awww I want a dog!" Pat complained while Dan was forced to feel his long ears being pulled and scruffled.

"Maybe if you ask Dan really nicely when you see him he'll make sure you have a dog of your own too." Kat's voice was falsely sweet and he flattened his ears at that.

"C'mon, Pat, get yourself in the car!" Their Dad called out with a bit of annoyance in his voice, "I hate a meeting today."

"Bye guys! I'm to invite Carol and some other girls over to meet Misha, we won't make a mess!" Kat called back as the front door was closed with a resounding clicking noise.

Kat walked away from him, not even acknowledging that he was there or behaved as if he were a person. He held his ears securely against his head as she started to pour herself a bowl of cereal and rummaged in the fridge. Just the sight and sound of food made his stomach growl angrily and he realized he hadn't eaten since early yesterday afternoon. He made a move to stand up and could only move on his hands and knees despite how he tried, but he didn't need to be on two legs to open the fridge. He walked over and made a move to hook a hand into the door and pull it open.

"Oh no you don't, girl, you don't need any people food." The door slammed back firmly and he heard himself growl up at his sister angrily as he tried to yell.


Kat stared down at Daniel with a smug grin on her face, the removal of his voice was definitely an easier move then the drain on her power to make his words seem like barks and whines. It had been so easy convincing their parents that Dan was really off for the weekend and Misha was actually a present from them. It had been almost insanely easy in fact, her parents didn't hesitate for a moment to grab that thought. The moment he growled she frowned again as if annoyed, when really she felt a thrill. Each time he misbehaved she would change him just a little more, it'd be perfect. By the time she was done he'd stop complaining all the time!

"I told you, Misha, behave." She said the words sternly even as she uncoiled her power to slip along Dan's lips.

Her illusioned brother yelped and cried out as the power brushed his lips and she crouched down in fascination as she watched the change in the light and up close. His nose was first, it started to darken and then grow more textured as the lips opened up and he tried to move a hand up to rub the afflicted area. Her power seemed to know exactly how to make what was in her mind's eye come to pass as the dark nose grew broader and wider by the moment. Teeth that had once been flat and even started to curve and Dan let out a muffled groan in reaction as the canines curved down longer and longer.

It was the tongue that fascinated her most of all, the long red appendage grew broader by the moment until it spilled out and Dan let out a whining noise. He lashed it against his nose roughly so that it swiped against the darkening padded end of it, making it glossy. Fur started to sprout over his muzzle, it grew short and straight as the entire muzzle pushed outwards as it grew. Hard black whiskers sprouted on either side and she watched with some amusement as he lifted one hand up to grip over it. His dark eyes so wide she could see all the whites as he felt along the dogs muzzle. The fur faded up towards his cheeks to skin again. She rubbed a hand under his chin.

"Aww poor girl, I bet you're hungry aren't you?" She said in a cooing falsetto. A muted whimper was her only answer as she moved towards the pair of heavy bowls she bought. "Don't worry, Misha, you can eat and then I'll invite Carol and the others over."

A hopeful look entered Dan's eyes when she mentioned food and she watched the hope fall the moment she snagged up the heavy bag of food. She ripped it open and spilled the hard brown kibble into the bowl until it raised up out of the bowl and then went to fill up the other bowl full of water from the sink. The entire time her brother kept pawing at his muzzle, her compulsion stopping him from raising more than one hand at a time. He looked miserable as she dropped the bowl down onto the ground and stretched.

"Breakfast, Misha." She stretched and gave a grin that was one part threat and two parts smugness.


He had a dog's nose and mouth! Dan kept looking cross eyed at it as it seemed to sprout just from his face. His tongue felt overly long in his mouth, each time he licked out at his nose the flash of red shocked him before he drew it back in again. How much worse could it get? The sight and feel wasn't all of it, there was also the smells. The entire kitchen erupted in scents that were both inviting and putrid both. The trash was the worst, some part of him wanted to nose it open and inhale deeply while another was disgusted.

His sister's voice woke him up from his musings of the chemical scent of the freshly mopped tile and he looked up in horror. The sense of the words hit him as she laid down the kibble and he took a firm step back and glared up at her. She couldn't expect him to eat that? He wouldn't eat it! He'd just eat something when her back was turned if she was going to be like that. The threat in her eyes became more apparent as she moved forward towards him one slow step at a time.

"No! No more!" He barked the words out, they sounded even louder to his broad ears as she advanced.

"Bad, Misha!" Kat said firmly and he braced himself ready to feel another change happen to his body.

It never came, instead his sisters hands reached down to grip against his boxers and gave a sudden tug. She wouldn't! He tried to push her hand away and scamper out of reach of her touch, but she kept tugging and pulling against them and a firm command to "LAY DOWN!" rung in his ears. He dropped down, he couldn't help himself and his ears burned as her hands pulled at his boxers. They slid down his hips and he felt the bare fur of his tail brush his ass before it was pulled completely free and he tried to roll over to hide himself.

His flaccid cock brushed against the ground, the cold tile made him suck in his stomach in an attempt to get rid of the feeling. Her hand patted his rump firmly and she stood up to toss the boxers into the laundry room where they wouldn't be questioned. She came back and slid into her seat to start eating her cereal while her eyes pierced against his own. She seemed to be waiting for him to do something and his eyes flicked towards the bowl. She was waiting for him to eat, and who knew what Kat would do to him if he didn't. What else would she change?

Dan pushed himself up and crawled over towards the food bowl. Despite his embarrassment he was starving and to the canine nose the kibble was scented richly of meat scents. It made his stomach cramp up even more. Even as he crawled he tried to keep his sister out of view of his hanging shaft, it bounced and slapped against his balls uncomfortably. His tail was tucked down along the curve of his bare ass before he made it to the bowl. He didn't think he'd be able to eat with her watching his humiliation, but he was saved that by the sound of her voice.

"Hey Carol, guess what?!" Her voice came out happily and he turned his head to see her half watching him as she held her cell phone to her ear.

The first bite was horrible, it was chalky and dry and for a moment he wanted to gag it back out of his mouth. The second bite wasn't as bad and it was then he found out that his muzzle made him crack and smack his lips together half dropping some of the kibble back into the bowl as he ate it. He closed his eyes to try and block out what he was doing. The humiliation of being on all fours crunching up dog kibble from the floor naked was almost too much. He wanted to wake up, he wanted this to be some strange dream. Even if he had turned back into a human who would he tell?


Kat hung up her cell phone after excitedly talking with Carol, who'd agreed to come over with Tiffany and Jessica to see her new dog. She looked over to see her brother crouched and his muzzle crushing the kibble to pieces with a miserable look on his face before she pushed her chair back and put her plates in the sink. She briefly stopped to lay down a compulsion for Dan to stay in the kitchen before she slipped into her room.

All through turning her brother into a dog she hadn't felt anything except a smug pride in her powers and Dan's useless attempts to resist her had amused her. Seeing him naked had stirred something else in her. Though he'd tried to hide it she'd seen the heavy balls that hung between his legs and the wrinkled shaft that had swayed with each movement. Despite herself she had felt the urge to slide her hand down and pet the silky flesh and roll it against her finger tips. She'd called her friend to try and stop herself from doing just that. The very urge startled her.

She still wasn't sure what she was doing. She knew she wanted Dan to behave better and perhaps this was the only way he'd learn that lesson. To be trained and treated like a dog. After all, how often had he stormed out of a room when she'd gotten praise? Or snapped at her when she'd tried to do something nice for him. He really was like a dog that hadn't been trained well, and from the look he saw in his eyes he was certainly rethinking how bad he thought his life was.

She pulled open her drawers and found a fresh top to slide into, the material clung against her upper body and had a scoop neck so that it showed to curve of her breasts. She'd never wear it if her Father had been home, but since it was just her friends and Dan she was more than happy to wear it. Kat found herself contemplating if he'd react to her low cut shirt, the edges of it brushing against her upper belly. Would she watch his soft cock start to fill out and grow hard? She found the idea more and more interesting, and on the heels of that idea was an even more taboo one. What sort of cock did a dog have?


Dan found himself in the center of attention, of not just his sister and family, but her friends. The three chattering girls had arrived and he'd had a moment of pleasure when they'd immediately concentrated on him. He'd never garnered so much attention before from girls. And it wasn't the sort of attention that they normally gave in the form of teasing words and names. He'd thrived on it for the first minute until he sat down on his legs so he was kneeling and felt his naked cock lay against his inner thigh. All his pleasure flushed away in a wave of humiliation. He realized he was sitting there in nothing but a pink collar with girls stroking his ears and rubbing under his chin.

He shot a look towards his sister that chattered with them and he put his ears back as words like "cutie" and "precious" started to be bantered around. He didn't care what they thought! He wanted to stalk away and hide himself, but he couldn't move. In fact his body fell down onto his side when the girls started to rub along his ribs and he was forced to roll over onto his back. He wanted to cry, to scream, to dig a hole and bury himself! Their hands were idly rubbing over his chest and stomach as if they could feel thick fur.

Dan was only a teenage boy, it wasn't as if he could stop what was happening to his body. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to think about everything else as he felt his shaft start to thicken out. The blood that had been flooding his face shifted so that his girth began to fill out and his mushroom capped head grew swollen. It crept along his belly slowly until he could feel every hard inch brushing against the skin there while the girls talked over his head as if he weren't there. The hands didn't stop, Jessica just kept rubbing back and forth while he felt the first thick drop of his pre spill down against his belly button.

It was a mistake to crack his eyes open, he knew that the moment he did and he saw Kat's eyes looking down along his belly and a smile flutter over her features. Oh god, his own sister was looking at his hard on! She knew he was hard, trapped on his back and being rubbed about. He closed his eyes again as he heard Kat comment about school in the fall and her plans to move. Maybe he could just ignore this, maybe he could just pretend it wasn't happening. Prickling heat ran along his hardened member and his head jerked up to Jessica's surprise.

"Oh! Looks like she's done getting pets. " Jessica giggled as Dan tried to roll himself from his back. The tingling was getting worse!

"Aww she's probably just not used to so much attention. Anyway, I was thinking once I'm done with Freshman year we can try to get a house-" Kat continued the conversation, not seeming to notice her brother anymore then a dog. But he caught the gleam in her eye as the heat started to build in his groin.

He wanted to slink away, but he found he couldn't move as he sprawled out on his side. He could move his head down to look and realized his hard shaft was still visible to all the girls. Was she going to change him back into a human while they weren't paying attention? Did she want them to turn around to see her brother naked and hard behind them? Oh god if she did, he'd never live it down! He knew that Tiffany's boyfriend would beat him bloody if she told him he'd tried something like that! He quailed a little even as the heat spread further along his shaft.

Dan didn't stop to think about it, but he heard himself start to pant and realized that he'd spread his jaws and lolled out his tongue. His hips rocked forward a few inches instinctively, the heat was starting to feel good as it tingled along his cock. He watched the member twitch and another splatter of clear pre hit against his belly, and if anything he felt himself grow harder. He widened his eyes and whined softly towards his sister, it was as pleading a sound as he could make. He didn't want to cum in front of all of these girls!

Kat ignored him, she seemed to be chattering with the girls and Tiffany's hand reached back to absently stroke his head at his sound. Even as he watched his cock started to redden as if it was so swollen it was about to burst and the tip started to taper downwards into a thinner tip. She was changing it! She was changing it! His glans pushed upwards and even as he watched it tapered down and turned into a deep crimson color and it started to feel even more sensitive. He forced himself to almost hold still, his haunches though kept twitching as he tried to thrust! Oh don't let the girls turn around now, don't let them see him like this!

His girth changed color and texture as he watched. Hundreds of little veins crisscrossed over it and parts of it lightened until it looked a pale violet color while the edges were a deeper red. Smooth, it was so smooth, as if it were made of buffed and shined glass. The tip kept leaking out hot thinner ropes of precum that caught against the fur of his belly. His fur?! He was so enamored with the way his shaft felt he missed the pale white fur that crept along his belly and his hips hunched again. Why did it have to feel good?

"Uh-oh, I gotta run Misha out to the bathroom I think, guys. I'll be right back." Kat's voice shot through his haze and she stood up. He thought she looked unsteady as she dug around in the bag and pulled out a bright pink leash and clipped it onto his collar.

Dan had never felt so much relief as he did crawling outside onto the back deck, even if his sister watched his bobbing shaft at least he wasn't surrounded by the girls. With a whine he dropped down and panted while his sister stood near him and crouched down. Something smelled GOOD. Oh god it smelled so good and he rocked his hips forward again so he was humping against his own belly. He wanted to cry and moan all at once as he saw the crimson and violet shaft grinding and pushing against his soft fur. Something like a thick roll of fur was forming at the base as well, the skin shoved down around the edges.

It was the base that caught his eye, it was thickening up and he shook a little. Was he really going to cum? He looked up at his sister and was surprised to see her lips parted and her eyes wide as she watched him. There was an avid look to her eyes and he realized she was enjoying watching him! He ground his hips up helplessly, his side pushed against the deck as the soft plush fur that had formed on his belly stroked over that so sensitive glans. He forced his eyes closed, he didn't want watch his own sister looking at him like that, but his mind locked on her face and something hot and tight wrapped around him.

He could feel his girth swelling and the now dark, lightly furred balls tightening up as he arched his backs. His..sheath? Was that what he had? A sheath? His sheath was forced back over on itself to reveal the bulbous base even more so. He opened his eyes to watch it nearly triple in size so the slippery dark red shaft looked painfully swollen. He opened his jaws and gave a yelping cry as his hips gave a final jerk forward and he felt a rush of relief as something hot and watery sprayed against his belly. His cock twitched as it kept erupting and drooling out of his tip.


Kat couldn't believe she was watching this, her brother was humping against himself while he was sprawled on his side. Even the humiliation in his eyes didn't stop him as she kept forcing him to feel pleasure. The dogs cock was so red against that pale fur, it looked slimy to the touch and she couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like if she grabbed it. Her family had never owned a dog before, though she'd seen them in the park, so she'd never seen so much of a dogs anatomy. The sheath was bunched up in rolls around the base and it looked thicker there.

As Dan started to yelp and thrust she widened her eyes even more. The base was grown larger and larger, it was as large as her fist! The entire cock seemed to grow thicker as she watched the veins stand out and the tip engorge for a moment before watery pearly seed started to spray out against his belly. The hot shots of it splattered against the fur while Dan humped the air furiously and whined out under his breath. She shifted and shivered as her jeans pulled against her mound, she couldn't help herself. She didn't care it was her brother getting off, it was still one of the hottest things she'd ever seen.

She waited as Dan sprawled on his side and panted, his tongue lolling out and he looked like some strange mix of dog and human. The fur that had started on his chest ran along his sides and even to his legs and she tilted her head. He looked half finished. She forced her eyes away from the sight of the still twitching shaft that oozed out seed onto the air as she touched her magic again and watched as the fur crawled across his body. Her spent brother lifted his head to stare at her from dark eyes that looked about ready to sob as the fur ran along his back and legs.

He didn't even struggle or try to get away from it as she formed the vision in her head she wanted. The dark saddle blossomed out over his back and crept up along the curve of his shoulders before the dark hairs gave way to a light cream color along his sides and chest. As the hair on his head shortened and grew more dog like she forced his head to subtly change shape to form a more dog like arch that fit him far better with his new muzzle and head. The fur was thick and plush, inviting to the touch and it was a relief when she was able to stop the illusion of feeling fur when people touched him.

The dog trembled a little and forced himself up on his hands and knees while she worked. She saw the flashes of red as his shaft still hung heavily under him, the knot still swollen out and the entire member looked an angry red. To her surprise seed kept falling from the tip to darken the porch and she raised a brow slightly at that. The fur had finally coated all of him, perhaps he felt relief as his features were hidden under all that fur. All but one. The dark red cock that kept splattering out weak spurts of seed. To all her sights he looked like some strange mingling of dog and human, even his nails had thickened into a dark black and curled at the very tips. She pulled the leash firmly.

"C'mon girl, time to go back inside." She cooed softly only to see Dan jerk his head up and give frantic eyes, but he couldn't stop her command from making him walk forward. And that's how they entered the living room, the humanesque dog's cock jutting out even though the girls couldn't see and he curled up as far as he could and laid down over it.

"Aww she's such a pretty girl. Is she fixed?" Carol asked and leaned back to rub over Dan's ears even though her brother looked as if he wanted to crawl under a couch.

"No. Not yet anyhow." She added the last part just to see the canine wince.

"Ohhh you shouldn't get her fixed! You know you can sell pure bred puppies for hundreds of dollars if she has a litter!" Carol grinned, "My Mom had a sweet husky she bred once, she sold the pups for four hundred each."

"Really? Four hundred?" Kat raised her brows at that, "Just for puppies?"

"Oh yeah! You just need to wait until she's in heat and get a male for her. She'd have such pretty puppies. " Tiffany chirped up while she looked back at the uncomfortable looking Dan. His eyes looked from each person desperately while his hips hid the fact he was probably still hard.


Dan was pretty sure today ranked in the worst days he'd ever had. The girls talked over his head as he felt his coat itching and too hot for what had been a comfortably cool house. Fur. He had fur. It was all over him, from the sweep of his back all the way down to his long tail that was curled up around his haunches. How could he have fur?! He still couldn't figure out how Kat was doing all of this. If she felt guilty she didn't show it at all. In fact the way she kept glancing towards him made him acutely uncomfortable.

At least one worry was going away. He could feel that horrible knot at his base finally shrinking so that he could soften rather than feel the carpet rubbing against flesh that had never felt so sensitive. It was strange, even though he felt it going soft, it wasn't dropping down like his cock had. Instead it was pulling backwards and he could feel it still hard in nature. It was almost like he had a bone in it that wouldn't let the flesh relax. Even if it was the case, he was just content knowing none of the girls would turn around and see his changed body with his cock hanging out.

The girls chatted away together, their voices going over his head while he pushed himself up and moved on all fours a few feet away. A wet dark spot stood out in a stain on the carpet, and he felt his ears darken more. What was happening to him? He'd never even touched himself while people were awake, let alone humped and jerked off in front of any of his family members! Kat had enjoyed it, he'd seen the way she's looked at him and that had just made it worse. Was that why she was doing this? He didn't think of her that way!

After what seemed like hours the girls finally pushed themselves up and hugged Kat good bye and gave him a final ruffling and stroke of their hands. He barely noticed, he was sprawled out in front of the couch sulking. He'd spent the time they'd visited going over in his head what had happened and tried to think of a reasonable explanation. He was sure he wasn't dreaming now, not matter how much he hoped that he'd wake up in his bed and just feel embarrassed for what his subconscious had caused to happen.

When the last girl had left he relaxed and tried to sit up, but felt his body remain firmly on all fours despite his struggle. The sound of his sister's footsteps reached his ears and he turned his head towards the wall to try and ignore her. Kat came up right towards his side and crouched down a little ways away before he felt her hand reach out and start to stroke against his fur. She ruffled her way up to his broad ears and then back down again and he curled is head away only to get a sudden rush of male scent from his underside. The fur was still matted from his earlier embarrassment.

"Aww don't be so down, Misha. Are you still upset about earlier?" Kat's words weren't even as if she were talking to him! They were in that tone people reserve for animals who couldn't possibly understand.

Dan smothered a growl at her when the front door opened and then clicked shut and the sound of his younger brother coming home caught his ears. The thrown bag and thud of shoes being kicked off by the foyer. He turned his head to catch Kat looking thoughtful before she grinned down at him and ruffled his ears again as she stood up.

"Hey Pat! C'mere, I need some help with Misha!" She called out.


Kat had watched Dan sulking and over and over in her mind she played out the earlier conversation she'd had with her friends about puppies. At first she'd rejected the idea, she couldn't do that to her brother. Could she? After all, she wasn't sure where she'd even find a male dog let alone be able to sneak it into the house without her parents knowing. Even during the day when they were gone, they'd be bound to notice him when they got home. The thoughts and musings were broken by the sound of Pat coming through the front door and her mind roiled with forming ideas as she called him in.

"I'm not gonna clean up her messes." The boy stated cheerfully as he came into the living room and arrowed in on the dog. "Hey girl!"

"Oh I don't mean that, Pat. Not at all. I just wanted to know if you'd help me with something special. She's a little excitable today." Kat moved behind her brother and looked over at Dan's accusing brown eyes.

"Oh, what like play with her?" The dark haired boy leaned back to grin at his big sister, "I could take her for a walk."

"Something like that, Pat." She couldn't resist, the answer to her problems. She could probably even make Patrick forget what had happened. Then again, he might benefit from a bit of training like Dan. She'd already seen him picking up some of his older brothers habits.

Kat moved her hands up to rest right against her brother's shoulders and braced herself as she started to weave her mind into the pattern she wanted. She didn't want to scare him or hurt him, and it was harder then the little changes she'd worked on Dan. Pat shifted a little uncomfortably and moved his hand away from Dan as he turned his head to look back as she forced the first roll of magic through his body. She watched him open his lips and his eyes widen a little bit, she could feel his stab of fear before she washed it away. She wrapped his mind in a sort of bubble, pulling it away from being in control. This wouldn't work if he didn't want to participate!

Pat's body seemed to tremble all over, the skin twitched and muscles tensed as her magic slide through him and started to change. The curve of his ears lengthened upwards on either side of his head like Dan's head and came up to curved tips. The fur that started there was a windfall that blossomed downwards and started to pull his longer hair inwards and lighten it towards a rich tan coloration and she could see it creeping down the back of his neck. His eyes widened again in fear before her hold on it made the emotions fade away.

Dan started to bark loudly and jerked up on all fours, but she was able to keep her concentration as her younger brothers body turned and arched. His nose and mouth pushed outwards to form a broad muzzle and the teeth curved down white and gleaming. A broad red tongue lashed out to lick over the newly formed whiskers and a whine spilled forth. She moved her hands up to grip his shirt and pulled it up over his head as she saw his fingers shortening and the dark claws curled down out of the very tips. She didn't want him getting tangled up in the material after all. His chest deepened as the thick fur turned black along his back in a broader saddle like appearance then his brothers.

Pat whined and dropped down suddenly, the only thing that stopped him from falling harm was her grip on him as his legs started to change. The ankle grew upwards and his toes started to form pads at the very tip. From behind she felt the tail spill out behind him and brush against her legs as it moved back and forth, controlled by the new muscles. Dan danced around them barking and whining desperately as he tried to push her away from their younger brother. She ignored him mostly as she tugged and pulled at the jeans while Pat's arms turned into the powerful and differently shaped forelegs of a dog.

She got his pants off just in time to manage to pull them from the changing legs as they formed hind legs and the compact paws landed on the ground when she tossed them away. She could see his sheath filling out as what was left a human cock pulled back into it and reddened, his balls growing lightly furred between his legs. Pat crouched down and trembled all over as the heat of the changes roiled through his body and his brown eyes slowly absorbed the last of his personality. The only thing that looked out of them was the warmth of a dog's personality. She could feel Patrick deep in his mind, but this way he wouldn't fight or protest what she wanted to do.


Dan watched in horror as his sister transformed their brother, he yelled at her to stop, that he would get back at her! But she ignored him and he couldn't get past her compulsion to keep away to actually bite her or drag Pat away from her magic. His brother writhed and transformed before his very eyes! He didn't turn into the half dog-half human hybrid that he was, he turned completely into a dog so that he watched the german shepherd drop two four legs and tremble against the ground. If he hadn't been watching, he wouldn't have believed it was possible.

"Now, Dan, you're going to earn your right to be human again. And hopefully you've learned your lesson. COME!" she called the words to him, lashed through with her power so that he stumbled forward on jerky legs. He couldn't resist!

Kat slid her hand along his side slowly and the heat flowed along his body so that he cringed. Was she going to turn him fully into a dog as well? Was there any end to what she was doing to him? At first he felt a tickle along his rib cage before it blossomed down along his chest and either side. He darted his head down to watch what was happening and expected to watch his chest deepen as his brothers had. Instead he saw the fur shift and realized that pairs of nipples were forming against his body. In horror six more sets parted the fur. They weren't breasts, just rises of nipples that felt strangely hot and sensitive as they connected to places inside of him, places he didn't realize were meant to help milk flow.

Her hand moved down and to his humiliation she cupped against his sheath with one hand and his balls in the other. His body pulled to its side as she rubbed and he cried out sharply when the heat spiked there. This wasn't the pleasure that he had felt earlier, this was horrible! It sank into his body and made him tremble as it seemed hot enough to burn. Her hands rubbed his sheath back and he watched his sister peel the sheath back in on itself to reveal the blood red cock. It looked smaller with her hands as comparison.

Dan yelped as he realized it was smaller! He watched as his cock pulled back in on itself, drew itself into his body inch by inch and he kicked his hind legs out in a panic. Her hands pulled and rubbed over his sheath so that he could almost feel her making the edges more sensitive then he remembered. Yet all that took a back burner to the fact he felt Kat pushing against his balls and his stomach churned in a sick feeling as she pushed and gripped harder. He felt them melting into his body steadily as they shifted upwards and the last of his cock slowly disappeared leaving his belly bare of that masculine girth.

Inside of him the balls shifted and changed purpose, they became ripe with ova rather then sperm as they attached their ducts to form a uterus inside of the canine belly. The heat spread outwards as the passage reached out to join the folded sheath that his sister massaged and stroked. He could see it, she'd formed a perfect Y shaped mons between his..oh god. Not his. Her legs. Her sister had turned her into a bitch! The vulva grew swollen under her touch, gorging with blood so that the skin was strained tight and the touch of her fingers was pure torture. She twisted and whined, her body started to grow slick and spill out the first gleam of slippery nectar.

"Gooood girl, Misha. Who's going to be a good girl and have puppies for me? And if you're very good then everything will go back to normal." Kat's words stung her ears as she heard them and she felt the fingers dancing over her virgin folds so that she tried to hunch her body away from the touch.

"NO!" She cried out only to hear a yelping bark erupt from her throat. "Please, turn me back!"

"C'mon, Misha, just get this over with and you'll go right back to normal." The voice was firm and taunting so that Dan trembled. That horrible name, her sister had turned her into a bitch!

Dan's mind tried to concentrate, if she did this. She'd be human again. All she had to do was let.. was let.. was let her brother mount her. The thought made her swallow roughly, but what choice did she have? It was either this or be stuck as a dog forever! With her ears splayed she gave a jerky nod of her head to feel hands pulling at her and she was guided up onto four legs again. God, her newly formed cunny ached and pulsed, it felt so sensitive that she was scared to even put her tail down over it. The swollen velvety dark flesh glittered in the light as she stood there and heard Kat whistle softly.

Kat didn't even need to whistle, before that sound had faded Patrick's nose was shoved up under Dan's tail making her yelp. Didn't her brother care? She had no way of knowing that Pat's mind was pulled away leaving just a dog 's behind. All she knew was that a hot red tongue started to lap out firmly against her newly formed sex and her legs trembled. Her tail moved to the side of its own volition as the thick velvety tongue worked its way over them and she felt herself push back against it. It felt good, it soothed away the ache as the cool nose pushed and rubbed over it.

Dan opened her eyes to watch Kat sitting a few feet away with her eyes wide as if she couldn't believe it herself. Yet the scent of Pat's male musk made it worse as she whimpered under her throat and spread her legs wider trying to help the tongue reach inside of her. It was deep inside that burned and ached for something! The broad tongue swiped over in circles before it started to push deeper and wedged into her body making her cry out. The slippery drag ran in circles over and over, lathering her body while the hot rush of his breath puffed out and she heard him making small noises in his throat.

She might have bolted then, the sheer wrongness of feeling her brothers tongue smoothing over that engorged sex started to hit her. It was too late though, the overly eager body of her brother knew what he wanted and suddenly a set of paws hooked up against her hips and curled underneath them. The claws scrabbled against her belly as the furry chest pushed down against her rump and the head slipped up to rest against her shoulder. The first time the muzzle came near enough she could scent herself, a tangy rich scent that made her spread her jaws as it washed over her.

Pat's hips jerked a few times and she felt something hot and slimy jab at her rump cheeks and thighs, it poked her harder then she expected. The cock tip felt as if it were boned as time and again her brother's paws pulled back on her and jabbed forward again leaving watery precum matting her thigh fur. She started to struggle and turn her head to yank him off, but the motion dipped her hips just enough that she felt something slippery push right up against her virgin mound. That was all Pat needed and her squealing cry rang out as her brother reacted like any canine, his hips slammed forward and the cock pushed itself out of its sheath to pry open her tender body.

It hurt and felt wonderful all in one as it slide out and spread the tight inner walls, she could feel her body clenching down in reaction. Pat's body hunched over her and slammed in and out fast enough she couldn't gather her breath, just whined and cried out in time with his thrusts. The thick violet-crimson shaft rubbed and stroked itself inside of her body, it pulled over the inner walls that made forced rushes of pleasure spill over her. She felt the leathery lips of the sheath grinding itself against her swollen outer folds with each thrust before an inch was tugged out only to feel him bury himself in her again.

Dan's own wetness started to grow and she felt it lather up around the cock and mix with the watery jets of precum that erupted from the tapered tip. Her back arched under Pat's while the male dogs head rested against her shoulder so she could hear the soft grunts and heavy pants ring in her ears. Oh god it felt too good, she wanted to cry with humiliation as she could see Kat watching and the look in her eyes revealing the young witches own arousal at forcing her brothers to mate. The room rang with the lewd slapping noises of the males hips against her haunches over and over again.

The harder Pat thrust, the harder the paws tug against her hips, the deeper the male dog managed to force inside of her. The boned shaft drove itself until she felt it battering and hitting roughly against a place inside of her that made her stomach contract up. The silken walls clenched and squeezed around the red length harder and she spread her legs open. The wetness leaked from her folds to mat against her inner thighs while the german shepherd whined and the thrusts took on a frantic pace that started to knock her forward.

A sudden bite against the back of her neck made Dan yelp and drop her upper body down to get away from it. Her ass in the air while Pat lolled out his tongue and slammed in deeper and she became aware of the base feeling thicker as it started to pry open her folds wider. A vivid memory of her own changed cock came into her mind and the way the base had grown swollen and massive as she came. Pat was going to tie with her! She knew dogs ended up stuck together, but the full realization of why hit her and she tried to pull her hips away to stop him. The powerful forelegs stopped her struggles as they pulled back harder and the glassy smooth cock drew out and then forced back in, the base wide enough that her eyes widened in panic.

She felt her swollen outer lips painfully straining open to try and hold him, a wet popping noise ringing in her ears as her brothers knot sank in only to have it pulled back out with a rush of wetness. The next thrust was harder and she could feel him straining to push back into her, her jaws parted as she panted heavily and keened out soft whines. She hoped he was too large now, but her body betrayed her. It spread open to it's limit, snapped down tight around the middle of the knot before another jerk of the muscled lips pushed it into the giving softness of her body.

Pat didn't stop thrusting, the hips pulled at the knot and threatened to pull it back out. Dan could feel it swelling large and panic ran through her, she couldn't let him pull that out of her, it was too big! Her muscles clenched down and she felt instinctively the way it held around the base to make it lock inside of her body while Pat's thrusts pulled her hips backwards just by virtue of the knot. Her brother grunted and whined for a moment before the hips sank in as hard as they could and something pushed and seemed to wedge into the barrier deep inside of her body making her tremble.

The knot swelled larger and larger inside of her, until Dan wanted to panic. She couldn't take all of that, she couldn't! She was going to be ripped open! It made her spread her legs wider as her folds seemed to puff outwards from holding the canine cock locked inside her. Yet the pleasure built for her as well, something about the way the knot was rubbing and pushing the soft yielding flesh built up in her belly and she tensed her stomach muscles up. The first time the girth pulsed inside of her tipped the changed bitch over the edges and she snapped her jaws shut.

Her body trembled as she felt the orgasm rush over her, not with a hot spray of seed as she was used to, but with her muscles clenching down and suckling around the animalistic cock locked inside of her. She tried to pull it deeper while Pat's hips gave final jerky thrust inside of her before his cock started to jerk and leap up and down. The tip exploded against her cervix as the feverishly hot cum erupted into her body and started to splatter against an opening that loosened to accept it. Her own orgasm milked and drew the semen deeper while she trembled under her brother's weight.

For a moment the tableau held for several moments, Patrick panted over her back and his weight pushed down against her while his cock twitched and erupted splatter after splatter of hot seed. Her body squeezed and rippled around his cock as it extended her own pleasure and she could feel the hot wetness spread deeper into her body. How could see really realize that millions of sperm were spilled out into her womb? Rushing up her fallopian tubes to find the four eggs that waited to be fertilized? Instead she just squeezed her eyes shut and felt the humiliating pleasure at having her own younger brother's cock speared inside of her.

Pat shifted on her back and pulled against his knot, he seemed to ignore her yelp as he slid to one side of her body and his hind leg reached up to move over her rump cheeks. It wasn't until she felt his tail did he realize that he was standing ass to ass with her as if she were a common dog. She opened her eyes slowly to look at her sister grinning just to one side as she watched the pair of shepherd's panting and recovering. Kat moved forward to pet along Dan's ears gently and she whispered into one of them softly.

"Don't worry, little sister, I'll make sure you're not pregnant too long." She reassured.

Dan whimpered out fearfully at that. She couldn't quite grasp the idea of what her sister meant. Yet deep inside of her, her ova were already being breached by her brother's sperm. An instant of forceful penetration into the fertile cell before the spark of life had formed. And still the hot waves of cum were coming, all locked securely inside by Pat's swollen knot in her body. Perhaps her old life hadn't been as bad as she thought.....

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