A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 10: Searching For Someone

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#10 of A New Start As A Trainer

Good Afternoon! I bring good tidings: a new chapter! The Oathy-X team up is still together and we think you'll like this one a lot.

CAUTION: I/ Oathkeeper35 do not hold or own any rights to the characters and/or Pokemon listed, only my main character. Also, this story may contain yaoi and sex scenes . If your old enough (physically and mentally) to be mature about it, read to your hearts content; if not, DON'T.


(Lucas' Group)

"Mmm...... Lucario...... Lucario......" Lucas mumbled in his sleep as he tossed and turn in his hotel bed.

Lucario (David's Lucario) who was still sitting on the edge of the window was having a nap as she was leaning on the side of the frame with arms crossed while having her head down. Well, she had a good nap before it got interrupted by two new individuals she was now accompanied with for now.

Back in the middle of the night, she was looking throughout the city, not caring for sleep. She wasn't even tired, but after a few hours of gazing out the lighting city she got bore quite quickly. So with the remaining hours she had left till morning came, which was not much, she decided to take a nap.

It was only after a few minutes before she started hearing groans and some rustling from the bed across from her. The aura Pokemon then slid an eye open and saw that it was only Lucas that was the one rustling in the bed. Beside the tossing Lucas was Kirlia, who was snoring during the whole night (one of the reasons why Lucario couldn't sleep). Even where Lucario was at she could see that Kirlia had his mouth wide open with drool coming down the edge of his mouth.

The aura Pokemon at the time only shakes her head in annoyance at the display from the two. She then shifts on her spot and tries to take her nap again. But minutes past by and the rustling and the mumbling from Lucas wouldn't stop as her ears flickered from the noise. Plus, Kirlia's obnoxious snoring wasn't helping either.

'*sigh* For Arceus sake kid. It's not like you two are mates or anything.' The aura Pokemon thought in frustration, referring to Lucas' Lucario. She then swung her legs over and went down her window spot as she couldn't take the noises any longer. But before she could get to Lucas, she decided to take care of the snoring Kirlia first.

The aura Pokemon was standing beside the bed on Kirlia's side as her shadow stood over the small physic Pokemon. She then use one of her paws as it went under Kirlia's chin to try and close them, but only after the mouth opened again with even more drool coming out. So after a few more failed attempts she gave up and thought she tried something else. Lucario then pinched the physic Pokemon's nostrils to see if the snoring stopped. It worked at first, but from all the drool developing in Kirlia's mouth and that he couldn't breathe through his mouth (because of the drool) or nostrils, he gagged and some of the drool came out like a geyser and well...... some of it (or most of it xD)...... splashed on Lucario's face.

"Aww gross!" The aura Pokemon whispers loudly, recoiling from the unexpected 'water gun attack'.

So after she came back and washed her face from the bathroom in the hotel room, she went around the bed, skipping the still-sleeping-Kirlia and went over to Lucas.

When she did, she could clearly see that Lucas was still having his spaz attack as his tossing and turning back and forth kept continuing.

The aura Pokemon was musing over whether or not that she should wake the young trainer up. But she thought again that the only reason she came down from her spot was to stop the noise so she could have her nap peacefully.

"Hey...... hey Lucas wake up!" Lucario whispers harshly to Lucas while shaking his shoulders gently. "C'mon kid wake up!" She whispers again and shook him more violently after she saw that he's still not waking up.

"Lucario...... Lucario please come back....." Lucas moaned out in his sleep, unaware that he was being shaken by someone.

"Arrgghh fine! If you're going to be that way then-......" The aura Pokemon didn't finish her last words as she abruptly smack Lucas in the face with her paw.

"*gasp* Huh? What, what's going on?" Lucas said as he immediately got up from a sudden hit on his face. If you were face to face with Lucas you could definitely see a red paw marks on his left cheek.

His vision was still blurred as there was a mix of tears and sleep boogers in his eyes. And therefore when he saw a blue/yellow/black figure beside his bed, he could only know who those distinctive colors belong to. So without a second thought on who's the blurry figure, he quickly went up and hugs his loving mate.

"Oh Lucario I just had this awful dream! I dreamt that you were switched by another Lucario and that you were-" The young trainer kept rambling as he started to sob during his speech.

"Lucas...... Lucas!......" Lucario said as she tries to attempts to break out the young trainer's embrace, but he had a pretty good grip around her neck and that she was caught off balanced.

"......-Lucario I'm just so happy you're here." Lucas finishes as he was about to kiss Lucario.

"LUCAS!!!!" The female Lucario shouted at Lucas, startled by the upcoming kiss. At that instant Lucas got surprise from not only by the shriek, but who that voice belongs to, and it's does not belong to his Lucario.

Right away the young trainer broke his embrace from Lucario and then began rubbing the tears and sleep boogers away from his eyes. When he got his vision back and focuses his eyes on Lucario, he only sees David's Lucario standing there and not his mate, much to his despair. Seeing only David's and not his just made him sadden even more as his shoulders slump down in disappointment.

"Sorry to wake you up Lucas, but you were making noises and that kind of woke me up." The aura Pokemon said quietly while idly playing with her paws awkwardly.

"Yeah sorry I guess I was having a bad dream." Lucas responds while scratching his head and adding a small chuckle, so he can lighten to mood a little. 'A really bad dream......'

'Yeah no kidding......' The aura Pokemon thought scornfully. Even if she woke up Lucas for her reasons, she almost regretted it...... almost.

Lucas then reached out to get his Pokedex from the nightstand beside him to check the time; it displayed 5:13 a.m. He could clearly see in his surroundings that it's still quite dark within the room. Even if the open window shown the sun that was about to rise, giving very little lighting, it was still not officially morning yet. That's when Lucas thought of something.

"......Hey Lucario I'm going to go out for a couple of hours. Mind if you watch Kirlia for me when I get back?" He asked, hoping the female Lucario won't get suspicious of anything.

"Sure-sure whatever...... as long as I get to have my nap now." She casually replied while waving him off as she turns around and was heading back to her spot on the window.

Lucas sighed in relief that Lucario didn't ask any questions to him. He didn't need to change since he slept with his clothes on so he only had to put his shoes on. Soon after that, he made the bed on his side and then rushed out the door and closed the door behind him, starting to exit his way out of the hotel. With some time he has now, he might have a chance to find his lover before anyone would have the trouble of searching for him in the morning. But deep inside, he just couldn't wait any longer to find his mate and wanted to search for him by himself.

After the young trainer exit out the door, only Lucario and the resting Kirlia were there left alone. Lucario was going to get back to her window spot when she turns her head to look at Kirlia. She couldn't believe that the physic Pokemon had slept through all the noise and shouting within the room just a few minutes ago. She was even surprised that her attempts to shut the Kirlia up didn't wake him up, and only to get a bunch of spit splashed on her face soon after.

The aura Pokemon was still mad at that, so she thought she would get him back somehow. She kept on staring at the physic Pokemon with at the same time, determining on what to do. But as she continues on her staring, mostly at Kirlia's agape mouth, she then got an idea that made her grin evilly.

Lucario once again went up and stood beside Kirlia. What she did next was producing a bunch of spit in her mouth. As soon as her mouth was mostly filled with her own spit, she leaned in and...... dumped all of her spit into Kirlia's mouth. (Ewww that so disgusting! xD)

Satisfied with her work, Lucario finally went back to her spot and began her nap, with a content smirk.


As morning came, Kirlia awoke to see that Lucario was perched on the window, appears to be sleeping. What the physic Pokemon did next was swallow all of his spit (well he THINKS it's his spit). Kirlia then looked around and quickly find out that Lucas not in his bed. From the looks of it, it's like he didn't even touch it. He, for some reason, felt a little frightened. He started to look around the room, under the bed, in the closet, in the bathroom, but no sign of him.

"Hey Lucario have you seen Lucas?" Kirlia asked while starting to not feel good as he lightly held his stomach.

"Yeah, he said he'll be going out in a couple of hours." Lucario replied innocently, along with her stretching her arms up in the air.

"So when do you think he'll be-Oh Arceus...... I THINK I'M GOING TO THROW UP!" Kirlia shouted as he held up his paws on his mouth, feeling some of the wastes coming back up his mouth. The physic Pokemon then scurried his way into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

Lucario just listens and all she could hear was gagging and someone literally throwing up chunks. She did nothing, but hysterically giggling her butt off. She was laughing so hard that her sides started hurting and that she almost fell off the window frame.

When hearing the door open, the aura Pokemon shortly tried to recover herself from her giggling fit as a more paled Kirlia came out.

The physic Pokemon then sluggishly went back to sit at the side of the hotel bed, feeling somewhat better.

"Oh man, what the fuck did I eat last night?" Kirlia asked himself, but this didn't go unheard as Lucario couldn't help but snicker a little.


(Later on......)


"LUCARIO WHERE ARE YOU?!" Lucas yelled. He was like that since the beginning of sunrise, running around the city looking for his mate. He never stopped running since he left the hotel.

"*pant* *pant* I have *pant* to keep *pant* looking!" He said to himself while quickening his run. His body was saying 'Please stop! You're at your limits!' But his mind was telling him, 'Faster! I need to find him!' Lucas actually didn't feel tired at all, save for the panting (which he always does when he runs).

"DAMMIT LUCARIO, WHER ARE YOU!!" He screamed to himself. He was getting close to the verge of stopping. But it wasn't long before he was lying on the ground, crying. He knew he couldn't give up, not unless he wanted to find Lucario and be WHOLE again.


"Lucario, please!......"

"Where are you?!......"

The more he shouted for him, the more Lucas felt like crying. Tears were streaming down his cheek, but he quickly wiped them away. He stopped and looked around, since he was too busy looking for any sign of Lucario.

What he saw was the Oreburg City path, he instantly ran towards it. He thought that if he yelled down the path, Lucario would come back and they would be united again. At some point he slid to a stop on the dirt road and screamed as loud as he could. Even though his voice wasn't as loud as he wanted to be due to his broken voice from his sadness from losing his mate.


He waited 5, 10, 15 minutes passed, but he still waited. 20 then 25, now 30 minutes, he was starting to lose hope.

After 35 minutes he turned around slowly and started to walk back, only to be hit by the mass exhaustion and fall face first into the dirt. He tried to get up, hoping that he could make it back into the city at least. But once he got up again his legs felt like noodles and he couldn't control them as he started to fell forward towards where the tress were at. Although when he was starting to fall, he didn't hit the dirt surface. Instead, he ran into a tree, but what was unknown to the heart broken trainer is that the tree he ran into held a certain Pokemon.

'Lucario...... where are you?' Lucas lastly thought before he was knocked out by exhaustion


Ooooooooooooh, SUSPENSE! You HAVE to admit that we got it at the right place.

What will happen now?

Next time: Chapter 11: Reunited Under Better Circumstances

It'll be a hit!